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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Started by Neerb, March 02, 2011, 09:39:46 PM

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So, played Skyward Sword finally as it came in the mail. Impressions as of beating the 1st Temple

- The music is amazing. Love every little bit of it.
- Story is actually pretty good, even if the characters are cliche and uninteresting outside of Fi and Zelda (Groose? Sorry, his name is Biff and he first appeared in Back to the Future)
- At least the overworld isn't stupidly huge like in TP. (yet anyway)
- Uhm, Nintendo. Let's have a chat. You do realize the worst part of Wind Waker was the fetch quest at the end right? You do realize TP was annoying for all of it's fetch questing to get to places right? So why am I still doing fetch questing with an obviously aged homing system just to go where I already figured out where it is? Ugh... stupid Kiwis....
- The motion controls work in that they are functional and do as advertised. However, they do not work in making the game fun. Having to put a ton of arm movement is tiring and a pain. (I don't know about the rest of you, but I have to put in a ton of movement to be even remotley precise which the game wants me to be).
- I understand you wanted enemies to be more challenging, but I don't want to have to see an enemy for the first time, stand dumbfounded when the sword swing isn't immediately obvious, or just taking too long.  (Ok, so a skulltula is on the ground.... so how what? I don't have an item that flips it up...oh, through sheer dumb luck swinging up flips it over... ok...)
- In other words, this game proves to me once and for all that motion controls will never work outside of the novelty factor minigame stuff. *sighs*

So yeah, will play a bit more to see how it goes. If I get to dungeon #2 and I'm still experiencing all the problems, this may be the first Zelda game I just plain put down and watch an LP to see the story...... Am seriously not liking this purely for the controls, which is sad because I want to like this game so badly. Yeah the graphics overall are pretty bad (lol two dimensional trees that weren't impressive even in OoT), yeah there is fetch questing, but darn it I love the music, the atmosphere despite graphical limitations is pretty good, finally a unique plot for a console Zelda since Majora's Mask, but the control just completely ruins it for me... *prepares for all the flames and hate*


Motion control isn't any more universally likeable than a given genre, and if you're not a fan you're not a fan. I think all that really matters is that it works, which you seem to have stated it does.

That said, Aonuma said in a recent interview that he loves it and he'd have a hard time going back to button mashing, so unfortunately [for you] we may see Skyward Sword-like controls on the Wii U as well (as it is compatible with Wii's stuff). He even mentioned how the Wii U controller's gyroscopes could be involved in some new item or puzzle.

Also, on the graphics: how do they compare to Twilight Princess? I love SS's art style, so I'd be fine with the background blurring and other aesthetic qualities, but how would you say the actual graphic quality compares to the last Wii Zelda outing? Because so far, it has seemed that SS is far greater quality:


Not that you can't like it; I'm just asking since you've actually played it, as I personally would be fine with it just as long as it beats the previous game.


You do know you don't necessarily have to swing your whole arm, right? Swing the control, not your arm. It works.


Having nearly completed the game (just finishing up side quests and collecting poop before taking on the final boss) im going to throw the rest of my complaints in here now.

overall the game just feels really average. as a whole its one of the better zelda games, but there is absolutely nothing this game does that some other zelda didnt do better.

actually scratch that this game does basically nothing good at all.

the controls still suck the graphics still suck, the style is a intercourse ed up combo of two much prettier games, the FETCH QUESTS FUCKING EVERYWHERE. im pretty sure you spend more time in fetch quests than dungeons. speaking of which there are only 6 real dungeons yet they all still feel identical. and the bosses suck too.

why the intercourse  is anyone defending this game?
~~ <3


Quote from: zephilicious on November 30, 2011, 11:30:06 PM
Having nearly completed the game (just finishing up side quests and collecting poop before taking on the final boss) im going to throw the rest of my complaints in here now.

overall the game just feels really average. as a whole its one of the better zelda games, but there is absolutely nothing this game does that some other zelda didnt do better.

actually scratch that this game does basically nothing good at all.

the controls still suck the graphics still suck, the style is a intercourse ed up combo of two much prettier games, the FETCH QUESTS FUCKING EVERYWHERE. im pretty sure you spend more time in fetch quests than dungeons. speaking of which there are only 6 real dungeons yet they all still feel identical. and the bosses suck too.

why the intercourse  is anyone defending this game?

