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Darkrai's Plot: A Pokemon Role Play: Signups Open!!!!!!!

Started by jnfs2014, January 15, 2008, 05:39:44 PM

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Kristal nodded. "No problem." She looked over to the entrance with an expression of happiness, but then was stunned when five or so trees came flying over towards the cave. No! She closed her eyes, waiting to be crushed. But nothing happened. She opened her eyes again to see the trees all bunched together, blocking the entrance to the cave. She could hear more thudding from beyond the clotted entrance, signaling more trees and other objects blocking the entrance. They were trapped.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Ozymandias tried to move, but it hurt. Best case scenario would be I only have a rib or two broken... Not too likely. Worst case scenario: I really don't wanna think about that. he thought, considering the possibilities. Then he looked at the cave entrance. "Great. Now we're stuck, and two of us are injured."


"Spike look out!" Trigger picked up Spike and ran just as a dozen trees blocked the cave.

"Great, take me about an hour to burn this up." Trigger said disdainfully.

"We should find the others first." Spike then led Trigger around until they saw a figure in the dark.

"Kristal, Ozzy?!"


"Damn," Kristal swore, looking at the entrance as well. She also noticed something else. "You," She said, pointing over at the Cubone, "can you break off some of the smaller pieces of wood from the trees, and try to make a fire with your torch?" She asked, beginning to wrap her wound with the scarf she wore.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Kristal, here." Spike took of his furskin coat and wrapped it around her.

"Hey Spike, don't you still have some Miracle Seeds?" Trigger asked.

"Oh yeah, take these guys." Spike offered Kristal and Ozzy two rainbow colored seeds.

"Come on Trigger, let's bust these trees to bits." Spike took the enflamed bone club and banged on the trees, which set them on fire. Trigger followed by attacking with Flame Wheel.

"Get it open!"


"NO, YOU IDIOTS!" Kristal screamed at the Cubone and Ponyta. It hurt to yell, but she had to get their attention. "We don't want to get out! We have to stay in here until the storm dies out!"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Well, this cave ain't the place to camp out, as hard to believe. Unless you want security watching which we can do." Spike halted and Trigger started collecting some of the wood was broken. He picked it up and placed it in the middle of the group. He lit it, blew on it, and fed more tinder until it was a blazing campfire.

"Eat Kristal, makes you feel better." Spike said as he began to make a cast for Kristal's arm. Trigger brought some tinder and covered it with fur, and pushed Ozzy's head onto it.

"So how long have you guys been here?"


Kristal reached into her bag with her good arm, and pulled out an apple. She threw it into the air, took out two leaves and threw them at the apple. It split into four equal pieces, each falling to the Pokemon in the cave. Kristal caught hers with expertise. "How am I supposed to know that? I was unconcious when I got here, I suppose. So... I'm not really sure."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Kristal, I meant how long you have been a rescuer? Or are you something different?"

Spike ate his apple slice with little interest, while Trigger took small bites, while he kept watch.

"Kristal, you should eat the Miracle Seed, it'll heal your bones."


Ozymandias caught the apple slice and began eating. IT hurt to chew, but he felt marginally better. He ate the Miracle Seed next, and the pain subsided, though he wasn't healed completely.


Kristal swallowed the seed without hesitation. "Thank you. And, no, I'm not a rescuer. Well, not exactly... My brother and I came here a few years ago. When we got here, we wanted to make a living, so we decided to create a base here after doing various odd jobs. It wasn't so much a base, per se, as a home. We would occasionally save other Pokemon when they were trapped or hurt, but not often. Most of the time we would be looking for certain things..." She looked down at her apple piece without much interest.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"That makes sense. Trigger, any sign of wild pokemon?"

"Nothing around here." Trigger shouted back.

"I bet you were wondering why I was so intent on killing Darkrai."


"Enlighten me," Kristal said blandly, taking a bite out of her apple.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Darkrai killed Spike's dad, end of story, good night unto all." Trigger said angrily.

"Trigger, if you don't want to hear it, then you can leave." Trigger stormed off, heading deeper into the cave.

"My mom died at labor, and my dad was a slave to Darkrai and refused to kill a pokemon. Darkrai killed my dad instead. Trigger was the pokemon he refused to kill, and he watched it as a newborn ponyta. He protected me ever since."


((Err... Pokemon don't go into labor, in case you didn't notice... Ever since the Day Care Center was introduced in the series, you know Pokemon hatch from eggs.))

Kristal looked at Spike. "I'm... sorry." She said sincerely.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.