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Azula's Reign - An Avatar: The Last Airbender Roleplay

Started by FearItself, October 15, 2007, 02:47:48 PM

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Flying Chickens

Aeleus caught up with Nerina and continued walking beside her.


Mika meowed a quiet meow, seeing Aeleus approach. A feline grin appeared on her face as she looked over to him, her eyes narrow from having been previously napping, but her expression showing that she was more than happy to see her human companion's favorite male human friend.

"I'm kind of worried about Ken..." Nerina spoke up after some long moments of silence between the two of them. "Do you think he really accepts us being together? Or, well, to put it differently, us being close?" she asked him.

Flying Chickens

Aeleus sighed. "I don't know what to think... His emotions are a mystery to me, really." He flicked a bug out of the air near his head. "I just wish I knew, and understood, what he was thinking..."


"It's a mystery to me too, as it probably is to the rest of the group." Nerina replied to Aeleus, sighing slightly after she said it, just as Aeleus had sighed before he said his remark. "That's the reason why I didn't want to anger him with our little secret. He's probably a walking time-bomb of rage. One little spark and he could burn down this whole forest, if you know what I mean." she added. "I wanted to keep our secret a secret so we could protect him, I don't want his anger or any of his other emotions taking control of him. It could be a danger to us, or himself."

Flying Chickens

"I apologize again..." Aeleus looked down at the ground out of shame. "But it was a lose/lose situation. Either have my brother leave for good, or have him find out and have to deal with his emotions... I really tried my best to keep it from him." He said once again.


"No, Aeleus, don't blame yourself. I probably would have done the same in your situation." Nerina said with an apologetic tone of her own. "I'm not blaming you at all, I'm just concerned at how the truth affected him, that's all. He would have found out sooner or later, anyways." she added.

Transient Link

Quote from: Orgizirtee on November 04, 2007, 05:59:30 PM
Quote from: MARLUXIA on November 04, 2007, 05:29:28 PM
ken started out at a walk, but then he started to run. as he did so his errors became all the more clear......

he mumbled under his breath...
"oh great job ken. now you hurt nerina and aeleus is sucking it all i screwed up big going to have to find a way to win her back in new-ozi...but how.....THATS IT!!!but i must get there before her."

he started to sprint going at unbeileveable speed.

ooc/i decided to make it a secret for everybody :)
Ooc\\ Whoa. He's envious.
ooc/ yah think lol one sec.

Flying Chickens

"If only it hadn't been so soon..." His words trailed off into silence. "As long as he does nothing stupid."


"Yeah.." Nerina remarked, not knowing much else to say. Aeleus had a point, Ken tended to act irrationally most of the time. She was worried for him because he never thought through anything first, he acted on impulse, and that certainly wasn't good for any of them, considering how they were nearing a Fire Nation-controlled city, and it would be crucial for all of them to keep their wits about themselves. "I think he'll be fine. He may seem impulsive, but I'm sure he can keep his actions under control when the appropriate situation calls for it." she said supportively.

Flying Chickens

"He usually can. If not..." Aeleus didn't want to think of what would happen if the latter came true. "It's worth it though. To me at least." He said suddenly.


Nerina smiled slightly at the proof that she had been able to change some of Aeleus's thoughts about his brother. Now, the both of them realized that maybe the truth did set them free, but they still knew that they had to keep an eye on Ken. Nerina snuck her hand down Aeleus's arm and cradled her palm in his.

Flying Chickens

Aeleus blushed slightly. He was enjoying this walk. "Well... This sure beats looking at rocks all day." He said as the passed under the lush trees.

