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my competiveness

Started by tibar21, February 21, 2009, 01:58:11 PM

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Quote from: Dawei on February 25, 2009, 09:50:48 PM
Quote from: tollhouse2006 on February 25, 2009, 08:49:34 PM
Quote from: `Matt` on February 25, 2009, 08:22:07 PM
Quote from: tollhouse2006 on February 25, 2009, 06:30:50 PM
Quote from: Dawei on February 25, 2009, 04:05:53 PM
Quote from: tollhouse2006 on February 25, 2009, 04:02:59 PM
Quote from: Dawei on February 25, 2009, 03:37:06 PM
Quote from: tollhouse2006 on February 25, 2009, 02:41:59 PM
Quote from: HTA on February 24, 2009, 06:26:47 PM
Quote from: tollhouse2006 on February 23, 2009, 06:51:04 PM
Ok, after that post I'll definetly look forward to fighting you.  Using up five minutes of my friend's time is no problem at all.  You don't have to wait, if you happen to be on the boards at the time I have access to wifi, we're all set.  It's really not a big deal.   There is nothing wrong with saying I'm a good player.  It's not like I'm calling myself a pro. 
I'm calling myself a pro.
I can 4 stock Isai in SB64 with a broken control stick and a bear ripping out my eyes.
Can you upload or post a link of a video of you fighting.  I'm dying to see how good you are.  And sb64 is a completely different game, I don't care how good you are in that game, it's brawl that matters now.
Actually, skills from one game transfer to the other. Wonder why Isai is so good in melee as well as 64, or all the top brawl players were top melee players? Yeah.
Guess, you're right, but melee to brawl was a bit to adjust to due to the change in character movesets and damage they cause.  I did not see Falcon getting that negative effect more than anybody else.      
It's the mindgames and the mindset. Not direct move from one character in one game to the character in another. M2k rapes in brawl, azen rapes in brawl, dsf rapes in brawl, all the pro players do. The differences between the games don't matter.
I agree 100%.  When I used mk my influence was m2k.  Look, is HTA as good as he says he is?     

Based off those videos, a lot better then you, but he over exaggerates quite a bit.
figures.  I think even skye's faced him before and he told me he was good, but if he calls himself pro then I don't know what to think. 

btw dawei.  i just found this out.  i'm not sure if you were aware but my friend who fought tibar in this video has faced you before a while ago and remembers you giving positive comments on his yoshi.  He says you used luigi or fox against him or something like that.  You remember?    I'm actually gonna help him do a combo video for yoshi soon.  I'm looking forward to it.
The only Yoshi I ever remember playing is Depsters Yoshi. I don't remember at all lol.
Well, he said he faced you.  Your name's hard to forget.  I believe he just made an account here.
Friend Code: 2622-1690-4267  Finally have wifi

Red Alert

i have the best yoshi on nsider



Well, like the others said: you weren't good. Maybe train with CPU's and than you maybe can defeat that Pikachu. :D
Blaziken must be a character in Super Smash Bros!


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Quote from: Blaperile on February 27, 2009, 02:01:00 PM
Well, like the others said: you weren't good. Maybe train with CPU's and than you maybe can defeat that Pikachu. :D

Who is that directed towards?
Friend Code: 2622-1690-4267  Finally have wifi


Quote from: tollhouse2006 on February 28, 2009, 12:37:25 PM
Quote from: Blaperile on February 27, 2009, 02:01:00 PM
Well, like the others said: you weren't good. Maybe train with CPU's and than you maybe can defeat that Pikachu. :D

Who is that directed towards?

The starter of this thread. About that video.
Blaziken must be a character in Super Smash Bros!


Quote from: Java_Java on February 22, 2009, 06:44:37 PM
Did anyone else notice this under the video's description?

The worst match I have ever had with yoshi and his pikachu is soooo anoying that non of us want to fight it. I will get a good video of my yoshi on here soon enough.

Quote from: `Matt` on February 22, 2009, 11:24:50 AM
Quote from: Gamree on February 22, 2009, 12:34:11 AM
Quote from: HTA on February 21, 2009, 11:49:23 PM
Quote from: tibar21 on February 21, 2009, 08:18:46 PM
Quote from: Shujinco on February 21, 2009, 07:40:08 PM
Well, I don't play Pikachu, so... I don't know.