Well, as long as the controls work, some people (including a lot of professional critics) will like it, and so both the controls and the art style are a matter of opinion. Likewise, many critics, even the ones that hated the controls, seem to like the dungeons and bosses very much.

Basically, the only complaints you have that aren't total opinion (and therefore can't be defended) are the fetch quests, which even the professional critics have complained about, and the graphics, which most people don't even mind since it's been five years since the Wii came out and anyone willing to play a Wii should have already made peace with the fact that it doesn't look as good as a 360 game.


Quote from: Nayrman on November 30, 2011, 08:54:04 PM

- The motion controls work in that they are functional and do as advertised. However, they do not work in making the game fun. Having to put a ton of arm movement is tiring and a pain. (I don't know about the rest of you, but I have to put in a ton of movement to be even remotley precise which the game wants me to be).
- I understand you wanted enemies to be more challenging, but I don't want to have to see an enemy for the first time, stand dumbfounded when the sword swing isn't immediately obvious, or just taking too long.  (Ok, so a skulltula is on the ground.... so how what? I don't have an item that flips it up...oh, through sheer dumb luck swinging up flips it over... ok...)
- In other words, this game proves to me once and for all that motion controls will never work outside of the novelty factor minigame stuff. *sighs*

So basically, you suck?

Its straight. At least you're enjoying the game.

Quote from: zephilicious on November 30, 2011, 11:30:06 PM

why the intercourse  is anyone defending this game?

It's refreshing to see that you're still a hipster faggot


Basically Michio Kaku, I do kind of suck at the game, but it also does not properly instruct you on what you as the player need to do to do things. It just says "swing left to swing left" and so forth, but ultimately it requires a LOT more input, and while yes it works, it asks you to be way too precise for it's own good. Overall the game runs just fine, just that the controls completely gimp the experience.

Quote from: Delibird on November 30, 2011, 09:22:16 PM
Motion control isn't any more universally likeable than a given genre, and if you're not a fan you're not a fan. I think all that really matters is that it works, which you seem to have stated it does. Except, as I say above, when it gimps a game to hell. Look, if you're into the whole flail around to win stuff, fine, but at least give me a standard control option in someway

That said, Aonuma said in a recent interview that he loves it and he'd have a hard time going back to button mashing, so unfortunately [for you] we may see Skyward Sword-like controls on the Wii U as well (as it is compatible with Wii's stuff). He even mentioned how the Wii U controller's gyroscopes could be involved in some new item or puzzle. Sad to hear, and if it does end up being motion control again, I'll probably skip it. Simply put I can't stand the stuff, and since the WiiU has an actual controller this time, I would at least prefer a normal control option, since, ya know, Nintendo says it's caring about it's core fans, most of whom aren't big fans of motion control.

Also, on the graphics: how do they compare to Twilight Princess? I love SS's art style, so I'd be fine with the background blurring and other aesthetic qualities, but how would you say the actual graphic quality compares to the last Wii Zelda outing? Because so far, it has seemed that SS is far greater quality: Hm. Certain models are better, but also the game looks just as blocky and low res as twilight princess. Link and other characters look just fine, however their faces and animations are still stiff and inhuman. The coloring is good, but the environments are cubist and very basic. Oh, and let's not forget the overabundance of 2D panels on trees for branches and stuff that were not impressive even on the N64. So yes, it's better than TP in terms that some things were fixed, but the game still looks early to mid Gamecube aside from the occasional nice looking object.

Not that you can't like it; I'm just asking since you've actually played it, as I personally would be fine with it just as long as it beats the previous game.

So far it beats Twilight Princess in that it isn't a complete rehash of things that came before. However, as I mentioned, the control completely kills the experience for me.


But it really doesn't require much effort, Nayr. You may be overdoing it. Either that or I'm just used to moving around @ @. Also, I don't really understand why you want them to hold your hand. One thing you and I have always agreed on is that many games nowadays aren't challenging at all.

Just keep at it and you'll get the hang of it. By the time I was in Lanaryu(or whatever the region is called), I was pretty skilled at the swordplay.


