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The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest (Megaman Legends Arc)

Started by DededeCloneChris, March 04, 2008, 02:00:26 PM

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C. Falcon raised his fist into the air and ran towards Dark Black Shadow, who smirked and teleported behind him to land a blow on his back, C. Falcon was still weak in some parts of his body, including his back, but that didn't stopped him from roll around Dark Black Shadow and slam his right leg on his back, however, Dark Black Shadow just kept teleporting around to confuse his opponent. "What's the matter? Can't catch up a big enemy like me?! You make me laugh!" He mocked.

"Ugh, I can't track him down with all those...quick movements..." C. Falcon complained under his breath.

"CALM DOWN YOU!" Link yelled at his cartoony form who panted heavily and jumped away from him. "Geez, good thing I'm not your older self."

"Marth, do you have an idea to stop him from moving around like crazy?" Roy asked worried.

"Even if we change the winds, that won't work on his magic, and changing the day won't do anything either...Link, you said you have a song that can control anyone?"

"Well...I kind of have, but it only works on inanimated objects like...that huge "machine" from over there." Toon Link pointed at the cannon that was several inches away from them. "I don't think I can control something that BIG."

Popo got an idea. "Try to manipulate that guy!"

"C. Falcon's enemy? Popo! That is not going to work!" Nana said angrily.

"...Although I think I can control him if I can focus enough..." Toon Link said before Popo whispered something to him. "...What?! I won't do that if I manage to control him!"

"Pleeeeeeeeeeeease? I want to see something that humiliating on someone like him!"

Toon Link groaned, scoffed and slapped his forehead. "...Fine! AHEM!...Left...Center...Right...Center...BE CONTROLED!" He snapped his fingers nd he got in a very weird position.

"...Huh?...I...can't...move!" Dark Black Shadow said, trying to raise both fists above an unexpected C. Falcon who found him in time to get away. "UGH! MY...BODY!"

"Now, put your hands in this position and then...move your hips like this!" Popo told Toon Link the movements he wanted him to do, the cartoon character sweatdropped before he took a deep breath, Dark Black Shadow put his hands above his head as Toon Link did and then...


"...AAAAAHHHH!!! STOP! THIS DANCE IS SO...HUMILIATING!" Dark Black Shadow shouted furiously as he danced floating in the air, moving his rather big hips to the sides and bending his hands at the same time his hips moved to each side.

"...WHAT THE HELL IS THAT DANCE?!" Link asked disgusted as all the young Smashers were rolling around, laughing like crazy while Toon Link kept dancing and humiliating Dark Black Shadow like never before.

"GOOD ONE! GOOD ONE! OH GOD, I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING!" Ness laughed slamming his hands on the floor for mercy.

C. Falcon's eyes twitched at this. "...Umm..."

"STOP DAWDLING AND FINISH HIM OFF!" Marth shouted disgusted from the barrier.

"Oh, right, but how?"

Music stops

Even if the music stopped, Toon Link kept dancing to interrupt Dark Black Shadow as the others turned serious this time.

"USE THE FALCON PUNCH!" Link yelled.

"He will, I know it." Nana said rolling her eyes.

"We too." The others replied nodding, except for Lucas and Toon Link, who didn't understand at all.

"...Why I didn't used that from the beginning?" C. Falcon asked before he jumped above Dark Black Shadow's shoulders and jumped high in the air towards the sun where he raised his right fist who began to be covered by a extreme fire power and slowly gained speed to slam it right into his face.

"HAHAHA! EVEN THE SO POWERFUL FALCON PUNCH CAN'T BEAT ME YOU FOOL!" Dark Black Shadow said laughing. (Although it was awkward since he was still dancing.) "YOU CAN'" He noticed that what looked like to be a tornado was being created on C. Falcon's feet that increased greatly his speed dramatically. "WHAT?!"

"Down...right...left...up...POWER OF THE CYCLONES, ASSIST ME!" Toon Link called forth a tornado that engulfed C. Falcon's feet, which increased the speed in he was descending, also, it made C. Falcon's fist to be scorched intensely by the wind that it powered up.

"Okay, stop that, I know those chants were useless." Link said narrowing his eyes.

"...Wow, you found out." Toon Link exclaimed embarrassed.

Back at the fight...


"...HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Everyone inside the barrier suddenly bursted out laughing and Dark Black Shadow glared at them.



"..." Dark Black Shadow blinked in a bored way. "...You!"


Dark Black Shadow's eyes widened and slowly looked above in the air to find C. Falcon several inches away from him. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"


"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" A huge impact was created when the powered fist of fire collided on Dark Black Shadow's face, it even made a shining star on that smae point that called a smokescreen that covered a quarter of the exterior of the Halberd, from the smoke, C. Falcon triumphaly spun on the air while he was curled to land on his feet and grinned at the Smashers as he saluted them.

"I'm done with him." C. Falcon said triumphaly as Dark Black Shadow lost consciousness and the Shadow Bugs vanished from his body, the force field that trapped the Smashers disappeared and they ran at C. Falcon to celebrate with him for his victory. "Good job Link, without your help and that baton, I could have been dead."

"Heheheh, I did it perfectly on my first time helping you guys, right?" Toon Link asked scratching his head as Ness lifted his right hand to the air.

"Score for the young Smashers!" Ness proclaimed triumphaly as the young Smashers cheered loudly.

"Hey, we're in the Halberd, we should take it back now that we have the chance to do it!" Roy suggested.

"Y-yeah! That's a good idea!" Lucas remarked.

"Alright team!" Pikachu said happily. "On the double and let's go to the control room! Nothing can stop us fro-"


All of the Smashers (including the normal Black Shadow) were thrown away from the Halberd by an unexpected crash from something quick that got them unguarded. "WHAT HAPPENED NOW?!" Pikachu asked very annoyed.

They saw below them that the Blue Falcon was activated by itself. "WHY IS THE BLUE FALCON RUNNING?!" Link asked before the hatch of the racer opened up and they gasped. "PICHU?!"

"Hey guys! Look! I'm a racer!" Pichu said happily as he jumped above the seat.



All of them who were still flying flew to the Blue Falcon to get inside, C. Falcon threw Pichu to the back seat and he managed to maneuver the car to land on the street, close to the F-Zero Grand Championship that was various miles away, saving them from the death as they sighed, while C. Falcon watched as the Halberd entered inside a big portal of darkness where it vanished away from that world from good.

"It got got away...IT GOT FREAKING AWAY! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Pikachu cried on the street when they got out.

"WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING AT ALL HERE! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Ness cried along with Pikachu, who hugged him.

"Aw, don't worry guys, at least I did something!" Toon Link pointed out happily, not noticing that all the younger Smashers glared and approached slowly to him.

"I want to kill someone...right now..." Nana said darkly as she slammed her hammer slightly on her right hand.

"So do I, sister..." Her brother replied doing the same.

"I thought I was going to hit someone with my bat...fortunately...I have someone..." Ness said darkly with his bat on his shoulder.

Pikachu was surrounded by electricity. "Casting down a thunder is not a bad idea now...."

"...Er...guys? We're friends? Right?! GUYS?! DO YOU HEAR ME?! WE ARE FRIENDS RIGHT?!" Toon Link asked nervously.

"GET THAT YOUNG SMASHER!" Nana commanded and Toon Link screamed at the top of his lungs and ran away from them at high speed, but his problem was that they were doing the same too and lunged at him where they began to beat him to a bloody pulp.

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Toon Link screamed while Lucas and Pichu sweatdropped with the other 4.

"...I told you, they're so brute..." Pichu pointed out and Lucas nodded trembling.

"...A-anyway, C. Falcon, do you want to come with us?" Marth asked offering the racer a chance to fight alongside them.

"Hmm, well, I can but I need to attend some matters first..." C. Falcon pointed at the Championship not far away from them.

"...Hey, I have an idea, why don't we stick around for a little bit until he's done? I think it's not going to take much of our time." Link suggested.

"I like that!" Roy remarked doing a high five with Link.

"Yeah! I need someone to cheer me on the race, I have to keep a record of straight wins without losing too!" C. Falcon said smiling a little.

He and Marth shook hands as a badly beaten Toon Link tried to go out from the crazy killers, but Ness dragged him back to the cloud of dust in the background. "Deal." Marth said nodding.


"Queen Jaydes, someone wants to see you." A G-Man said to a paper person who looked like a queen.

"Let him in." Queen Jaydes said as a small, blue fire with yellow eyes floated to her, showing a worried and scared face. "Hmm, you're a kid, right?"

"I'M NOT A KID!" The blue fire said angrily. "I!... Well...I don't know where in the hell am I now..."

"You're in the Underwhere, the place for all the people who receive a Game Over." Jaydes said calmly.

"The Underwhere?! You mean I'm dead?! That's unfair!"

"Sorry kid, but those are the rules, nowadays, many characters ends up here, some of them, however, return to their worlds once again depending on all the good things he or she did." At that moment, another blue fire appeared from behind the first blue fire. "Who are you?"

"Klonoa." The blue fire said sadly.

"Klonoa? The Dream Traveler? Oh, my, don't worry child, you can go back to your world if you want, you have a lot of good things you have done."

"R-really? Thank you!" Klonoa said happily before Jaydes chanted a spell and Klonoa went inside a portal and disappeared with it.

"Good hero, people like him are notable among heroes." Jaydes said smiling a little. "Oh, you're still here."

"Can I return to my world? I want to see my friends again." The blue fire said sadly.

"What is your name?"


All the G-Mans around the area froze and looked shocked at him, even Queen Jaydes was shocked after hearing that name.


"Y-yes! Why do you ask?" The blue fire called Chris asked surprised.

"You're famous around here, you and your friends called Smashers have been traveling around worlds saving many characters, right? I can't let someone like you to just dry and be bored in the eternity here!"

"...Wait, how do you know that?"

She chuckled. "All the worlds, believe it or not, are connected somehow, you saw that kid Klonoa from a moment ago? He was from another different world and since he has done many good things, he was granted a second chance to live and keep fighting, you however, are a special case, thanks to you, I don't have a tight schedule. Geez, you don't know how hard IS to be the queen that control the Continues and Game Overs." She laughed a little.

"Then I can go back and give it a shot again?"

"Of course."

"Yay! I've never been so happy before! I can see Lucario and the others again!... Wait, how come I'm just a floating, blue fire and not have a body?"

"Your body wasn't destroyed along with you, thus, your soul made it here."

"...Oh, can I go back now?"

"Why, yes, but be aware, is not easy to go on and on and on, you have 2 lifes now, once I use my powers, you're going to have 1 life left to continue if you return here again, now hang on...GAME OVER GAME OVER GAME OVER GAME OVER GAME OVER GAME OVER GAME OVER GAME OVER GAME OVER GAME OVER GAME OVER GAME OVER GAME OVER GAME OVER GAME OVER GAME OVER GAME OVER GAME OVER GAME OVER GAME OVER GAME OVER...CONTINUE!"

Chris was slowly dragged in a portal. "Wait, why didn't you chanted that for Klonoa?!"

"It's one of the many wonders of the Underwhere! And please, keep fighting! I have a small schedule that way!" Jaydes said as Chris smiled and disappeared from the Underwhere. "Good boy..." Another blue fire appeared. "Name?"

"I'm Naruto! Believe it!" The blue fire exclaimed determined.

Sanctuary Fortress

"Just...a little...more..."



"You can do it Samus!"

"...UGH!...THERE!" Samus finished firing the light of the temple to the dead Chris who glowed for a moment and stopped. "...I did as he told me to do it...but...he doesn't..."

"I guess we failed..." Red said sadly, cursing under his breath as he glanced at the still, fainted Lucario.


"Uh?" Kirby looked curiously to the dead Chris, swearing that he heard a moan. "...Chris?" He put his hand close to his mouth and they quickly looked at them.

"...Huh?... I'm...alive?... I'M ALIVE! OH MY GOD! I'M LIVING! THANKS JAYDES!" Chris was able to return back to life before most of them (minus Wolf, Meta Knight, Sheik and Samus) lunged at him to give the "hug of welcome." "HEY! GET OFF ME!"



"F-FOX, YOU'RE CREEPING ME OUT! GET OFF ME!" Chris yelled as the previously mentioned Smashers, Red, Squirtle, Ivysaur and Kirby kept celebrating around him.


"LUCARIO!" Chris was able to get off them and ran to his Aura Pokémon to give him a hug while he cried a little. "I'm back Lucario...don't worry..."

"Don't worry?" Lucario asked confused.

"You didn't know? I was de-hmhmhmhmhmhm." Fox and Falco quickly blocked his mouth.

"...Excuse me?"

"He says he was going to die until I saved him, you can give me your thanks anytime." Falco said calmed.

Fox laughed a little. "Yeah, right."

He glared at him. "What was that?"

Chris just closed his eyes and sighed in relief. "(Aw, my sometimes, serious but funny friends, I was scared a little if I were to lost them...)"

All of them were outside the Dark World, and from the Sanctuary Fortress, with Meta Knight and Sheik standing next to Mewtwo's trophy, then, Samus tapped Falco's shoulder and she got the attention of everyone. "Everyone, I decided."

"You did?" Chris asked.

"Yes...I decided more things here, I'm sorry if I can't follow you, but I promise that once my work here is done, I'll join you later, promise of a bounty hunter."

"Believe her, I know that promise very well." Wolf said crossing his arms.

"And Falco...I'm going to prove to you and the others here that I'm a woman."

"...FINALLY! ABOUT TIME!" Falco exclaimed triumphaly before Samus clicked some buttons on her arm cannon and shone intensely, when she stopped, however, most of the men (Fox, Falco, Wolf, Red, Squirtle and Ivysaur) had their eyes open, they were so wide that the next thing that happened was...

Smash Mansion

"EMERGENCY! WE NEED MORE HERE!" Crazy Hand yelled worried as he poured some red liquid into a bag container for 6 people.

"CHRIS! WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM?!" Master Hand asked surprised.

"H-HEY! IT'S NOT MY FAULT THAT FOX, FALCO, WOLF, RED, SQUIRTLE AND IVYSAUR GOT A SEVERE CAUSE OF NOSEBLEED BY SEEING SAMUS'S BREAST!" Chris said angrily. "And it's stupid that they lost 50 percent of their blood too!"

"Dude...that was...awesome..." Falco exclaimed weakly with a dumb smile, the lose of blood made him stupid.

"Yeeeeeeaaaaahhhhh..." The others on the other beds replied weakly and dumbly.

"Falco, if I ever hear you say "dude" again, I'm so going to sell you to the scientists!" Chris said angrily.

"Oh, and by the way..." Sheik (who turned into Zelda at that moment) got a credit card from Falco's pocket. "This is mine as part of our bet."

"Take it...I don't need my money now...that sight was just enough for me..." Falco said dumbly.


The other (and Pit and Jigglypuff, with Pit having a lot of jewelry since he won many times on Uno) were waiting outside the infirmary.

"Well, we didn't recruited Samus, but at least we saved Mewtwo." Kirby said happily, glancing at Mewtwo who was leaned to the wall with Lucario.

"Thank you for your help, I will tell you what happened to me later once the others return here." Mewtwo said nodding.

"I just want to take a rest right now." Meta Knight said sighing.






Small preview of the next chapter

"What is that Chris?" Lucario asked when he found something in the sky of the night.

"...That's a shooting star! I need to make a wish!" Chris said as he kneeled and joined his hands together.

"A wish? A shooting star?"

"Yes, if you see a shooting star and make a wish before it vanishes, your wish will come true!"

"...Can I wish for something too?"

"Of course!"

Do you want to save your data?


Overwrite file?


Smash Mansion
Chris, Lucario
, Pikachu, Pichu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Red, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Kirby, Meta Knight, Link, Zelda, Fox, Falco, Wolf, Marth, Roy, Ness, Lucas, Pit, Ice Climbers



Chapter 75: Wish Upon a Geno

Smash Mansion

The World Traveler watched Crazy Hand putting the blood in each one of them, which made him to sweatdrop and look to the sane brother. "Were you worried when I was killed?"

"Of course I was! I can't let a Smasher like you to be lost on this mission, but I couldn't do anything to help, sorry." Master Hand apologized.

"...It's okay...but...have Marth's team returned already?"

"No, they haven't, wait for them until they can return, in the meantime, why don't all of you go to Nintendo City? It's still early to go."

