
<+Clu> Silverhawk79 is just wrong for me

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You must read this conversation...Really.

Started by King_Gamer28, August 29, 2008, 11:00:18 PM

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The gayness level here is outstanding. I'm heyitsmatt28, this other schmuck's name is included if you desire to harass him, but I'm not entirely sure who he is. I went along with everything and got a great conversation out of this.

Here you go, enjoy.

poshjosh44 (12:57:26 AM): hey
poshjosh44 (12:58:29 AM): HEY
HeyItsMatt28 (12:59:48 AM): Hi.
poshjosh44 (1:00:01 AM): hi whats up hun
HeyItsMatt28 (1:00:19 AM): I just got out of the shower and sat down, and bam, I have IMs, woo.
HeyItsMatt28 (1:00:21 AM): Who's this?
poshjosh44 (1:00:36 AM): josh.. im on your friends list on myspace
poshjosh44 (1:00:40 AM): wow i like your writing
poshjosh44 (1:00:45 AM): and you just got out of the shower, yum.
HeyItsMatt28 (1:00:54 AM): Josh who?
HeyItsMatt28 (1:01:12 AM): Now I'm going to go look and find out who you are...
poshjosh44 (1:02:27 AM): im not telling you my last name silly, i live in arizona
HeyItsMatt28 (1:02:52 AM): (This IS his myspace, by the way.)
HeyItsMatt28 (1:02:58 AM): Are you...THAT person, by chance?
poshjosh44 (1:03:05 AM): yes
HeyItsMatt28 (1:05:43 AM): Hello?
poshjosh44 signed off at 1:05:50 AM.
poshjosh44 is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.
poshjosh44 signed on at 1:13:12 AM.
poshjosh44 (1:13:30 AM): sorry babe
poshjosh44 (1:13:35 AM): so what are you up too?
HeyItsMatt28 (1:13:45 AM): Nothing eventful.
poshjosh44 (1:14:00 AM): oh, i just jacked off alittle but nothing really exciting
poshjosh44 (1:14:05 AM): i wish i had a boyfriend
HeyItsMatt28 (1:14:51 AM): Oh...nobody good in Arizona?
poshjosh44 (1:15:01 AM): sadly no
poshjosh44 (1:15:13 AM): everybody in my town is either fat or black
HeyItsMatt28 (1:15:24 AM): And that's no good.
HeyItsMatt28 (1:15:33 AM): Well, sadly I'm taken with a chick, so you'll have to look elsewhere, buddy.
HeyItsMatt28 (1:15:37 AM): I'd help you out.
HeyItsMatt28 (1:15:41 AM): But...I dunno.
poshjosh44 (1:15:56 AM): oh whats her name?
HeyItsMatt28 (1:16:00 AM): Jill.
HeyItsMatt28 (1:16:20 AM): She's a really nice girl - we're like, the best of friends and I like her a lot.
poshjosh44 (1:16:21 AM): awh how cute, is she pretty?
HeyItsMatt28 (1:16:29 AM): Do you want to see a picture of her and I?
poshjosh44 (1:16:32 AM): yeah
HeyItsMatt28 (1:16:36 AM): Hold on a second
HeyItsMatt28 (1:16:55 AM): (Picture)
HeyItsMatt28 (1:17:08 AM): She looks a little out of it there
poshjosh44 (1:18:15 AM): oh... awh
poshjosh44 (1:18:20 AM): your cute.
poshjosh44 (1:18:28 AM): id bang your bottom ;P yummmmay
HeyItsMatt28 (1:20:17 AM): Meh, no thanks, buddy, I'm straight as they come, but I guess that's nice of you?
poshjosh44 (1:20:28 AM): well, have you ever wanted too?
HeyItsMatt28 (1:20:32 AM): What's that?
poshjosh44 (1:20:34 AM): or thought about it
poshjosh44 (1:20:38 AM): gay bum sex
HeyItsMatt28 (1:20:43 AM): Nah, not at all interested
poshjosh44 (1:20:54 AM): well you could try it...
HeyItsMatt28 (1:21:05 AM): I could, but I never will and that's all there is to it
poshjosh44 (1:21:12 AM): oh darn
HeyItsMatt28 (1:21:59 AM): But I wish you the best of luck in your search
HeyItsMatt28 (1:22:18 AM): I could conversely ask you if you've ever thought of sex with a chick, I guess.
poshjosh44 (1:22:33 AM): vagina is flabby and crabby
poshjosh44 (1:22:35 AM): are you a virgin
HeyItsMatt28 (1:23:40 AM): I am.
poshjosh44 (1:23:48 AM): figures
poshjosh44 (1:23:57 AM): you oculd have it with me
HeyItsMatt28 (1:24:01 AM): Or not.
poshjosh44 (1:24:17 AM): why baby
HeyItsMatt28 (1:24:24 AM): Look, as wonderful as it is to talk gay bum sex, you'd make more friends if you actually talked about something else.
HeyItsMatt28 (1:24:42 AM): Most people aren't as tolerant/whatever with talking about stuff like that as I am
poshjosh44 (1:24:55 AM): oh well, i dont really have any friends
HeyItsMatt28 (1:25:09 AM): Man, well, what are you interested?
HeyItsMatt28 (1:25:20 AM): Hobbies/sports/activities and stuff like that?
