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Sonic Rush Adventure *review*

Started by Kita, June 01, 2008, 06:48:08 PM

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Sonic Rush Adventure
Published by: SEGA
Developed by: SEGA
Genre: Action
Release Date:
US: September 18, 2007
Rating E

Occasionally I?ll break away from my RPG genre for a taste of something refreshing.  I couldn?t have expected anything less from my good pal Sonic either.  After getting a feel for the first Sonic Rush game, I already knew what I was getting myself into.  Another adventure full of speed and quick thinking, however, we aren?t in Kansas anymore Toto.

With a clash of thunder the sky goes dark.  Heavy rain is wailing on the side of the plane as Sonic screams out to Tails only wishing to save their lives. With a flash of blazing lightening the plane is struck and the two go spiraling into a windstorm.  Suddenly the player finds Sonic and his good friend Tails washed up on seagull beach, which is on an island they have never seen before, near the village of Windmill.  Out of nowhere this annoying pesky child starts to follow you around and tell you what to do.  Her name you ask? Well it?s Marine, but I don?t see how that really matters.  Okay, so she is everywhere you go and you just have to learn how to deal with her.  Here?s a hint, just put her near some Pirates. 

Is Marine just annoying or is there some actual use to this brat?  Her desires to travel are what get you caught into this new adventure in a world you have never explored.   At the start you can?t go anywhere since your only means of transportation was destroyed in the dreadful storm.   Hence you are stuck helping Marine gather Materials to build a new water bike.   


One things for sure, when it comes to Sonic games you better not be playing it for the storyline.  Sure there are witty comments in this game and some of the things that come out of Marine?s mouth can get your belly full of laughs, but in all seriousness, Sonic is not about the story.  Granted this game goes above and beyond past Sonic games.  You have your two best buds on another adventure and this time accompanied by a wise talking young girl.

Rather then your typical Dr. Egghead guy, you face the fearsome pirate leader Captain Whiskers.   Once again you have the heart racing speed of our beloved hedgehog blazing in blue in a life or death race to gather the end all be all crystals.  Oh hum!  Same old story right? WRONG!  Okay I was trying to get your attention; it is the same old story, just in a different world.  This time you are in the land where Blaze the Cat hails from. 

As the story progresses you must gather materials in order to build vessels better equipped for more open waters.  Hunt, race, and destroy as you go through the various islands uncovering the evil twisted plots of our esteemed Captain.  HA! Did I say esteemed? I meant dumb founded fool of a Captain that doesn?t know which side of his whiskers is right or left. 

If you can?t tell I wasn?t impressed with this storyline at all.  It did give me enjoyment the first time through, as it was a new adventure, however, to write this review I was giving this game a second go and it was just flat.  As stated there is witty dialog and if it wasn?t for the new faces the story would have nothing.

Game Play and Controls:

Here is where it?s at!  Sonic games are never short on speed.  Grabbing your stylus tight in hand, you hit the waters in your travels to execute commands.  Whether you are maneuvering your water bike or manning the cannons all action on your travel maps are controlled with a slight flick of the wrist.

Navigation is done by locking on with the stylus on your starting position and running it?s point over to your destination.  Depending on the distance your choice of craft will vary.  With four different vessels to choose from, you will have smooth sailing from place to place.  Okay I lied, there will be bombs, enemies, and obstacles to get around, but with the nice smooth controls of the stylus movement, you?ll have no problem.

Jumping right into the zones now, I know anyone who?s played a Sonic game is quite familiar with the pace at which these areas are played.  What though if you never played a Sonic game before?  Typically your objective is to get from start to finish in the quickest time possible.  Sonic doesn?t have any attacks nor does he have a vast range of moment, he jumps, runs and rolls.  Yet, each level does have it?s own style to it.   There is never one way to finish an area.

On the DS however, things can get a little crazy.  At times you?ll be on the top screen and in a matter of moments you are on the bottom screen.  Blazing through the stages at the speed of light you have to have quick reflexes and don?t blink, other wise you?ll get lost.

Your object is to rack up as much points as you can in each stage.  There are always three stages in each zone with the third being the boss battle.  Grading is received at the end of each stage based on speed, rings, and tricks.  What are tricks you ask?  Well for me I just ram all the bottoms at once while in the air to see Sonic or Blaze flip and twitch the more you can make them do this the higher points you?ll get.  Really, there is no skill involved.

For me Sonic games have always been a mindless escape from the world of RPGs.  I don?t really expect much when it comes to the game play.  Personally I found the constant switching of top and bottom screens to be somewhat annoying and at times gave me a headache.  Sonic games never challenge the gamer to think.  I did enjoy the grading system in this game because the better you did the more materials you would gain.  This was a plus so I wouldn?t have to go and do the stages over and over and over again just to gather what I needed to build a vessel.

Graphics and Sound:

Finally we get to the part that I really did enjoy.  Sonic has always been one of those games to have those foot taping catchy tunes, and this game is no exception.   Even as you first start the game you open up to bright blue beautiful skies with the wind blowing and the sounds of birds chirping.  Water sprays up in your face as you speed over the ocean floor in your water bike.  Nothing better then feeling the air and having your fur stand on end as the salty sea winds pass you by.

Just then the music comes to a halt as you approach your destination.  With a clash of shocking sound waves you know now you have to prepare your mind and hone your skills to tackle this newfound territory.  One of my favorite stages would be the Pirates ship.  Looking up you see the tall beams of the well-crafted sails.  Nearing the end of the ship you think it?s all over but just then the creaking sounds of footsteps are closing in on you.  Turning around and with this eerie whisper your heart gets caught in your throat as you look upon this towering monstrosity.

Rushing to the other side of the boat your breath now lodged in your chest with the sounds of the boat going back and forth over the water.  Music now orchestrates to that sound of your beating heart as the boss battle commences.

Yes the sound and graphics go hand it hand with this game.  Both with beautiful illustrations and sounds to penetrate your senses, the world of Sonic has gained some great ground on the DS system.  At times the graphics did seem a little pixilated but not so much so to take away from the game.   I would say that the music and graphics are what appealed to me most in this game.

Final Thoughts:

What can I say, Sonic is Sonic, you really can?t go into the game expecting too much.  There are quite a few extras in this game such as missions and collecting the chaos emeralds, but for me once I?ve played through and beat a game I?m done with it.  Not only that, but the wifi for this game was a big let down.  All you do is connect to race on stages seeing who can finish the fastest.  To me that?s just boring.  Sonic Rush Adventure is a good game if you want something you can pick up and beat in a day, but for anything long lasting it?s just not worth your time.  If I had to give the game a final score I would give it a solid 7 though, because it does deliver on all levels for those still young at heart.

Please come check out my forum for all your RPG gaming News and chat:


I enjoy your style of reviews, I was wondering about this game.

I own Sonic Rush and am tempted to give this game a try.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Quote from: Tuppyluver1 on June 01, 2008, 07:00:13 PM
I enjoy your style of reviews, I was wondering about this game.

I own Sonic Rush and am tempted to give this game a try.

Thanks, I'm glad you like my style.  My objective when reviewing is to bring the game to life by including some aspect of the game style into the review.  With this one the little bits from Marine is how she butts in through out the game.  Of course in the game it's more frequent and annoying, but I didn't want to over power the review either.  This one is a more traditional style, which is really out of character for me but you kind of have to pick and choose which games to review in less formal settings.

If you enjoyed Sonic Rush, then this game is a good compliment to it's previous title.  It builds more of a relationship between the characters of Sonic and Blaze.  I'm sure you would enjoy it if you decide to pick it up.  For me it was a game to rush through, but you can take your time with it and there are over 100 missions to complete.  With a quick play through the game is about 10-15 hours, 20 if you read all the text, but if you want to reap fully, you could make it last a good 40-60 hours.

Please come check out my forum for all your RPG gaming News and chat:


Quote from: Tuppyluver1 on June 01, 2008, 07:00:13 PM
I enjoy your style of reviews, I was wondering about this game.

I own Sonic Rush and am tempted to give this game a try.

You definitely need to buy it. I personally like it more than the first Rush because of the online feature, the hidden levels and missions, and also the music isn't annoying like the first one.

Thanks to mackormoses for this badass sig!

SSBB friend code:1719-2939-0479
Characters I use: Ike (mostly), Sonic, or Captain Falcon
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Xbox Live gamercard: SegaSonic127

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Quote from: DSWiiMaster42 on June 02, 2008, 11:27:07 AM
Quote from: Tuppyluver1 on June 01, 2008, 07:00:13 PM
I enjoy your style of reviews, I was wondering about this game.

I own Sonic Rush and am tempted to give this game a try.

You definitely need to buy it. I personally like it more than the first Rush because of the online feature, the hidden levels and missions, and also the music isn't annoying like the first one.
I agree, but I always lose to the online games :P I mainly play Sonic for the single player anyway though ;D