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Nintendo Conference Summary.

Started by Tupin, July 15, 2008, 10:13:18 AM

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Quote from: Nayrman on July 16, 2008, 05:22:08 PM
Quote from: Mystic Fury on July 16, 2008, 05:14:19 PM
Quote from: Nayrman on July 16, 2008, 05:08:13 PM
It's mostly hardcore...therefore falls into the hardcore spectrum most of the time.
Probably the only true fifty fifty split are RPG's like Pokemon...cuz they can pull off both.

I want it stated now because I want something to look forward to than "Zelda: Sometime in the next decade" and "Mario: sometime next generation" and such...

Iwata was at TGS, but he didn't say anything...he just kinda yutzed around X_X:;
You do realize there are OTHER games coming out for Wii than ones with the Nintendo logo slapped on the front right?
Yes but it seems at either a lackluster pace or just "give them something to shut them up" kind of attitude. But for the conceivable future it's basically mini-game spats and casual "meh"-ness besides some games, most of which Nintendo doesn't even make (Wario Land is pretty much the only one they make themselves...everything else is third party, when Nintendo is saying they're the ones that care about everyone when they so obviously don't).
We have about 23 known hardcore titles coming. Some of them are coming soon. Quality titles take time. I don't see Nintend launching big name titles soon, but 3rd parties are. Nintendo has already launched Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Smash, and Pokemon. Their most loved franchises have had their outing. It's time for other ones.

Wait and see.


Quote from: Nayrman on July 16, 2008, 05:44:17 PM
Quote from: Tuppyluver1 on July 16, 2008, 05:42:38 PM
Quote...or just "give them something to shut them up"

That's partially true.

Oh, and E for All is in October this year, and Nintendo usually has a fall media summit in September, so yeah.
All I can say is that something better happen this calendar year or basically every hardcore group is going to say "intercourse  this" and head off to the Microsoft and Sony camp
Since the Wii is the cheapest system, most people I know own one in conjunction with a PS3, 360, or gaming PC.

I would be happy with a new Pilotwings or F-Zero and the leaked-by-Miyamoto Punch Out Wii. Kid Icarus isn't that much of a stretch now, either.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Quote from: Mystic Fury on July 16, 2008, 05:45:41 PM
Quote from: Nayrman on July 16, 2008, 05:22:08 PM
Quote from: Mystic Fury on July 16, 2008, 05:14:19 PM
Quote from: Nayrman on July 16, 2008, 05:08:13 PM
It's mostly hardcore...therefore falls into the hardcore spectrum most of the time.
Probably the only true fifty fifty split are RPG's like Pokemon...cuz they can pull off both.

I want it stated now because I want something to look forward to than "Zelda: Sometime in the next decade" and "Mario: sometime next generation" and such...

Iwata was at TGS, but he didn't say anything...he just kinda yutzed around X_X:;
You do realize there are OTHER games coming out for Wii than ones with the Nintendo logo slapped on the front right?
Yes but it seems at either a lackluster pace or just "give them something to shut them up" kind of attitude. But for the conceivable future it's basically mini-game spats and casual "meh"-ness besides some games, most of which Nintendo doesn't even make (Wario Land is pretty much the only one they make themselves...everything else is third party, when Nintendo is saying they're the ones that care about everyone when they so obviously don't).
We have about 23 known hardcore titles coming. Some of them are coming soon. Quality titles take time. I don't see Nintend launching big name titles soon, but 3rd parties are. Nintendo has already launched Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Smash, and Pokemon. Their most loved franchises have had their outing. It's time for other ones.

Wait and see.
I know quality titles take time, but unfortunatley Nintendo seems to take it's sweet ass time every chance it gets.
Lets take a look shall we: We got 3 Jak and Daxter games on the PS2...all were rated highly and sold well. We get Resistance 2 a mere 2.5 years after the first that took a long time! *sarcasm* We've gotten a ton of Ratchet and Clank games, and all the console ones are fantastic (based on general popular opinion). This is rather pathetic since Nintendo has some of the largest videogame studios in the industry and is more than capable of making more than one Mario platformer a generation...the thing is they don't.
Helll, I could use the same excuse for Metroid from Retro (not Nintendo, RETRO. They're a second party like Camelot and HAL). We get a total of six Metroid games in a seven year span (Metroid Primes 1-3, Metroid Fushion, Metroid Zero Mission, Metroid Prime Hunters). I think we can agree that every single one of them were great games and truley show how each system can work. Again, it's certainly possible to release more with quality. Problem is Nintendo really isn't doing it and are more content to do a total rehaul of the game design every single time/ cater to the every growing "casual" (a.k.a. we'll buy anything with cute stuff on it) crowd/cheaply make spinoffs that'll sell well while putting no effort to actually try to go what made the series good in the first place (the Mario Party fallacy). If they actually tried we could easily get Mother 3 over here, we could easily get 2 Mario platformers a generation, etc.


Quote....cater to the every growing "casual" (a.k.a. we'll buy anything with cute stuff on it)

My mom loves cute things (she got so addicted to the original Animal Crossing that she would turn the game on and play it when I was at school) and even she said, "I don't like all of these weird cute things on the covers of these games, it makes me not want to buy it."