"...Nintendo City?... Yes, I remember Ness told me about it."

"That city is a grand metropolis where you can find almost any kind of people there, like Koopas, Shy Guys, even Pokémon are living there!"

"Where is it?" Chris asked and Master Hand told him to look out the window.

"Crossing that big hill from over there, it oddly covers the sight from the city from here."

"...Oh well, I want to go now!"

"And before you, a list."

"...Wait a minute, this is a list for doing grocery and we have still plenty of food!"

"We had, Kirby went to the kitchen and ate all of it, Meta Knight couldn't stop him from going since he helped you to carry these guys here."


"That was Kirby." Master Hand pointed out.

"...Before I go...I want to ask those 3 a question...but the most sane of them is Fox so..." He walked to Fox. "Are you and Falco friends again?"

"Of course, Christopher!" Fox replied dumbly.

"...My name is Chris..."

"Right, Napoleon!"

"...Is CHRIS!"


Chris groaned. "Whatever, I talk to you once you get 80 percent of your blood back as the other, you still have 30 percent to gain 100." He walked away from the infirmary...or rather itched and ran away.

"See ya, buddy!"


"We have things to do now," Chris announced. "We have to go to Nintendo City and get this list of groceries done, since Kirby ate all the food of the kitchen."

"BUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRPPPPPPP!!! Sorry!" Kirby apologized from the kitchen.

"I'm not doing stuff for girls." Meta Knight said, turning away to his room.

"So do I." Mewtwo said, turning away to his room.

"Wait! Aren't you going to tell us what happened to you when you were captive and when they captured you in Kanto?" Chris shouted asking.

Mewtwo looked to him from his shoulder. "...In another time." And he teleported to his room, instead of walking.

"..." He looked at his Aura Pokémon with crossed arms, leaned to the wall. "...Do you want to come with me?"

"I don't have anything to do here." Lucario responded.

"Are you coming?"


"I-I want to go too!" Pit said raising his hand and throwing his jewelry away, disappearing for good.

"Me too! The city surely changed a little when we left!" Jigglypuff said excited.

"Wait!" Zelda appeared from the door of the infirmary and closed it. "I'm coming too, I want to see the city again."

"Okay, thanks for coming with us." Chris said smiling a little and the 5 walked down the hallway.

Command Room

They walked passing the Command Room, finding Master Hand floating around, apparently, he was waiting for the others to finish with C. Falcon.

"Master Hand? Are you waiting for the others?" Pit asked.

"Yes, I have good news too, they managed to recruit C. Falcon to our team." Master Hand announced.

Zelda frowned. "You had to invite him again."

"What? Is there a problem with him?"

"Well, he's one of the pervert guys of the mansion, and he doesn't knows that Samus is a woman too."

"...Your point?"

"He will probably hide on the bathroom to see a girl naked!... Save for Jigglypuff and Nana."

"He's a pervert?" Chris and Pit asked in unison.

"And one of the worst, too...if you have the chance to let him go to a world where there are beautiful women, please don't do it."

Chris got in a thinking position. "Hmm...I'm sorry, but I'm a good person."

"You can be bad for once." Master Hand suggested.

"No! I don't want to!"

Just then, a small alarm played on the desk and Master Hand looked at it. "Oh! They're done, it's time for them to return here." He snapped his fingers and a portal appeared, then, Marth's team stepped out...severly hurt...except for C. Falcon. "...What happened to all of you?"


"W-w-w-w-we went to a space full creeps me out..." Lucas muttered, trembling in fear.

"What do you mean by that?" Pit asked.

Ness (with a small fire on his hat that vanished by a tiny portion of Lucas's PK Freeze) raised his hand. "We watched a race with high speed machines, unfortunately, Link thought it was a good idea to stand on the edge to cheer on C. Falcon, but the idiot slipped and fell on the track, and was ran over by 29 machines! Then, C. Falcon won the race and something came up again, we went to a very dangerous tunnel with fire sprouting all over the place, there, he had another race with a weird guy showing his brain on his head, for our bad luck, we were burned to DEATH!" He explained to them angrily.

Roy decided to narrate the next part. "Once we arrived at C. Falcon's secret house, he put these belts together that he won, but then, we were transported into a weird, paradox-dimension-distortion-data-information-thing which was WAY weirder, ghosts challenged him into a race, I mean, what the hell?! They appeared out of nowhere! Good thing he won against the creators or something!"

"...(Well, they do have a point, the last part of the game was random...)" Chris thought when he noticed C. Falcon standing in front of him.

"Hi kid, my name is Captain Falcon." C. Falcon introduced himself, doing a handshake.

A vein pooped out from Chris's forehead, but he was still smiling a little. "N-nice to meet you, my name is Chris."

"Yeah, they told me a lot about you, you're new around here, right?"

"Yes! I imagine they also told you that I'm a human of the real world, right?"

"Of course! I almost forgot about that!" C. Falcon said frowning a little before laughing. "Hey, how 'bout if you show me your mov-"

Chris quickly blocked his mouth, disgusted. "Er...sorry sir, but I'm afraid I don't want to do it, RIGHT NOW."


Captain Falcon joined your team!

He unblocked his mouth. "It's nice to have you on our team, we need all the help we can get from everybody to defeat the Subspace Army."

"Don't you hate those guys? They almost kill me when Black Shadow was manipulated by them!"

"...Um...yes...I do...a lot...believe me..."

C. Falcon wondered why he looked down. "It's there something wrong?"

Chris quickly shook his head. "N-no! Nothing is wrong!"

He sighed. "Good to hear that...heeeeeey, Zelda, nice new look you got there."

Zelda rolled her eyes as a response.

"And who is this dog?" C. Falcon asked as he looked at Lucario, who grunted in irritation.

"He is Lucario, a new Smasher, is also my friend and guardian." Chris pointed out. "Watch out, though, he can be a little bit too strong."

"...But he's all skinny and no muscles!" The Aura Pokémon grunted longer. "I'll test him out with something simple, here, try to crush my fist." He put his fist in front of Lucario and the Aura Pokémon covered it using his right hand.

"...Lucario, don't over do it with your brute force please..." Chris warned him worried.

C. Falcon laughed. "C'mon, do it with all your forces! Show me your power! Bring it on!" He taunted.

"Fine." Was Lucario's response.



Command Room

C. Falcon was moaning on the floor, holding his right hand in pain.

"How amusing." Zelda said amused, chuckling.

"...Okay...I recognize your strength...ouch..." C. Falcon said moaning a little.

"That's my Lucario!" Chris said rubbing Lucario's head, who replied with a happy growl.

"...More like...killer Lucario..."

"...Why is Toon Link all badly beaten up?"

Toon Link had smoke coming from his tunic, cap and boots. "I'm...Link..."

"We don't want to remember, really." Nana said glaring at Toon Link.

"But he needs medical treatment immediately!"

"HOLD ON!" Crazy Hand appeared with a poof of smoke on his counter and they looked at him. "CHRIS! YOU GOTTA TRY THE NEW JOB I JUST RECENTLY MADE FOR YOU! IT'S VERY SPECIAL AND HELPFUL!"

He shouted loudly enough to make a huge wave of wind around the room, making most of their hairs spikier than usual. "FINE, FINE! SHOW ME THAT JOB!" Chris said with a spiky hair that he quickly fixed.

Smash Coins is hand: 5600

Psychic User - 900 Smash Coins

Musician - 2000 Smash Coins

D: Have you ever wanted to be a person that knows how to use flutes, guitars, harps, the piano and pretty much every kind of instrument out there? Well, fear no more! Using this job will allow you to become a perfect musician that can use all kinds of songs and music! That is not all, in battle, support your allies by increasing their strength, defense and other things, it also have different debuffs for enemies, play your way to the victory!

"...2000 Smash Coins?!" Chris said utterly shocked.

"It is a very good job, give it a try!" Crazy Hand suggested.

"...Ugh, fine! Be happy that I have a lot of money right now!"

When Chris gave 2000 Smash Coins, his clothes once again changed, he had now a golden harp on his right arm, a blue bandana around his head (with red and green colors in a zig-zag desing), his shirt had like 3 blue triangles of the same design of his bandana (his arms were getting out the triangles's upper edges...or more specifically, a triangle was on the front and 2 were behind his back), long blue sleeves, blue pants with brown boots.

"...A harp?" Chris asked confused, looking at his harp.

"Try to play something! It's going to surprise you!"

Chris gulped a little, it was his first time he ever used an for the piano on his house, which he didn't used a lot. "...L-let's see...hmm...I know this one...Soul Etude!"

He began to play his harp with perfect synchronization and an enthusiastic and happy atmosphere fell around the room, all the Smashers and the hands were feeling very well, especially Lucario, who was enjoying how his master played the harp without any error on his tunes.

"...There!" Chris said happily, finishing his play as everyone clapped at him, making him to blush, embarrassed. "...It was good?"

"Good? That was like holy angels singing!" Pit remarked.

"I even feel more healthy out of a sudden!" Toon Link said happily.

"Me too!" The Ice Climbers replied in unison, happily.

"My wounds healed a little bit in the process." Link pointed out.

"That's right!" Crazy Hand said. "Soul Etude heals all the party members close to an area a little of their energies, there are a lot of songs that you can discover while you earn experience in battles!"

"I feel honored to have someone like you that can play that well." Lucario said kneeling to Chris.

His trainer rubbed his head with care. "Thank you so much, Lucario, I feel really embarrassed now!" Chris said blushing a little. "...Hey, it heals wounds a little but...wait for me here, I have something to do on the infirmary." He ran to the infirmary and they were thinking why.

Before hearing the song again and 6 greetings were heard, like "Wow! I feel much better! That song has magical powers! Thanks Chris, that was good. Hmph. I'm not stupid anymore!" Chris's Soul Etude was enough to heal the others back at the infirmary, which regained their energy (and intelligence) back to them, then he told them to wait outside because they were going to Nintendo City to do something, the World Traveler returned to the Command Room. "All right, I'm good to go to Nintendo City now." Chris said.

"Nintendo City?! We're going there?! Hurray!" Pichu said excited.

C. Falcon finished introducing himself to Pit. "Hey, Master Hand, can you give me my Brawl form?"

"Why, of course." Master Hand snapped his fingers and C. Falcon's form changed to his Brawl form, the captain flexed one arm and grinned.

"Heh, I like this new look, sharper, a little stronger-" Chris snickered a little at this part. "-and above all, "handsomer" than usual! Do you want to go out for a da-"

"Sorry, you're not my type." Zelda said walking away and C. Falcon felt horrible out of a sudden.

"...Oh well, I can always try again." He said and earned a glare from Link.


Twilight Town - Sora's Side

All the Smashers (except for Mewtwo and Meta Knight) were now heading to Nintendo City, as C. Falcon talked with the other 6.

"Hahaha! Now Fox looks even scarier than before!" C. Falcon said laughing as he earned YET another glare, but from Fox.

"I'm not that scary." Fox said annoyed.

"Um...Fox...are you and Falco friends again?" Chris asked a little worried.

"...Yes...and about what happened in that battle...I'm sorr-no, really sorry this time, I swear."

Falco patted Chris's back. "Yeah, sorry about that too."

"And are you friends with Wolf?"

"...Are you nuts?!"

Chris sighed in relief. "Phew."

"Why are you happy?" Fox asked confused.

"I learned that you 2 must be only rivals and not friends or else."

"...You finally understand...I'm glad."

Wolf looked away to hide a small smile, before it turned into a normal face...the typical "I don't care" face. "Anyway, what are we doing now?"

"We're going to get some groceries in Nintendo City since Kirby ate all the food." Chris reminded.

"BUUUUUUURRRRRRPPPP!!! Sorry again!" Kirby said embarrassed.

"...We're doing some kind of home's job? I'm out that." Wolf said irritated.

"Okay okay, I'll do the groceries instead of all of you, happy?" Chris asked and all of them for Pichu. "...To change the subject, can you tell us what happened in that fight between Mewtwo, and Ganondorf, King Dedede and Charizard?"

"...I rather was embarrassing..."


"You didn't heard anything."

"...Okay..." They continued to walk. "...Are we there yet?"

"Where? Nintendo City? We have to cross that big hill that oddly blocks the sight from the mansion, remember?" Jigglypuff reminded him.

"There's actually a back story about that big hill, want to hear it?" Link offered.

Chris raised an eyebrow. "There is?"

"Yes, it does, it tells the story about a couple who had 2 castles on each side of the hill, across of course, but it was like that when there wasn't this hill, since both persons's family used to fire cannonballs at the other castle of one of the lovers, so one day, both snuck out their castles and began to gather all the earth they could to create a big barrier to stop the castles from firing each other, at the end before the sun could rise, they managed to build this big hill and the families couldn't attack each other anymore, and the couple lived happy there after..." He finished the story and received weird looks from everyone. "...What?"

"That is the most stupid story I have ever heard of." All of them responded in unison.

"Why? It's real!"

"I don't think so, Link," Roy said. "I mean, why they couldn't escape instead of doing this? Now we have to climb the hill to reach the city, and it's exhausting!"

"And there wasn't any explanation of why their families hated each other." Marth pointed out.

"It's because the girl was white and the guy was black, and so did their families." Link explained to them.

"...You're a freaking racist!" C. Falcon pointed out.

"What do you have against white and black people?" Toon Link asked annoyed.

"Wha-no! I'm not racist!"

"You are." Chris said teasing him a little.

"I'm not!"

"You are." They said in unison.

And they kept doing that once they got on the top of the hill, where they stopped to see something amazing at the other side.

"Now Chris," Pichu said happily, bouncing in front of them. "Welcome to the biggest metropolis of all the worlds, Nintendo City!"

Nintendo City

The metropolis was big, no, bigger, no! Way bigger than a metropolis! It had every kind of buildings, shops, markets, people walking on the streets, cars going around, many enthusiastic people laughing and talking, there were Goombas, Shy Guys, Koopas, Paratroopas, Pokémon, some Hyrulians, Waddle Dees, there were even Cappy people there! It was the biggest city known to man!... And anthros.

"Oh...holy...mother...of...GOD! THIS IS INCREDIBLE!" Chris said amazed at the sight of the city that he ran towards it to the paviment, with all the Smashers following him.

"Lucario? Are you okay?" Pikachu asked tilting his head.

"What? No, it's's the first time I get to see a real city..." Lucario said embarrassed.

"What? Didn't you and Chris lived together in the real world?"

"Yes, I only enjoyed our lifes inside his house that is for 10 people or more, watching TV, eating 4-star foods, playing on a big pool he has outside in the backyard, sometimes he trained me with targets to refine my accuracy at attacks, playing videogames and...what?" He noticed that everyone except Chris were staring at him.

"...So, in other words," Ness began. "You have been living the real, good life while we got tired doing a lot of common and usual things while YOU RESTED ON A VERY SOFT SOFA WITH HIM?!"

"A red, soft sofa that trembles actually." Lucario pointed out.

"...You HAVE to invite me to your house one of these days." Popo said to Chris, who wasn't even paying attention since he was distracted admiring Nintendo City to the fullest.

"..." He looked around. "I need to live close to a city like this one."

"You are already living near here." Nana pointed out.


"Quill! I'm going off to the Smash Mansion!"

"Fine, just get here to get in time for our schedule of today!"

"Ah, don't worry about that, I've got everything covered!" A paratroopa wearing a pilot's helmet with a mailbag flew quickly looking to the post office, but unfortunately he and Chris crashed into each other, making both of them to fall on the floor while mail letters fell around them. "Oh, no! I did it again!"

"Can you watch where you were going?!" Chris asked annoyed as he recolected the letters.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I was a little late for my schedule an-" When the Paratroopa looked up, he gasped. "W-wait a minute, aren't you by any chance Chris? From the Smash Mansion?"

"Um, yes, I am...wait, aren't you Parakarry?"

The paratroopa smiled a little. "Of course! My name is Parakarry, the postman of this, big city!" Parakarry said enthusiastic (now in full 3-D without sides that can cut you through!) "Right now, by coincidence, I was going to deliver some letters to the Smash Mansion, my job, along with Quill back there on the Post Office, began this day!"

All of the Smashers walked to them. "Hmm, you also brought the others here too, can you hand me my letters please?"

"Um, sure, here." Chris handed over the letters to Parakarry and the paratroopa searched through them.

