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The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest (Megaman Legends Arc)

Started by DededeCloneChris, March 04, 2008, 02:00:26 PM

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Quote from: makuta on January 30, 2009, 04:43:39 PM
So we won't get to see Dark Samus again, right? (Will we at least get to see the first leviathan seed boss?)

Oh and is it Normal, Veteran, or Hypermode difficulty?
I'd guess Normal...but with army around... Hypermode. :P


Super Paper Mario

Chapter 3-1 When Geeks Attack

"Ahem! Today..."

"I'll tell you the story of the lost book of prophecies."

"This prophetic book was a mysterious tome full of stories of future events."

"Of course, many people craved this book, wishing to glimpse their futures."

"But no person, after obtaining this amazing book, ever found happiness."

"The reason? The book held frightful secrets not meant for people's eyes."

"That book came to be called the Dark Prognosticus and was sealed away."

" the tale of that forgotten book's last owner. It is a tale of love..."

"...Or not for this twist of events..."


We change the dark setting, where around at the same time the previous team arrived before, there was nothing around, only a blank background and nothing else...

Suddenly, a line appears to draw a floor, then it spreades quickly until bushes, flowers, earth and pipes were drawn, however, the whole place was rather pixelated with a blocky background of the sky, it all suddenly gets colored until a door appeared and opened, and from it, Mario, Peach and Tippi came out before the door could vanish, they were, obviously, in their paper forms as they looked around.

"Hmm..." Peach began to wonder. "This place sure feels...nostalgic for some reason, isn't, Mario?"

"Uh-huh," Mario said nodding. "I think it brought back some memories from a long time ago...remember?"

Peach giggled. "Of course, the first time Bowser kidnapped me and the first time I met you, those were horrible memories...but they weren't when you rescued me."

Mario blushed a little. "W-well, haha, yes, b-but let's get focused and go on."

"Aww," Tippi said. "Romance is still strong these days, isn't?"

"N-no! I-it's not what you think!"

"Sure," Tippi said sarcastically. "Anyway, shouldn't we start looking for the Pure Heart?"

"That's what I said before!" Mario said annoyed.

"Oh, you did?" Tippi asked as Mario made an annoyed look. "...Oops, you did, heheh, sorry," Tippi looked around. "That's odd... I can feel it nearby, but where could it be..."

Peach let out a small giggle. "Okay, then we should move on...huh?"

Both characters turned to her. "It's something wrong Peach?"

" do I put it?" Peach wondered. "Haven't we met those people over there somewhere?"

"Hmm?" Mario and Tippi said looking besides Peach ahead...

Several meters ahead of them, there were 10 familiar figures, those 10 familiar figures were Sonic, DK, Diddy Kong, Zelda, Toon Link, Fox, Yoshi, Mallow, Geno and Twink, who were, as a fact, turned into paper forms, everyone felt really odd when they looked around...

But the most freaked out was Sonic.

"NO! NO! NO!" Sonic said panicking as he realised something. "I DON'T WANNA RUN IN A STRAIGHT LINE! THERE'S THE BACKGROUND OVER THERE! WHY CAN'T I RUN AROUND?!"

"Dude, calm down!" Mallow said slapping Sonic. "If we're going to save this...pixelated-looking world, then we shouldn't complain about it!" Mallow looked at them. "Okay, this is out of the blue, but does anyone here know how this place works?"

Everyone looked at each other until Fox raised his hand. "I've experienced this before...and honestly I hate it." Fox said.

"...Okay, that didn't help too much, but...where's Mario?"

"Right in front of us." Yoshi pointed out as they all turned to Mario, Peach and Tippi.

"Oh no, don't tell me you're here again because the "Subspace Army" is trying to do something here...for the 4th time!" Mario said.

"And you guessed it." Geno said.

"Zelda!" Peach said joining her hands as she walked to Zelda. "It's been a long time ever since we last met, how have you been in Hyrule all these years?"

"(Must avoid any kind of women conversations with her or else she won't stop...)" Zelda thought as she shook her head. "It's been peaceful once Link and I defeated Ganondorf."

Peach giggled. "Oh, that Ganondorf, he doesn't stop, does he?"

"Ahem," DK coughed. "Anyways, what are the things we need to do here?"

"Find Kalmar." Geno reminded them.

The 3 first characters from the start of this world looked at each Smasher. "My, every time you go away, the group keeps getting new this new Young Link." Peach said looking at Toon Link.

"Young who?" Toon Link asked confused.

"...I guess you're not Young Link?"

"Er... I'm young alright, but I'm Link, however, these guys get my name wrong and call me Toon Link instead." Toon Link said looking annoyed.

"Then nice to meet you, Toon Link!" Peach said handshaking the cartoony character's hand.

"Nice to mee-hey!"

Mario, Peach and Tippi temporarily joined your team!

Peach giggled. "Sorry, I couldn't resist."

"If Master Hand is getting new people to fight in the next tournament, then I should start knowing them better," Mario said as he looked at Sonic. "Huh? Are you..."

"Yep!" Sonic said smirking a little. "I'm Sonic The Hedgehog, and you must be that Mario that accepted the challenge for the Olympics, right?"

"Of course!" Mario said nodding. "I didn't think you were also a new Smasher, it's a great surprise for me!..."


Both characters stared at each other's eyes and everyone looked at them.

"...Hello? Mario?" Tippi asked flying in front of Mario, who didn't move at all.

"Sonic? Sonic? Hello?" Twink asked flying in front of Sonic, but he got the same result.

"Wait..." Tippi looked at Mario's eyes turning into an unusual red color. "Are your eyes getting sick or something?"

"And what about you?" Twink asked as Sonic's eyes turned the same color.

"HAAAAAA!!!" Suddenly, both Mario and Sonic lunged at each other and began to fight with their fists with each other, the group made confused looks once they saw both of them fighting by no reason at all.

"MARIO! SONIC! STOP IT YOU GUYS!" Mallow yelled running on his own feet.

"Oh my! Somebody stop this unnecessary dispute!" Peach gasped covering her cheeks in horror as both continued to fight. "You!"

"Huh?" Diddy looked at Peach.

"Y-you must be Diddy Kong, right? Would you be so kind and stop them from...uh...killing each other?"

"Why me?"

"I-I don't know!" Peach said sweating as Sonic...bit Mario's nose. "B-but please, I don't like to see this!"

Yoshi looked at the 2. "Mario! Sonic! Stop, please! You're making Peach sad!"

Both didn't respond whatsoever.

"I can't take this anymore!" Peach yelled running to DK. "You, stop them!"

"B-but I don't know how..." DK said as Peach began to sob silently. "...Oh no, OH NO, please don't cry, everything but that, please! I don't want t-aw, screw it!" DK said lunging at the 2 fighters and grabbed both of them, separating them as he held them in separate hands, however, even separated both acted like rabid cats.

Twink made a worried look. "Why did they act like just now? Anybody knows?"

"M-Mario once saw Sonic's photo on a newspaper, but nothing like this happened before..." Peach began to wonder. "Mario?"

"Huh?" Mario shook his head and looked to Peach. "Peach? What happened?"

Sonic, at that moment, shook his head and got back to normal. "H-hey, why do I have all these bruises on me?"

"You 2 just looked at each other and began killing yourselves against the other," Zelda explained. "But why I ask?"

"..." Mario and Sonic looked at each other before they started again to act like wild animals until DK slammed each one of them with the other, snapping them out of their weird rage. "O-oww!"

"...Should both of them stay separated and not look at each other for the time being?" Peach asked confused.

"Talk about random..." Yoshi trailed off.

"S-sorry for changing the subject," Tippi began. "But who are they? Do you 2 know them?"

Mario and Peach looked at each other as they told everything to Tippi...

However, there was someone watching from the bushes nearby.

"Neeerrr! This is so high-technicaaaaal!" A shadowy figure said as his glasses let out a small glitter.

Fox's ears perked up a little and looked behind him. "Weird, I could've sworn there was someone spying on us..." Fox trailed off.

Everyone stopped talking as they looked at him. "Someone spying us?... Could it be the Subspace Army?" Geno asked.

"...Oh yes, a whole collection of figures of the famous "Ultra Knock Brotherhood" series is at my reach along with a super-rare pixelated butterfly to show at my friends in digibutter.nerr forums, now it's not the time to let this oppotunity slip out from my hands, ner, this is so high-technicaaaaal!!!"

"Where did that voice come from?" Diddy asked.

"...LOOK OUT!" Geno yelled as a long tongue came out from the bushes and surprisingly wrapped DK, Diddy, Fox, Toon Link, Mallow and Geno, who yelled and were pulled inside the bushes, the others who weren't captured got shocked once they saw, the biggest geek in the whole universe, Francis, jumping out from the bushes. "HEEEEEELP!" Geno yelled inside Francis's stomach along with the others who tried to escape.

"Eek!" Peach gasped after she saw who it was as Mario, Yoshi and Sonic stood in front of the princesses (and Twink) and glared at Francis.

"You! Let them go before I kick you out!" Sonic warned as Francis merely laughed.

"Nope," Francis began. "I must bring them home. I can't miss this week's episode of "The Grodus Chronicles"! No way am I going to entrust my digital Recordmeow to tape an episode so epic. This is so hi-technicaaaaal!" Francis said happily.

"W-why are you going to take them to your house?! Are you some sort of pervert?!" Zelda asked shocked.

"Duh! They all resemble perfectly the "Ultra Knock Brotherhood" so well that I must have them in my collection, plus, I got this high-technical super-rare pixelated butterfly, what else could I get besides you all?... But now's not the time, since by cover was blown and you probably will try to stop me, I have to get back and watch my episode, see you!" Francis said as he instantly camouflagued before Sonic could land a fast punch, the hedgehog cursed under his breath when Francis disappeared out of sight.

DK, Diddy, Fox, Toon Link, Mallow, Geno and Tippi left your team

"No! He took them away from us!" Yoshi said.

"We need to get moving and rescue everyone then!" Sonic said as he looked up ahead and shrugged. "...Don't tell me this place is just flat, I hate this already."

Zelda quickly turned Mario's head the other way before he could see Sonic, to prevent another odd fight. "It is, I wonder myself why is like this though..." Mario trailed off.

"...Oh well," Peach giggled and they looked at her. "This sure is going to be a memory to remember, shall we get going and rescue Tippi with everyone?"

"Peach, you're in high spirits today, aren't you?" Twink asked as Peach nodded.

"How can she be so calm and relaxed in a situation like this?" Yoshi asked to himself.

"This is Peach that you're talking about, so it's not surprise, I know her that well." Zelda said...shuddering afterwards as the 6 decided to move on. "...No! Don't look at each oth-"

"DIE!" Mario and Sonic yelled as they began to fight in a second, the 4 sighed in disappointment as Yoshi looked at the pixelated sky.

"I wonder what are the others doing now..." Yoshi wondered.

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Fiery Airdock


The scene changes once again to another world at the same time previous both teams arrived, instead, it was a normal one, however, it wasn't that normal because it was the fiery area of Bryyo, a place full of Fuel Gel that could be considered as lethal magma, with a closer look, we see Samus's Gunship landing as the bounty hunter appeared from underneath and looked around the area using her visor, scanning everything she could find...

These were the bits of information she got.

Subject: Pikachu

Electric small rodent Pokémon who can store larges amount of electricity in his body, it can discharge electricity once it stored enough power to attack its enemies.

However, she stopped scanning the next descriptions and got confused why did she get that information out of the blue.

"What? Why is my visor telling me this?" Samus asked confused inside her armor.

"It's because there are 9 people in front of you!" Samus blinked and changed to her normal visor, realising that Snake, C. Falcon, Red, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Pikachu, Pichu, Falco, Wolf, Olimar and Link were standing around her, Pikachu being the one talking to her. "And did I hear I was an "it" again?"

Samus backed away a little, she got really surprised when she found them there. "H-how did you all get here again?"

"Relax, we used the same method we used the last time." Falco said before Samus slapped him hard. "Oww! What was that for?!"

"You tell me, who were the ones who had a severe nosebleed when they saw the "real" me?"

Falco looked around. "Say what?... Oh, yeah, I remember, but not this time, I changed totally."

"...Sure..." Samus said sarcastically. "W-well...why are you here? Do you have some kind of business here? I doubt that... Huh?"

"Aw, Samus, pleasure to know you better." C. Falcon said grabbing Samus's armored hand and kissed it.

"...What is wrong with him?" Samus asked confused.

Pikachu glared at Falco, who looked away whistling innocently.

"What kind of manners do you have?" Snake asked with crossed arms as Samus looked at him.

"And who are you?" Samus asked as she got her hand back.

"Solid Snake, mercenary," Snake introduced himself. "We've got word that there are activities caused by the Subspace Army in this place so we came to give you a hand, you might say."

"I see..." Samus wondered. "Well, my name is Samus Aran."

"Yeah, recognized bounty hunter of this galaxy, I've heard a lot about you."

"It is my pleasure," Samus said with a nod. "And I see there are some new people with you, like him for example."

Olimar hopped. "O-oh, right, m-my name is Olimar, n-nice to meet you kind lady, these over here are my Pikmins." Olimar said pointing at 3 Red Pikmins.

"I have to say, using these plants as our way to get oxygen was ingenous, I saw them just as odd-looking gnomes myself." Wolf said.

"I take that as an insult," Olimar said as Wolf glared at him, the captain shuddered and backed away. "O-on second thought, i-it's alright..."

Link wiped out the sweat from his forehead. "Okay, what are you doing?"

"I was requested to destroy the Leviathan seed, it's a huge seed that spawns Phazon, the high radioactive substance that its extremely lethal to the planet's life," Samus explained. "I was on my way to investigate this place, but seeing you here means that the army is trying to do something else, right?"

"Exactly!" Pichu said nodding.

"...Then may as well tag along for the time being, also," Samus rubbed her "chin" as she looked at them. "I'm curious about what have you all been doing this time."

Samus temporarily joined your team!

Link chuckled as they all started to walk to the door. "I'd like to tell you everything."

Ivysaur looked to the Fuel Gel in shock before he shook his head. "S-Squirtle, could you douse this...magma, please?!"

"Sorry, can't do that," Squirtle said. "Magma can't be doused by my water, it's too strong."

"No, no no no no, this must be another nightmare, first, the cold, now the extreme heat?! I'm a Grass Pokémon for Arceus's sake!"

"Arceus?" Red asked curiously.

"...Ah...forget about it..." Ivysaur said running up ahead as Squirtle and Red looked at each other before following the group.

But there were 2 figures spying them from above, it was Ganondorf, but the other one looked like another bounty hunter with a cold appearance, the hunter was also covered in the Shadow Bugs as Ganondorf chuckled.

"So, they are here," Ganondorf said chuckling. "The mission got very interesting all of a sudden."

"I shall eliminate every last one of them," Rundas, the hunter, said. "With this newfound power and the Shadow Bugs combined, I'll put an ice age in this fiery inferno."

"I shall see...and fight." Ganondorf said as Dark Rundas jumped out from the platform along with Ganondorf as the hunter created an ice wave that both rode as they went away in the distance.

"I wonder what are the others doing now..." Pichu wondered.

"...Wow, I think they wondered the same thing." Kirby, Yoshi and Pichu wondered at the same time from separated worlds.

Preview of the next chapter

"Hey, Vyers guy!" Laharl yelled. "I've come here to demand my title of Overlord back!"

"Who is this brat usurping the great Overlord Vyers?" A voice asked from somewhere.

"My name is Laharl, the son of King Krichevskoy and I'm here to reclaim my title from you!"


"Master of dimensions... Pleaser of crowds... I am...Dimentio!" Dimentio said giving a smile. "My, what do we have here? More guests?"

"Hey, who's the clown guy?" Sonic whispered to Peach.

"And such rude people I see," Dimentio said chuckling. "Oh well, guess you can't please this crowd that well."


"Rundas?" Samus said surprised.

"Ganondorf..." Link said narrowing his eyes.

"Link, it is good to see you again after that coward attack in our last encounter," Ganondorf said crossing his arms. "However, I did not like that and I am here to get my revenge, along with my new servant."

"Samus." Rundas simply said as both hunters glared at each other.


"H-HOT BABES ALERT! Must boot swoon.exe to get a better conversation!" Francis said panicking as he took out his laptop.

"What th-" Zelda felt that something changed in the scene as she looked around...


"High-technically Francis, nerr! This is something I'm not going to like...
" Zelda trailed off worried.

Do you want to save your data?


Overwrite File?


Laharl's Castle
Chris, Lucario, Mewtwo, Kirby, Meta Knight, Pit, Laharl, Etna, Flonne

, DK, Diddy Kong, Zelda, Toon Link, Fox, Yoshi, Mallow, Geno, Twink, Mario, Peach

Snake, C. Falcon, Red, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Pikachu, Pichu, Falco, Wolf, Olimar, Link, Samus


Chapter 107: High-technically Francis, nerr!

Laharl's Castle
Throne Room

Disgaea - Lord Laharl's Hymn

Pit looked outside of the castle through the window, it was always dark in that part of the Netherworld, magma surrounded the castle with a narrow bridge that reached the other land, the angel made a worried look as he turned his back. "This place gives me goosebumps...can't we go now?"

Chris shook his head. "No, I'm afraid we're going to stay here for the time being, bad thing is I don't know how much and that could show a problem, Mewtwo, do you know?"

"...I think we're going to leave once somebody calls us, but that is what I suppose." Mewtwo said.

"The darkness in this perturbing." Lucario said.

"A-and it feels rather scary for my tastes." Chris said shuddering.

"More perturbing is him." Kirby said pointing to Laharl, who apparently was thinking on his throne, the demon always had that "menacious" glare with him that it was hard to tell if he was happy or angry...

Wait, he could be angry all the time so...

"ETNA!" Laharl yelled. "Where's my breakfast?! Etna?!"

Etna peered from the door wearing a chef's hat. "Wait just a little bit, the Prinnies are doing their best to make your stomach feel satisfied, my Prince!"

"It doesn't matter, I want my breakfast now!"

"Geez, then why don't you eat your hand..." Etna muttered.

"What was that?!"

"I-I mean why don't you beat your anger!"

"...Hmm..." Laharl began to think as Etna took this chance and ran away to the kitchen.

"Wow, he is so naive." Pit said.

"That doesn't matter," Meta Knight said. "What matters now is what should we do here, the others are probably fighting as we speak."

"I'm sorry to say this but this is a gam-I mean, a world I haven't seen before...sorry again, I can't help here." Chris said looking down.

"It's not your fault Chris," Lucario said. "This kind of problem will start showing up again through this long journey."

"Then I'll be useless when trying to give directions."

"W-wait, don't get more depressed, please, I-I was trying to cheer you up."

Chris looked up and smiled a little. "Thank you, Lucario."


"His yells are that of a brat." Mewtwo said as Laharl decided to look at them.

"So, you're my new vassals, am I right?"

"N-not exactly," Kirby said. "We were requested to come here and protect this place from an arm-" Kirby's mouth was blocked by Pit before Laharl blinked and narrowed his eyes.

"What?" Laharl asked narrowing his eyes.

"H-he meant that we're your vassals, however, we're going to stay here for a bit and then we'll depart to somewhere else once you give us orders!" Chris said sweating.

"I don't see why you have to leave, you seem to be strong-looking vassals to me."

Chris blinked surprised. "W-wow, thanks."

"I wasn't talking about you, casanova!" Laharl yelled pointing at Mewtwo, Lucario and Meta Knight. "I was talking about those 3 over there!"

"...Somehow, I knew you were going say that." Chris muttered.

"Besides, who knows?" Laharl smirked. "You could be as well strong assets to my plans."

"You just picked them because they looked scary or evil, right?"

"Ha! Seems the casanova knows what am I talking about!"

"For the last time, in the second time actually, I'm not a casanova!" Chris said annoyed. "I have a name and is Chris!"

"Whatever! You're a casanova, don't deny it!"

"Stupid little brat..." Chris muttered.

"What was that?"

"Vivid cattle of rats!" Chris quickly said as Laharl looked at Flonne with a book.

"What do you want, weren't you trying to assasinate me a moment ago?" Laharl asked.

"Here." Flonne gave Laharl the book.

"What the heck is this?"

"It's a special book for you to read, I'm sure you're going to get interested by reading the title, read it!" Flonne said joining her hands, Laharl blinked confsued at her before he looked at the book.

"The Great Guide For Love And Friendship..." Laharl readed as his eyes widened with horror. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! IT BURNS!" Laharl yelled throwing the book away to the magma that was close to his throne.

"N-no! T-there are only 3 copies of that book! Why did you do that?!" Flonne asked shocked.

"You don't learn, do you?! I ABSOLUTELY HATE THOSE CHEESY WORDS AND FEELINGS!" Laharl yelled at Flonne.

"B-but, I think you have a least one of them..." Flonne played with her fingers. "...Who knows."

"Yuck!" Laharl crossed his arms. "A demon doesn't need to have those feelings!"

"In Celestia, they taught me all those wonderful feelings, why don't you..." Flonne trailed off before she realised something. "Didn't you were sad when your father died? When it was that?"

"...There's something going on between those 2..." Pit said.

Laharl looked away as he closed his eyes. "...You came all the way from Celestia for nothing. My old man died 2 years ago."

Flonne looked down and she began to sob silently. "...I'm sorry..."

Laharl noticed her sobbing. "H-hey! Why are you crying?"

"Your father passed away, right? You'll never see him again... When I think about that, it makes me sad..." Flonne explained wiping her tears.

"You're sad because his father died?" Kirby asked.

"But you didn't know him to begin with." Meta Knight pointed out.

"I know..." Flonne said looking at them. "But I think Laharl should've felt some sadness when he knew what happened..."

"Huh?" Laharl glared at her. "Are you crazy?! You came here to assassinate him, right? Why should you be sad?"

"Are you not sad?" Flonne asked.

"Me? I don't have that emotion, and never will for that matter." Laharl said simply.

Flonne shook her head. "That's not true," Flonne joined her hands together. "When you lose someone or something important to you, you cry, don't you? Your heart aches, doesn't it?"

"Hmph... I don't understand a word you're saying." Laharl said narrowing his eyes.

"...I think I know," Chris said. "She means that deep inside you should be sad for the death of your father."

"How come?" Flonne asked to Laharl once both listened to the World Traveler.

""How come?" Because I'm a demon, of course!" Laharl protested crossing his arms.

"Demons don't know sadness?" Flonne asked curiously.

"E-exactly! I've never experienced such an emotion in my entire life!"

"Oh, then demons only know how to get angry and do other sins?" Pit asked.

"Yes, that's right!" Laharl said.

"If that's true, then does that mean demons don't know love, either? Sadness is only possible because of love." Flonne explained.

"You're right," Laharl began. "Demons have no love, either!"

"That's..." Flonne looked down. "That's just...too sad..."

"Ugh!" Laharl looked away with closed eyes. "Everyone here, leave me alone! I want some solitude before Etna comes here with my dinner, leave! NOW!"

"...Okay..." Flonne muttered with a nod as she walked away.

"...What the heck are you waiting for?! GET OUT!" Laharl demanded to the Smashers.

"It's clear that demons have anger issues as well." Mewtwo said as he floated away from the room.

"This may be uncertain..." Meta Knight muttered as they walked to the door. "But something happened to Laharl that he doesn't want to remember."

"What?" Kirby asked.

"It's just a thought...but I hope I'm wrong." Meta Knight said as they walked away from the room and left Laharl alone, the prince embraced himself as he looked down.

"(...She sounds just like my mother.)" Laharl thought closing his eyes. "(How stupid! Love? What good is it? What's the point in having it?)" Laharl questioned himself.

The scene suddenly got black and his voice echoed.

"(...Love is the reason Mother is dead! I don't believe... I'll never believe in love!!)"


"Huh?" Chris turned to the door. "...Weird..."

"What's his problem?" Pit asked. "Why did he get that angry to you for something you didn't do?"

"I-I don't know..." Flonne said looking down. "But there's something bothering me..."

"What is it then?"

"I think Laharl is hidding something from me... And I must know what." Flonne said making a determined face.

"You're only going to get yourself killed," Mewtwo said. "I wouldn't dare to reason with him in my life, I have yet to see his powers and what else he could do."

"Chris, you should be careful as well," Lucario said. "Laharl probably has the power to kill all of us."

Chris gulped. "Y-you know, you 2 scared me already... B-but I'll be careful."

"(If demons really don't know love, then it's my duty as a Celestian to explore the matter.)" Flonne thought as she looked away. "(I was ordered to assassinate the Overlord, but this must be a sign from the heavens... It has to be!)" Flonne thought surprised. "(Whether demons are pure evil or not... If they really don't feel love... I will bear witness to the truth!)"

"Flonne!" Kirby called from afar. "Stop looking at the wall and get here, the Prinnies finished with the feast!... FEEEEAAAASSSSSTTTT!!!" Kirby yelled excited as Flonne shook her head to snap back in reality.

"U-um? Huh? What? O-oh, right!" Flonne said running away.

2 hours later...

Vyers Castle

After the group finished eating, they set their destination to Vyers Castle, the castle where the supposedly guy who was the Overlord lived...

Once they got inside (because there were no guards whatsoever in the front door), the group looked around the rather flamboyant place, it looked dark of course, but it was decorated with fancy ornaments, and a bright red sofa on the center with a chimney close.

"Please," Chris closed his eyes. "Tell me the person living in here doesn't think he is the opposite gender, please!"

"Haha!" Laharl laughed. "Then there's no way a guy like him rules over the Netherworld!"

"...You love to laugh a lot, don't you?" Pit asked.

"He has been either yelling or laughing maniacally ever since we left the castle." Meta Knight said.

"Or both." Kirby pointed out.

"Or louder." Chris added.

"Or both of both things." Lucario said as Chris looked at him.

"That was a little confusing..."

"Shut up!" Laharl said annoyed. "I want to see the Vyers guy already, where is that prick?!"

"D-does that mean I have to fight?" Flonne asked holding her staff.

"But of course," Laharl said. "You're not one of my vassals for nothing, are you? All the vassals should obey my commands and not dare to complain back to me, never!" Laharl's long bandana then curled up as the demon moved his right hand on his back and inside the cloth, and from it he took out a huge sword with several squared-shaped holes on the sword's edge.

"Wow, that's a big(beep!) sword you got there, Prince." Etna said.

"Heh, thanks," Laharl smirked and closed his eyes. "Though the sword could be only my minor power, I have other spells and attacks that could tear down the ground, just wait and see, MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

The Smashers literally saw lightnings falling on the background as the son of the Overlord laughed. "...Chris, I want to leave this place as soon as possible." Lucario said.

Chris nodded with a gulp. "I-I know, I-I'm ready to make something disgusting also..."


"Piss my pants in fear."

Lucario shrugged.

Etna decided to relax and sit of the sofa. "Heeeey, this sofa is incredibly soft, why don't we steal it?"

"Because we're not petty thieves, if we want to get something, that should be by getting something else bigger than this crap!" Laharl said.

"...Mind if I take this with me?"

"Sure, go ahead." Laharl said as Pit made a bored look.

"Well, where is this...Vyers guy anyway?" Pit asked.

"Hey, Vyers guy!" Laharl yelled. "I've come here to demand my title of Overlord back!"

"Who is this brat usurping the great Overlord Vyers?" A voice asked from somewhere.

"My name is Laharl, the son of King Krichevskoy and I'm here to reclaim my title from you!"

"S-should we be worried?" Kirby asked trembling.

"About Vyers? No. About Laharl? Yes." Meta Knight said.

"D-don't tell me you're scared as well."

Meta Knight shook his head. "No, but Mewtwo told me a lot of details about Laharl that have convinced me."

"...Like?" Kirby asked as Meta Knight whispered on his ear just to be careful of the demon kid. "...W-what?"

"Yes, be careful." Meta Knight said as a figure appeared in a cloud of smoke, over the stairs of the room they were in.

The smoke cleared out, and a tall, skinny demon walked down the stairs, his skin was a very pale purple color, he had pale purple hair thath reached his shoulders, he wore only a dark vest, dark pants and red boots, he had thin, long wings with the back side black and the front red, the figure was Vyers.

"But, I give you credit for your bravery," Vyers said running his hand through his air, his voice pretty much sounded like a french guy or a british one, Vyers twirled a little bit before opening his hand to the roof. "Voila! ...Forgive moi, I must leave you in awe," Vyers chuckled as he put his hands on his hips. "My name is Vyers. I am the lord of this castle."

"(Ugh, he gave that image already...)" Chris thought.

"Vyers? Isn't he the demon that's been knocking off competition for the throne?" Etna asked as Laharl glared at her.

"Hey! You said he was the Overlord!" Laharl said angrily.

"Oops, my bad, I kinda forget that part, ever since there was no member of the family of King Krichevskoy to be the next Overlord, every demon in the Netheworld has been fighting over the title."

"Oui. That is correct, mademoiselle," Vyers said chuckling. "I am an aristocrat with both strength and beauty... They call moi the "Dark Adonis"....young man. I assume that you are the son of the late King  Krichevskoy, are you not?"

Laharl smirked. "That's right. I'm Laharl, the heir to the throne."

Vyers made a surprised look. "The heir to the throne? Ha! That is history, dear boy. Your existence has long been forgotten..."