HeyItsMatt28 (1:25:22 AM): in
HeyItsMatt28 (1:25:24 AM): interested in
poshjosh44 (1:25:54 AM): uh will im a strip club DJ
poshjosh44 (1:25:58 AM): so i like music
HeyItsMatt28 (1:26:14 AM): Oh, cool, what kind of music are you into?
poshjosh44 (1:26:31 AM): rock :3
HeyItsMatt28 (1:26:35 AM): Yayyy.
HeyItsMatt28 (1:26:37 AM): What kind?
poshjosh44 (1:26:49 AM): ac freaking dc
HeyItsMatt28 (1:26:58 AM): Good, good, are they your favorite band?
poshjosh44 (1:27:09 AM): no
poshjosh44 (1:27:23 AM): i love... weezer and the buttholesurfers
HeyItsMatt28 (1:27:30 AM): Weezer is pretty good.
HeyItsMatt28 (1:27:33 AM): Don't know much about BHS.
poshjosh44 (1:27:50 AM): i heard about them on beavis and butthead
poshjosh44 (1:27:55 AM): i love that show.
poshjosh44 (1:28:01 AM): i like tv thats another thing
poshjosh44 (1:28:04 AM): oh god do i love TV
poshjosh44 (1:28:11 AM): its my only friend.
HeyItsMatt28 (1:28:12 AM): TV is good, TV is good
HeyItsMatt28 (1:28:14 AM): Aw
HeyItsMatt28 (1:28:18 AM): TV has no bias, I guess
HeyItsMatt28 (1:28:24 AM): It just shows what it shows
poshjosh44 (1:28:40 AM): i love scrubs. and queer eye for the straight guy
poshjosh44 (1:28:48 AM): oh and the tyra banks show
HeyItsMatt28 (1:28:52 AM): Scrubs is alright, never got into Queer Eye...
HeyItsMatt28 (1:29:06 AM): I never really liked it, but whatever, a lot of people did
poshjosh44 (1:29:31 AM): oh and oprah, shes my hero
poshjosh44 (1:29:44 AM): i changed my middle name to oprah
poshjosh44 (1:29:49 AM): but no one knows but ys
poshjosh44 (1:29:50 AM): us*
HeyItsMatt28 (1:30:10 AM): Oh
HeyItsMatt28 (1:30:12 AM): Oprah's pretty cool
poshjosh44 (1:30:22 AM): yeah, and black
HeyItsMatt28 (1:30:25 AM): She's got her way with doing good things for people
HeyItsMatt28 (1:30:32 AM): She is indeed black.
poshjosh44 (1:30:33 AM): i hate black people. but i love oprah
HeyItsMatt28 (1:30:41 AM): Do you hate Barack Obama?
poshjosh44 (1:30:46 AM): well no, i love him.
poshjosh44 (1:30:49 AM): i want to do him
poshjosh44 (1:30:54 AM): hes smexy
HeyItsMatt28 (1:30:58 AM): Oh boy
HeyItsMatt28 (1:31:01 AM): Well, good luck
HeyItsMatt28 (1:31:05 AM): He's our future president
poshjosh44 (1:31:16 AM): so i am, darling.
poshjosh44 (1:31:25 AM): did you watch the speech?
HeyItsMatt28 (1:31:28 AM): Yep.
poshjosh44 (1:31:34 AM): it was ammmmmmazing, it was better than poopting
poshjosh44 (1:31:39 AM): to be quite frank
HeyItsMatt28 (1:31:42 AM): Do you know how many times he said "thank you" to begin that speech?
poshjosh44 (1:31:54 AM): 75
HeyItsMatt28 (1:31:54 AM): He said thank you 31½ times
HeyItsMatt28 (1:31:59 AM): I counted
poshjosh44 (1:32:02 AM): and a half...
HeyItsMatt28 (1:32:04 AM): Yeah
HeyItsMatt28 (1:32:06 AM): He kind of went
HeyItsMatt28 (1:32:10 AM): "Thank-"
HeyItsMatt28 (1:32:12 AM): But never finished
poshjosh44 (1:32:24 AM): oh.. im glad you counted. i can sleep better at night now
HeyItsMatt28 (1:33:13 AM): I know, I know
HeyItsMatt28 (1:33:19 AM): It just amazed me how many times
poshjosh44 (1:33:29 AM): can i poop on your face.
HeyItsMatt28 (1:33:38 AM): It was like, after the fourth time it was like, "okay, shut the hell up so I can start my speech, you stupid people"
poshjosh44 (1:33:51 AM): yeah, yeah. calling people stupid. yeah
HeyItsMatt28 (1:34:02 AM): No
poshjosh44 (1:34:02 AM): k well im gonna fart. right about...
poshjosh44 (1:34:03 AM): now.
HeyItsMatt28 (1:34:10 AM): My face shall remain poop-free
poshjosh44 (1:34:56 AM): is it bad that i had sex with an animal
HeyItsMatt28 (1:35:28 AM): Uh
HeyItsMatt28 (1:35:39 AM): I'd say...maybe, probably more yes than no, what animal are we talking here?
poshjosh44 (1:35:53 AM): a raging stallion
poshjosh44 (1:36:01 AM): i live on a barn, and all i have are cows
poshjosh44 (1:36:04 AM): and horses.
poshjosh44 (1:36:11 AM): and i have these urges you know
poshjosh44 (1:36:15 AM): sometimes they eat my poop
HeyItsMatt28 (1:37:08 AM): That's entertaining
HeyItsMatt28 (1:37:20 AM): Cows eat everything, though.
poshjosh44 (1:37:27 AM): i like watching monkeys throw their poop
poshjosh44 (1:37:30 AM): at the zoo
HeyItsMatt28 (1:37:31 AM): Oh
