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The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest (Megaman Legends Arc)

Started by DededeCloneChris, March 04, 2008, 02:00:26 PM

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Ms. Marshmallow

Mr Generator is blocking your way!

"Now here comes another battle..." Chris said (Since they defeated a lot of enemies in they, their levels were increased)

Lucas  Kumatora  Duster  Boney  Chris  Lucario  Popo  Nana
135        154         161       121     137     207      117    114

Duster uses his Wall Stamples!

It didn't do any effect!

"For what are the huge stamples?" Nana asked.

"They can make a ladder in the walls" Duster responded.

Boney smells Mr Generator!

Boney detects his weakness!

"Woof woof woof! (He's weak againts ice!" Boney said barking.

Kumatora uses PK Freeze alpha!

Mr Generator receives 143 damage!

Mr Generator attacks with electricity!

Lucas receives 66 damage!

Kumatora receives 64 damage!

Lucas attacks!

Lucas misses!

"But he doesn't moves at all!" Lucas complained.

Chris uses PK Fire alpha!

Mr Generator receives 76 damage!

Lucario attacks!

Mr Generator receives 5 hits, 287 damage!

Popo and Nana uses Blizzard!

Mr Generator receives 167 damage!

Mr Generator is storing energy!

Duster attacks!

Duster misses!

Duster rolls his eyes for not being able to hit a thing that doesn't move from his spot.

Boney throws a bomb!

Mr Generator receives 111 damage!

Kumatora uses PK Lifeup alpha!

Lucas was fully recovered!

Lucas uses PK Flash alpha!

It didn't do any effect!

Chris attacks!

Mr Generator receives 6 hits, 99 damage!

Lucario fires an Aura Sphere!

Mr Generator receives 367 damage!

Popo and Nana uses Blizzard!

Mr Generator receives 161 damage!

Mr Generator unleashes a powerful bolt of lightning at everybody!

Lucas is fataly wounded with 153 damage!

Kumatora receives 150 damage!

Duster receives 154 damage!

Boney is fataly wounded with 156 damage!

Chris is fataly wounded with 155 damage!

Lucario's strength goes up!

Lucario receives 129 damage!

Lucario's strength goes up!

Popo is fataly wounded with 156 damage!

Nana is fataly wounded with 159 damage!

Mr Generator is unable to move!

Boney eats a yogurt!

Boney recovers 80 HP!

Duster attacks!

Mr Generator receives 4 hits, 89 damage!

Kumatora uses PK Lifeup alpha!

Chris recovers 90 HP!

Lucas uses PK Lifeup alpha!

Lucas recovers 88 HP!

Lucario fires an Aura Sphere!

Mr Generator receives 365 damage!

Popo eats a Fresh Egg!

Popo recovers 80 HP!

"Yummy!" Popo said.

Nana eats Pork Chips!

Nana recovers 50 HP!

Mr Generator electrocutes himself!

Mr Generator recovers 100 HP!

Boney attacks!

Boney misses!

Duster uses the Scary Mask!

It didn't do any effect!

Kumatora uses PK Lifeup alpha!

Boney is fully recovered!

Lucas uses Offense Up!

Lucario strength goes up!

Chris uses PK Lifeup alpha!

Lucario recovers 89 HP!

Lucario's strength goes down!

Lucario attacks!

Mr Generator receives 10 hits, 388 damage!

Popo and Nana uses Blizzard!

Mr Generator receives 166 damage!

Mr Generator electrocutes himself!

Mr Generator recovers 100 HP!

Mr Generator is able to move!

Kumatora uses PK Freeze alpha!

Mr Generator receives 147 damage!

Duster attacks!

Duster misses!

Lucas uses PK Love alpha!

Mr Generator receives 145 damage!

Chris uses PK Fire alpha!

Mr Generator receives 78 damage!

Lucario attacks!

Mr Generator receives 14 hits, 487 damage!

Popo attacks!

Popo misses!

Nana throws a bomb!

Mr Generator receives 104 damage!

Mr Generator attacks with electricity!

Boney receives 66 damage!

Boney was paralyzed!

Lucario receives 49 damage!

Lucario's strength goes up!

Lucario was paralyzed!

Boney is unable to move!

Duster attacks!

Mr Generator receives 67 damage!

Kumatora uses PK Healing alpha!

Lucario is able to move!

Lucas uses PK Healing alpha!

Boney is able to move!

Chris attacks!


Mr Generator receives 8 hits, 123 damage!

Lucario attacks!

Mr Generator receives 9 hits, 388 damage!

Popo attacks!

Mr Generator receives 66 damage!

Mr Generator explodes!


Lucas and company receives 4389 EXP points!

"NO! THIS CAN'T BE! MR GENERATOR DOESN'T APPROVES DEFEAT! MAYDAY! MAAAYYYDDDAAAYYYYYY!!!!" Mr Generator yelled and he was starting to explode, the entire engine was exploding and after a while, he was destroyed and the lightnings stopped from firing at Tazmily Village. The alarm was activated in the process of destruccion of the generator.

"Phew, that was close" Kumatora said wiping some sweat from her forehead.

"THERE THEY ARE!" Yokuba appeared with 2 Pig Masks near the ladder.

"Oh no, we need to escape!" Popo said in shock.

Chris looked behind him to find a door leading to the top of the tower "Follow me!" He said running away, all of them followed him and Yokuba stepped in front of the destroyed generator eating a banana and throwing the peel away "Fools! They're cornered! Nuehehehe!" He said laughing.

Thunder Tower

"What's the big deal with ladders in this building?!" Nana asked annoyed after finding another ladder leading to the top, they climbed and gasped when they saw the Subspace Bomb, which was about to explode in less that 5 minutes.

"No...don't tell me..." Chris saw 2 R.O.Bs looking at the floor sadly, to their horror, Sonic was sleeping (And snoring) close to the bomb...or more especifically, close to the group.

Popo's eyes widened and he wispered to them "Now let's walk slowly to the bomb without awakening him...and then...we try to desactivate it..." Everyone nodded and they started to walk silently and slowly to the bomb while their eyes were looking at Sonic. If anything should wake him up, Lucario was near Chris to protect him.

" that were far away from him...let's look at the BOMB!" Popo shouted terrified, when he turned his head to the bomb, Sonic's face was near his face looking at him with a evil smirk "But, how did you, and you, was there, an-"

"Tsk tsk tsk, kids, I'm the fastest hedgehog on the earth" He said moving his finger. For his bad luck, they were already trying to desactivate the bomb, ignoring him completely "HEY! DON'T LEAVE TALKING TO NO ONE!"

"If you're done, we're trying to do something to save this place, now shut up" Duster said focusing his attention at the bomb.

"GRRRR!" Sonic grunted and turned into a spinning ball and he quickly attacked everyone with speed.

"Hey! Watch it!" Kumatora said while getting up from the floor.

And Yokuba appeared and he saw them, Sonic and the bomb.

"What the heck is going on here?!" He asked furiously.

"Don't tell us you didn't noticed that bomb!" Chris said pointing to the bomb.

"...Well, it's useless to blow up that bomb now...."

"Why useless?" Lucas asked.

"Nueheheheheh! You idiots. You can't run anywhere! That's why! Nueheheheheh!" Yokuba said laughing.

"This is no ordinary bom-" Sonic was ignored again.

"You've done well to get in the way of our plans. We would've given you happiness if you just lived quietly in Tazmily Village and minded your own business." Yokuba takes out a banana and he throws the peel away, then he receives a phone call from his cellphone "Good, you're ready. I'll finish up here soon, so bring up the Pig Craft and wait for me" He hungs up the phone.

"You're not going to escape from the tower?" Popo asked.

"The Thunder Tower is now useless. But, this is the perfect chance to get rid of you all. This is a lot of talking for just 3 mangy rats but our King likes to do things with pizzazz"

"Pizzazz?" Sonic asked confused.

"That's why we're going to eliminate you in style by destroying the Thunder Tower along with you guys" He said, everyone gasped except for Sonic who was angry because he was being ignored by all.

"There's an aircraft approaching!" Lucas said pointing to an aircraft with the symbol of the Pig Mask Army on it.

Yokuba looks at the aircraft "Looks like my ride is here. Now, if you'll excuse me ladies and gentlemen, I have to get going"

"The bomb! We need to stop it!" Nana said and evryone returned to try and desactivate the bomb.

Yokuba calls to someone in his cellphone "Alright, I'm ready. Destroy the tower!" He ordered and the tower started to shake violently.

"There's only 1 minute left!" Duster said warning the group.

"ARGH! STOP IGNORING M-" Sonic was interrupted yet again.

"Well then, Lucas. We've only known each other for a short time, but I won't forget you. Nueheheheheheh, heeeheheheheh!"

A large explosion was heard from the base of the tower and Yokuba was going to fall but the banana peel he threw to the floor was close to him and he tripped in the air and he fell off the tower "NNNOOOOOUUUUUU!!!"He yelled before disappearing.

"...The nuisance is gone...and now..." Sonic looked at the group "IT'S TIME TO STOP YOU!" He turned into a spinning ball and he tackled everyone with great speed, they were trying to not fall from the tower since the attack made them stay near the edge, Lucas and Chris unfortunately were going to fall, but luckily (And painfully) they grabbed a blue tail at their range.

And from who was that tail?

"Umm, Lucario, I hope you don't mind us for grabbing your tail as a rope!" Chris said worried.

Lucario's left eye was twitching uncontrollably "D-D-Don't worry, I-I-I don't mind at all!"

"Can you please pull us to safe floor? PLEASE?!" Lucas asked terrorized after he saw the ground far away from his feet.

"SHIEEE!" Sonic rolled and pushed them out of the tower and they started to fell to the ground.

"LUCAS!" Kumatora yelled in shock.

"Hehehe, 3 gone, 5 remaining" Sonic said smirking evily.

"WE'RE NOT DONE YET!" Chris's voice was heard. Sonic opened his mouth surprised and he looked behind him,  Lucas and Chris were grabbing Lucario's back while he used Extremespeed to return safely to the floor and Chris quickly retaliated with a PK Fire alpha to burn Sonic, the attack reached him and it exploded in a diagonal pillar of fire.

"Y-YOU!" Sonic said furiously.

"PK FREEZE ALPHA!" Kumatora yelled from behind him and he was frozen instantly, but quickly got out rolling at Boney, the dog was fataly wounded and he crashed into the big gun which was firing lightning bolts before and whined sadly.

"BO-BONEY!" Lucas shouted worried, he ran at his dog but Sonic was going to punch his face, but Duster got in the way and he received the hit instead of Lucas, Duster fell unconscious on the floor and Popo and Nana ran towards Sonic with their hammers ready, but Sonic rolled behind them and quickly kicked them hard in their backs, with that blow, they also fell unconscious. Kumatora tried using PK Freeze alpha again, but when she blinked, Sonic pushed her neck and she fell unconscious too.

"HOW DARE YOU TO DO THAT TO HER!" Lucario said furiously and he ran at Sonic, but the hedgehog appeared behind his back and he pulled his leg fastly and Lucario was going to fall, but Sonic quickly appeared in front of his face and he punched him hard in the mouth, making the Aura Pok?mon to back away slowly.

"T-There's blood coming from your mouth!" Chris shouted pointing at Lucario's mouth, blood was coming from it and Lucario wiped it with his right hand, he glared at Sonic and both ran at each other to deliver a powerful blow, one being Lucario's brute force and the other being Sonic's speed.

But then...

4 bolts of lightning came from nowhere above both adversaries, they yelled in pain and they fell on the floor defeated!

"Huh? Where did that lightning came from?" Lucas asked as he was holding Boney's head in his arms. Chris walked to him and he found someone standing in front of the bomb, it was a boy with a helmet which was blocking his eyes, but his mouth was visible, a sword in his left arm and a arm cannon in his right arm and a black cape, he lifted his sword above his head and he easily destroyed the bomb with a single slice, the bomb was about to explode in 3 seconds, that was good right?

"A-A-Amazing!" Lucas remarked, the masked boy looked at them showing no emotion and started to walk slowly with his sword ready, they couldn't try to escape because behind them there was no floor to step on, the masked boy was now closer and they tried to attack him with PK Fire alpha, but it didn't worked and finally the masked boy held his sword above his helmet, he was trying to cast those lightnings from before while looking at Lucas.

"Wh-Who are you?!" Lucas asked terrified, the masked boy didn't replied and he continued to watch Lucas, then he looked at Chris.

