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The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest (Megaman Legends Arc)

Started by DededeCloneChris, March 04, 2008, 02:00:26 PM

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Chapter 68: Starring Red and Pikachu! Maylene, Reggie and Riolu!

Pok?mon FireRed and LeafGreen

Route 1

?Well, I heard somebody yelling from over there, let?s go!? Pikachu said and most of them stared at him in surprise. ?...What??

Chris turned his back and put his right hand on his hip. ?Alright, you?re probably wondering what happened before this, am I right? Okay, I?m going to use the help of our friendly flashback waves to explain it, ACTION!? He broke the fourth wall and flashback waves starts to play.


"Mom, please, they are taking evasive actions, I need plans for the flat soda machine!" She said randomly with tiny Ritos flying around her  head.


End of flashback

?That was way too back! I?m talking about how did Maylene, her Lucario, Riolu and Reggie got here!? Chris said and he took out a remote control to operate the flashbacks.


"The world is in danger and you're adopting a Chocobo now?!" Lucario asked enraged.


"I don't want to ruin your happy moment....but...that is not your Lucario..."


"YUCK! IT'S ANOTHER CHICKEN BONE!" She said hiding behind Popo.


Hector looked at Serra. "What is it now?!"


"You're hurting my arm! You're hurting my arm! You're hurting my arm!" Those words rang inside Lucario's mind and he growled angrily. Then he separated both pig masks from the arms of Chris, Popo and Nana.


"YOUR FATE HAS BEEN DECIDED." Master Hand said, everyone stared at him confused. "...What? I wanted to make this moment dramatic!"


"You and your Digimon 3 stuff!" Ness said.


"Our Arwings are better." Fox and Falco said in unison.

Unfortunately after that, Chris pressed a lot of buttons and went to different chapters, programs, videogames parts, and accidentaly, anime cartoons.


?Of course not Stupei!?

?This is grown up time, time for children to go to bed.?

?Booo, meanie!?

?I?ll put my life on the line!?

?He?s just a poor boy, of a poor family.?

"Flat-chested fornicatress!"

?This is your story.?

?Keep you waiting, huh??

?What?! An attack from behind?!?

"Got it memorized?"

?Ha-ha, you got re-jec-ted!?

?Hey Ness, look at this doll, it says, Gen-?

?Chris, what are you doing?!? Lucario asked outside the innecessary flashbacks.

?THE BUTTON?S STUCK!? Chris replied angrily, and starting to smash the remote control. ?UGH! UGH! UCK! UGH!?

?Gather all the-?


?Samus is a man, right Fox??

?DO SOMETHING!? Lucario said.

Chris threw the remote at Lucario. ?DO IT BY YOURSELF!?

Lucario simply pressed the correct button and it started playing the right flashback. ?Done.?


Smash Mansion
Command Room

Chris began to thought quickly for a plan. ?JIGGLYPUFF! USE SING!?

Jigglypuff nodded cheerfully and took out the scoreboard to sing, Lucario knew tht Chris told him to block his ears while will block his, Pikachu and Pichu ran away to the halls, leaving the 4 accidental newcomers to hear Jigglypuff sing.

?No...I won? Maylene?s Lucario managed to say before collapsing on the floor right to his trainer and the other 2.

?...? Chris kicked slightly Maylene?s side and he sighed. ?Phew, you can come on out everyone, they?re sleeping.?

Everyone else slowly appeared inside the Command Room and stared at their ?visitors?, sleeping.

Zelda talked to break the silence. ?Are they the newcomers Master Hand?? She looked at Maylene. ?At least you brought a girl this time.?

?Unfortunately Zelda, they aren?t the newcomers I was talking about.? Master Hand said before taking a deep breath. ?Chris, do you have an explanation for this??

Chris nodded and began to tell everyone about what they did.

?What should I do with them?? Chris asked.

?Obviously, you will take them back to their homes.? Marth said.

?By the way Master Hand, what?s the next world??

Master Hand gasped. ?T-That?s right! You have to go to Pok?mon FireRed and LeafGreen to save Red, Squirtle and Charizard from the Subspace Army!?

?And that means I can only bring Pok?mon with me??

Master Hand began to thought. ? that you mention it, with 5 Pok?mon and you will not be enough for this mission....we don?t need to show the status this time too...?

Lucario looked at the four unconscious people. ?Why don?t we take them with us??

?Are you crazy Lucario? Once they awake, they will ask us how did they ended up in Kanto!? Chris said.

?Actually, it could work.? Master Hand said.


?This could be a new experiment, if we invite people to help us in our missions, it would be a great idea.?

?I don?t know if that?s a great idea though...? Ness said.

?I?m still against this plan,? Chris said. ?I don?t want Maylene or the others to be dragged into this matter.?

?I have an idea.? Lucario said.

?An idea??

After that, Mewtwo entered inside the portal to go ahead while Chris, Lucario, Pikachu, Pichu and Jigglypuff dragged them to Kanto, then the group disappeared inside the portal.

?I have a bad feeling about this.? Popo said.

?Well, I wanted to go on my first mission, but I can?t do anything now.? Link said.

?We just have to believe in them.? Zelda said.

?I think you?re right.? Roy said.

Pok?mon FireRed and LeafGreen

Route 1


?...? Maylene slowly woke up. ?...Huh? Where am I?? She looked around to find her Lucario, Riolu and Reggie waking up, confused.

?Thank goodness, you?re okay.? Chris said calmly.

?Where are we?? Maylene?s Lucario asked.

?You can?t believe what happened, me and my Pok?mon entered inside a weird portal that appeared out of nowhere and teleported us to the Kanto region!? Chris said kidding.

?...Portal? You mean the same portal that we walked into?? Reggie asked.

?Well...yes, unfortunately for you, you appeared on the sky above us and fainted after that, but luckily my Lucario catched all of you in time.?


Chris sweatdropped after seeing Maylene?s Lucario grunting at him with rage on his fangs, Chris could tell he wasn?t the kind of persons that are easy to be tricked.

?(Okay, don?t panic, you?re safe on your mind and that Lucario can?t read my thoughts and...LUCARIOS CAN READ MINDS!)?


Maylene looked at her Lucario. ?Lucario what is it??

?Maylene, don?t believe all the things he said just now, I know what hap-hmhmhhmhm.? Chris?s Lucario quickly blocked his mouth.


?Chris is telling the truth, I assure you.? Chris?s Lucario said before noticing that Maylene?s Lucario was biting his hand and both started to fight silently.

?STOP IT!? Chris and Maylene said in unison and their Lucarios stopped.

?What is a Kanto region, Ri?? Riolu asked innocently.

?Hey, she?s right, how do you know we are in Kanto?? Reggie asked.

?(Oh-uh.) I...a traveler passed by and told me.? Chris lied.

?:..But still, it?s weird that all of this happened out of nowhere.? Reggie said and got in a thinking position.

?I?m trying to tel-? Maylene?s Lucario was once again interrupted by Chris?s Lucario.

?Oh yeah, Maylene, your Lucario hit a rock very hard because Lucario couldn?t catch him in time, so I think he?s imagining things.? Chris said laughing heartily.

?I see... Lucario, we should take you to a Pok?mon Center.? Maylene said.

?I DON?T NEED T-? Maylene?s Lucario was once again interrupted by the other Lucario.

?So...? Reggie looked around. ?What do we do now to get back to Sinnoh??

?Well, I heard somebody yelling from over there, let?s go!? Pikachu said and most of them stared at him in surprise. ?...What??

?...THAT PIKACHU JUST TALKED!? Maylene said surprised.

?Hahaha! Pikachu got busted!? Pichu said and he received the same stares. ?...Oops...?


?Stop talking!? Jigglypuff said and received more odd stares. ?...Oh no...?


?Is this a dream or is real?? Reggie asked. ?I only know that the Lucarios and Riolus can talk, but they can too??

Chris sighed. ?...Thing is, they know how to talk thanks to a translator for Pok?mon they use inside their mouths. They developed it in some lab I found in my travels and the scientists gave me samples.? He, again, lied at this fact.

?Wow, your travels are interesting.? Maylene remarked.

Chris sweatdropped and laughed heartily. ? could say that...?

Another hour of explanations and lies later...

The group regained their control, Chris had Pikachu and Pichu on both shoulders, Jigglypuff sat on his head and Riolu was on his arms and the other 4 were walking besides him to the north.

?I haven?t been in Kanto for a long time, I wonder how much it changed.? Reggie said.

Chris remembered that this wasn?t the same Kanto. ?Believe me, it changed.?

?Brother, this is how you travel around, Ri?? Riolu asked.

?Yes, someday, you will too.? Chris?s Lucario said with a small smile, traveling together with his sister was a great experience for him, because it would permit him to teach her new things.

?Ri! Someday I will travel too! Ri!? Riolu said excited.

?(It?s a very good feeling to have a baby Pok?mon close to you, it?s awesome!)? Chris thought happily.

?Hey Pikachu, can you tell me about your travels with Chris?? Maylene asked and Pikachu began to sweat.

?Chris...well...he and me...traveled to Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and recently Sinnoh too! We also traveled to the Orange Islands and competed in the Battle Frontier!? Pikachu said sweating.

?Cool! Those are so many places to go!?

Maylene, Lucario, Reggie and Riolu temporaly joined our team!

?(I?m starting to wonder if Pikachu misses Ash.)? Chris thought while he looked at Pikachu, a little depressed since his ears were a little down. ?(Or...nah, it couldn?t be...)?

?Chris! Remember, we have to help Red from being captured!? Jigglypuff said.

?...Red?? Maylene and Reggie said confused in unison before chuckling. ?What kind of name is that?? Reggie asked chuckling.

?...How should I know?? Chris asked before hearing someone screaming from afar.

?HEEEEEEEEEEEELP!? Red screamed in terror while he ran away from Wolf, with Squirtle hiding below his hat but he was bigger than the hat.

?Don?t escape from me! I just want to kill you!? Wolf said smirking and chasing after Red.

?Oh no, we?re getting late!? He began to run quickly with his Lucario.

?Getting late for what?? Maylene asked confused and the others ran with Chris and ?his? Pok?mon to an open field far away from them, they got there in 5 minutes, where a 3-way match between Wolf, Charizard and Mewtwo took place while Red and Squirtle watched from some butches.

?You just appeared out of nowhere, huh?? Wolf asked.

?Yes, I am here to stop you and those fools hiding there.? Mewtwo said, pointing to Ganondorf and King Dedede.

?What is happening here? I?m scared...? Red said, this time, hugging Squirtle who was also worried.

?Squirtle squir...? Squirtle said scared.

Red sighed and petted his head. ?I-I change my thoughts about you, if we want to survive, we have to get out of here and fast...LOOK AT THOSE POK?MON!!? Red said surprised after looking at the 2 Lucarios with the other group who came last. ?I-I?ve never seen those kind of Pok?mon before, they must be rare in this region!?

?Huh? Is that?!? Reggie asked surprised after seeing Mewtwo with his own eyes.

?The Pok?mon with the purple tail you mean?? Maylene asked.

?Yes, it?s Mewtwo! I hear he escaped from a laboratory in Cinnabar Island a long time ago and have wandered around, but I never thought I would see him in person!?

?Grrrr.? Maylene?s Lucario grunted at Mewtwo.

?Your Lucario has anger problems, you know that?? Chris said.

?Sorry, he really likes to battle strong opponents just to get stronger that he already is.? Maylene explained. ?Which reminds me...didn?t we had a match to end??

?...She is right!? Her Lucario responded and looked at the other Lucario with a glare. ?We have to end our match now!?

?Not now, we have to help Mewtwo!? Chris said.

?Are you crazy? Mewtwo is probably the strongest Pok?mon of all!? Reggie said.

?It?s one of my Pok?mon too!?

Reggie?s eyes widened a little. ?...You?re kidding right? Nobody hasn?t captured Mewtwo before!?

?(I?m going to let that misunderstanding go for this time.)? Mewtwo thought irritated.

?Y-yes! See? Mewtwo! Use Confusion on-(I can?t let the other know about Wolf?s name!)- on that mutated Poochyena!? Chris ordered.

?Mutated Poochyena? This day is getting so weird!? Maylene complained.

Mewtwo thought before using Confusion to lung Wolf to a tree, but he touched the tree with his feet and landed safely on the grass. ?I don?t have a name of a pathetic creature! My name is Wolf O?Donnell!? He said angrily.

?...Okay, that?s it, I don?t believe anything here anymore.? Reggie said and Maylene pinched him. ?Oww!?

?See? This isn?t a dream!? She said.

Charizard was getting impatient because nobody hasn?t payed attention on him and threw a fully charged Flamethrower to Chris?s group. ?MOVE!? Reggie yelled and all of them jumped away to evade to furious attack.

?(Now what? Should I join the fight or not?)? Red thought.

?Where is he?!? Chris asked looking around for Red.

?LOOK OUT!? Pikachu yelled and Chris ducked to evade another Flamethrower that burned down most of the plants in front of him.

And just by coincidence, the plants that got burned revealed the position of a very black Red and Squirtle who blinked in surprise.

?I...must...catch...that...Charizard...ugh...? Red said before coughing smoke and fainting with his Squirtle, with swirls on their eyes.

Chris looked in front of him and found the 2. ?...Well, that was easy...?

Jigglypuff jumped off his head and she examined their faces and lifted slowly her scoreboard. ?Not today!? Pikachu said, grabbing the scoreboard and Jigglypuff hid it behind her.

?Red? Red? Red? Blue? I mean, Red?? Chris tried to wake him up. ?Pichu, use Thundershock on him, would you??

?Right!? Pichu said and jumped slightly in the air to shoot a bolf of electricity to Red and Squirtle, electrocuting both of them and waking them up.

?Oww! Why did you do that for?!? Red complained. ?...Hey, you?re the same guys with the rare Pok?mon, right??

While the 2 were talking, Wolf, Charizard and Mewtwo continued to fight against each other, even Maylene decided to help Mewtwo (but her Lucario still was trying to refuse) and Reggie called out his Swalot to help them too.

?Who are you?? Red asked.

?My name is Chris, nice to meet you.? Chris said. (If he wanted to gain his trust, he needed to speak calmly to him).

?N-nice to meet you, but how did you know my name??

?...A hunch??

This day, Chris was lying like nobody else for sure.

?...A hunch? Isn?t there any other reason??

?...Oh yeah! Now I remember! I met your mom one day in Pallet Town in my travels! She said that she had a son that was excited to be a Pok?mon trainer! That is you, right??

Red nodded confused at the situation. ?W-well...she didn?t lied then...oh, right! Hey, are you the trainer of that rare Pok?mon? And the one in your arms?? Red pointed to Chris?s Lucario, who was dodging a Flamethrower of Charizard and to Riolu.

?Lucario? Yes, he is my Pok?mon, I?m so lucky to have one like she does too.? Chris said while she glance at Maylene, who was ordering her Lucario to create an Aura Sphere by mimicking him. ?This baby Pok?mon is Riolu, and she has a rare color for her kind!?

?Rii!? Riolu said happily.

?That girl is crazy, look at how she moves around!? Red said, looking at Maylene.

?...Well, she likes to do that a lot, I think.?

?How bad, I thought those Lucarios or whatever they?re called were wild.? He said disappointed. ?But I can catch that Charizard and-hey, you?re not here to catch him right? Because I saw him first!?

?N-no! In fact, we came to help you to catch Charizard!?

?Then do something now! He?s getting away!?


?He?s right! Charizard is getting away!? Pikachu said.

?...OH MY GOD! THAT PIKACHU JUST TALKED!? Red said surprised.

?Squirtle?? Squirtle asked confused.


?Guess our secret went out to everyone else here...? Jigglypuff said.

?Shh!? Pichu said.

?HE TOO?!?

?I-I?ll explain later if you want to come with us!? Chris said as he ran to his group with ?his? Pok?mon while got up and went with him too.

