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What is your favorite Mega Man boss?

Started by Blue_Bomber, April 30, 2009, 03:23:39 PM

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Nah nah, just kidding.

Probably either Bass or Topman, just because he's so darn funny.
But no where near as phallic as Flash man and Hard Man XD


Storm Eagle.
He's just so...awesome. Especially in the PSP remake.


Tenguman. The way he talks is just...funny I suppose.

but my favorite battle is the X vs Zero battle in X2, or maybe the one in X5/X6. Either way, they're pretty epic.


Quote from: Zero on May 08, 2009, 10:39:52 AM
Tenguman. The way he talks is just...funny I suppose.

but my favorite battle is the X vs Zero battle in X2, or maybe the one in X5/X6. Either way, they're pretty epic.
I love Duff McWhalen in X5 (I think). You always have to talk like DUFFMAN, THE WHALE MAVERICK WHO LOVES THE DUFF AND STUFF! OH YEA!

Oh, and since we're talking about X5, WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOR!!!??? (couldn'nt help it)


Quote from: Nayrman on May 08, 2009, 11:44:17 AM
Oh, and since we're talking about X5, WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOR!!!??? (couldn'nt help it)
Sorry man, the line's in X4. =P

Also, the Last Boss of 9. Because of its difficulty and how badass it is.


Original: CrashMan. Though, this is mostly for design, to be honest.
X: None stood out.
Zero: Harpuia
BN: Elec.Man
ZX: Prometheus and Pandora battles were fun. (speaking of
SF: Cancer Bubble.
(Legends not listed due to lack of playtime)

overall, probably CrashMan because I like his design for whatever reason.


Quote from: Nayrman on May 08, 2009, 11:44:17 AM
I love Duff McWhalen in X5 (I think). You always have to talk like DUFFMAN, THE WHALE MAVERICK WHO LOVES THE DUFF AND STUFF! OH YEA!

Oh, and since we're talking about X5, WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOR!!!??? (couldn'nt help it)
DUFF MAN. OH, YEAH. *thrusts*