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New computer over the summer, some questions

Started by Nayrman, January 27, 2009, 04:27:12 AM

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Hiya, over the summer I'm (supposudly) going to get a new computer, and it can practically be of my choice. Now, I'm considering going to a Mac, but am a little nervous for two reasons. First being previously dowloaded torrents not working (I've been told all I need to do is download a quicktime version of DivX and I should be fine), and all my Adobe stuff being non-transferable (I think it's Windows version of it). So thats the question on that.

I may end up waiting for Windows 7 if it comes out this year (which I doubt), but was wondering if anyone has messed around with it. I've been hearing very mixed thoughts on it. Some people I know say it's fantastic while some I know say it's worse than Vista (and I never found Vista that bad whenever I've used it though X_X;; )

Just some thoughts, thanks!


Quote from: Nayrman on January 27, 2009, 04:27:12 AM
Hiya, over the summer I'm (supposudly) going to get a new computer, and it can practically be of my choice. Now, I'm considering going to a Mac, but am a little nervous for two reasons. First being previously dowloaded torrents not working (I've been told all I need to do is download a quicktime version of DivX and I should be fine), and all my Adobe stuff being non-transferable (I think it's Windows version of it). So thats the question on that.

I may end up waiting for Windows 7 if it comes out this year (which I doubt), but was wondering if anyone has messed around with it. I've been hearing very mixed thoughts on it. Some people I know say it's fantastic while some I know say it's worse than Vista (and I never found Vista that bad whenever I've used it though X_X;; )

Just some thoughts, thanks!
If you're getting a Mac, get a laptop. And you can install windows on a mac, be it either virtual machine (VMWare Fusion) or OSX's Bootcamp, which is for the purpose of multibooting. So.. run your adobe stuff in a VM or just dual boot.

On the subject of 7, I run it on another computer, and it runs (and has ran) quite well since i've installed it. No issues at all, and it takes up a poopload less RAM. Lesse... I'm on Vista Ultimate x64 right now, and my RAM usage is at 1.86GB of my 4GB. Running 7 Ultimate, It was taking somewhere between 370ishMB to 600MB. You oughta just try 7 out for yourself. Download the ISO from the beta page and install it on a separate hard drive or something. They should still have some keys, if not, PM me i've got a few extras left.


I really have no interest in 7 particularly, I was just wondering what was the best plan going forward.
And yes, the Adobe is windows. Is the extra stuff just things I can download or will it work just on Mac just in an odd way?
I have very little experience with macs so I'm a little confused.
Ah, the DivX version for Mac/Quicktime is like XviD or something X_X;;

**BTW, when does 7 plan on coming out? If its guranteed this year I might just wait for that instead.


Quote from: Nayrman on January 27, 2009, 09:25:41 AM
I really have no interest in 7 particularly, I was just wondering what was the best plan going forward.
And yes, the Adobe is windows. Is the extra stuff just things I can download or will it work just on Mac just in an odd way?
I have very little experience with macs so I'm a little confused.
Ah, the DivX version for Mac/Quicktime is like XviD or something X_X;;

**BTW, when does 7 plan on coming out? If its guranteed this year I might just wait for that instead.
Well in terms of adobe programs, which ones do you have? You could install the windows version of your choice in either dual boot or virtualization. Also there's a program called crossover for mac, which allows windows programs to be run within OSX. Dunno if it costs money or not though..
Personally I just grab the k-lite codec pack every time I reinstall my OS. dunno if there's a mac version. But yes, XviD is a popular video codec and i'm fairly sure it works with divx files too.

Not sure on the date, MS hasn't told us yet. I do know that the beta for 7 ends in the beginning of August, on the first of the month. I'd say probably (read:hopefully) it'll be out early next year. maybe at the end of this one if we're lucky.



Odds are then I'll probably go to mac then over the summer (the only way I was going to 7 was if it came out in the fall or very early winter).
As long as I can get my torrents to work I'll learn how to use it.
Hm, as a test I downloaded Xvid and it didn't allow my torrents to work on Quicktime...I'm assuming it's just because of my windows XD

as for Adobe I have CS3 Premium. It explicitly says Windows on the box though ;_;

I'm sure someone at my local apple store will at least have some idea how to do it.