"Okay, Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris, Boshi, Chris, A-HA! Here! 8 letters for you!"

"8?!" Chris took the 8 letters as Parakarry went to the Smashers.

"I've got 1 letter addressed to Fox McCloud and another one for Falco Lombardi."

Both Star Fox members got confused before taking the letters...and their eyes began to grow in shock...if you remember, both of them sent all the humiliating things they did back in school to both Krystal and Kat, the letters had things like they couldn't believe or laughs or snickers.

And for Chris's letters...

Obtained Jeff's Letter!
Obtained Medli's Letter!
Obtained Marshtomp's Letter!
Obtained Slippy's Letter!
Obtained Kumatora's Letter!
Obtained Jolene's Letter!
Obtained Colette's Letter!
Obtained Cream's Letter!

Chris was impressed that many people wrote letters to him. "Wait, many of them are from other worlds, how could you get these letters from them?"

Parakarry turned and laughed a little. "Master Hand made an important thing to the Wings Post Office, the name of my office, the thing was to make a special system of mail service, he put special mailboxes to all the worlds you guys have been going lately, and only the friends you made there can only see the special mailboxes he installed there, and fortunately, they figured out how to send them to you, every mailbox has a secret portal deep inside that gets here instantly, and if you were wondering how Quill got here, it was because many people find their way to this city! You can find even different people from other worlds here!"

"...Wow...thanks a lot for the explanation of how things works here..."

Toon Link walked to Parakarry. "Hey, you said Quill a second ago, is that person by any chance a Rito?"

"Of course he is! You can see him in the office if you want to!"

"I will!" Toon Link laughed a little before he went to the office, while Chris checked his letter with everyone else.

From Jeff.

Hello Chris, if this letter arrives to you, then I want to tell you that everything on Eagleland has been going well lately, I'm happy to have my father back too. "Takes a break to adjust glasses." Anyway, I'm just sending you a simple letter of good luck to your travels with Ness and that other kid...hmm...Lucas was it?

From Genius, Young Inventor, Jeff.

P.S: Have you seen a big book of Dinosaur's History of 700 pages? I have been looking all over it recently when I remembered.

Next letter.

From Medli.

Chris? Did this letter arrived to you? If it did, then good! I'm happy!

I wanted to tell you that I have been improving my skills with my harp, you know, playing daily, even Prince Komali hides behind the walls just to listen to me. "Blushes." But...I want to do something bigger, I want to compose greater songs with more people...but the only friend I know is Makar from the Forest Haven Island...well, I just wanted to say hello and good luck in your adventure, best wishes to you!

From the Rito Bard, Medli.

P.S: Say hello to Lucario from me.

Lucario looked away as Chris readed the next letter.

From Marshtomp.

Hurray! Chris! Do you remember me? I was the Mudkip from before, I evolved to a Marshtomp when an earthquake revealed a cave near Wishcash's pond, even Chikorita evolved into a Bayleaf! I'm now training harder to become a strong Swampert!

Right now, our rescue team has been doing great in our rescue missions, we're almost reaching the Gold Rank! Like Alakazam's Team! Even we got many recruits with us!

...Unfortunately, we haven't found either a Riolu or a Lucario like you 2...wait, you're a human...the point is! We could be famous if it only we had a Lucario in our team! (I've even heard there's this Lucario Rank you can get...and a statue of him too!)

From the Hard Worker, Marshtomp.

P.S: Team Meanies are not acting like bullies again since we helped Gengar once!... But they don't want to get near dogs, like Poochyenas because they have bad memories of something big and scary, odd, right?

Lucario smiled a little. (Because he wanted to do it again, you know what, right?)


From Slippy


Oh no! I did it again!


Apparently, the letter was burned for unknown reasons.

"Let me see," Fox said taking the letter. "...Hmm..." He began to press something on his scouter.

"What are you doing?" Chris asked.

"I'm trying to analyze what was written before this got burned...there, it's finished, let me read it.

From Slippy.

Hi everyone! I know this letter was going to arrive to you Chris! I know that because I took my time to analyze EVERY single detail of this weird mailbox, cool, isn't?

Everything has been great over here, what is strange is that Wolf is not with his team right now, he disappeared somewhere, but Krystal knows Leon and Panther were hiding something from us, now I'm worried! Be careful out there!

On with the letter, my works here have been BORING, I'm even opening my own, personal business! (Fortunately, Fox OR Peppy don't know about this, or else they'll fire me from the team!) One more thing! I'm almost finished with FINALLY knowing how a Smart Bomb works and...wait, what's that weird tick-tack like sound? "Explosion."

Oh no! I did it again!

From Energetic Inventor, Slippy Toad.

P.S: I'm not that stupid to let ANY kind of scouter to read this if Fox or Falco were reading this, so, I put a code for autodestruction for scouters like the ones I made for them! In 3...2...1...

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Fox's scouter instantly exploded and he put his left hand on his left eye in pain. "HELP! HELP! HELP!"

"Soul Etude!" Chris called out playing his harp as Fox's eye was healed slowly...but it wasn't enough.



This went for 8 more Soul Etudes. (Lucario was VERY pleased at least, and so did the others. (Even Parakarry.))

"...Phew, it's fine now, thanks." He approached to Falco. "Send a letter of warning to him, NOW." The blue falcon nodded.

From Kumatora.

Hi there! Kumatora from Nowhere Island sending a letter straight to you!... Okay, enough with formalities, let's get to the point here, I saw this weird mailbox that appeared out of nowhere and decided to write a letter to you, is Lucas with you? If he is, then tell him that I'm rooting for him to come back alive! Also, we couldn't find Porky anywhere, but I think he's dead.

Nothing weird happened here, it's usual, sometimes I go to visit Wes or Flint...nothing else, yes, I'm not good at writing mail.

From Princess of Osohe Castle, Kumatora.


"Just take him to a walk, that's all." Lucas said calmly.

From Jolene.

Mr. Pedro?, I mean, Chris, how have you been? The Glitz Pit has never been like before now that I run the whole building, Rawk Hawk haven't been cheating too and he's playing fair, even my dear little brother wants to be in the tournament.

Of course, being the manager isn't easy, fortunately, it's not a big deal of pressure for me, I sometimes go the relax to the bar and...nevermind, I was telling you too much information.

Also, for my surprise, there are some fans for you waiting for your return to the ring as Mario does, they also want to see the others as well.

I'll end this later with my best wishes to your adventures, please, come to visit us sometimes.

From Glitz Pit's new owner, Ms. Jolene.

P.S: Prince Mush says hi to you.

The next letter now.

From Colette.

"Blushes embarrassed." H-hi there Chris, I wanted to send to you a letter if this arrived to you so... have you been lately? We're doing fine here, Lloyd completely misses Marth and Roy, Genis wants to see Lucas again, but I don't know why Professor Sage is sometimes getting crazy when she thinks about Fox or Falco, I even heard she was even trying to imagine Zelos as them, now he doesn't wants to get near her...for 1 minute until the Professor punched him, then Sheena said he "glomped" on her, what is glomped?

Oh, Regal is himself, it appears he doesn't misses Fox that much (than Professor Sage does that is).

Oh...and...umm...hmm..."Blushes more." How is...Pit"Blushes even more." Is...Lucario...alright now? I..."plays with her fingers." Miss him...a lot...oh, I'm so embarrassed! Good bye!

From Colette Brunel.


Lucario blushed and looked away. "Lucario is in L-O-" C. Falcon was punched severly as Ness started to laugh out loud.

"Are you going to send to us the letters we receive?" Chris asked.

"Duh! That's my work, isn't? Well, I can be your personal postman if you want, if you have a letter you want to send to someone, just call my name and I'll be there in a second!" Parakarry said happily.

"You sound too happy about this." Nana remarked.

"Uh-huh! Actually, I like to serve this city with the mails and all, I can get a lot of gossip sometimes...but they're secret." He shifted his eyes before chuckling. "Anyway, I must be going to deliver the rest, if you find Mario, tell him I said hi!" Parakarry said as he flew off to the sky.

"Okay...wait, where's the shop?!" Chris asked shouting.

"It's close! Just look around and you shouldn't miss it!" Parakarry's voice said.

All of the Smashers went to different ways of Nintendo City, but Pichu decided to follow Chris to one of the biggest supermarkets of the whole city, Shy Guy's Islands of Goods.

Shy Guy's Islands of Goods

Destiny Islands

"...Um..." Chris was left speechless.

"I know...there are a lot of them here..." Pichu said.

Since the shop had "Shy Guy" on it, there were a lot of Shy Guys walking around, you could see different people walking around the small masked guys.

Nevertheless, the duo managed to buy all the things (using Chris's money, the Smash Coins, and he will have something to rant about to Master Hand), but before they were going to reach the counter, they noticed 3 oddly penguins staring at them, their legs were very skinny, they were carrying pouches on their waists and had small black wings on their backs and they never blinked whatsoever.

"Um...hi..." Chris said confused.

"Hello, dood!" They replied in unison.

"Dood?" Pichu wondered.

"That's how we talk, dood, it's our signature word, dood!" One of them said.

"So...what are your names?"

"We're the Prinnys, dood! Or more specifically, the Prinny Squad, dood!" They said in unison again.

"Do you live here in Nintendo City?" Chris asked.

"Well...we don't, we're currently traveling around to find the King Krichevskoy's son, Laharl, our boss, Miss Edna, is somewhere in an apartment on the city, dood, she is a vassal for him, too, dood." A Prinny said.

"Is she kind?" Pichu asked with curiosity.

"KIND?!" The Prinnies said shocked. "Dood! She can be pretty scary, she can throw us at long distances and also, she doesn't like to be called "flat-chested" because she has a flat chest!"

"Dood! Why did you said that?!" A Prinny asked angrily.

"Dood! We're screwed if she finds out we called her like that, dood!"

"Dood! You said that to her, not us, dood!"

"Dood! He's right, dood!"

"Dood! Stop then, dood!"

"Dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood, dood-" They began to panic and run around in circles around Chris and Pichu, who were getting dizzy by all the "doods" they were saying repeatedly.

"SHUT UP!" Chris said yelling and the Prinnies stopped.

"Dood." They said in unison, which made both of them to sweatdrop.

"...And, you're doing the list for food, too?" Pichu asked.

"Right, dood!"

"We have to please her as hard we can!" A Prinny said enthusiastically.

"(They change moods very quickly,)" Chris thought. "And how does she looks like?"




A girl appeared out of nowhere and presumably, began to attack the poor squad in front of the duo, causing a lot of noises that nobody in the shop cared to stop, Pichu jumped to Chris's shoulder and hid behind, then, Pit came out of nowhere and spoke to them.

"What is happening here?" Pit asked confused, watching the cloud of dust in front of him.

The cloud of dust cleared out and the girl was revealed, she had 2 long red pigtails, a little fang was sticking out her mouth, she had a small black skirt made of belts and a small black cloth covering her chest (or flat chest in her case), she wore long black gloves covering her arms, long black boots with small red rings with small spikes around them above the feet, as the other rings on her wrists, she was about Chris's size.

...But what surprised more the trio is that she had red eyes, small black wings on her back and a long, thin tail with the tip shaped as a heart.

But what was WAY WEIRDER is that she had a jackhammer and a helmet out of nowhere while she said "DEHDEHDEHDEHDEHDEHDEHDEH!!!" to imitate the sound of the machine, to use it to torture the Prinnies, but she stopped once she saw the trio with shocked looks.

"...Oh, I'm sorry to disturb you 3," She glared at the Prinnies. "But my Prinny Squad was getting late to deliver the food to our house here." Then she threw away the jackhammer and the helmet.

"D-DEVIL!" Pichu yelled terrorized as Pit took out his blades.

"I shall purge this land from demons!" Pit proclaimed as the girl laughed.

"Oh, please angel boy, I'm not here to destroy anything, I'm just a vassal searching for the next heir to the throne for the Underworld, the Overlord." She said.

"FORGIVE MISS EDNA! DOOD!" The Prinnies said with teary eyes.

"...You're Edna?" Chris asked and the girl nodded.

"That's right, I'm Edna, Vassal of the great King Krichevskoy!... Who is dead and set me to search for his son, Laharl." Edna said.

"Pit, lower your blades." Chris said and Pit did it, but still glaring at her.

Edna tilted her head. "Hmm...well, you're strangers to me right now..."

They introduced to her.

"Oh well, nice to meet you 3, now, if you excuse me AND the Prinnies, we must leave and eat dinner for tonight, ON THE DOUBLE, PRINNIES!" Edna said taking out a megaphone, making many of the customers there to block their ears.

"RIGHT, DOOD!" The Prinnies said saluting and following her outside with the bags of groceries.

"...Those were weird persons..." Chris said as a Shy Guy pulled his shirt.

"Sir, your friends didn't left any money to pay for the food, so we are taking your money instead." The Shy Guy said.

"...EDNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Chris yelled at the top of his lungs and he handed over the money for both, losing 3000 Smash Coins...

However, a girl stopped him from handing over the money and she payed the amount by her own. "Thank you, have a nice day." The Shy Guy said leaving.

Chris and Pit were a bit shocked when they saw who it was.

"COLETTE?!" They said surprised in unison.

"Who?" The kind girl asked confused, tilting her head. "Oh, no! You must have confused me for another person." She said sweetly.

The girl had long blond hair, blue eyes, a blue ribbon on top of her head, she wore a white collar for her neck, she also wore long white gloves covering her arms, a white dress, another blue ribbon around the white collar, the dress wasn't too long because it ended on her hip, below, she wore small pink shorts for girls and a red shirt underneath the dress with white shoes on her feet. She was about Pit's size too.

On her back, she had small, white wings too.

"Pardon my manners," She said bowing. "My name is Flonne, I come from the celestial kingdom of Celestia, I'm also an Angel Trainee in training."

"You're an angel?" Pit asked and she got surprised a little.

"Wow! I've never seen an angel like you! From which kingdom do you come?"

"From Skyworld."

"..." She closed her eyes in an anime manner. "Never heard of it, sorry."

"Why did you payed for me?" Chris asked.

"I saw that demon getting away without paying for her groceries and I decided to pay for you!" She said happily.

"But you didn't had to." Pichu said as she quickly hugged him.

"How cute! I love this little creature!" She said excited and Pichu instantly blushed and smiled under her arms.

"So do you live in Nintendo City too?" Chris asked.

"Nope! I'm searching for King Krichevskoy to assassinate him, it was a mission that I need to complete as part of my training."

To the group, asassinate and cute little girl didn't sounded too well if they are in a sentence.

"Umm...Edna said that King Krichevskoy died..." Pit said and Flonne gasped.

"WHAT?! You mean I missed my opportunity to become an angel?! Oh what I'm gonna do?" She asked sadly as Pichu jumped back to Chris.

" could assassinate his son...what was his name? Laharl?" Pit tried to remember and she quickly became happy again.

"His son Laharl?! Oh, right! I've heard he had a son that was going to become the next Overlord! Thank you so much for the information, I need to go now, good bye!" She happily running outside...before crashing into a wall which made her dizzy but walked outside with the dizziness following her. "I'll stay here for a little longer, search for me if you want to!" She yelled as she bumped into a tree and ran away.

"...She is as clumsy as Colette..." Chris said and they nodded.

Music stops

Smash Mansion

Some of the Smashers returned to the mansion earlier than the others, it was Ness and Lucas who made it there before they could return, Lucas asked Ness to investigate the attic of the mansion because it was interesting for him.

Both PK users were searching for...something through all the boxes.

"Hey, check this out!" Ness changed his cap for a red hat with an "M" on it. "Now who I am?"

"...I don't know..." Lucas said confused.

"...Oh, right, you haven't met Mario yet," Ness threw the hat away and put his red cap on. "Lucas, I don't think there is something interesting to find here, I mean, look! Boxes, boxes, boxes, a box containing C. Falcon's dirty magazines, and more boxes!"

"But I swear Ness! There must be something good here!" Lucas protested as he removed a box.

"...Lucas, why did you took that box from that big tower of boxes?"

"..." Lucas looked behind him and the box that he took made a huge tower of more boxes to fall above him, dust flew everywhere around the attic as both PK users were coughing and sneezing constantly as the dust cleared out. "Why did I do that in the first place?!"

"Because you wanted to." Ness pointed out.