"Why don't you tell us your name?!" Chris asked angrily, but the masked boy didn't said anything still. He looked at Boney but then he looked at Lucas again and the whole area blackened a little and far away from above, a lightning was going to attack them.

"OH NO!" Both Lucas and Chris yelled terrorized. Both of them ducked and tried to defend themselves from the attack. A powerful sound was heard around the clouds like something being attacked severely.


"...It's over?" Lucas asked and he felt perfectly fine. He lifted his head to see Chris fine and Boney was still alive whining silently.

"Nothing happened?" Chris asked confused, Lucas nodded "Look!" Chris pointed to the masked boy, who was being his own attack? How can that be possible?

"What EXACTLY happened here?" Lucas asked too confused "Huh? Who is that person above us?" Lucas asked when he looked above him. Chris looked above and he gasped when he saw someone familiar.

"It's...It's...It's..." Chris was trying to finish his sentence but he couldn't, the person landed in the floor in front of the masked boy "That tail...those ears...that uniform...those boots...and ESPECIALLY that reflector on his's...

"Hey Chris, how have you been?" The person asked smiling a bit.

"How in the hell do you think I am now? It's pretty obvious I'm not fine...Fox!" Chris said the name (A little annoyed) he revealed the person to be Fox McCloud!

The masked boy was still being electrocuted, but he shook his helmet and he jumped back to the aircraft entered inside, everyone who was unconscious on the floor woke up shaking their heads, Sonic was the first one to wake up, but he jumped from the tower doing a backward somersault and disapeared using the Shadow Bugs.

"Ugh, what happened?" Kumatora asked rubbing her forehead, she saw the aircraft getting slowly away from them and the tower was being destroyed from the bottom! Duster looked at a rope ladder hanging from the aircraft and Kumatora looked at him "Grab the ladder!" She said.

"Rope Snake! Go!" Duster shouted and he grabbed Rope Snake from his pocket and the snake bit the ladder with his teeths, everyone looked at each other and they quickly jumped and grabbed each one. Duster was holding the Rope Snake, Kumatora was holding his left leg, Lucas was holding his right left, Boney was biting Lucas's short to not fall, Chris was holding Kumatora's left leg, Popo grabbed her right leg while Nana was grabbing his back, Lucario was holding Chris's left leg and Fox was holding Popo's left leg (The entire group was looking like a human ladder from below if you could see them)

"Hold on! We can't fall now at this height!" Duster said.

The masked boy got out of the aircraft and he looked at them with a blank face.

"Who's that?" Kumatora asked, the masked boy turned his back and he entered the aircraft, then the ship was going up and down to try to shake them off from the ladder, until the Rope Snake spoke.

"Erm, Duster, I think I can't hold 9 persons at once in this sittuation, I could hold 4, but still, I can't resist all your weights combined, also, my tail is REALLY hurting me" Rope Snake said while the ship was trying to shake them off "I'm sorry, but I need to stop grabbing this thing! Please Duster, I hope you can survive without me...or if I can survive without you...the thing is...I'M SORRY!"

"What's the red snake babbling about?!" Fox asked.

"...I'M SORRY EVERYONE, FORGIVE ME!" The Rope Snake realesed his teeths from the rope ladder and everyone started to fall slowly in the air while their eyes and mouths were wide opened.

"AAAHHH!!" "WAAAHHH!!" "ARRGGHH!!" "WOOF! (I'M SCARED!)" "I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!" "I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!!!" "HELP MEEEE!!!" "UUAARRRGGHHH!!!" "NNNNNNNNOOOOOOO!!!!" All of them yelled while they were being separated slowly in the clouds.


The moving creatures made from dirt. The Tower that can create lightning. The
winding highway. And the flying ship.

The enemy Lucas and his fiends have to face is much more advanced. Is there
any chance of defeating such a wicked and powerful foe?

We cannot think like that.
Even if there is only one in a million chance,
there is still some chance of prevailing.

Are the three going to be struck down again?

Or are they going to come together and stand back up despite their hardships?

And who was that Masked Boy that was looking down on Lucas and his friends
from the ship?

The story leaves the fierce battles up to this point lingering and moves on to
the next chapter

But unfortunately, we have to see where Chris's group is going to fall!


"WHAT?! IT WAS YOU?!" Nana asked enraged and she tried to kill Popo by strangling his throat.


"ANY IDEA CHRIS?!" Lucario asked.

"...ARGH! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!" Chris said grabbing his head.

"JUST THINK!" Fox said.


Far away from them in the ground...

Tazmily Village
Thomas's House

"For the last time, I didn't ordered a big trampoline sir!" Thomas said to a mister. A big trampoline was standing in front of his house.

"Really? Well, I don't see why you don't have to pay for it!" The mister said while looking at Thomas.

And out of a cue, Chris, Lucario, Popo, Nana and Fox fell above the trampoline and jumped high in the air to Wes's house.

"Did someone fell from the air, landed and jumped in the trampoline just now?" Thomas asked.

"I don't know, but you're going to pay for it!" The mister said arguing with Thomas.

Tazmily Village
Wes's House

Our heroes were lucky enough since they fell above a bige pile of hay.

"NANA! STOP! WE'RE LIVING!" Popo said, Nana looked around and she stopped her attempt to kill Popo and blushed in embarrasment.

"Phew, that was close" Chris said getting out of the hay "Where is Lucas and the others?"

"They fell in different locations" Lucario pointed out.

"Shh! Hide! Someone is approaching!" Fox said, they hid inside the hay and Wes along with Alec (Lucas's grandfather) appeared, they looked around after hearing some voices coming from the pile of hay, but then, Lucas and Boney fell above the pile unconscious, Wes and Alec were surprised and they took both of them inside Wes's House to rest. And Chris and the others got out.

"It's Lucas! We have to go with him!" Chris said, he was about to run away, but Lucario grabbed his shoulder "Lucario! Don't stop me!"

"We need to return to the Smash Mansion now, our job here is done" Lucario said crossing his arms.

"But what about Lucas?" Nana asked.

"He and the others are going to be fine by their own without us, also Chris, I think it's time for Lucas to act alone by himself"

Chris looked to the grass "But..."

"I don't know what happened here before I came to you in the tower, but I know that we need to return now" Fox said.

"...Okay...let's return now..." After a moment of silence, Chris and the others saw Lucas and Boney leaving Wes's House, Lucas turned his head because he could have sworn he saw Chris, Lucario, Popo and Nana standing next to big pile of hay, but they dissapeared, Lucas looked down sadly but Boney barked at him and a little smile grew on Lucas's mouth, he nodded and they ran away.

Behind some trees, Chris, with Lucario who was just behind him, Popo, Nana and Fox were watching Lucas running away to who knows where, Chris smiled and blinked.

But a tear appeared on his right eye and Lucario noticed it.

"Chris, are you crying?" Lucario asked.

"W-what? No! I didn't wanted to cry!" He wiped out the tear "I felt someone inside me was sad when Lucas ran away and he cried...that presence was familiar too"

"Someone inside you?" Fox asked raising an eyebrown.

Chris nodded "Yes, I could feel his feelings, he was crying out loud "Lucas! Don't die! I know you can stop them, remember me and mom! She's watching and protecting you from the heaven, don't surrender yet!" And then he started to cry louder"

Popo and Nana sniffed in unison after hearing this "That touching!" Nana said buring her face in her gloves, Popo panted her back in response.

Chris closed his eyes "...Maybe this is wrong, but, I think he was..." He opened his eyes "Nah, he couldn't be" He opened the portal and stepped inside, Lucario thought who was him as he walked inside the portal, Popo and Nana walked inside crying a little and Fox went next and the portal dissapeared.




Do you want to save your data?


Overwrite file?


Smash Mansion
Chris, Lucario, Pichu, Roy, Mewtwo, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Ice Climbers, Pit, Fox, ?


Haha, Sonic is a villain. Plus, Mother has funny enemies! XD

Good job.


Chapter 36: Third adventure on the space!

Deep inside the Great Maze

"You failed? How could you lose to them?!" Tabuu asked furiously to Sonic.

"It wasn't my fault! Someone attacked me with 4 thunders!" Sonic defended himself.

Tabuu frowned "I'm having high hopes of you to destroy them, but it's the contrary!"

"Lord Tabuu, we managed to convince him to join us" The Ancient Minister said.

"Who?" Sonic asked.

"A previous ally of us that was fighting againts his own will, but we convinced him to join us by his own again without using Shadow Bugs" Tabuu responded.

"Heh, he's right" A voice spoke from the darkness.

"Who's there?!" Sonic asked.

"Shut up!" Tabuu yelled and Sonic trembled in fear "Our plan to take over your world with our best weapon is now beginning, you along with him are going there to defend the bomb"

"W-where?" Sonic asked again terrorized.

"This location" The Ancient Minister pointed to what appears to be a space colony high above the Earth, it was shaped in a ugly face of someone, but a big evil smirk grew on Sonic's face.

"Now THAT is where I'm going to kill them for sure!" Sonic said.

"Correct, I've analyzed those emeralds with chaotic powers that you use in extreme conditions and this is the time to use them" The Ancient Minister said.

"But not only I'm going to use the Chaos Emeralds, I'll ask for my friends to give us a hand" Sonic said.

"Excellent thinking, now go!" Tabuu ordered and Sonic dissapeared in a blink.

"You're sure I can defeat Fox in this mission right?" The person asked.

"Just follow my orders and use the gun" Tabuu said.

"There's no chance in hell I'm going to carry that thing around!" The person said angrily.

"Fine, do want you want to do, but you will regret it" Tabuu said and the person ran away following Sonic to the next world "If they ever fail in this mission, I'll cause serious punishments around here" Tabuu teleported away.

The Ancient Minister looked away at the emptyness of the Subspace "You're doing it well, stop his plans before it's too late"

Smash Mansion
Command Room

"Fun, strange, but we managed to save Lucas!" Chris said reporting the status of his mission.

"We haven't failed any mission, now that's luck" Roy said.

"I'm happy to know that everything is going well" Master Hand said "Oh, and before we begin..."

Fox joined your team!

"Hmm, yeah, about that..." Chris wispered into Master Hand's "Ear", if he has one "Ok, how did you managed to get Fox to join us and what ending did you chose in his game?"

Master Hand wispered "Well, it was so hard to decide an ending, so, I invented my own ending, and that was the Star Fox team being reunited at the end"

"Good" Chris ended the silent chat and turned to see Fox "And Fox, how is the team doing?"

"They're fine, but I have someone else to help us too" Fox said.

"Who?" Chris was hearing footsteps coming from behind and he saw another familiar face.

"Hey Chris! Good to see you again!"

Falco joined your team!

"Falco! You're joining us too?"

"Yep! My duties are done back in Corneria and Fox asked me to come here, so I said why not?" Falco said smiling a bit.

"Well, we have more allies now" Master Hand said.

"Wait, isn't Mother 3 the sequel of EarthBound?" Chris asked.

"Yes it is, why?"

Just then, Ness's icon was flashing and everyone looked at the screen.

"The good news doesn't stops, we can recruit Ness now!" Master Hand said surprised "When you were gone, I've upgraded the system to see the worlds from here, let's see what is Ness doing now, shall we?" Master Hand said and the screen with the whole character roster changed to see Ness's current location.


Ness's house

"Mom! Ness is back from that tournament!" A young girl with blond hair shouted from the entrance of her house.

"Coming Tracy!" A woman appeared from the stairs and she ran at Ness, who was standing in front of the door "Ness! My special son, did you have fun participating?"

"Sure did! There were a lot of people from different places!" Ness said smiling, closing the door.

"He must have returned from the Melee tournament" Pikachu said.

"And did you win?" Tracy asked.

"Unfortunately, I didn't, sorry, but that Mario guy defeated me in the third round" Ness said.

"Oh, don't be sad, for a consolation prize, we're going to eat Steak in a moment!" Ness's mom said. That made Ness to jump in happiness after hearing his favorite food. Tracy was laughing a little.

And then, 3 knocks were coming from the door.

"I wonder who is it now?" Tracy asked to herself and she opened the door, and Chris was standing there.

"Huh? Isn't that Chris?" Pichu asked confused, everyone looked around the command room and Chris wasn't there with them.

"Hi! Is this Ness's house by any chance?" Chris asked.

"Ness! Someone is looking for you!" Tracy shouted to his brother.

"Who?" Ness walked to the door "Chris! What are you doing here?"

"Well..." Chris explained everything to Ness in 5 minutes "And that's the problem"

"I see, ok, I'll join you!" Ness said.

"Whhaaatt? Are you going out again?" Tracy asked surprised.