However, looking at the videos on the right, Tibar's Ness and Tollhouse's Lucas is average. Especially mthat lucas. :-\
well first of all that's the toughest not pro or not spamming Yoshi you'll ever face. and i use lucas tollhouse uses ness and came back in his fight to win against sonic. i f***ed up against lucario. sheik.. well you know. i'll post again from the next tournament. i haven't been playing that much.
My Ness would rape you using PSi Magnet alone.

Don't know exactly why, but I found that comment quite humorous.  :)

Glad to see I wasn't the only one.

Anyways, that was a crappy Yoshi and Pikachu, both were incredibly predictable. As for tollhouse, his Ness is average, not great but not bad either, whoever Skye was, it is likewise for his Sonic.
I'm pretty sure Skye used to come here.
He bragged about how "good" he was.
Alright so I'll make this short.
First off, I don't ever recall bragging, and when i actually came here i was on par with most of you (well, the ones who used to be in this hellhole)
So, the difference between we who were in the tournament and you people is simple: We play for fun, not to annahilate the other person
in these tournaments we use 7 different characters. I'm pretty sure most of you only use 1, maybe 2. So we train with 7+, not 1.
We also try to stay away from things such as teching. That makes things frustrating and sucks the fun right from the game.
But why bother telling all this to you people. Many of you I dont even know. Just thought I would pop on and give my opinion in this subject.


Skye wins an "I just mad off MoM award". Very prestigious.

1. Hellhole? Oh, okay. Poor playing + pointing it out = hellhole.

2. 7 Characters? Wow. Most of us here have mains, yes, but many play more than that - I alone am at 5 or so (but I'm not a great player, by any means)

3. Teching is part of the character. You don't play Diddy without glide-tossing, you don't play Falco w/o chains, etc. It is in no way cheap (except the DICk move, invincibility is cheap).



Quote from: Lord Layton on February 28, 2009, 05:23:15 PM
Skye wins an "I just mad off MoM award". Very prestigious.

1. Hellhole? Oh, okay. Poor playing + pointing it out = hellhole.

2. 7 Characters? Wow. Most of us here have mains, yes, but many play more than that - I alone am at 5 or so (but I'm not a great player, by any means)

3. Teching is part of the character. You don't play Diddy without glide-tossing, you don't play Falco w/o chains, etc. It is in no way cheap (except the DICk move, invincibility is cheap).

Oh no no no no you have me wrong Mr. MoM
I don't mind you pointing out our bad playing, I am telling you to look around. This board went from being bustling with new players and veterans. Now look at it. The smart ones got out before you all turned into complete asses. Bravo to them.
Teching may be part of the game, but last time i checked you can play characters without teching. Just to you people its considered playing bad.
And I'll hang that award on the wall. Thank you for this honor.


Quote from: Skye8600 on February 28, 2009, 05:33:34 PM
Quote from: Lord Layton on February 28, 2009, 05:23:15 PM
Skye wins an "I just mad off MoM award". Very prestigious.

1. Hellhole? Oh, okay. Poor playing + pointing it out = hellhole.

2. 7 Characters? Wow. Most of us here have mains, yes, but many play more than that - I alone am at 5 or so (but I'm not a great player, by any means)

3. Teching is part of the character. You don't play Diddy without glide-tossing, you don't play Falco w/o chains, etc. It is in no way cheap (except the d*ck move, invincibility is cheap).

Oh no no no no you have me wrong Mr. MoM
I don't mind you pointing out our bad playing, I am telling you to look around. This board went from being bustling with new players and veterans. Now look at it. The smart ones got out before you all turned into complete asses. Bravo to them.
Teching may be part of the game, but last time i checked you can play characters without teching. Just to you people its considered playing bad.
And I'll hang that award on the wall. Thank you for this honor.
skye=right on the money

i have something to say. you guys complain that no one is ever here. and you don't know why. well, you guys are the biggest arseholes ever. no wonder no one ever wants to come here. just like skye said this place was bustling and happy for the brawl release era and now its nothing but a miserable little run down slum. with you guys shunning anyone who thinks differently than you, you're just asking for nsider to close down due to lack of funds because you drive everyone away. you got two choices: 1) be somewhat nice and maybe this place will be half as good as what it used to be. 2) be complete arseholes like you're being right now and suck a d*ck.
Super Smash Bros Brawl FC: 2622-1690-4267
Pokemon Soul Silver FC: 4855-9306-7114
Mario Kart Wii FC: 4898-5017-8746


Or, you guys completely missed the simple fact:

1) Before Brawl came out, we had hopes and dreams. We had a lot to discuss in the daily updates.