"Oww!" A little statue fell on Lucas's head and between both kids, who looked at it with curiosity, examined it.

"Hey, this a weird, funky doll..." Ness said as Lucas took the doll.

"Hey Ness, look at this doll, it says, "Geno," is this the doll's name?"

"Maybe, it has something hidden?"

"Let me" Lucas pressed a button on the back and Geno raised his hand. "Oh!" Lucas pressed another button and Geno shot a fast blow with his right hand to a glass that was shattered instantly, they were surprised when the hand came back to the doll and attached for itself. "Wow! This is so awesome!"

Ness took the doll from him. "It's probably valuable! We could keep it as a lucky charm for our team!"

"B-but what if it is from someone else?"

"I didn't see his or her name on the doll, so we keep it for ourselves!"

"Yay!" Both kids ran with Geno outside the attic to play with it on Lucas's Room.

Lucas's Room

2 hours later...

It was night already and they were exhausted for playing with the doll all the afternoon, the room had now several new holes on the roof and the walls because the doll was too strong.

"What? You say I can keep it?" Lucas asked surprised, holding Geno.

"Yes, that bastard of Popo sometimes sneaks to my room and steals my things, and since he doesn't know about Geno and us having it from anyone else, you're the only person that can take care of him." Ness explained to him.


Lucas looked at Geno. "...All right, I'll keep it from anyone else!"

"Then, I need to go to my room and sleep, take care of Geno!" Ness said waving at him as he left the room and closed the door.

The blond kid looked again at the doll, then he decided to put the doll close to the window, where the night was clear and beautiful, Lucas also jumped to his bed and prepared to go to sleep, but he looked at the doll again and smiled a little. "I wish you were real, Geno, you could be an excellent" He fell asleep as soon as he blinked, leaving the doll in the window.

Lucario's Room

Traverse Town

"And then I met a girl who looked like Colette in the mall, she was very kind in paying the groceries!" Chris said finishing his day to Lucario while the 2 were already on the bed.

"I'm glad that you made new friends in the city." Lucario said smiling a little.

"Yes, I think I'm going to see her tomorrow when we get done with the worlds and all that."



"Did I do it fine on the last battle? Against Mewtwo?"

" were defeated in a single blow so..."

Lucario looked down in shame. "Don't tell me I was awful back there...huh?" Chris was leaning his face into his yellow, furry chest.

"Lucario...what really mattered to me was your determination to protect me...I remember when you yelled out loud that I wasn't pathetic, I was so happy when you jumped to save me..." He was crying a little and Lucario gasped. "Seriously...I was very happy...that you protected me..."

Lucario hugged his trainer slowly. "Chris..."

"Thank you know how to cheer me up...I know I will someday find my best Pokémon..."


"I'm trying to find the perfect Pokémon for me, you know, one that has the qualities I'm looking for." Chris said wiping out his tears and Lucario got out of the bed, confused, wasn't he Chris's favorite Pokémon?

"And what kind of qualities?"

"Well, my perfect Pokémon needs to be as tall as me," 1 point for Lucario. "He also needs to control the Aura perfectly," another point for the Aura Pokémon. "He needs to be super-strong enough to lift a bed with a person on it with just one hand and without straining at all," Lucario lifted the bed with one hand without straining and put it down safely back. "He needs to have very cool fighting stances," Lucario got in a fighting stance. "Grunt like a beast!" Lucario grunted like a feral beast. "Show his sharp fangs!" Lucario showed his fangs in rage and fury as he continued to grunt like a beast. "And most important of all...sleep with his dear trainer on the bed in less than 2 seconds!"

Lucario gasped when he realized that he was out of the bed and got quickly on it.

"Oh, sorry Lucario! You were too close to be my perfect Pokémon!"

Lucario closed his eyes in shame and got sad. "I'm sorry...I wish you good luck in finding that special Pokémon..."

Chris hugged Lucario this time and tears strolled down his eyes again. "You are and will always be my perfect, special, caring, coolest, powerful, super-strong Aura Pokémon..."

Lucario was crying a little, then he turned to him and smiled a little. "...Well...I'm searching for my ideal trainer too..."

"...And what kind of ideal trainer?"

"The one that lets me tickle him to death while he hugs me." He said chuckling.

"...Oh no..."



"Not until you die!" Lucario said joking as he continued to tickle his helpless trainer.


Lucario grinned a little for the first time. "Heh, try to tickle me, it's going to be impossible for you to make me laugh with tickles."


"Wh-where are you going?" He asked when Chris hid under the sheets of the bed, still tickling him.




Both were laughing like never before as they continued to tickle each other, until most of the sleeping Smashers yelled to shut them up.

Lucario's Room

Chris was shown panting above Lucario, who was also panting and smiling as they both laughed when they looked at each other.

"Thank you so much again Lucario! That was really fun coming from you!" Chris said hugging his Aura Pokémon, who rubbed his head slowly.

"Everything that my master wishes are orders for me," Lucario said nodding. " you want to have something else?"

"'s weird that you ask that to me...well...I'd wish for a giant Lucario! You know, having a giant Lucario to fight against the Subspace Army for one day would be the most, happiest and coolest gift I ever could receive!"

"A giant Lucario?" Lucario repeated confused, but if he could find a way to grow fast, he would do it without thinking 2 times just to please Chris.

Chris hugged him tightlier. "Of course...that's just a thing I could never get...maybe that was lie or not..." He got out of the bed with Lucario as they looked outside the window. "But I'm not rushing anyone for having a Lucario like that..."

"What is that Chris?" Lucario asked when he found something in the sky of the night.

"...That's a shooting star! I need to make a wish!" Chris said as he kneeled and joined his hands together.

"A wish? A shooting star?"

"Yes, if you see a shooting star and make a wish before it vanishes, your wish will come true!"

"...Can I wish for something too?"

"Of course!"

Lucario kneeled as Chris did and joined his hands for wish for something, after 10 seconds, they got in the bed again.

"What did you wished Chris?" Lucario asked in curiosity.

"It's a secret, but what did you wished?"

"If you're not going to tell me, then I won't either...hmm...can that song again?"

Chris took out his harp. "You mean Soul Etude?"

"Yes, I want to hear it as a song to go to sleep...I want to have a peaceful sleep for tonight."

"..." Chris rubbed the head of Lucario. "Everything for my all-mighty, Aura Pokémon!" He began to play the song again and Lucario blinked slowly as he smiled, before he fell asleep as Chris finished his song and yawned. "Good guardian...and...friend..." He slowly fell asleep as well and both were now sleeping...

...But Lucario woke up later and pulled Chris's face on his neck, where the World Traveler smiled when he felt his fur touching gently his face. "Good master..."

However...when he fell asleep, his appendages opened up a little and Lucario began to growl menacingly as his eyes turned into the eyes of a he did on the real world as he looked outside the window from the bed and to a dark cloud forming just above Nintendo City...and Chris was awakening slowly from his dreams...

Preview of the next chapter

"Lucario...your eyes...your face...they're scaring me..." Chris said trembling while Lucario looked at him with his beastly face, the Aura Pokémon gasped and shook his head to make the nasty face to fade away.

He kneeled to him ashamed. "I'm sorry! Forgive me! Just please, don't be scared by me, I won't do that again!" Lucario said apologizing.


"UAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Lucas screamed when he saw a star getting inside his room and it went straight towards Geno, who shone brightly. "Wh-WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE?!"


"NINTENDO CITY IS IN DANGER!" Parakarry yelled preocupied.

"We can't get inside!" Quill said shocked.


"Our next destination is..." Master Hand trailed off as the computer showed them the next, unknown world.


"Next time: Edna's Deal!" C. Falcon said.

Do you want to save your data?


Overwrite file?


Smash Mansion
Chris, Lucario, Pikachu, Pichu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Red, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Kirby, Meta Knight, Link, Zelda, Fox, Falco, Wolf, Captain Falcon, Marth, Roy, Ness, Lucas, Pit, Ice Climbers


Chapter 76: Etna's Deal!

1 hour ago...

Deep Inside the Great Maze

"Ugh...ugh...UGH!... There, we managed to revive all of them..." Ganondorf said panting after he and Tabuu combinated forces to cast a spell to return someone back to life, but that person was big, sharp, and malicious looking.

"Heheheh... Soon...very soon...all the worlds will lose their abilities to make wishes..." Tabuu said chuckling evily.

"Tabuu, what are we going to do with the traitor?" Charizard asked with crossed arms.

"Wolf O'Donnell? Leave him for now, he will pay for betraying us and joining them."

"Oh yeah! Now I can smack mah hammer on him!" King Dedede said spinning his hammer.

"...Does he talks like that all the time?" Charizard whispered to Ganondorf.

"Unfortunately, yes." Ganondorf said frowning.

"Hmm...I don't get it, why did you 2 revived a bunch of weirdos made of weapons along with that big-creepy sword thing?" Charizard asked.

"Fool...that sword was once from Smithy, a villain trying to rule Mushroom Kingdom years ago...but Mario and the other pests defeated his army of weapons...I was able, however, to bring the sword that fell on Bowser's Keep to do something again..." Tabuu explained and trailed off.

"And that is?" Asked the newly reformed Porky.

Tabuu laughed evily. "We will bring down Exor upon Star Road to destroy the wishes of everyone, no, all the worlds!"

"Pfft, wishes, they aren't true..."

"Do not underestimate the wishes, most of them become reality and the others that have a evil feeling, will vanish, once we break the Star Road, our wishes will come true!"

"Like pummel dah puffball?" King Dedede asked excited.

"Yes, like destroying Kirby for example, Ganondorf! Send Exor upon the Star Road and destroy everyone's wishes! Charizard! Prepare Mack, Bowyer, Yaridovich and the Axem Rangers to escape with any fragment of the Star Road! King Dedede! Decide the destinations where all the revived minions should go! The Ancient Minister should tell you all the worlds." Tabuu said chuckling as all of them prepared to start their mission.

High Above Nintendo City
Star Road

Very high on the sky's night, a road full of stars was gathered above Nintendo City, it was the sacred Star Road, where all the wishes come true if they are good and not bad, the ones who decided what wishes should come true were simple shiny stars, who lived together in harmony as they decided the wishes.

"...Hmm...let's see..."I want to kill my replica."... No..."Please don't let Isaac know about the joke Sheba said to me just to tease."... Yes..."I want to conquer the Mushroom Kingdom, kidnap Princess Peach and defeat Mario."... Bowser..." A star sighed. "Why does he have to wish the same wishes every night?"

"What did you said? Geno?" A small, young star asked happily.

"For the last time, that's not my name, Twink." The star said annoyed.

"Aw, but your real name is hard to pronounce."

"Is not that hard."


" me Geno if you want."

"What are you doing tonight?"

"Twink, it's my work to make wishes come true, remember? Many stars like us make the wishes from all the people, living in all the worlds, to come true, you don't remember?"

Twink got sad. "I'm's many years have passed since we haven't see Mario or Princess Peach?"

"...I see...well...I don't remember either...good times...stopping Smithy from controlling the Mushroom Kingdom...using the Geno Whirl...those were good times...I wonder how is Mallow doing." Geno said smiling a little (since he was a shiny star, it was hard to see his smile).

"You miss them as I do?"


Twink got closer to Geno. "If by any chance, like, I don't know, a same menace got in our way and have to return with Mario to work together again...will you do it?"

"Well, he's the only one I can count on, but please, don't wish things like that."

"I won't!"

"Good...wait, here comes Eldstar, it's weird to see him out the roads..."

A star with a large moustache floated towards the 2, he looked rather concerned. "Twink and..."

"Geno." Geno said annoyed.

"Oh, right, Twink and Geno," Eldstar said chuckling. "You 2 must go to sleep, it's too late to work on the wishes."

"I'm sorry sir, but I like to work for a couple of hours after we stop working." Geno said.

"Eldstar, you looked a little worried about something, right?" Twink asked worried.

"My child, you have a good eye," Eldstar remarked. "Yes, I have been rather concerned about something."

"It's about the Star Rod?" Geno asked.

"No, the Star Rod is completely hidden somewhere in the stars, rest assured by that...what is corcening me was that a great evil has been invading all the worlds lately."

"Right! Muskular told me that there were some guys trying to conquer the worlds, but he also told me that there was a special elite of fighters stopping them from doing their evil plans!" Twink said excited. "I even heard Mario and Princess Peach are part of that elite!"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, something bad is going happen..."

Both stars gasped. "When?!" They asked in unison.

"...I'm afraid going to happen this night...on the Star Road..."

"...You're kidding right?" Geno asked concerned.

"I wish I was kidding! Although you don't have to worry at all for that, me and the other stars are guarding carefully this sacred sanctuary." They sighed in relief. "I beg your pardons, but I must leave to my shrine, good night." Eldstar said floating away to the Star Shrine.

"Good night." They said in unison.

" you think he wasn't kidding?" Twink asked preocupied.

"Let's just wish that doesn't happen."

"...Okay, stop the wish puns, they got annoying."

Suddenly, the whole road started to tremble violently and they looked around frantically for the source, but they couldn't find it.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING GENO?!" Twink asked scared as he hid behind Geno in fear.

"I-I don't know! Maybe Eldstar was right after all, something IS happening!"

"AAAAHHHHHH! DARK CLOUDS!" Twink yelled as he saw dark clouds covering the Star Road completely, there were a lot of noises and yells from the other stars, one who wasn't working, made a wish come true by accident.

"I wish to be bigger so that my master can be pleased by having a giant Pokémon, and that Pokémon will be me." The wish said.

"WISH COMING TRUE!" The panicked star said panicking, making that wish to come true.

"EVACUATE THE STAR ROAD! REPEAT! EVACUATE THE STAR ROAD!" Klevar, one of the Star Spirits said panicked as all the stars from the Star Road began to disperse and stay fine from the impeding destruction.

Geno and Twink quickly floated towards the Star Shrine to see what was going on.

Star Shrine

"ELDSTAR! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" Geno asked shouting as Twink and Klevar appeared from behind him, but something weird happened on the shrine, a huge blade of a sword was crossing it, splitting the temple in 2 as a dark force emanated from it and captured the 7 Star Spirits from escaping, as Geno and Twink watched in horror. "NO! HE'S BACK!"

"Who?!" Twink asked worried.

"I recognize this sword somewhere's...EXOR!" Geno said as the sword's face, Exor, descended slowly through the crumbling roof.


"Subspace Army? You don't mean the Smithy Gang?!" Geno asked surprised.


"GENO! TWINK! YOU MUST ESCAPE FROM THE STAR ROAD AND SEARCH FOR HELP!" Mamar said worried inside a force field.



"But this happened all of a sudden, do you think we can do this by ourselves?!" Twink asked crying.

"WE TRUST YOU!" Kalmar yelled.

"JUST GO, GO ON CHILDREN!" Skolar shouted.


"...But...but!" Twink trailed off crying before Geno grabbed him.

"Twink, we must go and find them before they catch us!" Geno said as he dragged Twink outside the Star Shrine, outside the Star Road and outside the sky, far away from it as Exor continued to laugh manically.

"MY NEXT TARGET IS...NINTENDO CITY! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Exor said laughing evily, dispersing all the 7 Star Spirits with different villains, some who revived and some who returned to cause more chaos and destruction, escaping into different worlds to stay hidden with the Star Spirits.

Nintendo City
Etna's Aparment

Just in the center of Nintendo City, Etna's Aparment was located in the exact point of the center of the whole city, the scene shows her clapping her hands in amusement after the Prinnies delivered tons and tons of food to her table.

"Now THIS is a good dinner and feast!" Etna said drooling a little.

"Dood, can we eat now, dood?" Asked one of the many Prinnies.

"...Hmm...let me prepared the dinner, you went for the groceries and food to the even washed all my skirts and sharpened my lance...for this time, I'll let you eat this." Etna said grinning.

"Yeah! We can eat together this time, dood!" A Prinny said happily as all of the Prinnies sat together around the table, taking all the food they could grab before Etna could, but everyone were able to grab their food and eat calmly.

...Just below the table, however, was Flonne, trying to figure out the perfect moment to attack Etna, she snuck to her aparment from the open window the Prinnies left opened by accident when they weren't looking. "(I know she isn't Laharl, but I must kill all the demons I encounter in my mission, that could raise my training level too!)" Flonne thought excited before a potato rolled behind her and a Prinny ducked to grab it, but he looked at Flonne sitting below.

