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The star war- a star fox rp

Started by Transient Link, November 10, 2007, 08:11:58 AM

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Ooc// Okay then....I guess I have to hold off for now.

Ic// Midnite flew through space looking for the great fox. Once he found it, he sent a message: "Requesting permission to land Please."

Spongebob does not approve


Butch looked at 20fan.  "Ha. Like I actually care." He burped as the soda came back up. "Are you a new recruit bird boy? It's.....apathetic to see you Chronotos.  At least you're a face I recognize.  So, what's the down low on what's happenin'?"


Spongebob does not approve



"Shut up, before I kill you where you stand"


OOC: UGH.  I wish i could stay but I'm going out to dinner with the family.  I'l try to be back.

IC: "Oh, please kid.  Simmer down.  I'm Butch. I've been in and out of this place since before you were born."


Quote from: MD_Slider on November 11, 2007, 06:47:48 PM
OOC: UGH.  I wish i could stay but I'm going out to dinner with the family.  I'l try to be back.

IC: "Oh, please kid.  Simmer down.  I'm Butch. I've been in and out of this place since before you were born."
"Nice to meet you, I think"

Flying Chickens

Chronoto's shrugged. "You know. I leave Star Wolf, join Star Fox... The usual. I still miss the people I got along with, but beggars can't be choosers."


Ooc// Alright, I'm logging off now bye.

Spongebob does not approve


"Ok, Chronoto,"Butch said as he plopped down in a chair.  Fill my mind with all the fascinating info on what's going down here.  Are Wolf and his gang still in charge around here? I don't even know if they're alive, dangit.  Been ages since I've been here. Who're the bastards we're targeting right now? I'm dying for some action."

Flying Chickens

Chronoto's raised an eyebrow. "I have no idea. Like I said, I've been with Star Fox."


Butch's Story:

"Ah, those punks.  Damn, I've got to get outta here, kid.  How 'bout we find that new bird boy and we go out shootin' some Star Fox scum?"

OoC: Tomorrow we can go out for another dog fight.  And who's in charge of Star Wolf?

Doyle's Story:

Doyle landed down in the Great Fox. He said to himself, "Man, those Star Wolf recruits are getting strong.  I wonder if we've gained any new members," he said as he checked a digital device that had a plethora of information on it.  He touched the screen to see a new file in the Star Fox Members Folder.  'New Member: Midnite' and it listed information on him.  "Hm, I better brief him on some data. I'll check out his flyin' skills."  After repairing his ship, he picked up a magazine and waited in the landing dock for the new recruit.

Flying Chickens

Chronoto's shook his head with a slight chuckle. "As ignorant as ever... I already told you, I can't do that," From his belt he pulled out a blaster, and aimed it at Butch. "Sorry, Butch. I'm part of Star Fox now."


Ic// I guess I can invite myself in?......  He steered his Wolfen into the landing dock. After he landed, he got out. He talked to the nearest person there. It was a fat hippo.

"Ummm.......Hello, I'm new. Where can I see fox?" He asked.

Spongebob does not approve


"Come on, kid.  You're overreacting; calm down." he calmly stated as he got up out of his chair. "There's no need for anyone to get hurt, kid." and he grabbed a soda can from a container. "Here, take this.  It'll calm ya down." He gently tossed it to Chronoto.  As it reached his arms, smoke exploded from the can and filled the entire room.  Butch sprinted out a door and slammed on a red button which put solid walls over all  the openings in the room Chronoto was in, including the entrance for the ships. Butch talked through the intercom, "Hahaha. You sonofaninny. Think you can double-cross me?! I don't think so! Let's see how long you last!" And then Butch pressed a green button which started to emit a poisonous gas into the air.  "After about 15 minutes, this gas will fill your lungs and shrivel them up like raisins! I guess that's what you deserve when you join those filty Star Fox bastards!! AhHAHAHAHA!"