?Don?t let him escape! Chase him down!? Wolf ordered and his other 2 partners got out of the bushes and started to chase Charizard who flew towards Viridian City.

?Okay, what now?? Reggie asked as he called his Swalot to his Pokeball.

?We must capture Charizard before those strange mutated Pok?mon catch him!? Red said.

?Wait, are you going with us?? Maylene asked.

?Yes, nice to meet you, I?m Red.?

Maylene and Reggie started chuckling uncontrollably.

?Hey!? Red said angrily.

?Stop it guys! We have a mission and that is capture that Charizard!? Jigglypuff said and they nodded, but still chuckling while Red shot glares at all of them, but his Squirtle was enjoying his time.

?We can relax now.? Reggie said.

?But why?? Maylene asked.

?The Charizards are not stupid, when they are chased, they lose their hunters while they fly to a direction, if Viridian City is near here, then Charizard is going to hide near that city but surely lose the hunters we just fought.? Reggie explained.

?I propose to go to the Pok?mon Center, my Lucario got hurted from that Flamethrower.? Maylene said, glancing at her Lucario who grabbed his right arm.

?Yeah, let?s do that, and while we are in our way...Red, are you going to Viridian City too?? Chris asked.

?Hmm, Viridian City has a Gym, right?? Red asked, remembering that the city had a Gym.

?Yes, it has one.? Reggie assured Red.

?Alright! Let?s go! And then, you can tell how did you taught your Pok?mon to talk too!?

Red temporaly joined your team!

?...Umm...sure?? Chris replied confused.

Viridian City
Pok?mon Center

On their way to the center, the group already told Red many things about themselves, even Maylene told him that she is a Gym Leader and Red instantly challenged her, but since she wasn?t in her Gym, he told him that later and Red got disappointed but accepted her decision, Reggie was asking Chris how did he ?catched? Mewtwo, who was floating besides Chris at that moment and the World Traveler had no choice but to lie many more times yet, until they reached the Pok?mon Center where they were greeted by Nurse Joy and Maylene asked her to heal her Lucario.

?So, are you going to tell me now how did you taught your Pok?mon to speak?? Red asked while they were sitting on a bench (Mewtwo decided to not enter Viridian City and decided to stay away from the Gym, even if that Kanto wasn?t his Kanto region).

Squirtle walked towards Pikachu and Red stared at his Pok?mon.

?See the thing Pikachu has in his hand?? Chris asked and Red saw a tiny object on Pikachu?s hand, then he jumped in surprise.

?That tiny machine is what helps your Pok?mon to talk?? Red asked curiously.

?Yes! And to show my honesty, Pikachu will give your Squirtle and translator!?

?Here! Take this translator!? Pikachu said, handing over the translator to Squirtle, who swallowed it and burped a little.

?Oh, finally! I can talk to him!? Squirtle said, which made Red to jump in surprise again.

?W-whoa! Squirtle talked!? Red said astonished.

?Hey, Red! Good to see you can understand me at last!? Squirtle said. ?Now, I want to ask you something, why don?t you like Squirtles??

?It?s because...I think they look weak to me...?

?But Red, every kind of Pok?mon can be strong in its own way, you just need to put effort on their abilities and train them.? Reggie explained to him.

?Y-yeah, but I thought power was all in Pok?mon battles...?

?No is not!? Maylene said. ?You also need to train their other attributes, like speed, dexterity and their accuracy of their attacks, power isn?t all in Pok?mon battles, the trainer has to be a strategist if he or she wants to win a battle.? She explained.

Chris was taking these notes on his mind too.

?Hmm...well, the other day I watched a fight between a Pidgey and a Fearow, but the Pidgey won...because his trainer was telling him strategies to evade every attack of the Fearow to find an opening to attack him back!? Red said.

?You?re getting it now.? Reggie said.

Chris noticed that Maylene and Reggie were staring at him. ?...What?s wrong??

?Well, didn?t you said you traveled to many places before? You should know strategies like Reggie and me does!? Maylene said.

?(Oh god, it?s true, I traveled to many places but NOT THE POK?MON REGIONS!) Another good idea to raise Pok?mon friendly to your Pok?mon??

?That?s correct! That is another good idea to raise Pok?mon too!... Something that my brother needs to do...? Reggie remarked and muttered the last part to himself.

They didn?t notice, but Maylene got a little depressed at this.

Red saw that Squirtle wanted to sit on his lap. ?...Hmm...go ahead!? He said and Squirtle jumped to his lap and sighed. ?These tips are coming handy!?

Pikachu was getting a little depressed after watching Squirtle trying to sleep on Red?s lap.

?So what do we do now?? Chris asked.

?It?s getting late, we should rest in the Pok?mon Center for today and start our search for Charizard tomorrow.? Reggie suggested and they nodded.

Red saw that Maylene was walking towards the exit. ?Where are you going Maylene??

?Oh, I?m going for a little walk, don?t worry, I?ll be back before nights comes.? She said and left the building.

?(...Not again, she probably heard what my brother said that time Team Galactic tried to steal the meteors on that night...)? Reggie thought.

?Reggie, it is just me or Maylene seems a little depressed?? Chris asked and Reggie nodded.

?She was telling the truth that you were one of the only persons that can see what is bothering her, in fact, something is bothering her.?

?Bothering about what?? Red asked.

?In Sinnoh, the region we came from, Maylene and her Lucario were visiting me the same night after the incident with an evil organisation called Team Galactic, that night also, my brother, Paul, wanted his Electabuzz back to challenge the Gym Leader of Pastoria City...but I think she overheard our conversation that night...?


Pok?mon Diamond and Pearl

Veilstone City
Reggie and Paul?s House

Maylene and her Lucario were sitting on a sofa while they were waiting for Reggie to do something on another room. She sighed and leaned to the couch. ?Man, what is taking Reggie so long??

?Maylene, don?t tell me you?re going to eavesdrop on him.? Lucario said with a glare.

?What?s wrong with you? Tomorrow we have to say good bye to Ash, Dawn and Brock and we must be in a good mood too!?

?What does that has to do with this in the first place??

?...Nothing, but I want to see what is Reggie doing right now, follow me if you want but don?t make any noise, got it??

Lucario sighed in shame. ?Fine, you first...?

The duo walked silently towards a room where they heard 2 persons talking, it was Reggie talking to Paul through a computer and Maylene hid in the wall to not remember her match against him. ?Oh Paul again...?

?Grrrr, it?s the same idiot who defeated us without sweating and humiliated you?? Lucario asked grunting.

?Shh! They could hear us, keep it down!?

?Alright Paul, Electabuzz arrived there with you, take care of him.? Reggie said.

?Good, thanks.? Paul responded bluntly.

?That?s all?? Reggie asked crossing his arms. ?Aren?t you going to say something else??

?What do you want from me? I don?t have anything else to say.? Paul said bluntly.

?C?mon, I want you to deliver an apology to Maylene for saying that harsh thing you said to her at your match.?

?Tch, an apology? Well, if you want an apology...?

Maylene gasped on her mind. ?(Is he going to apologize to me?... If he does, I?ll forgive him for what he did back in our fight!)?

Paul thought for a moment. ?If you want an apology, tell her that it?s better that she quits her job as the Gym Leader of Veilstone and stop training with weak Pok?mon like the fighting types, they don?t stand a chance in the battlefield, especially her Lucario, he went down more quickly than the other 2 I fought before him, and he is her secret weapon? What a pathetic excuse for a secret weapon.?

Reggie got a little angry at this. ?Paul! Don?t say things like that!?

?It?s true,? Paul continued. ?She doesn?t has the right to be a Gym Leader, at least I hear the Gym Leader of Pastoria City is stronger than she is...if she is strong that is...?

?Paul, stop now, I?m serious!?

?I can say whatever I want to say, sorry, but I must go now, thanks for delivering my Electabuzz though, I hope he didn?t helped Ash in any way...or else.? Paul said before the computer turned off.

?Why must you be so cold brother? will regret what you said to all the people you defeated...especially Maylene...? Reggie said while he made a fist.

Meanwhile with Maylene and Lucario, Maylene had her eyes trembling a little and she walked silently towards the living room, looking down at her feet in shame for what she heard, and Lucario was grunting inside his mind and getting furious by every second after hearing that comment about him.

The 2 of them were insulted to a critical point that night, but they managed to say good bye to Ash, Dawn and Brock the next morning without getting sad, Reggie was oblivious to this situation until now.

End of flashback

Pok?mon FireRed and LearGreen

Viridian City
Pok?mon Center

?...? Chris was left speechless.

?...My brother is such an idiot...he insults all the people that he thinks they?re weak and humiliates them to hurt their feelings...I don?t know where he learned to talk like that...? Reggie said, a little ashamed.

?Your brother told all those things to Maylene? What an ass! He's just like Gary!? Red said.

?What is an as-? Riolu?s mouth was quickly blocked by Chris who sighed in relief, and so did Lucario.

?You don?t want to know.? Lucario said to her sister.

?Anyway, the problem here is that Maylene is depressed for what Paul told her?? Red asked and Reggie nodded. ?...You know, I want try if I can help people by talking to them, right now.?

?(Is what Ash does too...)? Pikachu thought and jumped off and walked towards the exit.

?Pikachu, where are you going?? Chris asked.

?I?m going to walk around the city, don?t worry about me, I?ll return with Maylene if I can find her.? Pikachu said laughing a little and leaving the center.

?Pikachu sounded a little depressed too, don?t you think so Red?? Squirtle asked.

?Maybe because he misses Ash...? Pichu said and Chris glared at him. ?W-What did I say?!?

?Pichu! Why did you said that?!? Jigglypuff asked angrily.

?Wait, that Pikachu is Ash?s Pikachu then?? Reggie asked.

?There?s no point in hiding it anymore, to tell the truth, yes...that Pikachu is Ash?s Pikachu...? Chris explained to them.

?But I saw Pikachu leaving with Ash a while ago! How could he lend him to you??

?Pikachu has a cousin with the same abilities as him, he usually sneaks out from him while they sleep and his cousin comes to replace him, it?s easy because Ash doesn?t puts Pikachu inside his Pokeball and can?t tell the difference between the 2.?

?And why does he travels with you??

?...Damit! I can?t lie anymore! Reggie, Red and Squirtl-?

?What about me? Ri?? Riolu asked.

?And you too Riolu! I need to tell you the truth! I?m not a trainer that challenges the Gyms, I?m a person that can travel through worlds and save everyone else from a great menace called the Subspace Army, they are trying to conquer all the worlds and Lucario is a guardian to me, but my best friend too, Pikachu, Pichu and Jigglypuff and a bunch of amazing and strong people that some of them aren?t humans but still comrades helps me and I help them too, I have a boss that is a big floating hand that continously messes up in some ways, but is a great help, I can fight using a lot of abilities that are copies of more characters with the same powers but I need to train first with the help of them, even still, I?m not strong enough to survive in a fight but fortunately they protect me and I protect them, also, I have a reason of being here, I came here to recruit Red and Squirtle to join us in our battle against them, until he catches Charizard and an Ivysaur as soon as possible before the Subspace Army captures them or else Master Hand, my boss, will throw me in Cruel Brawl to fight against Fighting Alloy Team that can send me soaring through the sky with just one touch, also, Master Hand has a brother, his name is Crazy Hand who is the left hand but insane on his mind and sells me jobs containing my abilities, I have a interactive tutorial in my pocket, in a funny way, Reggie has the name of a famous business man that sells videogames but I wait someday for a game that needs to be released on something called the Virtual Console and I know you don?t care about that and...and...and that?s all...? Chris panted heavily after talking through all that and both Reggie and Red were confused at this.

His Lucario frowned at this. ?...That was unnecessary Chris...?

?Yeah!? Jigglypuff said angrily.

?...What the hell was all that you said just a moment ago?? Squirtle asked confused.

?Subspace Army? Master Hand? Fighting Alloy Team? Virtual Console?? Reggie asked confused.

At that moment, they saw Maylene?s Lucario appearing from the hallway with Nurse Joy. ?It?s Maylene here? Lucario was already healed.? She said.

?Oh yeah, I?m his friend.? Reggie said.

?Can you deliver Lucario to her please?? Nurse Joy asked.

?I?m not a delivering object.? Maylene?s Lucario said grunting, then he ran outside the center.

?There he goes again.? Reggie said with a small smile.

?If you were wondering Red, Lucario is looking for Maylene.? Chris said.

?I know that! But we need to cheer her up too!? Red said as he got up and ran outside.

?...Wait for me!? Chris said running with Pichu, Jigglypuff, Riolu and Lucario outside.

?(...I should search for Pikachu...)? Reggie thought.


?For the last time, I don?t want that!? Maylene said to an old man with a television.

?But little girl, this will sure come handy if you want to know how to catch Pok?mon!? The old man said. The TV was the Teachy TV.

?I-I?m sorry, but I know already how to catch Pok?mon mister!?

?Maylene!? Red shouted from behind and Maylene turned to them.

?Thanks goodness you?re here, this old man is trying to give that TV that I have been refusing to take it from him!?

?IT WILL COME IN HANDY!? The old man said angrily.

?For what is the TV?? Red asked.

?Well young boy, this TV helps you to how to catch Pok?mon!?

?...Hmm...can I have that??

The old man instantly gave the TV to Red. ?It WILL come in handy! Mark my words kids!? The old man said and waved at him as he walked away.

Obtained Teachy TV!
Red put the Teachy TV on his Key Items...and it fits perfectly!

?I HAVE 16 YEARS, I?M NOT A KID ANYMORE!? Chris protested.

?Ha! I have 10 years and we have the same height!? Red said.

?Shut up, Red!?

?Guys, what are you doing here?? Maylene asked.

?Your Lucario was looking for you.?

?Lucario? You mean him?? Maylene asked and pointed to her Lucario, who was leaning to a tree and grunting a little, which made Maylene to sigh a little. ?I guess this is not a good time to talk...?

?Maylene, why are you so depressed?? Red asked.

?Red, we already know about that.? Squirtle reminded him.

?I assume Reggie told all of you right?? Maylene asked and they nodded. ?Okay...Chris, Red, I need to talk to you in private...?

?Lucario, Riolu, Pichu, Jigglypuff, go on and play around the park.? Chris said, but his Lucario only got in a meditation position and Riolu went to a slidder with Pichu and Jigglypuff.

?You too Squirtle, if you want.? Red said and Squirtle jumped off from his hat and joined the others.

?What do you want to talk about Maylene??

Maylene scratched her shoulder. ?It?s about...? She glanced at her Lucario. ?It?s about Lucario, he has been in a very bad mood ever since we heard Paul?s rude comment about the 2 of us.?

?Then why don?t you try to talk to him to find a solution?? Red suggested.

?I can?t! See for yourself, Lucario, do you want t-? Maylene exploded because an Aura Sphere exploded right in front of her and she was on the sand, with the same look on her face like she didn?t cared. ?Now you see why? Everytime I try to talk to him he ?Aura Spheres? me, preventing me from finding a solution.?

? experience of living with a Lucario is going to be put on a test today! Maylene, I know how to get your Lucario to...hmm...what?s the word? Like you again!? Chris said a little excited.

?...Now that you mention it, Lucario hasn?t been friendly with me outside the battles, okay, I?m all ears, tell me what I can do about this problem.?

?Now, if you want your Lucario to like you...well...try to massage his ears for example!? Chris said.

?Massage his ears? I haven?t done that since he was a young Riolu.? Maylene said.

?You may be thinking what is a boy like me telling you that, well, I?m not afraid of doing that in front of the others.?

Red stared at him with a disgusted look. ?...?

?Think whatever you want to think! I?m an expert on this in my opinion!? Chris protested. ?You want to see an example?? He asked and Maylene nodded. ?Okay, Lucario! Can you come over here please??

?Did you call me?? His Lucario asked walking to him.

Chris sat on the sand. ?Lucario can you rest your head on my lap??

?For what??

?Do you want me to massage your ears??

