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Helaman Squadron: The Cornerian Human

Started by starfoxherosj, October 15, 2007, 04:33:01 PM

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Richard Stryker is not your average teenager.  The only human to be born on Corneria, He is very different, and when his parents, two ace fighter pilots on  A part of the Star Fox team called "Helaman Squadron" disappear, along with the rest of their squadron, he has to live on the Great Fox.  The only things that remind him of his past are a picture of him, his dad, Fox and James McCloud, and his father's Bible and Book of Mormon.  (I swear I will not get religious in this story) 
At the age of Fourteen, he joins the Star Fox team.  Good thing to, because the Nintendo universe is in a war with Microsoft and Sony, and when the leader of the Microsoft Army starts to get an interest in "Hero", everything starts to take a turn for the worst.

The first part of a Trilogy,  I really hope you like it!
Political Correctness is Unconstitutional.
If you like Science fiction, you will like Helaman Squadron, so read it!


nice one starfox hero

and now i am going to make a sequel

Richard stryker is not a average human, but he is actully a GIANT DOUGHNUT!!


Quote from: iemaxx on October 15, 2007, 05:34:56 PM
nice one starfox hero

and now i am going to make a sequel

Richard stryker is not a average human, but he is actully a GIANT DOUGHNUT!! story............................................................................................
Political Correctness is Unconstitutional.
If you like Science fiction, you will like Helaman Squadron, so read it!


Quote from: starfoxherosj on October 15, 2007, 09:07:12 PM
Quote from: iemaxx on October 15, 2007, 05:34:56 PM
nice one starfox hero

and now i am going to make a sequel

Richard stryker is not a average human, but he is actully a GIANT DOUGHNUT!! story............................................................................................

............................ i dont care.......................


Quote from: iemaxx on October 16, 2007, 04:57:01 PM
Quote from: starfoxherosj on October 15, 2007, 09:07:12 PM
Quote from: iemaxx on October 15, 2007, 05:34:56 PM
nice one starfox hero

and now i am going to make a sequel

Richard stryker is not a average human, but he is actully a GIANT DOUGHNUT!! story............................................................................................

............................ i dont care.......................
...This was a preview, you know, like for a story that I am ABOUT to post...If you want to do some RPing, buddy, go to the RP board.
Political Correctness is Unconstitutional.
If you like Science fiction, you will like Helaman Squadron, so read it!


Can I please get some Comments about the plot?
Political Correctness is Unconstitutional.
If you like Science fiction, you will like Helaman Squadron, so read it!


This is TEH FIRST CHAPTER!!!111!!!! :D

Chapter 1:  The First Mission.

   A teenage boy headed to his Arwing in the hangar of the Great Fox.  He had just received his first mission.  He wasn't very old.  At fourteen years, he was the youngest member of the Star Fox team.  He was also the most inexperienced, this being his very first assignment.  Another interesting thing about him was that he was human.  Everyone else on the Star Fox team are anthromorphic animals, simply put, they are animals that have the body and mind of a human (excluding their tails)
   His hair was brown, with the exception of a white stripe down the middle of it.  The other funny thing about his hair is that he fashions it to look sort of like fox ears. (Well, as much as human hair can go)  He had eyes the color of almonds and his outfit was extremely similar to that worn by Fox during the Rebellion of the Venoman Armada and the Aparoid War.  The only major differences were the fact that around his neck, the boy wore a red scarf tied to look like a thin cape and there was no hole for a tail.
   The boy leaped into his fighter and prepared for launch.  The image of Captain Fox McCloud appeared on his communicator screen.  He had a look of pride, worry and authority on his face.
   "You know your mission." Fox said, "The capital city of Sega, our closest ally is under attack from the Microsoft Army.  Your job is to protect the evacuation of the city's civilian population, and to make sure there are survivors."  He closed his eyes.  "I needn't tell you this will be a dangerous mission and I regret that all the other pilots are elsewhere, but I want you to try your best.  However, even if you fail all your objectives, as long as you come back alive, that is enough of a success for me."
   "Gotcha." The boy replied, "Release the lift-locks and let's start this thing!"  This was it.  This was the moment he had trained for.  He felt the jolt of his first launch into combat.  He saw the blue-and-silver paint job of his fighter glisten in the morning sunrise.  The scene seemed right out of a painting; it was hard to imagine the boy was on his way to war.  The fact became more and more apparent as he got closer to where he was going.
   The scene at the city was horrific.  Buildings were demolished; others were being used as bunkers.  The boy could not imagine this was the city it once was.  This city was supposed to be a wonderful place during peace time, but now it was a mere skeleton of what it once was.  This is the reality of war, a scene the boy would remember for years to come.  However, he had to be on with his mission.  How much good could he be just flying around in circles?