"Tracy, you know I like adventures right?"

"Yeah, but, I was hoping you could stay with us a little longer, I mean, our dad is going to come here in your birthday!"

"Tracy, he hasn't visited us even in our 4th birthday and he always says he will come"

"...Wait, you're right, our dad is hopeless as you are"

"Yeah-wait, what?"

Tracy giggled "Nothing!"

"Ness! The Steak is ready!" Ness's mom yelled from the other side of the kitchen.

"Oh no, the steak my mom makes is delicious...what to do..." Ness thought in his head "(Steak, save the worlds, steak, save the worlds, steak, save the worlds, steak, save the worlds, steak, save the worlds, steak, save the worlds, stea-)"

"NESS!" Chris yelled.

"AAHH!!" Ness screamed.


"Well...can I eat the steak before?"

"...Ok, I'll leave the portal opened outside your house, when you're done, step inside" Chris said leaving and Tracy closed the door.

"Was that person Chris who helped you in your journey to stop that Giygas?"

"Yes!" Ness said happily eating the steak, Tracy frowned to herself and she went to eat with him and her mom.

Smash Mansion
Command Room

"You should have told us that you were going" Master Hand said.

"Sorry, I thought ahead" Chris said "...Lucario, what are you looking at?" Chris saw Lucario watching the screen, he turned his head to see the screen showing the steak on the table "Oh, you're hungry?"

"..." Lucario didn't said anything and Chris rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Ok mom! I'm done!" Ness said putting his fork down "I have to go now!"

"Okay sweetie, enjoy your adventure!" Ness's mom said waving her hand at him, Ness nodded and Tracy gave him a hug before leaving his house and stepping inside the portal, then he appeared in front of the Smashers.

"Hey guys!" Ness said looking at everyone.

Ness joined your team!

"Alright, one more!" Pichu said jumping. Chris was shown standing in front of Crazy Hand's shop, Crazy crazy wares.

"Ok, I want a full list of what you sell" Chris said.

"Alrighty!" Crazy Hand said handing over a list to Chris with many things to sell.

Smash Coins in hand: 1400

Fake King - 700 Smash Coins: Can be used by Chris.

D (Description): Use a big mechanized hammer to pummel down your adversaries, call forth Waddle Dees or other weapons to aid, and sport a good looking big red robe with a hat! (Warning: This job can slow you down in battle because of the hammer)

Psychic User - 900 Smash Coins: Can be used by Chris or Lucario

D: Ever wanted to be psychic? This is the right job to start! Use your hands to levitate boxes or your opponents and slam them to the walls, have the ability to read minds or talk telepathically and see your feet levitate freely above the ground!

Racer - 800 Smash Coins: Can be used by Chris

D: With the Racer job as your...job, gain the neccessary knowledge to be able to use any vehicle in an instant, the good thing of this is, your speed while running will be increased a little bit!

Chozo Arts - 750 Smash Coins: Can be used by Chris

D: Leap into the air with style, do some somersaults, use a electric whip and a paralyzer gun to stun your enemies for a moment and jump from wall to wall to reach big heights, with this job, you could win a contest of athletism!

Dragoon - 1000 Smash Coins: Can be used by Lucario

D: Use a lance to attack your enemies, jump to higher heights that you couldn't reach before and thrust your spear into the enemies from above, why don't you try and test this job out now?

"And that's all?" Chris asked.

"The next time you come, I could have more jobs to sell" Crazy Hand said.

Chris rubbed his chin and decided to buy a job "I want the Dragoon job please" He handed over 1000 Smash Coins to Crazy Hand.

"Thank you!" With the new job in his hands, Lucario changed his current job and he gained a lance in his right hand, a blue and yellow helmet was covering his face except for his eyes and blue and yellow gloves appeared in both hands.

"You look so cool with a lance Lucario!" Chris remarked. Lucario looked at the lance and he spun it above his head "And it looks like you've already mastered it!"

"Now if you're done, we need to wait for another attack" Master Hand said.

"Wait, something's wrong" Roy said.

"What is wrong Roy?" Pit asked.

"Don't you think it was weird that there wasn't any Subspace Bomb in the Pikmin world?"

"Now that I think about it, it's weird" Pikachu said.

"And we went to help Lucas, we didn't saw any Primid save for the bomb and Sonic" Nana said.

"Call me crazy but, I think they were just..." Chris looked away a little scared.


"DISTRACTING US!" Everyone said in unison.

"Computer! Show to us what world is being attacked!" Master Hand ordered, the screen changed to a space colony above the Earth.

"Wait, isn't that the Space Colony ARK?" Chris asked while pointing to the colony

"The hell is that thing?!" Falco pointed to a big atrocity.

"It can't be! That is a Subspace Bomb!" Popo said revealing, there was a giant Subspace Bomb embedded from beneath the colony.

"They have been working on that bomb to take over the Earth with one single blow!" Mewtwo said.

"Those bastards, we can't let them do such thing!" Jigglypuff said.

"But...that means it's Sonic's world..." Chris said a little depressed.

"We have to save his world" Lucario said.

"...You're right, even if he wants to stop us, his world doesn't needs to suffer"

"Wait! I have another reason to be here too" Fox said stopping all of them.

"Another reason?" Nana asked.

"It's about someone who joined them too, I can't believe he would actually agree since he only wants to take me down by his own"

"Foooox! Don't tell me that person is actually..." Chris tried to warn Fox from saying that name.

"Wolf O'Donnell" Fox finished his sentence.

"This is JUST great, not only we have to try and save Sonic's world, but we have to watch out for Wolf as well...AGAIN!"

"YOUR FATE HAS BEEN DECIDED" Master Hand said, everyone stared at him confused "...What? I wanted to make this moment dramatic!"

"...You've failed totally at it" Ness said.

"ALRIGHT! All of you need to go there ASAP!" Master Hand ordered.

"Even me?" Pichu asked pointing at himself.

"EVEN YOU!" With that, Pichu fainted.

"I'll open the portal now!" Chris was now opening the portal to Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, when the portal appeared, everyone ran inside (With Pikachu dragging Pichu by the tail) and dissapeared.

"This trouble is so big that we need to use the help of everyone avaiable" Master Hand said.

"They are going to be alright, right brother?" Crazy Hand asked preocupied.

"They will...I hope they will..."

Sonic Adventure 2: Battle

Space Colony ARK
Outside the colony

A Space Shuttle was getting closer to the colony holding a fox with 2 tails, a red echidna, a pink hedgehog, oddly, Sonic was there without the dark aura surrounding his body, he was leaned to the wall smirking rather evily while his eyes were closed.

"Whoa! When did that huge bomb was there?" The fox asked after glancing at the Subspace Bomb.

"Do you think this is one of Dr Eggman's plans?" The red echidna asked.

"I dunno" The pink hedgehog said "Hey Sonic, do you know what are we gonna do about it?"

Sonic opened his eyes "I don't know Amy, but you're going to obey my commands from now" He said to Amy, the pink hedgehog.

"Your commands? What are you talking about?"

"METEORS!" The fox screamed and he tilted the ship to the right, but the meteors got the ship and little green shards got out of the shuttle.

"THE MASTER EMERALD'S SHARDS!" The red echidna yelled and he jumped out of the shuttle to catch the shards.

"KNUCKLES!" The fox yelled.

"TAILS! HELP ME!" Amy shouted, Tails, the fox with 2 tails, turned his head to see Amy being covered by strange tiny purple shadows, he opened his mouth in surprise "SONIC! HELP HER!"

"Why should I?" Was Sonic's response. Tails noticed something odd with him, a dark aura was surrounding his body, but after blinking, he saw those strange purple lights coming at him and covering his whole body. Then the scene changes to outside.

"AAAAAHHHH!!!" Amy and Tails shouted.

"...What in the hell happened to them?" A man hiding behind a door said, he was wearing a space suit, but inside he was wearing a black tuxedo and he was looking like he comes from Japan or something.

"Hehehehe, you know what to do now right?" Sonic asked smirking evily, both Amy and Tails were now surrounded by the dark aura.

"Of course we know, right Tails?" Amy asked smirking.

"Sure" Tails replied.


Space Colony ARK
Control Room

"UGH! They doesn't give up!" A white bat said dodging an attack from a Primid.

"Doctor, what the hell are those things?" A black hedgehog asked "...Doctor?"

"Hehehehehehe, Shadow, Rouge, why don't you join us?" The doctor said smiling evily.

"Doctor? Doctor?! Snap out of it!" Shadow, the black hedgehog said, but Shadow Bugs came from behind him and they quickly spreaded over all his body, Rouge, the white bat, was also being covered by them while screaming.

Space Colony ARK
Capsule Room

"...Huh? What's that sound?" A kid asked when he heard someone yelling for help far away from his current location "(Something weird is going on...I can feel it....Sonic...everyone...please, help me!)" He thought yelling on his mind, 2 robots were alongside guarding him from escaping, one was a tall, yellow robot and the other was a grey, short robot.

"Was that the doctor yelling Decoe?" The grey robot asked.

"I dunno Bocoe" Decoe said to Bocoe.

Space Colony ARK
A part where the Eternal Engine level should be....wait, what?

Our 13 heroes appeared from the portal and it dissapeared, they looked around to see if there was a Primid near.

"...Too silent" Fox stated.

"...Too empty" Roy said.

"...Too lonely" Pichu said trembling.

"Okay, let's walk around until we spot something" Pikachu said, they nodded and started to wander around the colony with weapons ready to attack any enemy who could appear in a corner.

"I don't know why, but there's something odd with this world" Chris said wispering to Lucario.

"What?" Lucario asked.

"It's like it's not a game...but instead...I think this is th-"

"Who's there?!" Falco asked pointing his blaster to a corner, everyone else turned their attentions at the direction, but they saw Amy walking to them smiling happily.

"Oh, hi there!" She said waving her hand at them.

"You're Amy right?" Chris asked.

"That's right! You're one smart kid!" She said. Chris was getting a little insulted after hearing someone else saying "kid" to him again.

"Umm, thanks I guess, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I became lost trying to find my friend Tails, you see, the poor boy wanted to look around this technological colony since he loves machines and their complexity"

"I see..." Popo said rubbing his chin.

However, both Mewtwo and Lucario felt a little strange about her.

"Soooo, can you help me please?" Amy asked making puppy eyes to Chris.

"Urgh...well...I don't see why not...." Chris said rubbing his forehead and Amy hugged him.

"Ooouuhhh! Thank you so much!" She said smiling.

"Al-alright, but let me go!" Chris said gasping for breath, she listened and stopped her embrace on him. After a second, everyone wandered around with Amy following them.

"(Ha! They're so easy to trick! Now I just need to attack that nuisance with my hammer a Lord Tabuu will be happy! Oh yes!)" Amy thought evily in her mind. She saw that everyone was looking away while walking and it was the perfect opportunity to attack the clueless Chris, then she took out her hammer from nowhere and lifted it slowly above Chris's head "(Don't look behind you, aaaaaaaannnnnnnnddddddd-) AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!" She was sent quickly towards a wall, crashing in the process "Guys! Something attacked me! Help m-" She stopped when he saw that everyone was shooting glares at her.

"Why are you taking us for? Idiots? Sorry, but the only idiot here is you!" Ness said.

"Wha-what are you all talking about?" Amy asked confused.

Chris pointed at Mewtwo and Lucario "They told us in our minds about your little plan to attack us from behind since you passed through the corner!"

"Im-impossible! How could you do that?!"

"We can talk through telepathy" Mewtwo said crossing his arms "It's not hard for me, Lucario and Ness"

"Grrr! That's it! I can't stand all of you!" She got up from the floor, ready to attack them with  her hammer "AAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" She yelled while rushing at them while the dark aura was surrounding her.

"HAAA!" Popo and Nana used their own hammers to give the first hit to Amy and she yelled in pain and backed away slowly, after she opened her eyes however, everyone were running at her "Oh shi-"

"BEAT HER UP!" Jigglypuff yelled.

Outside the colony, many hits, punchs, kicks, explosions and slashs were heard along with screams and yells for help.

Inside again, Amy was shown with swirls of her eyes and the Shadow Bugs escaped from her body. Everyone were forming a circle to make a little discuttion.

"Did you see that? She was also taken by them too" Pit said.

"Not only they're trying to blow up this bomb, but also they're taking Sonic's friends too" Chris said.

"It's for slowing us down" Roy said.

"Most likely" Pichu said. Nobody was noticing that Amy was regaining her consciousness.