If Mother 3 had come out two years earlier than it did, it would have definitely been localized because NOA usually does whatever NCL does. But since NOA considered the GBA dead by 2006 and they didn't want to make a translation for DS because it wouldn't sell in the millions, so they didn't. They seem to forget that Animal Crossing was the little game that no one had any confidence in, it had slow sales initially, and then it took off. MOTHER 3 is a niche game, I'll admit that. But Nintendo used to bring niche games over from Japan, but the last time they did was with Elite Beat Agents.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Quote from: Tuppyluver1 on July 16, 2008, 06:13:05 PM
Quote....cater to the every growing "casual" (a.k.a. we'll buy anything with cute stuff on it)

My mom loves cute things (she got so addicted to the original Animal Crossing that she would turn the game on and play it when I was at school) and even she said, "I don't like all of these weird cute things on the covers of these games, it makes me not want to buy it."

If Mother 3 had come out two years earlier than it did, it would have definitely been localized because NOA usually does whatever NCL does. But since NOA considered the GBA dead by 2006 and they didn't want to make a translation for DS because it wouldn't sell in the millions, so they didn't. They seem to forget that Animal Crossing was the little game that no one had any confidence in, it had slow sales initially, and then it took off. MOTHER 3 is a niche game, I'll admit that. But Nintendo used to bring niche games over from Japan, but the last time they did was with Elite Beat Agents.
It seems your mom is a rare exception then X_X;; Dear god you have no idea how many stupid girls I've seen say they bought Nintendogs because "OMG IT LIEK HAS A CYOOT PUPPY OHN EETT!" It's rather sad... you're proving my point now?


Not that it really matters, but I'm pretty sure MPH was by NST, not Retro.

Anyways, I'm aware Nintendo is being slow. However, they are also working on like 10 games at a time. Super Mario and Zelda always take a long time. We won't even get announcements on the next Super Mario until either 2 years from now, or when the next console hits. Zelda is likely be be this year or next year.

Again, I'm not saying Nintendo is right in always waiting to announce stuff. However, to think they have left is ridiculous. They haven't. However, in releasing stuff, Nintendo is usually getting SOMETHING out. In the past 8 months, we've got Galaxy, Brawl, Kart, Wii Fit, Slugger. Soon we get Wario Land and Pokemon Platinum (GameFreak actually). Has Nintendo ever launched that many quality titles in such a short period of time?

How about giving 3rd parties some time to launch stuff, instead of Nintendo force feeding us everything at once?


Quote from: Nayrman on July 16, 2008, 06:15:06 PM
Quote from: Tuppyluver1 on July 16, 2008, 06:13:05 PM
Quote....cater to the every growing "casual" (a.k.a. we'll buy anything with cute stuff on it)

My mom loves cute things (she got so addicted to the original Animal Crossing that she would turn the game on and play it when I was at school) and even she said, "I don't like all of these weird cute things on the covers of these games, it makes me not want to buy it."

If Mother 3 had come out two years earlier than it did, it would have definitely been localized because NOA usually does whatever NCL does. But since NOA considered the GBA dead by 2006 and they didn't want to make a translation for DS because it wouldn't sell in the millions, so they didn't. They seem to forget that Animal Crossing was the little game that no one had any confidence in, it had slow sales initially, and then it took off. MOTHER 3 is a niche game, I'll admit that. But Nintendo used to bring niche games over from Japan, but the last time they did was with Elite Beat Agents.
It seems your mom is a rare exception then X_X;; Dear god you have no idea how many stupid girls I've seen say they bought Nintendogs because "OMG IT LIEK HAS A CYOOT PUPPY OHN EETT!" It's rather sad... you're proving my point now?
I bought Nintendogs because it looked fun.

Oh, and she normally likes cute things, but she thinks it's getting ridiculous now.

But yeah, give Nintendo some time.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Quote from: Mystic Fury on July 16, 2008, 06:17:48 PM
Not that it really matters, but I'm pretty sure MPH was by NST, not Retro.

Anyways, I'm aware Nintendo is being slow. However, they are also working on like 10 games at a time. Super Mario and Zelda always take a long time. We won't even get announcements on the next Super Mario until either 2 years from now, or when the next console hits. Zelda is likely be be this year or next year.

Again, I'm not saying Nintendo is right in always waiting to announce stuff. However, to think they have left is ridiculous. They haven't. However, in releasing stuff, Nintendo is usually getting SOMETHING out. In the past 8 months, we've got Galaxy, Brawl, Kart, Wii Fit, Slugger. Soon we get Wario Land and Pokemon Platinum (GameFreak actually). Has Nintendo ever launched that many quality titles in such a short period of time?

