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Hero/Heroine test!

Started by DededeCloneChris, January 14, 2008, 09:40:26 PM

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Hello everyone! Ok, this is a fun test, why fun? Because this test will say in which character do you look like! The rules for this game are the next:

How this works:
Answers the questions writing in a sheet the letter you choose, at the end, sustitute the letters to points and plus all the points and look for the character with the points you have!

example: 38 points = character with points between 35 and 40

Letters's points:
a = 5
b = 4
c = 3
d = 2
e = 1

(Actually, this test is from my magazine I bought every month, but it works here too!)

This is for boys, START!

1) You have found a cave, what are you going to do?

a) Don't lose time and enter without investigating.
b) First you make sure there is an exit.
c) Call your friends to travel with you.
d) When you enter you hit your head.
e) Don't enter and run to your house.

2) You found money in the street, then...

a) You think in making a party with your dudes.
b) You keep it, is important to have money when is necesary.
c) You were running so fast that you didn't see it.
d) You keep it for you and don't comment it to anybody.
e) You leave it there, you're afraid someone blames you for thievery.

3) A person more bigger than you wants to hit you.

a) Attack him without hesitating, but you don't know if you will win.
b) First you look at him before trying it
c) Search for any kind of weapon for defend.
d) Try to talk with him to make a deal.
e) Run terrified.

4) You think this test is...

a) Fun.
b) Boring.
c) Meh...
d) A loss of time.
e) Interesting, but you don't want nobody to know your answers.

5) Your favorite girl is...

a) A total lady.
b) Have good feelings.
c) I don't have time for girls, there is a world to save!
d) I prefer stay in my house watching TV.
e) Somebody who takes the iniciative.

6) The villain is escaping!

a) Run after him.
b) Throw the weapon you have in the hand.
c) Don't worry, you know he will be in his hideout.
d) Only go after him because he took something from you.
e) Waits to look if another hero doesn't goes after him.

7) All the villains are either defeated or captured, then...

a) Dedicates to spent your time with your friends.
b) Trains for always be ready.
c) Don't need to train, you ALWAYS are ready.
d) Goes to explore if there is something of matter.
e) Goes with your friends to tell them about your adventure.

8 ) You are preparing for a new adventure...

a) You make sure to use your common clothes for all who knows you.
b) Starts of what you have, you know there is always something to find.
c) Always ready for the action, and besides, you sleep clothed.
d) The clothes are the the less thing you worry about.
e) Don't bother, you always wear the same clothes.

9) Your favorite gender of movie is...

a) Comedy.
b) Horror.
c) Action.
d) Gangsters.
e) Infants.

10) Your favorite music is...

a) Rock
b) Instrumental
c) Metal
d) Rap
e) Classic


46 to 50 points: Mario

You're a natural hero, always disposed to risk all for the good and justice, regretly, you take with less seriousness the things and sometimes you doesn't take height of the consequences. Meanwhile the world is saved, you try to relax and have fun a little: but the problem is your good nature let's the bad guys live on and is for that your breaks are shorts. nevertheless, you try to make more friends and that gives you more charisma.

42 to 45 points: Jonathan Morris

There is no enemy big enough to make you step back; you're a fighting machine with a great sense of justice, but you always try to make kick butts looks good. Regretly this quickness of moves takes you to problems that looks like nobody else can make, your ego is obviously bigger, but for that hurts more when you have to know your errors.

38 to 41 points: Link

Since you're a great hero, you think too much the things, which may result contraproductive in moments in when needs to act and don't think. Your advantage above the other heroes radicate in your caution for do the things: make sure to be methodical in your actions to prevent make two laps in vane. The problem with you is that you need to have security before doing something, let's say "don't take a step without boots above tiny rocks" (OUCH)

34 to 37 points: Leon S. Kennedy

Your experience goes to the hand with your ability and that makes you a great hero, able to challenge any trial who stays in your way. You're too quiet in too hard moments, which gives you an advantage above others who can't wait to attack. Yet at this, you like to have a "cool" phrase for adorn your actions and be ready for any unexpected thing.