"We have no choice but fight them" Falco said.

Pikachu sighed "Why is always fighting? Can't we just discuss things over for a change?"

"If you want to be mauled to death, then do that" Mewtwo said and Pikachu shuddered in fear.

"Well, let's get going now" Amy said.

"Yeah, let's-wait what?" Jigglypuff asked and they noticed that Amy was with them in the circle.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't introduced myself, I'm Amy!" She spun over her feet "Amy Rose!"

Everyone introduced themselves to Amy.

"Amy, do you know what happened to you?" Fox asked.

"Well...I remember being covered by strange purple bugs who were coming from...SONIC! OH NO! WHERE DID HE RAN OFF TO?!" She yelled putting her hands on her cheeks.

"Calm down! Tell us what happened next!" Ness said.

"Ok, ok, ok, I also remember Tails being covered by them and...then, I woke up here with all of you inside the colony" She said finishing her story.

"Then we're right, they took their bodies" Popo said.

"Amy, I know you want to come with us to find Sonic and Tails, right?" Chris asked and Amy nodded.

"But of course! I won't let them take my poor Sonic away from me!" She said taking out her hammer while fire was surrounding her body.

"(Now I know why Sonic can't stand her, she's scary)" Chris thought "Okay Amy, welcome to the team!"

Amy has joined your team temporaly!

"Thanks guys, now let's go!" She said walking away, everyone looked at each other and they followed her "Alright Sonic, Tails, I'm coming for you! And you too Chris!" She said making a fist in the air.

"Umm, Amy, I'm right here" Chris said raising his hand. Amy looked at him and laughed for a second "What's so funny?"

"Oh, sorry, it's just funny that I know 2 Chris and one of them is kidnapped in this colony"

"I see....wait, WHAT?!"

"You didn't know? I have another friend and his name is Chris too!" She said smiling and putting her hands behind, Chris's eyes were too big at this moment.

"(...Lucario...)" Chris thought while looking at Lucario.

"(...Yes?)" He asked, he knew Chris was trying to talk in his mind.

"(We got inside another freaking ANIME!)"

"(Sadly, it seems so)" Lucario thought and both sighed.

"FALCO! GIVE ME THE BINOCULARS! NOW!" Chris ordered placing his hand in front of Falco and he handed over some binoculars to Chris and he looked outside in the space searching for something "OKAY, WHERE IN THE HELL IS THE METEOR HERD LEVEL?! AND WHERE IS THE FINAL RUSH LEVEL?! AND THE MAD SPACE ONE?!" He looked terrified in the space, but the only things he saw were just only meteors, satelites and a baloon, then he fell on his knees "This its JUST great right? Now how I'm going to act in front of that Chris?!"

Jigglypuff used Pound on him several times "Thanks Jigglypuff, I needed that so badly" Chris said smiling a bit.

"Here they come!" Mewtwo said and Primids were starting to appear over the whole hall, everyone took their battle positions to prepare.

Travel inside the colony and fight
your way through the horde of enemies!


Meta Knight's Revenge

Roturrets appeared above the air, Ness used PK Thunder several times and it went blasting off, Boom Primids came from far away and they threw their boomerangs at them, but Falco threw his Reflector, returning the boomerangs and destroying them in the process.

"Wow, you guys are something!" Amy said surprised.

"Amy! Behind you!" Nana shouted, a Greap was going to dig his scythes on her, but Amy turned her back and she used her big hammer to pound his head to the floor. Fox took the opportunity and he attack using his kicks and the Greap blasted off.

"PK Fire!" Ness shouted firing a tiny lightning at some Bytans, they were trapped inside the pillar of flame and Chris used a branch of a tree to send them far away "Cool! A branch!" Ness said looking at the branch.

"It's the Good Stick that Lucas gave to me" Chris said remembering.


"Nevermind, forget it"

"Pichu! Are you ready?" Pikachu asked to Pichu in his back.

"Sure!" He said, both of them casted thunders when 3 Big Primids appeared, they made a explosion of electricity and the Big Primids were sent flying away.

"Time to test your lance Lucario!" Chris said as Roaders were approaching at high speed to them, Chris used PK Fire to stop their run and Lucario thrusted his lance and the Roaders were destroyed. Both of them smiled to each other and continued further.

"Pit, you know what I'm thinking now right?" Roy asked when he saw Floows coming at them.

"Of course!" Pit said, he used his angel Ring ability to catch the Floows inside his blades and Roy used his Flare Sword to send them flying away.

"Pathetic adversaries" Mewtwo said with crossed arms after he saw Towtows running at him, he teleported behind them and he used his psychic powers to levitate and throw them away. He grinned at his action and levitated further inside.

"How about if we combine our hammers?" Popo asked to Amy, she nodded as Armights were coming from both sides, Popo, Nana and Amy grabbed the shoulders of the others and they started to spin above their feets and hitting the Armights with each hammer, Ness used PK Thunder on him to crash with a powerful blow of electricity and the Armights dissapeared after touching the wall.

"I wish I could do that too!" Chris said remarking Ness's PK Thunder attack, he rubbed his chin if he could do it and he stood with crossed arms and 2 fingers in each hand pointing at both directions (He was mimicking the way Lucas does his PK Thunder), and for his surprise, he shouted "PK Thunder!" and a ball of lightning came slowly from his head and he ordered it from his mind to touch him, he was sent with another similar blow towards a Shaydas, he passed through his body and at the end of the attack, the Shaydas went blasting off and Chris landed safely on the floor.

"Wow, that was incredible!" Ness remarked.

"It was?" Chris asked rubbing the back of his head embarrased.

"That is not something to be embarrased for you know"

Chris laughed for a bit "I think you're right"


A huge Bytan appeared behind Chris and he was about to attack, but Jigglypuff used Rest on him and he was destroyed in a single blow.

"Thank you Jigglypuff" Chris said, but Jigglypuff was sleeping "Jigglypuff? Hello?"

"Huh? Good morning" She said shaking her head, Chris rolled his eyes and frowned.

Space Colony ARK
Capsule Room

"What in the name of the Egg Carrier is going on in this place?" Bocoe asked when he heard many explosions coming from far away.

"It's something wrong?" The boy asked, he was Chris!

"How are we suppose to know? We're just watching you!" Decoe protested.

"But I think you should see what is the problem" Chris suggested and crossed his arms "I mean, you can go right?"

"That is againts the orders of Dr Eggman!" Bocoe said "If he finds out, we're done for!"

"But he will be too angry if he finds this colony destroyed and you 2 will be punished for just looking and not trying to do something, am I right?" Chris asked raising an eyebrow.

"Oh no, he is right Decoe, do you imagine what can the doctor could possibly do to us?" Bocoe asked to Decoe and he made a image in his head reflecting the future.


"WE NEED TO GO!" Decoe said grabbing Bocoe's hand and they ran away leaving Chris behind laughing a little.

"I didn't thought it could be so easy to trick them!" He said laughing and he stopped "But I need to find Sonic and the others soon, I can't stand here knowing that the world is being menaced by-" When he looked outside, his eyes widened when he saw the Subspace Bomb "A BOMB?! When did that was there?!" He asked to himself holding his hair, he was freaking out a little "Okay, change of terms, I can't stand here knowing that the world is being menaced by a huge bomb, I need to do something about it and what can Sonic say to me?"

Inside Chris's mind, there was Sonic looking at him and smirking "Leave the fight to the professionals!" He said punching a robot bigger than him and Chris shook his head.

"Nah, he would never say anything like that to me ever in my life" Chris said to himself smiling a bit (How wrong he was since he thought that), and he walked away slowly, but he heard someone coming from the other side of the hall, it was Shadow with a strange dark aura surrounding his body.

"(Is that Shadow? Why is he glowing?)" Chris asked to himself hiding in a corner, Shadow passed at his side and Chris sweated a little, but fortunately, Shadow went away without finding Chris, Chris sighed in relief and he ran to the other side "(Soon Sonic, I'll be reunited with all of you)" He thought while running.

But unbeknownst to him, Shadow did saw him.

Space Colony ARK
Replacement of the Eternal Engine level

"HEEELLLPPPP!!!!" Somebody yelled from far away and everyone looked at the direction of the voice.

"That voice....Chris!" Amy said running away to find Chris.

"Amy! Wait up!" Popo said trying to stop Amy, but she didn't listened and continued running away.

"Somebody is approaching" Lucario said warning all of them, while Amy was running, she found Tails standing in her way.

"Tails!" Amy said surprised.

"Hi Amy, did you managed to kill them?" He asked smiling a bit.

But Amy raised her hammer "Is this a no for your question?!"

"What?! You LEFT us?! HOW COULD YOU AMY!" Tails said enraged.


"DARN IT! I HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE BUT DESTROY YOU ALONG WITH THEM!" He said flying away to another area, Amy followed him and soon, everyone else ran with her. They found themselves standing in a wide green area.

"Where'd he go?" Falco asked looking around.

"RIGHT HERE!" Tails shouted from above, he decended inside a big white robot laughing evily and everyone were surprised to see a big robot standing in their way.

"We can't lose more time now!" Roy said.

"Then go! Leave this to me!" Pikachu said stepping in front of them.

"I see, robots are weak againts electricity" Mewtwo said.

"I-I-I'll stay behind too!" Pichu said stepping to the right side of Pikachu.

"I'm staying here too!" Ness said walking next to Pikachu.

Fox joined them "Go now, leave this to us and proceed with caution"

Chris nodded "Okay, but be careful!" He said running away with the others, but Tails stopped them in their way.


"PK THUNDER!" Ness shouted firing himself towards Tails and the machine received the hit studdering a little "GO!" Ness yelled and they ran away.

"I'LL DESTROY YOU 4!" Tails said stomping the floor with the machine, Ness, Pikachu, Pichu and Fox stood in a fighting stance.

"Now let's see what fox is stronger" Fox said narrowing his eyes. Ness, Pikachu and Pichu sweatdropped "What? Did I said something weird?" Fox asked confused.

Preview of the next chapter

"As we thought, they are trying to destroy us with all their arsenal at their disposal"

"Yeah, but I feel sorry for fighting againts Sonic's friends Mewtwo"

"It's our fate Ness, you knew that since Amy told us"

"When this is over, let's just forget they were taken by the Primids"

"I agree with you"

"Next time: 2 hedgehogs, 2 Chris and a war!"

Do you want to save your data?


Overwrite file?


Space Colony ARK
Chris, Lucario, Pichu, Roy, Mewtwo, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Ice Climbers, Pit, Fox, Falco, Ness, Amy


Chapter 37: 2 hedgehogs, 2 Chris and a war!

Boss Battle Song 1

"X Tornado, Battle Mode engaged!" Tails shouted pressing a button and the X Tornado  changed to a floating machine with 2 big hands "Ha! Now try to destroy this baby!"

"Why I'm thinking he doesn't says baby too often?" Ness wondered.

"Shut up! Take this!" Tails shouted and the X Tornado charged a quick punch at Ness, but Ness did a double jump in the air dodging the attack, Pichu took the opportunity to cast a thunder below the punch and the X Tornado was struck by the lightning and Tails gritted his teeths "You're so annoying, did you knew that?"

"Don't say that to him!" Pikachu said above Tails's window, Tails was too slow to react before Pikachu casted another thunder which came with a strong impact upon the machine.

"ARGH! TAKE THIS!" Tails yelled trying to punch Pichu, but Fox pushed him out of the way and they barely evaded the attack "STOP MOVING!"

"Look below you!" Pikachu said below the X Tornado, Tails tried to stay away from Pikachu but another thunder came from above but this time, the thunder broke through the glass of the cockpit and Tails was damaged badly inside.

Tails yelled in pain, that was the last thing someone could dare to do to him, but before he could retaliate, Ness was just inside the cockpit in front of Tails with a Baseball Bat, Tails's eyes widened and Ness started to hit him hard with the bat, but Tails managed to grab Ness using a hand of the machine and he threw the PK user to a wall, fortunately, Ness was able to evade the crash.

"THAT'S IT!" Tails said and he ordered the X Tornado to spin around the air with the hands extended at both sides, he moved to Pikachu and the hands slapped him hard enough to bury him in the wall, Pichu went to Pikachu's side, but the X Tornado was coming closer to them.

"AAAAHHHH!!!" Pichu yelled terrified.

"PK THUNDER!" Ness shouted firing a ball of lightning directly to Tails and the fox with 2 tails stopped his attack to regain his composture, it was too late because Fox was hovering in the air with fire surrounding him.