"Dood? Do you live here?" The Prinny asked.

"No, I don't, I'm here to assassinate this demon eating food, can you leave me please?"

"Okay, dood." The Prinny said calmly, ignoring her response completely.

"What a good penguin...anyway, where I was? Oh yeah! Kill the dem-"

"DOOD! ETNA! SOMEONE'S TRYING TO KILL YOU UNDER THE TABLE!" The same Prinny from before shouted, making Flonne to sweatdrop as Etna choked her food and pulled Flonne out of the table.

"Oh, hi there, I hope I didn't interrupted your dinner, heheheheh..." Flonne said embarrassed, scratching her head, blushing.

"An angel?! Under the table?! Trying to kill me?!" Etna asked surprised as she hit her neck to un-choke her food.

"Oh! Let me apply some pressure on your neck to get the food out!" Flonne offered happily, doing the Helmlish (sp?) move to help Etna, eventually, a chicken bone got out and crashed into a Prinny. "There!"

Etna coughed a little. "Phew! Man, that was close!"

"I'm glad I was able to help you!"

"...You know," Etna tilted her head. "I don't think you don't want to kill me at all," She took a big bite of jam as she talked with the jam on her mouth. "You're an angel, and angels don't help demons, you know?"

"Oh...maybe you're right, I mean, you were in trouble and I..."

"Don't say anything else!" Etna said swallowing her jam completely. "How about if we're friends? How that sounds to you?"

"You mean friends? As friends helping each other in difficult times!?" Flonne asked excited about the idea, making Etna to back away a little from her.

"Um...yeah, whatever you say. (I didn't thought she was this cheesy...)" Etna said and thought scared of Flonne.

"Yay! We're officialy friends!" Flonne siad hugging Etna happily.

Etna pushed Flonne away. "All right, alright, I get it already! Now, do you want to eat with us?"

"Dood?" The Prinnies asked.

Flonne looked at all the food on the table and her mouth drooled a little before her stomach grumbled. "I' to eat something now..."

"Then have a seat and take anything you want, you should take advantage of me, I'm feeling generous for this night."

However, Flonne first went to the window and looked outside and to the sky with a smile. "Thank you giant, creepy sword falling from that ominous dark cloud to allow me to make new friends!" She yelled to a giant, creepy sword falling from an ominous dark cloud.

"Okay, stop thanking the city outside an-" Etna did a double-take. "Wait, what do you mean by giant, creepy sword falling from an ominous cloud?"

Flonne put her hands together and looked at her. "Well, that is a giant, creepy sword falling right above this aparment, and we're inside right now, right?"

Etna quickly ran to the window and her eyes widened when she saw a sword falling...just in the center of the whole city, in which was coveniently located on her aparment. "...Flonne..."

"Wow! How did you know my name?!" Flonne asked surprised, since she didn't told Etna her name.

"A hunch and my name is Etna if you were wondering..." Etna said a little bored as she looked at her. "Flonne...if there is a giant creepy sword falling JUST above us, what is the thing we ALL should do right now?"

"Escape? Yelling in horror and get out of this place as soon as possible?" Flonne suggested.

Etna smiled and put her hands on her hips. "Right! You know a lot about this!"


Etna, Flonne and the Prinnies (which were many) blasted off when Exor landed and crashed into the aparment, destroying it completely and the food they were eating.

"DARN IT! I WASN'T FINISHED WITH MY DINNER!" Etna said as they flew towards the sky.

"ETNA! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!" Flonne asked worried crying.

"MISS ETNA! THERE IS A MANSION OVER THERE, DOOD!" A Prinny said pointing to the Smash Mansion.

"ALRIGHT! WE FOUND THE PERFECT PLACE TO STAY!" Etna said happily, snapping her fingers

"But what if there are people living there already?!" Flonne asked worried.

"JUST LEAVE IT TO ME!" The demon girl said with a plan as they landed on the pool of the mansion, with all the Prinnies falling like nothing happened.

Smash Mansion

1 minute ago...

We see Wolf (wearing only a black shirt without sleeves and black shorts) walking down the hallway to his room with a glass of milk, apparently, he found it inside a microwave, heating up, which was probably from another person (cough, Falco, cough).

" least this place has food and drinks, not like the Subspace does." Wolf said as he finished with his glass and threw it outside.

1 minute later...

The wolf's (pun intended) ears perked up but VERY little and looked outside the window to find a lot of penguins and 2 girls falling from the sky as he watched in amusement. "...I don't think there is a weather that rains penguins...wait, that's stupid!... Not my problem." Wolf smirked laughing a little as he ignored the whole pool filling with Prinnies.

Back with the demon and angel, both managed to get inside with the whole suadron of Prinnies following them.

Mission Impossible Theme

Etna looked around the hallways, they were large and contained many rooms for many people, she smirked at the thought of opening a hotel with the help of the Prinnies to make many money as a normal business girl! Just think about it!... Or the first demon business girl as she thought.

"My, this mansion looks big from the outside and inside, we could open a hotel here and win lots of money!" Etna said with money signs as eyes.

"Etna, I'm not sure if we can just barge in here and take something that is not ours." Flonne said worried.

"Dood! She may be right Miss Etna!" The Prinnies replied yelling.

"Shh! What if Flonne is right and there are people living here?! Keep it down!" Etna whispered angrily.

"Dood." The Prinnies whispered ashamed.

"Alright Flonne, you will inspect that part of over there, I'll inspect the upper floors and the Prinnies can inspect the other rooms around, but if there is anybody getting close, hide! Understand?"

"...I didn't said that I was going to help you either...but maybe there is something valuable here, so I'm in!" Flonne said excited, clapping her hands silently.

"Move on and examine the area!" Etna commanded and all the Prinnies, Flonne and herself dispersed to different parts of the mansion. "AND STOP SAYING DOOD!" She shouted at the Prinnies angrily.

Music stops

Lucario's Room

The Aura Pokémon grunted and his eyes turned into the eyes of a beast as he saw the dark cloud forming above Nintendo City, he got out of the bed and walked to the window, wher he kept staring at it with rage, fury and more of both things.

Chris slowly woke up from the silent grunts Lucario was making and he rubbed his eyes slowly. " something wrong?... A-AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!"

"What?" Lucario asked with the nasty face as he looked at Chris, straight to the eyes, what was scary is that his response sounded like he didn't cared about scaring Chris, even a little.

"Lucario...your eyes...your face...they're scaring me..." Chris said trembling while Lucario looked at him with his beastly face, the Aura Pokémon gasped and shook his head to make the nasty face to fade away.

He kneeled to him ashamed. "I'm sorry! Forgive me! Just please, don't be scared by me, I won't do that again!" Lucario said apologizing.

"But it's still on my mind! I can't get that nasty face vanish!"

"You have to forget it!"

"I can't! And everytime I look to you, I imagine it!"

Lucario quickly hug his trainer as tears appeared on his eyes. "Please...forgive me...I won't do that again...if I do that...punish me with anything..."

"..." Chris didn't replied as tears appeared on his eyes, strolling all the way down to Lucario's shoulder. "...You promise?"

"I promise, word of a guardian."

Chirs hug Lucario back. "Thank you...that's why you're special to me..." Lucario smiled and his tail wagged a little. "But...why were you looking outside the window?"

Lucario looked outside and pointed at the dark cloud. "It's because of that, something is not right with that cloud, see those lightnings forming inside?"

"It's just a thunderstorm...nothing to worry about..."

"But I could have sworn there was something evil inside..."

"Maybe because you thought it would scare me and you decided to glare at it."

"...No...that's not it..." He closed his eyes as Chris rubbed his head with care.

"Just get back to sleep, everything is going to be alright tomorrow."

Lucario got in the bed and smiled a little to Chris. "I trust you."

"Thanks again...good night..." Chris whispered as both returned to sleep, but Lucario pulled Chris again to his neck and fell asleep with a long yawn...

Before he felt something weird happening to his body because a star touched him when he wasn't looking, he felt the bed getting smaller somehow...


Roy's Room

Now let's change to a person who DID cared about the dark cloud.

Pichu's Room

That's why we're changing to Pichu.

"What's that dark cloud?" Pichu asked worried, before a huge earthquake was created and many shouts and yells for help came directly from the city, which scared the mouse Pokémon greatly. "Y-YIKES! I NEED TO ALERT THE OTHERS! EVERYONE! COME AND SEE WH-" When he opened the door of his room, most of the Smashers (minus Marth, Mewtwo, Meta Knight, Lucas, Lucario and Chris) came running above him and looked outside the window. "...Bunch of...pushovers..." Pichu muttered as a bump of his head on the floor.

"What is happening now?" Zelda asked.

"Looks like Nintendo City is being invaded." Nana said.

"It's that book of clichés haunting us for when the main hero arrives at the main city?" Popo asked confused.

"Pfft, don't be stupid Popo, that was just a book."

"Anyway, we need to tell Master Hand about this!" Roy suggested and they nodded.

"Just another suggestion." Pikachu said grogily.

"What?" Ness asked.

"Heck no, we're not going wearing pajamas or plains shirts with shorts."

They looked at their pajamas and shirts and shorts, sweatdropping in unison as they ran to the rooms to get changed...running above Pichu by accident that is.

Command Room

"So you said that Mr. G&W turned into Shadow Bugs?" Master Hand asked to Marth, holding a secret meeting in the room.

"Yes, it creeped me out when he said fools to us, but that was strange when he turned into Shadow Bugs, there wasn't any dark aura covering his body too." Marth explained.

"(I don't remember Mr. G&W turning into Shadow Bugs when I erased their memories, maybe I wasn't aware of that at all or did Tabuu erased some of my memories in that escape?)"

"Are you thinking about something I should know?"

"N-no, it's nothing, thanks Marth for telling me your report."

"Right, should I go and check what is happening in Nintendo City?"

"Go now, the others probably are preparing to go too."

"I will." Marth said as he ran outside...before heading someone saying "dood." "Did you said something?" He asked peering from the wall.

"No, I didn't, why?"

"I thought you said "dude."


"...Well...I'm off..." The Altean prince shuggred and turned to the door.


We see Pikachu, Ness and Fox running down the Hallway as they stop in front of Lucario's Room to knock the door. "Chris? Lucario? Are you ready to investigate what is happening in the city?" Pikachu asked as they heard something being crushed inside. "...What's all that noise?"

"I-I'm sorry! W-we were just getting prepared to go!" Chris shouted.

"He's telling the truth!" Shouted a deep voice which made all of them to wonder from who it was.

"Is there anyone else inside besides you 2?" Fox asked, wondering.

"N-no! What makes you say that?!" Chris asked before he fell to the floor by accident. "Oww!"

"Chris...are you hiding something from us?" Ness asked narrowing his eyes.

"No! Just let me get prepared!"

The trio looked at each other and nodded, they backed away a little from the door to crash into it to open the door and find what was Chris and Lucario doing inside, once they managed to throw down the door, however, Chris was standing there sweating a little, they saw the bed crushed and parts of the wall destroyed by something. "I told you, I was getting ready?"

"You mean you turned your own room into the training room?" Ness asked confused as they got up.

"N-no...I was...practicing my singing voice!"

"As far as I know, nobody can sing THIS bad." Pikachu said sweatdropping.


"SHUT UP!" They yelled annoyed blocking their ears.

"Now, can we go?"

"But where is Lucario?" Pikachu asked and Chris slipped a Pokeball on his pocket when they weren't looking.

"He already went ahead, he wanted to go first."

"...Okay, be prepared, I think there's going to be some fighting very soon." Fox warned him as they ran together outside...before looking back because he heard someone saying "dood", but he shook his head and got outside.


The Battle Opens Fire

"What the...Primids?!" Chris asked surprised as the whole group of Smashers found Primids appearing from the Shadow Bugs (Lucas wasn't with them) and charged at them.

"The Subspace Army maybe is trying to hold us off from reaching the city!" Ness said.

"Oh no, they won't! I won't let them destroy the first metropolis I went to visit!"

"CHARGE!" Roy shouted as all the Smashers charged forward the group of Primids blocking their way, they were like 100 of them, but fortunately, they were experts in fighting at this point.

...But they weren't prepared for the monsters that left their lips on the ground and launch to the lips of the closest person who stepped on them, which were Chris, Marth, Meta Knight and Pichu.

"YUCK!" Chris said as he threw away the () from his lips. "Gross! That was...disgusting!"

"I'll shall get revenge for that." Meta Knight said.

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" Pichu casted a powerful thunder that electricuted all the (), who went blasting off.

"Thanks for clearing our path, Pichu." Marth said.

"I do what I can do!" Pichu said happily.

All of them heard many yells coming from the city. "Just what is Tabuu trying to do with this?" Wolf asked to himself.

"Oh, please, don't destroy the bar, anything but the bar!" C. Falcon said as he kicked a Big Primid out of the way using Falcon Kick.

"...I'll be very pleased if they do that..." Chris said frowning, because he hates drunk people.

"AAAAAHHHH!!!" Ivysaur was assaulted by 4 Fire Primids who kept shooting a torrent of fire from their mouths, hurting him severly.

"Squirtle! Go and help Ivysaur!" Red ordered.

"HELP ME FIRST!" Squirtle said crying a little as he ran for his life from a squad of Roaders.

"Get out of our way." Mewtwo said simply teleporting above the Fire Primids and using Confusion in one of them to slam it to the others and save Ivysaur.

"Phew, thanks Mewtwo, I owe you one..." Red said as he got in a thinking position.

"...Forget it, I won't let you capture me." The Psychic Pokémon said as he floated away from both of them.

"Oh c'mon!" Red pleaded as he joined with Mewtwo...leaving Ivysaur to watch Squirtle being chased around by the Roaders.

"WHY DON'T YOU HELP ME?!" Squirtle asked shouting.

Ivysaur smirked and yawned. "Red didn't told me to help you."


"PK BLAST!" Ness shouted exploding a green flash that opened a way through the crowd of Primids. "Why didn't they showed up when I went to help C. Falcon, Lucas?... Lucas?" Ness looked around to find Lucas, but he wasn't there. "Hey where is Lucas?"

"Worry about him later, he is probably sleeping in the mansion." Nana said, smacking her hammer on a Auroros.

"Aw, why didn't we slept with him?" Popo asked yawning.

"Because, Popo, the city is in danger and we have to do something to save it! Chris! I need healing!"

"Soul Etude!" Chris played the song around Popo, Nana and Ness, recovering their wounds a little.

"Thank you!"

"WAIT!" Roy shouted and they looked at him. "Instead of fighting and leave nothing, why don't we just rush towards the city and push away anything that comes from our direction?"

"...He is right." Mewtwo said.

"Why didn't we think about that before?" Toon Link asked confused before all of them joined in a circle formation.

"Okay, here's the plan, I'll stay on the middle to cast my healing song if anybody gets hurt in our path as you attack them, understand?" Chris asked.

"Got it!" They responded in unison.

"This is madness!" Pikachu shouted shocked.

"Madness?" Chris's right eye twitched "...THIS...IS..." He shook his head. "Um, I forgot the next part, Popo, do you remember?"

"'Course I do, SPARTAAAAAAA!!!" The blue Ice Climber shouted charging forward...with just only Chris as the others wondered what was that supposed to mean.

Thus breaking Chris's formation...

"What the heck is a Sparta?" Falco asked confused.

"JUST CHARGE!" Toon Link yelled annoyed as they followed the duo towards the chaotic city.

Music stops

Smash Mansion
Lucas's Room

The blond PK user was still snoring a little from his sleep, he even had a mucus bubble growing and shrinking on his nose, he must have had a deep sleep since the early earthquake didn't woke him up.

"...Hmm... Why... Why I can't be older to marry Kumatora..." Lucas snored dreamily, turning to the wall to yawn a little.


Twink and Geno were seen flying around the area as fast as they could, but Geno stopped mid-way and Twink stopped to see him. "Are you alright?" Twink asked worried.

"No... I'm not... I don't think we can find the doll I used to fight with..." Geno said losing hope.

"Don't be preocupied! I admire you Geno, I know we can find that doll somewhere, I know that!" Twink said pouting.

"Oh, so do you have an idea of where is the doll?"

" could be close to an open window of some blond kid that is sleeping right now, you know, maybe in a mansion around here?"

"...I doubt we can find that mansion...wait, how do you even know about that?"

