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Here's my essay for a scholarship application

Started by Lotos, March 16, 2010, 08:35:55 AM

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   I have been interested in technology since I was a child.  I would build with blocks and watch my dad play video games.  My parents thought I should become an architect when I grew up, so that was my career goal as a child.  It was only more recently however, that I got involved with and found my love of computers.
   I've been using the computer since I was a kindergartner.  I would play games like Math Blasters and Beast Wars.  In elementary school, I would play games that we played in school in the computer lab like Kid Pix.  When I was in third grade, I would join a website which allowed the users to play games to collect points to purchase virtual little pictures that you could set up in a virtual room.  In fifth grade, I found another website which I will explain in the next paragraph.  This website was the one that got me interested in computers.
   In seventh grade, I returned to a certain website that changed the way I used computers.  This was when I became a "netizen".  The site let you play games and had a feature that let you potentially build your own webpage.  That idea intrigued me.  I made one for a small group of friends.  Nearing the end of eighth grade, I saw that web design was a course that was offered in high school.  I jumped on that opportunity.  I was very disappointed the next year when my schedule did not have that class on it.  The next two years would involve me hoping for web design to be offered again, but end up not being on the roster due to lack of funding or limited interest.  When senior year came along, I still had a little bit of hope that the course would be offered.  You could guess what happened next;  It wasn't.
   I had no idea what CISCO was in eighth grade, and wouldn't know until senior year.  I didn't bother to ask.  All I knew is that it had to do with computers so I didn't take it as, at that time, I was only interested in web design.  I ended up taking Computer Applications freshman year as I thought I would learn the ins and outs of many computer programs.  I was half right;  I would learn how to use Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.  I also learned another valuable skill in that class: how to type.  I believe this is one of the most important skills that I have learned throughout my high school career as it would help me out a lot later on.
   Fast-forward to the middle of junior year.  I have taken an interest in computer programming thanks to the friends at the online communities that I frequent.  I tried to learn how to program myself, attempting to teach myself C++, but I had a hard time comprehending what to do, so I wasn't too productive.  At the end of the year when it became time to choose electives for senior year, I picked Intro to Computer Programming.   Due to the failed attempts at teaching myself how to program, I was able to understand what was going on when I was learning the basics.  Computer programming was so fun, that I even started to practice at home.  Intro to Computer Programming has been one of the more enjoyable classes that I have taken during my high school career.


Nice, but I'm disappointed in the lack of NSFCD being mentioned. :B


Quote from: Big Brother on March 16, 2010, 08:41:26 AM
Nice, but I'm disappointed in the lack of NSFCD being mentioned. :B

I didn't mention NSider either.  "Online communities" actually meant Boyah, but Silver you (I keep confusing you with Light with that name) and Vaatix. (and more recently Mack) also helped get me interested in that.  Thank you guys <3