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The Phantom of Maple Circle [Mystery RP]

Started by THEBIRD, April 29, 2008, 04:19:48 PM

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Alex took a picure of the body, the blood, and the pills, before quietly leaving the room

Max Headroom

"Give me the URL once you give me the keys, ok?" Mira said, as he took out $250 and put it on the desk, then went ot the Mayor's location. "I am Mira. What service do you desire?"


Mary nodded at Mira, taking his money and getting out the keys to his hotel room. She also wrote the URL on a piece of paper. It said: ''. She left these things out for Mira when he came back for them.

Mayor Scotch's eyes darted towards Alex, who had just gotten into his view. "And you, whatever your name is," he barked at Alex. "You come over here, too." He looked back at Mira and pointed at Nick. "Go wth this kid. I'm putting anyone who stays in this hotel in charge of capturing the Phantom of Maple Circle! If I don't get him before the Halloween Party, I'm cracking skulls!"

"Mayor! You don't want to earn yourself a bad reputation, maybe you should be a bit nicer," warned Tom.

"Mr. Mann, you'll learn later on in life that if things aren't done right, the Phantom will kill you."


I'd side with the hotel owner...but I think it'd be smarter to just keep my mouth shut until Scotch leaves.

Max Headroom

"Why did you use the phrase 'the Phantom will kill you' so confidently?" Mira asked, somewhat suspicious about the Mayor's choice of words. "You seem unusually sure that the Phantom will kill him if things are not done right."


Alex walked over to Nick and said, "I was going to try to find out who the phantom was anyway."


"Son," the Mayor began, now turning to Mira with sad eyes, "I've witness it happen to enough good citizens to know. But now, I'm done with it. If the Phantom isn't taken of soon... Who knows who'll be next." Mayor Scotch's eyes were now misty, as he brooded of the past and frantically thought of the future. "You, Tom, will be in charge of telling anyone who hasn't heard who checks into this hotel that they are part of the investigation team. If they don't like it, they can go somewhere else. Now, I've got other 'Head of Town' businesses to take care of. Tom, say hello to your brother for me." Mayor Scotch gave a curt wave before heading out.

"Er, well then," Tom said after Mayor Scotch left, "you boys can go ahead and give out the news... I haven't gotten my sleep, and I need it if I'm going to be greeting more bloody customers the rest of this darned month..." He walked away, holding his head, and retiring to his own room, Room 001, right next to 003.


" that they're gone..." Nick walked into room 003.

((BoA, can you repost what the room looks like?))

Max Headroom

"Hold it! Mira ran after the Mayor. "You have failed to explain why you are so certain that he would die if things aren't done right. Why do you say that the Phantom will kill him if something goes wrong?"


(( Yep, if you guys ever need more description or repeated stuff etc, just ask. I've got more time now, so I'll make a more in-depth description. ))

The room looked like every other hotel room. There was a white rug, a bed against the wall on the right side of the room and a nightstand with sleeping pills to the right of the bed. The closet was closed, against the wall that the entrance/exit was on. The opposite wall had a beautiful mahogany dresser, untouched and empty. The bathroom door on the opposite side of the bed was shut. The most unusual thing about the room was at the dead center was a noose, and hanging from it was the beaten and dead girl. All she wore was a white lace nightgown and underwear, and her name has been identifed as Sage.
The Mayor blinked, his hand on the door. "If we do something wrong when trying to catch him, we'll give him the upper hand in killing us," the Mayor explained. "I understand you want to find the killer, son, but it is aggrevating getting questioned when I ordered this detective business in the first place! If you are done with your questions, I've got a Halloween Festival to plan!"

Max Headroom

"You specified the target specifically. Why do you think he will be next?"


Nick walked around the room and went straight for the sleeping pill bottle. He picked it up and then took a close look to see how empty it was.


"Hm...? Oh, no. That was a general statement. If I knew you were going to take your job so seriously, I might have just kept my trap shut. You're almost as bad as young Zachary. Oh, the hell you two would put me through if you youngsters were to team up..." Mayor Scotch sighed and covered his hands as to take a moment of peace. "I'm done answering questions. I'm already late for my meeting and I haven't gotten much sleep lately." Mayor Scotch opened the door and closed it behind him, leaving for his important meeting.

The bottle was completely empty, except for two pills.


Hm...pretty empty which means she uses sleeping pills chronically to get to sleep or... He turned the bottle around trying to find a date that the bottle was purchased on.

Max Headroom

He's the most suspicious person in this case. I understand that he's busy, but his comments about keeping quiet make me wonder.... Mira ran back to the hotel and retrieved the keys to his room. He made his to his room, but noticed that someone was in room 003. "Hey! Are you a detective working on the case?"