   Suddenly, a fighter formed up on the boy's left wing.  The boy was relieved when he realized that the fighter was from Sega.
   "Lieutenant Prower to Arwing!"  The pilot said.
   "Yes, Lieutenant?"  The boy asked, grinning.  He was glad that whoever this was, they weren't going to attack him.  "It appears that you guys are throwing a party.  However it appears you didn't invite me.  Can I crash?"
   "Sure," Lieutenant Prower replied, "right after you tell me your name.
   "I am Richard Stryker, but everyone calls me Hero." The boy said, "The Star Fox team sent me!"
   "We really need you on the ground.  There are a couple of people I want you to meet.  Their names are Red and Blue.  Just land, and they will find you wherever that maybe".
   "Okay!" Richard shouted, "It won't be too hard to find a place to land!  I'll be there momentarily!"  And with that, the adventure began.

Political Correctness is Unconstitutional.
If you like Science fiction, you will like Helaman Squadron, so read it!


great chapter so far so good sfhsj


I will try to update once a week until I actually finish writing the fanfic  Then I will post chapters more often.
Political Correctness is Unconstitutional.
If you like Science fiction, you will like Helaman Squadron, so read it!


Quote from: starfoxherosj on October 22, 2007, 05:21:20 PM
I will try to update once a week until I actually finish writing the fanfic  Then I will post chapters more often.
cool cool


why did i waste a minute reading this story? ;) Jk

It is a good story


If anyone else likes my story, you have my permission to post.

All Constructive Critisism will be accepted.

If you don't wanna post, you can send me a PM.
Political Correctness is Unconstitutional.
If you like Science fiction, you will like Helaman Squadron, so read it!


dum da da dum!  TEH SECOND CHAPTER!!!11!!!!!!!!!111!!
Chapter 2: Face to Face With War

   Richard landed in the southern streets of the city.  He hopped out of his Arwing and stepped into the fray.  He pulled out his machine gun and ran for cover.  Three bullets were fired inches above his head by the enemy.  He had cut it too close.
   The situation was worse then he thought.  The enemy had taken control of the northern end of town and was headed his way!  The sky was red with fire.  Bullets flew everywhere and he could hear the explosions from the front.  He watched as one of the fighters defending the town exploded and its partner dropped from the sky.  He did not see the pilot eject.  It made Hero wonder if and how the war would end.
   Richard heard Lieutenant Prower's voice over the radio.  "Stryker, Blue is pinned down in a two-story house not that far north of your present position." He said, "Be careful!  Enemy Spartans are storming the building as we speak!"
   "Gotcha Lieutenant." Hero replied.  He headed north towards the house Red and Blue were in.
   "Oh, and Stryker?"
   "Call me by my nickname, Tails."

