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Dynasty Warriors: Re-uniting the Land

Started by Dr.Hobo2, January 26, 2008, 06:39:13 PM

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"Danm, I thought that was going to work for sure," Christos said with a sigh. "Maybe instead of fire... We need something heavy enough to break ice..."


Zhang Bao broke the ice into spear-sized shards. " won't have to worry about that...In fact, you won't have to worry about anything for a long time." With that, he sent the large shards of ice at the two.

"Gah!" Zuo Cai quickly jumped around trying to dodge the projectiles.


Christos made another barrier. "Quick, behind my barrier!" Christos commanded. Can't... keep this up much longer, he thought to himself, shaking slightly from the power it took to hold the barrier in place.


Zuo Cai jumped behind the barrier. "I don't think we can take him."

"Of course you can't take me, fools." He said as he stopped the onslaught. "Not while our master has the Musou Rage Medallion!"

Zuo Cai froze for a moment. Did...Did he just say what I think he said. "Quick, we need to get out of here!"


"What!?" Christos gasped. But... I thought it was supposed to be hidden so well... Christos grabbed Zuo Cai and teleported them outside of the base. "I would have liked to stay question further, but I guess living another day is nice, too," Christos stated.


"Yeah...let's just get back to the base." He said before he started running.

"Ha! Fools...All shall feel the judgement of Zhang Jiao and the power of the heavens!" He said after the two dissapeared.


Ic// Treble found Zuo Cai, and Christos running back to base, he follwed them. "I lost you guys! What happened?" He asked.

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Name:Sun Shao
Weapon 1: His mother, Da Qiao, has enhanced his father's steel tonfas "Little Dragons" with metal blades encircling the outside of the tonfas.
Weapon 2: Mini razor sharp daggers.
Background info:Sun Shao recieved them before her mother was killed between the war of Wan and Wei. Sun Shao was enraged by the stupidity of the two kingdoms and their disability to cooperate. He joined the Uniters at 14. The generals their stopped them to send him home because he was too young. His inherited father's strength knocked the generals down. They mumbled a "Pass" and was ranked as a Lt. General 
Appearance: He looks a lot like Sun Ce, but instead of a ponytail, he has a bandana and short black hair.
Land are from: Wu



"I'll explain later, just get back to the base!" Zuo Cai shouted looking back to make sure Zhang Bao wasn't following them. Good...I think we lost him...But let's keep running just in case.

Ooc// Zuo Cai (me) Treble (Fellohs) and Christos (BoA) Are now retreating from a Yellow Turban base and running back to the Uniter's base.


Treble nodded and started running faster.

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Eventually, they reach the base and Zuo Cai takes a seat trying to catch his breath. "Whew...That...Was...Scary...Back...There."


Christos followed behind them, drained because of all the power he used. I'm not used to doing so much... I need to practice before exerting myself again, he decided as he trailed behind the group.


"I'll take your word for it...But it was exciting because it's the first time I've had some action for awhile." Treble breathing hard.

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"Yeah...but what Zhang Bao said really worries me." Zuo Cai said getting his breath back.