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Started by Thirdkoopa, March 27, 2010, 03:29:35 PM

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Do you have any? If so, what are they, what are there names, and how about a bit more info about them? If not, why not? Are you allergic?

I have two cats myself. One's tabby and named Thomasina, the other is named Sushi and is Siamese, both are females. Thomasina is the attention wanting cat and Sushi is the exact opposite.
[21:11] <mackormoses> let's take a look at today's stats
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> stats today are high
[21:11] <mackormoses> holy intercourse ing poop
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> you adding all these standards
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> is really pushing us [/quote]
Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 08:32:13 PM
3 of my friends smoke weed. Why? Well I asked one time, and this is what they said: "Because I can blow out smoke and it makes me feel like a intercourse ing dragon"


Right now I have 2 dogs, one little Chihuahua named Star, she's a girl. She was my older brother and his girlfriends, but they broke up and were going to take her to the pound, so I took her :3
Then there is Miska, my freaking adorable, fuzzy, Siberian Husky, who is a boy. His coloring is really cool, of course the blue eyes, then he is like... Grey/black on top with some brown on the sides, and underneath he is white.

Also with me right now is my Himalayan cat, Furby (I swear I didn't pick that name :P), also a boy. My friend had a Himalayan and I thought it was so cute and fluffy, and she told me her friend has some kittens, and that's where I got him <3

I also have an Albino Python (Orochi, male) staying with a friend in New York, because, as you can imagine, they don't do well with traveling... Long story how I got him, but basically my friends got him from their uncle when he went vacation somewhere, but then they needed money and were selling him, and I always played with him when I was a little kid, so I decided to buy him.


I used to have a pet turtle named Gamera. He was an adorable little guy, just sitting in his own area, eating food...

...and then he died. ;_;

Quote from: Phaze on March 27, 2010, 03:54:28 PM
I also have an Albino Python (Orochi, male)
This reference kicks ass.

The Riddler

Three dogs.
Cockerspaniel/Bull Terrier named Eddie.
Pure Golden Retriever named Riley.
Burmese Mountain Dog named Sadie, our first girl dog.
My oldest dog, Eli, passed away =/ He was a Yellow Lab.
Another Puppy we had got really sick out of nowhere, he was from a pet store and apparently wasn't cared for well. He was just a puppy, his name was Mosely. =/

Five cats.
Girls: Frosty, Princess, Precious
Boys: Shea, Sylvester/Baby

I had a cat but she died last May


Pure-bred nine month old English Bulldog named "Addy."  The name came with the dog, so my wife didn't want to change it.


Patches: 9 year old Golden Retriver; he is intercourse ing awesome
Cosmo: annoying Pomeranian; he is annoying
Charlie: 9 year old orange tabby cat; he has a stub tail now :3


I have two awesome cockatiels. Don't know what one is, you say? Let me explain. They're birds, similar to parrots, but smaller, stronger, smarter and more lovable. And they kick much more ass on a regular basis. I know, you're jealous.

Their names are Larry and Buffy. Buffy is a bit loud though.

The again, I don't own them, they own me. D:

Dog Food

Miesha, my cute terrier-shih tzu mix. The name came with the dog. I think it's Polish for "little bear" or something like that.

She's getting on in years, but she's as rambunctious as ever. Literally was a dream come true.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Quote from: RedSox on March 27, 2010, 08:16:12 PM
I have two awesome cockatiels. Don't know what one is, you say? Let me explain. They're birds, similar to parrots, but smaller, stronger, smarter and more lovable. And they kick much more ass on a regular basis. I know, you're jealous.

Their names are Larry and Buffy. Buffy is a bit loud though.

The again, I don't own them, they own me. D:
Any bird with a yellow mohawk is of course going to be awesome.

I had one once, but some stupid kid scared it away >_>


Just a dog. His name is Oliver, and he's a Yorkie. The name isn't really well suited for a dog, I guess, but oh well.


2 dogs, Leena (female) and Jomee (male).
1 turtle, Teeto (male).
2 cats, Keelie (female) and Peety (male), before we adopted him his name was Peter Pan :|, yet he's black & white, I have no idea how the previous owner thought of that name for him.
I may have spelled some of the names wrong (the dog names are spelled right), though I do know that for whatever reason the names have a double e thing in them, IDK why, it just happened.
Dude .


No pets, unless you count a little brother as a pet. ^^


I have two dogs named Sydney and Lily. We just got Sydney today.

My sister has a cat named Bones whos 3 years old.
My cat is Barry whos 10 years old.
My mom's cat is Mickey 2 years old.