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Nibankari (Posting ready, SIGN-UPS CLOSED FOR NOW)

Started by X_Hero, December 17, 2007, 09:29:27 AM

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"Well, each island has its own charm. For example, this one has all of these flowers." Ryuki replied.


Jas has been staring out the window for a while now. She looks back at her bedroom door, at a bag laying on the floor, then at the window. "Tch, so sick of it..." When she slides off the windowsill, Jas sweeps the bag into her hands and starts throwing her items of importance into it. She starts to head back to the window, but then finds herself staring at the door again. 'I can't just leave like this though...' Picking up a pen and piece of paper, she begins to write.

Mom, Dad...
I'm leaving. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm gone... don't know when I'll be back again, but I'll be alright even with the way I am.

~Love Jas

She opens the window, then takes the Duel Vipers from the wall to put them at her side. A few seconds are spent standing on the ledge before Jas jumps down, and runs off into the night.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Quote from: Nils_13 on December 19, 2007, 05:07:11 PM
"Well, each island has its own charm. For example, this one has all of these flowers." Ryuki replied.
"Yeah... And I hear that Shigeru is ice covered, right?" Akutai asked, since he said he was from there.


"Yep. It was still covered in ice before the meteor hit. That's the reason I left, too cold and icy. However, it has its charms, too. Like the rare animals that live there and no where else." Ryuki replied.


"Solon," called a voice in the forest. Solon raised his head, he had fallen asleep on his usual tree branch. Eyes narrowed, he peered down to see the Leader walking swiftly through the tropical forest.

"Here," Solon replied, jumping down and landing softly. "What is it you ask for?"

"I have your final task," was the Leader's reply.

"Final task?" asked Solon, caught off guard. "But I only just started!"

"Many don't trust you. Well, this is your final chance to prove your loyalty to Norobu," the Leader replied coldly. Uh oh, I know where this is headed... Solon rubbed his left shoulder without thinking.

"Yes, that," replied the Leader, eyeing Solon's left arm.

"You want me... To kill him?" Solon asked. The Leader nodded. Is that a smirk on his face? Solon didn't answer, but only replied with a bowed nod, to show he understood. The Leader threw something on the ground and disappeared in a cloud of smoke. This is my chance to prove I can be who I am... To everybody... But, don't I need to believe it first for it to be true? Solon shook his head, and rubbed his left arm, realizing what could happen to him if he was unsuccesful. Silently, Solon disappeared into the night, knowing what he had to do.


Quote from: Nils_13 on December 19, 2007, 05:21:15 PM
"Yep. It was still covered in ice before the meteor hit. That's the reason I left, too cold and icy. However, it has its charms, too. Like the rare animals that live there and no where else." Ryuki replied.

"I see..." Akutai said. They had now made it back to town, and everyone was looking at Akutai, wondering why he was already back after a few minutes.


Ryuki looked at the people staring at Akutai. He looked at Akutai and back to the people. He felt a little awkward, "I take it these are are fellow townspeople?" he asked.



"Yeah. Most of the people here had already been living here since before the meteor shower. Others were visitors that were here seeing friends and relatives." Akutai replied.

They had arrived in front of Akutai's house. "Well, here's my house..." He said.


"Oh, wow! This beats my house by a mile." Ryuki commented, looking around Akutai's home.


Quote from: Nils_13 on December 20, 2007, 04:07:47 PM
"Oh, wow! This beats my house by a mile." Ryuki commented, looking around Akutai's home.
"well, it's not much, but it does well..." Akutai said. He walked up the steps and went in. His mother peered around the corner and now had a confused look on her face.

"Akutai? Um... Didn't you just leave?" She said, perplexed.

"Well, yeah, but... I kinda ran into a new friend..." Akutai answered as he put his hand on the back of his head.


Ryuki stood there, awkwardly. He didn't know what to say or do. Finally he summoned up the courage. He bowed.

"Hello, ma'am. My name is Ryuki Ryushima." he said, raising back up.


Kai drew his katana and slashed at the traning dummie before him , flash appeared and the upper half slide to the floor.


Solon wondered exactly the man lived now... Atsushi life hadn't fit him, he was a man of dreams that wanted to bring everyone up to speed with the technology that Atsushi had to offer. Solon was ashamed by how much he enjoyed the Atsushi's technological power. But, he knew the love for the techonology could only be from one thing, he realized hopefully, rubbing his arm absentmindedly. He decided he'd go through each place. One of the smaller islands would be easier to check, but the bigger places would have a better chance of knowing where he is now...


Quote from: Nils_13 on December 20, 2007, 04:22:15 PM
Ryuki stood there, awkwardly. He didn't know what to say or do. Finally he summoned up the courage. He bowed.

"Hello, ma'am. My name is Ryuki Ryushima." he said, raising back up.
"Oh, well, it's nice to meet you." She replied.

"Well, I guess we just stopped by for a moment before we headed back out..." Akutai said, not sure of what else to say.