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Final Fantasy 9

Started by The Riddler, March 27, 2010, 11:28:54 AM

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The Riddler

This is a general discussion thread for FF9.

This is my second favorite game of the series, the first being 4.
Though I wasn't too huge on the abilities system, they made it work.
They made use of four party members, this I loved.
The story itself was wonderful, and the cutscenes blew all of the other games scenes out of the water.
Characters went back to having prechosen classes! I loved it! Zidane a thief, Garnet a summoner/white mage, Eiko a white mage/Summoner, Freya a dragoon, Quina a blue mage, Vivi a black mage, and Amarant a monk/ninja. AWESOME.
What I loved most about this game is that it went back to the medieval times of earlier games, unlike 6-8. It felt good to be back in the old days.
Lastly, the music was amazing, but that's been expected from Nobuo.

So, I couldn't play this game until I got a PS3. For some reason, my PS1 and PS2 couldn't read the disc. My PS3 can fine though. <3


*Is expecting Nayrman to show up soon in any second now*

I really like this installment. I didn't have much complications, and almost everything about it was really nice. The only thing I regret to do was never finishing it. By the time I reached Disc 4, it was severely scratched thanks to my little brother. ragebot;


I actually stopped playing it for a while, once I was in Treno on Disc 2 (Card Tournament), because EVERY FUCKING FAN OF FF HERE SAID IT WAS THE BEST IN THE SERIES. And, since I hate hype, I averted IX for a while until January, when I picked it up and finished it.

I gotta say, I loved it. Second favorite FF. IX is easily the best of the Sony Final Fantasies, and it being a throwback to earlier games overall enhances the experience, for me, anyway. I just have two extra things to say.

One, endgame felt great. The way the last two dungeons were set up, it really made me feel like this was the finale in the numbered series, and not just the game itself. Maybe the Crystal World theme plays a part in that.
And two, where the hell did Necron come from?


I got it right before I left to dubai in the mall; My mom ordered it for me for free on surprise. I already played it like 3 years or so ago from borrowing it.

Necron was just kinda there as a build-up to me. If you were to end it off with Kuja it'd be a rather typical FF ending. It's kinda like [spoiler]Altima/Ultima in FF Tactics/FF Tactics the War of the Lions[/spoiler]

As for FF9/IX I loved it. My favorite one in the series to date; Not by that far but wow. Every disc was awesome. The balancing was great. My only main complaint is how low-leveled I felt near the end and even then it makes grinding harder. Y'know, like it should be. There wasn't really much wrong with it even If you hated it. It copied a good ammount without making me feel awkward towards any site. Well copied isn't even a good word to sum out how FF9 does it.

Vivi, Amarant, Dagger, and Zidane was my party. Pretty awesome stuff.
[21:11] <mackormoses> let's take a look at today's stats
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> stats today are high
[21:11] <mackormoses> holy intercourse ing poop
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> you adding all these standards
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> is really pushing us [/quote]
Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 08:32:13 PM
3 of my friends smoke weed. Why? Well I asked one time, and this is what they said: "Because I can blow out smoke and it makes me feel like a intercourse ing dragon"

The Riddler

Quote from: SkyMyl on March 27, 2010, 03:56:08 PM
I actually stopped playing it for a while, once I was in Treno on Disc 2 (Card Tournament), because EVERY FUCKING FAN OF FF HERE SAID IT WAS THE BEST IN THE SERIES. And, since I hate hype, I averted IX for a while until January, when I picked it up and finished it.

I gotta say, I loved it. Second favorite FF. IX is easily the best of the Sony Final Fantasies, and it being a throwback to earlier games overall enhances the experience, for me, anyway. I just have two extra things to say.

One, endgame felt great. The way the last two dungeons were set up, it really made me feel like this was the finale in the numbered series, and not just the game itself. Maybe the Crystal World theme plays a part in that.
And two, where the hell did Necron come from?
Necron was my only really huge peeve. He was a Giant Space Flea from Nowhere.



Quote from: Rosencrantz on March 27, 2010, 04:23:27 PM
There's another name for what Necron was, but I can't think of it D:
A Street Fighter character?


Necron is the embodiment of death. He says after you defeat him that he will always exist because life cannot exist without death. Yeah he comes out of nowhere but at least we have that much. Still a fun fight though.