"F-forgotten?" Flonne repeated. "Oh, that is so sad too, poor Laharl..."

"Not that crap again, shut up!" Laharl said annoyed.

"Are you blind to the horde of demons lining up to fight for the throne?" Vyers asked grinning.

Laharl turned to him and crossed his arms. "So? I'm the heir. That's all that matters. If they've forgotten, then I'll just have to make them remember..." Laharl pointed his sword at Vyers. "The hard way, of course."

"I see. So you saw my potential and decided to strike first against moi..." Vyers opened his arms at the roof. "Such wonderful intuition... Well played, son of Krichevskoy!"

"I've never even heard of you. It's only a coincidence that we're here," Laharl put a stronger grip on his sword. "You're just a tiny stepping stone on my path to the throne."

"Everyone, be ready." Mewtwo warned them.

"For Vyers?" Chris asked.

"I meant Laharl..."

Vyers gasped and made fists. "H-how dare you! I am the Dark Adonis Vy-"

"Who gives a darn about you? Your new name is "Mid-Boss"!" Laharl said smirking as some of them chuckled.

"Mid-Boss, that was good..." Kirby said chuckling.


Dude, admit it, your name is Mid-Boss and that is that.

"...Outside this conversation?" Laharl's group repeated confused.

"Oh?! So just because a little brat (Laharl: Hey!) like him addressed me with that you're going to call me as well?"

You're not supposed to break the fourth wall, the people reading this may get suspicious!

"MAKE ME!" Vyers yelled at no one in particular as a wilthered plant rolled between him and Laharl's party.

"...Okay, now he doesn't scare me, but he creeps me out as well." Chris whispered.

"Agreed." Etna, Flonne and Pit said nodding.

"...Damn it!" Vyers shook his head.

"Looks like you hurt his pride, Prince." Etna said snickering a little.

"Unforgivable..." Mid-Bo-I mean, Vyers said. "That is unforgivable!!!" Vyers took out his own sword and flapped his wings a little as he flew above and dove towards Laharl. "Nobody calls me Mid-Boss, NOBODYYYYYYYYYY!!!"

"HA!" Laharl flew (using his rather small wings) towards Vyers and both swords clashed into each other, both demons flew above the room and began to fight in a clash of swords as the group watched from below.

"Wait, you said Laharl was almighty and all that, didn't you?" Pit asked.

"...Don't tell him..." Meta Knight whispered. "But Laharl is playing with his foe."

"Huh?" Pit said confused as he looked up.

"What splendor!" Vyers said as both continued their attacks on each other. "You seem really worthy for being the son of Krichevskoy!"

"You know what, Mid-Boss?" Laharl asked smirking. "I think I had enough of your mouth, it's time to end this nonsence!"

"What do you mean? Are you going to do something to moi?" Vyers asked as Laharl flew away from and lifted his hands in the air, the demon closed his eyes and a dark aura covered his hands. "Ha! Stupid brat, you're only making yourself wide open for my attacks!"

"...No!" Mewtwo said and everyone looked at him. "He is going to use that here, we must escape at all costs before we end up dying!"

"W-what do you mean?" Flonne asked confused before the floor began to shake violently. "W-what's happening?!"

Lucario looked up and grunted. "I'm sensing a chaotic power just above the castle, we need to get out here before it crushes us!"

"Oh please," Etna put her hand behins her neck. "Laharl wouldn't be that evil with us..."

The shake suddenly got stronger and turned into an earthquake, Vyers looked around confused before the roof began to collapse. "My castle! W-w-what are you doing?!"


"We're going, don't move!" Mewtwo yelled glowing and teleported all of them outside the castle.

Outside Vyers Castle

Everyone except Laharl and Vyers were teleported outside as they all looked the castle and gasped what they found.

They all recognized a huge flaming meteor appearing from a big purple glyph, the meteor was even bigger than Vyers Castle itself and it went slowly above it, everyone ducked and covered before the meteor impacted into the castle, creating a huge explosion of fire that incinerated the whole place, Laharl laughed maniacally as he looked from high above the castle, crackling evily.

"MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Laharl laughed maniacally before smirking down at the explosion. "That's why you don't mess with the new Overlord of the Netheworld, Mid-Boss!!!"

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Vyers came spinning uncontrollably from an explosion of his castle and landed close to the Smashers, who looked at him freaking out. "MY CASTLE! MY BEAUTIFUL CASTLE! WHY?!?!?!?!"

The explosion stopped and they all stood up, looking down at the utterly shocked Vyers as Laharl landed and looked down on him, Vyers covered his head but then snickered.

"Heh... I have underestimated your skill. I took you for but a child," Vyers said as he stood up, albeit to say, he was crying toon tears with all his seriousness. "But, that was an error in judgement... I am too kind-hearted."

"...Are you being an ignorant fool?" Meta Knight asked with a frown.

"Of course not." Vyers said running a hand on his hair.

"Liar. You were serious just now." Laharl pointed out.

"How pathetic. Nothing's worse than a sore loser." Etna commented.

"B-but Laharl just destroyed his..." Flonne stopped once she saw another explosion coming from the destroyed castle, Vyers whimpered even when he was serious and the Angel Trainee decided not to talk anymore.

"Ugh! What repulsive little brats you are," Vyers said with a grunt as he turned his back on them. "I shall come to return the favor, so do not forget moi!!!" Vyers yelled as he flew away...but once he flew quite away from them, a chunk from his castle fell on his back and the flamboyant demon yelped and crashed into a nearby mountain.

"...That's what he gets for calling me a brat." Chris said.

"Alright, let's collect the spoils and head home." Laharl said.

"Hello? You just blowed up the entire castle!"

"Then too bad, let's go back!"

"Uh... Prince, I need to use the restroom." Etna said but she ran away before Laharl could say something.

Kirby looked behind him and found 3 Prinnies. "Since when did you get here?"

"We followed you ever since you entered the castle that is in ruins right now, dood." The first Prinny said.

"Whatever you weirdos," Laharl said. "You're going to carry all those bricks of the castle and find anything of worth."

"Dood, we're gonna hafta carry all this?" The second Prinny asked.

"Dood, we're Master Etna's vassals, not the Prince's..." The third Prinny trailed off making a worried look.

"Etna's vassals are my vassals. And my vassals do what I say," Laharl said as he narrowed his eyes. "Now, get to work."

"Doooooood..." The Prinny Squad "sighed" in disappointment.

"Now, now. It's only until the next red moon, right?"

"I guess you're right, dood. I'll get to work." The second Prinny said as they all went to Vyers's destroyed castle...

"...Wait a minute," Pit looked at the figure that appeared out of nowhere. "Who are you?"

Kirby looked up to the figure and smiled. "It's a big, pink Prinny!"

There was a big pink Prinny that stood out from the Prinny Squad, apparently she was a female and looked more focused than the Prinnies themselves.

"Oh, sorry," The pink Prinny said bowing. "Pardon for not introducing myself, my name is Big Sis Prinny, nice to meet you all."

"N-nice to meet you..." Pit said. "But were you here?"

"Aha, well, I'm always following the Prinny Squad around so you probably didn't see me."

"But you're the tallest one out of all of them." Flonne said.

"...I think you were blind." Big Sis Prinny said chuckling a little.

"What is the red moon event?" Flonne asked curiously.

"The Red Moon is an event where the Prinnies reincarnate to their human forms performing a ritual," Big Sis Prinny explained gently. "There is going to be one soon so I think there are some Prinnies ready."

"Reincarnate?" Chris repeated confused as Etna decided to explain the next part.

"The humans who have led a worthless life, such a thieves or murderers, have their souls sewn into the body of a Prinny upon their death," Etna explained. "For some odd reason, regular Prinnies will explode when they hit something with great force, for example when I throw them at something."

"You throw your own servants around?" Pit asked as Etna called a Prinny.

"Dood! What do you want Master Etna?" The Prinny asked looking around.

"FIRE IN THE HOOOOOOOLE!" Etna yelled loudly as she kicked the Prinny away to the sky, where he screamed (yelling dood) and exploded right when it crashed in the ground. "See?"

"H-how cruel!" Flonne said gasping.

"Y-you mean they were all thieves or murderers before?" Kirby asked and Etna nodded.

"Ahem, after being reborn, the newly created Prinny will serve as a soldier, slave, or servant in the Netherworld or Celestia." Etna explained.

"The Prinny remains until it has earned reincarnation by redemption through good deeds or earning enough money, and leaves its servitude in a ritual involving the Red Moon." Big Sis Prinny explained.

"Oh, I see," Flonne said. "Now that I remember in Celestia, Prinnies mostly act as maids and domestic servants. The good deeds they perform there lead to their reincarnation," Flonne smiled. "I have been acquainted with every single one of them."

"You knew about the reincarnation part?"

Flonne chuckled. "S-sorry, I guess I just remembered."

"In the Netherworld, depending on the lord they serve, they spend their after-lives doing excessively hard labor for very little pay, and are often thrown around just for the amusement of their lords, or me for example. The pittance of money they earn in the Netherworld goes towards their reincarnation," Etna explained the last part. "That's why my squad is always here, because of amusement or just because they don't work hard enough."

"...Interesting." Mewtwo remarked as Kirby looked at him with a surprised look.

"Shut up all of you and let's get back, now! And that counts you too!" Laharl yelled at everyone who got a little upset (at least the Smashers) and decided to return back to the castle.

"Hmm..." Meta Knight began to wonder. "Isn't there any way to get in contact with the others?"

"Like how?" Kirby asked.

"...Chris, maybe you could ask Kawashima for help?" Lucario suggested.

"Well, he is a personal tutorial so...professor?" Chris called taking out his DS.

"Oh, good morning," Kawashima greeted. "Do you want something? Like an explanation?"

"Actually... Meta Knight was wondering how could we contact the others, do you know a way?"

"Hmm..." Kawashima closed his eyes to think of something. "...Wait, I'd try and intercept some kind of high-tech communicator, even the smallest could be helpful, do you know someone who has something like that?"

"Anyone knows?" Chris asked as the Smashers looked at each other.

"...Oh!" Kirby hopped a little. "I think Fox and Falco have those scouters that they never use with them, they're always with them for some reason..."

"...Kirby, I'm going to ask for your help to state the obvious that's not visible next time." Chris said with a chuckle.

"Oh, right, those scouters that they never...nevermind, let me tr-you're now in a conversation with Fox in Chat Room A, you're entering!" Kawashima said chuckling. "Bless Pictochat!"

"...That was awfully fast." Meta Knight said.

"What are you waiting for? Talk!"

"O-oh right, um... Fox?" Chris asked confused waiting for a response.


"That was Fox's voice, no doubt about it." Pit said.

"How did you get in my scouter? Did you hack it or something?" Fox asked.

"That doesn't matter now, how are things on your side?" Pit asked.

" could I put it?..."

"Fox, stop trailing off, what's happening over there?" Kirby asked.

"...You're not going to believe this but..."

"We're inside a freaking lizard's stomach, heeeeeelp!!!" Mallow yelled.

"UGH! Don't yell at my ear, yell at the scouter!" Fox yelled annoyed.

"Dude, we're inside a lizard's stomach, AND I NEED TO SEE THE LIGHT UNGENTLYYYYYY!" Mallow sobbed.

"Would you 2 shut up and let me talk?!" Geno's voice yelled.

"Watch it, you're yelling at my ear too!" Fox said annoyed.

"Oh, sorry," Geno said sarcastically. "Did you forget we're in a dark area and nobody can't see anything? Oh that's right, WE'RE INSIDE A STOMACH FOR ELDSTAR'S SAKE!"

"HEEEEEEEELP!" Diddy yelled.

"I can't punch our way out here, sorry!" DK yelled.

"SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!" Tippi yelled loudly enough to make Chris's DS jump and shake. "...Finally."

"Inside a lizard's stomach?" Chris asked.

"And who was that?" Kirby asked.

"Ahem, sorry, the one who yelled was this pix butterfly, Tippi ...And yeah, that's pretty much it." Fox said.

"You said you're all inside a stomach, I presume only all of you, right?" Mewtwo asked.

"Yes, we got careless and this...geek lizard guy swallowed us and is taking us somewhere else, we don't know where though, but he said we were some kind of celebrities of some weird series."

"Geek lizard guy?" Chris repeated confused. "...Hmm..."

"Francis." Lucario pointed out.

"R-right, you should all be inside Francis's stomach, and if Tippi is there, then Francis is taking all of you to his castle."

"How long has it been when you were swallowed?" Meta Knight asked.

"Like 2 or 3 hours."

"And any guesses about where you are?" Pit asked.

"Did you forget we ARE inside his stomach?" Fox asked annoyed and sarcastically.

"A-actually, I think I heard waves from an ocean just a moment ago...and I think we're inside an ocean." Mallow said.

"Don't worry about us here, what is your situation over there?"

"We're being ordered by a demon brat." Chris whispered as Laharl glared at them.

"Demon brat?"

"Hey! Did that thing insult me?!" Laharl asked.

Chris turned off the DS, ending the communication by accident. "N-no!"

"...Okay, move on." Laharl said as the Smashers went up ahead before we change the world an- "Oh hell no you won't!"

Dammit! What is it now?!

"You dare to take away my screen time?!"

Sorry dude, story regulations, you'll have to wait until the next new chapter.

"NO! I demand my screen time! I WANNA HAVE MY SCREEN TIME!"

Firstly, there isn't any "screen" time literally, you have your "read" time which should have ended some sentences ago! And secondly, wait until then!

"HA-HA! You're dealing with an Overlord, insolent fool!"

Oh, so I'm an insolent fool then?


So guess what am I going to do now?


Super Paper Mario

Tile Pool
Chapter 3-2 Bloops Ahoy

"DAMMIT!" Laharl's voice echoed angrily.


Tile Pool

The scene changed to Mario's group swimming through the Tile Pool, so far, nothing out of the ordinary has happened for the luck, it was only them and the pixelated sea.

"Under the blue seeeeea," Yoshi sang. "Under the seeeeeeea!"

"Yoshi, would you mine stop singing?" Zelda asked.

"But I wanted to sing this time... Okay." Yoshi said sighing disappointed.

"Do you think the others are okay?" Peach asked concerned.

"They'll be fine by themselves, there's nothing to worry about." Mario reassured her.

"...Hmm...but Mario..." Peach looked behind her. "I think something bad is happening to Sonic..."


"SHUT UP!" Bowser yelled annoyed. "First I'm being nice for a change and take you under control, but then you're acting like a whiny baby, you don't have any dignity left in you?"

"NO! NOW LET ME GO!" Sonic yelled panicking as Bowser frowned.

Ever since they crossed the Bitlands, they (by an unexpected twist of events) joined up with Bowser on the way because the king of the Koopas found himself standing in the middle of nowhere with his troops, but then he found a castle that he reclaimed by his own...

Bowser temporarily (and unfortunately) joined your team!

"I can't believe Bowser is coming with us." Yoshi said.

"Well, we need his help so why not?" Mario asked.

"Mario, he has been trying to take over the Mushroom Kingdom for YEARS! And you let him in with us?" Yoshi asked shocked. "And I'm surprised that Peach agreed!"

Peach giggled. "Bowser is kind at heart, right, Bowser?"

"NO," Bowser said glaring at her. "I'm helping you dorks to rule the kingdom someday, and only that!"

"Sure..." Zelda trailed off remembering something. "You acted all tough on us when Peach set that bomb fairy in a red X that blowed up the entire building, you fell and challenged us to a fight...but you tripped with a rock, hit your nose in the ground and started to cry."

Bowser blinked shocked and glared at Zelda afterwards. "I-I wasn't crying! S-something got inside my eye, yeah, a little pesky piece of trash!"

"Sure." Yoshi said sarcastically as Bowser mumbled.

"At least be thankful I got an arm on this guy, man, he doesn't stop moving!" Bowser yelled pointing at Sonic who was trying to struggle out desperately.

"But how did you get him?" Yoshi asked. "He's a lot faster than you!"

"Well, little guy just stared down at the water in horror and didn't move, he started to scream and panic around until I got fed up by his whiny complaints and got him before he could run," Bowser snickered. "Although he didn't even move from his spot, that was the easiest part."

Mario wanted to look at Sonic but Zelda told him not to. "I don't want to know what's going to do in the Olympics if he needs to pass the swimming event."

Sonic stopped and looked freaked out...even more than he was actually. "NO! YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME! YOU'RE NOT GOING TO FORCE ME, I'M WARNING YOU, I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!"

"SHUT UP!" Bowser yelled smacking Sonic right on the head with his other fist. "Tell you what, if you don't stop your whining, I'll drop you to the bottom of the sea!"

Sonic gulped and looked down at the blocky water, there wasn't any floor down below and he began to pant heavily. "..." There was a "ding!" sound and Sonic instantly fainted with his tongue sticking out, his eyes (eye?) turned into Xs and Peach swam to him.

"...Hello?" Peach asked poking Sonic's forehead. "Are you feeling well?"

"Peach..." Zelda began.

"I-I know...poor thing..."

"No!" Zelda startled Peach. "I tried to mean that Sonic is completely hopeless right now, just ignore him until we get back to land!"

"...Okay, if you say so..." Peach said nodding.

"Besides, I doubt he's going to wake up." Toon Link said.

Yoshi looked at Sonic as they swam. "...Geez, this guy is hopeless, isn't he?"

"Somehow," Mario began sighing. "I feel sorry for him...a little."

"...He deserves it though," Yoshi said making an angry expression. "That's what he gets for not remembering our names."

"Who cares about him?" Bowser asked angrily. "I say CRUSH HIM NOW!"


"OWW!" Bowser rubbed his nose.

"Sorry," Peach began. "My hand moved by its own."

"...Suuuuuure it did..." Bowser said sarcastically.

"Dude, you have the girth I was looking for!"

Bowser pointed at Thudley angrily, the Pixl that looked like a trapezoid, ever since they found the Pixl in the pool, he haven't left Bowser's side ever since he was the one who opened the treasure first. Thudley loved Bowser's Girth so much that he decided to accompany him. "Shut up you weird polygon thing!"

"Sure do, girth master!" Thudley said happily as Bowser facepalmed with a frown.

"Aw, isn't Bowser kind to the Pixl?" Peach asked to Thoreau, a hand-looking Pixl.

"Sure heroine of the legend." Thoreau said nodding.

"...What's the matter with those weird-looking fairy things?" Yoshi asked pointing at Boomer, the bomb-looking Pixl. "Why are you a bomb to begin with?"

"Sss-BOOM!" Boomer said. "Because the vibes told me so sss-BLAM!"

"..." Yoshi couldn't understand well this Pixl that he swam a little further away from him, but the Pixl kept following him around.

To be exact, everyone had at least a Pixl.

"...And what can you do?" Zelda asked to Slim, the triangle-shaped Pixl.

"I turn you fatty in a thinner form of yourself to be ignored or somethin' more," Slim said. "Stay still and nobody will hurt you!"

"Oh, I see, that seems usefu-" Zelda did a double-take. "Did you just call me fatty?"

"No." Slim said simply.

Zelda narrowed her eyes at him. "...I'll be watching you, be warned."

"Creepy..." Toon Link muttered.

"And you figured it out just now?" Twink asked.

A moment of silenced passed before they realized something.

"TOON LINK?!" Everyone except for Bowser and Sonic said surprised.

The cartoony version of Link got angry. "It's Link for Din's sake!" Toon Link said angrily.

"H-how did you get here? Weren't you inside that lizard geek guy?" Yoshi asked as Toon Link looked down.

"I was dumped," Toon Link began. "Francis said I didn't have the "Cartoony Gilgamesh's Spinning Quadruple Sword Action Slash Move" or whatever the heck it's called."

"...The what again?" Mario asked confused.

"Who the hell cares?! I want to slice that guy's uvula down!" Toon Link said taking out his sword. "And I wouldn't mind slicing a giant tentacle like that in front of u-"

"GIANT TENTACLE?!" Everyone except for Sonic yelled as they all saw a big tentacle sprouting from the bottom, the water began to shake before many more tentacles rose up, everyone looked around for an opening but it was useless, there was no escape.

"Wait, that isn't a normal tentacle, it's a Blooper tentacle!" Peach said shocked before a huge white pyramid head appeared on the background, they all screamed once they saw Big Blooper's eyes staring at them, they all froxe in terror as the monster spoke.

Super Paper Mario - A Powerful Enemy Emerges

"BLUH-BLOOOOP!" Big Blooper yelled.

"HOLY SHOOTING STARS!" Twink yelled hiding behind Peach.

"YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH!!!" Bowser let out a girly scream that was heard around the water...however, nobody was able to laugh at this moment.

"O-oh my goodness..." Zelda said stammering. "T-that is a big squid..."

"W-wait," Yoshi said looking at the Blooper. "I-I know how to speak Blooperish, let me see what he wants."

Mario and Peach stared at Yoshi in confusion. "...Blooperish?" Mario repeated confused.

"Is that even a language t-to begin with?" Peach asked putting a finger close to her mouth.

"J-just let me talk to it!" Yoshi said as he looked at the big squid. "Bloo-bloo-bloop!"


Yoshi looked at the others. "She said "WHAT'S GOING ON?!" and she seemed furious..."

Toon Link made a bored look. "How the heck do you know it's a she again?"

"L-look," Zelda began. "Tell her we were just passing by without harming anything in our way her-"

"But what about the 29 Bloopers we defeated in our way here?" Mario asked.

"M-Mario, quiet!" Zelda whispered angrily before Big Blooper roared loudly.

"BLUH-BLOOBLOOP?!" Big Blooper asked enraged.

"Oh no, I didn't like the way she said that..." Toon Link trailed off.

"T-translation please?" Mario asked trembling a little.


"Oh, right," Twink appeared and smiled. "I'm part of that society as wel-" Twink's mouth was blicked by Zelda's right hand.

"W-we're not from such society! Those squids happened to be in our way and we had to defend ourselves!" Zelda protested as the Big Blooper roared.


"B-but we can inhale water without drowning and this guy over here thinks he's drowned, this proves how the physics in this place are completely ignoring the laws!" Bowser pointed at Sonic as Big Blooper roared again.

"...Bowser does have a point." Peach said as everyone rolled their eyes.

"DIE!" Big Blooper yelled (or Yoshi yelled translating) pointing her tentacles at them, the group screamed as began to swim away as soon as they could once the tentacles made an opening.

"OH MY GOD! SHE'S GOIN' TO CRUSH US!" Slim yelled panicking.

"LOOK OVER THERE!" Toon Link yelled pointing to a pipe. "THERE'S SALVATION INSIDE!"

"ENTER!" Mario screamed loudly as they all, one by one, entered the Warp Pipe before the tentacles could reach them, the tentacles got stuck in the pipe and the Big Blooper tried to pull them off.

"BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Big Blooper yelled furiously.

Music stops

The scene changed to the blocky land where the Smashers got out from the Warp Pipe, they all sighed in relief after escaping the nightmare of the Bloopers back in the Tile Pool, Yoshi looked at the pipe, hearing the Blooper's scream.

"DAMN YOU ALL! DAMN YOOOOOOOOOOOUUU!!!" Yoshi translated. "T-that's what she said."

"For a second there..." Zelda dryed her paper hair a little. "I thought we were going to be eaten, thank goodness that didn't happen..."

"...Sniff..." Sonic's nose moved a little and the hedgehog opened his eyes slowly. "...Oh no... Am I dead?!"

"" Bowser said as he dropped Sonic on the floor.

"...But I'm still in this straight-weird-looking world!" Sonic complained crossing his arms as he looked the background. "Can't we just go there for example?"

"Look," Peach said walking to him. "I'm sure this is irritating for you, but you must endure this, I'm honestly feeling more safe this way."

"...Meh." Sonic said looking down in shame.


"...It's okay, it can't be helped anyway."

"Ahem," Yoshi coughed a little. "Can we please move on? Who knows what is that Francis guy going to do with the others!"

"Put them inside a cage as far as I know."

They all looked to Geno, who was sitting above the Star Block which marked the end of the chapter, the pupper jumped down and walked to them.

"Geno? How did you get out?" Toon Link asked.

"Francis spat me out and complained that I didn't have the "Genorushiro Puppet's Cloacking Spy Tank Form Action Button" or whatever he meant by that." Geno explained.

"...The what again?" Mario asked confused.

"Who gives a darn?" Geno said angrily. "I have to give him a piece of my mind."

"...Sooo..." Twink trailed off. "What was that to put them inside a cage?"

Geno blinked for a moment before speaking. "Oh, right, sorry about my anger, Francis said he was going to pull us inside a cage, where he was going to take snapshots of us as long as he wanted... That's pretty disturbing if you ask me."

"...If he wants them inside a cage...then take snapshots...hmm..." Yoshi trailed off thinking. "...OH NO, he's not going to do some sort of sick photos with them, is he?"

Mario walked below the Star Block. "Then let's continue!" Mario said hitting the block, transporting all of them to the next chapter.


Somehow, the heroes had beached the Big Blooper and crossed the Tile Pool...and found out that the Big Blooper was a she thanks to Yoshi's translations. But before they could dry, they saw the imposing silhoutte of Fort Francis. "Sure, it's imposing." Twink said rolling his eyes. But when they looked up, they realized they were in the shadow of a huge tree. Mario, knowing in his gut this must be the way, set outward toward the great tree with the others, hoping to see their best friends. "Who hired this cheesy narrator?" Geno asked. Well my puppet friend, just keep going or else I'll burn you down to ashes...

The Dot Wood Tree
Chapter 3-3 Up, Up, and a Tree

The Smashers appeared just besides a huge tree made up of dots, they all looked how high the tree was, but couldn't find the top at all thanks to its height.

"You know," Sonic began. "This world is very creepy, I mean, we're teleported around by hitting those weird star blocks, we can't move in the background, we have to go straight and jump all the way around to finish these...levels?"

"I'm aware of that," Mario said. "It can't be helped."

Bowser grunted. "I'm feeling perfectly fine by me, thank you very much!"

"Nobody asked you." Geno said as Bowser grunted in rage.

"Shall we stop talking and start our long climb to the tree's top?" Zelda suggested.

"I've been wondering when you were going to say that."

They all looked above to find Diddy, who jumped out and landed in front of them.

"Let me guess," Yoshi began. "Francis spat you out because you didn't have something he was looking for."

Diddy nodded. "Yep, he said I didn't have the "Chimpanzeeporepan Rool's Spinning Tail-Of-Doom Action Whip Move" or whatever he mentioned..."

"...The what again?" Mario asked confused.

"I don't want to know!" Diddy said taking out his Peanut Gun. "I want to rescue DK and the others, they're still inside that guy's stomach!"

"Then let's not stop and start our way to the top of this tree." Twink suggested and they all nodded before each one of them began to jump their way to the top of the tree, in time rate, Sonic already made it to the top but waited for the others to join up with him, since the tree was infested by enemies, they couldn't move faster because the enemies would, obviously, attack them.

3 hours later...

"Finally, you're here!" Sonic said yawning.

"Well," Toon Link began making an angry expression. "What did you expect? We were getting attacked by those funny-looking flower monsters, they made us fall asleep for some seconds!"

"Pfft," Sonic rolled his eyes. "Sure, funny-looking flower monsters, like if there are such monsters."

Peach took out a Crazee Dayzee from her back and smiled at Sonic (the Crazee Dayzee). "I think he meant this monster."

"...Seriously?" Sonic asked chuckling with a grin. "That thing slowed you down?"

"Laaaaa, la-la-la-la-laaaa, la-laaaaa!" The Crazee Dayzee sang happily, shooting a rainbow colored musical note that hit Sonic, who yawned deeply.

"Ooooohhh... I...see now..." Sonic said stretching his arms before he sat on the floor and fell asleep on the spot.

Diddy took the Crazee Dayzee off from Peach's hands and threw it down the tree. "Well, shall we continue our way to the top?" Diddy asked.

"VIOLET!" Peach yelled screaming as she looked down the tree.

"...Violet? Who's that?" Toon Link asked.

"The flower monster Diddy threw down," Twink whispered. "Peach decided to name it...or her and Diddy didn't know about that."

"...Oh god! What did I do?!" Diddy asked shocked once Mario decided to calm down Peach, who was sobbing silently.

"...Quiet down..." Sonic muttered as he began to wake up. "I'm trying to sleep here..."

"...Violet..." Peach sobbed as Mario was able to calm her down.

After a moment of silence (because Peach wanted to give her condolences to her now dead Crazee Dayzee), they all looked above the tree.

"One problem," Bowser began. "Is there going to be anything good at the top?"

A record scratched and everyone looked at each other.

"...Why are we climbing this tree again?" Twink asked.

"Well, I thought this was the way so...yes, because I thought this was the way." Mario said embarrassed.

Bowser glared at Mario." Oh, great, the plumber made us all climb this pointless tree! Great going Mario, we lost valuable time by climbing this weird-looking tree, no, I lost MY valuable time getting here for nothing!"

"Calm down," Geno began. "Chris told me to climb this tree and ride the red wind."

"He told you? How?" Twink asked.

"When we were inside Francis, he called us a first time to see if we were fine through Fox's scouter, he called us a second time and gave out instructions about how Francis's path to his home is, I happen to remember all the steps to find his castle and if we climb this tree, we'll surel-"

"Is that so?" A voice spoke from nowhere and they looked around. "Well, it seems things are getting out of hand indeed after all..."

