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Personality Disorder Test

Started by Syncopathic, December 31, 2007, 04:03:25 PM

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Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Moderate
Schizoid: High
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: High
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

URL of the test:

whats your results...


I am apparently a Schizophrenic, Narcissistic, Anti-social, Attention-seeker.

I just kinda cracked up, as very little of that described me :P


Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Very High
Schizoid: Very High
Schizotypal: Very High
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: Moderate
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate

I don't think this is very accurate. :-\


Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: High
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: High
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: Moderate
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate

Sort of accurate. :-\


Disorder    Rating    Information
Paranoid:    Low    click for info
Schizoid:    Low    click for info
Schizotypal:    Low    click for info
Antisocial:    Low    click for info
Borderline:    Low    click for info
Histrionic:    Moderate    click for info
Narcissistic:    Moderate    click for info
Avoidant:    Low    click for info
Dependent:    Low    click for info
Obsessive-Compulsive:    Moderate    click for info

Not bad.


Paranoid:  Low click for info
Schizoid:  Low click for info
Schizotypal:  Moderate click for info
Antisocial:  Low click for info
Borderline:  Low click for info
Histrionic:  High click for info
Narcissistic:  Low click for info
Avoidant:  Low click for info
Dependent:  Low click for info
Obsessive-Compulsive:  Moderate click for info
People with histrionic personality disorder are constant attention seekers. They need to be the center of attention all the time, often interrupting others in order to dominate the conversation. They use grandiose language to discribe everyday events and seek constant praise. They may dress provacatively or exaggerate illnesses in order to gain attention. Histrionics also tend to exaggerate friendships and relationships, believing that everyone loves them. They are often manipulative.


I'm Low on everything.

I disagree with THAT but hey, s'all good.


Paranoid:  Low
Schizoid:  Moderate 
Schizotypal:  Low
Antisocial:  Moderate
Borderline:  Low
Histrionic:  Low
Narcissistic:  High
Avoidant:  Low
Dependent:  Low
Obsessive-Compulsive:  Moderate


Quote from: StarWindWizard7 on December 31, 2007, 04:29:48 PM
I'm Low on everything.

I disagree with THAT but hey, s'all good.

On my survey it says I have OCD and I need to be perfect, but I'm like the opposite.I hate tests like this they are never really accurate.


Quote from: StarWindWizard7 on December 31, 2007, 04:29:48 PM
I'm Low on everything.

I disagree with THAT but hey, s'all good.
Dude, you're supposed to click on the yes/no options first, THEN press the button.


Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Low
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Low
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low


Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: High
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: High
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: Moderate
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

URL of the test:
URL for more info:


Disorder    Rating   Information
Paranoid:    Moderate   click for info
Schizoid:    High   click for info
Schizotypal:    High   click for info
Antisocial:    Moderate   
Borderline:    Low   
Histrionic:    Moderate   
Narcissistic:    Moderate   
Avoidant:    High   
Dependent:    Low   
Obsessive-Compulsive:    Low   

...Eh, some of those questions were a little...meh.

Also, "Do you yearn for intimate relationships yet feel that you are too socially inept to obtain them?"
YES. ;_________;


Paranoid:    Very High    
Schizoid:    Moderate    
Schizotypal:    Very High    
Antisocial:    High    
Borderline:    Very High    
Histrionic:    High    
Narcissistic:    High    
Avoidant:    Very High    
Dependent:    High    
Obsessive-Compulsive:    High    

I suck.


Paranoid:   Very High
Schizoid:   High
Schizotypal:   Very High
Antisocial:   Moderate
Borderline:   Very High   
Histrionic:   High
Narcissistic:   High   
Avoidant:   High   
Dependent:   Very High   
Obsessive-Compulsive:   High

Yeah..... >_>