2) When Brawl came out, we discussed the SSE and the overall lameness that was SSBB

3) 1 year later and we've discussed the hell out of it, as well as played one another to the point of boredom. Titles like Mario Kart Wii or CoD: 4 took over our lives, not the pathetic attempt at an online game known as Brawl. It's good, it's not great.

That is the simple truth of it all. Brawl is boring. I'll be happy to escort you right on out of NSF if you want to tell me to go suck a d*ck again, though. And unlike in Smash Bros, you won't be returning.

Edit: And Skye, your sig is 100 pixels over the limit. Please remove one portion ASAP, to conform with the 600x200 limit in place.


Quote from: Lord Layton on February 28, 2009, 07:49:21 PM
Or, you guys completely missed the simple fact:

1) Before Brawl came out, we had hopes and dreams. We had a lot to discuss in the daily updates.

2) When Brawl came out, we discussed the SSE and the overall lameness that was SSBB

3) 1 year later and we've discussed the hell out of it, as well as played one another to the point of boredom. Titles like Mario Kart Wii or CoD: 4 took over our lives, not the pathetic attempt at an online game known as Brawl. It's good, it's not great.

That is the simple truth of it all. Brawl is boring. I'll be happy to escort you right on out of NSF if you want to tell me to go suck a dick again, though. And unlike in Smash Bros, you won't be returning.
Brawl is only boring to you and others here because you only try to be the best and win all of the time. You have all lost sight of the fact that the game should be fun.To the rest of the brawl community brawl stays a game that we like to play. Now don't get me wrong, I love CoD, Gears, etc a much as the next person, and I do play them more than brawl, but that doesn't make brawl boring. To me anyways. You and your tastes are completely different, even though no one cares about them. Then again, no one seems to care about my tastes either. But thats not the point. How about you and the rest of the pathetic group that still crawls this part of the board leave it, or atleast dont tell people trying to be better that they suck.
How about that M'Lord?

Edit: I think your more than capable of fixing it yourself. I don't really much care if its too many pixels, but if it bothers you then take matters into your own hands. I won't be here for long anyways. Thanks for asking politely though


hey that comment wasn't nessecarilly directed at you. people here just need to get a grip. i play to win, but to have fun and be competive at the same time. i'd rather just not play than rape my opponent every match. for waht ever reason people here treat me like poop just for that. people here just love to be total dickheads to me. why else would this topic have 5 pages filled with poop hole remarks directed to me after only a few days. before this topic this palce would only get that many posts in a month. so yeah that proves that most people here would get out of their way just to tell me that I'm a retard.

and as for getting banned I fail to see the threat. if I get banned it'll only hurt you cause Nsider hasn't had tis much activity since august. and if i get banned no one will post anymore cause apparently the only reason people post here anymore is to be a poophead.
Super Smash Bros Brawl FC: 2622-1690-4267
Pokemon Soul Silver FC: 4855-9306-7114
Mario Kart Wii FC: 4898-5017-8746


Quote from: tibar21 on February 28, 2009, 08:04:58 PM
hey that comment wasn't nessecarilly directed at you. people here just need to get a grip. i play to win, but to have fun and be competive at the same time. i'd rather just not play than rape my opponent every match. for waht ever reason people here treat me like poop just for that. people here just love to be total dickheads to me. why else would this topic have 5 pages filled with poop hole remarks directed to me after only a few days. before this topic this palce would only get that many posts in a month. so yeah that proves that most people here would get out of their way just to tell me that I'm a retard.

and as for getting banned I fail to see the threat. if I get banned it'll only hurt you cause Nsider hasn't had tis much activity since august. and if i get banned no one will post anymore cause apparently the only reason people post here anymore is to be a poophead.
Thats not good leverage. He could care less if you attract activity to this thread you know.