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Memetic Badasses

Started by SkyMyl, May 28, 2010, 10:01:52 AM

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No, this has nothing to do with memes. Well, it has to do with Chuck Norris, but only in origin. Kind of.

Before I get into the thread itself, let me explain what a memetic badass is, for those who don't want to read another article on TVTropes. Essentially, a memetic badass is when a fandom/group of people exaggerate the badass qualities of a character to higher/absurdly preposterous levels. Chuck Norris has such a status nowadays, what with Chuck Norris facts.

But this isn't about Chuck Norris. This is about fictional characters/real life people that you often make jokes about, entailing just how badass they are. A good example for veteran NSF/FCD members is VaatixGanon. He's often declared to be God to Silver's Jesus, and is (apparently) so badass that he once stared at every active member of NSF/FCD from outside our houses, all at once, while eating in his own house.

What I'm asking is, if any of you have any people that you cite to be badass, or just awesome, even if the exaggerations go up to ridiculously godlike levels.

[spoiler=A list of memetic badasses, should you still not understand the concept]
QuoteFrom Bleach we have Aizen's truly gigantic couch, which has been theorized to be The Man Couch Behind The Man Behind The Man and the strongest character in the series. To a lesser degree, this applies to the rest of Aizen's furniture as well, all of which is over the top.

QuoteAvatar: The Last Airbender fandom gets this with two characters. Toph, who is not blind, but merely incapable of seeing anyone less awesome than she is, and Iroh, who was not pulling himself up while training in prison, he was pushing the Fire Nation down.

QuoteF-Zero's Captain Falcon, amongst Nintendo fans. To be more specific, his Falcon Punch is said to match Chuck Norris' roundhouse kick, thanks to a YouTube video of a clip from the anime adaptation F-Zero: Falcon Densetsu that makes it look like it creates an explosion that can be seen from outside the galaxy.

QuoteLeroy Jethro Gibbs. Abby is fairly certain he could take Godzilla in a fight. She also believes he would defeat Mothra and all the Terminators at the same time. The only fight she thinks would actually be a fight would be Gibbs vs. Gibbs. She's not sure whether the second Gibbs would be a clone or Evil Twin.

QuoteDr. Gregory House can cure anything. Ever. He can even cure The Cure. House's power is actually that he can diagnose anything. Whether he can cure it is still restricted by the capabilities of modern medicine.

QuoteAs of the recent Sherlock Holmes film, Watson (colloquially known as John Motherintercourse ing Watson) has reached this level, due to his general ability to kick ass, take names, and save Holmes' ass about fifteen times.

QuoteThe commercials for Dos Equis beer in America star a man whose credentials read almost like the Chuck Norris Facts: "He once had an awkward moment... just to see how it feels. He can speak French... in Russian. He is... the Most Interesting Man in the World." Of course, his beer of choice is Dos Equis.

My brothers and I view Robert Irvine in such a manner. He's the manliest intercourse ing cook in history. He's so manly that Food Network actually had to pull him off Dinner Impossible for a whole season, just to maintain the integrity and stability of the channel it was on. He also foreshadowed the series finale of Lost,* cooked for Sesame Street's anniversary (subsequently causing Cookie Monster to "take boolet for you, Elmo"), cooked crickets into a chocolate dessert, out muscled Santino Marella (but not the Big Show), and physically punched out a Great White Shark, and proceeded to cook it.

*No, seriously. He actually foreshadowed the ending of Lost.



Saxton Hale is the rugged Australian CEO of Mann Co., star of the Saxton Hale's Thrilling Tales comic series and an all-around man among men whose favorite pastimes include fighting, drinking and battling with rare and ferocious animals. Identifying features include his exceptional moustache, rippling muscles, crocodile-tooth lined hat and a patch of chest hair shaped like Australia. He also refuses to wear clothes on his upper body "for obvious reasons".

Saxton is the latest Hale to take up the reins of Mann Co. since Zepheniah Mann left its ownership to loyal aide and tracker Barnabus Hale in his last will and testament. His boisterous presence is felt in all areas of the company, from the slogan ("We sell products and get in fights") to the customer forms, which include tickboxes for informing product-thieving rivals that he is coming to pummel them to death with his bare hands. His inspiring image also features on numerous Mann Co. catalogs and promotional materials. He is known (and feared) for his belief in handling customer service issues personally, with his official policy being: "If you aren't 100% satisfied with our product line, you can take it up with me!".

