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NES/GBA games for free...because the 3DS bites it.

Started by Nayrman, July 28, 2011, 05:25:29 AM

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Super Mario Bros.
The Legend of Zelda
Balloon Fight
Ice Climber
Donkey Kong Jr.
NES Open Tournament Golf
Wrecking Crew
The Adventure of Link

I know I shouldn't complain about free stuff, but this second half is pretty disappointing (besides Metroid). No Kirby? No Dr. Mario? No KID ICARUS? LAME; who the heck gives a crap about NES Golf and Wrecking Crew?


Personally, I don't like Kid Icarus. We can still hope for those ones to be released. Remember, these aren't the only NES games they're releasing.


Quote from: Kayo on August 30, 2011, 11:39:05 AM
I uh... what? If I wasn't clear, I don't give a darn that I'm not getting free poop anyway. I never said buying one early made you a "true" fan, it's just the message it sounds like Nintendo is trying to convey with the "ambassador" program.

And just to get this through your head: If I got free NES games, I probably wouldn't play them anyway. I don't want them. I don't need them. I have a NES. I have the internet. I honestly don't care one bit about not getting to play NES games on a 3DS. I'd really rather pay $80 less than get free games. I think waiting was the right choice, really. Being able to play NES games on there for free is cool, but not quite worth $80.

That is not the message they're trying to convey. You thinking that this is what they're trying to accomplish with this promotion is what heavily implies that you're upset over not getting free poop, as I can't think of any other reason why you'd be complaining about something like this. You tried to call Nintendo out on spiting their own customers man, that doesn't even make sense.

It's good that you're waiting, I already said that its good. All I'm trying to get you to understand, is that Nintendo isn't trying to make you feel ashamed for waiting and they aren't trying to spite anyone. They're just trying to cover they're asses, lol. That's really all there is to it.

Basically Kayo, you're really over analyzing poop man. Chill brah.


Super Mario Bros.  - Played a million times
The Legend of Zelda - played a million  times
Balloon Fight - isn't a good game, kinda lame.
Ice Climber - is alright
Donkey Kong Jr. - is ok, I guess
Metroid - I'd rather play Zero Mission thanks....
Yoshi - why?
NES Open Tournament Golf - Blech, a sports game...of GOLF.
Wrecking Crew - Meh
The Adventure of Link - *in CD-i voice* Oh boy! The worst Nintendo made Zelda game!

Yeah... not to excited about the NES games coming. The lineup could've been way better. Hope the GBA line-up has a better second half than the NES group.


I really need to play Adventures of Link again. I don't think I gave it a fair chance before, but then again, I already own it.

Why they chose Yoshi, the most obscure Nintendo puzzle game ever to be released in America, I have no idea. Why not Dr. Mario, or even the slightly more well known and much more fun Yoshi's Cookie? Yoshi isn't Nintendo's greatest.

All of the black box games are cool, especially Balloon Fight.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Quote from: Nayrman on August 30, 2011, 04:31:46 PM
Super Mario Bros.  - Played a million times
The Legend of Zelda - played a million  times
Balloon Fight - isn't a good game, kinda lame.
Ice Climber - is alright
Donkey Kong Jr. - is ok, I guess
Metroid - I'd rather play Zero Mission thanks....
Yoshi - why?
NES Open Tournament Golf - Blech, a sports game...of GOLF.
Wrecking Crew - Meh
The Adventure of Link - *in CD-i voice* Oh boy! The worst Nintendo made Zelda game!

Yeah... not to excited about the NES games coming. The lineup could've been way better. Hope the GBA line-up has a better second half than the NES group.

i'm happy with these, i dunno
and shut the intercourse  up adventures of link is awesome, some of the best music in a zelda game
you're just awful at it

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


Quote from: Tupin on August 30, 2011, 04:58:53 PM
I really need to play Adventures of Link again. I don't think I gave it a fair chance before, but then again, I already own it.

Why they chose Yoshi, the most obscure Nintendo puzzle game ever to be released in America, I have no idea. Why not Dr. Mario, or even the slightly more well known and much more fun Yoshi's Cookie? Yoshi isn't Nintendo's greatest.

All of the black box games are cool, especially Balloon Fight.

Because Yoshi.  That's it, really.  They assume people will download it just for the character, I guess, and they won't have to worry about losing sales on the game that not a ton of people would buy.  It's padding around the bigger titles that most people already own in several forms.


Nayr ninnyes about everything.

Anyway, all of the games announced are games that I see myself playing the poop out of, even golf. I know I could get and emulator and roms to play these, but I have a hard time getting into games that I didn't obtain "officially" for some reason. I think it'll be nice to play Mario on the go, anyway.


Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


I downloaded them all. Maybe I'll finish Zelda II for real this time (got it for the Wii's Virtual Console too).


Nintendo didn't add save files to Mario and Metroid?! I know it keeps the authenticity (and saves time and money for Nintendo), but I HATE password systems.

As for the games I've never played before (my Nintendo life started with N64 and never looked back):
Ice Climber - meh
Yoshi - simple, fun, and addicting, though it's no Tetris
Balloon Fight - way more fun than I imagined it would be; can't wait for multiplayer
Wrecking Crew - meh
NES Open - haven't really tried anything


Quote from: Neerb on August 31, 2011, 04:14:22 PM
Nintendo didn't add save files to Mario and Metroid?! I know it keeps the authenticity (and saves time and money for Nintendo), but I HATE password systems.

As for the games I've never played before (my Nintendo life started with N64 and never looked back):
Ice Climber - meh
Yoshi - simple, fun, and addicting, though it's no Tetris
Balloon Fight - way more fun than I imagined it would be; can't wait for multiplayer
Wrecking Crew - meh
NES Open - haven't really tried anything
Isn't there a suspend feature?


Password systems? LOL.

Glad I have my Gameboy.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


lol passwords. Justin Bailey to the rescue!

Geh, still wish the line-up was a bit better though. *waits for Star Fox and GBA games*


Then again you could look up game-end passwords online if you wanted to be a loser.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.