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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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"I'm... Fine," Solon replied, a deeper tone to his voice. He smiled and gave a dark chuckle. "Never been better, actually..." He looked at his hands, as if this body was new to him.
The throwing star hit Mage Riolo's hand. "Argh!" Through his rage, the lair shook rapidly, but then resettled. "You kill me, and this whole place will collapse! Then you will die by the Whirl Channel above us!" He began laughing manically again.


"Yeah, I did," Jas says, answering Venice. She narrows her eyes at Riolo. "I think we'll kill you anyways," then slashes. Lightning bolts start smashing down at him.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"Jas! Jas! A little help down here!" Lanbar said waving to Jas who was still in the whirlwind. Darn me for not being that good of a swimmer.

"Ah...okay then." Tanbar said. There's something terrebly wrong with him... He then began to swim away for he had some feeling in his gut that he shouldn't be close to Solon right now.


Jas has the twister pull Lanbar up to where she is. "You okay?"
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"Yeah...except I sort know...don't know what the HELL is going on!" Lanbar said.


"Something seems to be wrong with Solon," muttered Venice. "And we're being attacked by the Dead Men's Mage guy. Duh."


"We're in the Dead Men's place," Jas says. "All of 'em are dead, except now we're fighting the big poop, and I don't know what's going on with Solon."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


((Anyone who's in the water will get hit by the lightning bolts xD))

Solon shook his head again, and the black spot stopped glowing on his chest. He cleared his throat, and his voice was normal again as he spoke. "Whoa... That felt... Really weird." He was shaking slightly and looked at the gems, thinking about what just happened. I know how much I want these gems, but... I don't feel right holding them. Though, I can't give up the Crescent Gem with the curse on it, so...

"Jas!" Solon called out and threw the Cloud Gem at her, pretty much making her official Gem holder, though he was starting to think Venice would be better at the job. "Just don't lose that one like you did the others!" Solon began swimming around to find his sword.

Mage Riolo disappeared, and reappeared in the water again after the attacks took place. Luckily, he found his staff. With it, he flew back into the air.


"So...only that leader guy is alive...does that mean Zaronn is dead too?" Lanbar said looking over at Solon. I'll be glad to be rid of Zaronn. We've been enemies for a long time...along with Zaroff but I don't think he's a threat to us anymore. Tanbar was still swimming around in the water while trying to take out his sword.

((How high is the water now?))

Max Headroom

Mira wrapped the rope around him, so he would stay on the ceiling. He then put his hands together to calm himself down, as well as prepare some energy.


(( The water's about 8 feet, and slowly descending ))

Solon grabbed his sword and came back up. "Lord Kerow's still alive, and Harver, I thought," Solon called up to them. "By the way, any chance I can get a ride on that twister thing?"


((Yeah, I kinda didn't know he was in the water...))

"I won't," Jas catches the gem, making sure she won't lose that or her mind. She pulls Solon into the twister, and starts making it spin fast.

((Dun diss Jas for losin' the gems. She didn't even get a chance to fight back. They were just taken like 'BOOM! Mine's now!'))
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


((Wait, who's controlling Mage Riolo and who's controlling Lord Kerow? I've seen BoA and LS do it. Which one's which?))


(( XD Yeah, I know. Now that the Cloud Gem's out of the way, the only Gem that could do take them easily is the Time Gem, anyway. But I still like dissing Jas, tis fun.

I control Mage Riolo, LS controls Lord Kerow.))

Solon dried off quickly thanks to the spinning twister. "Thanks," he thanked and looked around for Mage Riolo.
The Mage shot another twister at their own, hoping to pull them into his so he could control where they went.


Tanbar saw what Mage Riolo was doing and grabbed one of the larger glass shards from Zarani's glass jar and threw it at Mage Riolo hoping to distract him.