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The Real Avatar

Started by Dog Food, February 10, 2010, 09:24:58 PM

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Dog Food

M. Night Shyamalan (The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable) is back with an attempt to right his career. How is he going to do this? With Nick's popular show, Avatar: The Last Airbender. It's going to be a trilogy (assuming the first movie does well) and will supposedly stay true to the series.

I've seen some trailers for this movie, and I've seen the show. It looks pretty good to me. I think Shyamalan may actually be able to pick himself up after his failures with Lady in the Water and The Happening. Plus, this is the first movie he's directing that he didn't write himself. Also, he was a fan of the series and it was his idea to make this into a live action movie, so there's a better chance he can do the show justice than some other director they might have picked up off the street.

Discuss the trailer, Nighty, and all that good poop.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


I swear, if I see one SINGLE actor that looks terrible I will not go to the theaters to watch this. *Looks at the pathetic excuse they call 'Sokka'*

Okay, it would be pretty hard to nail how people look from the show, but really, I want this to succeed. Avatar was one of the better cartoons from the last few years, and I want to see this movie continue on and show us some good stuff. I believe that, and I can't believe I'm saying this, M. Night Shymalan is a good choose for director. He's always proved to make movies well (WHAT A TWIST put aside) and I think he can take this in a good direction. Also, Aang's marks look BA

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


I got mad when they couldn't call this movie "Avatar".  I thought Avatar was this movie until I saw the blue people.


Looks meh, Katara looks hideous. And Zuko's scars aren't obvious enough.
Dude .


Even though none of the characters (besides maybe Aang), I'm still mildly looking forward to it. As the OP said it's one of the best cartoons to come out in recent years, and I think it's transition to an action movie COULD work. However, my skeptical side knows Shamylan will intercourse  this up somehow.

And yes, this is the REAL avatar. This came out first, James Cameron can go come up with his own title.


 I'm going to go see it when it comes out with the family.  Hopefully it will be good.


Okay, yes, I'm looking forward to this movie and have been for a while. However, I have kind of mixed expectations for this. I really don't know why, but I just feel like even though this is based off one of the maybe three cartoons I liked from 2005 until now, it's going to be butchered. I'm hoping strongly that I be proven wrong. The actors look good, but something about the trailer just seems kind of odd...I can't place my finger on it, it just seems a little odd. But not bad. Maybe it's just because of trying to transfer a show like Avatar into live action. However, I am definitely going to see this movie. I really can't judge it for real, I guess, because I only have like three minutes of footage to base it on. I guess I'll review it once it's out, as this movie is definitely something I'm looking forward to seeing, disappointment or not.