Quote from: Delibird on December 01, 2011, 06:11:55 AM
Well, as long as the controls work, some people (including a lot of professional critics) will like it, and so both the controls and the art style are a matter of opinion. Likewise, many critics, even the ones that hated the controls, seem to like the dungeons and bosses very much.

Basically, the only complaints you have that aren't total opinion (and therefore can't be defended) are the fetch quests, which even the professional critics have complained about, and the graphics, which most people don't even mind since it's been five years since the Wii came out and anyone willing to play a Wii should have already made peace with the fact that it doesn't look as good as a 360 game.

the graphical issues are entirely stylistic ones. i have no interest or expectation for technically good graphics. the vast majority of games on competent consoles look like poop too. but as a follow up to wind waker (probably the most beautiful game ever released on any console) and twilight princess (also pretty darn beautiful), skyward sword tries and fails miserably to combine both those styles.

looking back twilight princess is pretty much the best example of the right way to do zelda dungeons since ocarina. they were maybe too linear and a bit easy, but each one had a unique atmosphere, plenty of unique puzzles, and most of them ended with the coolest intercourse ing boss battles in the series. skyward sword dungeons are identical and boring. the boss fights may be harder, but aside from ghirahim none of the bosses have any character (though ocarina is probably the only game in the series to get that right)

twlight princess/ocarina dungeons and bosses, wind waker overworld, majoras mask characters and side quests. theres your formula for the perfect zelda game. skyward sword has none of that.

~~ <3


Quote from: Michio Kaku on December 01, 2011, 09:12:44 AM
But it really doesn't require much effort, Nayr. You may be overdoing it. Either that or I'm just used to moving around @ @. Also, I don't really understand why you want them to hold your hand. One thing you and I have always agreed on is that many games nowadays aren't challenging at all.

Just keep at it and you'll get the hang of it. By the time I was in Lanaryu(or whatever the region is called), I was pretty skilled at the swordplay.

I admit it may also just be my tv set up. And I'm not talking about hand holding for the controls, just during the practice I wish it would say something like "We require a bit more input" or something. Just a little hint to say "Hey, flicking your wrist doesn't do it, you need to do it." But no, I don't like having to move around so darn much for my games. I play games because I can lay on my couch and have a good time. Blech. I'll give it a bit more time but my initial experiences were really bad with the control.


My arm probably moves no more than 4-5 inches when doing any sword motion. It's not like it's strenuous. :u

Quote from: zephilicious on December 01, 2011, 09:14:30 AM
twlight princess/ocarina dungeons and bosses, wind waker overworld, majoras mask characters and side quests. theres your formula for the perfect zelda game. skyward sword has none of that.
Skyward Sword's overworld was pretty much the same as Wind Waker's anyway: cool, interesting transport, but nothing intercourse ing interesting to explore. SS's overworld is pretty much WW's on a smaller scale



I haven't been able to play much, but it's a Zelda game. Of course it's good. Motion control works fine for me, I have no idea why everyone has so many problems.

The thing is, though this game is different from other Zelda games, it still feels similar. If any other company tried to use the same method of game design on another console, it would be panned as dated. I guess Nintendo just wants to stick with what works.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Quote from: Doodle on December 01, 2011, 04:22:55 PM
Skyward Sword's overworld was pretty much the same as Wind Waker's anyway: cool, interesting transport, but nothing intercourse ing interesting to explore. SS's overworld is pretty much WW's on a smaller scale

wind waker's overworld has more poop to explore than any other zelda game. sure the ocean's too big and the island's are too far apart but every single island is worth exploring and even the ocean is not completely devoid of content.

in skyward sword the only thing between skyloft and the provinces are tiny little dots with goddess chests. and no exploration necessary since your map tells you exactly which chests you've unlocked.
~~ <3


Quote from: Tupin on December 01, 2011, 04:48:16 PM
I haven't been able to play much, but it's a Zelda game. Of course it's good. Motion control works fine for me, I have no idea why everyone has so many problems.
Stop thinking Nayrman is everyone.


hey faggot im complaining too. two people qualifies as everyone.
~~ <3