HeyItsMatt28 (1:37:39 AM): Did you know it's illegal to have sex with an animal?
poshjosh44 (1:37:42 AM): yeah.. i dont know its habbit i have to break
poshjosh44 (1:37:47 AM): oh well, shhh
HeyItsMatt28 (1:37:49 AM): Yeah, yeah
HeyItsMatt28 (1:38:18 AM): Anyways,
HeyItsMatt28 (1:38:31 AM): When monkeys throw their poop at the zoo, it's funny when they hit each other.
HeyItsMatt28 (1:38:37 AM): Because the monkey flips out
poshjosh44 (1:38:41 AM): anyways, you dont have urges to have sex with your woman
HeyItsMatt28 (1:38:54 AM): Are you asking me or telling me?
poshjosh44 (1:39:25 AM): asking\
HeyItsMatt28 (1:39:45 AM): Oh, of course, it's kind of sitting in the head up there. If we stay together long enough it'll happen, and it'll be awesome? That's usually how it works.
HeyItsMatt28 (1:40:02 AM): Hey
HeyItsMatt28 (1:40:03 AM): I was wondering
HeyItsMatt28 (1:40:12 AM): Just a quick question.
poshjosh44 (1:40:16 AM): shoot
poshjosh44 (1:40:18 AM): buddy
HeyItsMatt28 (1:40:20 AM): You know how there are leprechauns at the end of the rainbows?
HeyItsMatt28 (1:40:25 AM): Is that you?
poshjosh44 (1:40:44 AM): no. im gay
HeyItsMatt28 (1:40:55 AM): Oh, okay
HeyItsMatt28 (1:41:04 AM): My friend suspected, when I told him about you, that you might be that leprechaun.
HeyItsMatt28 (1:41:06 AM): I just wanted to verify
poshjosh44 (1:41:24 AM): oh well whose your friend
HeyItsMatt28 (1:41:33 AM): Some guy. He doesn't need to be identified.
HeyItsMatt28 (1:41:36 AM): He's not important
poshjosh44 (1:41:49 AM): well whats his name
poshjosh44 (1:41:51 AM): common lovie
HeyItsMatt28 (1:42:38 AM): I said it's not important.
poshjosh44 (1:43:00 AM): names dont identify people
HeyItsMatt28 (1:43:08 AM): You wouldn't tell me your last name
poshjosh44 (1:44:19 AM): josh spelling
poshjosh44 (1:44:22 AM): happy?
HeyItsMatt28 (1:44:37 AM): But if you really must know
poshjosh44 (1:44:38 AM): NO im not related to aaron spelling or tori spelling so do not ask
HeyItsMatt28 (1:44:42 AM): Eustache Romulus. (It's not really that, it's _Ganonmetroid_, if that's significant at all. I lied, but E.R. is an actual name GM told me about a while ago.)
HeyItsMatt28 (1:44:48 AM): Weird name
HeyItsMatt28 (1:44:51 AM): But he's a cool kid
poshjosh44 (1:44:54 AM): intercourse  that i want to poop
poshjosh44 (1:44:59 AM): on him
poshjosh44 (1:45:02 AM): right now. smear ramen noods on him
HeyItsMatt28 (1:45:24 AM): Oh.
HeyItsMatt28 (1:45:27 AM): I'll make sure to tell him.
poshjosh44 (1:45:54 AM): i want to take my dick and put it in a blender
poshjosh44 (1:45:58 AM): make penis soup
HeyItsMatt28 (1:46:36 AM): Oh...
HeyItsMatt28 (1:46:41 AM): I don't think those are meant for blenders.
HeyItsMatt28 (1:47:15 AM): But still, do what you want.
poshjosh44 (1:47:39 AM): ugh okay, that turns me on when someone actually sticks their dick in the icecube maker on the fridge
poshjosh44 (1:47:41 AM): ive seen it
poshjosh44 (1:47:43 AM): its nice.
HeyItsMatt28 (1:48:03 AM): I don't think I'd really enjoy that, but whatever floats your boat.
poshjosh44 (1:48:10 AM): touch me.
HeyItsMatt28 (1:48:25 AM): I
HeyItsMatt28 (1:48:33 AM): I'm not touching you, buddy, I don't even know you!
poshjosh44 (1:48:33 AM): yes you
HeyItsMatt28 (1:48:33 AM): Sorry.
poshjosh44 (1:48:39 AM): darnit.
HeyItsMatt28 (1:48:46 AM): Why not your father?
poshjosh44 (1:48:46 AM): my plan is soiled
poshjosh44 (1:48:53 AM): soiled it soiled it soiled soiled soiled it
HeyItsMatt28 (1:48:57 AM): Spongebob!
poshjosh44 (1:48:58 AM): my father died
HeyItsMatt28 (1:49:04 AM): SOILED IT
HeyItsMatt28 (1:49:05 AM): SOILED IT
HeyItsMatt28 (1:49:06 AM): SOILED IT
poshjosh44 (1:49:08 AM): shut up
HeyItsMatt28 (1:49:13 AM): Do you know what I'm talking about?
HeyItsMatt28 (1:49:22 AM): And I'm sorry about your father
poshjosh44 (1:49:28 AM): yes. sponegbob,
HeyItsMatt28 (1:49:34 AM): Spongebob is awesome.
poshjosh44 (1:50:10 AM): so is cock
HeyItsMatt28 (1:50:20 AM): Just how awesome?
poshjosh44 (1:50:39 AM): VERY awesome. you should try it
poshjosh44 (1:50:40 AM): for real
poshjosh44 (1:50:47 AM): are there gay kids at your school?
HeyItsMatt28 (1:50:48 AM): What would you do if you were raped by a woman?