How about giving 3rd parties some time to launch stuff, instead of Nintendo force feeding us everything at once?
Ten titles at a time...*looks at Square-Enix and Capcom...they do lots of games at the same time too*
I don't know how you can count Mario spinoffs (besides RPG's and Karts, since they're not cheap moneymaking scams which basically all the sports titles are). You also have to notice the deeping "valley" effect in which Nintendo so often incurrs upon itself. You're right, we got those nice games in a short we've got nothing to look forward too and Nintendo got bored of it so now they're on the casual bandwagon because it's easier and less actual gameplay has to be worked on. I'm not criticizing them for tapping that market, but like Majesco and EA, they have no reason to really try anything when they can make cheap mini-game collections that will be fizzled up by unkowing kids/parents/casuals who can't tell decent games from money-making cash cows? (see Mario sports titles)
My point is that it's possible to make quality games in a quick and timely matter. Sony, Capcom, and Square-Enix all can, yet Nintendo consistantly has these peaks and valleys. That's my point on this subject matter. (Wow, we got from E3 hardcore-ness to debating game lifecycles and development time)


so there is a new mario game coming out soon?

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So, overall impression of Nintendo's conference?

In one word: disappointing.

I liked Resort and City Folk, though.

It's more about what they DIDN'T show then what they did.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Quote from: guido123 on July 16, 2008, 06:29:04 PM
so there is a new mario game coming out soon?
No, from what we can infer (non-confirmation) from Miyamoto is that they're talking but no where close to anything atm.

Quote from: Tuppyluver1 on July 16, 2008, 06:30:34 PM
So, overall impression of Nintendo's conference?

In one word: disappointing.

I liked Resort and City Folk, though.

It's more about what they DIDN'T show then what they did.
Exactly. I'm fine with what htey had, but they didn't show anything to make me interested. I mean really...they could at least MENTION some games we'd be interested in, but again they dodge the issue altogether. They don't even mention the Conduit, or show anything of Wario Land (even though it's playable its like they dont' even care for the game) and so on...


I like what they showed, I just didn't like how they mentioned what we really wanted to see in such an offhand way.

Wii Sports and WiiFit have sold billions of copys, graphs graphs graphs, money money money. Oh yeah, and the Mario and Zelda teams are making something hardcore fans would like. So back to WiiFit...


Mario sports game have good quality so I count it.

Yes, Nintendo dug themselves into a hole. They released 4 huge games (Fit, Galaxy, Smash, and Kart) in less than a year, plus most of the other games they had. They have nothing else to release for awhile. But it can be good, because now 3rd parties can release things without being overshadowed by Nintendo.

On the casual bandwagon? Uhh...they're making 2 casual games. 2, compared to 3 they recently released, and several coming. 2 is not a lot.

Super Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Pokemon (main series) take a lot of time. Between them is Nintendo's quick and easy games, but they are quality titles. I'd say Wii Sports Resort falls in the quick and easy, mostly because they've done it, so it's much easier than the first. The last big games from Ninty was Kart and Fit. Sluggers, WSR, and such are fillers until Wario Land and other big name games.

And since when does Sony make games? I thought all games were from 2nd parties and 3rd parties?


Sony Computer Entertainment Japan/America (SCEJ/SCEA) made the Crash Bandicoot while they had it, now they make the Ratchet/Clank, Jak, and God of War series.

Um...if I can't play it by myself for more than fifteen minutes without getting's casual junk (a.k.a. the Wiiness titles and such). Um...the spinoffs are rather poor in quality (especially recent Mario Parties). And they're not as good as the real sports titles. Tiger Woods > Mario Golf, Virtua Tennis > Mario Tennis, etc., etc. Sure they're campy Mario takes on it but that's not hte point. If Nintendo wanted to make a sports game, make a sports game! You don't need Mario on half of everything. If it's a good game and advertise it then it will sell regardless. I mean, look at Star Fox Adventures...perfect example of this.


Quote from: Nayrman on July 16, 2008, 06:50:59 PM
Sony Computer Entertainment Japan/America (SCEJ/SCEA) made the Crash Bandicoot while they had it, now they make the Ratchet/Clank, Jak, and God of War series.

Um...if I can't play it by myself for more than fifteen minutes without getting's casual junk (a.k.a. the Wiiness titles and such). Um...the spinoffs are rather poor in quality (especially recent Mario Parties). And they're not as good as the real sports titles. Tiger Woods > Mario Golf, Virtua Tennis > Mario Tennis, etc., etc. Sure they're campy Mario takes on it but that's not hte point. If Nintendo wanted to make a sports game, make a sports game! You don't need Mario on half of everything. If it's a good game and advertise it then it will sell regardless. I mean, look at Star Fox Adventures...perfect example of this.
I said Wiiwhatever titles are casual. Wii Music is junk, I will tell you that right now. Wii Fit and Wii Sports are not. I dunno about Wii Play, but that's probably junk.

Nintendo's spinoffs are pretty great quality.Real life sports games suck, horribly, in my opinion. I'd much rather play Mario Golf than TW, and I hate golf.

SFAdventures sold well because it had Star Fox on it, and was the first new one in a few years. SFAdventures itself sucked to be honest. And the point of Mario sports game is the Mario fluff. The special sequences and items and such. That's why people like them, because they are different from other games. Nintendo could easily make a real life tennis game, and make it sell well. But they don't, because there are enough of them. But where are the fantasy/cartoonish tennis games huh?