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Hey IGN, go kill yourselves.

Started by Nayrman, August 10, 2009, 08:05:31 PM

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Now that GI Joe (a.k.a. more shameless whoring of good classic tv shows so Hollywood can become even MORE greedy), IGN lists 10 shows they want to see put into live action from their cartoon counterparts.

IGN, GO KILL YOURSELVES. WHAT'S WRONG WITH LEAVING SOMETHING GOOD ALONE!? Not to mention with Hollywood doing terrible with this stuff, and being talentless hacks with no ability to actually care for their fans outside of the occasional comic book movie, I wish these editors would go back to writing about Madden and other boring nonsense.

They list: (No order in particular)

1. He-Man: It's ALREADY been done, and it SUCKED. SO NO!

2. Neon Genesis Evangelion: FUCK NO! This series works BETTER animation what with the mecha. God only knows how much Hollywood would intercourse  up the psychological stuff in this series. They'd turn it into "GIANT ROBOTS WOOOOOOO!" like Transformers.

3. Johnny Quest: BEEN DONE. **I think, I'm sure it's out there*

4. Voltron: see end of Evangelion, they'd just turn it into "GIANT ROBOTS WOOOOO!"

5. The Jetsons: After seeing Scooby Doo and the Flinstones turned into live action (multiple times, AND SUCKING), Hanna-Barbera cartoons should be LEFT ALONE.

6. Thundercats: Great, give the furry's MORE reasons to be proud of themselves...

7. Cowboy Bebop: FUCK NO FUCK NO FUCK NO FUCK NO! It's one of the best animated tv shows EVER. It has the best Japanese to English dub EVER. IT"S FUCKING FINE THE WAY IT IS!

8. The Smurf's: ...WHY!?

9. Fullmetal Alchemst:


10: Robotech:

wait for it....


IGN, PLEASE stop giving Hollywood TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE ideas...


Quote from: Nayrman on August 10, 2009, 08:05:31 PM

Who cares if animated TV becomes live-action movies? It doesn't change the goodness of the TV part.
Dude .


It's basically spitting on the original work saying "HMPH, We're Hollywood, we're SOOOO much better than YOU and you're SILLY ANIMATION. Our full-assed writing and poor special effects with no effort is WAY better than anything these "cartoons" can do!"


Quote from: Nayrman on August 10, 2009, 08:14:02 PM
It's basically spitting on the original work saying "HMPH, We're Hollywood, we're SOOOO much better than YOU and you're SILLY ANIMATION. Our full-assed writing and poor special effects with no effort is WAY better than anything these "cartoons" can do!"
No it's not... They're saying they like the show so much that they'd like to ruin it on the big screen, all this gets all the sad lonely fanboys together and reminds them that Hollywood is ruining something already awesome, then they come together on some forums and rant rant rant.
Dude .


It also stems from the fact that Hollywood would rather be lazy than do anything truly worthwhile.

And yes, I'm a fanboy and I will forever rant about all these horrible licensed movies.

They're horrible, and I'm PISSED about them. And I will forever be so. I demand that all studio's be required to watch Miyazaki's work and learn how to be intercourse ing original.


Quote from: Nayrman on August 10, 2009, 08:25:51 PM
It also stems from the fact that Hollywood would rather be lazy than do anything truly worthwhile.

And yes, I'm a fanboy and I will forever rant about all these horrible licensed movies.

They're horrible, and I'm PISSED about them. And I will forever be so. I demand that all studio's be required to watch Miyazaki's work and learn how to be intercourse ing original.
I don't see how it shows that they're lazy by adding new things.
Dude .


Lazy by not coming up with their own ideas. Why make your own story with your own characters? Just steal someone else's! Why spend time trying to make a unique design for your characters and a special visual appeal to your creation? Just copy paste other's works!

As I've said many times before, it is a MILLION times easier to write/direct/etc. a work that has already be pre-made for you. And if you try to do anything different, then why the intercourse  make an adaptation in the first place?! It's frankly a creatively bankrupt no-win situation that Hollywood gets away with because most people are too stupid to demand more from their entertainment. *goes to watch Spirited Away and The Day the Earth Stood Still* (1951, NOT Keanu's utterly pointless remake)


Ever notice how 99.9999999% of movies are either a book, TV show, play, or pre-made idea?
No movies make up their own movies from scratch
Dude .


Quote from: JrDude ♪ on August 10, 2009, 08:45:46 PM
Ever notice how 99.9999999% of movies are either a book, TV show, play, or pre-made idea?
No movies make up their own movies from scratch
the vast majority in the last 20 years, yes.
However, look at the 30's through the early 60's, and there were more original works than based on books, etc.
JR, there is a difference between being inspired by things (Dragonball - Journey to the West, Star Wars - the hero's journey, Buck Rodgers, etc.) and blatant copying, which is what most of these "blockbusters" are.




Also if there is ever going to be anime live action, PLEASE LEAVE IT TO JAPAN

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


The Smurfs as a live-action would probably be a horror film.

Quote from: JrDude ♪ on August 10, 2009, 08:45:46 PM
Ever notice how 99.9999999% of movies are either a book, TV show, play, or pre-made idea?
No movies make up their own movies from scratch
"I lovat a gabber.  I could listen to maure and moravar again.  Regn onder river.  Flies do your float.  Thick is the life for mere." - James Joyce (Finnegans Wake, page 213)


I'd like to note Zovi that I've never seen any advertisement for that movie even when it was just coming out, let alone any sort of hype or marketing for it.

Classic Hollywood never giving anything different a chance because it might not make anywhere near as much money as "Superman 18: Superman does more superman poop"


Turning anime into live action movies is unspeakable.


Teletubbies: The Movie.



i never understood the appeal of superman

i mean, he's all powerful, but a moron.  He's invincible.  "o noes, its kryptonite!  And for some reason I won't use a gun!"

It's the batman situation (won't kill one's enemies), except that superman is far less badass, far more powerful, and a intercourse ing idiot.

Quote from: LinkXLR on January 30, 2008, 09:10:54 PM
Quote from: famy on January 30, 2008, 08:36:30 PM
is big willy unleashed a will smith game

...I'm not even gonna touch this one.

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