Lucario thought for a moment and nodded, after doing so, Lucario was enjoying the hands of his trainer massaging his ears and Maylene looked at the happy expresion he made while he tried to sleep. ?Ooh, I see now...petting or massaging some parts of his body gets him friendlier...alright! I?m ready!?

?Chris?? His Lucario asked.

?What?? Chris asked.

?Can you approach your ear to me? I want to tell you something.?

Chris did it. ?So?? Lucario smiled and licked his cheek. ?Lucario! Thank you so much!? Chris said happily hugging Lucario in the head, Lucario growled happily at the appreciation of his trainer and Maylene got even more excited by this.

?Lucario! Can you come over here??

1 minute later, however...


?I-I?m sorry Lucario!? Maylene apologized to her Lucario.

?What is she doing wrong Chris?? Red asked.

?I think she?s pressing the ears a little too hard!? Chris replied.

?O-okay, how about this then...? Maylene tried to massage the other ear and...



One could have sworn a girl blasting off to the sky?s night with a black eye and knocked out too.

?Grrrr....? Maylene?s Lucario got up after delivering a powerful Force Palm on Maylene and he walked out, grunting.

Red was a little scared now. ?...Find Maylene?? He suggested.

?Find Maylene.? Chris replied and both nodded before running after Maylene and leaving the Pok?mon in the park.

Outside Viridian City

Maylene landed just to a side of a rock where Mewtwo was meditating in peace, the Psychic Pok?mon opened one eye to look at her and he frowned at this. ?Anger can somebody else fall for that like I did before?? He asked to himself before returning to his meditation.

Somewhere inside Viridian City

Pikachu was resting on a patch of grass.

?...Ash...what are you doing right now?? Pikachu asked to the stars while his tears began to run down his cheeks. ?It?s...painful to not have you around...?

?So, you?re Ash?s Pikachu after all.? Reggie said, sitting besides Pikachu.


?Chris told me if you were wondering.?


Reggie stared at the stars. ?You?re missing him, right??

?N-no I?m not! Who wants to be with him anyway??

?You can?t trick me Pikachu, something tells me you miss him so much.?

?Who misses him? He always messes up in the leagues but in the extra events that most doesn?t care about!?

?What do you mean??

?I mean, for example, the Kanto League! He lost in a fight against Richie, a friend we met there, he thought using a bad trained Charizard was a good idea, but it made us to lose the league because he didn?t wanted to cooperate, then the Johto League is next, we lost too against another friend we met there, his name was Harrison I think and he had a Blaziken that defeated Ash?s Charizard, in the Hoenn League, we met Tyson and his strange Meowth with a comboy air around him, and guess what? I lost to a Meowth! I have been always blasting off a Meowth my whole life but I never thought I would lose to one! That was embarrassing! And now, I predict this is what is going to happen in the Sinnoh League, Ash, Dawn and Brock will arrive there, they will meet a friendly but stronger trainer than Ash, then after fighting all the way to the Quarterfinals or Semifinals, he will lose against the same friend he met a while ago and will try to console him, only for an extra league that nobody else has heard about to win it! It?s getting repetitive that it?s making me sick!? Pikachu explained and Reggie petted his head. ?That will not console me at all! Ash already did it countless of times!?

?Well Pikachu, why don?t you try to tell him?? Reggie asked.

?How? Like this? ?Hello Ash, I want you to finally let all your Pok?mon to evolve except for me because I don?t want to be a Raichu, and stop starting ?from zero? too, that gets us to lose a league!? Like this you mean??

Reggie shook his head. ?No, show to him that you want to be stronger and protest against his ideas sometimes, if you want him to know about your ideas, then do it.?

?I?m not sure if I can do that...?

?You will, this is probably one of Ash?s many saying but, I believe in you Pikachu, do it.?

?...I?ll try,? Pikachu said looking at Reggie. ?I?ll show him what he needs to do! No more starting from zero! No more no evolutions! I?m a new Pikachu!?

Reggie smiled. ?Glad you understand Pikachu.?

?Thank you Reggie, that helped me a lot, now I need to try it and see what happens! But first! I need to defeat a greater menace!? He said and started to walk towards the Pok?mon Center with Reggie.

?The Subspace Army??

?...Chris, I?ll kill you one of these days...? Pikachu muttered to himself.

Preview of the next chapter

?Try number 27 Maylene!? Chris said. ?Play a little game of Tag with Lucario!?

?That won?t work either!? Squirtle said.

?Try number 28? Wash him??

?I don?t think so...? Red said.


?One day...I was going to die...? Chris said and they gasped.

?Really?? Maylene asked surprised.


?...AN IVYSAUR!!!? Red yelled surprised.



?The darkness can take easily the hearts of the weak ones...? Ganondorf said as he called Shadow Bugs.

?Weak hearts? One of them has a weak heart?? Wolf asked and Ganondorf nodded.

?Yes...and is...that girl...?


?Next time: How to get a Lucario to like you!? Reggie said.

Do you want to save your data?


Overwrite file?


Viridian City
Chris, Lucario, Pikachu, Pichu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo
, Kirby, Meta Knight, Link, Zelda, Fox, Falco, Marth, Roy, Ness, Lucas, Pit, Ice Climbers, Maylene, Lucario, Reggie, Riolu, Red, Squirtle



Chapter 69: How to get a Lucario to like you!

Viridian City
Pokémon Center

In a good mood for something new, our heroes awake inside the Pokémon Center of Viridian City where Red is excited for his first match in his first Gym battle while Chris, Maylene and Reggie, along with his Pokémon to join him and-

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! GET OUT!" The author yelled angrily, using a bazooka to send the narrator away with a huge explosion.

"THE NARRATOR IS BLASTING OFF AGAI-" The narrator once again exploded.

"NO WAY YOU'RE GOING TO SAY THAT HERE!" The author said because he put a mine on him when he blasted off and activated it.

Back with our characters...

Red yawned a little after getting out of the Pokémon Center with Squirtle standing besides him with a smile.

"Alright! We're going to challenge our first Gym battle Squirtle, and we're going to win!" Red said excited.

"Oh, please, stop that!" Pikachu said, appearing from the center with blocked ears. "Do you know how old is that? It's way too cheesy for me!"

"...Sorry, I didn't knew that was overused...then what do I say then?"

"Hmm...say...hmm...oh! Say let's challenge the Gym Leader! At least that isn't that overused...or I think so..."

"...Let's challenge the Gym Leader!" Red said.

"Now that's more like it!"

Just then, Chris appeared from the center with Riolu on his arms, apparently, they were playing together. "Who's a cute Riolu? Who's a cute Riolu?"

"Me? Ri?" Riolu asked.

Chris put Riolu in front of him. "Yes! You got that right again!"

"Rii!" Riolu flailed her hands happily.

"Red, what are you doing earlier in the morning?"

"I'm going to challenge the Gym Leader of Viridian City, that's why I woke up early."

"...Er...Red...if I remember, the Gym is closed right now and will be closed for a loooooong time..."

Red laughed a little." Yeah yeah, what a good joke."

"No, seriously, it's closed!"

"Pfft, please," Red crossed his arms. "I've never heard of a Gym closed."

"It's because you're starting your adventure!"

Red walked ahead with his Squirtle. "Nah, it's open! Trust me!"

"...Are we going to follow him, Ri?" Riolu asked.

Chris nodded and sighed.

Viridian City's Gym





After arriving at the Gym, a stubborn old man was always turning Red away from the door of the building, while Chris watched from a bench with Riolu and Squirtle, what's more, it went for minutes as the novice trainer tried to enter.

"...I'm bored, Riii..." Riol said yawning.

"Won't that man get scared because we can talk?" Squirtle asked.

Chris shook his head. "Luckily for us, he's deaf, only by yelling he can hear."

"LET ME GO INSIDE!" Red yelled at the old man.


While they were still arguing, Chris was tickling Riolu.

"Ririririririiii!" Riolu giggled a lot.

"You won't escape from the clutches of my magic little fingers!" Chris said playing.


Squirtle turned his back to find Chris's Lucario standing in front of him. "When did you came here?" Squirtle asked.

"Since Chris began to tickle my sister." Lucario responded.

"Big brother, Ri!" Riolu escaped from the tickles assault and jumped to his brother to give him an embrace. "Good morning, Ri!"

Lucario rubbed his cheek with his sister and she did the same.

"You know, you're starting to get like the exact opposite of Maylene's Lucario mood." Chris pointed out.

And Maylene came walking with Reggie.

"...Er...Maylene, for what is the other black eye?" Squirtle asked.

"Try to wake up my Lucario in the morning and you will get this too..." Maylene said disappointed.

"At this rate, her Lucario will break her bones." Reggie said sweatdropping. "And what is Red doing?"

"Red has been trying to enter in the Gym, but that old man told him that the Gym Leader is not inside, but as stubborn as the old dude, Red didn't listened and wanted to enter." Squirtle explained to them.

"By the way, where are Pikachu, Pichu and Jigglypuff?" Chris asked and mentioned Pokémon came from behind Lucario and her sister. "Where have you been?"

"A walk, just that." Pikachu said.

"And a visit to the park again!" Pichu said excited.

"Everyone is here but...I don't see our angry and grunt friend..." Chris said, narrowing his eyes at Maylene, who shook his head quickly and  took out a Pokeball.

"No way, I'm not going to call that beast outside just to punch me again!" She said.

"C'mon, there's a little chance that you'll get a punch by him." Reggie said, patting Maylene's back.

"...I'm really going to regret this soon...come on out!" Maylene threw her Pokeball in the air and her Lucario came out.

"Well, let's get start-"


Just as soon as the angry Lucario came out, he instantly lunged at Maylene and the Gym Leader got the unluckyness of being inside a cloud of dust, and her being the target of fists, Force Palms and bites...wait, the last one is dangerous...

"HELP!" Maylene yelled from inside the dust.

"LUCARIO!" Chris yelled at his still distracted Lucario. "GET THOSE 2 AWAY FROM EACH OTHER!"

His Lucario stopped rubbing his cheek with her sister and shook his head to return to reality and entered inside the dust, leaving her sister with Chris of course.

"Oh god...this day will be a long one..." Chris said ashamed, as he looked at the dust and Red and the old man.

Reggie crossed his arms behind his back. "Indeed." He said.

"Of course..." Pikachu, Pichu and Jigglypuff replied.

"Riiiii..." Riolu said.

Route 2

Red couldn't enter inside the Gym (and the old man laughed for his victory) and decided to go to the next city, where a Gym Leader should be inside his Gym, however, there were different plans, with Chris and Maylene, they were going to try and get Maylene's Lucario to like her again, outside the battles that is, with Reggie and Red, they were going to search to find and capture the Charizard, with Pikachu, he was going with Reggie, Red and Squirtle, with Mewtwo, who teleported to them and began to search on his own, and for Pichu, Jigglypuff and Riolu, they decided to help Chris with his plan, "How to get a Lucario to like you".

"Alright, listen all damaged friend..." Chris said to Maylene, who had 2 black eyes and a bandage on her forehead. "Seriously, that Lucario will someday kill you if he gets the chance."

Maylene looked down, both of them were sitting with the small Pokémon while the 2 Lucarios were meditating...far away from each other to not get in a fight. "...No, I'm sick of getting depressed."

"That's good, it will help, and now, let's begin with the first plan!"

First Plan

"Plan number 1! Talk with your own Pokémon!" Chris said.

"Isn't this plan number 2?" Pichu asked.

"Shut up, Pichu." Chris whispered. "The goal of this plan is simple, talk to your Pokémon and find a theme that will get him interested!"

"Like what?" Maylene asked.

"Who's the owner of the killer Pokémon?"


"So, talk about his likes or something!"

Maylene looked at her Lucario walked to him. "...H-hey Lucario, do you want to talk with me?"

"Grrr..." Was her Lucario's response.

"It's no use, I'm getting him angry!" She shouted at Chris.

"Don't worry, press on!" Chris responded.

Maylene made a worried smile and looked again at her Aura Pokémon and sat next to him. "Do you want me to meditate with you like usual?"

"Grrr..." Was her Lucario's response again, and this time, he was a little annoyed.

"I'm getting worried now!" Maylene shouted.

"Just ignore his grunts!"

By gulping, Maylene got in meditation and began to stay silent. "(...It's working?...)" She thought.

"...It's working, Rii?" Riolu asked curiously.

"I hope so..." Chris said.

"Well, he hasn't started to punch her yet." Pichu said.

"Pichu!" Chris and Jigglypuff said angrily.

Maylene opened one eye to glance at her Lucario and closed it again. "(...I don't get it, I know that meditating is just to get calm, but how is this going to get my Lucario to like me?)"

"Oh no, she's going to mess it up, I'm getting that feeling..." Chris said.

And Maylene looked at Chris again. "Now what?"

"MAYLENE!" The others shouted before Maylene got attacked by her Lucario, inside a cloud of dust like the last time.

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Maylene screamed from the cloud.

"GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!" Her Lucario grunted while he continued to punch her like a maniac.

"LUCARIO!" Chris shouted to his Lucario.

"(I already predicted what is going to happen after these plans...)" Chris's Lucario thought while he entered inside the cloud to stop the attack.

Second Plan

"Geez, what kind of Pokémon is he? He got angry when you stopped meditating!" Jigglypuff said.

Maylene got another bandage, but on her right hand. "AAAAAAHHH! MY LUCARIO WILL NEVER LIKE ME AGAIN!" She cried.

"Don't say that, Rii!" Riolu tried to cheer her up, but then she was quickly embraced by Maylene and wagged her tail.

"How about if you become my new Pokémon?" Maylene asked.

"Ri?" Riolu asked, stopping to wag her tail.

Chris noticed that the angry Lucario heard that and glared at Riolu, then his Lucario glared at him. "Forget about that Maylene!"

"But why? She's so cuddly!" Maylene said.

"Riii!" Riolu responded happily.

"Don't support her!" Jigglypuff said.

The angry Lucario got angrier, and so did the other Lucario.

But the World Traveler took action and Riolu away from Maylene, ending the glares. "Sorry, but this Riolu will stay away from a trainer." He said, petting her head. "Plan number 2! Give him a hug!"

"...A hug?" Maylene, Pichu and Jigglypuff asked confused in unison.

"I'm never going to give my Lucario a hug, for 2 reasons, 1, did you forget about the spike on his chest? And 2, hello to the cemetery." Maylene said.

"Maylene, I'm aware of that, I hug my Lucario with the precaution to stay away from his spike, just hug him by any side!" Chris said.

"But what if my Lucario gets angry that he already is?"

"If we do this later, it'll be worse."

Maylene got up and walked again to her Lucario. "...I want to see an example first!" She shouted.

"Okay..." Chris walked to his Lucario and gave him a hug from his left side. "Have I ever told you that you're my favorite Pokémon?" He asked and Lucario growled happily.

"(...Now this will work for sure...)" Maylene hugged her Lucario by his right side. "I love you, Lucario."

Everyone stayed silent for a moment, not for what Maylene said, since she was a girl and said that just like friends, because her Lucario didn't responded at her appreciation.

"(...Worst thing that could happen is Lucario saying that he loves her...but I mean LOVE...)" Chris thought preocupied.

"...Do you want to say anything?" Maylene asked.

"...Yes..." Her Lucario responded and Maylene quickly smiled.

"What?" She asked.

Her Lucario got up and the aura started to engulf his hands. "...DON'T...INTERRUPT...MY MEDITATION! GGGGGGGGUUUUUAARRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG!!!"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Maylene screamed and ran away at high speed, but her Lucario was faster than her and they heard a lot of punches.

And Chris's Lucario already went to stop both of them as Chris frowned to himself and smacked his head in a nearby tree. "WHY THIS KEEPS HAPPENNING?!" He asked, yelling.

Meanwhile, with Red, Reggie, Squirtle and Pikachu...

"Tell me you're lying..." Red repeated.

"No, I'm not lying." Reggied responded.

