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Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets *EPILOGUE*

Started by THEBIRD, December 16, 2007, 10:03:50 AM

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"A sexy hoe," Solon replied. "That's a good thing. I don't give compliments out lightly." He followed them off the ship, adding to Zarani, "I know it sounds strange, but I think wind cut through your skin... That's some pretty powerful wind..."

Flying Chickens

"A sexy hoe." He agreed, taking another swig of rum. "It's all for the greater good. And I'm sure you'll just make them stare rather than not realize who you are." He looked at Solon with his only eyebrow raised. "The wind? Bloody hell, we're all doomed."


"Well then, get to distracting," Jas makes sure she's out of view. "And watch your back..."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"Will do." He said jumping off the boat and heading into the same bar as before.

Flying Chickens

"Aye aye, love." He said, jumping off and following Lanbar.


"Good luck," Solon called after Jas before following Zarani and Lanbar. "We should split up posts," Solon strategized to them. "That way we can make it harder for him to follow us. Even with the Cloud gem!"


Harver emerged from the other end of the portal, and smoke filled his eyes. The hell?! He ran out of the alleyway to find the entire area on fire. He ran to where his house was and only saw a pile of rubble. He looked through it, but only saw pieces of wood, and what could have been his parents bodies. Everything was too mangled. Tears filled his eyes.

Harver continued to look through the wood, and found a slightly torn picture of him and his parents. He smiled slightly, frozen in the moment of thinking that his parents were right beside him, still alive. He was shook back into reality when he heard another house fall. He put the picture in his pocket, and opened up another portal. Harver...?
I'm just about at the end of my rope. Killing my parents was too far.
But Harver! You have no proof that it was the Dead Men! Sure, he left, saying he had to do something; but you must remember! Even if he did this, if you turn against him now, our plan is ruined.

Harver sighed. Ok. I'm angry. I'm sad. But most of all, I feel alone. More alone then I've ever been in my entire life.
Harver... He stepped through the portal, returning to the study.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Jas waits patiently for her sign to start her part of the plan.

"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."



Lanbar stepped into the bar and everyone in there turned toward him and sort of stared at him for a moment. "Hey guys. Glad you remember me." He walked up to the bartender. "Well...I'd like the strongest thing you've got."

"Um...I'm sorry sir but I can't serve you." The bartender said.


((Please don't let the drama f'up Jas' plan... X.x Okay, now I g2g fo' real, but I'll try to dream up more trouble. :P))
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


((Don't worry, I think it will help the distraction more. ;) Oh, and bye.))

"What do you mean." Lanbar asked.

"'s because of what happened last time..." The bartender said.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" He said slipping him some extra money.

"Um...nothing, here's your drink sir." The bartender said giving him the drink.

Flying Chickens

Zarani came and sat down a ways away from Lanbar. "Two of the strongest you've got." He said, placing coins down on the counter. The bartender handed him the two bottles. He slid one down across the counter, slowing it down expertly in front of Lanbar.


"Hm...drinking two of Scalus's strongest drinks in one day." Lanbar said holding the drink he just bought and the one that Zarani slid him. "May hell be unleashed this day in Scalus." He said holding up his drinks and having a toast with himself.

((Now I have to go. XP Bye))


Kai got off the ship and headed to his blacksmithryas fast as he could with a broken leg.


((Oh, okay. Why won't Kai just sit his ass down? He's gonna end up walkin' around like House. XD))

Jas lets herself blend in with the rest of the people as best she can.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."