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KH3 (Finally) confirmed. FF7 sequel possible. Square has Fanservice!

Started by Thirdkoopa, March 25, 2010, 09:32:32 AM

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Remember that "Big announcement" Sometime earlier this year that had a lot of poop around it over the beginning and then Square-Enix denied it saying it was not going to be all that big and fans ninnyed for two months?

Kingdom Hearts 3 - Guys, you got what you wanted.
FF7 - You guys also may get that other speculated announcement.

However, the story shall also continue with the same in line. Thus meaning mediocrity of spin-offs in story that plunges things to be written like a horrible fanfiction. Whether he means by "3 games this year" or 3 KH games this year" may have been translated. If he means 3 KH games this year then get to the bunkers, but remember, Last Story is also in development.

Full story via here;
QuoteTetsuya Nomura, Director of the Kingdom Hearts franchise of games has confirmed that 3 new Kingdom Hearts games are planned, after Birth by Sleep releases.

In the "Birth by Sleep Ultimania" that contains an interview with Nomura, he had the following to say -

    "About the next title, Kingdom Hearts 3 depends on Final Fantasy XIII Versus, but development of the next title is already underway. There are two titles other than Kingdom Hearts 3 in conception, and I think I'll release one within this year."

    "As from next year, I want to put out a title with multiple main characters."

    "The series won't end in Kingdom Hearts 3, more like the conclusion of the Xehanort saga."

    "It's not the case that when Sora's story is over another hero's story will begin; Sora will be the hero until the end."

And on the Western version of KH: BBS -

    "We added the Critical degree of difficulty, more cutscenes, more songs to the Rhythmic Ice Cream mini game, more Keyblades, more types of enemies and altered battle balance. I still can't say we'll release a Final Mix, but we can't give it the generous treatment like with Re: Chain of Memories."

Thanks for the translation (and news!) goes to

Anyway... Let the seemingly contant debates over where KH3 will end up, commence.

QuoteYou worked on a bunch of Final Fantasy games. Which one would you want to remake the most?

[Laughs.] That would be Final Fantasy VII!

If we had the manpower and the time to work on a project, if we were to remake Final Fantasy VII with the quality of Final Fantasy XIII it would become a tremendous project. If we can get the number of people we need by all means that would be the one I would really want to remake.

Oh square. Doing both instead of just one. And soon too.

[21:11] <mackormoses> let's take a look at today's stats
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> stats today are high
[21:11] <mackormoses> holy intercourse ing poop
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> you adding all these standards
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> is really pushing us [/quote]
Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 08:32:13 PM
3 of my friends smoke weed. Why? Well I asked one time, and this is what they said: "Because I can blow out smoke and it makes me feel like a intercourse ing dragon"


I don't give a care about FFVII, I'm happy with my KH3. Sadly, I was hoping that the series would end with 3, but it seems the gaiden game spin-offs that America rarely ever get are going to continue plaguing the series.

As Nayr once said, intercourse  VII. Remake IX.


Fuck Final Fantasy 7 and it's immense overrated-ness.
Fuck Kingdom Hearts and it's shallow gameplay where you can beat the game by doing nothing but pressing the X Button.

Do you know what I want Square? Another Crono game and you to make another Mario RPG. That was awesome.


No matter how overrated FF7 might be, its still a kick ass game even by today's standards. I agree that its time for a new Crono game though. Problem is: FF has a fanbase 1000 times the size of Crono.


Quote from: Zero on March 25, 2010, 01:01:59 PM
No matter how overrated FF7 might be, its still a kick ass game even by today's standards. I agree that its time for a new Crono game though. Problem is: FF has a fanbase 1000 times the size of Crono.
Actually compared to most Square and Enix produced games... FF7 is pretty bland and mediocre by comparison to games like Crono Trigger, Dragon Quest, FF6, etc.


Nayr, FF7 is still one of the best ones in the series, and despite me thinking it's not as good as 6 and 9 much like you it still doesn't stop it's undeniable quality compared to most of the rest in the main series. Well, unless you like a lot of the NES/SNES poop with rehasing 70% of the game. (Does not apply to all NES/SNES FF's, especially not 4 and 6)

That and FF7 is easily one of the more "Well it could've been good if it had this" Games with fixing; Like the graphics. Compare Cloud's recent designs to FF7's design. Also let's remember that the FF3 and 4 DS remakes were quite awesome in comparison to the originals.

As for KH I agree that it's turned way too much about mashing X for gameplay even on Proud. 2 just unbalanced poop even more. But If you limit yourself on it it can be pretty challenging. Not as challenging as a lot of Square's other RPG's. Still will be fun as long as they try to keep a surface on balancing things.

Chrono sequel...I haven't played chrono cross so I can't comment there on that much.

For SMRPG the Mario RPG series at the moment is fine however If they're willing to I'd love to see Square collaborate with Nintendo again to work on Paper Mario 4 or potentially a SMRPG2.

You want to know what I want to see from Square asides from sequels? More new IP's would be pretty nifty. They really have such a balance that it's so hard to suggest anything outside of that as long as they keep giving us sequels/remakes
[21:11] <mackormoses> let's take a look at today's stats
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> stats today are high
[21:11] <mackormoses> holy intercourse ing poop
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> you adding all these standards
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> is really pushing us [/quote]
Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 08:32:13 PM
3 of my friends smoke weed. Why? Well I asked one time, and this is what they said: "Because I can blow out smoke and it makes me feel like a intercourse ing dragon"


Quote from: Nayrman on March 25, 2010, 03:41:13 PM
Actually compared to most Square and Enix produced games... FF7 is pretty bland and mediocre by comparison to games like Crono Trigger, Dragon Quest, FF6, etc.

I disagree. The Dragon Quest series was pretty bland until Square and Enix merged and VIII was released, that game is one of my favorite games on the PS2. There is a reason why FF7 is as popular as it is and why it was hailed at the time of its release as the pinnacle of RPG in the late 1990's. It was intercourse ing great.

In what way is FF7 bland in mediocre in comparison to FF6 and Chrono Trigger or hell, any other RPG released in the 90's for that matter? The Materia system allowed for any character to be any class and summons were actually useful. Music is still amazing, graphics at the time were unrivaled on the Playstation, and the battle system was the exact same as FF4 through FF6, you just had 3 party members which quite frankly, was a good idea because it led to a faster paced battle system. My only complaints with the game are all plot based aside from the disappointing last boss fight. The plot starts out really great and towards the end of the 2nd disc takes a complete nosedive into "where the intercourse  did all the badass go?". Other than that, it's a great game.


Eh, I could take or leave a FF7 remake. KHIII both intrigues and scares me, so I'm not quite sure yet if I'm ready for it :3
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