30 to 33 points: Megaman

When you have a mission, nothing is more important to you. Your fast moves and quick answer to the situations of danger makes you a efficient fighting machine; but above of that, your lack of prevention is where is hard to escape. You don't hesitate to confront your opponent, but you can, you always tries to have the advantage and keep the distance between you and your opponent.

26 to 29 points: Yoshi

Quiet and good, but always ready for the action in the moment that is necesary; you are like that, and your exploits are memorable. The problem with you is that not always you're ready to challenge the dangers alone and try to make the things in team, or good, or somebody tells you what is that you have to do. Besides this, you take courage of nowhere when is necesary and answers the things althought is not the most estetic form.

22 to 25 points: Donkey Kong

You are a hero which don't waste time in any moment to relax and rest; if not is something really necesary, waits to the last moment for stand up and take on the danger; which is ironic due to when you have the aptitudes and the power to do big things, but your laziness makes you take always the possible easy way. But out of that, you have a good heart and don't doubt in defending your friends or the interests when you propose it.

18 to 21 points: Wario

Your egocentrism and your greed are your best cards of presentation; you're a great hero, brave and without fear to nothing who stands in your way; but regretly, always thinking in your own interests. Your ego is your weakest point, and from there anyone can manipulate you for do things without thinking. If you let your defects aside and think more about the others, you can complete more bigger trials.

14 to 17 points: Toad

Althought not being a legendary hero of action, your determination to make the things let's you clear big thriumphs; but you don't search that extra of the adventure and tries to return to your normal life as soon the crisis have passed. You're a hero for occasion and focus more in your obligations instead of defeating the villains o save anybody. For you clear the game is the finish line, but hardly you're a step beyond.

10 to 13 points: Luigi

Begining an adventure doesn't scares you, it gives you panic! Hardly something new attract you of what are you used to and if there is a manner to evade if you're the next fighter, you don't doubt it and runs to hide in where nobody can't find you. You have your moments of bravery, but is only in extreme circunstances; of the contrary, you will always wait to be the last hero in take the decisive forward step.


This is for girls, START!

1) Between you and your objective there is a bridge holding above a lava river....

a) Steps in the first table and shake the ropes to be sure if is resistent.
b) Which bridge? The dangers doesn't exists for you!
c) Checks if you have the items, accesorys and proceeds.
d) Lava? Forget it, you will sweat too much and you will look fatal!
e) You didn't made it to the bridge, you're hiding in a corner.

2) Your purse of hand is broken...

a) You don't have a purse.
b) The purses are for strawberry girls!
c) Your purse is full of weapons and accesorys for the adventure.
d) That is not my purse! I'll never use one of black color...
e) Your purse is your life, you cry until you're tired and buy one later.

3) There are hundreds of enemies surrounding you!

a) Checks how many they are and starts to hit them.
b) The lasts runs terrified when they look how you attack the firsts.
c) You quickly recover and equips with all your items and takes out your best weapon.
d) Use your feminine charm to leave them open-mouthed and escape when you can.
e) You duck full of terror coat your eyes and cry.

4) Your ideal hero is...

a) Funny.
b) You don't need somebody who can rescue you.
c) Needs to know to make you special.
d) How much money the heros win?
e) Tall, strong, handsome and knows martial arts.

5) This test is for you...

a) Some interesting.
b) A laugh to the girls.
c) Let me think...
d) 2-3, I prefer the Girls magazines, that know more about us.
e) Don't look! Don't look! (Hides this test behind you)

6) The hero is hurted...

a) You stop to cure him.
b) He fall by stupid, you have to go on!
c) You check him if he is alright and you decide to continue.
d) You didn't saw because you were fixing your hair in the mirror.
e) You hold your hair crying and screaming (which will attract more enemies)

7) You finished with the final boss...

a) You make sure if all your friends are alright.
b) You go, you know the evil never takes vacations.
c) You make a recount of damages and prepares if something else happens.
d) You defeated him with fury because he broked you a nail.
e) You didn't fought againts him, he was too ugly!

8 ) A new challenge!

a) It doesn't cares how are you clothed, the thing is to help the others.
b) You don't worry, you know the heroines almost never duck.
c) You thrills and go out running without taking your last clothe.
d) Eh, no, you first go shopping; how will you use the same clothes?
e) You were didn't take your cellphone.