   Richard found the building among all the rubble.  Miraculously, it had been the only building on the block not destroyed by Microsoft artillery fire.  It may have been intact, but it had seen better days.  The door was blown off its hinges, the windows were shattered, the exterior walls were crumbly-looking and the front yard was cluttered with shrapnel.  Nevertheless, Hero was glad he could get to it quick enough.  He headed for the opening where the door used to be.
   Suddenly, he was jumped.  Richard was staring a Microsoft soldier right in the face, clutching his machine gun.  The soldier overpowered Richard, knocking him down and getting ready for the final blow.  No! This was his first mission and already he was a goner!
   Richard heard a laser gun fired from inside the door.  The soldier fell away from the door.  Richard was relieved that he had been saved.
   He turned to the door and saw a boy a couple years older then him wearing a blue-and-white jacket and a solid blue headband.  Richard knew this was probably one of the guys he was looking for.
   "So," The boy said in a smart-Alec tone of voice, "You must be Stryker."  He stared at Richard and chuckled.  "Funny thing, but I imagined you to be a bit...oh...I don't know...older?"
   "Hey!" Richard snapped, "Just because I'm new, doesn't mean I'm not a good soldier!  Fox McCloud sent me himself!"
   "Fox McCloud sent you?" The boy replied, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize that the Star Fox team was drafting little kids!"
   "You are really starting to tick me off!" Richard growled, "Who are you and how do you know my name?"
   "My name is Blue." The boy said, "I am part of Sega's elite team known as the Gunstars."  He laughed.  "I see you have absolutely no battlefield experience.  Allow me to show you how the professionals do it."
   "Yeah, professionals my foot!" Richard replied, "I don't believe I came here for a lecture on the finer points of running fast!" He looked Blue straight in the eye. "I came here because I was told to save your butts!"
   Suddenly Tails radioed in.  "Blue! We need you in the air ASAP!  We have bogeys inbound!"
   "What?" Richard replied, "How many?"
   "You don't 'wanna know."
   "Besides," Blue said, "He wasn't talking to you, Stryker."
   "Blue, bring Stryker with you." Tails replied, "A Star Fox member like him will come in handy in a large scale dogfight."
   "Yeah, yeah...I'll bring the kid." Blue moaned, "Don't get in my way, Stryker."
   "As long as you don't get in mine, I think I'll be fine." Richard replied.
   "Hero, landed nearby your hanger." Tails said, "I'll inform Red that you two are coming.  Take off quickly, you will be under heavy fire."
   "Gotcha." Blue replied, "We are on our way now."  He looked at Richard and grinned.  "Okay kid, let's see what you got!"

   Richard and Blue got to the hangar quickly.  Someone was waiting for them at the entrance, ducking down behind some cover.  "There you are Blue!" The person said, "We were supposed to take off three minutes ago!  I thought you had been killed!"
   "Jeez, Red!" Blue replied, "You always worry too much about me!  Give me a break for once!" He buried his head in his right hand.  "Dang! You can be such a pain sometimes!"
   "Sometimes it's hard to believe you are more experienced then me on the battlefield!" Red shouted, "Jeez! Boys can be so frustrating!"
   "Wait..." Richard started, talking to Red, "You are a girl?"
   "And you have a problem with that?"
   "No...You just...look like a guy."
   Red sighed. "Like I haven't heard that before!" She shouted, "Who are you anyway?"
   "I'm Hero." Richard replied, "I'm the guy that Star Fox sent."
   "How long have you been fighting?"
   "First day on the job."
   "When I found him, he was about to get the crud knocked out of him by an enemy soldier." Blue added, "Lucky for him, I was there to save his neck."
   "And then you almost get him killed!" Red shouted, "Honestly Blue, I think you are way too reckless!"
   "That's what you love about me."
   "Can we just get on with our mission?" Richard interrupted.
   "Okay Hero." Red said, "President Sonic is seeing to a couple of things before he evacuates the city, and he is still in the capital building.  Our job is to give him cover until he gets back.  Hero, you form up on my wing when you get off the ground."
   "Gotcha!" Richard replied, "See you guys in the air!" The trio split up.
Political Correctness is Unconstitutional.
If you like Science fiction, you will like Helaman Squadron, so read it!


Now here's where the action begins.