At this point he stopped talking, and I blocked him and said I was done with that.

Comments welcome.


Oh, and he's on my MySpace because we talked in some random chat on AIM a long time ago, and I just accepted him to see if I actually knew him. Never deleted him >_>.



Wow that was hilarious...

An emo-fag....

I'd sue or something...







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I dident really find it humerous

I dident laugh, I was sitting here thinking...That kid needs to die ^^


wow that's really fjuckin gay you are a huge faggot kill yourself p. cool i mean chat logs are always funny never funny and annoying to read super silly i remember me and my friend were talking on msn skype yahoo google this one forum steam aim and then he tried to send me a picture song and i accepted and i had about one second left and then i signed out because he was a huge faggot and he tried to send me a fjcukin gay azzz song i mean WTF! sometimes you really don't want to hear that crap lost my connection and i went into a fit of rage because of it and proceeded to murder my entire family go on a school shooting rampage cry in a fjuckin corner and then i had a brilliant idea so i went into the bathroom and took a razor and cut myself grabbed a gun and shot myself in the face tried to hang myself but the rope broke and then after some crying sobbing holding my head up high and beating my wife like a real man inner thoughts i went on the computer opened this thread and told you about it.
so i was trying to think of my sig i mean i was going to do some cool stuff like some photoshop picz but i dont have photoshop so i decided to just type some stuff about me so strikeout strikeout strikeout

The Seventh

What the f***.

Seriously, what was wrong with that guy.  This is another reason why I never get on MySpace.

Friendly Hostile

I stopped reading after I clicked the link to the myspace and gouged my eyes out.