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Dynasty Warriors: Re-uniting the Land

Started by Dr.Hobo2, January 26, 2008, 06:39:13 PM

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Zuo Cai heard the three names being called. Hm...I wonder what that's going to be about...Oh well. He continued reading The True Way of Musou.


Sun Chao walked outside and walked towards the Main Encampment.

ooc//should you play the person that called me?


OoC// Oh snapz! I need an adult! Eeer... I mean, summary!


Ooc// No, I think you should do it...This is all part of your thing, right?...Or do you have no idea what you're going to do? -_-;
And here's a super short summary, (yay for aliterations! :D) A guy named Zhang Jiao has come to bring 'judgement' upon all the 'infadels'...which translates to he's going to kill everyone. It also turns out that he has the Musou Rage Medallion which makes his musou limitless in power.




Sun Chao met the person who called him and asked,

"What's the news General?"

"There seems to be a Wei Army attacking the Yellow Turbans."

"Are you saying we should go help them?"

"It is the duty of the Uniters to restore peace between the Three Kindoms."

"No way!" Sun Chao stormed off, angry with the general

How can we side with the people that killed my mother?


Zuo Cai overheard this and went over to the general. "So I take it that he's not to fond of Wei."

"I guess so but I hardly know the guy." The general said.

"However, I'd be happy to go, it is my duty as one of the Uniters to help those in need...And boy do they need it!" Zuo Cai said with a little laugh. "I'll let the others know too...And I'll see what I can do about Sun Chao."


Treble heard Sun Chao. He put the book down and went to join Zuo Cai.

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"HELP WEI?! They want ME to HELP WEI?! If they only knew half of the story. They are asking me to literally help the people that killed my mother, my mother Da Qiao. Not that I need to remind that my father was also killed by one of Wei's Generals Sima Yi, protecting my mother. Maybe I should go talk to Zhou Yu, yeah, he'll know what to do."

So Sun Chao headed around a couple of tents until he saw the one that had the sign, "Strategist Encampment." He opened the flap and there he saw by the fire a man with long black hair, billowing red robe, and a white sash, meditating until Sun Chao approached him.

"What brings you here, my nephew?"

"Well, first I'm not your blood nephew, just one of my guardians. So you can call me by my real name."

"Sun Chao, I understand that I heard you yelling at our general, Gan Ning, because you refused to help Wei. I know why, because both of your parent's deaths were caused by them."

"I don't want to talk about it anymore."

"No, listen. I know it's hard, but our duty is to bring peace between the Three Kingdoms. Listen, you know one of our other Generals Ling Tong, right?"

"Yeah, of course! He's amazing with his nunchuks, "Dragons of Fury!""

"Well, Gan Ning killed his father when he was still a Pirate Leader."

"He did?...and Ling Tong just let him get away with it?"

"No, actually he tried to kill him several times. But your father, Sun Ce, forced them to do missions on several occasions after Gan Ning joined Wu's Ranks. Soon, they developed a friendship after Gan Ning saved Ling Tong's life from Yue Jin."

"I...I can't believe that........but what are you trying to say here anyway?"

"Although they were enemies, they became friends after they reconciled. So if they did it, I believe that you can do that with Wei, and maybe become friends with their Generals."

Sun Chao took to these words and finally understood.

"Fine, I'll give it a shot. Thanks Zhou Yu!"

Sun Chao ran back to the Main Encampment and said to Gan Ning,

"Gan Ning, you can count me in!"



Ooc// Hi

Ic// Zuo Cai walked over to Sun Chao and overheard the conversation. "Well it seems that someone's had a change of heart now." He said to himself before turning around and going back to read the book.


Treble didn't really know what he should do, so he went to read some more books.

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"So, what do we do first?" Sun Chao asked.

"First, we're going to show that we're against the Yellow Turbans too by flanking them from the sides. Treble, you take the left party. Sun Chao, you take the right party. When I give the signal, I'll charge from the back, and then you'll hit them hard from their sides."

"I'm on it sir!"

Sun Chao greeted his troops and headed into the forest.


Treble heard the commands, he went to gather soldiers, and went to the forest.

Spongebob does not approve


Sun Chao brought his troops to the end of the clearing of the forest. There, they saw Wei fighting the Yellow Turbans.

Hurry up Gan Ning, Wei's getting killed.


Christos decided to lead his own secret attack as he heard the commands. He teleported right into the middle of the field and began blasting strong wind forces at the Yellow Turban, sending them flying backwards to give the Wei some time to regain their postures.