"What th-"

"FIRE!" Fox was surrounded by fire and he turned into a blazing comet, the attack was fast enough to hit the right hand and destroy it in the process, Fox landed safely above the floor and Tails was shocked to see his machine being slowly destroyed by 4 little pests.

"MY-MY X TORNADO! STOP IT!" Tails yelled trying to beg.

However, Ness came back using another PK Thunder and he went blasting off to the other hand and it exploded with the strong blow of electricity, Tails was now defenseless at this point.

"WHY YOU LITTLE! FINE! IT'S TIME TO FIRE THE CANNON!" Tails said pushing a button, from both hands a blue light was starting to charge up and he pointed it at Pichu, Pikachu and Ness (Ness landed near them), that made Fox to grin a little and he stood in front of them with one hand in his belt "YOU WANT TO DIE FIRST?! SO BE IT!"

The cannon was fired directly at Fox, but he took out his Reflector and he was surrounded by a diagonal shaped figure "A shield?! This cannon can break any kind of shield!"

"Who said it was a shield?" Fox asked smirking a little, Tails made a confused face and he thought what was Fox trying to say.

"Unless it's a...REFLECTOR! OH NO!" Tails said gasping. For his misfortune, the beam was abruptaly reflected back to him and the whole machine exploded with Tails inside, he yelled in extreme pain and after a blinding light coming from the explosion covered the whole area, it panned out showing Tails unconscious on the floor and the Shadow Bugs escaped from his body.

The crowd cheered for them and the music stops.

"It's over" Pikachu said getting up and shaking his head, Pichu and Ness sighed in relief and Fox approached to Tails and kneeled "Hey, are you ok?" Fox asked.

" head...where am I?" Tails said getting up slowly from the floor, then he saw the face of Fox looking at him "Who...are you?"


Tails got up completely and he cleaned his head from the smoke "Fox? Well, you're a fox like me, but is that really your name?"

"Of course, and I know your name is Tails and I think it's because of your 2 tails right?" Fox said looking at Tails's....tails.

Tails rubbed his forehead "Hehehe, you're right, but how did you knew my name?"

"Amy told us"

"Amy?" Tails looked around and he saw Ness, Pichu and Pikachu looking at him "There are more of you in this colony as well?"

"Yeah, my comrades headed that way" Fox pointed behind Tails to a corridor.

Ness, Pichu and Pikachu introduced themselves to Tails.

"Do you remember anything?" Ness asked.

"Well, I remember being covered by strange purple spores and Amy was also living the same sittuation...and...SONIC! HE DID THAT! I SAW THOSE STRANGE SPORES COMING FROM HIS HANDS!"

"Master Tails, I see you've been recovered from your mad state" A voice spoke close to them.

"Is that you Mr Tanaka?" Tails asked, the person inside the space suit came from another corridor and he approached to Tails, it was Tanaka, Chris Thorndyke's personal butler.

"What a relief to see you well" Tanaka said while his little japanese theme played when he appeared "I thank you 4 for saving him" He said bending a little.

"Well, thanks" Ness said.

"Master Tails, we must go on and find Chris before anything bad happen to him" Tanaka said.

"Yeah, I know, but...where is my X Tornado?" Tails asked looking around for his machine.

"My bad, you fired a big beam at us and I used my Reflector to return the attack at your machine and it exploded" Fox said rubbing his head and Tails looked down sadly but his ears perked up a little.

"Wait, Reflector you said?"

Fox took out his Reflector and showed it to Tails "This is the Reflector" Tails took the Reflector and he started to examine it.

"Amazing! I haven't see this kind of technology before in my life! Whoever did this is a total genius!" Tails remarked returning the Reflector to Fox and he kept it in his belt.

"Slippy will be happy to hear this coming from another inventor like you" Fox said.

"Ahem" Tanaka said.

"I forgot about Chris! We need to find him!" Tails said.

"Alright, you can come with us!" Pikachu said smiling.

Tails (And Tanaka) has joined your team temporaly!

"The direction where they went was....there!" Pichu said pointing to the right corridor, everyone nodded and they left the room.

Space Colony ARK
Near the Capsule Room

"Huh? Who are they?" Falco asked when he saw 2 strange robots running at them.

"They are the intruders! Seize them!" Decoe said.

10 seconds later...

Decoe and Bocoe were touching the wall with their backs while Lucario, Pit, Amy and Roy were pointing their weapons at them.

"Okay, tell us, where is Chris?" Chris asked with his hands behind his back.

"Why we should tell you?" Bocoe said and Lucario thrusted his lance just an inch away from his head and Bocoe sweatdropped "He-he-he is in the next room! Ju-ju-just follow this hall and you can't miss it!"

"Bocoe! You traitor!" Decoe said angry.

"It was either live or be punished by Dr Eggman...wait, that's worser!" Bocoe said gasping. Everyone else besides him and Decoe left running away to the Capsule Room "Just who were those guys? They don't seem to be one of Dr Eggman's rivals as Sonic is!"

"You didn't saw Amy with them? Any friend of Sonic or his friends is the enemy of the doctor!" Decoe said.

"We need to report this to him! I don't care if he menace us with punishments, he is going to listen this time around! Come on!" Bocoe said running away with Decoe.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!" A little robot with 2 horns came floating away scared.

"Bokkum! What are you yelling?" Decoe asked.

"Guys! It's horrible! The doctor, Shadow and Rouge....AAAAHHH!! I DON'T WANT TO THINK ABOUT IT!!!" Bokkum said moving his hands up and down.

"Keep it down! Tell us what happened to them!" Bocoe demanded.

Bokkum sniffed "....I....well....this is what happened...."

Space Colony ARK
Capsule Room

"Shadow! What is wrong with you?! Stop! AAAHHH!" Chris yelled barely evading one of Shadow's Spin Dash attack.

"Orders from the doctor, you must be eliminated now" Shadow said in a serious tone.

"But I thought you were going to use me as bait for Sonic!" Chris protested.

"Him? No, you don't understand, he's already in our side"

"What?! That can't be possible! He'd never join you in his life!"

"Feel the truth kid, he's bad, a villain, admit it" Shadow said crossing his arms.

Chris looked at the floor clenching his hands "'re lying!" Unfortunately, Chris wasn't expecting Shadow and the hedgehog used another Spin Dash and Chris blocked his face and yelled in terror.

"HAAA!" A branch smacked the Spin Dash and Shadow was sent crashing to the wall.

"...Huh?" Chris opened his face and he gasped when he saw another human and more strange persons standing in front of him "Wh-who are you?!"

"Allies, now stay behind and try to not be attacked" Falco said glancing at Shadow.

"But how did you came here?"

"It doesn't matters!" The other Chris said and shook his head.

"So you're here, good, now I can kill all of you in one assault" Shadow said.

"Not if we attack first!" Popo said.

"Chris, run away with him, leave this to us" Mewtwo said glowing, he, Popo, Nana, Falco and Roy stepped in front of Chris, the other Chris, Amy, Lucario, Pit and Jigglypuff, Chris nodded and he told Chris to come with him and the group escaped.

"Fine, I shall kill them later," Shadow pointed at the current group in the room "You're next"

"So be it" Mewtwo said.

Space Colony ARK
Near the Capsule Room

"Wait! Just who are you?! Amy, you know them?" Chris asked while running.

"I just met them a while ago, they're a lot of help!" Amy said.

"But the only thing I can't understand is why is another kid like me doing here!" Chris said confused.

"Hey! I'm not a kid!" Chris protested.

"Haven't you see yourself in a mirror? You have the same height as me!"

"What are you talking abou-" Chris noticed that he was the same size as the other Chris "This world has also his own air?"


"Now I even more confused!" Chris said.

"STOP! PLEASE STOP! First, we must introduce ourselves!" Chris suggested.

5 minutes later...

"...Your name is Chris too?" Chris asked and Chris nodded "And they are your partners...even the angel?" Chris asked pointing to Pit.

"Even Pit" Chris said.

"And you're here to destroy that bomb which is going to explode right?"


"But I don't understand, why Shadow said Sonic was a bad guy?"

"This is going to sound very painful to you, but...Sonic has been turned into a bad guy just recently" Chris said looking away.

(To not confuse both kids (Chris: I'M NOT A KID!) with their names, we're going to call the Chris from Sonic's world Christopher outside the dialogue)

Christopher's eyes widened after hearing that Sonic was now a villain "But how? Sonic is not a bad guy!"

"It's the truth" Jigglypuff said.

"I fought him not so long ago" Lucario said.

"...Why? Who made him to act like that? It was me?" Christopher asked.

"You have nothing to do with this, Sonic was attacked by the Primids" Chris said.


Chris, Lucario, Jigglypuff and Pit explained everything to Christopher.

"So they are the responsibles for this?" Christopher asked. Pit nodded "I can't believe this..."

"I'm can't believe it either, but in order to make Sonic a good guy again, we need to defeat him" Chris said.

"...Alright, I understand, but please, try to not kill him"

Christopher has joined your team temporaly!

"Oh, don't be afraid, I'll never die by them EVER in my life" A voice spoke behind them.

"Sonic!" Amy shouted.

"Sonic! So it's true!" Christopher said.

"It's true what? The fact that I'm going to kill you here right now?" Sonic asked smirking.

"Ok, I'm so mad at you now! Give me back my Sonic!" Amy said with hammer ready.

"You're not the Sonic I knew before! The Sonic I know it's a good friend, a hero to many persons, a person who doesn't hesitates to stop Dr Eggman, a-"

"A person that leaves you most of the time while you enjoy your free time with Tails, Amy, Cream and Cheese and he will just come when you're in danger" Chris finished.

"...Umm...well...sadly that is true but...I know your friend also leaves you alone! And how did you knew about Cream and Cheese?" Christopher tried to taunt and asked.

"Who? Lucario?" Chris looked at Lucario and both laughed heartily "He doesn't leaves my side ever, I'm always taking him in every adventure and for your question, I know many things"


"He is right" Lucario said nodding. Christopher was now feeling a little depressed, everyone didn't noticed that he was ducking in a corner with black tiles surrounding his body as he was touching the floor with one finger.

"We just made him to act like an emo" Pit said.

"I'm NOT emo!" Christopher got up from the floor upset.

"Guys, we ignored Sonic again" Jigglypuff said pointing at Sonic while he crossed his arms.

"Are you done? Finally, now DIE!" He said turning into a spinning ball, Lucario thrusted his lance to attack, but Sonic moved far away in the hall and he came with great speed delivering a strong blow to them.

"Chris, go, leave this guy to us!" Pit said taking out his blades, Chris nodded and he along with Christopher ran further inside the colony with Lucario and Jigglypuff following them, Pit and Amy stood still in a fighting stance to stop Sonic.

"Let me pummel you!" Amy said jumping towards Sonic with her hammer ready.

Space Colony ARK
A part that resembles the Meteor Herd level inside the colony

"I think we can rest for now" Jigglypuf said sitting on the floor, they were standing next to an abyss with a half-constructed platform.

"Lucario, go and stay guarding us from anyone who comes here" Chris said, Lucario nodded and he ran near a corner, jumped and he held his position in the roof hiding in th darkness to attack anyone.

"Say Chris, I want to ask you some questions" Christopher said.

"What questions?"

Christopher looked away "'s about you and Lucario, have you been together most of the time?" Jigglypuff was sat next to Chris while she was hearing the conversation.

Traverse Town

Chris looked at the platform "Yes, he has been with me ever since I helped him recover from a horrible fever, after that, he hasn't leaved my side because he said I was so peaceful and kind for taking care of him," Chris looked at Christopher and smiled "I'm really happy to have someone like him as my friend, he always protects me from danger wherever I get into trouble and for sum that up, I live all alone in my house without my fathers because they travel around to do serious business, it's really fun to have company like Lucario"

"Wow, you're the same as me!"

"What do you mean?"

"I met Sonic one night and he fell to my pool in my house, I woke up and got up from bed to look who fell inside the water, I thought it was cat again, but after swimming inside, I saw Sonic there with crossed arms and an angry face since he hates the water so much, I swam to him and grabbed his hand to pull him to the surface and we got out and gasped for air, I asked what was his name and he answered saying "I'm Sonic the hedgehog!", after that, well, you don't want to know..."

"Oh please, tell us!" Jigglypuff said excited.