Zelda looked around. "Who is spying on us? Show yourself!"

"My, such impacient people," the voice said chuckling "You don't have patience, right?"

"Look, we just want to know who you are, that's all." Geno said before the voice laughed.

Dimentio Charming Magician

A small dimensional vortex appeared in the air and from it, a clown with a white and dark mask appeared, he was wearing violet and yellow figures of polygons, making up his hat and his cape that covered his body, he also wore black gloves and black pants that were somewhat odd-looking, on top of his hats, there were yellow squares that looked like diamonds, it was Dimentio.

"Sweet! Is a clown, clowns are awesome!" Diddy said clapping as Dimentio laughed again.

"Who ARE you anyway?" Twink asked as Dimentio spun on his same place.

"I am a humble servant of Count Bleck..." Dimentio said stopping.

"Count Bleck..." Mario trailed off remembering the last time he met the count.

"Master of dimensions... Pleaser of crowds... I am...Dimentio!" Dimentio said giving a smile. "My, what do we have here? More guests?"

"Hey, who's the clown guy?" Sonic whispered to Peach.

"And such rude people I see," Dimentio said chuckling. "Oh well, guess you can't please this crowd that well."

"A-are you in league with Francis?" Yoshi asked.

"Who?" Dimentio asked still with his smile. "No, I do not know who is that Francis you speak of, anyway, you guys have to disappear I'm afraid, Count Bleck, the penguin king and the dragon told me so..."

"Wait," Toon Link began. "Penguin king and dragon? You don't mean King Dedede and Charizard, do you?"

"Ah ha ha ha! You're so bold!" Dimentio said nodding. "Yes, in fact, I do happen to know those wackos, we were informed to take out all of you before you could, hmm, I forgot, hinder Tabuu's progress? I myself wonder why did Count Bleck agree to help that guy... After all, Count Bleck wants to end the world's existences with the Chaos Heart and the Dark Pronosticus."

"Don't tell me we have to fight that guy Bleck too!" Diddy said preparing his Peanut Gun.

"Oh ho ho ho, relax," Dimentio said. "Count Bleck wishes to fight the 3 heroes of the prophecy or see the plumber's death again."

"Again?" Mario repeated confused.

"Er...forget what I said, me and my charming mouth." Dimentio said laughing a little.

"Tsk," Sonic smirked and stood in a fighting stance. "Look Dimentirino, we're not going to let you get away with whatever you have planned, try me for example and you'll end up getting hurt!"

"Dimentirino?" Dimentio repeated chuckling. "Seriously, is that some kind of lame comeback line just to make me angry? No sir," Dimentio shook his head. "I never get angry whatsoever."

"Are you in league with Francis?!" Diddy demanded.

"I already told you I do not! How persistent you are! How about some...MAGIC!" Dimentio said snapping his fingers, teleporting all of them to a green-looking dimension, the Smashers looked around surprised as Dimentio laughed more. "And...voila. You are now in Dimension D, a dimension of my own creation. In this mind-bending realm, my attacks are 256 times more potent!"

"256 times?!" Twink asked terrified.

"That is correct, with a single raise of an eyebrow, you'll be begging for mercy like dogs begging for meat of a restaurant," Dimentio said chuckling. "Now, en-garde!"

Super Paper Mario - It's Showtime

As soon as the battle started, Dimentio snapped his fingers to disappear in his dimension, the Smashers looked around the place to fight back the magician of dimensions.

"Where is he?" Mario asked as unbestknownst to him, Dimentio appeared from behind him and slammed a pixelated attack on his back. "U-ugh!"

"My," Dimentio said appearing above them. "You're all very slow, did you know tha-"

"HA!" Sonic slammed himself into Dimentio using his Homing Attack, the clown went crashing into the floor before he quickly regained his control.

"Okay, that was a bit of a surprise, I must say," Dimentio said disappearing again. "But that won't happen again."

"You just try me!" Sonic taunted with a smirk.

"Either this fight will end with us defeating him or Sonic annoying him to death." Yoshi whispered to Peach.

"Aw, such fervor," Dimentio said splitting into 2 images of himself, charging their attacks of polygons. "But such idiocy!" Dimentio said frowning as he darted both attacks at Geno.

"Normally, when an enemy like you split into 2 with illusions, that means one of those attacks is an illusion as we-UGH!" Geno backed away once both illusional attacks hit him. "B-but why?"

"Let me explain it to you," Dimentio said appearing with a chuckle. "I am the master of the dimensions, and a magician as well, both things combined greatly give me the power necessary to crush little ducks like all of yo-"

"Sonic, it worked, attack!" Geno signaled to the hedgehog who used Homing Attack behind the right Dimentio as the other dimentio disappeared, the clown was about to counterattack as he tried to gain his control but was burned in fire by Zelda's Din's Fire. "Geno Beam!" Geno shot his blue beam at Dimentio to deal more damage.

Dimentio panted a little and began to fly up. "Ugh, distractions to get me out from my dimension, not bad at all."

"And here's another!" Sonic yelled from behind but Dimentio snapped his fingers and disappeared once again as Sonic landed back on the floor. "Dammit." Sonic muttered.

"Let's start the beautiful waltz, shall we?" Dimentio asked splitting into 10 images of himself, the images started to assault all the Smashers with polygonal attacks as everyone tried to evade the attacks in a hurry from the 10 Dimentios...

...Though a question was raised between the battle after Toon Link saw Peach covering with her umbrella, the attacks bounced off from, making Peach jump away as well.

"What is that umbrella made of?" Toon Link asked confused.

"I myself wonder that too many times," Peach said giggling under the umbrella. "But why not use it now? That way I'm going to get through unharmed."

"...That didn't explain a thing to me."

"Um... I guess it has a strong material or something like that?"

"...True enough." Toon Link said nodding before he was pushed away by one of the Dimentios's polygonal flashes.

"You know what?" Dimentio snapped his fingers and everyone was teleported to the Dot Wood Tree." Screw fights, no way I'm going to waste my time with a bunch of cheaters."

Dimentio Charming Magician

"Cheaters?" Sonic asked glaring at Dimentio.

"Uh-huh, for Count Bleck's sake, I was fighting 9 mindless rats inside the Dimension D against me alone, and for some random reason, your powers were increased as well, that's why we were equal." Dimentio explained as everyone looked away embarrassed.

"...Ouch." Diddy replied scratching his head.

"That was right in so many levels..." Yoshi trailed off.

"So, for no-"

"Wait!" Zelda interrupted.

"Oh, what is it long-eared lady?"

"We want to know if King Dedede and Charizard are around here somewhere, do you know?"

"Ha ha," Dimentio chuckled. "And you're waiting for an answer coming from me? Wow, and here I thought you weren't going to be a lot smarter...but I guess it's no harm."

Everyone looked at him surprised. "W-wait, what do you mean it's no harm?" Mario asked.

"Now listen well, I don't have much time left here anyway," Dimentio said. "Those wackos are planning an ambush somewhere in a world, but I won't tell you what world is that." Dimentio looked away to the sky. "I presume they want to kill Mario again like they did...somewhere, who knows actually? I myself wonder what happened, our memories were erased's hard to explain but easy to understand, do you know what I mean?"

"No." Everyone replied.

Dimentio chuckled. "Yes, just like that but don't worry, we'll meet again very soon once you get the Pure Heart...and with that, au revoir," Dimentio said chuckling as he disappeared in his dimension. "Careful now, or the mustache guy will end dead!"

"...Mario? Dead?" Peach wondered.

"That's ridiculous, I never die," Mario said turning at the Smashers. "Or I do?"

"Well..." Geno looked away. "...No, why would you?"

Mario chuckled. "Thanks, I knew Dimentio was just saying negative feelings or something like that."

"(I wish those were just negative feelings.)"

"HELLO?!" Bowser called out raising his voice. "Get to the top of the tree? Help me conquer the world someday?"

"Alright, alright! We're listening you, geez!" Diddy said, but before he could jump, he looked to Bowser with a confused look. "...This is really strange, but haven't we met before?"

"Why would I know a stupid monkey-thingy like you are?" Bowser asked with a glare.

"...Then I guess it's a no." Diddy said shuddering as he followed the others to the top of the tree.

"(...But I have to say, that little stupid monkey-thingy DOES look familiar...hmm...)" Bowser thought as he followed the others in a much, slower pace.

Sonic, as usual, got on the top before everyone else and looked around (albeit to say he could only look either to the right or to the left) as the breeze (literally) passed in front of him. "Okay, so we need to ride wind thing, right?"

"Of course!" Geno yelled from down below.

"Hmm...but where can I find something like a red wind?" Sonic wondered rubbing his chin as a red wind got him from below. "There's gotta be some kind of way...hmm..." Sonic thought harder as he was blindly being carried by the wind he was looking for, the others who looked at this frowned (most of them) and rode the red wings to a Warp Pipe.

Once they entered inside, Mario hit the Star Block.


"AHEM." Laharl coughed angrily.

We completely ignored him.


We COMPLETELY ignored him.

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Save Station

Theme of Samus Aran

"...Are you done yet?"

"Wait a bit more." Samus said to Pikachu.


Pretty good. Three arcs happening simultaneously. Or is it one arc spanned across three places?

Either way, it's pretty creative.


The group so far went through a lot in their time on Bryyo, unfortunately, Samus was damaged severly so she had to recover in a "Save Station" as she called it, the group were waiting for her to heal, since the machines that cured her only repaired her PED suit and nothing else.

"" Ivysaur said panting.

"Why are you still insisting in staying out of your Pokeball?" Red asked. "You're only getting more tired every second."

"Ivysaur wants to prove himself and resist the heat from this place," Squirtle began. "Though it's only tiring himself out."

"Shut...up..." Ivysaur said glaring at Squirtle.


"...Please." Ivysaur muttered as Squirtle sprayed him with Water Gun.

"She's done, let's move on." Snake said once Samus finished her repairs and the group continued their way through the Cavern Entry.

"INCOMING!" Pichu yelled spotting 5 Spaaks, appearing from the Subspace.

"More of those? Geez..." Pikachu frowned as the Spaaks turned dark.

"Be careful, they're charging their thunders." Samus alerted them.

"I don't have time for this," Snake said throwing a grenade between the 5 cloud enemies, exploding into bits along with the Spaaks. "With that out of the way, let's go."

"Show off." Wolf said as the group went forward to the Gel Cavern.

Ivysaur's eyes widened once he saw the gel falling from the ceiling on each pool of gel along the cave, the group stopped to see the stream of gel falling. "...Oh Arceus, this place is my living nightmare!" Ivysaur yelled.

"Would you stop whining about the lava here?" C. Falcon asked.

Ivysaur glared at him. "Look, I'm a Grass Pokémon and we hate fire and LAVA so much, one touch of that and I can kiss the ground!"

"Don't worry," Samus said as she saw the gel stopping from coming out of the ceiling. "It seems the gel stops for a brief time before it gathers more, every single stream of gel in this room will stop so in that time, we have to cross as quickly as we can."

"Hello? I can't double jump like all of you do!" Red said annoyed.

Falco snickered a little. "Sucks to be a background fighter."


"Shut up and move, now." Snake ordered the whole group to jump across the gel pool (C. Falcon had to take Red with him since the Pokemon Trainer had the bad luck of not having a double jump (and he made a mental note about complaining to Master Hand)). "...Darn it, double jumping..."

Olimar looked at Snake from the other side of the pool. "It's something wrong?"

"Well, you all except for and the kid can't double jump."

"Didn't you ask Master Hand for your abilities like all of us did?" Link asked.

"I'd have asked if some of you have told me in the first place," Snake stated as the stream of gel began to pour down, blocking his way. "I guess I have to do it the hard way then." Snake looked at the small space where the gel wasn't covering and the soldier jumped to the wall and sprung to the other side.

"I wonder if I can do that like you." Link wondered.

"That was amazing to watch." Samus remarked.

"But you're not going to see it often once I ask the hand about my "abilities" that you're all talking about."

C. Falcon gasped once both Snake and Samus started to have a conversation. "Damn, Snake's good, he's already hanging out with Samus and I haven't made something to catch her attention."

"And why the hell are you whispering it to me?" Wolf asked glaring at the captain.

"Look, I need something to impress her, anything that's not embarrassing."

"And who told you I care about your ideas?"

"That's it!" C. Falcon saw the stream of gel leaking out from the ceiling and saw the small part that wasn't being covered by it. "I just need to something more impressive than Snake's action, I'll jump one time at the wall and then do this and that and...yes, I have everything planned, thanks!" C. Falcon said running at the wall as Wolf frowned to himself.

30 minutes later...

Temple of Bryyo

After Olimar had to call 3 more Red Pikmins to rescue C. Falcon inside the pool of gel (that he discovered it wasn't a pool, but an underground lake full of gel) since the captain's foot slipped on the wall (and he hit himself on the wall) and rolled down all the way inside the lava were he screamed and begged for help, the group (with a burned-to-death C. Falcon) made it to the Temple of Bryyo...or the tunnel before it.

"I can't believe you jumped straight into the gel," Samus said looking at C. Falcon. "What were you thinking?"

"That...gel was harmless..." C. Falcon said weakly.

"I already told you all before that gel is the most dangerous substance in this galaxy."

"Just be glad you were rescued before you could be burned down." Link said chuckling.

"But this utterly embarrassing moment shall be always in this camera." Pikachu said playing the tape when C. Falcon fell on the gel.


"Not to mention you were rescued by the plants." Wolf added snickering with a smirk.

"I hereby honor my Pikmins for a job well done." Olimar said.

"...Pikachu, where did you get that camera?" Link asked.

Pikachu hid the camera, but disappeared after he pulled back his hand. "What camera? I don't see any camera!" Pikachu said as Link facepalmed.

The group proceeded to the temple for real this time...and they found something very alarming.

Lots and lots of ATCs landing, deploying Space Pirates that seemed to be busy with all the machinery in the area, the group stopped and all the monsters looked at them.

"Be prepared," Samus said preparing her arm cannon. "The Space Pirates use shields to protect themselves from any attack, but if you pull the shields out from them, they'll be defenseless to any kind of attack."

"Easy." Snake commented with a nod.

Brinstar (Melee)

The Space Pirates charged at the group with the own guns ready, they all began to firing wildly at the Smashers who spreaded around the area (though Olimar noticed that he was standing all alone by himself, the captain yelped and ran to another direction after 2 Space Pirates decided to pick on him) and fought the pirates.

"Give me that!" Pikachu demanded lunging at one of the shield of a Space Pirate, the pirate got shocked and tried to shook the rat off. "Haha, I got you, I dont't want it after all!" Pikachu said grinning before he let out a discharge of electricity that electrocuted the Space Pirate greatly, it fell down on the floor as Pikachu ran away.

"U-um, Pikmins! Go and take their shields!" Olimar ordered panicking as his 6 Red Pikmins looked at each other and began to run after the Space Pirates, they all went after 6 of the creatures and jumped to their shields.

"They're distracted, you mouse, go." Snake instructed Pichu who looked worried at him.

"B-" Pichu couldn't finish his word before Snake took him and tossed him to a distracted Space Pirate. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! (W-wait, I have to take advantage of this...) HA!" Pichu combined the throw's power and his Skull Bask ability to collide straight into the pirate's head, it was too much for the pirate who screamed in pain and fell down.

"Sheesh, ganging up on me..." Falco said after he was surrounded by 4 Space Pirates.

"Here I...go...just wait..." C. Falcon pleaded as the pirates (and Falco himself) saw the racer walking slowly, since his injuries were slowing him down.

"..." Falco saw the 4 Space Pirates lowering their shields for a moment to watch the captain, the avian grinned an-

"Too slow." Wolf said thrusting his right claw into one of the Space Pirates, followed by a kick on the chin that the pirate backed away, accidentaly bumping into one of the other 3.

"Hey! That was mine!"

"Sorry, didn't see your name on it so I did it first."


"Bird brain, behind you!"

"Wha-" Falco turned his back before the last Space Pirate began to fire several red rounds at him. "UGH!"

"Resist there!" Link yelled using his Clawshot to pull the shield away from the pirate, followed by his Gale Boomerang to stagger the pirate long enough for the Hyrulean to stab his sword in the creature's chest, the pirate let out a scream of pain as it died and fell down.

"Thanks man." Falco said dusting off his sleeves.

"Stop it with the greets, there are still enemies coming from above!" Samus yelled spotting 2 ATCs flying down, spawning more Space Pirates that charged at them.

"Think we should take those harriers down so the enemies won't come out?" Snake asked.

"Yes," Samus nodded firing several missile at the ship, Snake joined throwing more grenades that exploded upon contact. "At this rate it won't explode, we need more backup!"

"The rats should use their electric attacks." Snake suggested as Pikachu and Pichu glared at him.

"Aw, forget it, Pichu!" Pikachu yelled to Pichu who nodded with him and ran below the ATC, they called forth their thunders above the ship Snake and Samus were attacking and blowed them up to bits.

"Keep going, we have to take down th-" Samus was tackled down by an Armored Pirate Trooper that appeared from nowhere.

"Damn, those ships are spawning those stronger pirates." Snake said once he saw several Armored Pirate Troopers jumping out of the single ATC.

"H-hey! What can we do?" Red asked standing besides Squirtle and (a frightened) Ivysaur.

"Stay out of the frontlines."

"What?! I came here to do nothing?!"

Snake looked straight to Red's eyes and the trainer gulped a little. "Look kid, I'm thinking what's best for you and what's best for us, you better stay out of our way at all costs or else we'll have a dead kid laying around, do you understand?"

"...Yes..." Red said looking down.

"And that goes for you 2."

Both Pokémon glared at Snake. "And why is that?" Squirtle asked crossing his arms.

"Water isn't going to help us in anything, the plant creature would do something if he wasn't afraid of some lava below this platform."

"H-hey! What's that supposed to mean?" Ivysaur asked trembling.

"You know what I mean perfectly, nobody wants and darn (beep!) around here."

"...A (BEEP!)?! Who the heck do you think you are to address me like that?! I'll show you and everyone here that I'm not afraid of that g-gel thing! BANZAAAAAAIIIIII!!!" Ivysaur yelled extending his vines, grabbing every single shield he could get to throw away.

"...You told that swear just to get him furious and attack everyone here, right?" Squirtle asked.

"Yeah, and because I'm giving the kid a job to fight."

Red blinked surprised. "O-oh, right! I need to command Ivysaur around!" Red said running away as a Space Pirate was about to crash where he was, the pirate was pulled by a familiar grapple then pushed by Link's foot.

"Follow your trainer and protect him," Snake said looking down to Squirtle, the Pokémon smiled a little and ran besides Red (although he slid by spinning on his shell). "Figures, a sliding shell that goes perfectly on a straight line, there are many curious things out th-" Snake was about to be slashed by an APT but the spy quickly turned and grabbed its throat, then stabbed it with a knife. "I'm not that stupid to let my guard down," Snake said removing the knife away as the APT died and fell down. "Just to let you know."

"I have some troubles over here if you mind." Samus said on the floor as the previous APT tried to slash her with its blades.

"W-wait! I-I'm coming!" C. Falcon said struggling to get to Samus, but Pikachu used Skull Bash on the APT and pushed it away as Samus rolled backwards and stood up. "D-dangit! I hate these...stupid injuries!"

"Says the guy who jumped straight into the gel." Pikachu said snickering.

"I-I slipped, alright?!"

"You better rest and protect yourself from anyone else." Snake suggested.

"O-oh no, I'm not letting you get away with Sa-I-I mean, with the victory over me!"

"You made no sense with that," Snake said crossing his arms as Samus and Pikachu went to separate ways. "We're all here in a group and if someone loses, everyone will lose as well."

"S-so? I meant about Samus! Y-you're trying to make her fall in love with you, aren't you?"

Snake narrowed his even-more narrowed eyes. "You're just saying random things, you better listen to me."

C. Falcon stood up normally, trying to overcome his wounds. "And what could happen if I don't?"


C. Falcon was crushed by an ATC that was destroyed by Pichu's Thunders and Link's Bombs, the explosion caused the captain to scream in pain. "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHH!!!!"

"Great, even more scum." Wolf said once he saw 7 Armored Aerotroopers descending from nowhere, they started to fire at all directions and the lupine narrowed his eyes and used his Reflector to...duh, no more explanation for that move.

"Reflecting their attacks back won't do much damage, you have to reach them with something stronger." Samus explained as she fired missiles at the Space Pirates that Olimar's Pikmins previously took their shields off.

"Then how am I supposed to reach them? Using someone's help?"

"Exactly." Samus said before she ran away.

"..." Wolf looked at Squirtle and smirked. "Hey, turtle, come over here."

Squirtle walked to Wolf and realized something. "Wait a minute, why did I come here with you again?"

"OUT OF MY SIGHT!" Wolf yelled raising his right foot behind him to kick hard Squirtle's shell, the turtle Pokémon screamed as he hid inside the shell, but it was just as Wolf planned because the shell collided with the Armored Aerotroopers (at least 2 of them) right in their skulls, they went descending down before exploding into bits of disgusting parts of their bodies.

"T-that's it, I think you made Pokémon abuse right now!" Red said as Wolf glared at him. "...E-er, you know what? I'd better shut up..."

"Hey!" Squirtle called out within his shell once he landed back, the Water Pokémon peered out from the shell and saw Wolf running towards him. "...Uh-oh." Squirtle muttered as he managed to see Wolf about to kick him again.

"HEEEEEEEEELP!" Olimar yelled as his run-the-heck-out-of here caught the attention of 2 Armored Aerotroopers, 3 Space Pirates and 2 APTs, who were all chasing him as they tried to land their shots.

"Wait a second," Link said looking around as an insane amount of ATCs landed and spawned out even more Space Pirates along with other versions. "We're getting completely surrounded, at this rate we're going to tire ourselves out!"

"Should I use the Hypermode..." Samus wondered as she was about to be tackled down by 2 Space Pirates, but were kicked away by Falco.

"Would you stop wondering things and help us out?" Falco asked.

"Well, excuse me, I'm trying to decide if using the Hypermode would come in handy in this situation."

"The hyper-what?"

Samus frowned. "I think I forgot to explain that part to you all."

Suddenly for no reason, Falco embraced himself and began to tremble. "W-weird, why it is getting cold all of a sudden h-here?"

"Cold? But the temperature here is...lowering?" Samus asked confused as her visor identified the temperature going down to a colder state.

Pikachu and Pichu stopped fighting and looked around. "...Why it's getting colder in here? I-isn't this supposed to be an inferno?" Pikachu asked studdering.

Music stops

Pichu's ears perked up and looked up at the sky. "...LOOK OUT EVERYONEEEEEEEEEEE!!!"

"Huh?" Everyone looked above and gasped as they saw huge icicles being thrown around the temple, everyone ran out of the way of the collisions as the pirates screamed once they were being crushed by the ice, the Smashers looked frantically around for a way to defend themselves from the attack and saw the previous glaciers that looked strong enough to resist the other glaciers.

"W-what is happening?!" Olimar yelled from one of the pillars of ice.

"How am I supposed to know?!" Squirtle asked hiding besides Red and Ivysaur.

"First, it's the cold, then it's the heat, now both of them?! Can this get any more dangerous for a poor Pokémon like me?!" Ivysaur asked.

"Dude, you seriously need a therapist!"

"Shut up, Squirtle!"

"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!" Snake yelled angrily as they noticed the glaciers stopping from coming of the sky, they all walked around and found no sign of life of the Space Pirates, they were completely eradicated as far as the group could know. "...Well, it seems there are unexpected situations where someone could take advantage of." Snake remarked.

"I'm pretty sure is not that." Otacon called out.

"Shut up you too."

"Snaaaaake..." Otacon trailed off.

"ACHOO!" Falco sneezed. "O-o-o-okay who's the b-b-b-bastard who did t-t-t-this?"

"That would have been Rundas."

Everyone looked around confused at the sudden voice that Link quickly recognized, the swordsman looked at the glacier on the center that broke in shards in an explosion, finding Ganondorf and Dark Rundas inside.

"You..." Link trailed off, putting a stronger grip on the Master Sword.

"Rundas?" Samus said surprised.

"Ganondorf..." Link said narrowing his eyes.

"Link, it is good to see you again after that coward attack in our last encounter," Ganondorf said crossing his arms. "However, I did not like that and I am here to get my revenge, along with my new servant."

"Samus." Dark Rundas simply said as both hunters glared at each other.

"You're...infected by both phazon, and now the Shadow Bugs as well?" Samus asked.

"Correct," Dark Rundas said nodding. "My strength has been greatly boosted enough to destroy a scum like you, with everyone else in here."

"O-o-o-o-oh," Falco got annoyed. "N-n-n-n-now we have to f-f-f-f-fight an ice c-c-c-cube guy?"

"I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" Ivysaur yelled pushing Red's leg. "GET ME INSIDE MY POKEBALL! I BEG OF YOU!"

"O-okay but stop pushing me!" Red said calling Ivysaur back to his Pokeball.

"Ganondorf," Snake began. "What do you exactly have planned for this world?"

Ganondorf chuckled along with Dark Rundas. "Simple, take it with the Subspace Bomb hidden in here, but, I could add that there is another thing as well."

"And that is?" Wolf asked glaring, taking his Blaster out of his holdster.

"Too bad you are not one of us anymore Wolf, or else I could have told you before," Ganondorf made a fist. "But here, it is where we end everything once and for all."

Pikachu rolled his eyes. "Typically when a villain like you says that means we're finishing this earlier, just for you to run away in defeat and challenge us another day."


"...P-Pikachu, I don't like that creepy laugh at all..." Pichu said trembling.

"So," Ganondorf began smirking. "You think you are the only ones who can use the Final Smash?"

"Let me guess, you can use it from now on, right?" Link asked as Ganondorf blinked surprised.


"I think I know why," Olimar said taking a notebook from his back. "It says here that when somebody asks about someone else who has something that the person asked means that the "asker" has that same thing."

"...You are only confusing me instead of telling me a poin-"

"Ganondorf, let's not bother with such things and freeze them in an eternal season of cold." Dark Rundas said.

"Y-y-you won't get away with that...clone..." C. Falcon muttered raising a finger, since he was still laying down the floor where the ATC crashed into him.

"How in the world can he talk with all that damage he has?" Samus asked.

Snake frowned. "I'm reminding you something right now."


Snake pointed at Dark Rundas jumping in the air to slide around using a wave of ice as Ganondorf ran at them. "The battle just started and we have to be careful of our surroundings, since the "icebergs" in here could present a trouble."

"...Alright." Samus said preparing her arm cannon as the Smashers prepared for the battle.

Super Paper Mario

Francis Castle
Chapter 3-4 The Battle of Fort Francis

"Mario, Peach, Bowser, Yoshi, Sonic, Geno, Twink, Toon Link and Diddy Kong had scaled the tree and defeated Dimentio...sort of anyway. The exhausted heroes were relieved to finally see the ivory towers of Fort Francis. Were Tippi, Mallow, DK and Fox safe? Was the next Pure Heart really waiting for them ahead? Their only answers were the strange voices carried on the wind from inside the fort...or yells or demands to get out from a cage actually."

Fort Francis

"So you think Francis is a... Greenish photo fanatic? Basically, a monster?" Carrie asked once he was freed from his cell.

"I said nerdy." Toon Link said.

"Well...imagine that!" Carrie said hopping in the air. "And of you and I feel the same way about him! We've got great harmony. Yep, I think we'll work perfectly. Together, nothing can touch us!"

"MINE!" Sonic said grabbing Carrie.

"What's up with you all of a sudden?" Yoshi asked as Sonic pointed at the spikes close to them. "...So what's your point?"

"I have horrible memories with spikes when I was younger," Sonic shuddered. "I don't want to revive 'em now, but with this fairy-thing (Carrie: I'll take that as an insult you know!) nothing will touch me!" Sonic used Carrie's skill to become a hovering platform that he rode. "Think you have a more extreme function?"

"Nope." Carrie said.

"...This sucks, oh well."

"A-anyway," Peach began. "I think we should find the other keys, maybe we could try to answer the questions those...robotic cats asked us."

Inside Francis's Room (or chamber, whatever you want to define it), the nerd/geek/lizard was taking photographs from the 4 characters (who were stuck in a small cage) dreamily, praising every "feature" of them.

"Would you stop taking those photos of us?!" Mallow asked angrily, his right foot sticking out of the cage.

"Oh hell no!" Francis said blushing in pleasure. "The guys at digibutter dot nerr forums will TOTALLY be jealous once I show them pictures online of perfect human-sized figurines of the Ultra Knock Brotherhood, so schweet and so HIGH-TECHNICALLLLL, NERR!!"

"For the last freaking time, WE'RE NOT THEM!" Fox yelled annoyed, left ear sticking out of one hole and left hand as well.

"Guys, it's useless," Tippi said, somewhere around DK's back. "We should give up hope for rescue and be his figurines..."

"Aw, don't get all depressed," DK began, being him the one who made the cage smaller in space. "Everyone will come and rescue us."

"...T-that's good and all, but I think I'm going to're too heavy, no offense."

"None taken."

