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Awww man.

Started by SkyMyl, September 03, 2010, 12:42:15 PM

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You guys remember Super Mario All Stars? You remember how badass it was, to play updated versions of Mario 1, 2, and 3? Plus the previously unavailable Japanese Super Mario Bros 2, which was just SMB1 when the level designers were on a bad day.

Guess what? There's going to be a Super Mario All Stars Remake for the Wii.

QuoteSuper Mario Collection Special Pack, as Japanese release schedules currently have it slated, includes a Wii version of Super Mario All-Stars, along with a commemorative booklet and a CD of soundtracks spanning the whole length of the series.

Apparently the booklet covers the history of the series from 1985 - 2010, and includes a slab of previously unreleased development notes and materials. The CD holds a barrage of blissful Koji Kondo tunes from the original Super Mario Bros. right up to Super Mario Galaxy 2. There's absolutely no series more important to me than the Mario games, so I'll be getting hold of this even if I have to kill a man. Or several. I have no doubt that Super Mario World's swimming themes could quite easily take the edge off a long prison sentence.

The special edition that comes with all that, however, seems to be a Japan exclusive for the time being. I'd be darned if it didn't come out over here in the west, but at the same time, it wouldn't surprise me.



This, and Duke Nukem Forever on the same day? Dude. Best. Birthday. Ever.

QuoteSo is it Capcom JPN or US screwing the PC release over? Both?


If you don't give us what we want, we'll nuke you from orbit.


I think I just broke a window with my girlish squeal.



Wow. This was so awesome, I jizzed THROUGH my pants and onto the computer screen.


1. Super Mario All-Stars, seemingly unaltered from the SNES Version.
2. A CD holding a limited selection of Mario songs. Considering they're going up to Galaxy 2, and each of the Galaxy games has a 2-disc soundtrack alone... I'll stick with my already-downloaded soundtracks of the entire series.
3. Some worthless booklet mentioning how awesome the Mario games all are. If it actually contains something worthwhile, I expect its pages to be all over the Internet, regardless whether the game receives an official localization.

The article makes no indication that the game itself isn't unaltered from the SNES version. If my assumption is right, this will be even more terribly overpriced than Virtual Console. If it's wrong, and they include graphical updates and remixes like a truly updated All-Stars, it's actually perhaps worth buying. Though I wouldn't want a $50 price tag even then.

Quote from: MasterYoungLink on September 03, 2010, 12:42:15 PM
Plus the previously unavailable Japanese Super Mario Bros 2, which was just SMB1 when the level designers were on a bad day.
Funny that you describe SMB2J that way, when fanmade ridiculously cruel and unpredictable Mario levels are actually praised.


Well, apart from the normal line-up in Super Mario All-stars, I can also see:

Super Mario World
Super Mario 64
Super Mario RPG (It's possible)
Paper Mario
Mario Teaches typing (:P)

being in MAYBE.


Quote from: bluaki on September 11, 2010, 06:33:57 AM
1. Super Mario All-Stars, seemingly unaltered from the SNES Version.
2. A CD holding a limited selection of Mario songs. Considering they're going up to Galaxy 2, and each of the Galaxy games has a 2-disc soundtrack alone... I'll stick with my already-downloaded soundtracks of the entire series.
3. Some worthless booklet mentioning how awesome the Mario games all are. If it actually contains something worthwhile, I expect its pages to be all over the Internet, regardless whether the game receives an official localization.

The article makes no indication that the game itself is unaltered from the SNES version. If my assumption is right, this will be even more terribly overpriced than Virtual Console. If it's wrong, and they include graphical updates and remixes like a truly updated All-Stars, it's actually perhaps worth buying. Though I wouldn't want a $50 price tag even then.
It sounded pretty awesome when I first read it, at least. Well, we'll find out just how updated it is in due time.


Dat boxart.  FUCK!

I'd LOVE for that to be released in North America.


Quote from: Lotos on September 13, 2010, 07:47:35 AM
Dat boxart.  FUCK!

I'd LOVE for that to be released in North America.
Hoooooooooooly poop, I intercourse ing want this.

Gwen Khan


Quote from: Gwen Khan on September 13, 2010, 05:08:23 PM
Nintendo updated there home page's really hard to beat that web page in terms of eyecancer. Why.

To save anybody reading this the pain:
1. The video has typical gameplay of all main-series 2D and 3D Mario games, nothing else.
2. It appears that the page will have more content later
3. At least, this almost confirms a localization of the game.



I'm not fully sure why I laughed when I saw that.

Quote from: bluaki on September 13, 2010, 06:41:59 PM's really hard to beat that web page in terms of eyecancer. Why.
Not really. I've seen worse.


Quote from: Shujinco2 on September 11, 2010, 02:24:27 PM

Super Mario World

That one definitely has a chance.  I've seen ROMs for Super Mario All-Stars + World.  We can hope, right?


Bleh, I still don't like SMB 1, but all the rest of the Mario Games I Love!
Ohh, seeing SMB 3 again brings back so much memories, and SMB 2 as well!

Hmm, what about the Paper Mario Series?

No love...