Christopher continued his story "The next morning, Sonic wanted to leave and find his friends as soon as possible, I asked him to stay just a little longer but he didn't listened and ran away, but I asked if he knew the city, after a second, he came back and lifted his arms and made a confused face with a weird smile, I knew he didn't knew anything about the city so he stayed with me, some time later, we found the others by searching, Tails was a great help back when we rescued Cream and Cheese from the military base"

Christopher looked at the floor "But after that, Sonic was always leaving me with Cream, Cheese, Amy and Tails in my house, the only way I could see him is if there was a Chaos Emerald to find or wherever we got in trouble by Eggman, and just to let you know, I also live alone in my house with them because my dad is an important business man and my mom is a famous actress, she was always asking me why my friends were wearing costumes, but after a while, she knew the truth"

"Interesting!" Jigglypuff said.

"But is there a way to be useful to Sonic?" Christopher asked.

"Well, I don't know what can you do" Chris responded.

"And I don't what can you do either, you just smacked Shadow with a branch" Christopher said crossing his arms.

"Oh, you don't know me very well" Chris put his hand in front of his face and little sparks of energy came from it, Christopher gasped after he saw that.

"What the-how did you do that?"

Chris stopped his demostration "I have special powers to learn abilities in battles, it helps me so much when I'm in trouble, luckily, I'm not a burden to my friends"

Christopher looked away "A burden....that is the thing I've been doing ever since I found Sonic"

"Hey! How can you say that to yourself? Don't be so harsh please, I know you can be of some use to Sonic!"

"But, tell me! What should I do? The reason I'm here it's because Shadow kidnapped me!"

"Certainly, I don't know for what thing you can help, I'm sorry for not answering that question" Chris blinked "But try harder and find your way to help them out, that's the only thing I can say if that cheers you up"

Christopher closed his eyes and opened them after 3 seconds "Thanks, I'll remember that for sure" He smiled at Chris and Jigglypuff and they returned the smile.

The music stops "...Wait, did you said Chaos Emeralds just a moment ago?"

"Well yeah, I did, why? The Chaos Emeralds are here inside the colony in the core"

"Oh no...we're in serious trouble now..."

"Why?" Jigglypuff and Christopher asked.

"Who knows what could happen if Sonic OR Shadow gets in possession of the Chaos Emeralds while they're possesed by the Primids"

Christopher gasped "You...You're right! The way they're acting right now could be serious trouble if they manage to grab the emeralds!"

"Then you know what to do right?"

"Of course! We need to get the Chaos Emeralds before they can get them!"

"Nobody else is approaching" Lucario said approaching to Chris.

"Lucario, we have a new mission," Chris stood up "We need to retrieve the Chaos Emeralds from the core before Sonic or Shadow can take or touch them!"

"Then let's go!" Jigglypuff said jumping from the floor, Christopher stoo up and they nodded and looked at the platform "Talking about narrow to walk..."

"We have to watch our step" Chris said.

"That won't be neccessary" Lucario said.

"Why?" Chris asked, just then, Lucario grabbed Chris with one arm (Since the other was occupied with the lance) and he jumped to the other side and put Chris down to the floor "I see!" Chris said, Lucario jumped back and he grabbed Christopher, since Jigglypuff can float in the air for a time, she made it without problems.

"I really admire Lucario now" Christopher said.

"Where are you going boys?" A female voice spoke in the platform, they turned their backs so see who was talking to them.

"Rouge!" Christopher revealed the bat girl, which was being surrounded by the same dark aura.

"Now where is Knuckles? I want to recover the shards of the Master Emerald" She asked.

"Sorry, but we don't know where is Knuckles now" Chris said.

"Too bad then, I have to stop you 4 and wait for him to appear"

"I know the perfect way to call him though" Christopher said.

"What?" Rouge asked raising an eyebrow.

Christopher placed his hands in front of his mouth "HEY KNUCKLES! SOMEONE SAID YOU'RE TOO WEAK TO EVEN LIFT A PEBBLE!" He shouted.

"...That's it? The only way to call Knuckles is with an insult?" Jigglypuff asked. Just then, the roof above them started to shake and it was destroyed by a white glove with spikes, then it revealed to be Knuckles and he landed in front of the group.

"WHO SAID TO ME?!" Knuckles asked enraged.

"Calm down, nobody told you that" Christopher said chuckling a little.

"Hey Knuckles" Rouge said, Knuckles turned his back and saw Rouge on the platform and he jumped and landed in front of her.

"Rouge! What happened to you?" Knuckles asked.

"Why, I joined another side which promised me more jewels and you know I can fall for them so easily" She said smirking a little.

"...Let's just leave them alone" Christopher said, they nodded and ran away in the other hall.

"Huh? Wasn't that Chris? And who were the others?" Kunckles asked turning his head to see them dissapearing.

"You asked just now? My, you're so slow" Rouge said, a red toon vein popped out of Knuckles's head and he gritted his teeths (Or fangs) and turned to Rouge.

"Okay, now that's it! You will give me back the shards of the Master Emerald now!"

"Hmph, try me!" Rouge said taunting.

Space Colony ARK
Near the Capsule Room

"And that's pretty much it" Bokkum said finishing his story.

"Unbelievable! The doctor and the others got possesed?" Bocoe asked terrified, Bokkum nodded a little scared "Now what are we going to do Decoe?"

"I think it's time for Sonic and friends to stop him this time, we can't do anything by ourselves, let's just face it, we're useless right now"

"Oh, who are they?" Bokkum saw Fox's group approaching to them.

"Intruders! Seize the-" Decoe was interrupted by Bocoe.

"Stop, we know what is going to happen now" Bocoe said frowning.

10 seconds later...

Once again, the poor pair of useless robots (Along with Bokkum) were being questioned while their backs were touching the wall.

"So that happened then?" Tails asked, the trio of robots nodded.

"Absolutely, the doctor is in trouble now" Bokkum said.

"Let's go and find the others soon!" Pichu said, after a second, everyone ran further inside.

"This was more humiliating than the last time" Decoe said.

"Why?" Bocoe asked.

"There was a little big headed kid with them and we got questioned by 2 yellow rats"

"...We're the laugh of the villains right?"

"Afraid so"

1/4 of the screen suddenly shows Mewtwo's group fighting Shadow.

"He's good, what are we going to do?" Roy asked to Falco.

"What else? Just keep fighting back!" Falco answered.

"That's the plan" Mewtwo said telepathically while dodging Shadow's Spin Dash.

Another 1/4 of the screen suddenly shows Fox's group running to the capsule room.

"I'm feeling a strong dark energy coming from a room!" Ness said.

"Got it" Fox said nodding.

Another 1/4 suddenly shows Pit's group fighting againts Sonic.

"He's so darn fast!" Pit said panting.

"I's hard to hit him while he runs" Amy said panting.

"See this?" Sonic was holding a yellow emerald and Amy gasped.


"A what?" Pit asked confused.

"It's a powerful crystal that holds an amazing power, whoever knows how to use it can turn into a powerful being!"

"Let me guess, Sonic knows how to use it right?" Pit asked, Amy nodded and they Sonic's hand shining and turned into a better version of the Spin Dash attack and he prepared to attack them.

The final 1/4 of the screen shows Knuckles fighting againts Rouge.

"UGH! (Something is wrong with Rouge, what the hell is the dark aura for?)" Knuckles thought inside his mind while dodging one of Rouge's kicks.

Then, the entire screen shows Chris's group being surrounded by Primids.

"They are the Primids?" Christopher asked while pointing to a Metal Primid.

"Yes, they were the ones who took Sonic" Chris said.

Preview of the next chapter

"We're doing a race to the core of the colony?"

"Yes Pichu"

"But how are we going to make it before Sonic and Shadow, Tails?"

"We need to try at least or the Earth is doomed!"

"Bah, it was doomed from the beggining"

"What'd you said?"

"I mean, it still has hope to survive!"

"...Next time: The cheapest thing in fights!"

Do you want to save your data?


Overwrite file?


Space Colony ARK
Chris, Lucario, Pichu, Roy, Mewtwo, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Ice Climbers, Pit, Fox, Falco, Ness, Amy, Tails, Christopher


"Let me smack you!" <_< Lol :P

Great job, and I'm glad the ARK is featured.


Chapter 38: The cheapest thing in fights!

Mission: Defeat the bosses and reach the core!

Boss Theme Medley

Space Colony ARK
Capsule Room


Shadow prepared another Spin Dash, this time he was attacking the Ice Climbers, they prepared to wait for right time to dodge him.

"Wait, use Blizzard" Mewtwo said, the Ice Climbers stared at him for a moment.

"Ok..why not?" Nana asked to Popo and he nodded, Shadow was now firing himself towards them, Popo and Nana used Blizzard and Shadow was instantly frozen.

"Now..." Mewtwo lifted psychically the frozen Shadow and slammed him in the roof, shattering the ice, Shadow was about to fell on the floor, but Falco kicked him in the air and the hedgehog slipped in the floor with his face and got up quickly.

"You're good, but I'm better" Shadow said.

"Oh no, nostalgia!" Falco said.

Shadow ran this time without using Spin Dash and he rolled behind Mewtwo and punched him hard in the back, Mewtwo closed his eyes to resist the pain and he turned to see Shadow.

"Why you..." Mewtwo charged up a Shadow Ball and it went flying in a strange pattern and Shadow couldn't see which way to go and dodge the attack, but unfortunately for him, the Shadow Ball got him and he backed away shaking head.

The Ice Climbers were in the air above Shadow and he looked above and they smashed his face with their hammers, Shadow was sent flying to another wall but he rolled in the air and went straight to Falco and the Star Fox member fell on the floor. Shadow quickly jumped in the air and he extended his feet to attack Falco's head while he was a little distracted trying to get up.


Shadow was pushed in the air but landed in his feet, Fox came using Fire Fox and he stood in front of Falco.

"Falco, are you alright?" Fox asked while Falco was getting up from the floor.

"A little weak, but I'm fine, thanks" He replied.

"Ugh, more?" Shadow asked, behind him, someone shouted "PK Thunder!" and he felt a lot of electricity being sent through his body and he went flying away a little.

"Can I join the fight please?" Ness asked to Mewtwo and he nodded.

"Where's Master Chris?" Tanaka asked.

"The Chris you're searching for went ahead in the hall you're in" Mewtwo said, Tanaka nodded and he, along with Tails, Pichu and Pikachu ran further in the hall leaving Fox and Ness behind to fight Shadow.

Shadow looked behind him and stared at Ness "Hmph, you're interesting, that's why you should die first than the others"

"No way!" Ness protested, Shadow ran towards him with a fist ready, but Ness trapped him inside his PK Fire, Fox and Falco saw their opportunity and they kicked Shadow out of the fire sending him straight to the Ice Climbers and they raised their hammers and slammed them in Shadow's face and he went flying to Mewtwo, who grabbed him psychically and threw him to the roof, Shadow touched the roof with his hands and he went after Fox with a punch ready.

"You're doing the same tricks" Fox stated and he dissapeared using his illusion and Shadow landed the punch shattering the floor a little, Ness used his bat to hit him in the back, Shadow moaned a little in pain and he glared at Ness, he again rolled in the floor and pushed Ness with a strong Spin Dash, Ness was about to touch the wall, but Nana got him in time before he could touch the wall, Ness sighed in relief.

"Time to end this" Mewtwo said and he floated towards Shadow, the hedgehog ran to the other side of the room and he used the Spin Dash again, but this time, he rolled around the floor with great speed and he attacked everyone in a single move, making them to trip or back away.

Just then, Shadow took out a red Chaos Emerald and held it in his right hand showing it in the air "CHAOS SPEAR!" He shouted and yellow spears came from nowhere going straight to Ness, the PK kid gasped and he tried to evade the attack by running, but he tripped and he was at the grasp of the attack.

"Ha!" Falco yelled kicking his Reflector to protect Ness from the spears, the spears were reflected back at Shadow but he jumped back and the spears destroyed the floor with a great blow.

"Reflecting my own attack back at me, not bad, but still" Shadow used the power of the Chaos Emerald and he teleported behind Fox and punched him in the head, Fox was a little stunned enough for Shadow to kick him in the back and sending him slipping in the floor, Falco tried to attack him with his hands, but Shadow teleported behind him and did the same as Fox.

"(Ok, I got it!)" Ness said to Mewtwo in his mind.

"Weakling" Mewtwo said to Shadow, the hedgehog grunted a little and he teleported behind Mewtwo, Mewtwo grinned at this and then, Ness used PK Thunder on him and he was sent with a strong electrical blow towards Shadow, Shadow couldn't dodge the attack and he yelled in pain and he fell unconscious on the floor dropping the red Chaos Emerald.

"We did it?" Fox asked getting up with the help of Falco.