"Rescue?" Francis asked lowering his camera as he chuckled. "Nobody can enter this place! Absolutely nobody except for me a hot babes can't enter this room, nerr!"

"...Okay, we can think of poses for snapshots from now on." DK said as the 3 glared at him.

"Besides," Francis blushed awkwardly. "There's a low chance a hot babe will enter this room, anyone else who dares to enter here is so high-technically burned down by my kitty-door, nerr!"

"Too bad," Mallow chuckled. "They're not so weak to be destroyed by your kitty-door, besides, what could they say if the-"

"MEEEEOOOOOOWW!!!" The Kitty Door meowed angrily. "YOU'RE NOT FRANCIS OF TOTALLY HOT BABES! You will die by my kitty-lasers of doom! MEOW!"

"RUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNN!!!" Diddy was heard panicking as the Smashers yelled by the lasers that the door shot at them from outside the room.

"...Sorry, I didn't hear you, what'd you say?" Fox asked.

"...Screw my beliefs." Mallow muttered as Francis kept taking snapshots.

Though after 10 straight minutes of yelling (if you were wondering, Sonic wasn't able to escape from the lasers since, as you know, the world was straight forward, meaning he couldn't run very well), 2 persons finally crossed the door, they were Peach and Zelda who were identified as "totally hot babes" because they accidentaly ran inside, leaving the others screaming for dear life.

"Nerrrrr! Who are YOU?!" Francis demanded as both princesses walked to him with angry looks.

"Finally, we're going to be rescued." DK said.

"Though something is really bothering me." Fox said.

"That they're women? (Zelda and Peach: Hey!)"

"No," Fox twitched a little. "I-I think my tail squeezed out from one hole and... I-I'm feeling things I shouldn't be feeling because it's a little bigger than the hole so..."

"...Dude, you're sick!" Mallow said as Francis ignored they argues.

"You! Release them at once!" Zelda demanded.

"H-hey! What are you doing sneaking into my room, huh? Ever heard of p-privacy?" Francis asked annoyed as he walked closer to the girls.

"Oh, there you are, Francis! I've been looking ALL OVER for you!" Peach said angrily, but Zelda began to wonder something...

"...U-um... Peach, what you just said isn't good..."

"How so?"

"For...ME?" Francis asked, the princess could only tilt her head in confusion. "O-o-oh... O-oh my gosh... It's... It's 2 h-hot babes..."

"...WHAT?!" Peach and Zelda asked shocked as the lizard/geek/nerd began to sweat.

"HOT BABES IN ROOM! W-what do I... Oh man... 2 REAL girls in my room! This is so hi-technicaaaal! N-Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr... down... I'm get-get-get-get... Getting w-way too excited... Sweatles...forming... Can't talk to...girls... Must Must...also...use...Nerr2Babe interface...with real time...wooing..." Francis said sweating in desperation.

"Um... Zelda, what is he talking about now?" Peach asked.

"I think he is a pervert..." Zelda muttered.

"H-HOT BABES ALERT! Must boot swoon dot exe to get a better conversation!" Francis said panicking as he took out his laptop.

"What th-" Zelda felt that something changed in the scene as she looked around...

Super Paper Mario - Swoon dot exe

Before their eyes, something went awfully wrong, both princesses were inside a screen with Francis on the right side, the background had hearts going around, the princesses looked around confused as Francis started the conversation.

Francis (blushing):
"Welcome to my castle. How do you do? ...Nerrr."

Peach (panicking):
"What on earth is that?! What's going on here?"

Zelda (panicking):
"D-don't look at me! I'm as confused as you are!"

"Nerrherr... I boot this baby up whenever it's time to talk to the...heh...laaadies. Schweeeeet. Time for my Swoon dot exe program to work its magic! (Where should I start?)"

Speak - Talk to hot babes

Francis (blushing):
"What are your names, ladies?"

Peach (confused):

Zelda (glaring):
"Why should we tell you our names?"

Francis (chuckling):
"Because it's proper for a lady to say her name, nerrrrrr..."

Peach (staring blankly):
"You can call me...annoyed."


Francis (shocked):
"W-WHAT?! O-okay, how about you sweeite pie?!"

Zelda (crossing arms):
"You can call me...verbally harassed."

Francis (CRACK!):

"You received a straight answer. Francis's passion leveled SO UP!"

Francis (sweating):
"Oh, man... What do I do next?"

Look - Hot babes

"You're so princesses straight out of an anime or video game! You 2 can be feisty, but I must say it...umm...adds to your charms combined."

Peach (blushing):
"You think I'm...charming?"

Zelda (frowning):
"Peach, don't fall for his responses..."

Peach (glaring at Francis):
"...You want feisty? I'll show you feisty! Lay it on thick like that, and you'll get it!"

From somewhere, Luigi appeared outside the screen and typed something for Zelda before he walked away, whistling.


Zelda (after talking, looking around confused):
"What is L-O-L supposed to mean?"

Francis (panicking):
"Eep! I'm so sorry! I don't know what I was thinking! Oh...forgive me, my queens!"

Peach and Zelda (angrily):
"W-we're NOT queens, we're princesses!"

Francis (blushing):
"(Nerr herr... They're supercute when they get angry...)"

"Francis got yelled at! Peach and Zelda's charisma leveled up! Francis's passion leveled up!"

Francis (wondering):
"(What's my next move?)"

Inventory - Give Item - Pink Princess and Long-eared Princess Signed Posters

Francis (blushing):
"As a token of my affection, I'd like to give you 2 special presents."

Peach received the "Pink Princess" Signed Poster and Zelda received the "Long-eared Princess" Signed Poster.

Peach (looking at poster):
"Oh. Umm..."

Zelda (furious):

Francis (panicking):
"N-no! Y-you're misunderstanding! P-please! Accept them a-"

Zelda (throws poster at Francis, right in the face):
"You better give me something better next time! Peach, what about you?"

Peach (trembling):

"Peach returned the poster. Francis's satisfaction leveled up! Francis's passion leveled up!"

"(Nerrr... What's my next move?)"

Think - About the future

Francis (smiling):
"Wow, we are like, so perfect for each other. It's destiny! We should get married!"

Peach (shocked):

Zelda (shocked):
"U-ugh! Th-that is so disgusting!"

"So, how much do you make?"

Zelda (surprised):

Francis (chuckling):
"Like 100 coins a day."

Peach (realized something that she forgot completely):
"Hey! Who's picking these responses for me, anyway?!

Outside the screen, there was someone snickering evily as he chose the options for both princesses, with a closer look, the person was...what the heck are you doing here?!

"I told you I was gonna get my screentime by any means!" Laharl said. "MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Get out of here at once or else!

"Never! You won't catch me!" Laharl yelled laughing as he disappeared.

...But you did what I want you to do...oh, who cares about him, let's get on with this story.

Zelda (looking outside):
"...Strange, I think there was someone out here..."

Peach (glaring at Francis):
"I'm not marrying this dork! I shouldn't even be having this conversation! I came to save Tippi, DK, Mallow and Fox! Where are they?!"

Francis (confused):
"Tippi, DK, Mallow and Fox? Hmm... Tippi, DK, Mallow and Fox... Tippi, DK, Mallow and Fox..."

Francis tried to find the "Tippi, DK, Mallow and Fox" option on his list, he looked around some more before he started to panic, the geek was getting really nervous and gave up.

Francis (sweating in panic):
"There's no Tippi, DK, Mallow and Fox command here! What is she talking about?!"

Zelda (bored look):
"I...highly doubt that there is an option like that...wait a minute, how do I know that?"

Francis (backing away):
"T-there's no need to get furious now, nerrrrrrr-"

Peach (furious):
"That's IT! I've had it! You'd better bring them out now!"

Pixls - Boomer

"Peach used Boomer! Boomer exploded!"

Zelda (freaking out):
"Oh crap!"

Francis (freaking out, panicking out, screaming and sweating):

The whole screen blowed into bits, the smoke covered the whole conversation, when it cleared out, there was Francis laying on the floor as both princesses glared at him.

"And so," Zelda said crossing her arms. "We end this for now."

Francis got up and cried toon tears. "T-t-that was the only known copy for the Nerr2Babe patch, and now it's gone forever! Nerrr... Real babes are scary!"

"Want a piece of me?"


"...Peach?" Tippi called from somewhere behind DK's back, both princesses smiled in relief and walked closer to the cage.

"Tippi! Oh, I was so...wait, where is she?" Peach asked.

"Oh," DK laughed a little as he blushed. "I guess she's somewhere on my back...sorry."

"...TIPPI!" Peach panicked. "Tippi! Can you hear me?! Tippi?!"

"I'm fine...Peach..." Tippi took a moment of silence. "...Who am I kidding?! Get me out front this cage at once! Save me from getting crushed under a gorilla!"

"And while you're at it," Mallow said annoyed. "Would you get us out as well?"

"A-a-and push my tail inside? I-I'm feeling sensations I shouldn't be feeling..." Fox said embarrassed.

Zelda gasped a little. "E-eeewwww!!!"

"W-wait, it's not like that, I swear it!"

"So..." Francis cleared his tears and looked at them. "So you've come to raid my fort and steal Francine and my human-sized figurines? W-Well... No! I won't let you!"


Francis chuckled as he blushed. "B-by the way, I came up with the name Francine on my own! Isn't it schweeet? At first I thought it was a little weird that you could talk and everything. But the digibutter.nerr forum reaction convinced me you were hi-technicaaal! You're my only...sniff...offline friend, no one will take you away from me!"

"...Did he just forget about us?" DK asked annoyed.

"We're side-extras after all, Tippi's the main attraction." Mallow said annoyed.

" me..." Tippi muttered losing her energies as Francis lowered the cage they were in, vanishing in the floor.

"Set them free at once, or else." Zelda said as her right hand glowed with fire.

Francis Battle

Francis only chuckled and camouflaged to be invisible, both princesses gasped and ran where the geek previously was. "Nerrr! Can't see me? That's 'cause my invisibility powers are totally hi-technicaaaaal! Little Francine is hidden, so you can't take her! Feel the wrath of the jilted X-Naut in the season finale of "The Grodus Chronicles!" Francis yelled from somewhere.

"I've had enough of his TV affinities, Peach, we need to defeat him to save Tippi and the others!" Zelda said.

"B-but what about th-" Peach was interrupted as both princesses heard the screams and yells coming from the guys, trying to save their lifes from the laser eyes of the kitty door. "...Oh my..."

"...I know, this isn't going to turn out well..."

Preview of the next chapter

"Eek!" Peach yelled as she was pulled inside Francis's mouth.

"Oh no, you won't!" Sheik said throwing her kunais at Francis.



"RUN! WE HAVE TO EVADE THAT THING!" Wolf yelled as Dark Rundas threw the enormous iceberg at them rom high above.


"...Wait a minute..." Flonne said closing her eyes. "...Don't you hear something?"

"Hmm..." Laharl took a moment of silence. "...It sounds like many footsteps are coming from outside the castle..."

Chris looked outside the window and began to tremble. "...E-everyone..."


"Why Ivysaur Hates Rundas, isn't that obvious by now?!
" Ivysaur asked annoyed.

Do you want to save your data?


Overwrite File?


Laharl's Castle
Chris, Lucario, Mewtwo, Kirby, Meta Knight, Pit, Laharl, Etna, Flonne

Fort Francis
, DK, Diddy Kong, Zelda, Toon Link, Fox, Yoshi, Mallow, Geno, Twink, Mario, Peach, Tippi

Snake, C. Falcon, Red, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Pikachu, Pichu, Falco, Wolf, Olimar, Link, Samus


Chapter 108: Why Ivysaur Hates Rundas

Super Paper Mario

Fort Francis
Chapter 4-4 The Battle of Fort Francis

Francis Battle

"Peach, be careful, he could be anywhere." Zelda said preparing to turn anywhere and use Din's Fire to attack.

"I-I-m a little bit scared..." Peach said.

"...I know." Zelda said.

"I see you!"

"LOOK OU-UGH!" Zelda was attacked by Francis who appeared behind her and slammed his tongue at her back before he disappeared again.

"Z-Zelda!" Peach ran to her.

"I-I'm fine, worry about his abilities." Zelda said twitching a little in pain.

"Nerr, nerr, nerr..." Francis appeared, taking out his laptop.

"He's wide open, attack!"

"Meowbombs, go!" Francis called forth 3 Meowbombs from the ceiling and they walked around (the 2-D dimension) as the lizard vanished again.

"...The name states the obvious." Peach said as the robots began to walk towards her, flashing red in the process.

"Peach, be careful, they're going to blow themselves up!" Zelda yelled running away from a Meowbomb that exploded, Peach covered herself with her umbrella as got unharmed by the 2 other Meowbombs. "How in Nayru's name did that umbrella resist those explosions?"

"Heheh," Peach giggled as she uncovered herself. "I need to find out more about my accesories."

"I see yo-"

"THERE!" Zelda yelled spinning on her feet to make a quick turn, launching her Din's Fire at Francis who gasped before it exploded in flames, the lizard got stunned by this. "Peach, do something to follow up my attack!"

"R-right!" Peach said nodding as she called Boomer out and put him...behind her?

"Peach, what are you doing?" Zelda asked before Peach walked towards Francis. "No! You're just wishing to be hurt!"

"Francis..." Peach said.

"G-get away from m-" Francis got a blue ball from Peach. "...A present?"

"Yes." Peach said smiling.

Francis blushed. "O-o-o-oh my gosh..."


"AAAAAHHH!!!" Francis yelled as Peach ran towards Zelda.

"...I get it," Zelda said rubbing her chin. "He's still a pervert who thinks girls are cute."

Peach giggled a little. "I love to use my mind rather than strength in fights."

"I-I'll get you 2 for this!" Francis yelled from the smoke that Boomer made and shot his long tongue at the princesses, both of them gasped as the tongue wrapped itself around their waists and pulled them inside Francis's mouth.

"A-AAAAAAHH!!!" Peach yelled inside as she constantly got damage along with Zelda.

"L-LET US GO!" Zelda demanded as Francis was seen feeling sick.

"N-never!" Francis said turning purple. "I-I won't let you steal my figurines! The forums need to get vital proof, nerr!"

"Then you don't leave no choice!" Zelda yelled from inside as a bright light came from Francis's mouth, before Francis could act, something exploded inside his stomach and Peach came out in a poof of smoke with Zelda, who turned into Sheik.

"My stomach, nerr!" Francis complained as he camouflagued.

T-thank you, Sheik," Peach said making a worried look. "I don't want to be inside him again..."

Sheik nodded. "Better yet, we think the same."

"Meowbombs!" Francis called from a corner as the princess and Sheikah got distracted, more robots once again came out from the ceiling and walked towards the ladies.

"Wait," Sheik said. "Do you think we can use these bombs against him?"

"Then..." Peach called Thoreau and threw him at one of the bombs to grab it.

"...Peach, would you tell me why didn't you just grab the bomb instead of telling that Pixl to do it for you?"

"It's because is hard to pick them simply."

Sheik rolled her eyes. "Oh please, don't tell me you forgot about picking things up."

"...I did."

"W-what? That's ridiculous! Here, let me show you!" Sheik said walking towards a Meowbomb...but the only thing she could do was stare down at it. " do I pick it up again?"

"I told you so..." Peach trailed off.

Sheik got annoyed. "...Let me understand...not only this world is completely straight, but also you lose some simple abilities such as picking things up?"

"Well, Mario and I can pick items up for some reason..."

"...This SUCKS!" Sheik yelled as Francis appeared right beside her.

"Yah!" Peach threw the Meowbomb at Francis and it exploded upon making contact.

"YEEOOOUCCHH, NERR!!" Francis yelled in pain. "Please, no more explosions!"

"Got you." Sheik muttered.

"Wha-" Francis wasn't able to respond before Sheik strangled his throat a little using her chain whip, Peach gasped in shock as the lizard began to choke.

"S-Sheik! S-stop it!" Peach pleaded as Sheik looked at her.

"Peach, what do you mean by that? This guy is going to annoy us to no end if we don't...."

"But you can't kill him for that, please, don't do it!"


"...Sheik, you know you don't want to do such a thing..."

Sheik closed her eyes in shame. "...You're too soft, Peach..." Sheik said releasing he camouflagued again. "Dammit! What are we supposed to do then?!"

"Defeat him and not kill anybody!" Peach yelled.

"Then that's going to be hard..." Sheik muttered.


"N-nothing, just be careful." Sheik said as they heard more screams coming outside the chamber. "For Eldin's sake, why are they being so useless today? They're just lasers!"

"MY CROTCH!" Bowser yelled as both girls shuddered.

"...Then again, they're guys."

"Ninja, wasn't that a little bit sexist?" Slim asked.

"...You're still here?" Sheik asked confused looking at the Pixl who has been following her around.

"You're mine!" Francis yelled as he revealed himself and stretched his tongue at Peach.

"Eek!" Peach yelled as she was pulled inside Francis's mouth.

"Oh no, you won't!" Sheik said throwing her kunais at Francis.

"Y-YIKES! NERR!" Francis yelled panicked as he camouflagued again.

"Damn that lizard, where is he now?!" Sheik asked cursing as she looked around.

"Nerr!" Francis appeared right besides her and spat Peach on her back, Sheik and Peach both stumbled along the floor until they stopped and moaned a little in pain before the geek camouflagued again.

"S-Sheik..." Peach muttered weakly.

"I'm not...weak yet..." Sheik said standing up. "I won't forgive him after all this stupid madness."

"R-right..." Peach said standind up as she wiped out some dust off her dress. "I have to fight him back...but how?"

"That's right, you don't have your abilities from the tournament here...what to do..." Sheik wondered as Francis appeared behind her and swallowed her completely. "OH, COME ON!" Sheik yelled inside Francis's stomach.

"Wait!" Peach called holding a Thunder Rage above her that instantly called forth a strong thunder, paralyzing Francis before he exploded from inside as Sheik appeared in a poof smoke right besides Peach. "Sheik, are you feeling okay?"

"Y-yes..." Sheik said panting a little. "I can...still fight back fortunately..."

"Will you bother to use me?!" Slim asked annoyed.

"Look, I'm not going to...use a fairy's help to do something I could do before."

"If you keep goin' like this, that Francis guy will defeat you both!"

"I do believe that he speaks the truth." Thoreau said, replacing Boomer as Peach's Pixl.

"I refuse t-" Sheik stopped once Peach grabbed her hand. "Peach?"

"Sheik...listen to them," Peach said giving a serious look. "They helped me once I got reunited with Mario, the Pixls's powers saved me a lot of times before and this is not an exception, so please...listen to them."

"Nerr nerr nerr!" Francis appeared right besides the door and typed on his laptop to call more Meowbombs that this time ran at them.

"...Ugh," Sheik frowned. "Fine, I'll use their help, happy?"

Peach giggled heartily. "Of course I am!"

"Go!" Sheik yelled throwing Thoreau to a Meowbomb, the robot began to sweat as Sheik took it above her, she saw the other 2 Meowbombs coming at them, that is when she got the idea to toss the one above her, it went bouncing from robot to robot and accidentaly, it hit Francis that was appearing on the track, the geek screamed as the explosion engulfed him. "...What do you know, it actually worked."

"Or maybe it was just luck?" Peach muttered.

"What was that?" Sheik asked annoyed.

"I-I'm getting sick of this, nerr!" Francis said annoyed as he ran at the girls, flailing his arms around.

"(Wait...maybe the Over Limit gauge is ready...but Chris isn't around here to tell me so... I have to put my faith into it...but I wonder, do we all share it together or do we have our own?)" Sheik though as she did a hand sign, closing her eyes. "Let the strongest Sheikah ability be your last blow." Sheik stated as an explosion of rainbow aura covered her, making Francis gasp as he was pushed away by the force of the aura.

"S-Sheik, you're glowing!" Peach said with her mouth a little bit opened.

Sheik nodded to her, her eyes glowing a yellow color. "Yes, but there's one problem," Sheik looked around. "That bastard went into hiding again, I need you to find him and use my Final Smash to finish him off."

"Final Smash?" Peach asked tilting her head confused.

"There's not time for explanations, you have to find him!"

"B-but how can I do that? As long as he's invincible, no attack can't harm him!"

Slim jumped a little. "Then I guess you both should use my power!"

Sheik looked a little annoyed but nodded. "Okay you, use whatever power you have now."

"Gladly!" Slim said spinning around the girls who...disappeared in plain sight sideways. "Done!"

"...That's it? We're just standing sideways!"

"Shh!" Peach whispered as a moment of silence fell.

...Several minutes later, Francis revealed himself and looked around confused. "Weird, where are those hot babes?... Are they hiding somewhere, nerr?...Aw, who cares!" Francis said as he called back the cage with the 4 characters inside, who looked basically mad off at him. "I have you here to make some company!"


Francis got a confused look and turned his back, and an insanely fast stream of light crossed his body in shock (before that time, the light was about to caught the Smashers inside the cage as well, fortunately though, the light seemed to miss their crotches by some centimeters and looked freaked out).

"...NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!" Francis yelled loudly in extreme pain as he twitched a lot in pain before he fell down to his knees and fainted, Sheik had her bow out but hid it behind her back as she turned her back at Francis.

"Never, underestimate the Sheikah." Sheik stated closing her eyes as the aura vanished from her.

Music stops

Peach was clapping happily in amazement. "That was amazing Sheik!... So that is the Final Smash?"

"Yes," Sheik said nodding to Peach. "But it's weird, it's the same Final Smash as my other form, I wonder why..."

Peach blushed a little. "Do you think... I can do something like that?"

Sheik chuckled heartily. "I think so. For now just wait until that time com-"

"AHEM." DK, Mallow, Fox and Tippi (somehow the latter) called annoyed as both girls sweatdropped.

"Hello? We've been crushing ourselves up to death in this "sweet" period of time, so...WOULD YOU MIND GETTING US OUT?!" Mallow yelled angrily, trying to get out from the cage as they tried to get out as well.

...Odd thing was that the cage began to tumble by the sides as they tried to get out, Peach and Sheik (who turned back into Zelda) saw the cage tilting over the edge, falling down the floor where it simply broke off and the 4 layed down on the floor...utterly annoyed.

"...So let me summarize this," Tippi said, getting out from DK's back. "We were trapped for some time inside that cage, we tried and tried to get out to no avail but it didn't work, and in the end we just could have made the cage fall down the floor to shatter and set us free?"

Peach laughed worried. "I-it seems that way..."

"...Oh well," Tippi said somehow smiling. "I'm so happy that you came all the way here just to rescue don't know how happy am I right now, I can't describe it..."

"...That sounded offensive to me," Mallow said looking up to her. "We were ALSO suffering the same thing as you, remember?"

"...Sorry for that." Tippi said as they all looked to Francis.

"...He's asking for a beating now." DK said cracking his fists with Mallow, but just before they could attack the geek, Francis got up and looked at both groups, who were glaring at him.

"Dammit! Dammit! This was horrible, nerr!" Francis complained. "This isn't so high-technical as it used to be, no way! I'm not going to get my head handed to you all! The guys at digibutter dot nerr won't believe that I had some of the Ultra Knock Brotherhood series's human-sized figurines here!" Francis held up his camera, which snapped into 2. "That arrow killed my camera, now you've done it! I'm going to tell this to mom! MOMMYYYYYYYYY!!! NERRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!" Francis yelled crying as he ran away from the chamber, through the kitty door who seemed to stop the attacks to the others behind the door, when they saw Francis running away, they quickly noticed that the door was left opened and entered inside in a hurry.

"...We were trapped by that guy?" Mallow asked making an angry expression. "He was such a wuss!"

The Smashers who were suffering the attacks of the kitty door came all bruised and even burned, Sonic touched his tongue with 2 fingers to douse the little flame on his tail. "M-man, I'm never gonna open a door that looks like a cat and fires killer lasers again in some time." Sonic said as the Smashers nodded quickly.

"Are you all okay?" Peach asked worried.

"Apart from being constantly chased by 2 lasers, that were preventing us from entering and from the obvious reason that we were almost exploted, we're pretty much okay." Toon Link said.

"...I sense sarcasm." Zelda said.

"You really know when I'm sarcastic and when not." Toon Link said annoyed.

Super Paper Mario - Pure Heart

Tippi looked at the Smashers (the ones who were bruised). "Mario... You guys came to save me..." Tippi said sniffing a little.

"But of course, I mean," Mario began. "You're one of us, right?"

"..........." Tippi became very silent for a moment before she started laughing heartily. "Thank you... Thank you, Mario! Thank you so much everyone! You don't know the trouble I went through the whole time!" Tippi ignored DK's whistles. "I'm so happy...really..."

"...There, there," Peach said hugging Tippi. "You don't need to hold back your tears, just cry."

"...T-thank you Peach..." Tippi sobbed.

"...Huh?" Geno tilted his head in confusion once they noticed something happening to Tippi. "...Is she glowing?"

"Glowing?" Peach asked staring at Tippi, who was in truth glowing.

" THAT?!" Bowser asked surprised.

"...Wait a second," DK glared at Bowser. "What is he doing here?!"

"I-I'll explain later." Mario said as they saw Tippi floating above them as her shine grew brighter and brighter with every second, they were blinded for a moment before they saw what looked to be a yellow heart spinning between them. "Is that the..."

"The Pure Heart?" Peach added.

"A-ha!" Sonic said grinning. "So is this what they call the true power of love?..." Sonic shuddered. "T-then I don't want to do that."

"Sonic, shut up." Twink said and Sonic accidentaly didn't complain.

"The Pure Heart...?" Tippi trailed off thinking.

Peach got an idea. "It's like Tippi's heart just burst with happiness and released a Pure Heart! Or..."

"Bursted with happiness and released that?" Yoshi asked pointing at the heart as Tippi giggled silently.

"Mario... I was just so happy when I saw that you'd come to save me. Please... Take it." Tippi said giggling, offering the heart to Mario.

"...But we were the ONES trying to rescue you in that battle!" Zelda protested.

"...Oops." Tippi muttered as Zelda facepalmed.

"Well," Peach laughed a little. "Go Mario, we need to take it and return back to Flipside."

"Right." Mario said nodding as he held the heart high up, everyone watched Thoreau, Boomer, Slim, Thudley and Carrie (Sonic: Hey! Come back here!) standing besides Mario, doing what looked to be a dance where they were spinning and jumping to the sides, they got EVEN more confused when a different background appeared behind him, saying the words: "You got a Pure Heart!"

"...Okaaaaaay..." Yoshi trailed off as Mario was holding up the heart without moving, everyone was behind the background. "This world is so far scaring the hell out of me now."

"It already did to me actually." Geno confessed.

"Me too." Mallow said nodding.

"Me three." Twink added nodding.

"Me four." Toon Link added.

"Me five." Diddy added.

"Me too." Sonic added as the previous 5 glared at him, since he broke the combo chain.


"The fourth Pure Heart appeared in a dazzling flash of mysterious light. What made it appear? The group was WAY TOO puzzled by this and many other riddles. "...So you're not hurt?" asked Tippi, full of concern. Somehow, Tippi seemed different than before...or was she? Who knows, thing is she had started to change somehow. Mario simply shook his head and started the long journey back to Flipside with everyone...or simply took the lazy way and used the Return Pipe, lazy bum."

"By the way, Tippi complained a lot to DK for having pain in her pixelated back, DK was never the same from that day on...for 3 minutes actually."

"...Meanwhile, somewhere else..."

Castle Bleck
Count Bleck's Room

Super Paper Mario - Count Bleck's Plan

"Oh, Nastasia? It's time we set "him" on these pests." Count Bleck commanded as his henchmen, Dimentio, O' Chunks, Mimi and Nastasia listened.

However, upon more inspection, there were also Charizard and King Dedede besides the 4 previously mentioned.

"Yeah, um, I can take care of that for you, Count." Nastasia said adjusting her glasses.

"Lovely, exclaimed Count Bleck. Return to your posts, my dear minions." Count Bleck said, but nobody dared to listen to that order. "...Ah, Count Bleck saw your point for not going away, do speak up please."

"Count," Dimentio started. "Shouldn't we plan our "surprise" to those "Smashers" guys that Tabuu spoke about?"

Count Bleck rubbed his chin. "Indeed Dimentio, they are such ants inside my pants."

"Mimimimimimimimi," Mimi giggled. "Count Bleck, you're such a funny count."

"No need for such manners, Mimi."

"Hello?!" Dedede called out. "We have something serious to do about 'em! If all of you ain't goin' to help us out, then stop it!"

Nastasia got upset at this. "You! Manner your tongue at the Count!"

"And what will you do if I don't wanna?" Dedede asked smirking.

"...This." Nastasia stated simply as she adjusted her glasses a little bit with an odd glitter, in an instant, Dedede got zapped by something out of nowhere and when it stopped, his eyes were red, showing no emotion.

"King Dedede is at your service, my lady." Dedede said in a monotone voice.

Charizard chuckled. "Finally, somebody shuts him up."

It was time for O' Chunks to speak, he had something very important in mind that he wanted to share with everyone in there, the things he said sounded just astounding for everyone the moment he opened his mouth...

"(Hard-to-understand-and-write-language)." O' Chunks said.

"...What?" Charizard asked confused.

"I sai' wy no' ambus' 'll o' 'em at onc', everybod' in 'ere!" O' Chunks said.

