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Without a Trace (A DMDTS Sequel)

Started by THEBIRD, January 17, 2009, 11:00:20 AM

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"Yes, you are right," Jas nods. "But then what would be the point of controlling the ship if none of us know how to control it? So that's why we're-" She stops, ears picking up voices from above them. "... Wait a minute. Wait here," the demon ninja takes off towards the deck.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Solon shook his hand, then looked back out to sea. "We need to get to Monte Island as soon as possible," Solon said. "My friends should be on this ship somewhere and-" Solon stopped, his eyes focusing on something floating not too far from the ship out at sea. "Is that..." Solon quickly peeled off his jacket and shirt, threw off his shoes and took off his jeans. He stripped down to his black boxers, jumped onto the pirate rail, which was a lot more slippery then he thought. Instead of executing a perfect dive into the water, he slid right off the rail and did a belly flop into the cold water below. "Ow..."

He shook off the pain and began swimming toward the floating body. Blood trickled softly out of the gun wounds on Orlando. Solon grabbed him and began paddling back to shore. Once he got to the harbor, he dragged Orlando out of the water. The first thing Solon did was check his heartbeat, it was hard to find because it was so faint, but it was there. "Crap," Solon muttered. "It's never smart to put so much weight on a wound, but when have I ever followed what's smart?" Solon took the body and pulled him over his shoulders, carrying back to the boat.

"You're good with gun wounds, Riou," Solon commented. "Sorry to ask so much of you after you helped me, but it looks like this guy has a wound on his right shoulder, as well as his his chest... I think it just missed his heart." Solon thought for another moment, a clear memory of his fall after getting rid of Zanari's spirit, and who had helped regain his strength. "Mira..." Solon whispered. Then out loud again he said, "Mira can heal wounds. If you could just keep him alive, I'll go find him. He's gotta be on this boat somewhere."

Solon didn't know why he was trusting this stranger who had helped him, or why the stranger had helped him or knew to come on this boat, or even if the rest of the gang had made it on the boat safely. But he did know that it was better to trust for now, it was a lot faster. Another memory came to Solon, when he had first started his first adventure, and Jas had hurt her foot. They had found refuge in the cellar of a boat, stowaways until they had finally gotten a ship of their own. So, Solon had decided that would be the first place he would look. His shoulder felt sore now, the adrenaline he had used to help him through that small ordeal was now ebbing away.

But then, he heard a noise that sounded like someone approaching the deck. He whirled around and called out, "Who's there?"

Max Headroom

Mira was about to say something, but Jas walked off before he could say it. Ach, fine, we'll just have to wait until Jas comes back to me to prove her wrong. Mira thought to himself, remembering the month after the Dead Men... And he remembered that he never took control of the pirate ship. D'oh! Oh well, it shouldn't be too hard to figure out.


((Wait, I've been gone. What happened?))


((I ditched you.))
Riou nodded his head, and removed the bullets carefully. The one in his chest HAD barely miseed his heart. He cleaned and disenfected the wounds, and bandaged them as well. He then remained there, his hand on the right side of Orlando's neck, feeling for any variation in his pulse. The first-aid had reduced the blood flow from the wounds, slightly strengthening the pulse, but the outlook was still grim. If this "Mira" didn't get here soon, this man might not make it, thought Riou.


(( XD yeah, pretty much... Mostly everyone is on the pirate ship now, including the guy who ditched you. ))


Jas presses her back against a wall, and pushes the cellar door open, peering around the corner. "Hey, Solon. 'Bout time you got here," then she realizes that there are two other people, one of which is down. "Hurry up and get out of the open. Mira's down here too, ya know to help heal."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Riou did as was instructed, very carefully moving the unconscious man, Orlando, down into the holds.


Lanbar ducked down to avoid the punch but was hit on the forehead. He looked to his left and saw the bottle he left in the bushes and made a dive for it. "Ah, now we get serious!" He drank about 1/4 more of the drink and put it back down. He thn stumbled over to Parry and threw a punch that went clear over his head but Lanbar followed it up with an elbow to the gut with his other arm.


Harver followed Jas, just to make sure there wasn't danger. He smiled when he saw Solon, but winced when he noticed the bandages. "I see you got in a fight?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.

Max Headroom

Mira noticed Riou coming down with the unconscious man, Orlando. "What's his problem?" Mira asked, referring to Orlando.


"Gunshot wounds. One in his right shoulder, one in his chest. The one in his chest narrowly missed his heart, but didn't appear to hit anything vital. His pulse is almost nonexistant." Riou replied, carefully setting Orlando atop a pair of storage crates.

Max Headroom

"Did you bother to remove the bullets?" Mira asked.


"Yes, of course." Riou replied, "I also cleaned and disinfected the wounds."


Shu was bewildered. "What just happened?"

First he was talking to a man, then another person popped up, and then... stuff. What DID happen?

"That was completely random." Shu stood there in the ally, knowing not what to do next.

((At least tell me if the cannon is still here.))