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Your Online Gaming Pet Peeves

Started by Doodle, June 01, 2009, 02:28:41 AM

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Friendly Hostile

The expectation that everyone has the same knowledge of the game as you.  And this is on both ends, with some people under the impression that everyone they're playing with knows jack poop like they do and the other people under the assumption that everyone knows every abbreviation, every secret and every possible combination or hidden location in the game.


Lag, but that will always be there in online games. I go in with teams usually so thats not an issue, probably everyone wanting to be the same character and use the same weapon on the same map. That applies to alot of games

The Seventh

1. Hackers: ruined Metroid prime Hunters for me.

2. Annoying young kids- they sound like they shouldn't be playing.  Especially if it's games like Halo3.  They sound annoying online, too.

3. Useless people: I hate it when people just sit there THE WHOLE MATCH.

4. When people don't speak English.

5. The occasional team-killer/bastard.


Clans that join a server and stack one team
People that have their microphones up really loud
People that play unfunny audio clips during games

Also, lag isn't an issue if you don't join a server that's on the other side of the world. I play on servers on the west coast (on east coast), and I get pretty good ping (100 or so).

Oh, one more: People who complain x should be more like Halo 3.


I have to agree with Kilroy. People who leave a game just because they're losing really pisses me off.


QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!


When people leave when you're winning, happens all the time in Mario Strikers Charged.

Surprisingly, that game is still pretty active.

formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze


People that think you suck when your screwing around.
Good example is CoD4. Whenever I play that it is just boring to sit there and kill everyone. So I usually just screw around and have fun.(Go MGS and sneak into their base just to Tea-bag) Then I get it from my whole team. "Your garbage. Go play another game NooB! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!" Its very annoying.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Quote from: MagnumSonic on June 01, 2009, 08:45:46 PM
People that think you suck when your screwing around.
Good example is CoD4. Whenever I play that it is just boring to sit there and kill everyone. So I usually just screw around and have fun.(Go MGS and sneak into their base just to Tea-bag) Then I get it from my whole team. "Your garbage. Go play another game NooB! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!" Its very annoying.
And that is when you make your team lose.


Camping, camping, camping!

In shooters, its will drive me to the edge of sanity! D:


people who don't shut up.
people who think they own the place.


Demomen.  Do I have to say more?




Being called a n00b for choosing a really good sniping spot. No I don't camp. I spend a few minutes in one spot and move on to the next one. That way I won't be labeled as a camper.


getting kicked out for being new. New guys make gaming fun. They learn the tools of the trade and will eventually use them to their own ability.

People who hate newbies. Gaming isn't fun without newbies.

Be yourself, everyone else is taken.


Quote from: RaceDrv709 on June 04, 2009, 07:04:42 PM


Being called a n00b for choosing a really good sniping spot. No I don't camp. I spend a few minutes in one spot and move on to the next one. That way I won't be labeled as a camper.


getting kicked out for being new. New guys make gaming fun. They learn the tools of the trade and will eventually use them to their own ability.

People who hate newbies. Gaming isn't fun without newbies.
I actually have to disagree w/ you there. I would LOVE games w/out noobs. It's the main reason I don't like CoD4 anymore. All the people that you don't completely destroy left and now all you have is the dumb people. Especially kids.

BTW I hate 10 year olds online. They have the tenacity of a cockroach when it comes to them being better than you.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change

The Seventh

Quote from: Tortylla on June 01, 2009, 03:00:58 PM
People that have their microphones up really loud
I also hate it on Halo3, when some people have their mics on enough, that they constantly have a breathing noise going thorugh it.

*hurfffffhurfffffhurfffff* *static garbled breath* *hurfffff*