"Because I'm seeing the same doll you used to talk about a lot on that open window with the blond kid snoring, inside the mansion we are just in front of." Twink pointed out, because they were just 10 inches away from Lucas's window, close to the doll.

"...Wait, this wasn't here before if I can remember!"

"You were looking down since we escaped from the Star Road that you missed most of the areas we saw back there!"

"...Fine, let's just get the doll and return to the Star Road."

"Wait, it's going to be rude to steal it from him!"

Geno rolled his eyes. "I did this once and I can do it again without awakening him, trust me."

Lucas's Room

"UAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" Lucas screamed when he saw a star getting inside his room and it went straight towards Geno, who shone brightly. "Wh-WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE?!"

"Geno! You told me this wasn't going to happen!" Twink said angrily, floating above Lucas who had his pupils small when he saw Twink.

"WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!" Lucas asked scared for life, hidind below the sheets of his bed.

The doll which Geno entered began to grow slowly in the light, surpassing Lucas's height by 1 inch as Geno slowly opened his wooden eyes and looked to Twink and Lucas, who uncovered his face and his mouth opened a little in surprise.

Geno bowed his head. "Sorry for interrupting you, but Twink and me need to go back to the Star Road to save it." He said before walking to the door.

"W-wait!" Lucas shouted stopping both of them.

"What?" Geno and Twink asked in unison.

"A-are you going to explain to me what is happening?"

"I don't think so, it's a little complicated for kids like you." Twink said confused.

"But you're a kid, and probably younger than me!"

"At least I'm wiser!"

"At least I have hair!"

"At least I can fly!"

"At least I have LEGS!"

Twink gasped. "WELL...AT LEAST I HAVE A MOTHER!" He realized how pathetic his reply was and waited for a laugh.

However, Lucas gasped. "WHY YOU LITTLE-"

"STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!" Geno said angrily, snapping out of his calmness. "You 2 are still kids, while the Subspace Army is taking over the Star Road!"

Lucas shook his head. "Wait, did you say Subspace Army?"

"Yeah, why?"

"B-because me and the others are trying to defeat them from taking over the worlds."

Geno gasped a little. "Wait, don't tell me this is the place where the special elite of fighters live..."

"Hmm...I think you're talking about the Smashers, well, I'm one of them."

"Whoa!" Twink said surprised. "Then you're a special fighter?!"

"W-well...I'm not that strong...see?" Lucas casted PK Freeze that exploded in front of both stars, but it was enough to surprise them.

"...Then...what is your name?" Geno asked.

"M-my name is Lucas...and you must be Geno because it said that on the doll."

"Well, my name is in reality-(HARD TO PRONOUNCE NAME)-" Lucas made a confused face, and so did Twink. "...Call me Geno."

Lucas got out of bed and quickly ran to his closet to get dressed in 3 seconds by throwing clothes to his bed. "S-so, where are you going?"

"AHEM!" Twink called out angrily. "My name is Twink, nice to meet you!"

"Oh, s-sorry about that...nice to meet you Geno, where are you 2 going?"

Geno pointed outside to the city. "There, Exor is right on the center of that city."


"I'll explain it while we go there, c'mon, let's go!"


Rowdy Rumble


"WHAT THE?!" Lucas found 5 weird penguins looking at him, and they instantly ran off to somewhere. "Were those guys working for the Subspace Army?!"

"Then we must stop them from doing damage to the mansion!" Geno said, dashing after them.

"Wow, he's fast!" Twink said surprised as he and Lucas followed Geno to capture the odd penguins that appeared out of nowhere, that were the Prinnies.


"QUICK! HIDE IN THIS ROOM, DOOD!" Prinny #1 yelled.

"CD Room? Dood?" Prinny #5 readed confused before they rushed in...and broke all the things inside by accident and clumsyness combined when Geno stopped in front of the room as Lucas and Twink came panting.

"They went here, let's go." Geno said before running inside with the other 2.

CD Room

"Huh?" Lucas looked down to his feet and found many CD shards shattered below their feets, there were a lot of CD shards scattered around the room as the Prinnies got outside a pile of shards, with some shards embedded into their skins as they looked to each other and screamed in pain. "For what are these shards?"

"These shards look like CD shards..." Twink trailed off.

"Dood dood dood dood dood dood dood dood dood dood dood dood dood dood dood doo-" The Prinnies began to panic and ran around the room, making the 3 of them to track down 1 Prinny at a time, but it was so confusing that they got dizzy.

"Why don't they...just stop..." Geno asked spinning a little.

"I'm seeing...things..." Twink said spinning a little in the air.

"Shut...up..." Lucas said spinning a little and blocking his ears.

Just then, Flonne and Etna appeared from the door and gasped when they saw the whole room and the trio spinning while the Prinnies ran around in circles. "Oh no, they already broke something here?!" Etna asked furiously.

"E-Etna, what is that weird red aura covering your body?" Flonne asked scared while Etna took out a large axe.

"THIS AURA TELLS I'M ANGRY!!! BANZAIIIIIIII!!!!" Etna shouted jumping over the trio and directly over the Prinnies to punish them for what they did, the Prinnies didn't retaliated and were beaten to a bloody pulp by their boss, making the trio who recovered to sweat a little.

"Doooooooooooooooooood..." The Prinnies said with Xs on their eyes as Etna put her axe on her shoulder with an angry-anime face.


"B-but, aren't you a demon living in hell?" Flonne asked from the door.

"THE HELL AND THE UNDERWORLD ARE 2 DIFFERENT THINGS!" Etna shouted to Flonne before noticing the trio (although Lucas and Twink were hiding behind Geno) looking to her confused. "...Uh-oh...I think they're the people living here..."

For the first time, Flonne rolled her eyes. "What makes you say that?"

"WHO ARE YOU?!" Lucas asked scared.

"...Wait just a second, they're just only kids, ha! You gotta scram out of here before you ge-" Etna was interrupted before she and the Prinnies got frozen. "..."

"MASTER HAND IS GOING TO KILL ME FOR WHAT THOSE PENGUINS DID HERE!" Lucas said scared and trembling after he used PK Freeze on them.

"I-I'm sorry, I beg your pardons, Etna just wanted to see the mansion from the inside, but we weren't trying to take it to turn this into a big hotel and win lots of money, right Etna?" Flonne asked sweetly (trying to apologize and lie to them, in which she failed miserably) as she looked at Etna inside the icicle.

"S-s-s-s-s-she's right, believe her!" Etna said with gritted teeth.

"D-d-d-d-d-dood!" The Prinnies said.

Music stops

"Do you know about the Subspace Army?" Geno asked.

"Subspace Army? What's that?" Flonne asked confused.

"I guess they're not with them after all." Twink said sighing in relief.

Etna and the Prinnies were able to broke out the ice and walked towards the trio. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry about taking this mansion by myself." She said.

"Dood." The Prinnies behind her bowed ashamed.

"But if you aren't with the Subspace Army, then what are you doing here?" Lucas asked.

Etna laughed a little. "Well, thing is, a huge sword came out from a dark cloud AND above my aparment, then it blasted us off all the way to this mansion, inside the pool outside."

"Huge sword? That's got to be Exor!" Geno pointed out.

Etna narrowed her eyes at Geno. "...You know that sword? Then you must know something about it!" She grabbed Geno and began to shake him violently. "TELL ME, WHY DID THAT SWORD DESTROYED ALL THE FOOD I WAS GOING TO EAT?! I WAS STARVING!"

"C-c-c-c-c-c-c-calm down, j-j-j-j-j-j-just put me down and I'll explain it to everyone here if yo-"

Master Hand came floating in front of the room and stopped when he saw Etna, Flonne and the Prinnies looking at him, but he gasped when he saw the CD shards scattered around the floor. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! THE MUSIC FOR THE STAGES ARE DESTROYED!!!"

"Music for what?" Twink asked, getting the hand's attention to him and Geno.

"INTRUDERS!" Master Hand yelled before everyone but Lucas got captured instantly in cages that sprouted from the floor.

However, Twink squeezed from Geno's cage and laughed. "Ha! You can't catch me!" A bird cage captured him from the roof. "...Darn it!"

"I'm innocent! Let me go!" Flonne pleaded from her cage.

"GET ME OUT OF THIS THING!" Etna ordered angrily.

"M-Master Hand! Don't hurt them please!" Lucas tried to calm down the hand's fury.


His insane brother came from the wall and took all the cages with them to the Command Room. "(I'm starting to wonder if there are any "elite" fighters living here...)" Geno thought disappointed.

Nintendo City

The Smashers were able to reach the city through all the barrage of Primids blocking their way, but when they got on top of the hill, the city looked different than before...

The city was protected by an invisible barrier as all the people who were living in there were yelling and crying around, outside the barrier in panic as the Smashers ran towards the crowd, where Parakarry and Quill were in thinking positions, Quill being the calmest one, since Parakarry was flying around in panic.

"Quill! What happened here?!" Toon Link asked.

"NINTENDO CITY IS IN DANGER!" Parakarry yelled preocupied.

"We can't get inside!" Quill said shocked.

"What do you mean by that?" Chris asked.

"A huge sword came out from the sky and it created a big barrier that went growing overtime, all the citizens were able to escape from the barrier, but the city can't be entered from any part, and all of us are panicking for what happened just now." Quill explained to them.

"A huge sword?"

"It laughed and it said something like "I WILL DESTROY THIS CITY IN LESS THAN 2 DAYS, AND TAKE THE STAR SPIRITS WITH IT!" Parakarry said.

"(Did he said Star Spirits?)" Chris asked in his mind, before another earthquake was created. "W-what was that?!"

"An earthquake!" Zelda said.

"...MOVE! NOW!" Mewtwo shouted to all the crowd, but their yells were louder and they couldn't escape from something weird that happened on the scene...

All the Smashers, Parakarry, Quill and the people screaming around were trapped inside force fields, they looked around and tried to get out, but it was useless, they were trapped by something unknown.

"NOW WHAT?!" Pikachu asked irritated.

Meta Knight knocked the force field. "It seems we're trapped."

"We know that." Link said rolling his eyes.

"...Where is Chris?" C. Falcon asked and they looked around, just to find Chris outside the barriers.

"Guys!" Chris yelled worried.

"Chris! You know how to get us out of these things?" Squirtle asked.

"I-I'm afraid I don't know, everything happened out of a sudden!"


Ness frowned after hearing that voice. "Oh no...of all times...he needed to appear right now..."

"Who?" Fox asked confused before a big machine fell from the dark sky, revealing Porky laughing maniacally as they glared at him in unison.

"Good to see you again, losers!" Porky said chuckling.

"Pokey! What are you trying to do?" Ness demanded for an answer.

"It's Porky! And, Tabuu wants to destroy the Star Road and this pathetic city, along with you, once and for all!"

"The Star Road?" Chris asked confused.

"Yep! The same Star Road where wishes are granted! You know? Tabuu wants to destroy everyone's wishes so that he can take over the worlds faster and easier! Pretty cool idea, huh?"

"..." Nobody replied.

"...What is the Star Road again?" Pit asked confused and Porky fell in anime style before getting up.

"...Let me put this a little simplier than before with another similar plan, I'm taking your friend, Chris, with us as the barriers, that are currently stopping you from teleporting or escaping, to explode in 3 minutes."

All the crowd began to panic and the Smashers shot nasty glares at him for his second plan, since Chris is supposed to be outside to capture him.

Betting in this Bout

"You bastard!" Nana said with a glare.

"...Bring it on!" Chris said taunting and they looked at him with worried looks.

"Chris, don't tell me you're going to fight him alone?" Link asked worried.

"I'm going to do it, I need to get revenge for what he did to me before, you already took your revenge, so I want to make things fair between us!"

"I doubt you're going to win against him using that job..." Marth pointed out before Chris changed to his Fake King job.

"I'm prepared, let's begin!" Chris shouted angrily, conveniently, the field was big enough to let them fight with space.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You got some nerve, I like that!" Porky said laughing before he stomped the floor with his claws and ran towards Chris, who rolled out of the way and looked inside his sleeve to call the Waddle Dees.

"Waddle Dees and Doos! Can you find another Smash Ball like the last time?"

"Everyone! King Chris needs our support, find another Smash Ball to help him out!" Dave the Waddle Dee said and all of them began to scramble around to find another Smash Ball.

"TAKE THIS!" Porky said launching 6 Porky Bots that went running dumbly after him.

Chris tried to run, but his speed wasn't high since the hammer made him to go slow. "OH NO!" The Porky Bots lunged at him by stumbling and exploding on his back, which caused severe damage to him.

"I TOLD YOU, THIS IS TOO EASY!" Porky taunted laughing.

"Chris! You can do it!" Jigglypuff said cheering before most of them nodded to each other and began to cheer on the World Traveler.

Porky turned to the Smashers. "Shut up! You're distracting me!"

"Exactly!" Chris said jumping above him to slam his hammer on the glass, it made a small crack and Porky backed away.

"You little wuss!"

"That's it, it's on!" Chris said angrily before jumping and slamming his hammer on the machine, but Porky dodged it again in time. "Go!" Chris said taking and throwing out a Waddle Doo (Brandon) that landed above Porky and shot an electricity ray on him.

"UGH!" Porky grabbed Brandon and threw it to another direction before it vanished in thin air. "Not done yet!" He said as his machine jumped in the air to charge his electricity charge above Chris.

"Roll out of the way!" Wolf shouted from the barrier.

"Wolf? Giving suggestions?" Falco asked with a grin.

"Do you want him alive?"

"...You have a point there, go!" He started to cheer as the others did.

And Chris did it...late, the electrical charge managed to reach him and was pushed to the air, but he got control of himself and did a backflip in the air to land on the ground. "...Wait, I did a backflip? Awesome!" He said cheering.

"THAT'S GOOD, BUT CAN YOU RESIST THIS?!" Porky asked furiously concentrating energy between 2 claws that shot a red ray along the ground and exploded when it reached Chris, making him to yell in pain as he gritted his teeth.

"I'm not done yet...either..." Chris said panting before charging at Porky with his hammer ready.

"I'm starting to think he will not defeat him..." Meta Knight said, shaking his head slowly.

"Don't think like that!" Kirby said as he continued to cheer on Chris.

"C'MON!" Chris started to charge his Jet Hammer to smash it on Porky's machine when he started to stomp the floor to crush him with the claws. "NOW!" His Jet Hammer shot quickly and Porky backed away from him, but he ran to another direction. "Hey, come back here!"

The World Traveler started to chase down the old kid, but Porky was faster than him since Chris was literally dragging his hammer along the ground.

"You'll never catch up with him with that speed, do something to pull him closer to you!" Marth shouted suggesting.

"Try to annoy him!" Ness suggested.

"But with what?!" Chris shouted as he chased Porky around.

"Make fun of his fatness!"

"Porky! You're so fat that many chocolate factories closed down since you ate all the chocolate!"

"WHAT?!" Porky asked furiously before charging towards Chris.

"Have you found the Smash Ball yet?!" He asked to the Waddle Dees and Doos.

"We're doing our best in finding it!" Jonathan, the Waddle Dee, shouted from the sleeve.

"AAAAAHH!!!" He wasn't able to dodge Porky's crazy mad dash with his claws that his health was greatly reduced, making most of the people to panic as the Smashers tried to figure out a way to help him.

"This is not good..." Chris muttered weakly.

"He isn't used to fight on battles of one-on-one yet." Fox said.

"But it isn't fair, he is fighting against a much stronger foe!" Jigglypuff said pouting.

"Darn it! Let me go!" Toon Link said slashing the barrier continuously.

"If Chris doesn't defeat him, we're as good as death!" Red said shocked.

"There!" Diana the Waddle Doo said throwing a Smash Ball from the sleeve. "By the way, King Dedede prohibited us to lend you his Final Smash, you have to be creative and create one on your own!"

"What?! That stupid bastard!" Chris said angrily before starting to smash the Smash Ball with his hammer, before a claw got him and threw it away. "I REALLY HATE YOU!"

"Now's time for my new attack, missiles!" Porky took out various missiles launchers that shot 10 missiles that went straight towards Chris in the air, making a huge explosion as the World Traveler was in danger to lose.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Maxwell the Waddle Doo yelled jumping from the sleeve directly towards the Smash Ball to break it with his head, fortunately, he broke the Smash Ball and Chris gained his power as his eyes and body began to glow.

