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Storytime :)

Started by Qsmash, February 28, 2010, 04:16:31 PM

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In late December of last year, I visited my cousin's house so we could hang out and play some vidya. Along with me, I brought some games of my own which included: NSMB Wii, MK: DD, WW: SM,...and Sonic Adventure Battle 2 (Since he only owns a Wii, they are all Wii and GC games). This cousin of mine is really fond of Sonic Adventure Battle 2. He always asks to borrow it, but I wont let him because of his intercourse  awful responsibility. He's so irresponsible that he has managed to break 7 Nintendo DS's (including 2 of mine) and had nearly all of his games destroyed by an 2 year old (this could be considered bad luck). This I kept in mind, but one thing I had forgotten or thought was no longer a problem, was his sticky fingers. He stole from me several times, but I got everything back eventually. I think he got craftier as time flew by. After Christmas, I got a Xbox 360 elite. I had been spending so much time with it that I stopped playing my Wii. Near the end of January, I got bored playing the generic shooters and Assassin's Creed that my brother let me borrow. Until today, I had stopped playing console games and focused more on handhelds. Then I got bored of that and decided to play the Wii. I decided that the first game I would play would be Sonic Adventure Battle 2 and tend to my Chaos. So I picked up the case, opened it, looked inside, and guess what I found. It wasn't an empty case. It was Super Mario Sunshine. The rage of a thousand white hot blinding suns ofGAYSHITSTUPIDADSFASDFUCKSDFASDFUCKDFASDFASDFASDFASFASFASFDASDFASDFASDFASFASDF

Sonic Adventure 2
Fucking 2 Months later

I'm going to kick his ass, but in the meantime I'll be playing what I consider to be the worst of the 3D Mario platformers.

I hope this hasn't happened to any of you...