"For now it seems" Mewtwo said nodding.

"Ugh...I can't inferior beings like you here...not if I'm the ultimate lifeform..." Shadow said under his breath.

"The inferior being is you" Mewtwo said.

"We'll see about that after I gather the Chaos Emeralds..." Shadow said smirking and he took the Chaos Emerald and dissapeared in a blink.

"Follow him!" Popo said, everyone nodded and they started to chase Shadow out of the Capsule Room.

Space Colony ARK
Near the Capsule Room

"AMY! WATCH OUT!" Pit yelled, but it was too late and Amy was struck by Sonic's powered Spin Dash and she yelled in pain and crashed to a wall fainting in the process while being stuck there.

"She's not a good fighter, pathetic, she's not worth to fight me" Sonic said narrowing his eyes, unfortunately for him, Pit shot an arrow directed to his head and Sonic backed away slowly rubbing the spot "How dare you!"

"It's my job to stop you from killing her!" Pit protested.

"I want to see THAT!" Sonic was struck by a thunder coming from behind and he flew a long distance in the hall before stopping by touching the floor with his feet, he turned his back to see Pikachu with electricity coming from his cheeks.

"Don't do anything to her!" Pichu demanded doing the same as Pikachu.

"Sonic! What is wrong with you?" Tails asked worried after he saw Amy fainted in the wall.

"No Tails, what is wrong with you? You left our side so soon? I thought you were going to destroy them as me" Sonic asked smirking.

"You know that I'm good guy like you!" Tails said pointing at Sonic.

"A good guy like me? I take that as an insult you little twerp!"

"Master Sonic, this kind of manners coming from you now it's really incomfortable, I ask you to stop" Tanaka said with a straight face.

"How about no?" Sonic said chuckling a little.

"I thought you were going to say in the begginning"

"Fool, then why did you asked me that?"

"Because we want the old Sonic to return with us!" Tails said.

"The old Sonic you knew is dead, you're watching now the new Sonic, a person which is hungry for more power!" He said turning into the powered version of the Spin Dash, Tails  could have sworn that the yellow Chaos Emerald was in Sonic's hand and he gasped.

"Watch out! His attacks are stronger while he is holding the Chaos Emerald!" Tails warned everyone,  Pikachu, Pichu and Pit nodded and they prepared to defend againts the Spin Dash, Sonic went blasting off with great towards them but Pit used his Mirror Shield to protect himself from the attack and Sonic bounced quickly and he hit the roof with his own attack and was still spinning in the roof without moving at all.

"NOW!" Pikachu said under Sonic, he and Pichu nodded to each other and they casted 2 thunders and they struck Sonic while spinning, he yelled in pain and he fell off the roof, but Pit ran below him and he slashed Sonic with his twin blades and Sonic was sent again to the roof, but Pikachu slammed his tail in Sonic's face and he crashed in the floor and moaned in pain.

"I think it's over now" Tails said sighing, he looked to Amy and pulled her from the wall while she shook his head confused.

"What happened Tails?" Amy asked, Tails pointed behind her and they saw Sonic unconscious in the floor and the yellow emerald was laying at his right side.

"We should take the emerald back" Tails said walking towards the emerald, however, when he ducked, he was pushed by a strong punch from behind and he slipped in the floor with his body "Who...who pushed me?" Tails asked.

"It was me fox boy" Shadow said with a fist extended towards Tails.

"'re here" Sonic said while gasping for air.

"You were defeated too..." He took the Chaos Emerald "Well, I'm planning to use the Chaos Emeralds right now to eliminate them once and for all, want more power?"

Sonic smirked at Shadow's plan "I like how that sounds..."

"Then get up and let's go to the core" Shadow ordered with crossed arms, Sonic jumped from the floor and they ran away with great speed towards the core.

"Oh no! They're going to use the Chaos Emeralds!" Amy said surprised.

"Guys!" Ness said running to them.

"Sonic and Shadow are going for the Chaos Emeralds!" Tails said.

"We need to stop them!" Pichu said.

"It's too late now, they're probably 1/5 away from us" Mewtwo stated.

"HOO-HOO-HOO-HOO-HOO!" Someone said from where Sonic and Shadow went.

"Who was that?" Pit asked.

"That hideous laugh must be from..."Tails said.

Many meters away from them...

" could we let our guards down..." Sonix said in the floor.

"Hehehehe! You 2 thought you could get away with the emeralds without problems? Wrong!" Dr Eggman was there inside his floating machine along with Decoe, Bocoe and Bokkum. Oddly, he wasn't surrounded by the dark aura.

"It's incredible how can Bokkum's explosive TVs can defeat the doctor with one single attack" Decoe said to Bocoe.

"I thank you robots for snapping me out from that crazy mental power" Dr Eggman said grinning while holding the 2 Chaos Emeralds.

"Aw, it was nothing, anything for you doctor!" Bocoe said rubbing his head and blushing (He's not gay, by the way)

"And now, let's install these emeralds to the cannon to begin our operation to destroy the Earth!" Dr Eggman said floating away with the robots inside a hidden entrance and dissapearing.

"I hate that Eggman..." Sonic said.

"Stop resting and let's continue!" Shadow demanded, Sonic grunted at this and they ran away with less speed since they weren't holding the emeralds.

Space Colony ARK
Meteor Herd level place look alike

(Because the author of this story is tired of describing battles, this scene will be displayed with Rouge being defeated after a long struggle againts Knuckles)

"Darn it..." Rouge said fainting slowly and falling in the abyys below, but Knuckles got her in time and the Shadow Bugs escaped from her body.

"It's over now, she's alright" Knuckles muttered to himself while holding Rouge "...There, the missing shards" He said taking away the shards of the Master Emerald from Rouge, he placed all the shards of the Master Emerald together and it recovered his original form "Finally..." He said touching the emerald.

" head..." Rouge was slowly opening her eyes and saw Knuckles staring at her and she blushed "AAHH! Stop holding me!!" She yelled and Knuckles blushed as well and Rouge jumped from his arms "What the heck is wrong with you retard?!"

"Retard?! You were being possesed by some strange spores!" Knuckles pointed out.

"Wait...I remember that I was being covered by those weird spores coming from some strange completed the Master Emerald?" Rouge glanced at the Master Emerald.

"Well yeah! It's my job to protect it from you for example!" Knuckles said.

"Alright alright, I surrender, stealing the Master Emerald is not fun for me anymore" Rouge said lifting her hands above her shoulders.

After a moment, 2 fast blurs came from the hall dissapearing to where Chris and his group went.

"Shadow?" Rouge said.

"Sonic?" Knuckles said.

"Together?" Both said in unison surprised.

"Something is wrong with them" Knuckles said.

"I agree, seeing Shadow with Sonic running together creeps me out, I thought they were going to punch the other in quick movements but this doesn't looks like it" Rouge commented.

Space Colony ARK
Control Room

"Mwhahahaha! At last! All the Chaos Emeralds were gathered!" Dr Eggman said putting the last emerald in the cannon "Now, I just need to adjust the coordinates and fire the cannon to the Eart-what the hell is that?" Dr Eggman saw the big Subspace Bomb embedded to the cannon "A bomb?! How did that managed to appear there?!"


"What?!" Dr Eggman asked in shock and he started to type fast in the computer "I can't stop this thing! What is happening?!...Huh?" Dr Eggman saw a video starting to play in the computer as the Chaos Emeralds were taken away from the room.

Space Colony ARK
Near the Capsule Room

"Starting plan to collide the Space Colony ARK with the Earth?" Pichu said confused an terrified at the same time.

Pikachu's ears perked up "Huh? Someone is talking in that room..." He said running to the Capsule Room along with the others.

Space Colony ARK
Capsule Room

Inside the room, a machine appeared showing an old man chained to a chair and looking at the floor.

"Do you have anything else to say?" A voice spoke inside the video.

"No, I just wished to see the face of my beloved granddaughter Maria again, but killed her in that assault to the colony along with the other scientists, we were just investigating an easier way to protect the Earth from danger and you misunderstood us believing that we were plotting to destroy the Earth" The old man said.

"Maria?" Ness said confused.

"Shh! He's not over yet" Amy said.

"But after so much work, we finally made the Ultimate Lifeform...the Project Shadow gave life to our new creation, a being with infinite power that will cause chaos and destruction to all the people who dares to attack're doomed now"

"That's all?" The voice asked angrily.

"Yes, it's a shame I won't be here to see you all die by him"

"Alright soldiers, fire!" The voice commanded and the video ends with the old man screaming and dying afterwards by bullets from guns.

"But still, who was him?" Pichu asked confused.

"That was my Grandfather, Doctor Gerald Robotnik, a renombrate genius of the science by all" Dr Eggman came walking from the door explaining who was the old man in the video.

"But why was he killed?" Tails asked.

"He was killed by accident by the goverment after a misunderstanding for making experiments in this colony 50 years ago, every scientist died along with my cousin, Maria Robotnik"


He explained taking out a disc "This is the diary of him about the incident"

"Then let me insert it in the computer" Rouge came along with Knuckles while he was holding the Master Emerald in his hands "And when did we have so many different visitors?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"It doesn't concerns me, just play the video" Dr Eggman said, Rouge took the disc and she walked to the computer and inserted the disc, after a second, the video starts with words appearing and Rouge reads them.

5 minutes later...

"I can't believe that happened here, he must have been feeling very sad about the death of Maria" Amy stated.

"In any case, we must stop the colony from crashing into the Earth! The power of the Chaos Emeralds combined will cause the biggest explosion of the story, even more powerful than a Supernova" Dr Eggman said typing in the computer and a map appeared showing the route to the core "Huh? Someone is already going there" He typed to show who was going to the core and a screen appeared showing Chris, Christopher, Lucario and Jigglypuff running and fighting againts the Primids.

"Chris!" Pichu said.

"Master Chris!" Tanaka said.

"That's the same kid from earlier!" Knuckles said.

"Wait, someone else is also going there" Dr Eggman typed in the computer and the screen showed Sonic and Shadow running at high speed towards the core, but then Sonic destroys the camera with his fist "Darn it! They need to hurry up before it's too late!"

"What can we do meanwhile?" Pikachu asked.

Dr Eggman looked at everyone "We don't have any choice left but wait for them to reach the core and take back the Chaos Emeralds, but if Sonic and Shadow manages to grab the emeralds, we must use the Master Emerald to neutralize their powers"

"The Master Emerald..." Knuckles trailed off while glancing at the Master Emerald.

"It's worth of a try" Rouge said.

"Chris! Hurry up! The Earth is in danger!" Popo and Nana said in unison cheering the group.

Space Colony ARK
Near the core

"That alarm is warning us from the collision to the Earth, we must reach the core and retrieve the emeralds!" Jigglypuff said while using Pound in an Auroros.


"What is it Lucario?" Chris asked.

"They are coming here"


"Sonic and Shadow"

"Oh no, run faster!" Christopher said.

"Do you know a way to defeat Sonic while using the Chaos Emeralds?" Chris asked.

"No! Everytime he uses it, nobody so far was able to defeat him!"

"Then this is a high alert!"

"Look! We made it!" Jigglypuff said.

Space Colony ARK

"A sanctum?" Christopher asked when he saw a Sanctum similar to the temple of the Chaos Emeralds.

"The Chaos Emeralds are there! Hurry up!" Chris said running with the others, they were standing around a pool with orange water and then, a virtual screen appeared above the sanctum "Huh?"

" don't understand what it's the meaning of our creation..." Dr Gerald Robotnik said in the screen chained in a chair "You will see a true monster made by our technology..." The screen suddenly shuts down and a huge roar came from nowhere, the group looks above them and a huge lizard with a machine embedded to his back came falling in the center of the pool and he roared again.

"The Biolizard?" Chris asked surprised "We don't have much time left, somebody needs to stay behind and fight that beast!" When he said that however, Lucario was already grabbing both kids "...Oh no"

"HAAA!" Lucario tossed them to the other side of the pool and they fell on their butts "GO! I CAN DESTROY THIS GIANT LIZARD!"

"Correction, WE can destroy this huge lizard!" Jigglypuff said upset.

"...Alright, be careful! Remember that the machine it's his weak point!" Chris said leaving away with Christopher and they ran at the Sanctum while Lucario and Jigglypuff were fighting againts the Biolizard.

Space Colony ARK
Capsule Room

"What in the world is that monster?" Falco asked.

"It can't be, so that was the experiment my grandfather and the scientists had been working on" Dr Eggman said.