"Seriously, you have to be lying now!" Pikachu said.

"I'm not! This is a solution!"

If you were wondering, they were disguised as Charizards, but Pikachu was a Charmander.

"Reggie, I know this is not going to work!" Red said inside the Charizard costume. "And where did you got these costumes?"

"Believe me, most of these things are coveniently scattered around." Pikachu said sweatdropping. "You can find a 5-star costume close to Cerulean City too."

"And why do I have to be dressed as a Bulbasaur?" Squirtle asked, because he was wearing a Bulbasaur costume, but in 2 legs.

"Sorry, couldn't find another Charmander costume, besides, it fits you perfectly." Reggie responded.

"But it itches!" The Water Pokémon complained, scratching his neck.

"Anyway!" Reggie began. "If you want to find a Charizard, you first need to be one!"

"I'm starting to wonder how did you get all those badges Maylene told me about..." Red wondered.

"Trust me Red, this always works."

"Chances are he's telling the truth, it's a cliché." Pikachu whispered to Squirtle.

"Second, we need to act like Charizards, by putting our hands, or claws, like this." Reggie put his hands like he wanted to grab something, and Red did the same. "Now, the next thing is, roar."

"...Roar?" Red asked confused. "Please, you've got to be kidding me..."

Reggie started to roar and Pikachu and Red didn't had any choice but to do the same, except for Squirtle, who kept walking around and scratching all the parts he could reach.

"I'm getting bored!" Squirtle said annoyed.

"Yeah, this is not working Reggie!" Red tapped Reggie's shoulder, and he turned to him and tilted his head. "Now you're going to tell me that I need to be confused at the whole situation?"

Reggie kept his position. "What's wrong with Reggie?" Squirtle asked.

"I don't know, he doesn't talk anymore!" Pikachu said.

"Hey guys, what are you doing?" Reggie asked, appearing from behind them.

"Reggie, do something about Reggie, he doesn't respond to us!" Red said and did a double-take. "Wait, what are doing here if you're there?"

"I went to the bathroom." Reggie responded, glancing at the other Reggie. "You won't believe that there was a bathroom close to us, how convenient!"

"Wait, if Reggie is here, but Reggie is right over here, then who's the first Reggie?" Pikachu asked before he jumped to Reggie and opened the mouth to find 4 sharp fangs and a tongue. "...Guys..."

"...He is not Reggie, right?" Squirtle, the Bulbasaur, asked.

"I'm over here!" Reggie reminded them.

Red glanced behind the back of the first Reggie and saw the tail with a flame and gasped. "THIS IS THE CHARIZARD WE WERE LOOKING FOR!" He said and Pikachu jumped from Charizard.

The Charizard didn't do anything and he just stood there, glancing at them. "...Why he doesn't attacks us?" Pikachu asked.

"Probably because we're still wearing the costumes." Reggie responded.

"What?! You mean this Charizard is as stupid as Ash doesn't realizes he talks with Team Rocket every day?!" Pikachu asked annoyed.

"...Looks like it..."

Pikachu threw his hands up. "Great, everyone in the whole universe is stupid."

Charizard glared at Squirtle, who was a Bulbasaur. "...Hey there..." Squirtle responded chuckling a little and Charizard stomped his foot on the earth. "Is that some kind of form to say we're friends?" He asked sweating.

"Yes, and those flames gathering on his mouth are clearly the flames of "I want to stay with you!", and then, he will probably get you inside his stomach which it's his room." Pikachu said sarcastically.


Thanks for including my rule in you fan-fiction!

And can the Metroid Arc be in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption?
To be heard, speak up. To be seen, stand up. To be appreciated, shut up.


Quote from: makuta on August 23, 2008, 12:38:22 PM
Thanks for including my rule in you fan-fiction!

And can the Metroid Arc be in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption?
...Since when did you were this happy?

And yes, but the 2 will be the next one...just wait, I have something bigger in hands after this arc.


Quote from: wiiboychris on August 23, 2008, 12:44:24 PM
Quote from: makuta on August 23, 2008, 12:38:22 PM
Thanks for including my rule in you fan-fiction!

And can the Metroid Arc be in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption?
...Since when did you were this happy?

And yes, but the 2 will be the next one...just wait, I have something bigger in hands after this arc.

I'm happy, not ecstatic or jumping for joy.

And what do you mean by "the 2"?
To be heard, speak up. To be seen, stand up. To be appreciated, shut up.


Quote from: makuta on August 23, 2008, 12:48:47 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on August 23, 2008, 12:44:24 PM
Quote from: makuta on August 23, 2008, 12:38:22 PM
Thanks for including my rule in you fan-fiction!

And can the Metroid Arc be in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption?
...Since when did you were this happy?

And yes, but the 2 will be the next one...just wait, I have something bigger in hands after this arc.

I'm happy, not ecstatic or jumping for joy.

And what do you mean by "the 2"?


"In english, RUN AWAY!" Red shouted at the top of his lungs and Squirtle sprinted away while Charizard chased after him while he roared. "...Wait! That's my only Pokémon! Come back here!"

Those words are clearly a statement that he chased after the 2 Pokémon.

Reggie looked at Pikachu, who was pulling his fake wing. "Shouldn't we chase them down too?"

"Er, right! Follow them!" Reggie said shaking his head and both went after the 3.

Behind the bushes, however, King Dedede, Wolf and Ganondorf appeared.

"Why do we always have to be hiding behind bushes?" Wolf asked.

"It's the main villain's first place to hide," King Dedede said. "Now, anyone has a plan to convince dat stubborn dragon? Not like the furry's plan?" Dedede looked below him to see a claw about to cut his throat and back stepped from it, scared. "YIKES!"

"I'm not a furry, remember that." Wolf said glaring at Dedede.

"Quiet you 2," Ganondorf said. "First, we have to wait for the exact moment to ask him, or in this case, capture him when they fail to do so."

"That's why we're gonna follow them in secret, right?" Wolf asked.

"Just like that, nothing simplier can be thought about." Ganondorf said smirking.

"Well, what the hell are we waitin' for?" Dedede asked as he snuck his way through the bushes, Wolf just frowned because the penguin was way bigger than the bushes themselves but followed him with Ganondorf.

"HEY! DON'T BURN ME!" Squirtle pleaded for mercy, becoming numb to the itching sensation he was getting from the costume. "REEEEED!"

"I'm coming just behind him! AH!" Red did something unexpected and jumped and grabbed Charizard's throat, Charizard didn't liked what the other "Charizard" did and he rose up to the sky, then Red glanced down. "HEY! TAKE ME DOWN, YOU FREAK!"

Red's face was seen from Charizard's view and the dragon turned his head and gasped a little. "OH, COME ON, IT WAS PRETTY OBVIOUS!" Red yelled before noticing that an evily smirk appeared on Charizard and gulped, what was the Charizard going to do was probably something really bad for Red.

What he did was to go crazy, flying in the air to make Red to puke, the plan of the dragon was working, Red's face became green...heheh...colors...

"I'm not feeling so good..." Red said weakly.

Then Charizard grabbed Red and flew high into the air, the trainer didn't wanted to scream or else he was going to puke, Charizard stopped in the air and threw Red at high speed towards another direction, but the trainer didn't yelled and Reggie, Squirtle and Pikachu watched him getting away before running after him, thus forgetting about catching Charizard until later.

Charizard landed on the grass, smirking like a total idiot before walking away, however, on his path, he stepped right inside a trap and was captured inside a cage, the dragon began to get furious and started to use Flamethrower on the steel bars to get away, but it didn't worked and he used Rock Smash, unfortunately, all what he received was a bump on his head and roared furiously after that, demanding to see who captured him.

"I'm gonna guess you're gonna say" Play time's over" again." Dedede asked with a grin while his 2 other companions appeared, walking towards the cage with Charizard inside.

Charizard roared furiously. "Settle down, you dragon," Ganondorf began. "We're not here to capture you."

Charizard got a little confused and decided to listen at the words of his captors. "Aren't you a good dragon?" Wolf joked, making Charizard to grunt a little. "I assume you want to hear what are we going to do with you, right?" Charizard nodded with a glare. "Very well, but first, eat this device."

Charizard took the device from Wolf and he swallowed it, before coughing. "Wh-what the hell did you just gave me?... What the?! I can talk like you?!" Charizard asked surprised.

"Correct my friend, the device you just ate was a translator, it helps you to talk normally like many do." Ganondorf explained to him.

"Okay, I heard something not annoying, now, GET ME OUT OF THIS THING!" Charizard asked, roaring furiously.

"Calm down, if I were to tell you that you could get an absolute power, would you listen to my words?"

Charizard stopped roaring and crossed his arms. "Absolute power? Ha! Now you're kidding there! I'm already powerful!"

Dedede laughed. "And still, you can't escape from that cage."

"...You got a point there...WAIT! LET ME OUT!"

"Absolute power, remember?" Wolf asked with a smirk.

"...Fine, fine, how can I get that absolute power, thingy, you're talking about?"

"That is simple, the only way to get that is to join us, the Subspace Army, and once you accompany us to our leader, you will get what you seek." Ganondorf explained to him.

"The guy with the funny way to talk is weird...but it does makes sense to me...maybe..." Charizard thought for a moment. "But, I like to mess around with that stupid trainer and his Squirtle..."

"And you will do it forever, there will be more idiots to mess around, including the trainer."

"...Sounds good to me then, alright, you got a deal, AND GET ME OUT OF THIS THING!"

Wolf simply walked to the cage and grabbed 2 bars, then, for Charizard's surprise, Wolf bended both bars with 4 other bars, making a way to let Charizard get out.

"How did you..." Charizard asked.

"Absolute power." Wolf responded smirking, while Ganondrof explained all the things Charizard needed to know, leaving Wolf to talk with Dedede. "I can't believe your plan worked..."

"The enforced bar cage with 6 weak bars has never failed to me." King Dedede whispered to him.

"Are we done here yet?"

"Nah, the green dude said we were going to capture another creature like the dragon."

Wolf frowned at this. "More nuisances to tolerate..."

Back with Maylene and Chris...

Ninth Plan

By the time they got to plan number 9, Maylene was really beaten up, but nevertheless, she never gave up.

...Which was a very bad decision for her own sake...

Chris was shown covering his forehead with his right hand and frowning. "I still can't believe you can survive through all the things he has done to you..."

"It's 'cuz I'm strong!" Maylene responded stupidly, all the damage she has received was really bad to her own self.

"Ugh, Pichu, use Thunder Shock on her again."

"Will do!" Pichu responded, zapping Maylene to return her to her senses.

"Moving on, plan number 9 Maylene!... What's that thing in the sky?"

"I need to ask him that?" Maylene asked confused.

At that moment, both Lucarios's appendages spreaded a little and glanced at the sky. "It's Red." Chris's Lucario pointed out.

"And it's heading towards..." Chris looked at Maylene. "Maylene..."

"Hey, why is his face all green?" Jigglypuf asked confused.

"Red! You're going to crash in me! Change directions!" Maylene shouted.

"Another Thundershock?" Pichu suggested.

"BLUUUUUUUUAAAARRGGGGHHHH!!!" It was not long before they heard someone puking in the sky and...

...Well, you know what happened next...

10 minutes later...

Chris's Lucario was able to find a lake close to their location, and Maylene got out from the water and dried her hair with a towel Reggie gave her.

"Red, I'm seriously mad at you for what you did a while ago!" Maylene said angrily to Red.

"I-I'm sorry, but that stupid Charizard flew like crazy in the air and threw me towards you!" Red said on his defense.

"He is telling the truth Maylene, Charizard knew how to mess around with Red." Reggie said.

"What?! Charizard was using me as a toy then?"

"Obviously, if he did that, he's a bully." Jigglypuff said.

"Wait, I haven't seen Mewtwo for a while..." Chris said, just then, Mewtwo teleported to them. "Mewtwo! Did you find Charizard?"

Mewtwo shook his head. "No, I have bad news, they managed to capture Charizard."

At this moment, Red kicked a rock, and jumped grabbing his foot from the damage. "DAMIT! THINGS COULDN'T GET MUCH WORSER!"

Maylene sighed. "They are, I have been trying to get my Lucario to like me, so far, I got myself a new scar on my hand." She showed Red and scar she recently got.

"...Oookay...things are getting worser then..."

"Do you know what are they going to do next?" Reggie asked to Mewtwo.

"I do, their next move is to find an Ivysaur in the Viridian Forest." Mewtwo explained to them.

"An Ivysaur?! Now they want an Ivysaur?! No way, I'm getting an Ivysaur first before them!" Red proclaimed angrily. "Now, where is the Viridian Forest?!"

"Here." Chris's Lucario responded, pointing to a sign with:

Welcome to Viridian Forest, beware of the Bug Pokémon! (...)

Viridian Forest

"...Well, that was fast." Squirtle said.

Pichu examined the sign closer and found something. "Hey, there's something written on it..." He said.

"What does it says?" Reggie asked.

"It says..."

(Gary was here, Red is a loser.)

"I'M GONNA KILL THAT GUY WHEN I SEE HIM!" Red yelled angrily before running inside the forest to find the Ivysaur.

And the others sighed in unison before following the trainer with the stubborn personality, when they catched up with Red, Chris decided to continue with his plan.

13th Plan

"Plan number 13!" Chris said proudly.

"You skipped 4 other plans!" Pichu pointed out.

"Shut up, Pichu!" Chris whispered angrily. "Now for our next step, Maylene, this time, you're going to give Lucario...hmm...this!" He took out a Sitrus Berry that he found laying below a tree of berries.

Maylene took the berry. "A Sitrus Berry? Well, he hasn't eat something in hours so..." She walked right to her Lucario, who was walking alongside everyone else. "Lucario, do you want to eat something?"

"Hmm... I'm not hungry now." Her Lucario responded, crossing his arms before his stomach grumbled.

The odd thing was that he glared at his own stomach...

Maylene chuckled a little bit. "You have to eat to stay healthy, now eat."

And for the first time, the plan was working, her Lucario blushed a little bit and took the berry slowly and began to eat it.

"..." Maylene walked towards Chris. "It worked! Look, he's blushing!"

"Working! Working! Working! Rii!" Riolu repeated happily.

"It is really working! I can't believe it, Maylene, we got him now where we wanted, let's move on to the next plan!" Chris said excited.

15th Plan

"Plan number 18!"

"It's the 15th, actually..." Pichu pointed out.

"Shut up, Pichu!" Same person whispered angrily. "Okay, we're going to get help from everyone else...and the first person is..." He grabbed Riolu. "Our favorite Emanation, cute and young Pokémon, Riolu!"

"Riiiii!" Riolu said very happily.

"That's right! She will be the perfect starter for our next plan, called, "Jealous." Chris said a little darkly.

"Jealous?" Maylene repeated confused.

"You see, I used my mind when you hugged her and got the attention of our target, then, I thought cuddling Riolu was the only way to draw his attention!"

Riolu began to think and her eyes were filling with tears. "I don't want to die, Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!"

"Grrrrr." Chris's Lucario's response, making Chris to sweatdrop.

"D-d-d-don't worry, nothing bad is going to happen to her, I swear! If something does happens to can...I don't know! Riolu, don't worry, everything is going to be fine, I promise!"

"You promise, Riii?"

Chris hugged Riolu tightly. "Of course! You're my favorite young Pokémon! I'll never think about putting you in danger!"

"Riiii! Everyone likes me, Riiii!" Riolu responded, wiping her tears and smiling, then Chris gave her to Maylene.

"Walk nearby your Lucario and say a lot of good things to Riolu, but do it until he gets angry because he doesn't receives the same appreciation an-"

"What about me, Rii?"

"When he walks towards you, throw Riolu to me and start to rub his head and say a lot of good things then!"

This time, Maylene thought it was going to work, so she and Riolu walked nearby the angry Lucario. "Riolu! Riolu! Riolu! I really like your name! Riolu! Riolu! Riolu! You're my favorite Pokémon! Riolu! Riolu! Riolu!"

