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What do You believe in?

Started by StarWindWizard7, August 10, 2010, 04:18:22 PM

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I believe that whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you...


On a serious note:

- I believe that there is an almighty power
- I believe there is nothing after death
- I believe that humans are born with good and evil inside them
- I believe in a rapture, whether it is human doings or Gods
- I believe that alcohol should also be banned along with cigs if they keep marijuana illegal
- I believe that if there is a heaven and hell, I will probably be going down after life
- I believe that I will die a young age
- I believe I could keep going with this stupid stuff, but it makes me sound REALLY emo when I'm one of the most positive people you'll meet, so I'll stop.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


[spoiler]1. I believe there will never be world peace because there never has been and because:
2. I believe it is in human nature to conflict with others over differences like religion, race, etc, or even something ridiculous like fashion or lifestyle. Nations going to war with eachother because they worship different gods is the same thing as kids bullying one kid for being fat but to a different extent.
3. Religion is bullpoop.
4. The world will never end until the sun enters the helium fusion stage that all stars do and then it expand and burn the earth into a crisp.
5. evolution is real
6. People are born gay; sometimes people pretend to be gay for whatever reason.
7. We will never know for sure how the universe began to exist.
8. there are other intelligent life forms out there in the universe.
9. Anyone can marry anyone
10. America really only means freedom to the free
11. Punk rock is the best thing that ever happened.[/spoiler]
Super Smash Bros Brawl FC: 2622-1690-4267
Pokemon Soul Silver FC: 4855-9306-7114
Mario Kart Wii FC: 4898-5017-8746


I believe that the majority of people are small-minded idiots.


[spoiler]- I believe all people are intercourse ing stupid unless proven otherwise.
- I believe all organized religion is bullpoop (You can believe in God and Jesus without being part of some stupid religion).
- I believe NOBODY has any business to tell anybody who they can marry and who they can't.
- I believe everybody is born bisexual to an extent, you are just told from a young age that liking anyone from the same sex is wrong.
- I believe if you chase your dream long enough, you will get it (Granted, you put the time and effort into whatever it is you want to achieve).
- I believe that, even though I think anyone should have the right to get married if they so choose, marriage sucks.
- I believe that anyone who thinks homosexuality is a choice is gosh darned retarded beyond belief.
- I believe that Karma's a ninny.[/spoiler]

There's more, but I got bored >.>


I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
Think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away

I believe I can soar
See me running through that open door
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly

Also, I believe that everyone, no matter how stupid they act, is capable of real intelligence.


I believe in God
I believe in evolution
I believe you're hetero/homo/bi/whatever
I believe you can't take everything in the Bible realistically
I believe in the power of the human heart
I believe everyone has good in them
I believe we can help the world if more effort was made


Quote from: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA on August 12, 2010, 11:19:47 PM
I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
Think about it every night and day
Spread my wings and fly away

I believe I can soar
See me running through that open door
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly

Also, I believe that everyone, no matter how stupid they act, is capable of real intelligence.
I believe that R Kelly Urinated on a girl.
I believe that because of That act, he ruined this song.
I believe that "I believe I can fly" should be this threads theme song (lol)
I believe that the government purposly releases viruses in the air, so people get sick...Then the sick people go to the Pharmacy and buy medication, and the cycle continues.
I believe that every movie that has a Setting that the government is hiding aliens of some sort is actually True In Real Life.


I believe there is a god.
I believe the world took longer than 7 days to form.
I believe in evolution.
I believe many of the things in religion are bullpoop.
I believe a marriage is between a man and a woman.
I believe it's okay to be gay, but that doesn't mean you should be able to get married, etc. Gays can be together, etc, but I don't believe a gay marriage can be recognized legally as a straight marriage can.
I believe everyone will flame me for my above belief.
I believe that neither global warming nor the hole in the ozone were caused by humans.
I believe that child obesity is because of the ignorant parents that don't care about their kids' weight.
I do not believe in ghosts.
I do not believe in anything coming back from the dead (zombies, etc.)
I believe that a difference could be made if people recycled, but they're too lazy to do it.
I believe that the world will still be here in 2013.
I believe that the Mayan calendar ended simply because the old man writing it died or got bored and gave up.

More later.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: Kianglo on August 13, 2010, 02:14:08 PM
I believe that child obesity is because of the ignorant parents that don't care about their kids' weight.
I guess the parents use mind control to get in the kids head and stuff food down their throats.

It's both their faults, the parents for not telling the kids about calories and eating healthy, and the kids fault for shoveling the junk food poop down throats. Not like they can't say no when there is cake in front of them, they can tell if they are getting fat or not.

That is all.


Quote from: Phaze on August 13, 2010, 02:27:21 PM
I guess the parents use mind control to get in the kids head and stuff food down their throats.

It's both their faults, the parents for not telling the kids about calories and eating healthy, and the kids fault for shoveling the junk food poop down throats. Not like they can't say no when there is cake in front of them, they can tell if they are getting fat or not.