Transient Link

ooc/ ok time for my character to get back to his A game :P

ic// Ken finally arrived at New Ozi in record time
whew....ok...lots of preperations

he entered the city. It was huge with all sorts of shoots and things
Yet Ken ignored them as he walked into a nearby Tavern he walked up to the barkeep

barkeep: "EH? wadda want?"
"uh..yah see I wanna take this girl out on a luxurous date you happen to know where I could set something like that up?"

the barkeep laughed....loudly
barkeep: "Date eh? ha! well I reckon you be looking for what the people around here nicknamed the "Falcons perch"

"falcons perch?"
barkeep: "yup you see it starts out with a romantic walk in the garden. But then the garden leads to this amazing fountain where you dine surrounded by amazing scenery and lights. Then come the part where the place got its nickname. you walk up the large spiral staircase to a balcony overseeing the entire city. At night its quite beutiful"

"woah.....uh where is it?"

the barkeep walked to the back and brought out a map
barkeep: "here free of charge"
he handed ken the map
"WOAH thanks"
ken ran out of the tavern
barkeep: "ah...young love....Hey you scum heads quit fighting or ill kick your asses out!"

Ken followed the map to the "falcons perch" The entrance held a large wrought iron gate. He could see the garden path through the bars
woah...this is...perfect...

??: "can I help you?"

a man in a tux walked up to him

"yah I want to rent this place out tonight"

Pier: "ah good then my name is pier yours fine sir?"

Pier: "so is there a special girl you wish to impress?"

"very much so"

Pier: "good show then! follow me as we will take the tour"

Pier opened the gate and gestured him to follow through

Pier: "you see when your date comes to the gate the doors will open automaticly. That would be your que to step out"
he said as he started walking down the garden path

"uh huh...."
Pier: "now this is very much scenic. All the beutiful plants and flowers. Im sure you could "woo" her here"
"uh....yah i guess..."
Pier walked into the courtyard with the fountain. Which consisted of a large fountain with many lanterns surrounding the area. Ken could tell it would be beutifull when they were all lit at night in front of the fountain was a dineing table

Pier: "Now this! is the good part. By now in your date it should be nightfall and all the preparations made. Our servers will come out to you and offer you whatever is on our special menu."
"which consists of?"

Pier laughed

Pier: "OHO! anything you wish good sir! Now here is where you can talk to your date and...well your not a fool im sure you know"
"darn right Im not..."

Pier walked over to a corner in the courtyard where a spiral staircase lie

Ken followed him up to the balcony

Pier: "and this! Our balcony in which our little place got its nickname."
It was amazing you could see the entire city from here he knew this was the place

Pier: "If you think its that now just wait till tonight. So are you in?"


Pier: "that will be 50 silver peices"

kinda expensive..and yet....
he pulled out his purse and gave him the money.

Pier: "Good show then when will she arrive?"
"im hoping 8pm..."

Pier: "verygood! Be sure to arrive at least an hour eairly for little tweaks and things"


Pier led ken out of the "falcons perch"

ooc/ ok im going to  type the rest later. This should be enough to feed you :D for now ill probly go to bed (darn 10 pm bed time :( )


"I agree." Nerina remarked, running her fingers up and down his palm once or twice before letting her fingers hang down as they should. A playful grin formed on her face as she looked back up to Aeleus. She had noticed a considerable change in his facial expression since she first met him. Before, he almost seemed cold, but now, it appears that being in a relationship had warmed his heart a little, and she was glad of what she had accomplished. "The forest is beautiful, isn't it?" she questioned, looking around at the hybrid wildlife scurrying about through the trees.

Transient Link

Quote from: FearItself on November 04, 2007, 07:42:59 PM
"I agree." Nerina remarked, running her fingers up and down his palm once or twice before letting her fingers hang down as they should. A playful grin formed on her face as she looked back up to Aeleus. She had noticed a considerable change in his facial expression since she first met him. Before, he almost seemed cold, but now, it appears that being in a relationship had warmed his heart a little, and she was glad of what she had accomplished. "The forest is beautiful, isn't it?" she questioned, looking around at the hybrid wildlife scurrying about through the trees.
ooc/ comment on my post fear :( worked kinda hard on it... :( :(