Charizard facepalmed. "Please, it's too much with Dedede's pimp speech, and now I have to deal with your...whatever language you're using!"

"Ha ha ha," Dimentio chuckled. "I actually understood everything, you get used to this guy and you can guess perfectly what he says."

"Ye'! Dimentio 's 'ight!" O' Chunks said laughing.

"...Here between us," Mimi whispered. "I don't."

"Hmm... Count, O' Chunks does have a point there," Nastasia said. "A surprise attack, just like that."

"Bleh heh heh heh heh heh... That is an excellent idea, primitive, Count Bleck said, but effective nevertheless." Count Bleck said chuckling.

"Hey," Charizard began. "Who's that "him" again?"

"In time, he should reveal to yourself, although be aware of this, he's ours." Nastasia said.

"...Riiiiiight...could you get Dedede out of his trance?"

"Certainly." Nastasia said adjusting her glasses as the control on Dedede's mind disappeared, the king shook his head and looked around confused.

"Hey, what happened?" Dedede asked confused.

"In any case," Count Bleck began. "We shouldn't waste more time for those "Smashers" to help Mario, who knows what can they do if they're free to wander and find the Pure Hearts first," Count Bleck opened his cape, reading the Dark Prognosticus that opened shortly after. "A battle will be held on the odd space, so does the Dark Prognosticus say, bleh heh heh heh heh heh..."

"The odd space is where we're going to drop the Subspace Bomb," Dedede remembered. "I dunno why Tabuu wants to take over a space...but whatever he wants it's still a mystery to me."

"Me goin' 'ight 'ow!" O' Chunks said flexing his cubic arms.

"I may as well be on my way." Dimentio said chuckling.

"Mimimimimimimimi, I can't hardly wait to get my hands on that pupper guy, he looks handsome."

"...Ignoring that aside," Dimentio began. "I shall be going, au revoir." Dimentio said before he disappeared in his dimension.

Mimi simply flipped herself and disappeared. "...Say, how can she do that?" Dedede asked as O' Chunks used his amazing farting powers to blast away to the ceiling. "Yuck! Why not use the door instead?"

"...Count, I think we should leave for now, since we don't want to be harmed by the explosion." Nastasia said as she simply jumped away.

"You're very bold, Nastasia, said Count Bleck." Count Bleck nodded as he took the Dark Prognosticus with him.

Dedede and Charizard got confused and looked at each other. "What did they mean by explosion?" Charizard asked as the gas from O' Chunks's fart began to get closer to the floor.

Dedede looked down. "...Wait, don't they say that a gas is literally a gas and shouldn't be near any kind of flames?"

The gas was slowly reaching Charizard's flame tail, but he didn't notice. "Yes, why'd you ask?"


"How big their brains are, wondered Count Bleck." Count Bleck said frowning somewhere.

Merlon's House

Super Paper Mario - Flipside

The Smashers now were having a conversation with Merlon, the descendant of the Ancients in the odd town of Flipside, Merlon was quite surprised that there were so many heroes that weren't not mentioned before in the Light Prognosticus. Merlon also explained why they found the Pure Heart in Fort Francis by this moment.

"The 3 heroes shall be aided by 10 helpers, should the menace of The Void grow bigger and dangerous, for a brief period of time until their task is done," Merlon readed the book of light as he put it back to its table. "Yes, it was destined for all of you to come here. Quite the surprise if you ask me."

"The more, the merrier right?" Geno asked.

"Ahahaha, so true my friend," Merlon said. "Mario, you must look for the next Heart Pillar and head for the next Pure Heart, we have only 4 more to go before you can challenge Count Bleck!"

"I'll be on my way." Mario said nodding as he walked away.

"Hmm..." Merlon closed his eyes. "The Light Prognosticus also says that you all will have a hard time in the next world by 2 reasons that it doesn't want to reveal yet, but also, it says that you will return here to consult information regarding a riddle."

"It's just an old book of fortune telling." Toon Link said.

"H-how dare you disrespect the Light Prognosticus! It is not a book of fortune telling, it tells the future when it wants to!" Merlon said angrily. "I want you all to assist Mario as hard as you can, if the book says that you must help him, you WILL help him!"

"...Fine!" Mallow said angrily turning his back to the door. "If you love that book so much, then marry it!"


"Mallow, I think you went too far with that honestly..." Geno whispered.

However, the cloud prince went on and on. "Better yet, make out with it!"

DK and Diddy looked at each other and began to laugh.

"...Make out?" Twink repeated confused.

"Thanks Mallow, now Twink is going to ask what is that to me." Geno said frowning.

"ALL OF YOU, GET OUT!" Merlon demanded.

"You know what? Don't put all the blame on me, I wasn't saying anything anyway." Fox said rolling his eyes as they left the house.

"Ugh," Merlon turned his back. "They will return shortly, I know that since the Light Prognosticus foretold it."

"Told you so, you're in love with that thing!" Mallow yelled from outside.

"Good one!" Sonic yelled as both of them laughed hysterically.

"Would you 2 stop it? It's bad to make Merlon mad..." Peach trailed off worried, but the duo just kept laughing, ignoring her completely.

"Through the fierce battle against Francis...whether that could be questionable, Tippi and the Mario gang grew closer. "Since when was this group called the Mario gang?" Bowser asked to no one in particular. Behind a fourth foor lay a whole new world that beckoned to them all. What awaited was vaster and stranger than anything they'd encountered so least in Mario's perspective. In order to claim the Pure Heart, they would have to endure new, far-out trials..."

Super Paper Mario - Outer Space

Outer Space
Chapter 4-1 Into Outer Space

There was the white background, but then it began to be drawn slowly with many little stars from far away in the distance of the universe, then it got painted with many blue colors and such that you could find in the outer space. The door from Flipside began to be drawn as well and the Smashers stepped out of it before it vanished, they looked around the space as Tippi spoke first.

"Mmm, stars everywhere... I believe we're in outer space, almost certainly..." Tippi commented.

"Aw, space," Twink said sighing. "It's very close to the stars, yet so far."

"Like some kind of romantic setting, don't you think?"

"Yes! I was thinking the same thing!"

The Smashers somehow looked confused until they realised something very important. "...Wait a minute, isn't the outer space supposed to be a place without air to breath?" Toon Link asked.

"You actually bothered to read the book of geography I gave to you?" Zelda asked surprised.

"Meh, me and Raven couldn't do something else so...yeah."

The Smashers looked at no one in particular before their faces began to turn a shade of purple, trying to get air frantically.

"What troubles you, Mario?" Tippi asked as Mario tried to say something. "Ah... Yes, of course... We seem to be lacking air... You need that, don't you?"

"...OH MY GOD, HE'S RIGHT!" Twink said gasping as he saw the others having the same trouble.

Tippi stammered a little. "Oh... Oh, gracious me... What are we to do? Um... Well... Let me see... Um... Hrm... Urm... Hm... Then... Well... Well... But... So..." Tippi noticed that their faces turned very green, meaning that there wasn't much time left before they could...die. "NOOOOO!!!"

The scene suddenly got dark as Twink's voice was heard through the space's emptyness.


The party has been completely annihilated...

Nobody was able to heard of them again...

Music stops

Disgaea: Hour of Darkness

Laharl's Castle
Throne Room

"...Huh?" Chris looked around confused.

"What's wrong?" Lucario asked.

Chris looked down. "...I don't know why...but something really bad happened when we weren't noticing it..."

"..." Lucario closed his eyes. "...I see...that is a shame..."

"But I don't know why though," Chris said. "I think it's something that will be resolved in a second."

"...I think I hope you're right."

Chris smiled a little. "Thanks Lucario."

Lucario wagged his tail a little. "Anything to make you feel well."

Super Paper Mario



"...Papa? Is that you?"


"O-oww!" Mario opened his eyes after he got punched and looked around. "W-where am I?"

"In Flipside," Tippi said. "You're all right, aren't you? Oh, thank goodness..."

"All of you got out of breath and then passed out." Twink added.

"B-but how did we come here again?"

"That would be because of us," Geno said appearing to be unaffected, Mario looked to his left side and found Geno and Fox kneeled down to see him. "That was dangerous."

"And never call me your "Papa" again." Fox said annoyed.

"S-sorry...but if we ran out of air, how come you're alright?"

"Because I'm a puppet," Geno began. "Puppets don't need air to live, I'm an animated doll after all."

Fox grinned and pointed at the small helmet (if you could define that thing he has on the back of his head a helmet) on the back of his head. "This device gives air to my nose once I put it on, it creates oxygen through the mouth that I-"

"I-I think we don't want to know how can that thing give oxygen through the mouth, thank you very much." Tippi said as Fox rolled his eyes.

"...Because i-"

"Stop it!"

"I'M NOT WITH THE BLOOPER HATERS SOCIETY, DON'T KILL ME!" Bowser yelled waking up as they looked at him confused. "...I-I mean, ha! Take that you, evil Boogieman..."

It got worse for Bowser because they began to snicker silently.

"...Me and my big mouth." Bowser said facepalming.


10 minutes later...

All the group regained consciousness and they remembered that Merlon said that they were going to ask for advice, and that is exactly what they did afterwards.

Merlon's House

"Hmm?" Merlon turned his back, seeing everyone back. "Oh, look who is here."

"Shut up, book lover." Mallow said.

Merlon rolled his eyes and frowned, deciding to give them his aid, you may ask why.


Because whatever the Light Prognosticus foretells, it is the law. Period.


The group conveniently found a kid (that Toon Link questioned by his cubic look) after Merlon told them to seek a boy because he gave him some fishbowls that with...oddly enough if it could get any odder, 9 fishbowls with Captain Gills and his "group of henchmen of justice" that they had to look for a spot with enough water by the boy's request.

Though they only had single the option to drop them in dirty waters...

"Captain Gills, you shall wander these dirty waters and become a mutant if my fantasies can do that for you." Mallow said setting Captain Gills free.

"That was kind of..." Peach trailed off.

"...Wait a minute, where are the other fishes?" Toon Link asked staring at his empty fishbowl.

"Burp." Sonic burped.

"...Dude, when did you..." DK trailed off before his fish appeared alongside the others. "...They were hiding in the fishbowls? Then what did you burp for?"

"I ate a Mushroom on the way here...but it didn't taste good."

"Hey," Mario turned to Sonic. "Mushrooms are KILL!!!"

Both started to fight as soon as they looked at each other and everyone watched them fighting awkwardly.

"Somebody stop them, please!" Peach said covering her eyes.

DK looked at Mario biting Sonic's nose. "...I'll do it."

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Temple of Bryyo

Multiplayer (Metroid Prime 2)

"Watch out for the environment here, that guy turned everything here in ice." Snake said.

"I'm surely think that this isn't going to be so good..." Pichu said trembling.

"Oh, you think?" Pikachu asked pointing at Dark Rundas's ice shards, that he used like bullets and crashed into the floor several feet away from both Pokémon. "At least aim before shooting, you hear me?!"

"I'll most likely do that." Dark Rundas said firing his ice bullets as he slid along his path of ice.

"The Triforce of Courage will be finally mine!" Ganondorf yelled rushing at Link, who sidestepped and slashed Ganondorf on the back. "Nice try, but you need more than that to beat me."

"I know that full well." Link said glaring daggers at Ganondorf as both backed away.

"Hey, you!" Wolf called from behind an ice pillar before dashing towards Ganonodorf with his Blaster ready. "Stand still to cut down your darn throat!"

"HUUUUUUUAAA!!!" Ganondorf used Wizard Foot to land a blow on Wolf, but the lupine jumped above him and shot several impacts into his face as Ganondorf grunted in pain and looked at Wolf. "Y-you got me, but it will not be so easy."

"You're just spitting out words," Wolf said crossing his arms. "You don't have any cells on your brain left, it seems."

"Luckily, I have reinforcements if I were to fail..." Ganondorf said smirking.


"LOOK OUT!" Link yelled once he turned his back and rolled out of the way of a Greap's blades, unfortunately Wolf couldn't evade it in time and got slashed across the face. "Are you okay there?"

"I just got slashed, so, no!" Wolf said twitching a little in pain. This small period of time gave Ganondorf enough time to grab Wolf by the throat with a short dash, using Flame Choke. "UGH!" Wolf grunted in pain as dark magic exploded around his neck and was slammed down to the floor.

"Pathetic to see you ready for your deathbed," Ganondorf said raising his foot. "But ends here!"


"What? UGH!" Ganondorf was pushed away and fell down the floor by the most unexpected person who could ever attack him before...

...It was Red, who panicked once the lord of all evil glared up at him.

"U-um, y-yeah, take that..." Red said gulping as he ran away to the sealed door.

"A normal kid like him...pushing me to the floor?" Ganondorf asked breathing in and out in rage. "You are asking for your deat-"

"Stand still," Wolf said holding the knife of his Blaster mere inches away from Ganondorf's face, however, the lupine was still of the floor and crawled his way quickly to Ganondorf. "...And...don't move."

"...You little..." Ganondorf whispered.

Wolf smirked. "...Finally, I have you at my mercy."

"And so am I."

Wolf blinked in surprise once he saw Dark Rundas standing besides him with his hand glowing with ice power before shooting a strong blast of ice that captured Wolf inside an icicle of ice.

"One has been taken care of." Dark Rundas said.

"Don't move."

Dark Rundas looked at his right side where Samus was aiming her arm cannon directly to his head. "Sorry, but that won't do at all." Dark Rundas said as he quickly created 2 blades of ice in both arms and reached Samus's suit quick to inflict a small cut on it, the bounty hunter grunted in pain and backed away.

"...What the..." Samus gasped once he saw electricity getting out from the cut she received.

"Samus," Dark Rundas began. "My attacks have been greatly increased by the phazon and the Shadow Bugs combined," Dark Rundas showed her his right ice blade. "One more cut and you will die..."

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!" C. Falcon rushed at Dark Rundas with Raptor Boost and pushed the ice hunter to the air by an uppercut to his chin, the hunter grunted in pain as he fell down the floor, C. Falcon doing the same since he was still injured.

"Thanks for the help," Samus said walking to him. "But now, you need to rest and leave the rest to us."

"...Can't do that..." C. Falcon muttered.

"You're going to get yourself killd otherwise." Samus said as Dark Rundas jumped to the air and rode an ice wave that he created to fly around.

"Heheheh...don't worry..."

"...Fine." Samus said dodging 2 boomerangs from 2 Boom Primids, C. Falcon saw a huge shadow behind and was slammed by a huge Bytan, the captain twitched in pain as he crashed into the wall and fell down.

"...At this rate... I'm going to get killed... I" C. Falcon said weakly.

"E-excuse me," Olimar said walking to his right. "I could offer you my assistance if you want."

"With those...weird plants?"

"Pikmins." Olimar corrected him.

"...(What did I do to receive this humiliation?)" C. Falcon thought as he shook his head. "Fine... B-behind you!"

Olimar turned his back and gasped when a Floow appeared from the sky and floated to him. "P-Pikmins! Jump at it!" Olimar ordered his 6 Red Pikmins to jump into the Floow, where they started to bang it continuously before the Floow blasted away as the 6 Pikmins jumped off and walked towards Olimar. "Good job."

"..." C. Falcon blinked in surprise. "...For being plants...they sure to gang up."

Olimar laughed worried. "D-don't say it that way..."

"Pikachu!" Pichu yelled once 5 Glices were rolling around him, but with every second that passed, the rotating eyes were closer and closer to the electric Pokémon.

"I-I'm coming, attack them while I'm at it!" Pikachu yelled before a Roader ran over him. "...Okay, that's it! You're asking for it!" Pikachu said angrily charging his Skull Bash attack, the Pokémon went directly to the Roader and slammed his head directly, the Roader was sent blasting off as Pikachu joined Pichu in the fight against the Glices.

"I-I think I have an idea to take them out," Pichu said gathering sparks. "Let's combine our thunders to create a stronger attack...if it works."

Pikachu began to gather sparks. "Pichu, right behind me!"

"R-right!" Pichu said nodding with Pikachu as both Pokémon stood back-to-back and called forth 2 dark clouds that combined into a bigger cloud, shooting down a big thunder that exploded into the Pokémon and the Glices who blasted away. "Pichu?"

Pichu's eyes were spinning. "I-I'm fine... Just a scratch here and there...heheheheh...huuuuh..." Pichu said dizzied as he fell down his back.

"...Link!" Pikachu yelled once he saw Link using his shield to defend himself from the previous Greap.

"U-ugh," Link tried to push the blade away. "This monsters is strong, I've been stabbing my sword all over it but to no avail, isn't there some kind of weakpoint?"

"Try attacking its head, I remember that is its weakness!"

Link nodded and grabbed a bomb from his back with his other hand and threw it at the Greap's head, it exploded upon making contact and the swordsman sighed before jumping over the creature with a backflip and stabbed its head directly, the Greap disappeared in a small explosion of light as Link landed back. "Finally, it was annoying me so muc-"

"You're finished." Dark Rundas said exploding a blast of ice that he quickly fired at Link, the blast of ice froze the swordsman completely inside an icicle as Wolf.

"G-g-g-g-g-g-great," Falco said trembling from the cold. "A-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-another o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-one w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-who g-g-g-g-g-g-g-ge-" Falco was interrupted as he was frozen inside an icicle by Dark Rundas.

"3 down and 8 more to freeze." Dark Rundas said looking down to Red, who gasped from the sealed door since he was giving orders to Squirtle who was dousing a Fire Primid's fire off.

"SQUIRTLE!" Red yelled as Dark Rundas shot another ice blast, the Tiny Turtle Pokémon rolled all the way to Red and shot a long stream of water to the ice blast, however once both attacks came in contact with each other, the water began to turn into ice and slowly went all the way down to Squirtle, Red thought fast and took the Pokémon away with him before the ice could freeze him as well, the stream of water turned into an ice pillar and shattered into pieces once it fell.

"Thanks." Squirtle said

"P-phew, that was too close..." Red said before feeling that the temperature around him got colder, his eyes widened once he saw a blade of ice right close to his throat.

"Indeed, that was close but this is even closer." Dark Rundas said.

"HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!" Red yelled in horror.

"Now, die."

"Now, stay away."

"Huh?" Dark Rundas looked at his right and was tackled down by Snake, Red took this opportunity to run away from the ice hunter with Squirtle following, Snake elbowed Dark Rundas's armor and punched him right in the face, Snake felt pain on his hand and backed away from the ice hunter who go up. "Idiot, my armor prevents me from getting a lot of damage, that fist of yours didn't make any tickle whatsoever."

"U-ugh, I see now..." Snake said as Samus was shown shooting 2 Scope Primids close to Snake. "Samus, we have a problem here."

"All of us do," Samus said finishing the Scope Primids with a Charged Shot. "What is the problem?"

Dark Rundas jumped to the air and rode his ice wave to concentrate his attacks on them. "His armor is too thick to penetrate, got something in mind?"

"We could pull it off using my Grapple Beam," Samus explained. "But he said the phazon and the Shadow Bugs gave him more power, so that won't take it off...or not enough unless we find someone else with something of the sort."

Snake looked at the 3 frozen characters. "Damn, they got 3 of them."

"C. Falcon is being protected by Olimar, Pikachu and Pichu are fighting together and Red and Squirtle are trying to stay at a long distance to prevent any attacks from reaching them," Samus said. "But if I remember... Link had this grapple item, what was it again?"

"Clawshot," Snake said as he saw 2 Fire Primids wandering around. "And I think I have the perfect candidates to get those guys out from the icicles."

"Then go, I'll help the others with the enemies."



"Careful with Ganondorf, you better look for him."

Samus nodded. "Roger."

Snake ran towards the Fire Primids and the creatures decided to follow him, charging up their fire breaths together, the soldier spy narrowed his eyes and grabbed one of the Primids. "Now go and get them out." Snake ordered throwing the Fire Primid at the icicle holding Wolf, the Fire Primid accidentaly released his fire breath and melted the ice, once it finished, Wolf was shown shaking his head as he got up.

"Ugh...darn bastard..." Wolf said grunting. "Where is he?"

"Hovering around like a f(beep!)ed up butterfly." Snake said pointing at Dark Rundas shooting ice blasts at Wolf again.

"That same trick isn't going to work with me again." Wolf said rolling out of the way of the blasts.

"1 out, 2 more." Snake said grabbing the other Fire Primid in time, tossed it at Link's icicle and melted it completely after the Primid finished, the swordsman twitched a little before getting up.

"T-thanks for the help." Link said rubbing his head.

"Okay, now go and find Samus, we'll attack that guy in unison." Snake said as Link looked confused.

"...Okay?" Link said running away as Snake decided to help Falco this time.

"Ganondorf, I know you're still here," Samus said looking around with a Charged Shot ready. "Come on out."

"Certainly." Ganondorf appeared right behind an ice pillar and used his Flame Choke to dash over Samus, the bounty hunter quickly spun on her feet and grabbed Ganondorf using her Grapple Beam, the lord grunted angrily before Samus threw him into the air, right below Dark Rundas who got careless and crashed into him, both of them grunted before crashing to the floor. "Y-you darn...girl..."

"Now, Samus!" Link yelled shooting his Clawshot at Dark Rundas's armor, Samus fired her Grapple Beam at the same spot and both began to use their strength to pull the armor off, Dark Rundas studdered from the last move he received and was pulled off from his armor.

"Go go go!" Pikachu yelled lunging at Dark Rundas with Pichu, both of them got stuck inthe ice hunter and began to discharge electricity directly to the hunter, Dark Rundas yelled in pain as the electricity ran through all his body.

"T-t-t-t-t-t-take this!" Falco (now outside the icicle) yelled firing several shots from his Blaster, however, half of them missed because the avian was still trembling from the cold. "D-d-d-d-d-dangit!"

"You bunch of filthy rats!" Ganondorf yelled as he got up. "I am not going t-UGH!"

Ganondorf was slammed down the floor by Wolf's right foot, the lupine before dashed behind him, jumped and slammed Ganondorf down using a strong downward kick in the air, Wolf smirked down to Ganondorf and increased the force on his right foot above Ganondorf's chest, since he pinned him down.

"Now," Wolf began smirking. "Who's gonna be begging for mercy?"

"That...would be you!" Ganondorf spat out grabbing Wolf's leg and pushed it away.

"Not so fast!" Link yelled jumping to the air, pointing down his sword directly above Ganondorf who gasped and rolled sideways in time before it struck down the floor.

"Ugh, where are the reinforcements?!" Ganondorf demanded looking around.

"We already took them out," Snake said. "However, most of them are focusing their attacks on both captains over there."

Red looked at Olimar and C. Falcon being surrounded by 4 Metal Primids who didn't stagger at the attacks of the Pikmins. "Squirtle,"

"Water Gun?" Squirtle asked as Olimar was screaming for help.


"Withdraw?" Squirtle asked as 2 Metal Primids began to kick C. Falcon.


"Surf?" Squirtle asked as Olimar yelled for help once his Pikmins were taken out.

"Yes, that, use Surf on them!" Red ordered as Squirtle ran as fast as he could to the Meta Primids.

"Somebody should go an aid them," Snake said as Pikachu and Pichu were both grabbed by Dark Rundas and thrown away. "You 2, go and help the other 4, we'll take care of the pale guy and the popsicle guy."

"Hmmmm, popsicle." Pichu said before both Pokémon ran away to help the captains.

Dark Rundas was finishing by recuperating his armor and jumped atop the ice pillar of the middle. "I think it is time to use my strongest attack that you won't survive though."

"Pfft," Snake rolled his eyes. "Like if you could pull out something better."

"Actually..." Dark Rundas began to concentrate his ice techniques creating mist above him, the mist began to create what looked to be a huge ice pillar that he easily spun around him, the Smashers gasped as the ice pillar grew in size.

Falco used his energies to talk normally as his pupils shrunk in horror.


"RUN! WE HAVE TO EVADE THAT THING!" Wolf yelled as Dark Rundas threw the enormous iceberg at them from high above.

An huge impact was created in the temple and half of the pillars were shattered into billions of ice shards, a huge mist of ice covered the whole area as Dark Rundas chuckled evily, the mist was slowly clearing out and the ice hunter found out that he took out Squirtle, Red, Falco and Snake with a single blow. The 4 previously mentioned had many bruises around all their bodies and got knocked out.

"Heh," Dark Rundas jumped back to the floor and looked at Samus, who was kneeling down after she rolled out of the way. "I should have used that attack before."

"You...imbecile..." Samus muttered.

"Now now, Samus," Dark Rundas looked down to her. "This was expected from the beginning, they put their feet in my path and this is what they had coming, it was not my fault after was THEIR fault."

"Shut. Up." Samus said coldly.

Dark Rundas raised his right ice blade above her. "You won't get the pleasure to stay around here, unfortunately."


An explosion appeared on Dark Rundas and the hunter yelled in pain, Samus quickly stood up and ran away from the smoke, looking over her should as she ran, she saw Snake holding a remote on his hands, probably because he stuck a mine on Dark Rundas when he wasn't looking.

"...Thanks." Samus said as she turned her back and charged a shot of Dark Rundas was still living.

"Hello? Hello? Somebody? Hello?" A voice called from Samus's visor. "Is anybody in there? Hello?"

"That that you, Chris?" Samus asked hiding behind an ice pillar that was still complete.

"Oh, Samus! I'm so happy to hear you!... Well, not exactly, I want to see you instead."

Samus looked around for Dark Rundas. "How did you get in the visor's transmission?"

"That would be because of me." Kawashima said.

"Anyway," Chris began. "I wanted to know what is your situation over there, is everyone alright?"

"...I'm afraid not, Rundas got possesed by the Shadow Bugs and his attacks have been greatly enhanced, he took out 4 of us already with an ice pillar he used."

"...(I hated that move when I was playing in Hyper Mode difficulty...) I you think you can defeat him?"

Samus saw the smoke clearing out and Dark Rundas disappeared. "Them, Ganondorf is in this too."

"Oh no..."

Samus found Dark Rundas hig above the ice pillar and jumped down to her, ice blades ready to cut her down. "I'm busy right now, talk to you later."

"W-wait!" Chris's transmission ended.

C. Falcon saw that the Metal Primids were taken out due the ice pillar crashing on them, however, he looked up and gasped once he saw Ganondorf grabbing Olimar by the throat, the Pikmin captain struggled to get off but he was too weak to get off.

"H-help..." Olimar muttered weakly as Ganondorf smirked.

"L-let him go!" Red yelled charging at Ganondorf but he was pushed away by Ganondorf's right foot to the ground. "D-dangit... Sorry, but you have to help, come on out, Ivysaur!" Red threw the Pokeball in the air and called Ivysaur out, the Grass Pokémon blinked before his eyes widened.

"I-ICE!" Ivysaur yelled as he hid behind Red.

"Oh no, you're going to fight and that's that! I'm YOUR trainer after all!"

"A-a good trainer should protect his Pokémon (Olimar: H-help...anyone...) before him or her, if you're going to help me (Olimar: R-really...e-everything is getting...blurrier) then put me back in my darn (Olimar: N-noo...) Pokeball right this instant!" Ivysaur complained as Olimar was thrown above him and landed on the floor.

"Well sorry, but we're about to lose!" Red complained back.

"I'm about to die in this heat/cold nightmare!"

Red gasped once Ganondorf picked up C. Falcon by the throat and began focusing his dark magic on him. "Ivysaur! Quick, use Vine Whip!"

Ivysaur looked behind him and trembled a little. "F-fine." Ivysaur said, simply stretching his vines to Ganondorf's leg and pulled him down the floor. C. Falcon was set free and tried to get away, fortunately, he did it.

"Y-you..." Ganondorf said as he got up. "...YOOOOOOOOUUUUUUU!!!"

"...WantAnything?! No? OkayThanksBye!" Red panicked picking Ivysaur (Ivysaur: PUT ME BACK INSIDE MY POKEBALL, RED!) up and ran away from the slow runner lord. "Wait a second, where's Squirtle?! SQUIRTLE!" HEY, SQUIRTLE!"

Somewhere around the area, there were Pikachu and Pichu looking around for mentioned Pokémon, the collision of the ice pillar made them blast away to another direction inside the area, they found Squirtle laying unconscious on the floor close to pieces of ice. Both Pokémon remained in their current positions and thought about a plan.

"Dammit," Pikachu said. "If that hunter makes another ice pillar like the one before, we're going to get killed."

Pichu was trying to wake up the Water Pokémon. "B-but what could we do about that?"

"I-I don't know...if we could use our Final Smash t-" Pikachu did a double-take. "Wait, that's it! The Final Smash!"

Pichu blinked surprised. "I-I forgot completely about it! Do you think the gauge is ready?"

Pikachu crossed his arms and looked at Squirtle. "I'm not too sure, Chris and Kawashima normally announce when it's ready...but maybe we have separated gaues since we're separated in different worlds?"

"...I think so, but..."

Pikachu made a serious face. "We have nothing to lose for now, we've got to use it!"

"B-but who?"

"...Oh man..." Pikachu got in a thinking position. "We have to think this again, the right person to use the Final Smash should be..."

"It can't be you?"

Pikachu shook his head. "No, I want to, but... I trying to think of the others this time because I don't want to sound selfish. Now let me think who...hmm..."

Pichu's ears perked up a little and looked around. "O-oh no, someone's coming!"

