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You all better get yourselves GC and Classic Controllers before they're banned.

Started by Daft Pink, July 23, 2008, 01:53:40 PM

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Daft Pink

As some of you may know, some retarted company that goes by the name of Anascape. They're suing them over their GC controllers (I think it's all of them or just the Wavebirds, I'm really not sure) and Classic Controllers are also being banned. They are probably going to become rare soon, so make sure to get them if you want any more. ;)

Here's the link:


Damn. Everybody is suing Nintendo lately. Oh well, I already have a Classic Controller and a GCN one. Plus I have a Games Exchange store right up the street. They are overflowing with controllers :P


Anascape won one small battle, going to war with a Multinational, though, is never a good idea. I wish Anascape the best of luck, because when Nintendo is done, they'll have to re-arrange their anatomy, and pull their head out of their own asses.


Wait, what?

Why'd they wait until now to sue about GCN controllers? I could see about the classic controllers, but not the GCN ones.


Crap!  I better get a classic controller soon, or I'll be forced trying to beat Super Mario World with a Gamecube controller!

I'm starting to believe that companies are making patents just to sue Nintendo.


Anascape...prepare to die. This is the company that was able to keep the word Kong in their games because they beat UNIVERSAL STUDIOS.
And please like they're going to get "banned". If that's the case every game controller should be banned since every controller is fundamentally based off of the SNES controller (including Dualshock, Xbox, and Classic)


First the Wavebird, now the Classic. They're going to f***ing die... >:(

I wonder what Anascape will use as an excuse to make money off of Ninty next...


That's just plain ridiculous. Why would they wait until now for the GCN controllers? It doesn't make much sense, except for Nintendo's money. And like someone said before me, it also seems like a lot of companies are suing Nintendo right now. *sigh*


First no more WaveBirds... now this bullpoop.
I wonder how much a working WaveBird would sell for in a few years...


crap, i only have 1 GC and 1 Classic, i gotta get moar tomorow.......


This is bullpoop, it will never stick. But i do have a classic controller.


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Friendly Hostile

Yet another example of people abusing our legal system to make a profit off of the top dog.  This case is bullpoop.  It should have come forward when these controllers were announced to the public.   Not a couple years (several in the case of the GCN controller) after they're announced and released.  This lawsuit should be written off as frivolous at best.

The Seventh

Quote from: Friendly Hostile on July 24, 2008, 10:00:02 PM
Yet another example of people abusing our legal system to make a profit off of the top dog.  This case is bulls***.  It should have come forward when these controllers were announced to the public.   Not a couple years (several in the case of the GCN controller) after they're announced and released.  This lawsuit should be written off as frivolous at best.
You're telling me?

Man, this country is becoming lawsuit happy these days.

At least I have a cc and 4 gcn controllers, though I might want to stock up on them incase mine break.
Quote from: thunderhero4 on July 24, 2008, 11:58:20 AM
This is bulls***, it will never stick. But i do have a classic controller.
Hopefully it won't stick.


This crap again?
Wavebird was enough as is, and now they're pulling this. It's too freakin late for that crap.
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