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Kid Icarus Uprising

Started by Neerb, October 05, 2011, 07:38:36 PM

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Quote from: Not Sad Keanu on March 24, 2012, 01:16:04 PM
It's fantastic that you can enjoy the game without pain.

Mad props.

no one here believes you though
I'm totally dead serious, too. It's a little awkward, I guess, but I think I just need to be used to it. I'm not dropping my 3DS to scream out in pain or anything because it doesn't hurt me.

Then again it's because I haven't played it 7 hours straight yet. I completely forgot.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Ok, so got the game, and spent some time practicing and did 2 missions. Impressions:

First off, the whole stand/holding it thing isn't as bad as reviewers are saying. Maybe because they played it for extended periods of time, but for short bursts it's just fine. Maybe a little bit awkward but not really pain inducing. The controls, are pretty good but it shows the 3DS really should've had a second circle pad to begin with. The flying parts are great, as it's a more active Star Fox in a really fun way. Lots of fast paced shooting and fun flying. The ground missions need a bit of work though. Pit moves just well enough to where it's not bad per se, but the camera is just bad enough to where it's annoying. I feel this game would've worked so much better on a WiiU or a system with a dual analog and L2/R2 buttons for camera. The gameplay when it works is REALLY fun so far, but a lot of the system problems are just hampering my enjoyment of it. It's a shame the system is getting in the way of the game. But overall, I'm liking it so far.

Music and graphics are great. At the very least, they're taking a lot more advantage of the system's capabilities than Mario 3D Land ever did. Also, what's this? Nintendo putting EFFORT into voice acting? Holy poop, this must be the bizarro game Nintendo puts out every decade or so. Where they try something different and put effort into it, as well as try to put real production values in it as well. Yikes. Yeah, the voice acting is good and well written. How about that? Nintendo, please do this more often please. Finally we have a game that feels like it was made in the 21st century from you guys.

TLDR version: Gameplay is good, but the system itself is holding it back by lack of second circle pad or intuitive camera controls. Music, graphics and voice acting are great overall.


Quote from: Nayrman on March 24, 2012, 04:47:40 PM
First off, the whole stand/holding it thing isn't as bad as reviewers are saying. Maybe because they played it for extended periods of time, but for short bursts it's just fine. Maybe a little bit awkward but not really pain inducing.
So I'm not the only one.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


If the CPP can somehow control the aim directly without the stylus, I'm buying it. This games needs it.


Quote from: NoiseHunterChris on March 24, 2012, 06:18:20 PM
If the CPP can somehow control the aim directly without the stylus, I'm buying it. This games needs it.
Doubtful; it's only for left-handedness, so it probably just takes the place of the left circle pad.

Wait, does the CCP add L2 and R2 buttons or am I just imagining that?
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: Pennington on March 24, 2012, 06:37:07 PM
Doubtful; it's only for left-handedness, so it probably just takes the place of the left circle pad.

Wait, does the CCP add L2 and R2 buttons or am I just imagining that?

Even if it does, I doubt the game got programmed to use those as camera buttons. If it does THAT, then I'll get it quickly.


Quote from: Nayrman on March 24, 2012, 07:04:14 PM
Even if it does, I doubt the game got programmed to use those as camera buttons. If it does THAT, then I'll get it quickly.
I don't think it did either, but that would work.

Again, a lot of this is probably just getting used to. I'm sure I'll be fine with the controls once I get the hang of them more. They're unique, and I wouldn't consider that a bad thing.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: Pennington on March 24, 2012, 07:27:11 PM
I don't think it did either, but that would work.

Again, a lot of this is probably just getting used to. I'm sure I'll be fine with the controls once I get the hang of them more. They're unique, and I wouldn't consider that a bad thing.

That's what I've been hearing. They get better as you play more. IT's just one of those things where a lot of the solutions to the problems are simply console design. I can see this gameplay working a ton better on say, a Playstation controller. But that's just me. Depending on how much I enjoy the game, I may be hoping for a WiiU sequel as that has all the buttons necessary to pull it off.


Quote from: Nayrman on March 24, 2012, 08:43:07 PM
That's what I've been hearing. They get better as you play more. IT's just one of those things where a lot of the solutions to the problems are simply console design. I can see this gameplay working a ton better on say, a Playstation controller. But that's just me. Depending on how much I enjoy the game, I may be hoping for a WiiU sequel as that has all the buttons necessary to pull it off.
The Wii could have done the controls better, but really, it isn't that bad.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Quote from: Pennington on March 24, 2012, 04:13:39 PM
I'm totally dead serious, too. It's a little awkward, I guess, but I think I just need to be used to it. I'm not dropping my 3DS to scream out in pain or anything because it doesn't hurt me.

Then again it's because I haven't played it 7 hours straight yet. I completely forgot.

You're vastly exaggerating the pain that reviewers and customers have experienced with the game. It's minor discomfort, not excruciating pain. It's been said repeatedly.


Well, it turned into exhaustion to me now. I'm so heeding that break advice...


Quote from: Pennington on March 24, 2012, 08:55:49 PM
The Wii could have done the controls better, but really, it isn't that bad.

Not saying that it can't. I'm just not using it as a base considering the WiiU has a very, very different controller.

How I'd do it is as follows:
Right stick, move Pit.
Left stick, aim reticule
L1: Fire/charge shot
R1: Melee attack (gives more variety on what you want to do in any given situation rather than straight melee'ing when an enemy is near)
L2: Rotate camera left
R2: Rotate camera right

Yeah, I know the whole rotate camera thing is old hat but if the camera was in a good vertical level to begin with, that is all you theoretically should need. Gonna play more so I can judge how the game does it a bit better.


Actually, with that big screen, touchscreen aiming would be pretty good. I've heard that the Wii U controller is very light, so holing it wouldn't be a big issue.


Personally, I'd switch the shoulder buttons Nayr. Projectiles just feel right on the right shoulder button and melee feels decent enough on the left. I like that setup overall though.

I haven't played the game yet, but when I do, I'm hoping I get used to it quickly.


Waggle for melee.