"Ri! Ri! Ri! Ri! Riiiii!!!" Riolu sang along Maylene, being happy again, of course.

Maylene threw Riolu slightly in front of her like a baby. "Look! You're flying! Now you're a Fighting type and a Flying type!"

"Riiiii!!!" Riolu said happily.


Maylene narrowed her eyes at her Lucario, then she looked at Riolu. "You know Riolu, I was thinking if you could be my newest Pokémon on the Gym! I'm sure you would be perfect for the lastest but important spot of my team!"

Riolu's eyes beamed with glee. "Really? Ri?"

Maylene nodded with a smile. "Of course! You're going to be my soon-to-be shiny, Aura Pokémon!"


"RIIIIIIIIIII!!!" Riolu cried because Maylene's Lucario charged towards her, showing his fangs.

"(NOW!)" Maylene yelled inside her mind and she quickly sent Riolu towards Chris, who catched her in time and hugged her tightly and Maylene quickly turned her back and embraced her Lucario. "Forget what I said before, you're still my Aura Pokémon!"


"(His grunt this time isn't directed towards me, but he didn't punched me either, it's working!) I'm so happy Lucario!"


Reggie walked towards Chris. "Looks like it's working now."

"Of course!" Chris noticed that Riolu was crying a little. "Don't cry Riolu, you helped a lot on this plan...I better stop saying "a lot" a lot now..." His right eye twitched, but Riolu was wagging her tail. "You're still cute and cuddly!" And he received more odd stares from Red and Squirtle. "...What? I like cute things!"

19th Plan

"Plan number 19!"

"Now is fine!" Pichu said.

"Shut up, Pichu!" He whispered angrily. "Our next move is to Mewtwo about a match, but tell him you're going to use another Pokémon instead of Lucario, that will attract his attention, and when that happens, call whatever Pokémon you're going to use back!"

Maylene called her Machoke out. "You mean Machoke?"

"Ma-choke!" Machoke said, flexing his muscles.

"Perfect! Now go and talk to Mewtwo!" Chris said.

"Right!" Maylene and her Machoke walked towards Mewtwo. "Mewtwo, I was wondering if you wanted to have a match with me..."

"(Mewtwo, tell her this.)" Chris said telepathically, trying to call Mewtwo who got the call and nodded, crossing his arms.

"No, Fighting type Pokémon are weak against me." Mewtwo responded bluntly, then, Maylene's Lucario glanced at him and narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, come on! I'll show you how strong the Fighting type Pokémon are! My strongest Pokémon of my team is..." She narrowed her eyes at her Lucario, then she glanced at Machoke. "Machoke!"

"Choke! Ma-choke!" Machoke responded crossing his arms.


Machoke felt a scary feeling on his back, but shook his head and narrowed his eyes at Mewtwo. "So, what do you say?" Maylene asked with a grin.

"I told you, he is not a worthy opponent." Mewtwo responded bluntly.

Maylene told Machoke to approach his ear at her. "I know you can cut down that tree, but I need you to look weak to him, don't worry, I'll think about adding more weights to your routine."

"Machoke!" Machoke responded nodding in agreedment.

"Okay! I'm gonna show you power! Machoke, cut down that tree!"

"Choke!" Machoke ran towards the tree Maylene told him to cut down and he prepared his fist to break it. "...Ma?" A cloud with Maylene on it appeared above him.

"Remember, there's no way a Machoke can evolve into Machamp without trading him...or her." The Maylene of the cloud said and Machoke shook his head, to find what Maylene told him to do. "My greatest Gym Leader to fight with Fighting type Pokémon is Chuck!" Again, he shook his head. "My love interest is Bruno!" She giggled and blushed. "Or was it Brawly? Heheheh!" More giggles, but then, she got out of the cloud and smacked his head. "Hey! Remember! I know you can cut down that tree, but I need you to look weak to him, don't worry, I'll think about adding more weights to your I really need to repeat it in these moments? Moments? Moments? Moments? Moments? Moments? Moments? Moments?" The cloud with Maylene disappeared and Machoke hit the tree...weakly and faked to have been injured.

Maylene gasped (by faking it, of course) and put her hands on her cheeks. "Oh no! I don't have a strong Pokémon to cut down a single one tree?! This is so bad!"

"You're a failure." Mewtwo said.

Maylene opened her hand at the sun, trying to sound like a poet. "Is there a strong, Fighting type Pokémon, preferably blue, yellow, black with spikes and red, menacing eyes?" Chris smacked his forehead at this statement. "That can break a tree or 2?"

"GUUUUUUUAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!" Her Lucario roared furiously and thrusted his glowing fists into the tree, and cut it down.

"Alright!" Maylene called her Machoke back. "Now what do you think Mewtwo?"

"Hmm..." Mewtwo began to talk to Maylene for a while and Pikachu sighed in relief.

"Everything is going as planned." Pikachu said.

They heard a loud sound coming from behind them, unfortunately, Maylene's Lucario was showing off his strength by breaking down more trees. "DEFORESTATION!" Jigglypuff screamed terrorized before noticing that a tree was going to crush them.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Chris, Riolu, Red, Reggie, Pikachu, Pichu, Jigglypuff and Squirtle screamed in horror and blocked their faces.

Just before the tree could hit them, however, Chris unblocked his face and looked at his Lucario carrying the tree above him without problems. "Thank goodness Lucario!" He hugged his Lucario from behind. "You're a really a hero with that brute force!"

His Lucario growled happily and threw the tree away from them. "Big brother! You're so strong, Riii!" Riolu hugged her brother too, growling a little.

However after that plan, his plans were starting to go downhill...


They were sitting in a circle, without the 2 Lucarios and Mewtwo. "Plan number 23? Dress him up?" Chris suggested.

"I'm not like all the girls out there!" Maylene protested.

"Plan number 24? Play a wrestling match with him?"

"Maylene's gonna die then." Pikachu said.

"And I know you didn't do that with your Lucario either." Maylene said.

"(She's sharp.) Plan number 25? ...Hmm...give him coffee!"

"How is that going to work?" Reggie asked.

"That will only get him more energetic and ready to kill Maylene!" Pikachu said.

"Plan number 26? Tell him a joke!"

"He never laughs, I tried one time and he got angry." Maylene said.

"And that will kill her too!" Pikachu said.

"...Okay, stop with telling what will kill her, now." Red said.

"Try number 27 Maylene!" Chris said. "Play a little game of Tag with Lucario!"

"That won't work either!" Squirtle said.

"Try number 28? Wash him?"

"I don't think so..." Red said.

Maylene got up and walked towards her Lucario, making Chris to gasp. "No! You're going to get-"

"Killed!" Pikachu added quickly and Chris glared at him.


Her Lucario opened one eye. "Yes? What do you want?"

"I was wondering if me..."

"Why are you asking me that now?"

Maylene made a fist and closed her eyes. "Because ever since Ash left, you have been treating me like you were a bully or something! I want you to stop, please! That really hurts me! I'm starting to think you don't like me anymore!"


"What do you mean "and"? Please, I want to know if you like me or not!"

"...Do you want to know now?"

"Yes! It's going to ease my pain!"

"Then...Maylene..." He stayed silent for a moment and Maylene got preocupied. "I...personally...hate you..."

"WHAT?!" Everyone asked in unison surprised.

"Wh-what do you mean you hate me?!" Maylene asked while tears started to appear on her eyes.

"You're not assuming your position as a Gym Leader anymore, I thought that was your dream, but after seeing your last have lost your spirit..."

"My spirit?!"

"Yes, I'm starting to think about leaving you."

"THAT'S IT! YOU'RE SOOOO GOING DOWN NOW!" Chris lunged at Maylene's Lucario and both started to fight.

Unfortunately, Chris was defeated by just one punch. "Oww...ouch...oww...this is what I get for trying to win a fight against a Lucario...oww..." He moaned in pain.

"Lucario! don't mean it! I swear I'm going to do my best again!" Maylene said crying.

"And you'll lost the spirit again, I can't tolerate that anymore." Her Lucario said, glaring at her.

"Now you're saying stupid things!" Pikachu said angrily. "She will do it! You have faith on her!"

Maylene's Lucario shook his head. "I'm leaving now..."

Maylene grabbed her leg. "NO! DON'T LEAVE ME!"

"Lucario, you're starting to have a bad reason to leave her, I order you to stay with her and decide whether you should leave her or not." Reggie said calmly.

Mewtwo put a hand on his shoulder, but he received a grunt. "Listen to them, I once was manipulated by my own rage that it blinded me from the truth."


"Thirsty for a fight, I presume...but for now, you should stay a little longer and make a decision."

Chris raised a finger from the grass. "Do it!"

"..." Maylene's Lucario kicked her away from him and got in meditation, but Maylene sighed and looked down sadly.

The World Traveler got up and dusted off his green clothes (if you forgot, he was still using the Swordsman job) and walked and sat next to Maylene. "I'm sorry Maylene, all our tries were all in vain..."

Maylene shook his head and wiped out her tears. "'s was fun while it lasted...I guess my Lucario will never be like your calm and peaceful Lucario..."

"...Who said my Lucario is calm and peaceful?"


"There was a time when my Lucario got furious and enraged for something, it had to do something with me, but that left a serious and emotional memory on my mind..."

"Big brother was furious? Ri?" Riolu asked, sitting on his lap.

"Yes...but...if you want to hear that event..."

"No! If that was painful, then don't try to remember it!" Maylene said.

"...I must tell that or all of you are going to be bothered later..."

His Lucario sat next to him. "Chris, don't do that, is not necessary..."

"One day...I was going to die..." Chris said and they gasped.

"Really?" Maylene asked surprised.

He slowly nodded, embracing his legs. "Yes...I was never terrified like that again...forutnately..."


Real World

Chris's House
Chris's Room

"It's getting away! Don't let him escape or else!"

"I'm on it! Keep doing your part while I finish him!"

"Oh no, he's spreading all those orange explosives! They're like 20!"


"Yes! Draw a star!"






"The Stigma has been erradicated!"

Chris jumped with joy after receiving an S rank for their cooperation in the operation. "We did it! We cleared this mission with an S rank! Thank you so much Lucario!"

"Our movements were fully syncronized, I'm amazed by your quick-thinking." Lucario remarked and received a hug.

"Oh yes, with you on my side, we can't lose without winning with a perfect score!"

"...You know this is the Easy difficulty right?"

"...God, we're pathetic..." Both started to laugh heartily after this and they looked at the clock. "It's 11:00 already?"

"We have been playing this game for 5 hours straight." Lucario pointed out.

Chris yawned and turned off the console. "Okay, let's continue tomorrow since it's Saturday, meaning no school and fortunately, all my homework is ready too."

Lucario yawned, showing his fangs for a second. "If you say so..."

Both of them got in the bed and fell asleep, but after an hour, Chris felt fur touching his face and opened his eyes to look up to find a happy Lucario sleeping deeply. "...Lucario?..." Lucario snored a little. "...Lucario?..."


"Can you tell me why is my head...under your arm and touching your furry yellow chest?"

"I wanted to have you closer to me."

"...Okay, that's just creepy..."

"...I'm not that kind of people and you know it..."

"Well, that's can release me anytime now..."



Lucario embraced him tightly. "I don't want to! I'm feeling happy for at least faking a situation to protect you!"

"Protect me? Faking it?"

"Yes, please, let me do it for this night! Just once!"

"...Can I ask you a question first?"


"Are you going to protect me and not never leave my side forever?"

Lucario rubbed his cheek with his head. "You're the only person in the whole world to live with that will not run away and accept my presence."

Chris leaned his head to his chest. "Lucario! Of course I'll accept for what you are!"



"I mean, Chris!"

"That's more like it, and yes, you can do this for this night!" Lucario got too far and used his brute force to embrace him tightly. "But...don't...get...too...far...either!"

Lucario gasped and blushed a little. "Sorry..."

Chris inhaled air quickly. "Phew...okay, but first, let me go to the bathroom."

The Aura Pokémon nodded and Chris walked towards the bathroom in the farthest point of the house, Lucario decided to rest and wait for him to get done.

But as soon as he was going to sleep, a loud sound was heard like a window breaking and his appendages spreaded a little bit and growled silently. "Grrrrrrr...I sense another person inside the house...and his aura is red..." His eyes glowed brightly and he closed them, the person that got inside the house looked around his surroundings and hid behind a wall because the person found light coming from a door. "Why is he hiding behind the wall? It's something wrong there?... Wait, the where..." Another figure got out from the room and the person quickly grabbed him by the back and blocked his mouth. "IS WHERE CHRIS IS!" Lucario grunted in rage and got out quickly from the bed, then he ran at high speed to the living room where the person was menacing Chris with a knife close to his throat.

Living Room

"Now kid, tell me where is the fortune!" The person was a thief that wanted to steal the money that Chris has gotten from his parents, and since he was living alone with Lucario in a big house, the money should be a fortune.

"HMHMMMMMHMHMHHM!!! (I'M NOT A KID! GET OFF ME OR ELSE!!!)" Chris said under his glove.

"Not the helpful kind, aren't you?" The thief approached the knife closer to his throat and Chris's eyes shrunk in fear, just then, Lucario came from the other side and glared at the thief. "W-WHAT IS THAT?! A MONSTER?!"

"GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!" Lucario grunted in pure rage and walked slowly towards the thief.


Chris trembled in fear and he began to cry loudly under the hand, the cries sounded like whimpers, which made Lucario to back away.

"O-O-OKAY, STAY THERE AND DON'T DO ANYTHING!... What's this water coming from my glove?... YUCK!" Chris decided to spit out saliva from his mouth and run towards Lucario after the thief released him, but he didn't liked what Chris did to him and took his knife from the floor. "Y-YOU INSOLENT KID! DIE!" The thief threw the knife directed towards Chris's head and he turned his back and screamed loudly to try to resist the attack.

"GUUUUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!" Lucario quickly used Extremespeed to appear on the way of the knife and he punched it on its tip, breaking with a fist charged with aura and he looked behind him where Chris was sitting on the floor, crying and hugging his legs in terror. "Chris...nothing bad happened...don't worry..."

"Aha...aha..." Chris didn't listened and he continued to cry.

"Are you going to protect me and not never leave my side forever?"

Lucario rubbed his cheek with his head. "You're the only person in the whole world to live with that will not run away and accept my presence."

Chris leaned his head to his chest. "Lucario! Of course I'll accept for what you are!"


Lucario felt a sudden feeling of his own blood boiling inside him, his pupils shrunk but not in the same way of someone surprised, but rather it made him to look menacing than before like a beast, he slowly showed his fangs in fury and his aura started to cover his whole body, his appendages spreaded like the last time and his eyes shone brightly, when he made his hands fists, the sound of something cracking was made and the floor below him crumbled like a wave hit it, the thief backed away to the wall and looked quickly for a way to escape, then he remembered that he got inside by the terrace and decided to run towards it.

But as soon as he was going to get out, he noticed that Lucario was holding his neck and lifted him above the floor.

"HOW DARE YOU...HOW DARE YOU TO TRY TO HURT AND MAKE MY MASTER TO CRY?!?!?!?!?!" Lucario asked enraged by the actions of the thief.

"N-NO! P-PLEASE! DON'T KILL ME! I'M INNOCENT! I'M INNOCENT!" The thief pleaded for mercy but Lucario didn't listened and approached his face with the thief's and roared furiously. "NO!"

"GUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lucario turned his back and slammed the thief on the floor with extreme force, the thief's back suddenly made a sound like it broke, then Lucario raised his fist in the air and charged it with all the aura of his body, before hitting the thief where his heart was, but something happened...

...Lucario's fist crossed the skin, flesh, bones and went crossing to the other side of the thief and punched the floor, creating a tremble, Chris watched terrified from far away and Lucario raised the now dead body of the assassin to the air, where he made the hole and the blood began to pour down his arm, Lucario looked outside where the thief came from and he roared enraged and threw the thief with all his forces to somewhere in the distance, his power full, his rage and fury pushed it to the max level.