Chapter 3: The Fall of Sega City

   Richard got off the ground first.  He looked around for Red and Blue, but found no trace of them anywhere.  He looked to the hangar.  No fighters had gotten airborne since he had taken off.  He couldn't wait any longer.  He had to start this mission alone.
   Suddenly, Richard heard a loud explosion coming from the direction of the hangar.  He looked back to see what had happened.  The hangar had been hit!  Fire engulfed the hangar and it lay in ruin.  Richard was shocked.  "Dang it!" He shouted, certain Red and Blue were dead.
   Two fighters flew up next to Richard, one on each side.  He looked around him, and was relieved when he saw that the fighters belonged to Red and Blue.  "Are you guys alright?" He asked, still in shock from the explosion.
   "Don't worry about us kid." Blue replied, "Trust me.  We've had closer calls than that!"
   "Concentrate on the mission, guys!" Red shouted, "I don't want to lose either of you!"
   "Sheesh!" Richard said, "Don't say that!  You sound like Fox!"
   Tails flew by the formation and looked at the three fighters.  "Good job Blue!" He said, "You and your girlfriend got out before that hangar blew!"  He was trying to lighten up the situation for everyone by making a joke.  It worked. (Also, Red and Blue both blushed, a side benefit)
   "Oh, really?" Richard laughed. He looked at Red and Blue. "You two are a couple?  I didn't know that!"
   "Stop it Hero!" Red shouted, still blushing, "We have to get on with our mission!"
   "Gotcha!" Richard replied, "You two try not to mess things up.  Just to let you know, I really don't like that mushy stuff that much."

   Richard headed for the enemy fighters.  There were many swarming the sky like bees.  Richard couldn't even count the number of fighters there were.  Then he realized that he had boosted away from Red and Blue.  He knew he might be able to take them all out himself, but it would be very hard.
   He charged the fighters, expecting the worst.  Amazingly, the fighters flew right by him, not firing a shot.  It was as if he wasn't there.  When he broke through the swarm, there wasn't a scratch on him.  He turned around and watched as a single Microsoft fighter made a U-turn and headed for him.  This was Richard's first live target.
   Richard and his opponent were heading straight at each other.  Suddenly, the Microsoft fighter made a quick move down and to the left.  Richard looked around for his enemy, but couldn't find it.  Then he saw a shot coming from behind barely miss him.  The enemy had maneuvered right behind him!
   Thinking fast, Richard dived down into an area of the city that was still intact.  He turned at every street corner, trying to lose his foe, but with no such luck.  He then noticed something about his opponent that he previously was unaware of: His opponent could not maneuver through tight spaces very well.
   Immediately, he went sideways and flew into an alley.  Just as he thought, his enemy did not follow him, but instead flew out of the urban streets and continued the chase.
   Richard knew he had won.
   He made a U-turn out of the urban streets.  His foe was headed straight for him, and was right in his crosshairs.  Richard opened fire on the target, blowing off the wing.  The foe spun out of control into a Microsoft Anti-Air vehicle and burst into flames.  "Serves you right!" Richard taunted.
   Soon after, Red and Blue appeared on the scene.  "Good to see your faces again!" He shouted, "I was beginning to think that you weren't 'gonna get here!
   "I wish I could say the same!" Red replied, "There's a bogey on my six!"
   Blue watched Red hopelessly try to shake her foe.  He couldn't wait any longer.  "Red!  I'm maneuvering for a shot!  Hang on!" He shouted.
   "No Blue, you don't have time!" Red replied, "You have to protect the capital!"
   "I'm not about to sit here and watch you die!"
   "It's too late!  There's nothing you can do!"
   Richard smirked.  "I got it." He said.  He turned and faced Red head-on.
   Red had no idea what he was planning.  "What the heck are you doing?" She shouted, "You'll kill us both!"  Hero did not answer.  "Get out of here NOW!"  They were about to collide.  Red flinched, pulling out just before the collision.
   "Perfect!" Richard shouted, "Just what I needed you to do!"
   The bogey had no time to react.   The sudden change of events made him freeze up. With one burst of Richard's lasers, the fighter exploded.  It had all happened in a matter of seconds.

Richard flew over to the capital.  What he saw startled him.  "There's a whole column of Microsoft BattleMechs approaching the capital building!" He shouted.
"Stryker, can you identify the class?" Tails said.
"I really can't."
"I'll be right there!"
When Tails made it to the capital building he identified the class immediately.  "Shoot! It's a bunch of Atlas!" He shouted, "We have to get out of here!  Punch the Afterburner!"
Richard went hypersonic before he broke formation and headed for the Great Fox.  He never looked back on Sega City for a moment.  Once he thought about going back, but then he realized that he didn't have enough fuel.  He continued on his present course.
Political Correctness is Unconstitutional.
If you like Science fiction, you will like Helaman Squadron, so read it!


