
<+Clu> was cute sure but it doesnt even mention homosexuality

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So what the poop have you done with your lives?

Started by Doodle, May 30, 2014, 12:13:55 AM

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Quote from: Viewtifulboy on September 20, 2014, 08:27:51 PM
I suppose.  I know I'm not anywhere on that level (I'm pretty hygienic and polite).  But it seems to me like you weren't being up-front to these people.  If he kept rolling the windows up, did you tell him to stop?  Did you tell him he smelled bad?  Did you tell him talking about how he does those special kinds of training is pompous?  And what's a neckbeard?

You're right, I'm not very up front with these people. I find this stuff hard to bring up, I don't know how to say "yo dude you smell bad don't sit next to me until you shower" or "yo dude get some head and shoulders gosh darn you got white flakes all over my backpack" because it's hard for me to be blunt and an poop hole like that these days. I just tolerate it while I'm in class and try to move on when I get out of the class with them. Would you rather be told you're a super nerd that everyone thinks is weird or just tolerated and then left behind once the class is over? It's a hard choice. I feel like it's a lose-lose situation for me. I did tell him to stop rolling up the windows, but I lied and said it was because it was hot in the car. Maybe I just assume everyone over 20 understands how to take a shower or how to dress well and not do gross stuff. Most people grow out of it in middle school. Any advice forumgoers?

This is a neckbeard:

also tip from custom on girls: don't treat them like the mystical unicorn or anything different than you are. the more you do that the more you're fighting a losing war. that being said, be polite (like you're meeting a new friend) and honest, but maybe hold back weird personal poop (like how you spend 900 hours pokemon iv training) until you get to know them better. in my experience the best relationships just come from really strong friendships, you don't want to look for people to intercourse  and dump (unless you're into that kind of thing, you should check out some raves or house parties if that's your thing). just find a common ground, maybe talk to girls in a mutual interest club or use an icebreaker like talking about much you love/hate the class you're in. also don't expect favors or expect them to owe you things because you do something for them. also don't complain about the friendzone or whatever not everyone wants to bang you and that's ok

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


1. YES!  Yeeeeessss!  I would rather be told I'm a super nerd everyone thinks is weird!  I would like to know that people think there is a problem!  I would like to know why everyone shuts me out of their lives!  Yes!  Yes!  Yes!

2. That is a man.... What is special about him that classifies him as a "neckbeard"?

3. Obviously you don't want to treat girls any different.  That may as well be sexist.  Girlfriends are what I was referring to.  Someone who truly understands you and cares.  Someone who supports you and reminds you that you that you are not garbage and mean something important to someone.  And all that goes the other way around too, of course.  Those are the myths.

4. A couple of your word choices are kind of confusing.  You said "you don't want to look for people to intercourse and dump."  What does that mean?  And what do you mean by "bang" in that last sentence?  Is that some sort of slang?


Quote from: Viewtifulboy on September 21, 2014, 07:38:45 AM
1. YES!  Yeeeeessss!  I would rather be told I'm a super nerd everyone thinks is weird!  I would like to know that people think there is a problem!  I would like to know why everyone shuts me out of their lives!  Yes!  Yes!  Yes!

2. That is a man.... What is special about him that classifies him as a "neckbeard"?

3. Obviously you don't want to treat girls any different.  That may as well be sexist.  Girlfriends are what I was referring to.  Someone who truly understands you and cares.  Someone who supports you and reminds you that you that you are not garbage and mean something important to someone.  And all that goes the other way around too, of course.  Those are the myths.

4. A couple of your word choices are kind of confusing.  You said "you don't want to look for people to intercourse and dump."  What does that mean?  And what do you mean by "bang" in that last sentence?  Is that some sort of slang?
You can't be serious...

