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Petition To Bring Custom Back

Started by CoasterKid93, November 03, 2011, 12:40:29 PM

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Quote from: Wyvern on November 04, 2011, 08:20:09 AM
All im seeing is a group of people who are falling into disarray with neglect from a leader.
Quote from: PrinnyOnLowBudgetChris on November 04, 2011, 07:54:18 AM
Well, on the good side, your existence proves my point: Silver doesn't care what happens here.



I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.




We reserve that right, Coaster, as we provide the service. Especially seeing as the service is free. It's not unfair at all. Walk into your fast food joint of choice and act the ass: they can refuse service. As the manager of a museum, I've kicked out *paying customers* for things they may deem arbitrary (ie. using flash in their photos). We have that discretion and I'll be darned if we don't use it.


What Mack's saying is that you don't really have a right to be here, that is to say, absolutely nothing in the world is granting you permission to use the forums other than the administration's indifference.

Silver doesn't HAVE to run this place, y'know. He pays for this place out of his own pocket for the benefit of all of us, so he can do whatever he wants for it. If he wants to pay for it to allow only three specific people to use it, he could do that as well. If he wants to pay for it to allow anyone at all to do what they please, he can do that too. It's his choice. But he's at the middle ground. He pays for this place so that people he tolerates can use it. And he just doesn't tolerate the bullpoop you guys are giving him.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Customers will just go to another proprietor if the one they go to fails to meet their requirements.


Quote from: Super on November 04, 2011, 03:30:36 PM
Customers will just go to another proprietor if the one they go to fails to meet their requirements.

and apparently our requirements include being able to freely post huge, red, scrolling, text.


Quote from: Super on November 04, 2011, 03:30:36 PM
Customers will just go to another proprietor if the one they go to fails to meet their requirements.
Which reminds me.

If you don't like it, go make your own forum.


Quote from: Macawmoses on November 04, 2011, 03:48:24 PM
Which reminds me.

If you don't like it, go make your own forum.

Oh Mack, you know how that always ends up working out.




Quote from: Spookyhawk79 on November 04, 2011, 01:11:41 PM
so basically I'm a horrible person
I don't know how I'm 'neglecting' this place, I'm trying the best I can. ;_;
where the intercourse  is the party board
and custom

god darnit you neglecting neglect glecter


Quote from: Kayghost on November 04, 2011, 03:07:59 PM
What Mack's saying is that you don't really have a right to be here, that is to say, absolutely nothing in the world is granting you permission to use the forums other than the administration's indifference.

Silver doesn't HAVE to run this place, y'know. He pays for this place out of his own pocket for the benefit of all of us, so he can do whatever he wants for it. If he wants to pay for it to allow only three specific people to use it, he could do that as well. If he wants to pay for it to allow anyone at all to do what they please, he can do that too. It's his choice. But he's at the middle ground. He pays for this place so that people he tolerates can use it. And he just doesn't tolerate the bullpoop you guys are giving him.
What are you, the narrator?


Quote from: Wyvern on November 04, 2011, 08:20:09 AM
He has a point. And what is the meaning of this forum again? All im seeing is a group of people who are falling into disarray with neglect from a leader. Look at what has happened, if some of you who have been here for a long time actually realize this and aren't denying the fact its falling down the tubes. I may not have been here the whole time, but i've seen plenty of things hit rock bottom. Its been trollfest trollfest, random ban, restore, trollfest trollfest trollfest and recycles all over again, no real reasonable point to it.

This is what you call a nostalgic replacement of Nsider? Check again. You're far off the map from where you think you are. Sure wasn't like this 2 years ago when i came here.

Then leave.  Seriously.  This stupid doomsday nay-saying bullpoop drives me absolutely nuts.  If you feel that this place is so poopty, has gone so far down the tubes, and has no reasonable point, stop coming. 
Why should I have to listen to you ninny and moan if you don't think there is a point to being here?

There is a point to being here for many of us, and it doesn't simply involve being an nsider replacement.  You think we're being deluded?  Into what, exactly?
You know what I think we have?  A small internet community.  It's got a good number of people who share a common background from Nsider.  Most, if not all, love video games.
Yeah, we intercourse  around and ninny at eachother and shake our internet fists in consternation.  People get banned and invited back, people leave forever for a few months, people log off for a day and come back two years later.  This is fine.

What's not fine is this bullpoop right here, were some pretentious vagina cleaning device comes in to insult everyone and expects his word to be accepted as some kind of truth from God.

You know what I'm seeing?  Someone who thinks his opinion is worth a lot more than it actually is.  Check again.  You're far off the map from where you think you are.

You are free to go.

Flying Chickens