That is all.
It's not the kids faults at all. Kids have no idea what will happen when they eat tons of junk food. It's up to the parents to make sure they don't do things like that to themselves.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.

Gwen Khan

Quote from: StarWindWizard7 on August 13, 2010, 02:10:23 PM
I believe that the government purposly releases viruses in the air, so people get sick...Then the sick people go to the Pharmacy and buy medication, and the cycle continues.

so these government people are getting themselves sick as well?

even though I think it's pointless (by which I mean marriage), gays should be allowed to get married


Quote from: Gwen Khan on August 13, 2010, 02:56:31 PM
so these government people are getting themselves sick as well?
Yes. They're hoping that: that way, we wouldn't get suspicious. If no one from the government got sick ever, we'd suspect bullpoop.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: Gwen Khan on August 13, 2010, 02:56:31 PM
so these government people are getting themselves sick as well?

even though I think it's pointless, gays should be allowed to get married
I Believe it's a conspiracy involved, yes. :D


I'll quote you all later.

The "Givens" (i.e. religious, political, social, etc.)

  • I believe in the existence of God as the universe's creator and that he's the only god that there ever was and ever will be
  • I believe that people are born with their sexuality, but that some people somehow change it in some way for whatever reason or that their sexuality changes of its own accord
  • I believe that people of all sexualities should have the same rights and should not be discriminated against (the only exception being gay marriage, as the union should merely be legally recognized and not sentimentally)
  • I believe that animals have emotions, but (probably) not souls
  • I believe that the death penalty should be outlawed
  • I believe that marijuana should only be legal for those that are proven to need it
  • I believe that drunk drivers should be punished more severely
  • I believe that the drinking age should stay the same but that military personnel on or after a tour of active duty should be able to drink (if it were otherwise illegal for them--they earned it)
  • I believe that an American military career is one of the most respectable positions and achievements one can ever hope to attain
  • I believe that more people should donate to charity
  • I believe that if you're going to commit suicide, you should continue living to contribute to the welfare of others
  • I believe that humans are neither inherently good nor evil
  • I believe that abortion is wrong

The Other Stuff (i.e. weird, unique, "fun", etc.)

  • I believe that musicians should write their own songs instead of having corporate or professional songwriters (unless they're accomplished musicians/songwriters or are part of the band)
  • I believe that schools should give less homework in favor of more classwork to be taken home if not finished
  • I believe that schools should keep the 15 seconds of silence each day
  • I believe that there's something wrong in a world where a professional athlete (e.g. MLB or NBA player) can make millions of dollars a year, while doctors and surgeons that save lives don't make nearly as much (I'm not saying that athletes should make less, but that lifesavers should make more money and be more appreciated)
  • I believe that too many people "knock it" before they try it (especially in the case of MMORPG's, trading card games, anime, manga, food, drink, etc.)
  • I believe that girls generally need their hair to be at least at chin level to be attractive
  • I believe that "emo" is a genre of music (and a good one at that) and a pattern of behavior--not a style of dress (the style of dress is called "scene")
  • I believe that (for the most part) old bands sound better live and new bands sound better on album
  • I believe that the general genres of music that take the most skill to play--or rather, have the most skilled musicians--are metal, blues, and anything progressive and/or experimental that falls in between
  • I believe that too many people are close-minded--even in ways that they don't know (myself included)
  • I believe that contemporary pop, R & B, country, and hip-hop are generally inferior genres of music and mostly overrated
  • I believe that many ceremonies (such as those for graduations and awards) are stupid and unnecessary

There are probably others.
I dunno hao 2 put imgs heer :(

****************Mack was here******************


-There is/are a deity/deities or higher powers at work in the universe, though I don't consider myself enlightened enough to make any reasonable guesses about his/her/its/their identity.
-For the most part, these higher powers stay out of universal affairs and allow us to dictate our own destinies for better or for worse. There are a few fuzzily-defined hard-and-fast rules like "don't cause unwarranted and undue suffering upon others", but the higher powers don't have restrictions like "you must belong to religion x" or "homosexuality is wrong".
-Though it may not be Fluffy Cloud Heaven and Fireball Hell, some kind of afterlife or status of existence after death exists, and "good" people will be rewarded, and "evil" people will be punished.
-Most of humanity is not naturally good or evil, but selfish, fickle, and ignorant. It is up to us to overcome these natural flaws to become better, more productive people (or to give into them and become evil).
-There are a few outliers, say 5-10%, on either extreme of society who are preconditioned to be total saints or vagina cleaning devicebags and whose morality doesn't operate in the same way as the rest of humanity.
-Karma isn't an all-encompassing force, but it does exist.
-I neither support nor deny the existence of ghosts.
-Organized religion has a place in the word just as any other institution has. It is, like every other human construct, a tool, and can be used for either good or evil purposes.

Possibly more later.