"Now I'll beat you up to a bloody pulp!" Chris said charging at Porky, who started to run away. "Did I mention you were so fat that the ocean around Eagleland was made up by your pee?!"

"NOT THAT KIND OF FUN, CHRIS!" Ness said disgusted.

"GRRRRRRR!!! TAKE BACK THOSE WORDS!" Porky said enraged before falling for Chris's trap and charged at him by stomping his claws on the ground.

"Closer... Closer... Closer..." Chris muttered to himself as Porky got closer in every second, when one of Porky's claws, or him was very close to him.

"DIE!!!" Porky yelled at the top of his lungs when he put all the force on one claw to smash it into Chris.


However, the whole place gets dark as Chris begins his new Final Smash that stopped the time before the claw could reach him. "Here I go, everything I've got!" He yelled before yellow lines starts to rain down the dark area as Florencia (the Waddle Dee) throws 4 hammers, spinning high above the air while Chris reached between them.

"Is this the power of a Final Smash?" Pit asked surprised.

"I wonder how mine looks like..." Pikachu asked to himself as they see Chris's next move.

Chris grabbed one spinning hammer. "1!" He throws it a high speed towards Porky, who yelled in pain.

And he did the same with the other 2 hammers.

"2!.. 3!"

"AAAAAHHH! IT HURTS!" Porky moaned in pain before Chris grabbed the last 2 hammers above Porky and raised them above him.

"Here it comes, the last blow!" Roy said excited making a fist.

"OVERLORD REEEEIGN..." Chris quickly descends above Porky, smashing his hammers through him and directly to the ground, where he finishes his attack. "IMPAAAACT!!!" A yellow glyph shines brightly under them before creating an earth shockwave, creating an earthquake that dealt extreme damage to the Spider Pig Machine, creating a cloud of dust and smoke around the 2.

The scene returns back to normal and Chris was shown panting heavily, the Final Smash drained a lot of his health as he smiles weakly.

"It's over...finally...I got my revenge..." He says weakly.

But the barriers didn't vanished.

"Hey, it's not fair, he won!" Link said.

"...No...he is still breathing!" Mewtwo pointed out before the dust cleared out, but one claw wrapped Chris and pulled him to the air, Porky's machine was damaged severly, but he was still standing.

"Hehehehehe...look who's laughing now!" Porky said laughing maniacally.

"Ugh!" Chris gritted his teeth in pain as the claw's grip got stronger.

"...That's it...we lost..." Wolf said crossing his arms.

Falco punched the ground with his fist. "Darn it! We couldn't help him!"

"If only Lucario was here..." Jigglypuff said randomly, trying to sound poetic...

...But her random sentence did made a point there, where is Lucario?

"Hey, where is he?" Ness asked looking around.

"Well, didn't Chris told us that he was here?" Pikachu asked.

Somehow, Chris was starting to sweat as he ignored the pain, becoming numb to it.

"Chris! Call Lucario, he must be here around somewhere!" Pichu shouted.

"...Er...I don't think that's a good idea!" Chris yelled from the claw, sweating.

"...Chris...did you hid Lucario in his Pokeball?" Red asked confused.

For the first time, Red was able to guess the place where Lucario was. "...Okay! Okay! Lucario didn't went to the city because I called him back to his Pokeball!"

"Then call him out, genius!" Toon Link said annoyed.

"...I...I can't! You're going to ask me a lot of questions if I call him!" Chris yelled.

"This is a near-death scene! Call him out!" Popo yelled.

"Don't mind him about the cliché book, just call Lucario!" Nana yelled.

"...But promise me you're not going to ask me anything!"

"...Promise?" All of them said confused.

Chris reached to his Pokeball. "Please...don't let them ask me anything..." He muttered before throwing it high in the air.

"...I know I'm a novice trainer...but...why did he threw the Pokeball in the air and not into the ground?" Red asked confused.

"...Well...unless his Pokémon was very big...but Lucario isn't that big t-" Pikachu was interrupted before an enormous light came out from the small Pokeball and they gasped to next thing they saw behind Chris and Porky.

...Somehow, Lucario wasn't the same anymore...

Because the Aura Pokémon was 15-foot tall now.

"...WHAT...THE...HELL?!" Pikachu asked as his eyes twitched.

"Can Lucarios grow into that size?" Pichu wondered.

"Of course not! That's stupid, nobody can do that!"

The giant Lucario crossed his arms as he glared towards Porky, who was sweating like crazy after seeing his huge, red eyes looking straight to Porky's eyes. "GRRRRRRRRRR...."

"Er...h-h-h-hi there big doggie..." Porky said waving a claw to him.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY MASTER." Lucario asked as he glanced to his weakened trainer, looking down weakly as he looked up and smiled a little to him.

"I him?" Porky asked before the giant Lucario kneeled and grabbed Chris with his big right hand, pulling the claw off the machine to realese the World Traveler from its grip.

Lucario crushed the claw in his left hand and dropped the dust into the ground as all the people were left speechless. "Chris, did he attacked you?"

Chris glared at Porky from Lucario's hand. "Not only that, he called me a little wuss and shot me with missiles, rays and electric charges from all directions! He even called robots that exploded and caused me a lot of pain!"

The giant Aura Pokémon didn't liked what he heard and grunted down at Porky.

"...I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" Porky yelled at the top of his lungs and began to bow down to Lucario. "PLEASE, DON'T HURT ME, I'LL BE GOOD, JUST DON'T HURT ME!"

"Lucario, tell him you're serious, but do it with the most extreme tone of voice." Chris whispered and Lucario grabbed Porky with his huge, left hand and pulled him closer to his face.


"...W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-well...only if Tabuu tells me t-"

"GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The giant Aura Pokémon roared at the top of his lungs, creating a very loud sound that created strong winds that spreaded around the trees of the area, many windows got broken by his roar in a chain reaction, it even broke Porky's machine's glass.

Oh, did I mention it made several scratchs on Zelda's crown, a small crack on Meta Knight's mask, Roy and Marth's armors, and it even destroyed Fox, Falco and Wolf's scouters?

"Thank you very much, this is the second scouter I lose this day!" Fox yelled angrily before replacing his destroyed scouter by another one on his pockets.

"Fortunately, I wasn't too close to him or else my mask would broke." Meta Knight said.

Porky was able to move without his machine!... Because he was sucking his thumb up, trembling in fear and horror combined as he nodded, understanding the demand of the giant Aura Pokémon. "...C-c-c-c-c-c-can I leave now?" Lucario clenched his left hand to throw the traumatized old kid (traumatized yet again) high into the air with all his forces. "I WILL GET MY REVENGE NEXT TIME! JUST YOU WAIT!!!" He screamed as the dot got smaller and blinked in the sky, the people began to cheer as the barriers disappeared and Lucario smiled down at Chris a little.

Music stops

The Smashers, Parakarry and Quill approached to the giant Lucario as he put Chris down in the ground safely, who received many cheers from the young Smashers.

"Yay! You did it!" Pichu said jumping happily.

"But it wasn't me, Lucario did all the work." Chris said scratching his head as he looked up to Lucario.

"So, can you explain why he got this big all of a sudden?" Roy asked.

"Hey, you promised that you weren't going to ask!"

"I lied, can you explain?"



Lucario's Room

We see Lucario being touched by a small star that made his body to glow, after 3 seconds, he starts to grow slowly as his arm was able to make a new bed for Chris, who was still sleeping deeply, his legs reached the door but they kept growing until the touched the roof, the bed below him got crushed and his right ear bended when it touched the roof and the other ear got out of the window, the spike on his left arm (where Chris was sleeping on) made a huge crack on the wall, the result of the growing was this, Lucario was so big that the room looked like a small cage to him, as he yawned with a very deep voice.

" bed got immediately soft...I like this you Lucario?" Chris asked (still sleeping) while he rubbed Lucario's big fur.

"Yes...I like the mansion...too." Lucario said smiling a little (still sleeping too).


"...Weird...why does you voice sound a little deeper?"

Lucario chuckled a little. "Remember said it was because of the second puberty?"

Chris slapped Lucario's fur slightly and laughed a little. "Don't be...stupid...that was just a joke..."

"But I like it."


"I'm glad."

"Me too."

"Go back to sleep."

"You too."

Both of them finished talking with a small laugh...before Chris's eyes opened in shock, which Lucario also did as he looked at his new size.

"LUCARIO! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" Chris asked, peering from Lucario's left side to him.

"I-I don't know! I just woke up and this is the first thing I see!"

"Did you took my wish seriously and you wished for it to happen? Because I was lying about having a giant Lucario!"

"Wh-what? Then you didn't wanted a giant Lucario?"

"Of course not! I know, the idea of getting your wish coming true after 5 minutes sounds stupid, but the others would be mad at us because you would end any fight by just tripping above your enemies!"

Lucario looked down (since he couldn't look up) in shame.

Chris got a little pleasant and rubbed his fur. "I'm sorry if that hurt your feelings..."

"'s okay..."

Chris closed his eyes before opening them again. "...What the hell...I'll take the advantage of this opportunity..."

Lucario smiled a little. "Then it was the right thing?"

"...No, but I must be optimistic! Now I got a giant Lucario!" He hugged his giant Pokémon before gasping when his own Pokémon wanted to hug him. "DON'T EVER THINK ABOUT THAT, ONE TOUCH OF THAT GIANT PAW AND MY BONES ARE GONE!"

"S-sorry." Lucario said embarrassed.

"Anyway, we have to do something about your size, if the others sees you, or worse, if Master Hand sees you, they'll be asking us a lot of questions."

"I don't think there is anybody awake now, it's still late."

However, his statement was proven to be false before hearing many yells of help coming from the city.

"What was that?"

"Chris! I told you, something is happening right now in the city and you ignored me!"

Chris hid from him by ducking. "...I'm sorry..."

"...Are you trembling?"

Chris sniffed. "My Pokémon got angry at me...and worse, he yelled at me..."

Lucario gasped. "I-I didn't meant to scare you! Please, forgive me master!"

Chris quickly got up. "Say "master" to me again and I'm going to punish you for real this time."


He smiled, climbed Lucario's body and walked towards his face to rub it with care as the Aura Pokémon growled (deeply) happily. "I just can't stop forgiving your errors, I know you're really sorry when you get like this."

"Mas-" Chris quickly glared at his left eye. "...Chris!"

"That's better, now we just need to put you back to your Pokeball and go to Nintendo City before anyone else wakes up an-" They heard a knock on the door and their pupils shrunk in unison.

"Chris? Lucario? Are you ready to investigate what is happening in the city?" Pikachu asked.

"Shoot! They're here!" Chris whispered, before Lucario crushed the bed completely.

"...What's all that noise?"

"I-I'm sorry! W-we were just getting prepared to go!" Chris shouted.

"He's telling the truth!" Lucario said.

"Is there anyone else inside besides you 2?" Fox asked, wondering.

"N-no! What makes you say that?!" Chris asked before he fell to the floor because Lucario tried to move. "Oww!"

"...Sorry again..." Lucario whispered to him.

"Chris...are you hiding something from us?" Ness asked narrowing his eyes.

Chris searched for Lucario's Pokeball because he accidentally dropped it when he fell, it rolled below Lucario's right arm's spike. "No! Just let me get prepared!" He yelled, straining to reach the Pokeball.

The trio looked at each other and nodded, they backed away a little from the door to crash into it to open the door. "CHRIS, HURRY UP!" Lucario whispered loudly.

"Got it!" Chris pressed the Pokeball to return the giant Pokémon to the Pokeball, that's when Ness, Pikachu and Fox threw the door down. "I told you, I was getting ready?"

End of flashback

Nintendo City

"...We don't know what happened..." Chris said.

Mewtwo looked at Lucario. "You wished this?"

"Yes..." Lucario said nodding.

"...Then...let's get back to the mansion."

"What? Are you going to leave the city like this?" Parakarry asked surprised.

"We can't proceed further, when we were trapped, I used my mind to analyze every single corner of the city, and more accurately, the sword that crashed in the center."

"...I can't do anything right now..." Quill said.

"Don't worry, once we get an idea to help all the people to enter the city, we will return." Marth reassured them.

"In the meantime, try to calm down all of them." Roy said.

"And tell them we will save the city!" Pichu said.

"..." Parakarry nodded. "Okay, I'm putting all my hopes on all of you, but please, save the city! We still have mails to deliver!"

"(...Wait, I forgot to read Cream's Letter...)" Chris thought.

"Return me to my Pokeball." Lucario said.

"You don't want to walk?"

"No, it's embarrassing to walk like this, I don't want to leave my footprints."

Chris returned Lucario to his Pokeball and he readed Cream's Letter...

"OH NO!" Chris yelled worried.

Smash Mansion
Command Room

"...A deal?" Master Hand asked confused.

Etna nodded while she was still inside the cage. "Yes, since my Prinnies broke your precious CDs, we will try to repay the damages they have been doing around without my permission." She said as she glanced to a cage full of Prinnies, all pilled together above each other.

"But Etna, you gave per-" Flonne's mouth was quickly closed by Etna.

"Also, they are excellent butlers, chefs, mechanics and they also know how to obey anyone's orders!"

"Dood." The Prinnies replied dumbly.

"...Hmm..." Master Hand wondered for a second before Etna snapped her fingers.

"Did I mention they know how to massage? Even with big fingers?" Etna remembered smirking.


"They can also clean disasters."

"Deal!" Master Hand snapped his fingers and the cages opened, except for Geno and Twink's cage. "Now, what is your reason for being here?"

"I told you, we need the help of the Smashers to save the Star Road!" Twink said angrily.

"Not our problem."

"The Subspace Army invaded the Star Road." Geno added.


The alarms quickly activated and the Prinnies began to panic once again as Etna tried to calm them swinging her axe around as Flonne hid under a table from a computer.

"WHAT NOW?!" Lucas asked scared before his mouth opened a little in surprise when he saw the screen showing many different worlds. "...It's...a new world?"

"Our next destination is..." Master Hand trailed off as the computer showed them the next, unknown world.

Small preview of the next arc

Geno's eyes widened and he hid behind Chris when he looked at C. Falcon. "NOT HIM!" Geno said scared.

"What?" Chris asked confused.

Do you want to save your data?


Overwrite file?


Smash Mansion
Chris, Lucario, Pikachu, Pichu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Red, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Kirby, Meta Knight, Link, Zelda, Fox, Falco, Wolf, Captain Falcon, Marth, Roy, Ness, Lucas, Pit, Ice Climbers


Cliffhangers are fun. They appear alot in this story too... Oh well. Great job!


To be heard, speak up. To be seen, stand up. To be appreciated, shut up.



Chapter 77: A timid Black Mage and the run-away princess

Smash Mansion

The Smashers were walking back to the mansion to report the status of the mission in Nintendo City, there was so much to talk about, Exor, the Star Spirits, the problem in which Lucario was and the destruction of everyone's wishes that was into matter.

"Something odd is happening around here..." Pit said.

"Yes, the first time we visit the city is then blocked the next second we return." Pikachu said.

"The bar..." C. Falcon muttered before Zelda slapped him...but hard.

"I have in mind all these problems and is probably going to give me a headache for trying to understand." Ness said scratching his head.

"Well, let's just pray something else doesn't happen, like someone appearing from the other side of the front door and greet us in surprise o-" When Chris was just about to open the doors, they opened by themselves and Etna jumped from it, shouting...

"WELCOME BACK!" Etna said cheerfully, making most of them to backstep away in surprise, but Chris fell on his butt.

"What the?! Etna! What the hell are you doing here?!"

Etna chuckled a little. "You guys were getting late in coming back, that there are 2 new guests waiting insi-"

Chris quickly got up (anime-style) and stared at Etna in annoyance. "Can you answer my question please?! What-are-you-doing-here-in-our-home?!"

"...Isn't obvious? I live here now."

"WHAT?!" Chris, Pit and Pichu asked surprised in unison.

"There is no way I'm going to live with a demon!" Pit said angrily.

"Then you have to live with Flonne too." Etna said as Flonne appeared behind her, waving her hand shyly.

"Hi!" Flonne said happily.

"You too?!" The trio asked surprised and Flonne nodded.

"Yes...well...I think Master Hand knows the answer to all your questions if you go to see him, he also told me to tell you that there are 2 persons inside anxious to meet all of you."