Sry about being a day late.
Chapter 4: The Silver Lining

   Richard was just about out of fuel when he reached the Great Fox.  "Fox, I'm coming in for a landing." He sighed.  He was all lined up, ready to go.
   "Rodger," Fox replied, "We are all set for you to land."
   Just then, Richard heard a loud explosion coming from the direction of Sega City.  He nearly lost control of his Arwing, and had to line up for the landing again from a shorter distance.
   He was luckily able to land safely.

   When Richard landed in the hangar, he noticed that no-one else had come back from their missions yet.  The only other fighter in the hangar was that of Fox McCloud.  It was just now that he realized that even though his mission felt like it took a long time, it was really about an hour or two from the time he took off to the time he landed on the Great Fox.
   His mind snapped back to the present when a message came over the intercom.  The voice was that of ROB, The Star Fox team's navigation robot.
   "Richard Stryker please report to the bridge" ROB said.  Immediately, Richard ran up to the Great Fox's bridge, not knowing what awaited him.  It could be good news, or it could make him freeze up.  Either way, he was called up to the bridge
The bridge, like the hangar, was barren.  The only other people on the bridge were Fox and ROB.  ROB was sitting at the controls of the giant warship, and Fox was standing at the entrance to the bridge with his arms folded behind him.  His face was both reverent and demanding, the face of a true leader.
"Well Richard," Fox said, "You had quite a hard time out there.  I have to admit, I was a little worried." He closed his eyes for a second and then opened them again.  "I am glad you came back."
Richard had many questions swarming through his head.  He had to get at least one of them off his chest.   "I heard an explosion behind me when I went to land."  He said, "I lost my focus and almost crashed trying to land on the Great Fox.  What was it?"
Fox sighed, "Unfortunately, that was the capital building.  A group of Atlas 'Mechs opened fire on the complex."
"Is the President alright?"
"No..." Fox replied, "President Sonic is dead."
Hero was shocked.  "W-What about the Gunstars, a-and Lieutenant Prower?" He asked.
"I'm sorry, Richard." Fox replied, looking towards the ground, "We lost contact with Lieutenant Prower shortly after you came back."
Richard couldn't believe it!  He buried his head in his hands.  "No!" He cried, "How could I have let this happen?"
   Fox looked at the Great Fox Heads-up display on the wall.  "Your father had a hard time on his first mission." He sighed, "I remember looking at him, all beat up after he crashed his fighter running out of fuel when he went to land." He laughed, "When I asked him what had happened, he looked at me straight in the eye and said: 'I messed up big time, Foxie!'"
   "What happened next?
"My dad gave him another Arwing!  That was the only thing he could do!"
Suddenly, the alarm blared.  Red lights flickered slowly, blinding Richard for a short time.  Fox was not quite sure of the situation.  "ROB!  What's wrong?" He asked
"Enemy fighters approaching." ROB replied, "Three fighters are right in front of the group, intentions are unknown."
"Patch a line to the three fighters!" Fox ordered.
ROB quickly brought up communications with the three fighters.  Fox looked at the communicator.  "This is Commander Fox McCloud of the Great Fox." Fox said, "State intentions or we will open fire on you."
"This is Lieutenant Miles Prower!  Mayday! Mayday!  I am being pursued by Microsoft fighters! Request assistance!"
"Tails?  Is it really you?" Richard asked, "Are the Gunstars okay?"
"Yes we are!" Blue replied, "You thought you could get rid of me that easily?"
Fox looked at Richard.  "Richard, the one silver lining is that you, the Gunstars and the Lieutenant are all okay." He said, "I need you to get to your Arwing ASAP!  That's an order!"
"Gotcha!" Richard replied, "See you in a couple minutes guys!"  With that, he ran to the hangar.
Political Correctness is Unconstitutional.
If you like Science fiction, you will like Helaman Squadron, so read it!