Space Colony ARK

02 Battle

The Biolizard swung his tail to both Pok?mon, but they jumped above it, the Biolizard however swung his tail in the air and both Pok?mon were slammed in the floor.

"Ugh!" Lucario lifted the and Jigglypuff escaped, Lucario saw his opportunity and he quickly got out of the weight of the tail, the Biolizard roared and he charged up strange energy balls and fired them at both Pok?mon, Lucario rolled, jumped and used Extremespeed to evade the energy balls, then the Biolizard was looking at his machine to recover energy that he hasn't lost yet.

"The machine!" Jigglypuff said.

"I've got it!" Lucario has learned a new ability, he jumped high above in the room and landed using a strong thrust into the machine with his lance, the Biolizard roared in pain and he swung his tail again, Jigglypuff used Rollout to escape to the other way while Lucario was evading the tail by jumping, the Biolizard opened his mouth to catch , but she rolled to the other side and slammed into the tail by accident, but the Biolizard felt pain and he shaked a little.

"Now it's my turn!" Jigglypuff floated towards the machine and she used rest on the center, it made another strong blow and the Biolizard roared again, this time, he called strange pink spheres surrounding his whole body, he ordered them to slam into Lucario, but the Aura Pok?mon dodged every attack since he knew which ones were going to come at him.

Jigglypuff woke up and she saw the Biolizard busy trying to attack Lucario, she blinked and floated towards the machine again, but a pink ball slammed into her and she landed in the water near the foot of the monster, the Biolizard lifted his foot above Jigglypuff and she yelled in terror, but Lucario came using Extremespeed, grabbing Jigglypuff and saving her from being crushed.

"What the..." Jigglypuff trailed off when she saw her feet above the floor along with Lucario, the Biolizard must have altered the gravity around his body to attack them, more pink ball were appearing around "No! I won't lose to him!" Jigglypuff said angrily and she started to use Pound to travel between the spheres, the Biolizard roared and the pink balls were flying towards Jigglypuff, but Lucario used his lance as a shield to destroy them while protecting Jigglypuff.

After floating through the gravity, Jigglypuff finally made it to the machine and she used the last attack using Pound and the machine was exploding now, the gravity turned back to normal, she and Lucario landed safely in the floor and they saw the Biolizard fainting and slamming his head in the water.

"Now let's go, we need to catch up with Chris" Lucario said to Jigglypuff.

Space Colony ARK

After climbing a long staircase, both kids reached the center of the sanctum, and they found the 7 Chaos Emeralds laying on the ground and both smiled happily.

"We made it! We made it! We made it!" Both said singing.

"Alright, now we just need to hide them from the hedgehogs!" Chris said, Christopher nodded and he ducked to grab the Chaos Emeralds "Now we need to escape and the colony should stop from colliding with the Earth"

Chris and Christopher walked towards the long staircase but then...

"OH NO!" Chris said in shock after he saw a blue and a black blur coming from the other side of the big room, they passed right between Lucario and Jigglypuff and then they ran at high speed climbing the staircase and both were running towards Christopher, who was holding the 7 Chaos Emeralds .

"MOVE OUT! NO-" It was too late for Christopher to react because both hedgehogs landed a powerful punch in his face and stomach and he went falling to the other side of the sanctum (Dropping the Chaos Emeralds in front of both hedgehogs) and Chris watched in terror as how Christopher was falling to the ground, but fortunately, Lucario used Extremespeed to reach the other side 6 seconds before Christopher could hit the floor and Chris sighed in relief.

"...No..." Chris was feeling the most powerful and destructive power being gathered behind his back after he felt a blinding light coming close to him, when he turned, for his horror, both hedgehogs were floating above the ground in their super forms smirking evil. But they were surrounded in a purple and darkish aura instead of a golden aura.

"Hehehe, now who's the weakling?!" Super Sonic asked smirking.

"I-I-I won't run away from you 2!" Chris said studdering a little.

"Too bad, because we're going to destroy the Earth with our powers" Super Shadow said. Both hedgehogs started to yell aloud and they teleported away.

"The Biolizard!" Chris said in shock after he saw the Biolizard dissapearing along with them.

"Chris!" Lucario came up holding Christopher in one arm and Jigglypuff floated to them.

"It's too late, we can't save the Earth now..."

"Don't say that, we need to try and defeat them!" Jigglypuff said.

"Are you nuts Jigglypuff?! Fighting againts them it's like fighting againts the characters of DBZ!"

"Characters of DBZ?"

"Nevermind! Let's escape now, all hope is lost for this world, besides, I know there is way to restore the Earth once the bomb explodes!"

"Take that back" Lucario said glaring.


"I can't believe I'm hearing this from you, you're always being optimistic about all the problems werever they are bad or good, and you're giving up now? If we follow your idea, I promise I'm going to kill you"

"Lu-Lucario, please, don't say that to me!"

"I'll stop once we save this world!"

Chris looked away "...Ok, we're staying to fight them, but promise me something"


"Promise that you're not going to threaten me with death, I'm feeling very scared inside my mind now"

Lucario thought about what he just said a moment ago "I'm sorry...I was getting furious...forgive me"

"Phew, that was close, I forgive you" Chris said smiling and Lucario gave a little smile to him.


"Whoa, he is alive!" Jigglypuff said.

"Chris! Are you alright?!" Chris asked worried.

"They just used...the negative powers...the positive powers are still inside the emeralds...use them..." Christopher said pointing to the Chaos Emeralds in the ground and Chris glanced at them.


Power Hungry Fool

"I DIDN'T MEANT THE MUSIC EITHER!" Chris said breaking the fourth wall and the music abruptaly stops with a screech.

"Then what is YOUR plan?" Lucario asked narrowing his eyes.

"Well..umm..we could...use the help of everyone...and...well...OK OK! Let me touch those emeralds!" Chris said annoyed and he touched all the emeralds at once and he started to glow...but stopped with a funny sound of someone farting

"...Hurray! Nothing happened! I can't control that power!" Chris said cheering "We're staying with the plan with everyone else to attack them!" After he said that however, he suddenly started to glow again and his clothes changed to what appears to be a long green robe with a yellow V upside-down at the end of his back with long green sleeves and black shirt underneath, his shoes changed to black shoes and his pants were now baggy white pants, he was also wearing a long green horn in a tiara on his head and a staff appeared on his right hand.


Call upon powerful entities to aid you in battle, destroy your foes with mighty magic and shatter the ground with great force using all kinds of attacks by your summons, with this job, you're going to make a lot of damage around!

"...Wait, I remember this job somewhere before..." Chris said thinking "Wait, I know how to use it!" Chris concentrated his magic into his staff and he called forth an entity, the background blackened out a little and then the floor was starting to shake as something with great power was approaching, Chris was smiling happily and he waited for a powerful summon to appear and aid them.

But much for his dismay, a Chocobo appeared and he chirped happily.

"..." Lucario didn't said anything.

"..." Jigglypuff didn't said anything.

"..." Christopher was still fainted if you forgot by the way.

"...A Chocobo?! I gained the most powerful job so far and I only called a Chocobo?! What the hell is wrong with those emeralds?!" Chris asked furiously. The Chocobo chirped happily again and it touched Chris with his beak in affection for calling him "...But at least, I have a new pet!"

"The world is in danger and you're adopting a Chocobo now?!" Lucario asked enraged.

"Hey! Anything else for a Chocobo is a dream coming true!" Chris petted the head of the bird "I'm gonna call you Freddy!"

"...It's female" Lucario pointed out.

"Lenne shall be then!" Chris said smiling petting the head of newly named Chocobo named Lenne.

"Guys! We need you here right now! The monster combined himself with the bomb!" Tails said over the speaker.


Lol, a chocobo. :P

Yay. Good chapter(s)


"Alright! Wait for us!" Chris said climbing on the back of Lenne "Come with me, Lenne will take us in a second with everyone else!"

Lucario sat on her back behind Chris and holding Christopher "But if I use Extremespeed again, we can reach the room without delays" Jigglypuff floated and sat in the head of Lenne.

"Don't underestimate the abilities of a Chocobo, Lenne, at high speed!" Chris ordered and Lenne chirped.

Lucario closed his eyes "Fine, but when we reach the room, the Earth is going to be destroye-" After he opened his eyes, he saw the Capsule Room not far away from them "...I take that back" He said frowning.

Space Colony ARK
Capsule Room

"What's happening?" Chris asked while getting down from Lenne, she chirped again and dissapeared in a second.

"Look over there!" Pichu pointed outside and the Biolizard was fusioned with the bomb as his new machine and both super hedgehogs were at both sides smirking evily with crossed arms while the colony was getting closer to the Earth.

"Knuckles! Use the Master Emerald now!" Rouge said, Knuckles nodded and he lifted his hands in the air.

"Oh great Master Emerald! Hear my words and stop the power of the Chaos Emeralds from destroying the Earth!" He chanted and the Master Emerald shone intensely, then it fired and light towards Sonic and Shadow, but the light just passed through them without doing any effect "What!?"

"It can't be! The Master Emerald can't even stop them from using the power of the Chaos Emeralds!" Dr Eggman said in shock.

"...We don't have any choice left then..." Chris nodded to his group and they nodded agreeding with his plan "We're going to fight them!"

"But you need a spacesuit or else you will need air to breath!" Tails said.

"For some odd reason, we can breath outside in the space" Mewtwo pointed out.

"Follow me, I'll take you to them inside a platform" Dr Eggman said, soon everyone else followed him except for Sonic's friends who remained in the Capsule Room to watch their battle. Lucario put Christopher down in the floor near Amy and Tails and he ran away with the others.

"I hope they can defeat Sonic and Shadow" Amy said putting her hands together in front of her face.

"I'm not giving up either!" Knuckles said, he lifted his hands to the Master Emerald and he started to cast a long chant to neutralize the powers of the Chaos Emeralds.

Tails sighed "When is this going to end?"

"After we die in the explosion or if they can defeat both hedgehogs," Rouge said with crossed arms "I don't want to be involved in this fight, I'll stay giving hints"

Space Colony ARK

"Heh, they're coming now" Super Sonic said smirking when he saw a platform coming from the colony and the 13 Smashers appeared glaring at the 3 monsters.

"We are not going to let you 3 from destroying the Earth!" Chris said glaring.

"This is your own world and you want it destroyed? That is crazy!" Ness said.

"So far, this is the hardest battle we have been in..." Chris closed his eyes "But I'm not going to give up yet..." He opened his eyes with a glare "Even if that means I need to defeat you!"

"NOW I'LL SHOW YOU!!!" Super Sonic shouted and he ran at high speed at them with Super Shadow and the Biolizard, now the Biohazard, roared and prepared a beam to fire, all the Smashers stood in a fighting stance and they ran towards the monsters to begin the battle.

Preview of the next chapter

"Lenne...I don't know what to do now..."


"They're too strong and...we can't beat them even with our forces combined..."


"What'd you said? I can summon him now?"


"But I don't know if I can do it!"


"...You're right, there is still hope....thanks for cheering me up!"


"Next time! Live & Learn? This is Die & Forget!"

Do you want to save your data?


Overwrite file?


Space Colony ARK
Chris, Lucario, Pichu, Roy, Mewtwo, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Ice Climbers, Pit, Fox, Falco, Ness, Amy, Tails, Christopher, Knuckles, Rouge, Dr Eggman

The Seventh

Amazing.  Simply amazing.

My only problem is that it feels like (to me) that you didn't give Super Metroid enough attention...

Other than that, awesome.

Keep up the fantastic work.


Quote from: red7js on May 04, 2008, 03:35:06 PM
Amazing.  Simply amazing.

My only problem is that it feels like (to me) that you didn't give Super Metroid enough attention...

Other than that, awesome.

Keep up the fantastic work.
It's because I don't know anything about that game. :P

But don't worry, I DO know the Prime series. ;)

The Seventh

Quote from: wiiboychris on May 05, 2008, 05:21:43 PM
Quote from: red7js on May 04, 2008, 03:35:06 PM
Amazing.  Simply amazing.

My only problem is that it feels like (to me) that you didn't give Super Metroid enough attention...

Other than that, awesome.

Keep up the fantastic work.
It's because I don't know anything about that game. :P

But don't worry, I DO know the Prime series. ;)
Well, I coulda helped you with that, but sadly, I was out during that time due to my grandmother's stroke (she lives with my family, and I had to help take care of her).

Well...  seeing as you know the prime series well, and me being one of the biggest Metroid Fans around (it's debateable wether either I or Jono2 are the biggest fan here...) I could help you take it even deeper!