The aura around him disappeared, his eyes stopped glowing and his appendages lowered slowly to their original position, then, he turned his back and walked slowly where Chris was crying, he kneeled to him and offered to carry him back to the bed. "Let's go..."


Lucario blinked confused. "W-why?"


Lucario quickly looked at his right hand and gasped, his whole arm was now covered in a bloody red color, even his spike looked like it crossed something, his eyes twitched in horror and his mouth was trembling a little.

"I...I don't want to...I DON'T WANT TO BE TOUCHED BY BLOOD! IT SCARES ME!" And then, he began to cry loudly and Lucario closed his eyes in shame and walked away from him, he looked at what he did, there was still blood filling the cracks his force made and the trail of blood didn't ended there because when he threw the body outside, the blood made a trail from the room to where the thief's body went far in the distance...

That night, Lucario felt a godly-like power...but it scared Chris in the process...

The next day...

Chris's Room

The soon-to-be World Traveler didn't felt well in the morning, he wasn't able to sleep and Lucario was busy fixing all the things he broke, including the blood in the living room and to make sure nobody suspects about where it came from outside, because he woke up earlier and hid the blood outside by spreading ground on it.

Lucario quickly appeared using Extremespeed, knelt to Chris, who was in the bed. "The blood it's gone and all the damage has been repaired." He said bowing his head.

"G-good..." Chris responded trembling and Lucario sat next to him.

"Are you feeling well?"

"N-no...I'm never going to get over it...never..."

"I'm sorry...I...I was so furious yesterday...and I-"

"We interrupt your usual program schedule for breaking news in the morning." Chris was watching another episode of Pokémon to try and forget about yesterday's event but it got suddenly interrupted by the TV news. "We got a report of the mysterious thief AKA the silent robber, who has been found dead near the district. Apparently, reports indicate that his heart was crushed and was destroyed by a strong impact that went crossing the other side of his body, no signs of bullets were found in the research, but the scientists assume it was another force, a superhuman force." The reporter chuckled at this. "Of course, this is obviously a joke, nothing like something or someone with superhuman force is impossible to exist, however, there was no sign of clues and we couldn't find the source either, however, families will be safe for now and things will get calmer and peaceful once again, more at 12:00 AM." The news ended and the program continued where it left.

Chris only hid his face on his pillow and began to cry, the Aura Pokémon only embraced his trainer and rubbed his back to calm him down, after that, he sniffed and his own tears fell on Chris and they continued for minutes, trying to forget what happened.

End of flashback

"After that, Lucario explained to me that he was furious to lose me, but also, he was crying deep inside and a sudden power took over him and...he killed that thief...with his own hands..." Chris said, ending his narration and tears began to appear on his eyes. "I was really scared...his usual behavior wasn't like this time, he was a beast...a beast full of-"

"Fury." Mewtwo finished.


His Lucario embraced him tightly. "But you're still living because I protected you."

"And I should be happy for that...but...Lucario! Don't leave my side, I don't want to be alone anymore!"

"I won't, Master."

"Please don't ruin it with that." Chris frowned at this.

"Sorry Chris."

"...That was going to happen to you?" Red asked surprised and Chris nodded slowly. "I guess you were lucky to liv-"


"I-I mean, at least thanks to Lucario you're living!"

"It's like when Lucario saved me from Mightyena..." Maylene said remembering.

"That's why Pokémon with strong bonds are helpful," Reggie pointed out. "They protect you from all dangers."

"My big brother is a hero, Riiii!" Riolu said happily, hugging his brother who growled happily along with her.

"(...Saving the one you love...)" Maylene's Lucario thought secretly.

Squirtle yawned a little. "I'm glad everything went well...speaking of which, it's getting late now, we should rest for today and continue to search for Ivysaur tomorrow."

"I'm tired..." Jigglypuff said.

"Me too..." Pikachu and Jigglypuff said in unison.

"I shall search around the forest in the night, don't try to search for me, I'll be back once I got a clue." Mewtwo said, floating away from them and disappearing in the woods.

"W-wait! Can you at least tell us how to start a-" Red looked behind him to find a campfire. "...Campfire..."

"Done." Mewtwo said from afar.

"Oh, good, I don't have a bed to sleep on now..." Chris said disappointed.

Reggie was sleeping using a rock. "You'll get used to it."

"...I'm starting to wonder who's the most mature of all of us here..." Chris looked in front of him to find Riolu smiling at him, then he looked above him to find his Lucario. "...Oh brother, are you going to be a bed or something?" Lucario nodded. "...Well, your fur is the most softest thing around here so..." He was embraced tightly again. "...Nevermind...good night Lucario, good night Riolu, good night Pikachu, good night Pichu, good night Jigglypuff, good night Reggie, good night Red, good night Squirtle, good night May-"

"STOP ALREADY! Ri!"  All yelled in unison, the last word being from Riolu, and they went to sleep.

The next day...

"Hmm...what's that good smell?" Red asked grogily while his face was buried on his backpack, because he was using it as a pillow.


"Hey, Squirtle."

"Yes?" Squirlte asked from behind him.

"You're going to start imitating an Ivysaur?"

"Uh, no, why?"

"Funny, I think I just heard one jus now..."


"There it is again..." Red looked in front of him to find an Ivysaur, but he rolled above Squirtle, crushing him a little. "Nah, must be a dream..."

"Saur." Ivysaur nodded and he walked away to the forest, Pikachu woke up and looked at the Grass Pokémon getting away, he looked to another direction before gasping and yelling loudly to wake up everyone else.


"AH!" Reggie got up, putting up his green apron. "I-I'm coming! What's the problem?!"


"...AN IVYSAUR!!!" Red yelled surprised.


"PANIC!" Pichu yelled and most of them started to panic, before Jigglypuff slapped all of them. "GET HIM!"

"WAIT! WHERE IS MAYLENE?!" Chris asked, looking around for Maylene. "LUCARIO! USE YOUR AURA!"

"As you wish!" Lucario nodded and glowed to find Maylene. "...She went that way, probably because her Lucario...ran away when we were sleeping..."

"He's right! Look at those footprints!" Squirtle said, pointing to the footprints of Lucario, but he also found other footprints close to them. "...These footprints are probably from Maylene!"

"Okay, listen up everyone, we're going to split up into 2 teams, one will go after Maylene and the other will go after Iv-" Reggie looked at the 2 directions of their targets, Red, Pikachu, Squirtle and Jigglypuff went after Ivysaur and Chris, Lucario, Riolu and Pichu went after Maylene, then he sighed. "...I guess I should go after Maylene..." He ran to Maylene's direction. "But then again, I'll follow Red." He turned to the other direction.

Far away from them...

Maylene was shown panting heavily, following the footprints of her Lucario. "Why did you do it? Why?" She continued to ask to herself, until for her misfortune, the footprints ended on one place and she fell on her knees. "No...why...why? After all the things we have been living through left me...NO!" She slammed her fist on the grass and tried to stop her tears from falling, but it didn't worked.

4 figures appeared behind the bushes, it was Ganondorf, Charizard, Wolf and King Dedede smirking.

"I don't think dat's the Ivysaur thing." Dedede said, holding up and picture and comparing it with Maylene, but he received a smack on his head. "Oww!"

"That's me, you idiot!" Wolf said, snatching his photo from Dedede.

"Why are we wasting our time with that girl?" Charizard asked, then he noticed that Ganondorf was gathering Shadow Bugs. "Hey, Ganondorf, what are you going to do with those bugs?"

"Simple, I am going to take her to the evil side."

"That sounds so cliché." Dedede said.

"And do you think it will work on her?" Charizard asked.

"The darkness can take easily the hearts of the weak ones..." Ganondorf said as he called Shadow Bugs.

"Weak hearts? One of them has a weak heart?" Wolf asked and Ganondorf nodded.

"Yes...and is...that girl..."

"...Will that help us?" Charizard asked.

"Of course, we are going to make her fight them while we try to capture Ivysaur, or convince him, now, go Shadow Bugs, take the body I am offering you!" Ganondorf ordered and the Shadow Bugs quickly moved inside the grass and got closer to the Gym Leader who was crying.

"Pfft, you don't have to be poetic." Dedede crossed his arms.

"It's an evil villain rule."

Maylene could have sworn that something was cmoing to her and she looked at something moving through the grass. "Huh? What is that?" She asked, getting up and wiping out her tears.

Chris's group was shown panting, running deeper in the forest until...


"Maylene!" They said in unison.

"Something bad happened to her, let's move on!" Lucario said.

With Maylene...


Preview of the next chapter

"Maylene!..., no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!" Chris repeated continously after finding out what happened to Maylene.


"Now you're cornered!" Red said, the whole group cornered Ivysaur and the Grass Pokémon growled angrily.

"Red! Fight against him to catch him!" Reggie said.


"Lucario! Lucario! Lucario! Riiiii!" Riolu called out, trying to find Maylene's Lucario.




"Next time: Targets: Ivysaur and Maylene, Rii!" Riolu said happily.[/i]

Do you want to save your data?


Overwrite file?


Viridian City
Chris, Lucario, Pikachu, Pichu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo
, Kirby, Meta Knight, Link, Zelda, Fox, Falco, Marth, Roy, Ness, Lucas, Pit, Ice Climbers, Maylene, Lucario, Reggie, Riolu, Red, Squirtle

The Seventh

Rather interesting how this is all turning out.
Quote from: wiiboychris on August 23, 2008, 01:26:33 PM
Quote from: makuta on August 23, 2008, 12:48:47 PM
Quote from: wiiboychris on August 23, 2008, 12:44:24 PM
Quote from: makuta on August 23, 2008, 12:38:22 PM
Thanks for including my rule in you fan-fiction!

And can the Metroid Arc be in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption?
...Since when did you were this happy?

And yes, but the 2 will be the next one...just wait, I have something bigger in hands after this arc.

I'm happy, not ecstatic or jumping for joy.

And what do you mean by "the 2"?
Hmmm...  that is a risky thing, due to the dark world thing, but I feel that you can do well on it!

Also, I'm pleased to see that you have been doing very well with your spelling and grammar.

Nice job!


Chapter 70: Targets: Ivysaur and Maylene

Viridian Forest

"Now, return where you came from and destroy anyone that goes in your path." Ganondorf commanded to Maylene, who nodded slowly and returned where she came from. "Quick, we have a bigger plan set in motion after this one."

"Tabuu mentioned that we were going to split up and capture the others on the list, right?" Wolf asked.

"Just like that, quick, we must make haste and capture Ivysaur!"

"Leave that puny little guy to me." Charizard said smirking, the group was going to run, but then, all of them crashed into something and they fell on the grass. "What the?! There isn't anything in front of us!"

"You will not get through here." Mewtwo appeared from the other side with crossed arms, floating down the trees.

"So, the traitor Pokémon shows up." Ganondorf said.

"Ganondorf, I expected more of you."

"And so did I."

"I'm sorry, but I must not let you go any further, it is my mission to stop all of you here and now."

The four henchmen surrounded the Psychic Pokémon, some were cracking their fists and others were doing different movements to prepare to attack him. "Interesting, 4 against 1..." Wolf said darkly.

"I will not need more help from anyone else to defeat all of you at the same time." Mewtwo said bluntly. "How amusing...another Charizard..."

"Got a problem with that?" Charizard asked snarling.

"No, let's see how you fare against my power!"

"CHARGE!" The 4 generals said in unison, charging after Mewtwo.

With Chris's group...

Riolu, oddly enough, started to grunt and her appendages lifted up a little after she managed to see Maylene approaching to them. "Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..."

"What's wrong Riolu?" Pichu asked curiously.

"I sense a bad aura, Ri..."

Chris looked in front of him and smiled after seeing Maylene walking back to them. "Maylene! I thought you were in danger!... Wait...something is not right with you..."

"Destroy...Lord...Tabuu' Pokémon...out..." Maylene said, taking her 2 Pokeballs and calling out Machoke and Meditite, who were covered in a dark aura and Chris's Lucario growled instantly.

"Maylene!..., no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!" Chris repeated continously after finding out what happened to Maylene.

"The Shadow Bugs took her body." Lucario pointed out.

"And her Pokémon too!" Pichu pointed out too.


"Don't worry Riolu, everything will be fine." Chris reassured her. "(Why of all the people they decided to take Maylene against us? She doesn't deserves this after her Lucario abandoned her...wait a minute...we need to find him and try to get Maylene back to her senses! He's the only one who can call her back!) Everyone, we have to find her Lucario to make her listen to u-" Chris quickly ducked because an Aura Sphere was going to hit his head. "W-where did that came from?!"

"I-Impossible! Maylene made that Aura Sphere!" His Lucario said surprised.

"...WHAT?! How come she can do that and I can't?! I have been training for a long time and she learned it in 10 minutes?! No fair!"


"...Everyone! Someone has to find her Lucario! But we need to resist against her Pokémon until we can find her Lucario, who wants to go?" He looked at Pichu, who shook his head quickly. "How about you?"

"No, I'll stay here to protect you." Lucario said, then Chris looked at the only person who hasn't said anything, Lucario's little sister, then the aura Pokémon glared at him. "You wouldn't dare..."

"Riolu? Do you want to be helpful again?"

"I want to! Riiii!"

"Then do you want to search for her Lucario as soon as possible?"

Riolu thought for a moment. "But he hates me, Rii..."

"Don't worry about that, he will listen to you! But you must be fast and search for him in the forest!"


"...If you find him, I'll give you this." Chris gave her a candy.

"What is this? Ri?"

"Food, eat it!" Riolu ate the candy and she smiled and wagged her tail.

"Riiii! It's so good, Riiii!"

"And there's more where that came from if you can find Lucario, just use your aura abilities to locate him in the area!"

Riolu jumped off his arms and ran deeper in the forest, but Chris noticed that Pichu was going with her. "H-hey, where are you going? We need your help!"

"I want candy too!" Pichu said.

"No candy for you! Now come over here and fight against Meditite!" Chris said angrily and Pichu's ears dropped and returned to them. "Lucario, take care of Machoke and Pichu will fight Meditite...and that leaves me with the girl with pink hair...and for my bad luck, I can't use my jobs to fight in this world..."

Lucario got in a fighting stance. "When you're in trouble, call me and I'll be in a second." Lucario said.

"Thanks, Pichu, can you win against Meditite?"

"I-I can't make any promises, but I-I'll do my best!" Pichu said trembling, but he gathered electricity on his cheeks.

"Destroy...enemies...seize...them..." Maylene said.

And Chris broke the fourth wall to point out something. "For lesser people controlled by Shadow Bugs, we're going to call them Dark (insert name here) and for bigger and destructive monsters, we're going to refer them as Shadow (insert name here), and sorry if we didn't do that in the first Sonic arc."

With Red's group...

"The Ivysaur!" Jigglypuff said pointing at Ivysaur, who was strolling down the path and he looked at them and stopped.

"Surround him! Now!" Pikachu said and all of them cornered the Ivysaur in a circle.

"Now you're cornered!" Red said, the whole group cornered Ivysaur and the Grass Pokémon growled angrily.

"Red! Fight against him to catch him!" Reggie said.

"...And you're going to stand there and do nothing else?"

"Hey, it's a rule, we can't help you in a battle to catch a Pokémon, it's all yours." Pikachu said.

"Okay, but don't break the circle to let him escape OR ELSE, I want to capture my first Pokémon without mistakes this time, right?"

"Right!" The others responded in unison.

"Saur! Ivysaur! Ivy!" Ivysaur said to Red, who made a confused face.

"He said he wants to challenge you!" Jigglypuff said.

"Ivy! Ivy! Saur! Saur!"


"Saur..." Ivysaur apologized before charging at Squirtle.

Pokémon Colosseum Music - First and Friendly Battle Theme

"What now?!" Squirtle asked frantically.