"We have t-" Pikachu was interrupted as a foot covered in darkness kicked him away to an ice pillar, the Electric Pokémon yelled in pain as he fell down, making Pichu gulp in fear after Ganondorf walked slowly to him.

"S-stay back!" Pichu said gathering sparks. "I-I mean it, stay back!"

"Stupid maggots," Ganondorf muttered. "You think you can end this encounter that easy? Well, let me tell you something," Ganondorf glared at Pichu (who whimpered). "This has gone long far enough."

"W-why are you acting like a meanie to me?" Pichu asked.

"Insolent monster..." Ganondorf said.

Pichu began to feel something horrendous, he didn't know what is was, but something was wrong with Ganondorf, a dark energy began to cover himself and the Pokémon backed away with the fainted Squirtle, Ganondorf's eyes turned bright yellow as he chuckled evily. "H-huh?!"

"Triforce of Power," Ganondorf began. "...Bring darnation to these impudent fools!!!"

Everything seemed to be covered in darkness as a roar of a huge beast was heard, echoing through the area...


Disgaea: Hour of Darkness

Laharl's Castle
Throne Room

Disgaea - Etna Boogie

Chris sighed out of the blue and decided to do something to get out from his boredom, and that was checking if the others were doing fine in the other worlds.

"This is Chris speaking, hello? Is anyone there?" Chris asked as Kirby appeared from the door and walked to him.


There was a buzz sound coming out from the small speakers of the DS, Kawashima appeared on the screen with a confused look.

"Strange," Kawashima commented. "I can't seem to find any signals from the planet Bryyo."

Kirby made a worried look. "D-do you think something bad happened?"

Chris looked down worried. "...I hope not, I've got 2 bad premonitions today. I don't feel so good about this anymore..."

"Don't worry," Lucario called out close to them, the Aura Pokémon was leaned to the wall with crossed arms. "They'll be fine."

"...Please." Chris muttered.

"Hmm, let me see if there is any signal from Mario's world," Kawashima said looking around for some data inside the DS. "...Hmm...hmm...hmm......hmmmmmmmmmm.....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..............hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-"

"Stop it!" Kirby said annoyed.

Kawashima laughed a little. "Ha ha, sorry, I was just kidding about that part honestly."

"Did you get a signal yet?" Chris asked worried.

"...Of course!" Kawashima said smiling. "You're now in Chat Room A with secret person number 1!"

"...Name please." Chris and Kirby said bored.

"You're no fun. You're speaking with Fox."

"Good." Chris said.

"You there Chris?" Fox asked.

"Yes," Chris sighed in relief. "For a second there I was worried because there wasn't a signal coming from where you are, what happened?"

"There are still so many things that I don't quite understand," Fox said making a bored look. "Do you think I know honestly?"

"I guess no." Kirby said.

"But in any case, everything is fine over here. We're currently navigating through the space with a...weird alien-squid guy we found in a lost ship, apparently he wants us to escort him to a place called... I forgot, but that's not so important."

"It's very important, Squirps!" Squirps called out angrily. "How dare you say those words to Squirps?! You're a big meanie, big ugly meanie I tell you, Squirps!"

Fox decided to ignore Squirps. "I can't wait to get out from this hellish place to be sincere..." Fox whispered.

"It has been a pain in there?" Kirby asked.

"Oh, where do I start?" Sonic's voice was heard. "First: this world is LITERALLY straight, so no running around, second: I had to go inside FREAKING water, third: for some odd reason I can't look at Mario directly because I'd get in a fight with him and finally, fourth: I WANNA LEAVE THIS PLACE!"

"...Fight Mario by no reason?" Chris, Kirby, Lucario and Pit (who came from the hallway) repeated confused.

"Helloooooo!" Peach called giggling. "How is everything over there? I hope it's good!"

"Peach!" Chris and Kirby said making happy expressions.

"...Out of everyone here, Peach has been the only one enthusiastic." Zelda said.

"Not me," Diddy said. "Going through here is actually fun. Right Yoshi?"

"Above the outer spaaaaaaaace," Yoshi was heard singing. "Above the outer spaaaaaace!"

"...What the heck? Yoshi is singing?" Chris asked.

"I told you before," Fox said. "This world is by far the most, utterly and weirdest place I've ever been before."

"How's Mario?" Chris asked ignoring the statement.

"Here. I'm fine." Mario said.

"Phew, he's not dead after all!" Kirby said relieved.


"Mario?! Dead?! When?! When?!" Bowser asked excited looking around.

"What are you talking about?" Mario asked confused.

"Er...forget he said that," Chris said. "Well, I'm leaving all of you. I'm going to call you the next time... I get bored with Laharl."

"ETNA!" Laharl yelled from the throne, ignoring the 4 talking to the DS. "ETNA! I WANT MY DINNER!"

"Geez, why don't you eat your shoe, my Prince?!" Etna yelled from the kitchen.


"I-I said why don't you eat is almost ready, wait a little more!" Etna said sweating.

"...You better be!"

"Uh-oh." Kawashima said.

"Yes, I know. Somebody is going to get killed here." Pit said.

"That's not what I meant!"

Lucario walked to them and looked down to the DS. "Then what is it?"

"The got stuck! I can't get out from the Chat Room A!"

Chris tilted his head. "...I forgot, is that supposed to be bad?"

"Are you still there?" Geno asked.

The 4 looked at each other before realising what Kawashima meant. "...Oohhhhh!" Kirby said nodding.

"It looks like the signal got stuck since this DS isn't supposed to stay connected with another different source of communicator," Kawashima explained as he chuckled nervously. "...That means you just got a transmission that will never, EVER, end."

"...Don't tell me MY scouter got CORRUPTED because of you." Fox said.

"...Er...look at the hour!" Kawashima said sweating. "Well, I'll leave you all alone, kthxbye!" Kawashima said shrinking until he vanished from the screen.



"Yes?" Chris asked.

"...Once we finish our missions...would you do me a favor?"


"Once we're back..." Fox began to pant heavily to calm his inner rage. "You're going to come with me... I will take that...DS thing off your hands... And I WILL stomp on it until it's destroyed... Then everyone will be happy... Got it?"

"...S-see the bright side of this!" Chris said laughing nervously. "A-at least we're going to stay in touch with each other!"

"C-Chris," Kirby began to tremble. "N-normally when Fox gets like this he..."

"Kirby, you're scaring me. What?"

"...WHAT THE HECK IS THE BRIGHT SIDE OF THAT?!?!?!?!?!" Fox yelled furiously, even the DS trembled.

"Turn that thing down!" Laharl demanded. "You've been irritating me for the last 3 hours after we came here!"


"H-he meant the volume of the..." Pit realised something. "...Oh, I see."

"I'm going to turn it off," Chris said pressing the Power button. "...What the-it's not turning off!"

"I told you," Kawashima said appearing. "You can't exit this place until we're done with the worlds."

"...Well, fu-" Fox's voice was blocked to prevent Chris from hearing that curse. "I'll just have to stay here, listening to any talks then..."

Chris smiled a little. "This isn't going to last too long, besides, what could irritate you besides that we can talk and talk endlessly?"

Suddenly the floor began to tremble and from the hallway, tons and millions and billions of Prinnies came rushing in, carrying the dinner for Laharl along with tables, napkins, forks, spoons and such.

"Oh no, not again!" Pit yelled annoyed.

"Dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, doo-"

"AAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Fox yelled annoyed from the DS, which was above Chris since he tried to prevent falling into the lava pool because of the Prinnies. "I've had enough of this. I'm taking this thing off me!"

"W-wait!" Tippi called. "You said that helmet of yours give you oxygen, right?"

Fox was just about to take off helmet when he realised that he would run out of air and die in the space. "...I think I just got blackmailed of something...this sucks..."

"EVERY SINGLE PRINNY LEAVE THE DINNER BEHIND AND LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Laharl ordered harshly as the Prinnies began to panic and left the room, with a single table in front of Laharl with his cuisine. "Oh yes, an Overlord's stomach shouldn't be empty."

"But isn't your body so skinny though?" Kirby asked.

"What was that?!"

"I-I mean if your body is so empty though?"

Laharl smirked as he picked up his utensils and stared down at his food. "Hell yeah it is!" The Overlord said before pinning down his steak with his fork and began to devour it, ignoring Kirby who drooled at the food.

Chris put his DS back to his pocket and sighed. "...I want to do something, anything."

"Well," Flonne appeared from his back and the World Traveler backed away from her. "Would you help me with something?"

"What?" Pit asked.

Flonne looked down. "Lately after Laharl said that he didn't have any good emotion... I've been pondering to show him those very same emotions to him, so I wondered if you could help me out with my task," Flonne made a serious face. "It is a mission I want to fulfill for the good of everyone and for Master Lamington."

"Are you even serious?" Pit asked. "That demon is just, well, acts like a brat around us!"

"Whu wus thut?!" Laharl asked with a full mouth.

"I like a bat around us!"

"Nuvurmund thun!"

Chris sweatdropped. "...I'm staying out of this."

"W-why?" Flonne asked looking down sadly.

"I don't WANT to get killed by Laharl and his sword. Besides, I want to get curious and look around the castle. Lucario, would you come with me please?"

"W-wait!" Flonne grabbed his hand. "I really need your help or else I won't fulfill my mission!"

"..." Chris sighed worried. "...Fine, but if Laharl goes all furious on us, Lucario will stop him."

Lucario rolled his eyes with a frown.

"But that also means Kirby and Pit will help."

"O-okay... I don't mind." Kirby said trembling scared.

"Well," Pit began. "Maybe demons have emotions so...count me in."

Flonne joined her hands together and smiled. "Thank you!"

3 minutes later...

"W-why do I have to do this again?" Kirby asked as Flonne held him close to her neck like some sort of doll.

Flonne giggled. "I want to see if Laharl will rub your head," Flonne imagined the picture she wanted to see in her mind. "It's going to be really cute personally, and it happens that you are cute!"

Kirby gulped. "I-I don' like where this is going..." Kirby sighed as Flonne walked directly towards Laharl on his throne.

"100 years agoooooo, amore! I came in here to go, amore! So bored, so bored, amore! No toilet paper here, amore! I wait 100 yeeeears, amore! What for, what for, amore? Any paaaper, please, amore? Just a sheet for me, amore! Implore, implore, amore!" A voice said from the DS.

"We're going to look around for toiler paper?" Mallow asked.

"Great, from a number 1 final boss to a toilet paper finder." Bowser complained.

Laharl watched Flonne walking to him and he glared at her and Kirby. "What is it with you now?" Laharl asked crossing his arms.

"Here," Flonne put Kirby on Laharl's lap. "I hope you can be good at him, isn't he cute?"

"H-hiiiiiiiii..." Kirby said waving at Laharl, who glared down at him.

"Cute?!" Laharl repeated as his pupils shrunk. "AAAAAAAAAHHH!!! DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU I SAY!" Laharl picked Kirby and threw him away, directly to Chris who was talking to Lucario and fell down the floor. "What are you trying to do?! Are you enjoying this torture?!"

Flonne shook her head with a small giggle. "Nope. I'm enjoying this because you finally have a chance to have love (Laharl: DAAAAAAHH!!!) and kindness (Laharl: DAMMIT!) and happiness (Laharl: IT BURNS, STOP IT!) and eternal peace (Laharl: SOMEBODY KILL ME RIGHT NOW!) for a change!"

"...Oooooooh, I see now," Pit said as Flonne went on and on about her emotions. "She is torturing Laharl instead of teaching him such emotions."

"This is Flonne we're talking about," Lucario said as he got Chris up. "She meant those things truthfully."

"...O-of course, I knew that."

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Laharl yelled again as he blocked his pointy ears. "DAMN IT, STOP THAT CRAP!"

Flonne blinked, still being the oblivious and naive about Laharl's demands. "B-"

"Won't you listen to me for once?! I hate those emotions! I TOTALLY, BLATANTLY, HATE THEM!" Laharl yelled as his eyes turned yellow and his antennas pointed straight up to the roof, even the lava on each pool began to erupt in rage.

"Oh well," Flonne said smiling. "I'll see you later then." Flonne began to walk away from the hallway, thinking of another plan as Laharl panted heavily before he calmed down along with the lava (the group was shocked that his rage caused all that) as he sat down in the throne.

"That was..." Chris trailed off thinking. "...Very scary."

Big Sis Prinny sighed. "I guess some things never change."

Lucario looked at her. "When did you get here?"

"Oh, sorry for appearing out of nowhere," Big Sis Prinny said bowing. "I just happened to enter in here after Laharl made that tremble. Boy, he knows how to start a rambling."

"Do you Laharl that much?" Kirby asked as Big Sis Prinny gasped silently.

"I-I, yes, I know him very well..." The pink Prinny looked outside. "You might say since he was born..."

"You're here." Meta Knight called from the door and walked to them.

"Were you looking around the castle?" Kirby asked.

"Yes," Meta Knight nodded. "Nothing so far seems out of place, apart from all the "Prinnies" in here that is. Etna has been bossing them around the whole building."

"If it's Etna the person we're talking about, then most likely." Pit said.

"Besides," Meta Knight looked at Big Sis Prinny. "You stand out from all the Prinnies."

"O-oh, yes," Big Sis Prinny said sweating. "It's just my height and my color, nothing else."

"That is not completely true."

Big Sis Prinny sweatdropped. "W-what do you mean, sire?"

"Everyone," Meta Knight looked at them. "What is the word that a Prinny says commonly?"

Pit shrugged. "You mean "Dood"?"

Meta Knight nodded and a silence fell in.

"...If I recall," Lucario began. "She doesn't say that at the end of every sentence or at the beginning."

Big Sis Prinny gulped. "N-no, what do you mean, dood?"

Lucario glared at her. "You liar, you're using it now."

"A-ahaha, n-no, dood, y-you must have been mistaken myself."


"O-oh my, why is he showing his fangs at me?"

Chris raised a finger. "Lucario can find out whether you're lying or not by reading your mind."

Big Sis Prinny gasped and sweated even more. "O-oh, I-I see dood, w-wow, look at how hot this place got, I-I must report back to my duties in the castle dood, s-so, see you, good bye dood!" The pink Prinny began to run on her feet before running away, leaving a trail of dust as Laharl watched it disappear.

"Sometimes I even wonder how are all those weirdos my vassals, ugh," Laharl said shuddering. "Oh well, I'll have the most menacing ones for the best though, MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

"Hey, did you hear something?" Twink asked.

"No," Diddy began. "But I think someone in here can give us a toiler paper or something of the sort."

"That Prinny is reallyyyyyyyyyyyyy fishy..." Kirby said tilting his head.

Pit looked around. "Wait, where is Mewtwo? I haven't seen him ever since we came here."

"Mewtwo is trying to control and calm down all the dark energy this place emanates," Meta Knight explained. "He can't stand this amount of "darkness" being concentrated in one place that his psychic skills are being perturbed."

"But where is he?"

"I believe he is meditating in silence somewhere around the castle, but I don't know where."

Lucario glowed for a second. "...Mewtwo is some floors above, probably in the highest one."

"What do you mean by probably?" Chris asked.

Lucario stopped glowing and looked down. "...To be honest, I'm perturbed as well. My aura isn't feeling so well that..."

"...It decreased your power?"

Lucario nodded slowly. "I'm sorry, but right now I have the power of a normal Lucario."

"No wonder why you said that Laharl felt powerful." Pit said.

"Then does that mean if you had you-" Chris was interrupted.

"Even with my normal aura, Laharl could prove to be force to be reckoned with."

"Then... HELP ME! I'M GOING TO FALL!" Chris said leaning towards the floor, making Lucario gasp and ran as fast as he could to catch him, he managed to do it but he felt Chris a little bit heavier. "Thank you..."

"Don't. Do that. Again." Lucario said with a serious face as he helped Chris.

"...Uh-huh." Chris said a little scared.

Pit turned his back and walked away to the hallway (ignoring the long maniacal and evil laugh from Laharl) as the group kept talking between themselves.


"Flonne?" Pit saw Flonne looking to another direction...

...But there was something in her mind that she remembered a long time ago when she was in Celestia...


Flower Garden

Disgaea - Eternal Melody

Celestia - a world where beings known as angels live. The Netherworld, Celestia, and the human world...legend has it that these worlds are connected. This is one of such nexuses, between the Netherworld and Celestia. However, it is sealed by a gate constructed by the angels of ancient times...

There was a beautiful flower garden floating in the holy clouds of Celestia, home of the angels and the one in charge, Seraph Lamington.

On a peaceful garden of flowers, there was Flonne picking up flowers as Lamington appeared behind her since Flonne wanted to talk about something regarding the Netherworld.

"Master Lamington." Flonne said as she stood up and faced the angel.

Lamington was always a very calm figure, no matter what, he never gets angry at anything. Lamington always showed his happy expression around Celestia, his pale purple hair was long, his wings were long and he wore ancient clothes from the previous rulers of Celestia.

"What is it, Flonne?" Lamington (or Seraph as Flonne called him, along with the title Master first) asked.

"The angels told me that the demons are all evil. Is that true?" Flonne asked.

"What do you think?" Lamington asked back with a small smile.

"Hmmmm..." Flonne wondered. "I've never met one, so I don't know."

"Haha..." Lamington put a hand on Flonne's shoulder. "Listen carefully, Flonne. There is no such thing as absolute evil or absolute good" Lamington explained as he looked at some angels flying away in the distance. "The angels assume that they are good and the demons are evil. That is an unfortunate misconception. Demons do have love. The angels...and in fact, most demons, just do not realize it. If we can guide them... If we can make them see, then one day..."

"One day?" Flonne wondered titilng her head.

Lamington chuckled a little. "One day...demons could show those emotions to us and prove the angels they're misunderstanding."

Flonne smiled. "Do you think I could do something like that?"

"Hahahaha, maybe, just maybe, that is something you must fulfill. Teaching demons such emotions would be very great indeed."

Time passed ever since Flonne had her last conversation with Lamington until the day of her mission started...

"Did you send for me, Master Lamington?" Flonne asked appearing from the sky, where Lamington was looking at the flowers blooming in the gardens.

"Yes, I did," Lamington said with a small laugh. "Here, Flonne. Have a look. The flowers are in full bloom."

Flonne looked at the flowers blooming and smiled happily. "How beautiful!"

"..." Lamington already knew that she was going to say that from the beginning, whether or not he was going to tell her.

Flonne giggled. "I love these flowers. They are simple, yet so bright and lively..." Flonne looked back at Lamington. "I want to be like these flowers..."

Lamington took a moment of silence to talk. "...Flonne, listen carefully to what I have to say."

Flonne tilted her head. "Yes?"

"As Seraph, I have orders for you, Angel Trainee Flonne."

It was finally Flonne's time to do what she wanted to do for a long time, it was the time where she was going to show the demons in the Netherworld the true meanings of love, friendship, peace, eternal love, eternal peace, happiness, enthusiasm, concern, pity, good relationships an-

"Go to the Netherworld and assassinate the Overlord, King Krichevskoy."

Music stops with a scratch

Flonne quickly turned white in shock as a shocked expression took form on her face, her eyes widened and turned white as well, and the only thing she could say from her shocked expression was: "Huh?"

Laharl's Castle

Disgaea - Lord Laharl's Hymn

"Master Lamington," Flonne said joining her hands. "I will accompany Laharl for a little while longer. He is selfish, self-centered, and stubborn... And those aren't his only shortcomings," Flonne blinked as she smiled and closer her eyes. "But I have discovered a hint of kindness in his heart. It may be small right now... But I have great hope that he will learn to love. So, Master Lamington..." The Angel Trainee looked down with a happy face. "...Please forgive my digression."


"U-UAH!" Flonne jumped in shock and fell on the floor. "O-oww..."

"S-sorry! A-are you alright?" Pit asked helping Flonne.

"Y-yeah..." Flonne said. "Sorry for you to look at me talking to myself, I was just remebering something important. Now you're wondering if I'm some sort of weirdo..."

"I-it's okay, don't worry about it."

"Thank you." Flonne said smiling.


It was frustrating, horrible, unbeliavable...

"Flonne hasn't reported back for a long time after she left Celestia, why is she delaying so long?"

Vulcanus, one of the highest angels of Celestia wondered in irritation.

Vulcanus was one of Lamington's most trusted angels, but the first one always had his own ambitions that he kept in secret. Vulcanus has been frustrated that Seraph Lamington sent Flonne to assassinate King Krichevskoy, Vulcanus's clothing wasn't all that different from Lamington's, except that his face looked a little menacious, there was a brown mustache under his nose (some may say the mustache comes out from his nose) and the golden simple helmet on his head.

Vulcanus grunted as he appeared in the Netherworld. "...Still, this demon den is so filthy..." Vulcanus said looking around the inferno. "What I don't understand is why Flonne hasn't returned to Celestia," Vulcanus thought for a moment before gasping. "...Is it possible that she's trying to use the demons to gain control of Celestia?!"

"Most likely."

"That's it! That has to be it! There's no other explanation!!!" Vulcanus grunted in frustration. "I won't allow it! My plan shall not be interfered with...wait," Vulcanus looked behind his back and gasped once he saw a huge shadow, glaring down at him with its red glowing eyes. "W-who are you?! Some sort of filthy demon?!"

"Relax," the figure said. "I am here to help you in your plan."

"M-my plan?!"

"Yes," the figure nodded making noises of a machine. "Are you interested to accept our services?"

"Services? Of a demon?!"

"No," the figure shook its head. "We want to do something about the Overlord as well. Since we have almost the same goals, why don't you make a deal with us and we help you?"

"...Hmm..." Vulcanus wondered.

"Take your time," the figure said chuckling. "I must take revenge on that filthy World Traveler scum and the Smashers..."

Guests' Room


"We're going to rest here for the time being," Toon Link said yawning. "We've been pretty much going around without stopping."

"Aw, how sweet, we're going to sleep under the stars." Peach said.

Fortunately for the Smashers in Laharl's Castle, there were many rooms for guests to rest in, apparently that is because Laharl's father liked to have important guests of the castle...or just build them because for the heck of it.

"Lucario, look," Chris said pointing at his DS. "There's an option to see what Fox's sees through his scouter, maybe we could see what he sees."

"Then use it, I know you want to," Lucario said as Chris clicked the option. "What is there?"

"...I don't know why," Chris said taking a closer look in the top screen. "But there is a big emerald-colored eye glaring at me and it's getting menacier with every second it passe-"

"Chris... I believe that is Fox's right eye staring at us."

"Would you mind putting the view the right way, please?" Fox asked narrowing his glaring eye.

"You have it backwards." Lucario pointed out.

"Oops, my bad. Sorry." Chris said chuckling nervously as he changed the view.

"Around the big planeeeeeet," Yoshi sang as he fell asleep. "Around the plaaaaaaaa...neeeeeeeeeet..."

"Squirps wants to cross the space!" Squirps demanded. "And it has to be now!"

"Sorry, first we need to rest then we'll help you." Geno said.

"...Okay, Squirps needs his beauty sleep, heheheh." Squirps said showing happily his teeth.

"Oh yeah," Mallow said looking at Chris. "Were you able to contact the others?"

"...No," Chris said looking down. "I'm not receiving any signals from Samus or someone else... I'm afraid something bad happened to them."

"They're fine," DK was heard snoring a little. "Just put some faith in them."

"I've put my faith 17 times in a row..."

"...L-look at the time, I need to sleep..." DK said yawning out loud.

"A-anyway, good night everyone." Chris said.

"Good night Mallow." Peach said.

"Good night Peach, good night Mario, good night Tippi, good night Geno, good night Twink, good night Diddy, good night Toon Link, good night Lucario, good night Bowser, good night Sonic, good night Chris, good night Fox, good night Yoshi, good night Thoreau, good night Boomer, good night Slim, good night Thudley, good night Carrie, good night Squirps, good nigh-"

"SHUT UP MALLOW!" Everyone yelled annoyed.

And Mallow shut up.

Simple as that.

And they went to sleep.

And Chris suffered all the snores coming from his DS, along with Lucario who blocked his ears with a pillow.

...The next day...

Throne Room

"EMERGENCY!" Etna yelled from the hallway as she opened the big double doors. "WE HAVE AN INTRUDER IN THE CASTLE!"

"What?!" Laharl asked standing up as the Smashers (with Mewtwo and Big Sis Prinny) looked at her. "Where's that filthy imbecile?!"


Laharl fell anime-style and stood up angrily, antennas pointing up. "THEN WHY THE HECK DID YOU SAY THERE WAS AN INTRUDER?!"

Laharl began to hear sobs from the hallway along with the others, it was Flonne who looked a little pale and she fell on her knees, Pit, Lucario, Chris, Kirby and Big Sis Prinny ran to her worried and kneeled to see her closer. "F-Flonne, it's something wrong?" Kirby asked.

"Why are you looking pale though?" Meta Knight asked.

"M-my..." Flonne sobbed. "M-my pendant..."

"Pendant?" Lucario repeated.

Flonne nodded sobbing even more. "M-my pendant. The Seraph gave that pendant to me before I came to the Netherworld..." Flonne cleared some tears. "An Angel Trainee like me cannot stay in the Netherworld very long without that pendant..."

"Pendant...yes," Mewtwo said nodding. "I do remember you wearing a pendant."

"Wait," Pit said remembering. "You were always wearing a pendant now that I remember, that is special?"

Flonne nodded. "Y-yes, that pendant is blessed to protect angels in training like me from the Netherworld's curse... A-at this rate, I will lose all of my energy, and eventually die..."

"D-die?!" Chris asked shocked.

"...Yes... I'm sorry everyone... I was so careless." Flonne said sadly.

"Hmmmm, is that so? Well, that sucks." Etna said as Pit glared at her.

"Etna!" Pit said angrily.

"Prince, whatcha gonna do?" Etna asked looking at Laharl with a grin. The prince crossed his arms.

"Like I should care," Laharl said. "She came to assassinate my old man in the first place."

"That's our Prince," Etna said smirking. "Even capable of turning his back on such a helpless little girl."

"(But that is downright cruel...)" Chris thought.

"O-of course..." Laharl trailed off.

"L-Laharl..." Flonne began coughing a little.

"W-what? It's the truth, isn't it?"

"Laharl..." Flonne coughed a little more as Lucario managed to hold her in her arms, Kirby sitting on his shoulder to look at the angel. "I-if you can find my pendant, I will give you something good..."

"..."Something good", you say?" Laharl asked raising an eyebrow.

"(Stupid, greedy bastard.)" Pit thought.

"Hmph. If I wanted it, I'd just steal it from you." Laharl said.

"Y-you would use violence on weak little me?" Flonne asked.

Lucario began to growl at the prince. "If you are trying t-"

"Give it up, already! I'm a demon!" Laharl stated throwing his arms up. "It doesn't matter how you are! Even if you were old, maimed, or diseased!"

"...Fine." Flonne said clsing her eyes. "Then, my gift will never be yours..."

"...What's that supposed to mean?"

"..." Flonne didn't say anything.

"Tell me, dangit!" Laharl demanded.

"Would you stop being a brat around here?!" Pit asked taking his dual blades. "She's in a critical condition for Palutena's sake! Are you're yelling at her like that?!"

"What's all the commotion in there?" Fox asked from the DS. "We're currently in this... Whoa Zone place. I got lost in this freaky dimension... And my blood if probably going to my head because I'm walking on the ceiling!"

Everyone ignored that complaint as Flonne remained silent. "...Poor child..." Big Sis Prinny muttered.

"...Are you trying to provoke me?" Laharl asked.

"Laharl," Meta Knight began. "Maybe you should listen to her wishes for once and see what she wants to give you, it could be something of worth that you wouldn't get anywhere else."

"..." Laharl closed his eyes. "Hmph... Fine. I've got some time to kill."

"(But this...)" Lucario looked down to Flonne. "(...So sudden, why I couldn't detect that intruder?... This place, the darkness that shrouds it...)"

"Laharl..." Flonne said smiling.

"But!" Laharl raised a finger. "Let me make one thing clear. I'm not doing this for your sake! And when I find the pendant, that "something good" is mine! You got that?!"

"...Thank you...Laharl..." Flonne said weakly as she opened her eyes.

"You're an angel! You shouldn't be thanking demons. I do what I want, when I want!" Laharl looked away annoyed and angrily. "Remember that! Hmph!!"

"But who got inside the castle in the first place, dood?" Big Sis Prinny asked.

"I couldn't sense anyone," Mewtwo said. "I can't concentrate my powers very well here... Sorry."

"I-it's not your fault." Chris said reassuring Mewtwo.

"...Huh?" Fox was still confused at the whole situation. "Did something happen in there?"

The group explained everything to Fox, and much for his dismay, he was the only one of the whole group who got lost in the Whoa Zone because everyone else made it in time to the end, where Squirps waited impaciently for everyone to get reunited.

"So you're telling us that the Pure Heart is across that door?" Tippi asked.

"Yep, Squirps says so!" Squirps said...

But suddenly, a stomp was heard in the screen followed by many more. There were many chuckles and Chris looked at the DS.

"Hey, are you all chuckling?" Chris asked.

"Who are these people?" DK asked.

"Chris, something's wrong in this place. We're being ambushed by 6!" Fox said.

"Ambushed?! Who are they?!"