Notable achievements of Saxton Hale include:

    * Cutting his way out of primate hell.

    * Teaching his girl scout troupe, the 'Saxtonettes', a fire safety tip: grizzly bears burn.

    * Fighting off a lion while simultaneously having his hair cut.

    * Single handedly wiping out the Indonesian berzerker shark (and making it cry).

    * Retrieving a stolen puck from a thieving tortoise, despite its thirty minute head start.

    * Inventing the ancient and mystical Jarate fighting style after kicking a chair across the room in a frustrated rage. His complete Jarate course includes Saxton Hale Jarate Pills, which triple the size of your kidneys, and Saxton Hale Pain Tonic, which completely masks the feeling of your internal organs shutting down.

    * Becoming the wealthiest man in the western hemisphere.

    * Firebombing Woodstock from a helicopter.

    * Being in no way involved with the explosive death of American Monkeynaut Poopy Joe, and not in fact being anywhere near the launch site at the time.

    * Introducing crafting to RED and BLU in an effort to stop the Soldier/Demoman war.

    * Publishing a special number of his magazine (With a price of 20 cents, even though it was demanded to be free) to answer questions made by his fans about, among other things, playing Team Fortress 2 on Mac.

Mann Co.

We Sell Products and Get In Fights!
"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums


Also, Special Agent Fitch from the Sci-Fi Channel SyFy Original Movie MegaPiranha. Simply put, if the usual, young, 20 year old male lead was put in his place, the world would have ended and the movie would have sucked. But no, because Motherintercourse ing Special Agent Fitch was there, he kicked the asses out of a whole swarm of genetically enhanced piranhas, which killed a whole boat of ordinary, unimportant redshirts. Literally, at one point, he kicks piranhas, jumping out of the water, while on his back. And at the end, when using a nuke fails to kill the now monstrous piranhas, he suggests using Nerf Longshots to kill the piranhas, AKA "the most powerful underwater rifle known to man". And it (presumably) works.

And, according to Wikipedia, he's also capable of using the "diplomacy of his fists" as a last resort. No, really. Even Wikipedia knows this guy is the manliest secret agent in broadcast television history.


M. Bison is definitely memetic.

Even though that was both hilarious and a huge internet meme (THIS IS DELISHUSH!) M. Bison really can kick some ass and basically can't be killed.
When you're not lookin'...


Blondie from tGtBatU.. One of the oldest memetic badasses.


This thread needs the most Badass of All Badasses: Theodore Roosevelt. Matter of fact, I don't know if it counts as memetic or not.

Death had to take him sleeping, for if Roosevelt had been awake, there would have been a fight.
—Thomas Marshall

From TVTropes/
QuoteBefore he became the 26th President of the United States, he was a governor, historian, adventurer, cavalryman, cowboy, explorer, hunter, naturalist, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, author of 35 books, conservationist, etc.
QuoteForeign ambassadors dreaded meeting him, as it usually meant that they would have to accompany him on his strenuous daily jog, with him making fun of them when they inevitably ran short of breath and started lagging behind.
QuoteHe was also a famed adventurer, famously taking a big game hunt to Africa shortly after leaving the White House and later exploring an uncharted tributary of the Amazon River. Words alone can not describe the impressiveness of this later feat.
QuoteWithin his own lifetime, historian Henry Adams explicitly compared him to God.
QuoteHe was once shot in the chest just before a campaign speech and was saved by the copy of the speech and his glasses case in his jacket pocket, but went ahead and gave the speech with a bullet wound in his chest. The opening line of his speech was "Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot; but it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose."
Quote"Last Winter, in Colorado, he had leaped off his horse into a pack of hounds, kicked them aside, and knifed a cougar to death. What a great fight that had been!" That feeling in your gut is the undeniable truth that you will never be a fraction as awesome as Teddy.
QuoteHis boat was stolen once; he hunted the thieves down, then guarded them for 40 hours without sleep, reading Tolstoy to keep himself awake.
QuoteAfter he received letters from army cavalrymen complaining about having to ride 25 miles a day for training, in response, Teddy rode horseback for 100 miles, from sunrise to sunset, at 51 years old, effectively rescinding anyone's right to complain about anything, ever again.
QuoteIt's easier to list what accomplishments Teddy Roosevelt was NOT capable of. And anything he wasn't capable of, well, he could have mercilessly beaten someone else into doing it. Pretty much his policy, actually. Article


The problem with Teddy is that all of those are true o_O

formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze