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360 or PS3? PS3 won out.

Started by Friendly Hostile, June 30, 2008, 11:58:09 PM

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Quote from: LinkXLR on January 30, 2008, 09:10:54 PM
Quote from: famy on January 30, 2008, 08:36:30 PM
is big willy unleashed a will smith game

...I'm not even gonna touch this one.

SteamID: Lazylen


I would rather PS3, maybe because I dislike Microsoft, or it could be because I grew up with a Playstation, but I would go for a PS3.



First time I tried PS3 I glitched it up because I was too fast for the first mission in CoD4.
Plus, the freaking updates take like a good hour or two from what I've heard for the PS3.

The 360 has a wide variety of games, most of which that are good, so you can use your 360 more often.

Friendly Hostile

Quote from: Byte on July 01, 2008, 12:46:33 AM
Oh, if you're going to college, just get the 360. Education before Fun.
I'm not worried about the minor difference in price between the two.

Quote from: Nayrman on July 01, 2008, 04:43:10 AM
Well, it really depends. For all the nay-sayers PS3 online works just's just not as user friendly as XBL is, but when compared to a certain white brick it's fantastic.
Basically it comes down to waht you want. If you're a FPS/realistic racer frat boy then get the 360. Everything else get the PS3, better exclusives IMO (it actually HAS exclusives, lol)
Well, I've never been a FPS person, so thanks.

Quote from: SUPERKOOL on July 01, 2008, 05:12:18 AM
PS3 can suck it.

Go for 360.
That's great.  Now tell me why.

Quote from: Waveburner on July 01, 2008, 07:00:31 AM
Get both? :D
Learn to read the whole thread.

Quote from: DOODLEboy99 on July 01, 2008, 09:47:33 AM
I don't have a 360 or PS3. Never even played a 360 or PS3. :P
Then why the hell are you replying?  Oh right, +1 ^_____________________________________________^

Quote from: Tuppyluver1 on July 01, 2008, 10:02:28 AM
It depends. You can get most 360 games on the PS3. Plus, you have Metal Gear Solid 4 and LittleBigPlanet.
That's what I've heard.

Quote from: WaterGod on July 01, 2008, 10:15:39 AM
I personally find the 360 to be an overall better system if not the best system out there.

but then again I'm bias against the Ps3 :P
but I'm also a ninty fanboy :P
First, you've got to tell me why, second you're aren't giving yourself much credibility.

Quote from: TheDarkChief on July 01, 2008, 10:56:36 AM

First time I tried PS3 I glitched it up because I was too fast for the first mission in CoD4.
Plus, the freaking updates take like a good hour or two from what I've heard for the PS3.

The 360 has a wide variety of games, most of which that are good, so you can use your 360 more often.
Well, I don't plan on getting COD4, but I'll keep that in mind.


If you'll have a wireless internet connection, you can download movies and music videos and more straight to your 360 and of course play anything you get online if you care to.. obviously.  +$100 for a wireless adapter though... though there are ways around this.  PS3 has no movie/music service but plenty of free trailers in HD.

If you aren't gonna have a wireless internet connection but you still want entertainment from your system, there's 20 or 120 gigs of memory as far as 360's and 360 Elite's go.  Now the PS3 can come in 20, 40, 60, and 80.. with 20 and 60 gig varieties being discontinued.  I don't know how easy it is to find an 80 but 40's are everywhere.  60's and 80's have backwards compatibility in one form or another.. and have more USB ports, 4 vs 2 on the other systems.

Also keep in mind Blu-Ray is a standard feature AND wireless is built in so if you DO have a router you're all set for online play or browsing their store for downloadable games for either your PS3 or PSP and games include original titles and PSOne titles.  360 has its own share of original titles and classic titles too, including at least one PSOne game and previous original X-Box games and more.

Don't know how much research you may have done or what features are important to you.. but sharing this just the same.  I personally like the Blu-Ray and out-of-the-box ability to get on the internet for no extra cost.  Downloading demos is awesome. ^_^

As far as games.. I have Bioshock, Halo 3, GTA4 (would've gotten it on PS3 but my friend insisted..), Forza 2 with racing wheel (really fun!), and Dead Rising which I love like nothing else.  That's my sad 360 library which is mostly exclusives (GTA4 obviously isn't).

My PS3 has Devil May Cry 4, Heavenly Sword (came with it via eBay), Ratchet & Clank (also w/system via eBay, haven't played it), Gran Turismo: Prologue (no racing wheel yet!) and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.  All but DMC4 are exclusive (sad I know!).

I prefer to grab exclusives and hate trying to decide between consoles on multi-console games.

It's mostly about the games anyways.  What system has the games you want to play more that the other system doesn't have?  We don't know your preferences as well as you..