"...Wait, that guy over there, he looks like Lui-"


"No!" Kirby flew to Chris's shoulder. "Did we lose the transmission?"

"Oh my!" Kawashima said appearing. "I'm afraid something discrupted the transmissions between each other. It's kind of like what happened to the others, but I can feel something jamming the call!"

"...This doesn't look good." Lucario said concerned.

"Who cares about them?" Laharl asked crossing his arms. "We have to find that pendant and get whatever this "Love Freak" wants to give me!"

"...You stupid little..." Lucario muttered in rage, but before he could do something, they all began to hear something.

"...Wait a minute..." Flonne said closing her eyes. "...Don't you hear something?"

"Hmm..." Laharl took a moment of silence. "...It sounds like many footsteps are coming from outside the castle..."

Chris looked outside the window and began to tremble. "...E-everyone..."

Kirby got shocked and gulped. "O-oh no no no no..."

"What?" Etna asked peering out of the window and her eyes widened. "...P-Prince..."

"Yeah?" Laharl asked.

"...I-it looks like we've got company..."

"And lots of them!" Pit added.

Meta Knight looked outside the window and found something familiar that caught his eye. "Wait, isn't that machine over there..."

Chris gulped in fear. "Oh''s Galle-"


"Hello there everyone!" Etna's voice was heard showing some mysterious pictures. "Looks like the 3 teams are in for a surprise, the first team got disconnected from our reach, the second team ended in a twisted dimension and my kick (beep!) team is still standing against the next battle!"

"E-Etna, what are you doing?" Flonne's voice asked.

"Weren't you weak?"

"Nope, I'm perfectly fine in this preview section yo-"

"Will our heroes resist the sudden attacks? Will I get my own interesting sequel for this story? Will I get even more sexier than I am? Will Flonne give Etna the precious item she talked about?"

"W-when did I say I was going to give yo-"

"Next time on Sexy Extravagant Hyper Dimentional Spacial Demon Lord Etna: Etna's Time To Shine In Battle VS. The Beast Of The Ominous Space! Laharl's fear to the MAX!"

"E-Etna, isn't that title kind of long?"

"Well, it is, but hey, it raises drama, doesn't it? Heheheheh... I can see my name's letters in gold for the title of this entire story already, think about it!"

"...I will?"


"But you aren't the main protagonis-"

There was a sound of a bullet and someone fell dead.

"That should do it." Etna said kicking a girl angel.


Do you want to save your data?


Overwrite File?


Laharl's Castle
Chris, Lucario, Mewtwo, Kirby, Meta Knight, Pit, Laharl, Etna, Flonne

Whoa Zone
Sonic, DK, Diddy Kong, Zelda, Toon Link, Fox, Yoshi, Mallow, Geno, Twink, Mario, Peach, Tippi

Snake, C. Falcon, Red, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Pikachu, Pichu, Falco, Wolf, Olimar, Link, Samus


Chapter 109: Etna's Time To Shine In Battle VS. The Beast Of The Ominous Space! Laharl's fear to the MAX!


The Last of Disgaea, Dood

Disgaea: Hour of Darkness

Laharl's Castle
Throne Room

Hidden Mountain & Forest

"-om!" Chris finished.

"WORLD TRAVELER!!!" Galleom yelled from the army of Primids and other creatures from the Subspace. "SURRENDER AT ONCE YOUR EXISTENCE, TABUU WISHES TO KILL YOU AND SEE YOU DEAD ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!"


"Hey!" Laharl glared at him. "Do you know who the hell are those guys?!"

Chris looked down. "Y-yes, I do. They're the Subspace Army that are trying to take over the worl-"

Laharl's antennas pointed straight up in fury as the demon crossed his arms. "WHAT?! They're here to take over the Netherworld, and more specifically MY OWN DAMN CASTLE?!"

A light bulb appeared above Pit's head. "O-of course! Not only they want to take over the worlds, but they also want to take this castle as theirs as well!"

"WHAT?!" Laharl asked as the lava rose up violently in the room.

Another light bulb appeared above Kirby's head. "Or they could take this castle and take it down since it's worthless for them."

"...GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!" Laharl grunted furiously. "So they want to take my castle but destroy it because it looks puny?! Who do they think they're dealing with?! I'm the Great Overlord Laharl for my own sake!"

Another light bulb appeared above Chris. "I'm guessing you're not going to do anything, am I right?"

Laharl pointed angrily at him. "Oh no, I'm going to cause havoc to those impudent idiots! Etna!"

"Yes, my Prince?" Etna asked making a salute.

"Gather all the Prinnies and make an order to attack those guys. What are you waiting for?! THIS IS A DAMN ORDER!!!"

"Alrighty! Heheheheh!" Etna said running away to the hallway.

"Vassals!" Laharl began. "Prepare for battle. We're going to fight every single one of them back and keep the castle safe! And that also includes the casanova, the angel boy and the pink marshmallow!"

Chris, Pit and Kirby looked at him annoyed.

"You there!" Laharl pointed at Big Sis Prinny. "You're coming with us and fight out there!"

"I-I'm afraid I can't my Prince, dood." Big Sis Prinny said sweating.

"WHAT?!" Laharl asked enraged.

Big Sis Prinny took out a broom and began to clean the floor. "W-who's going to watch over the castle in your absence, dood? Somebody has to stay behind and watch over it so those guys won't come in here, dood. (Oh please, let him understand that I can't fight out there...)"

"...You got a point there," Laharl said nodding as Big Sis Prinny sighed in relief. "Alright, everyone in here, listen well! We have a castle to protect until I become the next official Overlord, those nuisances out there aren't going to prevent that from happening if I haven't told them to do so! The Love Freak will have to stay here with the pink penguin and see what is her reward, understood?!"

"(Knowing Laharl, he's likely going to cast that huge meteor again.)" Pit said shrugging.

"(Why go outside since Laharl can kill all of them by himself?)" Kirby asked.

"We understand very well." Mewtwo said nodding.

"Alright then!" Laharl turned his back to the door and smirked. "They don't expect what they're going to get from me. I will rule over the Netherworld and destroy anyone who crosses in my path to become the Overlord! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH-cough-cough-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA" Laharl laughed evily and maniacally as he floated above and flew to the hall...still laughing evily.

"Be aware," Mewtwo began as they looked at him. "My powers have been decreased as Lucario's, we have to be careful in every move we do or we could end dead."

"I hate this darkness..." Lucario said clenching his fists.

"Is it really that bad?" Kirby asked.

"Yes," Mewtwo said nodding. "Once we're done with Galleom and his army, we're going to return back to the mansion and see if the others made it alive."

Meta Knight took out Galaxia and turned to the door. "Then let us begin the war."

"W-war?!" Chris and Kirby repeated shocked as Lucario put Flonne down in the red mat.

"There's not enough time before they make it to the bridge of the castle, we must aid Laharl...sadly!" Pit said shuddering at the thought.

Though most of them shuddered and began their way down to the bridge.

However, Pit returned and looked down to Flonne who tried to stay alive by breathing heavily. "...Please, don't die on me... We're angels, weren't not supposed to die like this..."

"Do you care for your loved ones?" Big Sis Prinny asked.

Pit blushed. "I-I, I care for my loved ones."

"Then go outside and give it all for Flonne," Big Sis Prinny made a happy expression. "I'm sure she will be truly happy for your efforts once you tell her."

Pti smiled a little but kept blushing. "T-thank you for your support. I will fight for Flonne...b-but don't think we're in love or something! I-I'm too young for that!" Pit said with a bow before he ran out, preparing his dual blades as he left.

Big Sis Prinny looked down to Flonne and looked around. "...I can't let a kind child like you die like this... I'm going to give you this," Big Sis Prinny ducked and poured some sort of medicine inside her mouth.

"G-gu..." Flonne slowly opened her eyes but Big Sis Prinny blocked them.

"(I can't let you know why I'm doing this or my secret identity would be exposed to Laharl...and I don't want that right now...)"

Several minutes later...

"Dood, what's wrong with her?"

"Dood, I don't know."

"Heeeeeeey!" Prinny number 35 called from the door as 2 other Prinnies stared down at Flonne who was regaining consciousness. "Lord Laharl wants us to attack the army trying to take the castle, dood, we have to help 'em out! Master Etna is EVEN out there, dood!"

The 2 Prinnies began to panic. "DOOD! WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THAT BEFORE, DOOD?!" Prinny number 2009 asked panicking.

"LET'S JUST REUNITE WITH EVERYONE, DOOD!" Prinny number 448 yelled panicking as the 3 Prinnies sprinted off the room.

"...H-huh?" Flonne blinked confused before gasping. "W-wait!" Flonne stood up and looked around, there wasn't anyone in the throne room besides her. "D-did you give me some kind of medicine to get better?! Hello?! Where's everyone..." Flonne put her hands on her neck and began coughing. "U-ugh... I-I'm still weak... Maybe I shouldn't be pushing myself so much..."

She began to hear explosions coming from outside until she realized what was happening.

"Oh no... There's the Subspace Army here... I-I need to go out there... If I can make it in time..." Flonne said weakly as she slowly began her way down the castle, leaving the throne room.

Behind the throne, there was Big Sis Prinny hiding and she peered out and looked at the door once Flonne was gone. "Phew. My job is done here for now... I hope Laharl results victorious in this battle..."

Super Paper Mario

Whoa Zone
Chapter 4-4 The Mysterious Mr. L

"Mario and his friends took the Space Byway (suffering the horrible and very strange world the 2-D dimension could be) and merged into the Whoa Zone. Known to some as the Space Graveyard, it was said to consume all who entered it. "Just a little bit longer... We'll be arriving soon," said young Squirps. "But I wanna get out of here!" Sonic whined though nobody cared about his complaints. With Squirps's unblinking eyes glimmering, he continued to forge onward (where they accidentaly got lost around the whacky space, at least Fox got more than all of them). Would Mario and his friends get their hands on the Pure Heart at long last?... Or would they end up in some kind of freaky sidequest that would take more time? Why did we talk about this random topic out of the space? Who knows actually? You are eager to see what is going to happen next still..."

Super Paper Mario - Mr. L Theme

The Smashers' way were blocked by 6 known figures (at least 3 of them were). Those 6 figures were 4 of Count Bleck's servants and 2 ogf Tabuu's army, Dimentio the magician of the dimensions, Mimi the shapeshifter, O' Chunks of some army? Charizard, Dedede...and of course, the mysterious Mr. L.

"Heh heh heh..." Mr. L chuckled along with everyone. "Finally, you all arrived."

Yoshi made a bored look. "...Why is Lui-"

"Wh-who are you?!" Tippi demanded ignoring Yoshi's statement.

"Come to think of it, I think I saw him somewhere else before..." Mario said rubbing his chin.

Geno rolled his eyes and frowned. "Mario, I can't believe you don't recognize your br-"

"Oh, me?" Mr. L asked interrupting Geno's statement. "Just one of Count Bleck's more promising minions."

Mimi got an angry expression. "Hey like, that is kind of rude," Mimi said giggling afterwards. "I guess the Count just plain likes you. How creepy."

Dimentio chuckled. "I wonder myself what is his plan."

"Oh, hi there clown guy!" Diddy said waving at Dimentio.

"Diddy, he's supposed to be our enemy." Twink said.

"The Green Thunder..." Mr. L began and everyone looked at him.

"The Green Thunder?" Sonic asked.

Mr. L took a weird stance before spinning around quickly then he came at full stop facing no one in particular and raised his right hand to the air. "MR. L!!!" Mr. L proclaimed as green lights shone behind him.

"...That has to be the weirdest pose and entrance I've seen before in my life." Sonic said as Mr. L grumbled.

"Mr...L?" Tippi wondered slowly.

"Or more accurately, Lui-" Zelda was interrupted.

"Oh, I know why are you sich nuisances to Count Bleck," Mr. L said rolling his eyes. "The day where you're going to dig your own graves is here."

"'r we 'ather 'ut ou' al' 'n 'he 'raves 'urselves!" O' Chunks said laughing.

"...Did somebody understand a word he said?" Toon Link asked confused.

"A rather not." Peach said.

"Look, there's Bowser," Charizard said smirking. "C'mon Bowser, you know you're evil, you want to join the baddies, aren't you?"

"I'm evil... I'm evil..." Bowser kept repeating. "HOWEVER!" Bowser raised a finger. "I, sadly, must stay with Mario this time around to rule the world someday, that's why I don't want to join anybody else...yet of course!"

Dedede rolled his eyes and whispered to Charizard once Bowser was crying toon tears: "And here I was thinkin' about make 'im understand."

Charizard frowned. "Who cares? He'll be begging to be in once we're done with him."

Bowser glared at them. "Hey, you! Yes, you 2! You said I was an idiot?!"

Both villians stared back at the villain, rubbing their faces a little with their fingers. "...We did?" Dedede asked confused.

Bowser began to stomp his left foot on the floor furiously. "RUAARGH! That is IT! You 2 are asking for it now!"

"...And he's your main opponent?" DK asked.

"Pretty much..." Mario whispered.

"So anyway," Mr. L began. "You guys have to, sadly, disappear for good."

"Just who are you?" Mario asked as Fox facepalmed.

"Mario, stop being stupid, that Mr. L guy is Lu-" Fox was INTERRUPTED as everyone else.

"Of course, Count Bleck isn't satisfied with you around, that's why he ordered me to take all of you out from his way." Mr. L said interrupting Fox.

"Would you stop with the interruptions?!"

"No! I like to be me!"

"No," Mallow said with a chuckle. "It sucks to be you."

"SUCKS?!" Mr. L's right eye twitched. "Don't make me call my brother here! I'm warning you, once my brother and I join forces, there's no one who's going to stop us, NO DEAD FRICKIN' WAY!"

"Helloooooooo?" Mimi called annoyed. "We're supposed to take out all of them as So no getting the praise for you alone. I want some praise coming from the Count too!"

Dimentio chuckled. "Indeed. I also happen to get some praise as well if you don't mind. Yes, I'm that egoist, ha ha ha."

Mimi looked at him with a weird look. "You were being sarcastic, weren't you?"

"What do you think?" Dimentio asked.

"Nevermind that."

"HA HA HA HA HA HA!" O' Chunks laughed proudly. "'he Coun' 's 'onna 'e 'appy 'fter I 'ummel al' o' ou' 'o 'he 'round 'ith 'o 'uch hamage!"

"What?" The Smashers asked confused.

"Er... 'ake 'hat damage...'ait!" O' Chunks glared at them. "On't 'ake me 'urt ou'!"

"So far the only things I was able to understand were "damage" and "me" from his odd's making my head hurt." Yoshi said rubbing his head? Yes, that's right. I'm sure as hell he doesn't have a head above his eyes.

"Wait," Geno stepped forward. "Tell me something first."

"What?" Mr. L asked.

"Are you by any chance guarding a Star Spirit?"

"Pfft," Dedede rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, we're guarding...a Subspace Bomb!"

"It's just beyong that door," Charizard said pointing at the door behind the group. "I doubt you're going to enter in there though."

"But my question was if you have a Star Spirit, yes or no?" Geno asked glaring.

"Look," Dedede began chuckling. "We dunno about a spirit of a star. You can only find a Subspace Bomb about to blow up and take the whole place for Tabuu," Dedede took out his hammer and began to spin it. "Mah hammer will knock out some sense to ya!"

"Geno..." Twink trailed off worried. "I-I think I can't feel a Star Spirit here... Sorry to tell you this."

"...It's okay," Geno said looking down before putting his left hand above his right hand, prepared to fire bullets. "I guess we'll have to fight all of them and save this place becau-"

"Because Squirps demands it!" Squirps yelled appearing between the group angrily. "SQUIRPS! How dare you kick me?! Squirps isn't feeling so well after that stomping, SQUIRPS!"

"You still conscious?" Mr. L asked raising an eyebrow. "Geez, you're persistent, aren't you?"

Squirps began to run on his tentacles. "The true power of Squirps will be manifested today, YAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-"


"Y-you know what?" Squirps asked as Mr. L kicked his head a little bit enough to make a bump on it. "Squirps will leave them to you, s-since Squirps is feeling a stomache right now after eating that delicious don't happen to have any with you?" Squirps asked with a grin before DK grabbed him...and threw him away. "SQUIIIIIIIRPS!"

"High-five for shutting him up," Mallow said high-fiving with DK. "Well," Mallow asjusted his pants a little bit. "We need to fight Mr. L right?"

Yoshi rolled his eyes with a groan. "Mallow...for the last time...he is Lu-"

"I don't need you to tell me it's a cool name," Mr. L said INTERRUPTING Yoshi who got annoyed. "I know it. Don't bother memorizing it. Why?" Mr. L stood in a fighting stance as the other 5 prepared as well. "Because we're about to give you a burial at sea... I mean, a burial in space."

"Oh, come-ON!" Yoshi said annoyed. "Mario, Peach, MALLOOOOOOOOOW! Bowser! You don't EXACTLY know who's that guy in green? Seriously?"

"Mr. L?" Peach asked confused.

"The Green Thunder?" Mario asked confused.

"A dude in a costume?" Bowser asked confused.

"An odd guy with a weird pose, weird clothes and uses a mask that makes his eyes look white?" Mallow asked.

"For crying out loud! That Mr. L guy is Lu-" Yoshi was...yes, you guessed it.

"Just because you're in red, pink, an idiot, a star, a fairy thingy, a dinosaur, cartoony, a furry, got 2 eyes that are creepily joined, ape, chimpanzee or spider monkey, long-eared lady, cloudy or shady fellow doesn't mean you're all strong." Mr. L commented addressing EVERYONE but his team.

"Okay, that's ENOUGH YOU!" Yoshi yelled glaring at Mr. L. "You darn guy. I'm going to reveal Mario and the other 3 that you're in reality Lu-"

"Have at you!" Mr. L yelled charging forward.

"Screw it then! You dress like an idiot!"

O' Chunks Battle - I'm Not Nice - Dimentio Charming Magician - Checker Knights...

...Or just...

Super Paper Mario - A Powerful Enemy Emerges

Everyone quickly separated and fought each 6 villians in groups of 2 in the odd world of the Whoa Zone.

"Finally, a fight for repayin' that fight in dah hedgehog's world!" Dedede said slamming down his hammer that missed Sonic (who grinned). "Hey, quit movin' around!"

"Why don't you catch me me first?" Sonic asked sitting on Dedede's hammer.

"You little!" Dedede spun his hammer as Sonic merely jumped awaya and used a fast Homing Attack directly on Dedede's stomach before rolling back. "A-ack! Damn you!"

"Hello?" Diddy asked tapping Dedede's shoulder. Dedede looked behind him and a banana was splattered on his face as Diddy fired several peanuts at the king. "I got him, attack now!"

"Roger that!" Sonic said spinning before slamming himself to the king using Spin Dash. Dedede was able to regain his stance and quickly used a weak Jet Hammer to push the hedgehog away from him as Sonic backflipped in the air and landed on his feet.

"Heheheheheheh!" Dedede laughed proudly. "Just keep attackin' me and you'll see my true abilities!"

"Saving the best for the ending, huh?" Sonic asked grinning.

Dedede grinned back as he raised his hammer. "You betcha, darn hedgehog!!!" Dedede yelled slamming down the hammer directly.

Using the hammer's shadow, the scene changed to O' Chunks's fist on the floor where Geno backstepped out of the way with Mario. "'ey! 'top oving 'round! Me 'ants to 'ive ya 'ome hamage!" O' Chunks complained stomping the floor.

"Mario, do you still have any idea what's this guy is blabbering about?" Geno asked as he charged his Geno Beam.

"No idea but be careful! If he grabs you he will toss you around!" Mario warned as he jumped straight towards O' Chunks, who gasped and received the hit as he charged towards Geno.

"Geno Beam!" Geno yelled firing his beam directly into O' Chunks's belly, the blocky guy grunted in pain and decided to jump in the air to reach Geno and grab him. "W-wait, stop it!" Geno demanded as O' Chunks began to spin Geno around him before tossing the puppet away, where he went crashing...somehow at the borders of the screen before crashing into the floor.

"O' 'eah!" O' Chunks said flexing doing some weird poses with weird lights as his background before stopping.

"...Dammit..." Geno muttered as he got up. "I won't let an attack like that get me again, Mario!"

Mario nodded. "Wait, why did I nod for?"

Geno facepalmed with a frown as O' Chunks charged forward to them as they sidestepped out of his fists' way. "Got you," Geno said firing several bullets under O' Chunks's chin, followed up by a fast (but weak) uppercut making the general back away as he grunted in pain.

"'amn ya!" O' Chunks complained angrily.

"Will somebody please teach him how to talk already?!" Geno asked. "He's already getting on my nerves!"

Mario looked at Mr. L who was motioning towards him. "...Just who are you?" Mario asked as he ran to him.

"Mimimimimi," Mimi chuckled as Zelda and Peach glared at her from another place of the same zone. "Why don't you just wait in some castle and be rescued by your princes my dears? Fighting isn't for you."

Zelda's right hand glowed. "Well, I'll take that as an insult."

"Do you?" Mimi said as she began to float above. "Well then! There's no time for talk, but tim to use my rubees of death on you 2!" Mimi called forth a protective barrier of rubees floating around her as Zelda shrugged a little.

"R-rubees..." Zelda said shrugging.

"What's wrong with rubees?!" Mimi demanded angrily.

"T-they're were Hyrule's last money currency...but it didn't turn out so well and we had to use rupees instead."

Mimi glared menacingly at Zelda. "So you just threw the rubees AWAY from YOUR kingdom?!"

"O-of course!" Zelda yelled back. "Rubees are frauds for a money currency!"


Zelda rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Like rubees are going to kill, oh no. Look at me! Rubees are going to kill me!"

Peach looked back and forth between both girls. "U-um... Zelda. I don't think that was a good idea..."

Zelda looked at her confused. "Why?"

"TAKE THIS WILL YOU?!" Mim yelled firing several rubees to the air as they slashed both girls who yelled and twitched in pain. "FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE!!!" Mimi ordered firing a barrage of big rubees at the princesses who ran away for their lifes, trying to think to counterattack her shots.

"Ha!" Zelda spun around using Nayru's Love to return back the rubees at Mimi. The shapeshifter gasped as 3 rubees went slashing her small arms as she flaied her arms around in pain.

"Owie golly!" Mimi yelped as she called forth more rubees that spun around her in the air. "My, you're very INTOLERANT stupid-heads!"

"Try shooting me with those "rupees" again and the same thing will happen." Zelda said.

"Oh?" Mimi giggled a little. "Then how about this?" Mimi asked getting closer to the floor where she began to spin the rubees around her in a fast pace before rushing at full speed towards Zelda and Peach. Both princesses gasped as Mimi collided her rubees at them as she floated above and giggled down to the girls. "Mimimimimimimi, you're not that hard to fight after all. Count Bleck will be surely pleased after I finish you 2!"

"Z-Zelda..." Peach trailed off.

"D-don't worry..." Zelda said getting up. "W-we won't lose to her..."

"Can't catch me," Dimentio said chuckling as he dodged DK's fist. "Not even here," Dimentio said appearing behind DK who quickly turned his back but failed to hit the magician who teleported out of the way. "Or even here," Dimentio chuckled disappearing before DK could land a fist. "Maybe I'm here," Dimentio said above DK who almost managed to uppercut the masked guy. "Maybe I'm over there," Dimentio chuckled behind DK's back as the gorilla tried to get him. "'round and 'round, Dimentio goes, where he'll stop, nobody knows!"

"Stop teleporting around!" DK complained as Dimentio simply appeared in front of him and slammed down a polygonal blast, making the kong back away. "U-ugh!"

"I've got him!" Toon Link said as he shot an arrow to Dimentio...but failed because he teleported away. "Curses!"

"Such "cleverness" that you both are supposed to have will only make everything harder," Dimentio said appearing several meters away from them. "I'll squash you down like 2 bees trapped in a jar of caramel."

"I'm starting to hate his mouth already." Toon Link said gritting his teeth.

"Why can't he stop teleporting around?" DK asked as Dimentio chuckled. "What's so funny now?"

"Your question," Dimentio said charging another attack above his finger. "The answer for that is so obvious that it makes me laugh."

"Watch out!" DK yelled as Dimentio shot the attack at Toon Link, however, the magician teleported away along with the attack before appearing behind Toon Link and slamming down the blast on him. "Hey, are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine..." Toon Link said making an angry expression. "But that guy is so asking for a stab on his pixelated look!"

"My," Dimentio appeared between them. "This battle sure looks promising after all. I wonder how much you 2 are going to last though."

"SHUT UP!" Toon Link and DK yelled trying to collide their attacks with Dimentio who just snapped his fingers and eleported away, making both receive the blow of the other straight in the face as they backed away.

"FIRE!" Bowser yelled firing a stream of fire to Charizard.

"MY FIRE IS BETTER!" Charizard yelled back using Flmaethrower to compete against Bowser's.

"Let me help, please please please please!" Mallow said running on his feet.

Bowser stopped his attack and Mallow gasped. "Look cloudy, this is MY own battle and yo-"

"RUN!" Mallow panicked running away as Bowser remember the Flamethrower from before who covered him in flames, the king of the Koopas yelled in pain as Charizard smirked.

"Told you," Charizard said chuckling. "My flames are better."

"DAMMIT YOU STUPID CLOUD THING!" Bowser yelled furiously at Mallow.

"Hey! I was just asking you nicely to help you out!" Mallow protested angrily.

Bowser raised a finger. "Rule number 1! No interrupting my business! Rule number 2-"

"Crisp the idiots in front of me!" Charizard interrupted using Flamethrower on the 2 who yelled in pain as the dragon kept firing his flames.

"T-THUNDERBOLT!" Mallow called out to the weird zone and soon thunderbolts began to fall down on the dragon who yelled in pain as Bowser and Mallow panted heavily. "H-he's going to get it now..."

"DUAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!" Bowser charged at Charizard and slammed his skull directly on Charizard's head, the dragon felt a strong pain and backed away as Bowser stomped on his head and shot his trail of flames back.

"Keep him like that. SHOCKER!!


"UAAAAHHH!!!" Charizard screamed in pain as he quickly backed away from the 2 and glared at them. "D-darn you... (Just you wait...until I get to use my...special attack...)"

"Hey! Mr. Jumpallthetime! Take a load of this!" Mr. L called by simply jump and stomp above Mario who jumped back after he received the hit.

"Why do I think I know him?" Mario asked rubbing his head as he evaded another stomp from Mr. L.

"HA-HAAA!!!" Mr. L. took out a Thunder Bolt that fell down on Mario as the masked man stomped on him and laughed afterwards. "Man, for all the stories I've been hearing about, you're not THAT hard. Geez, and you're supposed to be the so-calle-" Mr. L stopped talking once someone tapped his shoulder. "What no-"


"OWW! OWW OWW OWW OWW OWW! MY NOSE!" Mr. L backed away after Fox punched him right in the nose.

"Are you alright?" Fox asked to Mario.

"Y-yes, but there's something awfully wrong with Mr. L..."

Fox facepalmed and frowned. "Mario, don't you realize that "M. L" is actually Lu-"

"SUPER UPPERCUT OF THE GREEN DOOM!" Mr. L yelled springing below Fox who was pushed to the air and fell down the floor with an uppercut from the masked man who went to the sky and then landed back chuckling. "Don't you DARE to do a dirty trick like that, Mr. Furriedface!"

"Dirty...trick?" Fox repeated as he got up and glared at Mr. L. "So you want to see a dirty trick..."

Mr. L motioned a hand towards him. "Bring it on you dork! Just. Bring. It!"

Fox grinned and began to focus closing his eyes, making Mr. L confused before the antro began to be covered in flames and was shot towards Count Bleck's servant who gasped and was burned as the leader of Star Fox stopped and looked over his shoulder with a satisfied grin. "Do you like that?"

"UGH! That's why I HATE animals!" Mr. L yelled angrily as he noticed a blue round object besides him and exploded. "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!"

"Shh-BOOM!" Boomer called as he appeared besides Mario. "The vibes are just right here!"

"Good job," Mario said as he took out another item. "Thunder Bolt!"

A fast thunder fell on Mr. L who flailed his arms in pain (as odd as it sounds) and shook his head. "I hate being ganged up by 2 at a time!"

"I thought villains aren't supposed to follow the rules of a normal battle." Fox stated.

"Well yeah but..." Mr. L shook his head. "D-darn you! That's right. Damn you 2, really!"

"Got ya!" Dedede yelled slamming his hammer on Diddy who gasped and screamed in pain under the hammer.

"Not quite right with that!" Sonic called slamming himself in Dedede's stomach using Homing Attack as Diddy got out from the hole the hammer caused.

"SONIC!" Diddy yelled as Sonic was sucked up inside Dedede's mouth before the king shot the hedgehog back at Diddy who rolled along with him on the floor and stopped as Sonic was above him. "O-oww..."

"HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH!" Dedede chuckled. "What? Are ya makin' out now? HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH!"

"...D-darn it..." Sonic muttered as he got off from Diddy. "I can't fight that well in this kind of all..."

"Then you'll have to...fight anyway..." Diddy said as he got up. "We'll have to wait until we finish here."

"But that sucks!" Sonic said. "He sucks!" Sonic said to Dedede. "This whole place sucks!" Sonic said at the floor.