"(That's right, this is the first time Red tries to catch his first Pokémon, and probably his first battle too.)" Reggie thought. "Red, tell Squirtle to dodge the attack!"

"R-right, Squirtle, dodge it!" Red ordered and Pikachu shook his head after hearing those words, Squirtle stepped out of the way of the Ivysaur and dodged the attack in time.

"Red! I know how to use Skull Bash, Water Gun, Surf and Withdraw!" Squirtle said.

"You know how to use Surf at such level of training?" Reggie asked surprised.

"O-okay, use Surf on Ivysaur when he comes to you!" Red ordered and Ivysaur tried to slam his head with Squirtle, but Squirtle took his time to use Surf and when it was time, he summoned a slope of water under his legs and it pushed Squirtle to the air and Ivysaur received a little amount of damage. "That was Surf?"

"Hmm, it's different from all the other Surf attacks...but maybe your Squirtle is special...even so, that attack did little damage to Ivysaur, try using Skull Bash on him!"

"Squirtle! Use Skull Bash!" Red commanded and Squirtle ran towards Ivysaur and hid inside his shell, spining on the grass and he managed to hit his legs. "Alright! That attack was effective!"

"RED!" Squirtle yelled from above and they looked at him being lashed around the air by Ivysaur's Vine Whip, then the Grass Pokémon slammed the Water Pokémon to the ground, dealing a great amount of damage. "AAAHH!"

"Not good, the Vine Whip attack is strong against Water Pokémon, remember that you can use different strategies to win a battle, the moves of a Pokémon doesn't matters unless you have a way to use them wisely at the proper time and place!" Reggie explained to Red.

"(If I use Skull Bach constantly, he will find out my attack's pattern and dodge it to keep going with his Grass type attacks, but Reggie said I should make strategies to use them at the right time...then I need to look at my surroundings and th-)"

"AAAAAHHHHH!!" Red's thoughts were interrupted and found Squirtle being constantly attacked by Razor Leafs from Ivysaur, Squirtle backed away to a tree and the leafs were cutting him down and passing through the tree at the same time.

"Squirtle! Use Withdraw to resist the attack until he gets tired!" Red ordered and Squirtle hid inside his shell, blocking all the attacks until Ivysaur got tired and panted a little. "Now use Skull Bash again!" Squirtle began to spin above the ground, inside his shell and went after Ivysaur, reaching his legs again to make to trip and fall on his body. "(Wait, while he gets up, I should be continuing to attack and gain the advantage.) Squirtle, now use Wayer Gun but in the ground!"

Squirtle began to shoot water to the ground. "Don't stop until it's all muddy!"

"(I get it, by making the ground mud, Ivysaur will trip on it and Squirtle will use Skull Bash to accelerate and hit him with force.) Keep going Squirtle!" Pikachu shouted and after 20 seconds, the ground became mud and Ivysaur got up by the time Squirtle finished.

"Now use Skull Bash again!" Red shouted.

"Okay!" Squirtle hid and spun on his shell to slam himself to Ivysaur, the attack's speed accelerated and it hit Ivysaur with a stronger impact.

"Direct hit!" Jigglypuff pointed out happily, cheering for the 2.

Reggie gasped. "No! There is one of his vines hidden in the mud!"

"Wha?" Squirtle was suddenly pulled to the air and he was positioned above Ivysaur's flower. "Hey, what are you going t-" The flower began to shoot quick bullets of seeds.

"Bullet Seed? Red! Do something or Squirtle will lose all his energy!"

"B-but what can I do?!" Red asked worried.

"Think about the situation carefully!" Pikachu shouted.

"(Well, Squirtle is above Ivysaur...but...AH! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!... I can't use Withdraw because Ivysaur's vines are grabbing Squirtle's arms to prevent him from getting inside...his mouth? Yes, his mouth can shoot water, but it's not effective against Grass types...unless...I use it in the right place...the flower!) Squirtle, if you can, use Water Gun on the flower!"

Squirtle opened his eyes while he received the seeds, he looked below him and found the flower shooting the seeds, his mouth became filled with water and shot it inside the flower, Ivysaur gasped as his flower began to fill and the seeds stopped from attacking the turtle, the Squirtle bit one of the vines and Ivysaur threw him away, setting him free.

"Use Skull Bash!" Red shouted and Squirtle ran after Ivysaur, but Ivysaur used Vine Whip on a nearby branch and pulled himself to it to evade the attack, then he jumped above the shell and landed above him. "What is he going to do?!" Ivysaur inserted his vines inside the shell and he began to use Squirtle as a boat for mud, then he turned to a tree and shot Squirtle's shell using his vines, dealing damage to him. "Squirtle!"

"That Ivysaur is tough, maybe it was a bad idea to capture an evolved Pokémon Red." Reggie said but Red shook his head.

"No...I won't let this opportunity go away! I have an Ivysaur to capture!" Red said on his defense.

"But Squirtle can't go on!"

"I know!... But at least I need to keep trying!"

"..." Pikachu didn't said anything.

"Were you going to say something Pikachu?" Jigglypuff asked.

"What? No, I thought Squirtle was going to evolve when he was losing the fight, that happens most of the time with other Pokémon too." Pikachu said chuckling.

"Then what are you going to do?" Reggie asked.

Red looked around and then, he got an idea. "Squirtle! Run to that direction!" Red pointed to a direction and Squirtle ran to the direction, Ivysaur kept his position and used Razor Leafs to damage the turtle, Squirtle was suffering from the attacks but he continued to move on, struggling.

"Stop! You're going to be defeated!" Jigglypuff yelled preocupied.

"(Keep moving, you're reaching that spot.)" Red thought.

Squirtle was able to reach the spot where Red indicated him to go, but he collapsed at the moment he reached it, the Grass Pokémon smirked at his victory but he continued to fire more Razor Leafs at Squirtle...although that was Red's plan from the beginning.

Reggie could have sworn he heard something close to Squirtle, he looked behind Squirtle and he saw the same tree that Ivysaur hit by accident using Razor Leaf continuously, since Ivysaur's leafs were still cutting the tree little by little, it started to move slowly down to him and the fainted Squirtle, when the shadow of the tree was covering him, his eyes shrunk a little and he looked up and screamed in horror. "IVY!" Ivysaur yelled when the tree crashed down above him...and Squirtle, creating a cloud of dust.

"SQUIRTLE!" Pikachu, Jigglypuff and Reggie yelled preocupied.

The dust cleared but they couldn't find Squirtle, except for Ivysaur who was fainted with swirls on his eyes. "Where is Squirtle?!" Jigglypuff asked crying.

"Go! Pokeball!" Red yelled throwing the Pokeball at Ivysaur, they stopped looking around for Squirtle and watched Squirlte being engulfed by the red light and entering inside the Pokeball, then it landed on the mud and it shoo-

Let's just forward the tape to skip that scene, since you know he'll catch him anyway to skip the suspence.

"...YES! FINALLY!" Red made a fist in the air and ran towards his Pokeball on the mud and grabbed it. "We got Ivysaur!"

"But Squirtle...he sacrificed his life..." Pikachu said, trying to not cry.

"Yes...he was weak after all..."

"Red! How can you say that?!" Reggie asked angrily.

"...Well...the truth is..." Red looked down at his feet but then, he looked at them with smile and laughed a little. "Trick ya!" He took out another Pokeball and Squirtle came out and appeared on his arms, smiling weakly. "I managed to call Squirtle back when the tree was going to crush him, you couldn't see me calling him when it was about to kill hi-"

However, the other 3 persons became furious at his joke and they lunged and started to beat him badly, while Squirtle got out from the fight and sighed in relief. "Red, I think our adventure is going to be interesting...ouch..." Squirtle said, smiling a little.


With Chris's group...

Pokémon Colosseum Normal Battle Theme

"Maylene! Please! Listen to me! You have to regain your senses before you hurt somebody!" Chris yelled while he dodged all the attacks Dark Maylene was trying to land on him, but since he was powerless in any kind of Pokémon world, his dodges were so awkward because sometimes he tripped or almost fell on his back. "Maylene!"

"I'm jealous...your Lucario...will never mine..." Dark Maylene said darkly as she continued to land her attacks on Chris.

"Jealous? Why? I know your Lucario will like you soon!"

"Then tell me...when that moment is happen..."

"B-but first we need to return to the plans again!"

"They humiliated me...although...I didn't lose the could you played with my emotions..."

"I didn't! I warn you, this is going to sound cheesy, but I believe in you!"

"Believe in me?... Then why didn't you...thought harder..."

"I did! Believe in me too!"

"You must die...that will make Lord Tabuu...happy..."

Lucario was trying to block a Cross Chop from Dark Machoke. "It's useless, you have to defeat her, there is no other way!"

"But how am I going to do that?! The Shadow Bugs gave her more strength!"

"Then resist until the others return and help us!"

"Red is going to ask me many more things of what happened to Maylene then, and so will Reggie!"

"Sorry, I need to concentrate in the battle, but think about something and fast!" Lucario said and gritted his teeth while he pushed Dark Machoke away.

"Maylene! Listen to me!"

"You must die Chris...everything is going to be...much more...easier for Lord Tabuu..." Dark Maylene said as she created an Aura Sphere.

"Cheater! I was trying to do that for several trainings! (When I see Tabuu, I'm going to have a serious talk with him about all these things happening to my friends and all the worlds, Maylene doesn't deserves this...she doesn't!)" Chris ran to a tree to block the Aura Sphere flying towards him, he hid quickly and the sphere exploded and cut down the tree, the World Traveler gasped and rolled out of the way to evade the weight of the tree. "RIOLU! PLEASE HURRY!"

"Medi...Medi..." Dark Meditate began to meditate.

"I-I can beat you! I know I can beat you!" Pichu said studdering.


"I'm not weak! How rude are you!"


"Oh yes? Then l-let's see who wins!" Pichu ran after Dark Meditite to land the first blow, but the Meditation Pokémon pointed his hand at him and Pichu was lifted to the air by a pink glow. "AAAHHH! HELP ME!"


"Medi? MEDITITE!" Meditite yelled in pain after Chris came from behind him and smacked a branch on his head, setting Pichu free from the Confusion attack and Chris backed away. "PICHU! USE THUNDER ON HIM!"

"PICHUUUUUUUUU!!!" Pichu called a thunder from above and it went down him and Meditite, dealing a moderate amount of damage. "D-did you liked that?!"

"Meeeeeeeediiiiiiiiiiii..." Dark Meditite stood up and glared at Pichu, the yellow mouse backed away scared before Dark Meditite jumped in the air and his foot glowed and went towards Pichu using Hi-Jump Kick.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" Pichu yelled in pain as he was sent towards a tree where he crashed and landed on the grass, panting heavily since the attack was powered by the Shadow Bugs. "Ugh!... He's...strong...I don't think I can...hold much longer..."

"Pichu! You must survive!" Chris yelled before he received a flying kick by Dark Maylene. "OWW!"

"Meeeeediiiiiii..." Dark Meditite slowly walked towards Pichu and the yellow mouse got up coughing a little.

"(I won't let Pikachu down...and everyone else too...I'm strong!.... And young too, but I'm strong!)" Pichu thought with optimism on his mind.

"You will not defeat me! Anyone who uses the Shadow Bugs to be stronger than me will fail!" Lucario said.

"That sounded a little cheesy Lucario!" Chris called out from afar.

"MA-CHOKE!" Dark Machoke grabbed Lucario by the leg and he started to swing him above him.

"I'm not a toy! GUUAARRGGHH!!" Lucario used Force Palm on Dark Machoke's head and the Superpower Pokémon staggered for a bit and Lucario jumped away from him and landed on his feet "(Wait, the blow paralyzed him, now's my chance.) GUARGH!" He quickly charged up an Aura Sphere that exploded right into the head, creating a cloud of smoke, but Dark Machoke came fastly from the cloud and used Karate Chop on his neck, Lucario's pupils shrunk and he coughed blood a little and backed away. "What"

"Remember that the Shadow Bugs gave him more power!" Chris called out before he was kicked hard on his stomach. "Stop please!"

"MA!" Dark Machoke continued his attack with Cross Chop and the previous attack caught Lucario off-guard and he couldn't defend himself in time before receiving an even more powerful impact, sending him towards a tree where he crashed into it and the tree fell down.

"...I'm fine...don't worry..." He said weakly while he got up slowly.

"CHOKE! MACHOKE!" Dark Machoke was flexing his muscles, trying to itimidate Lucario.

"So that's how you want to fight then...THEN SO BE IT!" Lucario ran towards Machoke with high speed using a combination of Extremespeed and Force Palm to make a fast and strong impact on his chest, the aura of Lucario was higher than before and it increased his power, because Dark Machoke backed away, grabbing his chest in pain where it got paralyzed again. "...You're still...standing...but I'll end this before I fall defeated!"


"Huh?!" The scene changes to a slow pace and Lucario watches in front him where Chris was flying unconscious, Lucario's pupils shrunk in horror as Chris crashes into the earth and faints instantly. "CHRIS!"

"I'm sorry...I'm useless without the jobs...It's up to you Lucario...ugh..." Chris managed to say before he fainted sighing. "Please...rescue...Maylene...she doesn't deserves this..."

"One down...2 more to go..." Dark Maylene said darkly as she ran towards Lucario. " were hurting my must die..."

"He was hurting you!" Lucario protested.

" must be...eliminated...Machoke...use Seismic Toss..."

"MACHOKE!...MA!" Since the attack implied Dark Machoke to embrace Lucario, the spike of his chest prevent him from doing the attack.

"Idiot..." Lucario said before he charged up an Aura Sphere and looked at Dark Maylene. "(No, I can't hurt her.)" He quickly changed his attack towards Dark Machoke, aiming it at his leg to stun him for a moment, but Dark Machoke jumped and evaded the attack. "MY MOVES CAN'T BE EVADED!" Lucario roared furiously before the same Aura Sphere from before turned ways and slammed behind the leg, stunning Dark Machoke.


"Useless pest...return..." Dark Maylene said calling Dark Machoke to his Pokeball and she ran towards Lucario to hit him, but the aura Pokémon dodged her fast attacks using his enhanced aura.

"How can you be so cruel to your Pokémon?!" Lucario asked while he evaded her attacks. "Didn't you wanted to gain the appreciation of your Lucario?!"

"I only care about him...and only other Pokémon doesn't mean anything to me...anymore..."

"Medi?" Dark Meditite turned his head at her before he received a fully charged Skull Bash attack from Pichu.

"Ha! Take that!" Pichu said taunting him.

"You're not the Maylene I know! The Maylene I know cares deeply about her Pokémon!" Lucario said as he blocked her hands.

"She died...and a new and better person was born on her place..."

Lucario pushed her away and continued to return her to her senses. "Stop talking like that! Even Chris was hurt because of you!"

"He...deserved it." She charged an Aura Sphere and launched it at him, surprisingly, Lucario tried to block it but it exploded right into him and was pushed towards a tree, the attack also stunned his left arm and he kneeled weakly. "It's time to...get rid of you..."

"Pichu?" Lucario asked holding his left arm in pain where he found Pichu jumping over Dark Meditite several times.

"Take this! And this! And this! And this again!" Pichu said jumping up and down above Dark Meditite's body.

"Medi! Medi! Medi! Medi!" Dark Meditite pleaded for mercy.

"PICHUUUUUUUU!!!" Pichu called down another Thunder that crashed into both of them, the bolt of lightning struck Dark Meditite hardly and he fainted, the Sahdow Bugs got out from his body and they vanished in thin air. "...I won? I won! I won!" Pichu cheered happily.

"PICHU!" Lucario called and Pichu shook his head and ran towards Dark Maylene using Skull Bash.

"HAAAAA!" Pichu went flying towards Dark Maylene but Dark Maylene's reflexes were bigger and she bended her back and landed using her hands to have Pichu flying right above her, then she slammed her right leg on the yellow mouse with force and Pichu cried out and crashed into the ground while Dark Maylene regained her position and continued walking towards Lucario. "Sorry..." Pichu said moaning in pain as he fell unconscious.

