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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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The sun had yet to rise over Crescent Island. Harver leaned over the railing of the ship, gazing at the coast line, as if waiting for something. His eyes flashed with realization as he saw something in the distance. He got off the ship quickly so that he couldn't be seen, and rushed over to where he saw the flicker of movement.

He was now underneath a part of the island that stretched over the ocean. The perfect place for a conversation that needed to be done in secrecy.

Remember to be careful! Choose every word with caution...
I know! Harver snapped back.

"You are late." A voice said from the shadows of the area. A man crepped forward with a black cloak on so that most of his body could not be seen, but his voice showed he was somewhat older than Harver. He removed his hood to show gray hair and a long moustache and beard.

Harver gave a slight bow. "I'm sorry, Lord Kerow. I was held up a little bit."

"That is no excuse for you being an hour late." Kerow said, walking towards Harver, and giving him a motion showing that he should stop bowing. Harver did so. "However, you are a new recruit, so I shall let you off with but a warning."

"Thank you, my Lord." Harver said. "I shall try to not let it happen again."

"Make sure you do." Kerow rasped. His dark purple eyes almost seemed to penetrate Harver's skin. "So, how are the plans going?"

"Fairly well, milord." Harver began. "A meeting earlier - which was part of the reason I was late - showed that we have three of the four gems."


"The Cloud Gem. We do know, however, that it is in possession of General Zaroff of Scalus."

"Excellent. We shall attend to him immediately. Imagine his face," Kerow smirked at this, "when he realizes that our treaty was merely a ploy?" He began to laugh, and Harver smiled slightly. He stopped after his short chuckle. "So, you have the Time Gem and the Scale Gem, and Sweeny and the others have the Crescent Gem?"

"That is correct, milord."

"Good. Soon, our plans will fall into place, and all of Slander - no - the whole of Vulcum shall be ours!" Kerow began to laugh, harder this time, but Harver did not.

"Do you forget, milord, how formidable Solon and the others have proved to be?" Harver questioned. Kerow stopped immediately, and gave Harver a skeptical look. Not good.

"Do you question the way I plan - the way I strategize?" Kerow asked.

"I only wish that you do not overlook what could be the biggest flaw in your plan." Harver stated firmly. Do not get too arrogant, boy! "If they find out about your plan, then that could mean the end of the entire goals of the Dead Men!" Kerow began to chuckle slightly.

"You learn fast, my boy." Kerow said, walking so close to Harver so that there was but an inch of space between them. "But do not forget who is in charge here, and do not choose your words so quickly."

"Yes sire." Kerow backed off.

"Do not worry, I have a little plan to take care of your little 'friends'," Kerow continued. "I have an idea that will come into play eventually. Until then, be on the awares for any signs, and don't fall too deep into their friendship game." Kerow stepped away from Harver, slipping back into the shadows. "Remember, I see all. Dismissed." Kerow vanished, and Harver began to walk back to the ship. Harver sighed.

That was close! I told you to be more careful!
Shut up! Harver snapped. He had had enough for one day. Or one night. Or for however long he had been awake. ...Sorry. I'm just worrying if we're doing the right thing or not. One slip and our entire plan could fall apart!
I am sure it's best for all of us. If all goes as planned, then they shall fall, and we will have peace.
For all of our lives, I hope you're right.

Harver returned to the ship, and went into the Men's Quarters. He wrote a little bit of his encounters before deciding he should finish it in the morning. Just before he went to sleep, he had one last conversation with Emit.

Did he mean it? Can he see everything?
Do not worry. I have every bit of confidance that he can not.

Harver took a sigh of relief, and closed his eyes, falling into slumber.

And so we go.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Forces them to do suicide...I think I remember something else now. " have any free will against him?" Because I know I did at the time...


((Just so you know, the Dead Men have the Scale Gem, so they are in possession of that as well, LS. The only gem any of us have is the Time gem, which you have. Now, I think that Harver is getting close to the Dead Men so he can get close and then destroy their interior. But, who thinks Harver is actually going to betray us?))

"I could control everything but my right hand," Solon replied. "I mean, I did have the power to pull away from my throat, but it was like the battle of the minds. If one became clouded with other thoughts... That would affect their connection."


((As I said, Harver is a very complex man. Anyway, Harver has both the Time and Scale Gem. In one of my earlier posts, he swiped the Scale Gem from Sweeny, when time was frozen.))
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


((Oh yeeeeaaah... I forgot all about that. I think it would be cooler if Harver was part of the Dead Men, but I don't think he is. Why would an ancestor of Emit be part of the Dead Men? And why would someone who wants to be a normal boy be part of the Dead Men team?))


"Well I suppose you were very fortunate for that." He said. Strange, I had much more control...Could this have anything to do with my twin?


((And Jas is by herself... again...))

Jas starts walking back to her parents' house. When she gets there, she slips inside, careful not to wake her mom and dad up. After she closes the door to her room, Jas sighs. "This is going nowhere. I'd probably do better myself, but..."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


((Birdie, how many times do I have to tell you; Harver is a complex character. :P Could he have lied to Solon the entire time about what he wanted? Could he have been decieving Kerow, or Emit, or... the list goes on and on. I have one answer left for you; you will have to wait and see. ;)))
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Lanbar walked around the dock remembering his memories of what kind of pranks he had pulled on the people who came to this dock when he was a kid.


((And I still think he isn't part of the Dead Men. Even if it would be an awesome twist. But, I'll just have to wait and see if I'm right, won't I?))

Solon made his way into an alleyway right in the heart of the market place. There was a window at the end of the alleyway, and Solon pulled out a key. He unlocked the window and climbed into it. Inside was a small room with only a bed, a desk, a bookcase, and one lamp. There was also a bathroom by the door, which was barracaded shut. Solon had blocked the door so it wouldn't work when he was younger and stole the key to the window. Then, he had claimed it as his own room, and the owner of the hotel hadn't even bothered with the lost room.

"Home sweet home," Solon sighed, closing the window and collapsing onto the bed.


Tanbar looked around and couldn't find Solon. "Hm...Where'd he go? I guess I got lost in my thoughts for a second."


((Anyone mind if I time skip a few hours, so that it's about 8 AM?))
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


((Oh sorry, when you were posting Lanbar's thing I thought you were posting Tanbar's, so I thought you went back to the ship... Oh well, my bad.))

Solon jumped up, leaning his head back tore his neck some more and the blood was beginning to ooze out again. "Ooh..." groaned Solon, stumbling into the bathroom. He was fast short breaths, now. He began pouring water over his wound and shaking. "Dang! Can I get a break?" Solon growled, dabbing his wound with a wet towel. "Ugh, I... need a break..." Solon stuttered, passing out on the ground.

((Sure, that works perfectly. Time skip starts after my post.))



((I dun care. Jas would still be asleep anyways. :P))

"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."