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An Inside Job - A Pokemon Roleplay

Started by FearItself, September 24, 2007, 11:35:51 AM

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Well... That was easier than I thought. Shaelyn thought to herself, holding back another laugh. She was glad Mike was being amused, atleast, as was she.

"Switching out so soon, eh?" she remarked. "Well, you just made my job easier." she added.

I'll hopefully be able to take out this Snorunt first, therefore allowing my other Pokemon to be used efficiently. But if this Snorunt beats Stantler, which I highly doubt, then my other Pokemon are in trouble. I have to knock this little gremlin out first.

"All right, this time I'll go first. Stantler, Calm Mind again!"

The buck Pokemon, again, stood firmly in his position, beginning to glow purple just as he had before, absorbing inner mental energy to boost its Special stats.


OoC//Our characters met,right Dr.Hobo2?

IC//"You gotta jump."Boogie said from behind Zaroff.He had finnaly found his destination.Shantae had talked about it the whole way here,and she wanted to catch a ghost pokemon.

Transient Link

Flying Chickens

"Because I am definitely falling for that again..." Nik said sarcastically. "Snorunt, keep your distance. Let's turn down the heat a bit. Icy Wind!"


Ooc// we've seen eachother before but have never been introduced.

"Gah!" Said Zaroff surprised from Boogie. "Don't do that to me!" He said turning around. "Oh...I don't think we've properly met before. I'm Zaroff."

"Rio." Said Riolu nudging at Zaroff.

"Oh, and this is my Riolu." he said smiling at riolu who smiled back.

Transient Link

mike sang

"its getting cold in here, so cold, so put on all your clothes"

"I am gettin so cold I gotta get my clothes on"

he laughed


"I'm Boogie.I've seen you before,Martin's friend,right?"Boogie said calmly,"You gonna go in,or just stand here?"

He jumped on top of the buches and Shantae followed.Boogie didn't have time to move and she landed right on his shoulders on the other side,and they fell over.


"Take the hit, Stantler." Shaelyn said with an almost eerie clamness.

Not even having any doubts, Stantler just stood there in a fortified position. Every jab of sharp ice, every whip of backlash from the flying crystals, he took it all bluntly. Though, because of the Calm Mind, it didn't do as much to him as he thought it would. He knew he could trust his master.

"Alright Stantler, let's clear this out with a Psychic attack."

Stantler gave a whinny, lifting his front hooves off the ground but then slamming them down, releasing several waves of Psychic energy towards his opponent. Stantler used Psychic as a pulse, like Water Pulse, not like a body-controlling Telekenesis.


"Yeah...sort of. I've just met him recently but I'd consider ourselfs aquantences." Zaroff said jumping over the bushes with Riolu. "Hey, i hear that there's a pokemon that only lives here called Rotom. Do you think we'll see it?"

Flying Chickens


OoC//Darn...I didn't want you to mention Rotom.I wanted to catch it!XD

Also,Fear:Is Rotom good for me to catch?Or do you consider it legend?

IC//"No I doubt it.Boogie said lying to the boy as they walked up to the Chateu.


Ooc// Hmm... I'd have to consider it legendary. Though, it's not really uber like most other legendaries are. I guess you could use it competitively in your character's team if you want to.

Ah, the dreaded Protect. A temporary escape. Shaelyn remarked inside her mind. She was fine with the missed attack, but Stantler seemed quite irritated by that. She could use this anger to her advantage.

"Stantler, try this instead. Energy Ball."

A sphere of green energy began to form around the bulbs of Stantler's antlers. It grew bigger as he added more and more energy to it, up until it became a sphere much larger than his head. A grin showed on the buck's face as he released the large ball of energy, heading straight for the Snorunt. Even if this missed, he trusted that his master would have another plan.



Ooc// Darn, I wanted to catch it if Fear said it was okay.

Ic// "Hm...If you say so." Zaroff said. "Hey, do you think anybody lived in this house before they-" He swallowed the spit building up. "Passed away." He said a bit shakily. His Riolu was also shaking a bit with fear with the mention of that comment.

Flying Chickens

"Snorunt, take the hit and use Ice fang. The Stantler will become frozen, and I know how much you love freezing things." Snorunt grinned fiendishly and ran head on into the attack. The ball cleared to show Snorunt leaping through the air.