"(...Sister...hurry aura can defeat her but Chris told me to not harm her...and I can't move anymore...)" Lucario called out to her sister telepathically.

With Riolu...

"...RIIII!" Riolu growled receiving the message and she continued to use her aura to locate Maylene's Lucario.

The forest was just too big for Riolu, and she needed to be careful to not attract the attention of any Bug type Pokémon like Beedrills or Pinsirs.

"Lucario! Lucario! Lucario! Riiiii!" Riolu called out, trying to find Maylene's Lucario.

Unfortunately, when she met face-to-face with a bush, a Pinsir got out and glared at her, which instantly made her to cry and duck in fear.


"Gruck!" The Pinsir jumped towards and bended down to grab Riolu using its tweezers to crush her between them.



"Ri?" Riolu looked above her and found Maylene's Lucario stopping Pinsir's tweezers from grabbing her, then he used Force Palm to break one of them and Pinsir gasped and ran away scared from them. "Lucario! You saved me! Riii!"

"What are you doing here?" Maylene's Lucario asked with a glare and crossed arms.

"Ri! You must return with Maylene! Ri! She needs your help! Ri!" Riolu was trying to pull him to where she came from, but obviously he was stronger than her.

"For what? I told all of you that I will not return with her anymore."

"Maylene's in danger! Ri!"

"They can help her, she doesn't needs me."

"No! Ri! You don't understand, she was attacked by something and then she is trying to kill us!"

Maylene's Lucario turned his back to her and walked away. "I must go on and leave her, if you try to convince me, I warn you that I won't hesitate to hurt you painfully."

Riolu thought for a moment. "She defeated my brother with her bare hands, Riii..."

He stopped on his trail and his pupils shrunk, surprised at this statement.

With Chris's group...

Dark Maylene's palm was glowing about Lucario, ready to defeat him or kill him in this case after he falls unconscious. "Die...and stop bothering me..."

"NOOOOOO!" Dark Maylene looked to her right and was pushed with another person, it was Reggie who came back with a beaten up Red, and weakened Squirtle, Pikachu and Jigglypuff. "Maylene! What happened to you?!" Reggie asked while he tried to stop Dark Maylene from moving.

" didn't helped so must die too..."

"What are you talking about? And what is that weird, purple aura covering you?"

"REGGIE! LOOK OUT!" Jigglypuff yelled and Reggie was instantly punched in his stomach and he staggered for bit, trying to not faint for the quick attack.

"Maylene...why...why are you...attacking me?" Reggie asked weakly.

"I must eliminate please Lord Tabuu..." Dark Maylene said, throwing Reggie out of the way and into a tree where he hit his back hard and fell unconscious, but he glanced at her before fainting.

"REGGIE!" Red yelled preocupied before he noticed that Maylene was looking at him.

" puked on me..."

"...That's why are you mad at him?!" Chris's Lucario asked enraged while he walked behind them to recover from his wounds.

" must die too..." And then she ran towards Red, who looked at both of ways and tried to get away from her.

"Wait, I should use Ivysaur to attack her an-"

"No!" Lucario shouted while Jigglypuff examined him. "We can't hurt her, Chris told me to prevent any of us from harming her!"

"THEN WHAT CAN WE DO?! AAAHHH!" Red jumped above an Aura Sphere before the sphere turned to him and gasped in horror.

"REEED!" Squirtle yelled worried and jumped on the way of the Aura Sphere to protect his trainer, there was an explosion that covered Squirtle completely before he fell unconscious, defeated. "...You're run..."

Red held Squirtle close to him. "Squirtle! Squirtle! Wake up!"

"He fainted! He's out!" Pikachu yelled.

"Hey, do something!" Jigglypuff suggested.

"I can't because I don't want to harm her! But what about you? Use Sing to sleep her!"

"And it will affect all of you too! And what if she's immune to my singing voice by the Shadow Bugs?"

"...Did you just realized your song makes us to fall asleep?!"

"It's a near-death moment!"


"GUUUUUYS!" Red yelled running away from Dark Maylene, who was shooting Aura Spheres on him continuously while he held Squirtle close to him.

"It's useless..." Lucario said ashamed. "We failed, we can't clear this mission, Charizard got away and Maylene doesn't get back to her senses...and my sister hasn't come back yet with her Lucario..."

"But there must be a way to end this!" Pikachu protested.


"There must be! I know it!" Jigglypuff protested.


"But what can we do?!" Pikachu asked trying to think about a way.


"We can't harm her right?!" Jigglypuff asked.


"SHUT UP, RED, WE ARE TRYING TO SAVE YOU!" Pikachu and Jigglypuff yelled at him in unison.

"Now where were we?" Jigglypuff asked to Riolu. "Riolu! You're back!"


"Rii! I brought Lucario too, Rii!" Riolu said excited, pointing to Maylene's Lucario who was in a fighting stance as he faced her trainer.

"Maylene..." Her Lucario said.

"Lucario..." Dark Maylene said.

"What is wrong with you? What is that dark aura?"

" must be...returned to your Pokeball...and join kill them..."

Her Lucario shook his head. "I won't anymore...I told you..."

"I want you back...and I'll do it now..."

"Don't even try it."

"Lucario...return your Pokeball..." she aimed her Pokeball at her Lucario but he backstepped away from the red light and glared at her.

"I'm sick of that behavior, I must return you to your...annoying senses..."

"Lucario, don't try to harm her! Chris told us that!" Red said.

"And I won't listen to that order, nobody orders me around either."

"Lucario..." Dark Maylene trailed off. "Ah....Aaahh...AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" The aura around was blinking and trying to fade away, dropping her to her knees in pain as she held her head in pain, but Lucario didn't do anything about it and crossed his arms.

"What's happening to her?!" Red asked confused.

"(You won't take my body! Let me go!/'re going to stay like that...for eternity.../Forget it! I have an important duty in Veilstone!/And do you think...I care?/Of course not! You just came out of nowhere and possesed my body!/Lord Tabuu is going to be mad...if I let you go.../I don't care either about your problems! Get off me! I want to have my Lucario back!/Then try and recover your control...I dare you.../You asked for it then!/Wha...what the.../Get the hell out of my body! I know I'm stronger than you are!) way...I can't...control her...I..." Dark Maylene was trying to stop the real Maylene from getting out and take her body back, but after her Lucario appeared, the real Maylene woke up inside and tried to escape from her clutches. "You're not...going t-"


Music Stops

Dark Maylene was hit very hard on her neck and she fell unconscious, because her Lucario couldn't wait for her and decided to attack first before her and the Shadow Bugs vanished in thin air as Red wondered what were those spores.

Pikachu was holding Pichu. "YOU IDIOT! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" Pikachu asked angrily.

"I listened to her thoughts and I decided that that was enough, then I used Force Palm on her shoulder to end all this foolishness" Maylene's Lucario explained bluntly.

At that moment, Chris woke up from his state and stood in front him with those freaky Naruto-eyes. "WHAT THE HELL?! WHICH PART OF DON'T ATTACK HER DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!"

"It was the only solution."

Chris decided to turn to the readers to break the fourth wall, again. "See?! I knew this guy was nothing but trouble! He ended up this chapter so quickly without an epic fight like we do every 4 chapters in an arc! Seriously, this is the last time I travel to Sinnoh! Especially in Veilstone City!"

"Also, she didn't died, the attack was weak on her just to get those things off her." He explained bluntly, turning his back on Chris. "I beg your pardon, but I must leave...get out of my way." Maylene's Lucario glared at Riolu, who was glaring at him for the first time.

"I won't, Ri." Riolu said simply.

"Get out."

"No, Ri!"

"Get out!"

"No, Ri!"


"NO! RIIIIIIIIIIII!" For his own surprise, Riolu quickly jumped towards him and landed a Force Palm on his chest, and unfortunately for Lucario, the attack paralyzed his whole body and he kneeled, gritting his fangs in pain. "Why don't you live with Maylene? Ri? She's good! You grew up together with her! Ri!"

"You...don't...understand..." Lucario said with a glare.

"I do! More than you do! Ri!"

"You're still a baby, babies shouldn't be involved in this!"

"Then I'm a smart baby that is smarter than you! Ri!"

"She got you there." Red said from behind him.


"Stop it! Just stop those useless grunts! Ri!"

"You don't order me around...only..." Lucario realized what he just said and looked down to close his eyes, shaking his head slowly.

"Only what? Ri? Or...WHO! RI!"

"..." Maylene's Lucario sighed and looked at her unconscious trainer. "Only...only...only Maylene orders me around...but when I need to listen to her...and she has been trying to do that from the beginning and I just ignored her..."

"And attacked her." Pikachu added.

"Lucario, Maylene is not going to turn back on her words," Chris said. "Please, just give her another opportunity, but stop being rude with her too! She just want you to appreciate her!"

His Lucario walked to his right. "Like he and me do."

"...Maybe I was jealous..."

Chris made a confused face and shook his head. "Okay, that didn't made any sense now..."

"But I was."

"You didn't!"

Maylene's Lucario nodded. "I was, I wanted to have her full attention towards me and not other Pokémon, then I saw you and your Lucario always standing next to each other, and Maylene only backed away from me, scared that I was going to punch her to get off my rage."

"(-_-)...But you DID that!" Red said angrily.

"...I did?"

Everyone fell in anime style and got up slowly.

"The conclusion is that you want Maylene to stay with you most of the time so you can stop being furious at her, am I right?" Chris asked and he nodded. "Well...why didn't you said that before? But first, I need to use Lucario's plan to convince Maylene and Reggie that all of this didn't you want to come with us?"

Red looked at his weakened Squirtle. "...I..."

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl

Veilstone City
Veilstone City's Gym

"Maylene, wake up." Chris said.



"AH!" Maylene woke up surprised and she looked around surprised. "What the-what are we doing in the Gym?"

"What do you mean by that? We have been here ever since you fainted!"

"Say what?"

Chris nodded. "It's true! You, Reggie, Lucario and Riolu ran up to a wall and fell unconscious for 3 hours!"

"...But I swear that wasn't a dream! Where is Reggie?!"

"I took him to his house, he's resting right now but I think he'll wake up soon."

Maylene sighed in defeat. "But...then all the things we did...those odd black balls...everything was a dream?!"

Her Lucario sat besides her. "Yes, I can't believe we ran to a wall embarrassing."

"And what about Pikachu, Pichu and Jigglypuff?! They can talk right?!"

"Pika Pi?" Pikachu asked confused, tilting his head above Chris's shoulder.

"Ji?" Jigglypuff asked, tilting her head above Chris's head.

"Pi?" Pichu asked tilting his head above Chris's other shoulder.

"And where is that Mewtwo too?!"

Chris looked away for a moment before looking at her. "Mewtwo? The Pokémon that escaped from Kanto? What are you talking about?"

"...Look Maylene, everything was a dream for you..." Her Lucario said.

She sighed again in defeat. "After all...Lucario is never going to like me...Chris, you don't have to tell your Lucario to rub his cheek with my cheek..."

"But Maylene..." Chris began. "My Lucario is right besides me, he's the taller one, remember?"

Her eyes blinked in surprise. "Then that means..." She looked at her Lucario, who was growling happily and she hugged him and rubbed her cheek with his cheek. "Lucario! I thought you hated me! I'm so happy!"

"I'd never think about leaving you Maylene, never in my life." Her Lucario said happily, wagging his tail a little.

Maylene's eyes were starting to fill with tears of joy and she looked at Chris. "I don't know why...but I want to thank you made all of this possible...if only Red was real, then I would thank him too..."

Chris chuckled. "Red? What kind of name is that?" His Lucario chuckled a little, and so did the other Pokémon.

Maylene hugged Chris and he blushed. "Thank you so much! I bet Lucario will be closer to me from this moment!"

"T-thanks...can you stop please?!" Chris asked very embarrassed.

"MAYLENE!" All of her pupils appeared crying and they dropped to their knees and began to cry in the floor, bowing to her.

Chris's eyes twitched and looked away. "...Okaaaaay...we need to get going now...before this turns more awkward that it already is..." He found Maylene tickling her Lucario. "Seriously, let's go! Good bye Maylene, see you later!" He said running outside and away from the Gym with "his" Pokémon.

However, Maylene looked at her right hand and gasped. "What the-this is the same scar I received in my dream!..." She began to thought but laughed a little after that. "Nah, that wall did it...Lucario! Do you want a hug?"

Her Lucario's mouth opened in surprise. "Yes, if you want to."

"Oh, thank you!" She hugged her Lucario by his right, as they laughed heartily while her pupils cried in happiness.

Valley of the Aura

"And here's your reward, to let you see I kept my promise!"

"Riiii!" Riolu said happily, receiving a bunch of candies from Chris as she sat down and began to eat them happily. "Riiii!"

"Did you enjoyed the outside world?" Her mother asked.

"Yes! Riii! My brother even taught me many things, Riii!"

"Thank you for protecting my daughter, and I'm glad your mission was a success." Lucario's father said but Chris looked down in shame. "It's something bothering you?"

"What? No, it's's just...we lost a dear friend to us in the process..." Chris said ashamed.

"Sacrifices needs to be taken seriously, you have to be strong and overcome them."

"Well, at least we got something else in return." Chris pointed to a table with wheels with something inside below a grey mantle. "But I think it's a perfect gift for us."

"Are you going to continue in your quest?"

"Of course! Maylene didn't had to be involved in this, I'll make sure this won't happen again in the other worlds!"

Lucario's father got up and walked to him. "I wish all of you good luck, remember to visit us anytime you want to."

"Big brother! Bye! Rii!" Riolu said hugging her brother's leg before returning with her mother to continue eating her candies.

"Let's go, Chris, everyone is waiting for us." Lucario said and Chris and the others walked outside the valley by the secret exit, and taking the mysterious "gift" with them.

Route 209

"...I can't believe we couldn't succeed in this mission..." Pikachu said, dropping his ears in shame.

"Master Hand is going to be furious after he finds out we lost one of us." Jigglypuff said scared.

"But cheer up!" Chris said. "We got this gift!"

"Also, what gift is that? For the look of the mantle, it must be something big." Pikachu said, getting in a thinking position.

"Well, only Red and me knows about it, right Red?" Chris asked to Red, who was walking besides him and the others with Squirtle.

"Y-yeah..." Red said studdering a little.

"Oh, right, this is the first time you're going to do something big than beating the Kanto League, aren't you excited to meet new people like us?"

"I...well, after what happened to Maylene, I don't want to let them get away with it either...then...I decided to join in this fight so...I can help with my Pokémon, right?"


Red joined your team!

"Don't worry Red, if they do something that offends you, then I will tell them to stop."

"Thanks Chris."

"Don't mention it." Chris opened the portal. "Now, are you ready to go? The 2 of you?"

Squirtle jumped to his shoulder. "We are! Right Red?"

"We sure we are!" Red said making a fist in the air.

"AHEM! TOO OVERUSED RED!" Pikachu said embarrassed.

"...I mean, yes, we are."

Chris stepped away from the portal and smiled at Red. "Then go on, you're first." And Red entered inside nodding his head and the others followed him and the portal vanished.




Small preview of the next chapter

"Hey Fox, Falco, I got you 2 a gift from Kanto!" Chris said pushing the gift towards Fox and Falco.

"Sweet! Look at the size of this thing! It must be something big!" Falco said a little excited as both Star Fox member removed the mantle, but their eyes widened and their pupils shrunk at the same time. "...Oh no...this is..."

"Not a gift, but must be a joke's a joke, right?" Fox added sweating a little and asking too.

Do you want to save your data?


Overwrite file?


Smash Mansion
Chris, Lucario, Pikachu, Pichu, Jigglypuff
, Mewtwo Red, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Kirby, Meta Knight, Link, Zelda, Fox, Falco, ?, Marth, Roy, Ness, Lucas, Pit, Ice Climbers