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Started by Geno, November 20, 2007, 09:15:50 PM

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So I wuz walkin down da street when my ho came up and gave me a blowjob. afterwards we went to the drug store and she gave me another blow job. seventeen more blowjobs followed dat and my penis got sucked off. so i wuz like wtf. i slapped my ho and told her to gtfo. then i went to see a movie. it sucked. then i went home and i went to pwn sum nubz and halo 3. then some vagina cleaning devicebag put a plasma gernade on me and i sploded. then im like wtf. so i shut off the game then i remember that i lose an exp point. so i intercourse ing shot the 360 and decided to go outside and bang my ho. i went to my ho then rememered that i had no penis. so i slapped my ho. then went to play the 360 again and im like wtf. the 360 was broken. i slapped my cat and then my cat scratched me. i was like wtf. its infected now i think. so i slapped my cat. then i slapped my ho.

So how was your day?


I was expecting Bel-Air.

You're dead to me.
Quote<+Mithos> My mom grounded me for being gay.


Quote from: Kazooie-Banjo on November 20, 2007, 09:16:23 PM
I was expecting Bel-Air.

You're dead to me.
so i got in 1 little fight and my mom got scared and said your movin with your auntie and uncle in bel-air.


Quote from: LinkXLR on January 30, 2008, 09:10:54 PM
Quote from: famy on January 30, 2008, 08:36:30 PM
is big willy unleashed a will smith game

...I'm not even gonna touch this one.

SteamID: Lazylen



[font="Arial"][color="#808080"]>>thanks for the sig bowserman<<[/color][/font]
[font="Arial"][color="#808080"]>>NSider: GAMECUBEFAN64..most of you know that by now.<<[/color][/font]


I mean: How the hell can anyone post anything this retarded?


"With a heart of furious fancies, whereof I am commander, with a burning spear and a horse of air, to the wilderness I wander."


What Silver and Snorkel should have said was:

How the hell can anyone post anything this retarded?
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