9) The same question as the heroes; your favorite film gender is...

a) Documentals.
b) Action (preferly of war)
c) Art cinema.
d) Musicals.
e) Romantics.

10) Weekend...

a) Let's go to the Amusement park!
b) I'm going to make for me a new tatoo.....and a piercing.
c) I have clothes to wash and many things to do, besides of the homework...
e) Let's go shopping!
d) I'm going out with my boyfriend or my friends.


46 to 50 points: Rebecca Chambers

Your sense for justice is bigger than anything; you always worries about the others and is a terrible situation to lose a member of your team. Regretly, you're something innocent and the type of person who let the bad guy run away because you think he will be good the next time, in which you know is impossible (or hard). You never abandon your friends and prefers to sacrifice yourself instead of watching someone fall; you're sensitive, but never let's problems running amok when it means to fight the evil.

41 to 45 points: Chun Li

You never stops before a enemy; you're strong and you know it. For you there is no sex distinction; besides, you think the mens don't need to be so proudly, and you don't the opprtunity to show it. By disgrace, your own proud don't let's you hold to somebody else (specially of the opposite sex) and your search of acknowledgement is before something else more importants like teamwork. You prefer to fall in combat instead of acknowledgeging your fault and you don't like your sentimental side stay open to the eyes of everybody.

36 to 40 points: Charlotte Aulin

You're a heroine in all the extent of the word; you don't hesitate to confront any danger and your partners knows very well that they can count inconditionally with you. Your bad side is that you worry too much that the things go well and sometimes you lose the notion of what were you doing in the beginning. You take your precautions before starting the adventure and you prefer to stay always ready for any situation. You have less of vanity and you're always trying to have the reason.


Quote from: LinkXLR on January 30, 2008, 09:10:54 PM
Quote from: famy on January 30, 2008, 08:36:30 PM
is big willy unleashed a will smith game

...I'm not even gonna touch this one.

SteamID: Lazylen


5+4+5+4+1+5+4+2+3+5 = 38 = SPOOOOOOOOON!


I'm a girl, but I'll do this anyways.


Drug testing.  O SHI-  I phailed!



Quote from: bluaki on January 15, 2008, 01:37:44 PM
I'm a girl, but I'll do this anyways.

notice how it says Hero/Heroine test. :P

Quote from: LinkXLR on January 30, 2008, 09:10:54 PM
Quote from: famy on January 30, 2008, 08:36:30 PM
is big willy unleashed a will smith game

...I'm not even gonna touch this one.

SteamID: Lazylen


Quote from: wiiboychris on January 14, 2008, 09:40:26 PM
This is for boys, START!

The results will be posted tomorrow! along with the characters and the heroines test!
Quote from: Jono2 on January 15, 2008, 02:09:54 PM
notice how it says Hero/Heroine test. :P
notice how it says this is for boys and the girl part will be tomorrow.


Quote from: bluaki on January 15, 2008, 02:12:06 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on January 14, 2008, 09:40:26 PM
This is for boys, START!

The results will be posted tomorrow! along with the characters and the heroines test!
Quote from: Jono2 on January 15, 2008, 02:09:54 PM
notice how it says Hero/Heroine test. :P
notice how it says this is for boys and the girl part will be tomorrow.

oh... >_>

I'm being dumb again, i guess...

I do that quite often.

dangit, outsmarted by someone 3 years younger than me AGAIN!

Quote from: LinkXLR on January 30, 2008, 09:10:54 PM
Quote from: famy on January 30, 2008, 08:36:30 PM
is big willy unleashed a will smith game

...I'm not even gonna touch this one.

SteamID: Lazylen



test answers and scoring sucks. or i just don't care about superheroes.


First 4 heros are added now.


i thought this was a heroin test.
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not famy

Quote from: JMV290 on January 15, 2008, 04:28:58 PM
i thought this was a heroin test.
wtf i was gonna say that

im like no you cant do that i dont wanna get bant


Spongebob does not approve


hey look 33 do i win since that's below 34
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