The literal sense of a "neckbeard" is when you don't shave the part of your beard that's growing on your neck. If you have a beard, at last shave it up closer to your jaw/chin. Which is usually someone who isn't aware of their own appearance to others. It's not that you have to look good, but you have to at least look like you can take care of your own appearance. Also in that picture that guy has really crappy facial hair, so he shouldn't even try to have a beard in the first place(even if he thinks it's "cool" to have a beard)

And to "intercourse  and dump," he's talking about one night stands. Just going to a party(or anything of the sort) some girl is all up on your dick, you go into a room, intercourse , and then never talk again. Or where you only are talking to a girl with the objective to put your dick inside of her.

As for not everyone wants to bang you, yes he means not every girl wants your dick. So if you're "friendzoned" don't ninny about it, you made a friend, nothing bad about that.


Again regardless of what he is, it's intercourse ing sad.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Ah.  So that's what he meant.  If anyone at a party were to molest me, I would make sure everyone knew, call the police, and possibly, if needed, subdue the molester with a well-placed palm strike, potentially breaking a rib or two (and not giving a poop about how much it hurts).  Of course you don't look for anyone like that.

And how exactly does being "friendzoned" have anything to do with THAT at all?


Woah, apparently all it takes for NSFCD to have activity it for Zero to share a piece of his personal life... who knew. As for me, I'm basically do the same nothing nothing poop I've been doing for the last few years (Gaming, laziness, lounging around all day). Although, being 21 now things are starting to change and shift gears.


Quote from: Viewtifulboy on September 21, 2014, 06:38:08 PM
Ah.  So that's what he meant.  If anyone at a party were to molest me, I would make sure everyone knew, call the police, and possibly, if needed, subdue the molester with a well-placed palm strike, potentially breaking a rib or two (and not giving a poop about how much it hurts).  Of course you don't look for anyone like that.

And how exactly does being "friendzoned" have anything to do with THAT at all?
I did not say anything about molesting... it's not a rare thing for people at parties to just hook up for a one time deal. A consensual intercourse ing followed by some regrets the next morning and likely never talking again.

He was just saying, on the topic of women, not every one you talk to, even a girl you have a crush on, don't go in expected to get laid(have sex).


Quote from: Matt on September 21, 2014, 09:32:41 PM
Woah, apparently all it takes for NSFCD to have activity it for Zero to share a piece of his personal life... who knew. As for me, I'm basically do the same nothing nothing poop I've been doing for the last few years (Gaming, laziness, lounging around all day). Although, being 21 now things are starting to change and shift gears.

I think it has more to do with Viewtifulboy. I mean, this guy posts a screen shot from what I THINK might be that Fist of the North Star Dynasty Warriors game in a reply for what reason?


Quote from: L10 on September 21, 2014, 11:41:17 PM
I did not say anything about molesting... it's not a rare thing for people at parties to just hook up for a one time deal. A consensual intercourse ing followed by some regrets the next morning and likely never talking again.

He was just saying, on the topic of women, not every one you talk to, even a girl you have a crush on, don't go in expected to get laid(have sex).

With regards to the first paragraph, we call those people... Trash.

With regards to the second, what in the hell does that have to do with ANYTHING?!


Quote from: Zero on September 22, 2014, 04:50:28 AM
I think it has more to do with Viewtifulboy. I mean, this guy posts a screen shot from what I THINK might be that Fist of the North Star Dynasty Warriors game in a reply for what reason?
Simple: expression. ;)


Quote from: Viewtifulboy on September 22, 2014, 06:42:20 AM

With regards to the first paragraph, we call those people... Trash.

With regards to the second, what in the hell does that have to do with ANYTHING?!
I think Custom was just giving general advice about women.


For advice to work it has to make sense.  And... Y'know... BE advice and not random quotes of the day from Captain Obvious.


Quote from: Viewtifulboy on September 22, 2014, 10:12:49 AM
For advice to work it has to make sense.  And... Y'know... BE advice and not random quotes of the day from Captain Obvious.

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


And that proves my point.  An image.  One already used, but this time with no context, support, contribution or reason for being there.  He's been posting nothing but gibberish.