"And he sucks." Diddy said nodding.


"I-I mean he literally know what I mean?"


Diddy opened his mouth as big as he could. "Now?"


Diddy facepalmed. "That guy sucked you up!"

Sonic instantly glared at Dedede. "Hey you! Nobody sucks me. I don't suck either!" Sonic stated as he used Spin Dash to slam himself on Dedede who used Jet Hammer and pushed him back at Diddy who kept frowning.

"IMA CRUSHIN' 'OU!" O' Chunks yelled trying to stomp of Geno who rolled out of the way and fired his beam at him. "OUC'!"

"One more word and I'm really going to puke," Geno muttered as O' Chunks began to spin around extending his arms and went towards Geno who jumped and fired several bullets at his head then landed to use Geno Whirl which went at a blinding speed and damaged O' Chunks. "No weakness with that attack. At least it hurt him."

"AAA'!" O' Chunks yelled in pain. "Dam' puppe'! Sto' 'ovin' 'roun'!"

Geno made a confused look. "...What did you just say again?"

"I 'a'' ''op ''vin' ''oun'!"


"I '''' ''o' '''in' '''un'!" O' Chunks yelled annoyed.


"Geno!" Twink yelled from above. "Stop questioning his already messed up language! Get fighting!"

"R-right..." Geno trailed off as O' Chunks tried to punch him.

"RUBEES HATERS!" Mimi yelled angrily as her rubees spun madly around her. "DIE!"

"How many I have heard that word to me?" Zelda wondered as she jumped out of the way of the attack and spun to use Din's Fire on Mimi who got burned and stunned, giving Peach enough time to call Thudley and stomp hardly on the shapeshifter.

"OWIE!" Mimi said. "Okie dokie. Time to give you something impressive! SHA!" Mimi began to gloe brightly making Peach shield her eyes and went it stopped, sombody else was there were Mimi was.

"...Zelda?" Peach asked confused as she walked to Zelda.

"Mimim-I mean, hehehehehe-I mean. Hi Peach." Zelda said chuckling heartily.

Zelda rolled her eyes. "Please, do you think Peach will fall for an obvious trick lik-"

"Who are you?" Peach asked to Zelda.

Zelda facepalmed. "Peach, it's me, Zelda! Don't you remember me?"

"Remember the good times when we paced around the garden?" Zelda asked remembering.

"What? Those times were actually awful! She went on and on about Mario and Luigi and his Toads in the Mushroom Kingdom. Why did I get annoyed because? Because she says the same things the next day an-" Zelda noticed that Peach was glaring at her. "...Er...I mean... Peach, it's me!"

"Oh, I know who are you exactly!" Peach said angrily as she help up Boomer.

"Peach, put that pixl down..." Zelda said motioning her hands down.

"Fine!" Peach yelled dropping Boomer on Zelda which exploded and made her receive damage.

"OWWIE!" Mimi screamed in pain as she glared at Peach. "H-how did you know it was me?!"

Peach hopped up a little and looked back and forth between Zelda and Mimi. "Wait... I thought the other one was the fake Zelda..."

Zelda frowned and facepalmed. "I'm so confused now..."

"Who was who?"

"WHO CARES?!" Mimi asked calling forth her rubees that went after Peach who quickly put her umbrella in front of her to shield herself and Zelda.

"U-ugh!" Charizard struggled to push Bowser away with his claws as Bowser's claws tried to push the dragon away.

"Go go! Bow-ser! Go go! Bow-ser! Go go! Bow-ser!" Mallow cheered from behind as Bowser glared over his shell.

"Cloudy, shut the hell up!" Bowser yelled struggling.

"Aww..." Mallow looked down sadly as he sobbed...before he broke out crying. "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!"

And then the rain came on the battlefield as everyone fought under the weather that appeared because of Mallow. Charizard quickly gasped and covered the flame on his tail before Bowser slammed his head (or more specifically the horns) on Charizard's stomach to push him away.

"...Hey!" Mallow said looking up (stopping his tears and the rain) as the weather stopped. "I did it!"

"Look at what have you done to my hair!" Bowser complained pointing at his small red hair that fell down instead of being pointy.

"...You look good though."


"I-I mean, look out! He's charging at you!" Mallow yelled pointing at Charizard who came from behind Bowser and used Flamethrower...that vanished once it touched the wet floor.

"Dammit!" Charizard cursed as Bowser went after him with fists ready.

"O-o-o-o-oww!" Mr. L backed away after Fox continuously kicked him all around his body.

"Had enough yet?" Fox asked.

"...Nope!" Mr. L said taking a Shroom Shake that recovered his wounds. "Not even a bit!"

"W-what th-his wounds recovered?"

"That's what a Shroom Shake does," Mario began. "Not only they're healthy and highly nutricious but they also recover woun-"

"Did I asked for what the soda was made of?" Fox asked with a bored look.

"At least it's good to know." Mario said as Fox rolled his eyes.

"SPINNING GREEN KICK!" Mr. L yelled lunging at Fox with...a normal kick on his back as the vulpine was pinned down the floor while the masked guy grinned. "Hahahaha! Who's the master when it comes down with kicks?!"

"...Not me..." Fox muttered.

"That's r-"

"Or you!" Fox yelled by quickly rolling by the side (causing Mr. L to lose his balance and fell down), quickly kneeled and used Fox Illusion to slash Mr. L and escape from his grasp.

"Got you!" Thoreau said catching Mr. L as he was dragged all the way above Mario who held him up.

"W-what's the big idea?! Let me go!" Mr. L complained flailing his arms.

"Fox!" Mario yelled as Fox pulled back his fists and rocketed off to Mr. L using Fire Fox which made Mr. L to fall down and moan in pain.

"...I...still have more..." Mr. L muttered as he drank another Shroom Shake before he got up and laughed triumphaly. "It's going to take a lot a of time before you take out the Green Thunder! Or more accurately, never! Hahahahahahaha!!!"

"Damn that guy and his...sodas." Fox said cursing under his breath.

"Let's attack him before he uses one," Mario suggested. "He accidentaly indicates when he's in danger of losing."

"Oh wait," Mr. L said. "I have to take another soda because I'm weak so..." Mr. L looked through his pockets but he couldn't find mentioned item. "W-what?! W-where are my other sodas?!"


Mr. L turned his back and gasped once he saw O' Chunks drinking what looked to be 10 Shroom Shakes at the same time as he was shown recovering his whole health as he laughed. "YOU PIECE O-"


Mr. L turned his back and saw Fox ready to send him a fist right on his face. "...Bring it!" Mr. L said in a fighting stance. "I'll show you!"

"(Why is he so familiar?)" Mario thought. "(And what are the others doing right now?)"


Disgaea: Hour of Darkness

Laharl's Castle

"WORLD TRAVELER! I DEMAND YOUR PRESENCE HERE IMMEDIATELY!" Galleom demanded stomping on the ground as the Primids prepared their weapons.

The castle was located on the center of a big pool of magma and lava (or both things combined), although it was a big cliff where lava or magma (or both things) sprouted furiously upwards. The castle was on a cliff with a bridge connecting its entrance and the exit. It also was tall but had an odd design with multiple thin towers.

The Smashers (or more accurately Laharl's vassals) stepped out from the bridge and saw the insane amount of Subspace enemies surrounding the castle.

"Hmph," Laharl said putting his sword behind his back. "So is this some kind of lame welcome party?! What the heck are you taking me for?!"

Pit rolled his eyes. "This ISN'T a welcome party! This is an army ready to take us on!"

"(Should I leave everything to this brat?)" Mewtwo asked to himself with a frown.

"L-Laharl," Chris began as Laharl looked (or glared) at him. "We should take out their commander first, that way they'll retreat sooner an-"

"Why should I listen to you?!" Laharl asked.

"W-well, I've battled with them from experience so..."

Laharl smirked. "Why not have fun with all these fools first? I'm as sure as hell that we or I can take all of them at once!"

Etna giggled. "My Prince, I think you should leave everything to your loyal army of Prinnies at your disposal. Why don't you do that first to see if we could participate in battle?"

"Because I don't see any of those chicken heads here!"

"Huh?" Etna looked behind the bridge and sure enough, there weren't any Prinnies in lines or something else. "...Those idiots are SO gonna get it..."

"Megaphone time?" Kirby asked.

"PRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!" Etna yelled extremely loud to the castle with a megaphone (probably the one she always uses) and many Prinnies were heard panicking inside. "TAKE YOUR FRICKIN' (BEEP!)S OVER HERE AND LEND US A HAND, WILL ALL OF YA?!"

"WE'RE COMING MASTER ETNAAAAAAAAA!!!" Prinny 121 yelled as a stampede of Prinnies came rushing out from the castle as fast as they could and began to form a long barrier of themselves in front of Laharl's vassals. Sometimes they would trip and get up to create the long line which surrounded the entire abyss of laval until it stopped and the Prinnies confirmed that by saying: "Dood!"

Prinny 25 saluted Etna. "Master Etna, the front guard is complete and ready to take orders from your real highness and of course Overlord Laharl, dood!"

Etan grinned and narrowed her eyes. "Excellent. Now we can attack all of them with the same amount of subordinates."

"MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Laharl laughed maniacally to the dark sky of the Netherworld. "Take that you stupid worthless scum! You will feel the wrath of the Great Overlord Laharl's army of...wait," Laharl narrowed his eyes. "Why in the world do I have such army of Prinnies and not monsters?!"

Etna laughed a little. "Well... King Krichevskoy had many different vassals but...they ran away and left the caslte where you kept stinking in that stinky yeah...."

"..." Laharl closed his eyes irritated. "Etna."


"Remind me to hunt down those bastards and give them and piece of my mind."

"Right. Writing that down on the list of quests, dood." Prinny 150 nodded writing Laharl's wish.

"Ahem," Meta Knight coughed. "We still have enemies to take out. I advice you to do something about it."

Laharl smirked. "Normally I would yell back at people who order me around but your idea isn't that bad either."

"T-then can I suggest tactics?" Chris asked.

"Heck no! I'm the one giving orders to you casanova!"

A red toon vein popped out from Chris's forehead but hence that he kept smiling. "R-right, my great Overlord Laharl sir..."

"Ha!" Laharl laughed a bit. "Now THAT's more like it!"

"D-do we have a chance?" Kirby asked trembling.

"With Laharl. Yes." Mewtwo said.

"H-how come you're certain that Laharl will take all of them out?"

"Because he can. Simple as that."

Kirby looked around. "...I'I hope you're right..."

"Okay!" Laharl pointed his sword at the army of Prinnies. "Who's the imbecile in charge of this idiot excuse for an army?! Show yourself before me!"

Pit facepalmed. "Laharl, you're expecting Galleom to come out from his army and yell back at you?"

"...Actually..." Lucario began as Pit looked at him. "...He is coming right here..."

"DOOD!" 8 Prinnies were pushed out of the way as the machine came and glared down at them, who took fighting stances as Laharl simply crossed his arms and glared up at Galleom.

"You're the brat who has been daring to call the Subspace Army a pest?! How dare you disrespect Lord Tabuu's force?!" Galleom asked furiously.

Laharl pointed at him. "Because I f(beep!)ng say so! Nobody can beat me, the Great Overlord Laharl. Not even YOU Mr. Purple Skin!"

Galleom narrowed his eyes. "You little...cockroach..."

Laharl's antennas pointed up to the air, meaning that he got furious. "Cockroach?! Ha! Don't you dare again to call me like that or you're not going to see the darkness again!"

"H-he's so lucky then..." Chris whispered to Lucario.

"So," Laharl pointed his sword ar Galleom's face. "Mr. Giant Metalic (beep!), do you want to provoke me? I remind you that I'm going to be a nasty little "cockroach" to yourself if you dare to go on... C'mon! Say something before I crush you down!"

"Mwhahahahahaha!!!" Galleom laughed. "Such words coming a cockroach are very hilarious to hear and listen!" Galleom glared down at them. "But I'm afraid this needs to end here and now."

Meta Knight rolled his eyes as a response. "If somebody says that then the opposite will most likely happen."

"What did you say?!" Galleom asked tigheting his fists.

"Hey, you!" Laharl called out as his hands glowed in a purple aura (that Lucario and Mewtwo considered malevolent). "We're suppose to have a "nice" talk between the 2 of us! Don't ignore me!"

Etna yawned. "My Prince...why don't you start and beat the crap out of him already? I wanna take a rest as soon as possible..."

"Hmph," Laharl smirked. "I was waiting for someone to say that. I was sick already of all this talking wi with Mr. Giant Metalic (beep!) here."

Galleom chuckled a little. "You're just a pebble in my way to capture the World Traveler... However, you can be kind and give him away..."

"Grrrrrrrr..." Lucario grunted as he stood in front of Chris who sighed in relief and glared at Galleom.

"How cute, a dog protecting its trainer." Galleom taunted.

"D-don't dare again to call Lucario and "it" again!" Chris yelled back. "But you can call him a dog if you want!"

"Chris!" Lucario looked at him annoyed.

"Well, it's the truth! You can't stop licking my face and wag your tail when I make you happy!"

"Enough useless information!" Galleom yelled raising his fists in the air. "Stand right there and be CRUSHED!!!"

"Bring it on! HAAAAAAAAA!!!" Laharl yelled lunging at Galleom with his sword ready.

Boss Battle Song 1

"CHARGE, DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!" Prinny 25 yelled as all the Prinnies...took out what looked to be simple sticks and pebbles that they held above them as the battle for the castle and the Netherworld began.

"Sticks and pebbles? Are they being serious?" Pit asked confused as Etna took out her axe.

"The Prinnies are very dedicated to all what that they do," Etna grinned. "Leave 'em with their affairs."

Pit rolled his eyes. "Whatever..."

"DIE!" Galleom yelled slamming his right fist into Laharl who simply held his left hand above him and stopped the full attack, which astonished the robot. "W-what?!"

"Fool. Do you think your size and "looks" are going to crush me like an insect?" Laharl asked.

"U-UGH! JUST YOU...WAIT!" Galleom struggled to crush the son of Krichevskoy but wasn't able to do it. "I-I'n not going to be humiliated by a brat like you!"

A vein appeared on Laharl's forehead. "Hmph!" Laharl pushed away the fist and grabbed back his sword that appeared in his long bandana.

"M-my god, Laharl is extremely strong..." Kirby said shuddering as Chris embraced him tightly.

"T-then why don't you use your sword to fight?" Chris asked as Galleom prepared to ram at Laharl.

"Tsk," Laharl began frowning. "I like to make my foes feel humiliated by my force. I only fight with my sword when I want to train...but if they piss me off, I'll use my bare hands instead!"

"DAMMIT BRAT, SUFFER!" Galleom yelled running at Laharl to ram his metalic shoulder at him.

"STOP CALLING ME A BRAT!" Laharl yelled creating small energy ball of electricity on his right hand before it grew to his size and shot it at Galleom which created an explosion. "MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Pit sweatdropped and shuddered at the same time. "...D-don't tell me Laharl will come to the mansion because I absolutely don't want that happening!"

"Pit, for this time, shut up and don't spread out ideas." Chris said trying to stay calm.

"I agree." Mewtwo said simply standing besides the 3 with Etna, Lucario and Meta Knight.

"Hey, how come we are all here watching Laharl fighting alone?" Pit asked confused.

"My Prince can take anyone out in a matter of time," Etna said yawning as she sat on a beach chair. "Just leave everything to him."

"Where did th-" Pit stopped once he saw 3 Prinnies attending Etna. "...Nevermind."

Kirby made a bored face. "We're just going to watch from here and do nothing?"

Mewtwo closed his eyes. "I believe we should save our energies in the meantime. We could need it for something else."

"And I don't think I have a chance." Lucario said as Chris went to him.

"If we're going to rest, then..." Chris started to rub Lucario's head as the Aura Pokémon growled happily. "Let's spend the time like this, do you agree?" Chris asked and Lucario nodded as his tail wagged a little. "Heheheheh."

"Ugh..." Galleom grunted in pain as the smoke from the energy ball cleared out and glared down at Laharl who was smirking with crossed arms. "You...filthy...brat..."

"Stop. Calling. Me. A. BRAT!" Laharl demanded shooting another electricity ball to Galleom who backed away from the explosion and prepared to fire his missiles at will. "Try any attack, it won't make any difference."

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Galleom yelled annoyed as he fired off his missiles that went towards Laharl who grabbed his sword and began firing slashes that literally were shot from his weapon and destroyed the missiles with ease.

"Are you done yet?" Laharl asked raising an eyebrow.

"Not quite!" Galleom spat back as he turned into his tank form and rushed at Laharl, however the demon put his hands in front of him and tried to let the tank go further as it stopped at 3 meters. "W-what the heck?!"

Laharl chuckled. "The only cockroach I see here is your giant metalic (beep!), HYA!" Laharl grabbed Galleom and threw him at the side where the Smashers saw the machine turning back into his real form. "What other tricks do you have? I dare you to show them to me!"

"Fine!" Galleom yelled pulling his right fist back as he ran towards Laharl before colliding it with the ground and tried to reach Laharl's chin.

"Come on, that trick is so overused..." Laharl muttered frowning as he simply sidestepped and evaded the uppercut as he threw his sword at Galleom's throat as it became stuck in the skin, which made Galleom yell in pain. "What's the matter? Feeling a sore throat all of a sudden? MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Galleom grunted as he took out the sword from his throat and threw it away as he raised both fists and slammed them down at the ground, however Laharl flew to the air and fired several green blasts from his hands as they exploded continuously on Galleom as the "Overlord" laughed maniacally. "I...HATE YOU!!!" Galleom yelled as he turned back to his tank form and ran away from the barrage before turning back to his normal form and flared up at Laharl.

"So you're still standing, how persistent and useless." Laharl said.

Galleom narrowed his eyes. "I can still stand up and crush you to bits!"

"So am I, but I'm a different level of danger."

Galleom chuckled. "Sure you are. You're going to get surprised once I show you all my special attack..."

"You mean the "run" ability?" Laharl asked smirking. "I suggest you to use it."

"Don't dare to mock me anymore!" Galleom yelled back as he shot several missiles that went in different directions of the air before targeting Laharl.

"This is the same lame trick you pulled off a moment ago! Now you're starting to piss me off!" Laharl yelled as he called forth his sword and began slicing down the missiles who exploded and created a smokescreen. "Just you wait until I..." Laharl stopped once the smoke cleared out showing Galleom nowhere on sight. "Where'd that machine go now?!"

"THERE!" Galleom yelled behind Laharl who turned his back and got a fist in the face as he crashed down on the ground before Galleom came from the sky and slammed both joined fists. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That wasn't that hard at all!"


"W-what?!" Galleom said astonished as his fists began to tremble before raising themselves above the ground because Laharl lifted both of them with a single hand as he smirked. "Y-you!"

"You know," Laharl began. "I should better start fighting seriously instead of playing around with you."

"PLAYING AROUND WITH ME?!" Galleom asked furiously.

"Haven't you noticed?" Laharl asked chuckling. "Man, for being a giant machine you sure are dumb enough to get worked up."

"Oh god. I don't know who's ego is bigger: Sonic's ego or Laharl's ego..." Chris wondered sighing.

"YOU...DAMN...VERMIN!!!" Galleom yelled as he backstepped and came forward with a fast punch that Laharl easily evaded and dodged the next one easily.

"Prince!" Etna called out drinking lemonade as she put on her eyes some sunglasses. "You're hurting his pride like Mid-Boss!"

"That's what it makes it so interesting!" Laharl yelled back as Galleom tried desperately to knock him down. "Give it up! It's useless to confront the Great Overlod Laharl! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

"I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S USELESS!" Galleom yelled firing missiles, punching Laharl rapidly and tried to slam his shoulder at him...however all attempts failed before the Prince of the Netherworld stabbed his sword at Galleom's armor. "UGH!"

"No blood?" Laharl asked disappointed. "Dammit! I thought you had blood! What's the point of dealing with you if I can't see your blood spilling all over the field?!"

"You're not supposed to be a vampire!" Kirby yelled.

"What's the point of your ridiculous size and insane strength?!" Galleom asked irritated as he stopped. "It's completely stupid that a machine such like myself is losing to an impudent bra-"

"Dare to finish that world and I'm REALLY going to crush you down!" Laharl threatened lifting up his hands to the air.

"Make me!" Galleom taunted narrowing his eyes.

"Oh no, no no no no no!" Pit said shocked.

"Hell yes!" Laharl yelled shooting a purple glowing ring to the sky before it grew in size and opened up on the center, calling forth a huge meteor that he used before on Vyers's Castle that it slowly went down Galleom.

"Run!" Mewtwo yelled. "The size of the collision could reach us easily!"

"LUCARIO!" Chris yelled scared as the Aura Pokémon grunted and gabbed him (struggling a little bit) and used Extremespeed to appear to a safe side as the others ran behind them (or teleported using Mewtwo's help) as they saw the meteor trying to impact on Galleom who gasped and ran away in his tank form.

"W-wait a minute," Kirby looked around. "Where's Etna?!"

"OH MY GOO-" Etna's yell was interrupted as the explosion of the meteor reached her and the Prinnies who were blasted off to the Smashers and fell on the ground.

Mewtwo went to Etna and closed his eyes. "My apologies. My powers weren't that strong enough to teleport many at once."

"You're...going for that..." Etna muttered angrily.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Galleom yelled as the explosion caught him and yelled in great pain as Laharl flew above the explosion with crossed arms before laughing maniacally.


Meta Knight rolled his eyes. "The day he stops laughing like that I will be seen wearing a hat."

"(Cute...)" Chris thought.

"U-ugh..." Galleom panted as the explosion stopped as he was shown standing on one knee while Laharl descended in front of him. "Damn you..."

Music stops

"Okay," Laharl held out his right hand. "Give it back now."


"Don't act like an idiot before me!" Laharl yelled angrily. "You know what I'm talking about, the pendant that you took away from the Love Freak!"

"Pendant?" Galleom asked confused. "I don't know...anything about a pendant..."

"He is lying," Mewtwo said glowing as the Smashers reunited with the demon. "He knows about Flonne's pendant."

Laharl glared up at Galleom. "You were revealed. Now show it to me, no, give it back to me so I can get my reward from the Love Freak!"

"D-darn it..." Galleom muttered.

"...So that's it?" Chris asked. "Galleom was defeated that easily?"

"It seems that way apparently." Mewtwo said nodding.

"...God, now I know who to call when we get in trouble!"

"Now give it back!" Laharl demanded but Galleom chuckled. "What's so funny all of a sudden?!"

"Heheheheheheheheh..." Galleom chuckled evily. "Fools... I know about the pendant but somebody else has it..."

"..." Mewtwo stopped glowing. "Yes. There is indeed another person besides Galleom himself."

"And that is?" Kirby asked.

"...I can't go further with the darkness of this place...sorry."

"Then tell me-" Laharl was interrupted.

"Us." Pit corrected him.

"Whatever! Tell me where's that person so I can kick his butt around!"

"...Never..." Galleom said standing up. "I'll never say it..."

"Well then," Laharl said taking his sword. "I guess we're going to do it the hard way: my way..."

Etna looked around. "Seems the Prinnies are actually giving your army quite a beating."

Galleom looked around and sure enough half of his army was being defeated by the sticks and pebbled from the Prinnies (some of them even took out hammers). "This humiliating..."

"It is," Laharl said. "Now spill it out."


Everyone looked at the bridge where Flonne was shown walking slowly to them. Pit got shocked and ran to her if she was alright.

"Flonne! A-are you feeling fine?" Pit asked concerned.

"Y-yes..." Flonne said trailing off as she looked around. "My...have you beaten everyone already?"

"Laharl did." Kirby said walking to her as the trio reunited with the whole group.

"So..." Flonne trailed off looking at Laharl.

"Look Love Freak, I'm almost done with this and I don't want you get hurt."

Flonne blushed and blinked a little. "O-oh my...t-then..."

Laharl nodded. "That's right. Just a bit more till this guy surrenders!"

"I-I'm so happy!" Flonne said clapping her hands a little. "I can't believe you're in love with me!"

Persona 4 – Border of Insanity

"W-WHAT?!" Laharl asked as he grabbed his chest in pain.

"...Huh?" Galleom looked down at Laharl who was twitching a little.

"I can't believe you're in love with me!" Flonne repeated happily.

"UGH!" Laharl dropped to one knee and began panting.

"U-um, Flonne, would you...stop that pretty please?" Kirby asked concerned of the situation.

"Why?" Flonne asked oblivious of the whole thing. "Laharl was fighting because he loves me, right?"

"DAMN IT!" Laharl yelled clutching his chest even closer to the ground.

"What is happening?" Galleom asked narrowing his eyes at Laharl.

Pit began to sweat. "F-Flonne! Really! We mean it! Stop saying those things here!"

Flonne giggled. "Oh Laharl, you're so kind to me. I knew demons had love after all this time!"

"AAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGGHH!!!" Laharl yelled in pain as he turned pale.

"Wait..." Galleom trailed off thinking.

"...Uh-oh..." Chris began to sweat with Pit. "Flonne, really, stop it before it gets worse!"

Etna smacked her forehead. "Look, everything will be so easy if you stop saying those crony things around Laharl, you got that?"

Flonne tilted her head. "Um... I don't know what are you talking about Etna..."

"For crying out loud Flonne!" Etna yelled. "I mean those corny things! You know?!"

"...Aaaaaah!" Flonne put her right fist on her left palm. "You mean love, peace, happiness, frienship, eternal peace, eternal love, kindness and pretty much everything single thing related to love, peace, happiness, friendship, eternal peace, eternal love and kindness?"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Laharl yelled out in extreme pain before he fainted on the spot between Galleom and the Smashers.

"...Somehow," Meta Knight looked at Galleom. "Things aren't going to turn better..."

"That was it?" Galleom asked chuckling. "This brat went down because he hates hearing those corny things?"

Flonne glared up at Galleom. "H-hey! That's so rude mister!"

Pit facepalmed. "Flonne, this isn't the time for the enemy!"

"Hahahahahahahahaha!!!" Galleom laughed evily. "With all the strength I have left in all will die here in hell!" Galleom cracked his fists as the Smashers took fighting stances. "With the demon brat out of the way, this encounter will end sooner that I expected!"

"He is probably right..." Mewtwo said narrowing his eyes. "The darkness won't allow me to use my powers at full strength..."

"Or mine." Lucario said growling a little as Chris hid behind him.

Chris took out his gun (the Peacemaker) and aimed it at Galleom. "I-I hope we can defeat him again..."

Meta Knight took out Galaxia and glared at Galleom. "It was so long after I last fought, this will repay that time."

"I-I'll do everything I can... I think." Kirby said trembling.

"I have to be focused," Pit said taking out his dual blades. "I won't lose in this demon world. Flonne, return to the castle!"

"B-but why?" Flonne asked confused.

"Duh, you took out the Prince so easily as he did with Mr. Giant Metalic (beep!) here." Etna said as Galleom grunted in rage.


"Besides," Pit looked at her over his shoulder. "You're weak, aren't you?"

"Y-yes, but a Prinny gave me a medicine..." Flonne trailed off thinking.

"A Prinny giving you a medicine?" Etna asked confused. "Prinnies don't carry medicines around, don't be silly."

"B-but it's the truth! One of them gave me a medicine!"

"Who?" Kirby asked.

Flonne looked around to see all the Prinnies fighting the army. "U-um... I-I don't know. They're very alike..."

Music stops

"...True enough." Chris, Lucario, Meta Knight, Mewtwo, Kirby, Pit and Etna said in unison, sarcastically with a frown.

Persona 4 - Border of Insanity


"Special attack?" Mewtwo wondered. "...No...he can't mean..."

"W-what is it Mewtwo?" Chris asked concerned.

"...It's nothing. Don't worry."

"DIE!" Galleom yelled as he ran at them.

"FLONNE!" Pit yelled before he ran towards Galleom.

"B-but!" Flonne said concerned as Etna took her hand.

"C'mon! We'll leave everything to them! We have to protect the bridge from anyone else!" Etna yelled as both girls ran away to the bridge.

"(But...)" Flonne looked back where Laharl was laying on the ground. "(...Laharl...)"


Now that M & L RPG 3 is out, do you think you'll do something with it?
To be heard, speak up. To be seen, stand up. To be appreciated, shut up.


Quote from: makuta on February 19, 2009, 06:21:57 PM
Now that M & L RPG 3 is out, do you think you'll do something with it?

Nope. Not a thing.


Due to some problems with the modem I use, the rest of this chapter will be delayed a bit.

Fortunately, the next part of this chapter (which is really long) is ready before this problem gets fixed.

I have also the next chapter ready as well.

You'll have to wait until then. I can still come here using the internet of my Wii. :P The day I expect to update the chapter would be FEB 26. So please don't think I left this important fic out. ;)

The Seventh

Quote from: wiiboychris on February 23, 2009, 12:58:26 PM
Due to some problems with the modem I use, the rest of this chapter will be delayed a bit.

Fortunately, the next part of this chapter (which is really long) is ready before this problem gets fixed.

I have also the next chapter ready as well.

You'll have to wait until then. I can still come here using the internet of my Wii. :P The day I expect to update the chapter would be FEB 26. So please don't think I left this important fic out. ;)