I have both systems so.. give some more insight on your feelings.. what you like about each system, game interests, etc., and I'll give more feedback. ^_^
NES, SNES, N64, GCN (Jet Black), PQ (JPN), Wii, GBP (Clear), GBC (Green x2), GBASP (x2 Cobalt, x1 NES), DSLite (Black), SG3, SDC (x1 BIG, x1 Clear black top, solid grey/beige bottom), PS (x2), PS2 (Slim, Silver), PS3 (NTSC 60GB upgraded to 500GB), PSP 2000 (Silver, 4GB), XBox360 Elite

Friendly Hostile

Well, as I've pointed out, I'm not a huge FPS person nor am I a fighting game person. FPS all seem the same to me, so I find not particular joy in playing them unless they have something particularly unique to them, hence I really like the Timesplitters games, since they have fun and don't take themselves too seriously.  Fighting games to me are just button mashing, so I'll pass on those

I like adventure or RPG games,  the FF series has always interested me, though I've never gotten heavily into it. Every now and then I like something that is just senseless violence, which are also fun.

I also enjoy the games that are really out there and unique, like Katamari Damacey and We ♥ Katamari.  I know that another one of the KD series came out for the 360, but I've heard bad reviews of it.

So that's kind of a basic gist of games I'm interested in.


Unless your a big fan of MGS and Killzone, get a 360. ;)



PS3. Blu-ray built in AND good games.

Gwen Khan

PS3 has Metal Gear Solid 4, that alone should be enough of a reason to get a PS3


The 360 owns the PS3 in nearly all ways.

If you buy the PS3 simply for MGS4 you will be very dissapointed.


Quote from: Allegretto on July 01, 2008, 01:57:41 PM
The 360 owns the PS3 in nearly all ways.

If you buy the PS3 simply for MGS4 you will be very dissapointed.
Not very much, though.

Plus, there's LittleBigPlanet, Killzone 2, and pretty much every other game that you can find on the 360. Plus, it's also a cheap Blu-Ray player.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Quote from: Tuppyluver1 on July 01, 2008, 02:18:00 PM
Quote from: Allegretto on July 01, 2008, 01:57:41 PM
The 360 owns the PS3 in nearly all ways.

If you buy the PS3 simply for MGS4 you will be very dissapointed.
Not very much, though.

Plus, there's LittleBigPlanet, Killzone 2, and pretty much every other game that you can find on the 360. Plus, it's also a cheap Blu-Ray player.
360 Has better online play, thats why it isent free.

Plus Halo, gears *I dont think tahts for the ps3?* And other games I forget that are exclusive.


Quote from: Allegretto on July 01, 2008, 02:19:35 PM
Quote from: Tuppyluver1 on July 01, 2008, 02:18:00 PM
Quote from: Allegretto on July 01, 2008, 01:57:41 PM
The 360 owns the PS3 in nearly all ways.

If you buy the PS3 simply for MGS4 you will be very dissapointed.
Not very much, though.

Plus, there's LittleBigPlanet, Killzone 2, and pretty much every other game that you can find on the 360. Plus, it's also a cheap Blu-Ray player.
360 Has better online play, thats why it isent free.

Plus Halo, gears *I dont think tahts for the ps3?* And other games I forget that are exclusive.
He said he doesn't like FPS games.

He says he likes RPGs, and the 360 has very little of those other than Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata. The PS3 is going to have Final Fantasy XIII and probably Kingdom Hearts 3. Plus, you have an entire back library of two generations of RPGs/Action games at your fingertips. Oh, and Metal Gear Solid 4 is amazing.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Quote from: Tuppyluver1 on July 01, 2008, 02:23:27 PM
Quote from: Allegretto on July 01, 2008, 02:19:35 PM
Quote from: Tuppyluver1 on July 01, 2008, 02:18:00 PM
Quote from: Allegretto on July 01, 2008, 01:57:41 PM
The 360 owns the PS3 in nearly all ways.

If you buy the PS3 simply for MGS4 you will be very dissapointed.
Not very much, though.

Plus, there's LittleBigPlanet, Killzone 2, and pretty much every other game that you can find on the 360. Plus, it's also a cheap Blu-Ray player.
360 Has better online play, thats why it isent free.

Plus Halo, gears *I dont think tahts for the ps3?* And other games I forget that are exclusive.
He said he doesn't like FPS games.

He says he likes RPGs, and the 360 has very little of those other than Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata. The PS3 is going to have Final Fantasy XIII and probably Kingdom Hearts 3. Plus, you have an entire back library of two generations of RPGs/Action games at your fingertips. Oh, and Metal Gear Solid 4 is amazing.
Yes everyone in this thread has been trying as hard as they can to point out how amazing MGS4 is. However I think everyone on this site already knows this so you dont need to keep pointing out the obvious >.< *ANd I mean that in the nicest way possible  ;)*

Dident catch the fact he dident like FPS. Eternal Sonata is still an amazing RPG in my opinion, plus it has Allegretto in it :P. However if thats the case he may want to lean towards the PS3 but now I have no idea what advice to give.