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How did you find old Nsider?

Started by Tupin, November 09, 2007, 02:00:05 PM

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My first post ever was o.O Why can't I post anywhere els i might be a goomba but im not a noob.

I found it because I went to looking for cheat codes every once in awhile back when they still posted good cheat codes on their website. But I didn't join it then because you had to have an active subscription to Nintendo Power at the time, and I my subscription had just expired.


From the sock Gnome.  It's a little guy that hides under my bed and one night he stole me Nintendo Power Magazine and I heard him reading it so I checked it out. :O

Please come check out my forum for all your RPG gaming News and chat:


I went to a couple times before that, and before I joined, I was a member of some other forums, so I decided to join the official one.
[21:51]   <Smashin>   No one likes a sad fat kid.
[21:51]   Mystic has left #nsider (Leaving.)


I found it by looking around one day when I was bored.


I went to because I was bored of

I found the forums.

Didn't join until 1 year later.

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