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I'm... actually starting to like anime.

Started by The Riddler, September 10, 2011, 10:12:16 AM

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The Riddler

Thanks to Netflix, my eyes have been opened up to anime. Granted I haven't gotten into the most popular stuff yet (Bleach, etc), there were a few I've watched strictly out of curiosity and absolutely loved. The only problem is... I get into these shows... then am immensely disappointed with the fact that they've been canceled.

Air Gear is my current favorite. So sad that they stopped at 25 episodes. ;_;
I've watched Sekirei all the way through, Elfen Lied all the way through (good intercourse ing god this poop was depressing).
Oh! Edo Rocket is what I'm watching now. It's weird.
Also Girls! Bravo is intercourse ing hysterical intercourse  you.

What're some of your favorite animes and discuss the ones I've mentioned.

Note: I don't like reading mangas or watching subbed shows. In Sekirei's case, there are two seasons I haven't watched because they haven't been dubbed yet. In Air Gears case, there are over 300 chapters in manga, 170something English, and I refuse to read them. D:


i like hiugrashi no naku koro ni and dragon ball z

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


My friend is currently raving about Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. I've not yet convinced myself to watch it myself.


Quote from: Riddler21 on September 10, 2011, 10:12:16 AM
Granted I haven't gotten into the most popular stuff yet (Bleach, etc)
I'm not an anime guy, but aren't those supposed to be the poopty ones

Flying Chickens

First off, go sprinkle yourself generously with some holy water or something to get whatever demon is in you, out.

And then if after that you still like Anime, watch Death Note (even though the comic was always better) and Full Metal Alchemist. My favourites from way back in my dark days of enjoying anime.
That stuff doesn't sit right with me anymore, but those two were always my favourites. I'm intrigued by Brotherhood, but not enough to watch it.



Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!



I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


I'm bored and haven't posted in a while so why not... And so I see you've joined the dark side, land of cookies and booze... and cookies.

Deadman Wonderland - It's gory, twisted, awesomeness [spoiler]

Black Lagoon - I think this is the only one where I can say that the dub is better. It fits better imo. [spoiler]

Hellsing - Yes, it's a vampire anime, but there's none of that glittery Twilight poop. It's the complete opposite. [spoiler]

Highschool of the Dead - A When-Zombies-Take-Over type anime... Lots of T&A but enough action in it to make it okay. [spoiler]

Higurashi no Naku Kori ni - Avoid the English Dub like the muthaeffin' PLAGUE! Also lots of gore/mystery/mindintercourse s here. [spoiler=Warning, lots of gore]

Umineko no Naku Koro ni - Similar to Higurashi with the mindintercourse s but it gets more... confusing... [spoiler]

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Better than the 1st anime series, following closer to the original manga storyline. Not like the first one was bad though.

FLCL - It's a mindintercourse , but a good one. Short series too, there's only 6 episodes.

Cowboy Bebop - What can I say, about this one, it's frickin' amazing! [spoiler=This is why we keep the fridge clean]

Samurai Champloo - Action + badassed-ness [spoiler]

Kuropoopsuji - Black Butler is the English title, dubs are okay. It may seem girly, but the story's dark.

Ghost in the Shell - Haven't seen the movies, but the Series Stand Alone Complex and 2nd Gig are good along with its dub

Excel Saga - Do not watch in English unless you want to gouge your eardrums out with the nearest sharp object. xP [spoiler=Clip in Japanese]

You say you haven't gotten to Bleach/Naruto/the super mainstream stuff yet... please don't go near them. -_-;
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


High School of the Dead is awesome.
Some of my other favorites are Death Note and Code Geass.
Dude .


A lot of my favs have been made into highlight actually so if you want to read into them you should check out the highlight archive of Ichi. There's not a whole lot that I can't recommend in there.

Obligatory for any guy: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.
Obligatory for any girl: Ouran High School Host Club.

Click the sig to level it up. Go to to learn more.


Riddler, intercourse  what the hipsters say. There are reasons why Bleach, One Piece, Naruto, and Dragonball are all as popular as they are. Check them the intercourse  out, just be sure the be wary of which episodes are fillers and which aren't. The Dragonball fillers are pretty great though.

I didn't like One Piece because I just listened to the general attitude the hipsterfag anime community had until I saw this:

I saw this and just had to start watching. Enjoying the hell out of it so far. On Episode 57.
Also check out:

Soul Eater
Fairy Tail
Samurai Champloo
Samurai 7
Big O
Case Closed
G Gundam
Yu Yu Hakusho
Fullmetal Alchemist/FMA Brotherhood(Both are intercourse ing sick)

Quote from: Doodle on September 10, 2011, 11:29:23 AM
I'm not an anime guy, but aren't those supposed to be the poopty ones

No. Only hipster animu OMG I'M SO KAWAAII fags think that. They're popular for a reason.

The Riddler

I love Dragonball. I grew up with that poop.
Naruto is intercourse ing gay.

Never tried Bleach or One Piece, though.