"Wait, Master Hand even allowed you 2 to live here then?" Pichu asked before many Prinnies appeared from the 2 girls. "They will live here too?!"

"Dood." The Prinnies said before disappearing.

Etna chuckled again. "Don't worry about the Prinny Squad, they are now your 24/7 butlers and servants!... But of course, I keep telling them what to do to not mess around."

"..." The trio looked behind them to find the other Smashers very confused at this event. "...What?"

"You didn't told us about who they are." Zelda said simply.

"The red-haired girl is Etna, a demon, the girl with blond hair is Flonne, and the penguins that said dood are the Prinny Squad, Etna's subordinates." Chris explained.

"Hmm..." Falco wondered after looking at Etna.

"How amusing, a bird." Etna remarked.

"How amusing, a flat-chested girl." Falco remarked.

"...Dood..." The Prinnies quickly dispersed after hearing Falco's statement.

"Hey, where did those guys ran off to?"

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Etna quickly took out her axe and started to pummel (or cut or slash) Falco with it as the others didn't do anything to stop them...except Fox, but got part of the massacre instead of stopping it.

"...What happened?" Popo asked confused.

"It's a girl's rule, if somebody dares to call a girl "flat-chested," he or she will be dead the next second." Zelda said.

"...You're not into girl things as Peach does if I remember." Nana said.

"She doesn't stop talking about it to me..." Zelda shrugged.

"HEEEEEEEEEEELP!" Fox and Falco yelled inside the cloud of dust with sounds of metal being heard.

Link looked at Wolf, who had his arms crossed and his right eye closed. "Aren't you going to do something?"

"Do I look like Fox's father or something to you?" Wolf asked annoyed.

10 seconds later...

Main Lobby

After a treatment of 10 (20) Soul Etudes from Chris who offered to cure both of them by using the Musician job, they got a big surprise when they entered inside the was filled with Prinnies, Prinnies, Prinnies, Prinnies and more Prinnies doing usual home works, such as cleaning the windows, floor, walls, moving vases around, which left most of them with their mouths opened in surprise after seeing the tremendous amount of Prinnies working.

"What..." Nana trailed off.

"In..." Toon Link trailed off.

"The..." Pit trailed off.

"World..." C. Falcon trailed off.

"Is..." Ness trailed off.

"Going..." Zelda trailed off.

"On..." Pikachu trailed off.

"HERE?!" Chris added in shock.

"Ta-da! I present all of you the Prinny Squad!" Etna said proudly as 2 Prinnies passed, carrying a portrait.

"How many are they?!" Roy asked surprised.

"It varies, between 10 and the unlimited."

"...There are so many of them?" Flonne asked thinking.

"Yep! I, of course, handle things very smoothly."

"Then we have now an unlimited amount of birds plus 1." Mewtwo said.

"Plus 1? Who is the extra one?" Chris picked up a Prinny. "He?"

"Dood." The Prinny said and left.

"No, I'm pretty sure he mentioned Falco." Fox said and Falco glared at Mewtwo.

"...A-anyway, let's see who is waiting for us in the Command Room..." Chris said as their made their way through the crowd of Prinnies...until Etna yelled at them to make a path.

Command Room

"Oh, you're here." Master Hand said.

"Master Hand, who were waiting for must be some kind of dream...I'm seeing things..." Chris trailed off as he looked at Geno.

"Nice to meet you all, my name is Geno." Geno said bowing a little to them.

"A puppet?" Popo asked.

"Actually, I'm really a star coming from the Star Road, the road where wishes come true."

"And I'm one citizen that lives there too!" Twink said appearing from behind Geno.

"Hey, I recognize you, you are Twink, the star who helped Peach and Mario when Bowser kidnapped her!" Chris said surprised.

"Wow! I'm famous then?!"


"Yay!" Twink began to fly around the room before Geno stopped him.

"Geno already told me everything about what happened to Nintendo City and the Star Road, and it's important that he explains to you the trouble he and Twink are in." Master Hand said.

Marth raised his hand. "I have a question, what is this place called Star Road?"

Geno nodded laughing a little. "You haven't heard of the Star Road before? The Star Road is where all the wishes from all the people from all the worlds become true if they are good that is."

"Wishes? I thought wishes were just things that can't become true." Wolf said.

"You're wrong, many wishes are determined of how much that persons wants his or her wish to become true, many stars and I up there decide whether or not a wish can become true, if they are bad, however, we just make them to vanish and disappear."

"Geno! Can I continue?" Twink asked excited.

"Yes, let's see if you learned."

"All right! Ahem, as Geno was saying, the work of all the stars in the Star Road are overlooked by the Star Spirits, Eldstar, the leader of the spirits, Mamar, the kindest star, Skolar, who gives knowledge to all of us, Muskular, who gives courage, Misstar, the star of beauty and help, Klevar, the genius star and Kalmar, the star of forgiveness."

"Don't think they are somewhat odd by their talents," Geno continued. "Catastrophe fell upon the Star Road by Exor, the same sword that took control of Bowser's Keep long ago, when he crashed into the Star Shrine, all the Star Spirits became captive again and imprisoned with 7 different bosses of the Subspace Army, which Exor told us about...I don't know why the Subspace Army decided to attack us, but since the Star Spirits are in charge of the wishes, and since they hold the Star Pieces, the Star Road was broken and many wishes are left to vanish."

"So in short words..." Link trailed off.

"If the Star Road keeps as it is, broken, all the wishes will vanish and chaos will reign on all people! That's why I came here to possess this doll once more and ask for your help."

"I'll pass." Wolf said.


"Wishes are just things that won't happen, it's useless and worthless, don't waste my ti-"

"Your wish of defeating Fox will not come true then..."

Wolf blinked in surprise. "How did you..."

"I'm a star, therefore, I know the wishes of everyone here in the room, just by seeing your faces I can tell which wishes are from you, Chris, your wishes are the most purest ones since you always wish to stay with the Smashers and enjoy fighting, playing and living together with them."

Chris received some pats on his back as he blushed a little.

"Ness, your wishes are not too bad either, I'm sure you will get the love of P-"

"Don't finish that sentence!" Ness said embarrassed.

"...Roy, your wishes contains things like being like your father Eliwood and be stronger."

Roy looked away embarrassed.

"Flonne, we also count your wishes related to love...although you wish a lot about that."

Flonne blushed and laughed a little.

"I'm the only one that doesn't wish for anything?" Fox asked confused.

"Fox, we're trying so hard for your wish to find your father too."

"...W-why did you said that in front of everyone here?!"

"But that's not a bad wish in my opinion..." Chris said.

"...It's not bad?"

Geno smiled a little. "It's a good wish, Nana...about your wish of intelligence to another dear broth-"

"DON'T EVEN SAY THAT!" Nana said as she sweated when Popo narrowed his eyes at her.

Geno walked to Zelda. "...About your wish of more girls in the tournament..."

"Yes?" Zelda asked a little excited.

"...Find out yourself."

"It's a good surprise, right?"

Geno's left eye twitched. "...Yes..." He looked at Pichu. "You wish a lot of things, like being like Pik-"


Geno's eyes widened and he hid behind Chris when he looked at C. Falcon. "NOT HIM!" Geno said scared.

"What?" Chris asked confused.

"H-h-h-h-he has the most, perverted wishes I've seen before!"

"Me too!" Twink said hiding behind Chris.

"WHAT?! They're not that ba-wait, I don't wish things like that!" C. Falcon said alarmed before all of them made disgusted faces and backed away from him.

Geno walked in front of them again. "Maybe I should stop saying the secret wishes of everyone before you get mad at me," he coughed. "The point is, I need your strength to rescue the Star Spirits from the Subspace Arm-"

Chris quickly shook his hand rapidly. "WELCOME!"

Geno and Twink temporaly joined your team!

Geno sweatdropped. "...Thanks...that was fast to convince you..."

"Since when he decides for everyone else here?" C. Falcon asked.

"Because unfortunately, we're the most nicest guys in the whole universe...that's why..." Popo said looking down.

A Prinny came in and delivered fresh spaghetti to Crazy Hand...who just played with it. "Hey, how did these weirdos got to work here? I didn't know you were hiring workers." Ness asked.

Master Hand sniffed. "They...they...they...THEY DESTROYED EVERY LAST PIECE OF MUSIC WE HAD STORED!"

"...What's the big deal? You only put like 15 or 20 songs in each tournament," Falco said, not caring. "Besides, a miracle would be putting more than 100 songs, now that's great."

"...And there were even more..."


"There are 258 songs in all."

All the Smashers (yes, this time we counted Mewtwo...just kidding, the same ones) blinked in surprise. " many did you added to our stage?" Link asked.

"More than 8."

"THOSE BASTARDS MUST DIE!" Link said running away while yelling like a barbarian.

"But it's only music." Chris said simply.

"ONLY MUSIC?!" Most of them said angrily.

"Don't ever disrespect the beauty of the music on the stages!" Jigglypuff said angrily.

"The music makes a fight even better between one-on-one matches!" Roy said angrily.

"It's more epic that way!" Pikachu said angrily.

Link came in. "WHO SAID IT'S ONLY MUSIC?!" He asked angrily with shifty eyes.

"C. FALCON DID!" Chris said hiding behind Fox (who physically was a little smaller than him).

"WAIT! IT'S TOO MUCH DAMAGE FOR M-" C. Falcon managed to say as Link lunged and started to stab him endlessly.

"Master Hand...we have also another problem..." Chris raised his hand from behind the vulpine and walked to his place.

"What kind of problem?"

"Well, remember when I told you about the chicken and the egg thing? Who was first?"

"It was the egg."

"It was the chicken!" Popo argued.

"It was the egg! How did the chicken was born then?!"

"It was the chicken! Then how do you explain the egg first?!"

"STOP IT! That was not it!" Chris shouted. "It's about...Lucario..."

"Hey, you're right, where is he?"

"Inside his not crush anyone..."

"Crush? Did he grew up to a giant or something?"

" you want to see?"

"Please do, I'll be glad to help in any way, unless he's bigger than all of us combined, I'm going to be happy with whatever problem you want to be answered." Master Hand said calmly.

"...Okay!" Chris threw Lucario's Pokeball in the air.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" The Smashers (except Lucas) yelled terrorized.

"What?" Master Hand asked confused.


A tremble was created.

Command Room

There was a big dust cloud covering the whole room, when it cleared out, Master Hand was panting heavily while he was sticked to the roof as he saw the giant Lucario sitting on one half of the now destroyed Command Room, and most of the Smashers disappeared when that occurred.

"WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED?!" Master Hand asked angrily.

"I'm sorry if I crushed anything." Lucario said, before he felt many persons yelling below him (or more accurately, his butt). "Chris! I crushed him too?!"

"I'm right here," Chris called from Crazy Hand's counter. "Mewtwo and Zelda were able to teleport me in time before I got crushed."

"Can you please advice us before you call that huge creature outside?!" Zelda asked angrily.

"HEEEEEEEEELP!" Many voices were heard below Lucario, which made him to sweatdrop. (The sweatdrop was big).

"FIRST, DID HE TOOK 2 SUPER MUSHROOMS?!" Master Hand asked shocked.

"N-no! He just wished to be enormous just to make me happy!" Chris defended him.


Chris ducked to talk with Geno. "Yes!"


5 minutes later, with Master Hand and Crazy Hand lifting Lucario to take all the Smashers out from him, before Chris realized he could have called him back to his Pokeball...

Geno cleared his cape and coughed a little. "Let me see, you wished and your wish came true, correct?"

"Yes." Lucario said nodding.

"And you want to return to your normal form, right?"


"It's easy to revert a simple wish like that, wait just a minute..." Geno closed his eyes and concentrated a magic spore that appeared between his hands as he shot it to Lucario, who closed his eyes and opened them when the spores were gone. "Done."

"...But I'm still a giant..."

"Your wish of being a giant should end for tomorrow morning, until then, you need to sleep for tonight."

Lucario looked down before he nodded. "I understand..."

"I apologize for causing all this trouble, normally, we don't make wishes like this kind to become true, it probably happened by accident when Exor stroke down the road and a star accidentaly made that wish."

"And here I thought I could wish for that too." C. Falcon said ashamed.

"Stop, that is enough," Geno said disgusted. "...Why is Flonne staring at Lucario?"

Flonne was just in front of Lucario, staring at each other, Lucario thought Flonne was like Colette and probably would throw herself at him to give him a warm hug just because "he looked cute."


A) Shoot an arrow to Lucario.

B) Say many cheesy things about how cute he is.

C) Hug him.


5 seconds later...


Flonne glared at Lucario and took out her bow with a tip of an arrow in the shape of a heart. "I shall purge this land from all demons, including you, in the name of love!"

"W-wait! Lucario is not a demon! Well, he looks like one bu-"


"O-o-okay! He doesn't look like one, but he's not a demon!" Chris said alarmed.

"No! All demons have red, menacing eyes like Etna does, and it just happen that Lucario is a demon for his devily red eyes! Now, SUFFER THE WRATH OF LOVE!" Flonne said as she shot her heart arrow towards Lucario's chest...

It bounced off and Lucario scratched that part...

"It's going to take more than one arrow to pierce Lucario's steel body..." Pikachu said sweatdropping before Flonne took more arrows out from nowhere...

And began to shoot the giant Aura Pokémon like crazy, and I mean it, CRAZY, because Lucario was getting showered in arrows that just kept bouncing off, falling and burying the Smashers little by little which each second it passed.

It also made Lucario to take a deep, long breath because he was bored. "I'm supposed to be hurt by those weak arrows, Chris?"

Chris's head popped out from the pile of arrows. "Yes."

"Because I don't feel anything."

Etna, fed up (of boringness) by watching the entire scene from the roof, decided to stop Flonne. "Flonne, it's useless, he is not a demon, you can stop firing arrows now."

Flonne immediately stopped panting. "I...was use dymanite next..."

"You WHAT?!" Lucas asked appearing from the pile.


"ENOUGH!" Master Hand yelled annoyed. "Smashers, tomorrow you have a new world to save, it's a new one, Lucario, try to not crush anything in your way to your room."

"But I can't fit in the hallway anymor-"

"Flonne, Etna and the Prinny Squad, you will stay here and do all the work to repay for the CDs, Geno and Twink, you will accompany Chris and the others to rescue the Star Spirits if we can find them in the worlds, for now, rest, it's an order!"

"Roger!" Most of them said before they walked to their rooms (by crossing the big fence that was Lucario's legs) and dispersing.

"Geno, Twink, Etna and Flonne, please follow me to your guest's rooms." Master Hand said floating away as the 4 mentioned characters followed him.

Chris and Lucario heard Etna and Flonne complementing their rooms, being very expensive-looking.

Lucario's Room

We see Chris walking alone to his room, where he found the crushed bed and the other destroyed things that Lucario accidentaly crushed.

He sighed. "...I don't think I can sleep in that bed anymore...I'll ask the Prinnies to fix it tomorrow...but where I can sleep?..." Chris snapped his fingers and moved to a wall where it was left untouched, he leaned to it and called Lucario out of his Pokeball, putting him in the same position he was before. "Hello, my giant Pokémon!" Chris greeted Lucario happily as he un-leaned from the wall.

"Why did you call me out?"

"Because I feel alone just by sleeping by myself...and also because the bed was crushed."

"But there is hardly any space left in this room by my size, how are you going to sleep? By leaning to the wall?"

"No, I have the perfect idea to sleep."

1 minute later...

"You!" Chris said sleeping above Lucario's body, below his spike.

"I'm that soft for a bed?"

"Your fur is so soft right now, perfect for me."



"Did he...hurt you a lot?"

"Who? Pokey?"


"IT'S PORKY!" Porky said angrily as he continued to drift off the sky of the night.

Lucario's Room

"He didn't, because my super-giant hero rescued me just in time!"

Lucario blushed a little. "I didn't acted that much, I just threw him with all my forces."

The World Traveler hugged him and Lucario's eyes widened a little. "I'm going to miss your greatness tomorrow...I was very happy when you defended me..."

"You asked me to sound extreme on him, remember?"

"And then, it sounded very menacing and heroic at the same time, protecting me as always, but in that form, you looked so awesome!"

"I was just..."

"Shh...don't speak anymore, I'm very happy to have such strong Pokémon like you..." Chris tried to not scream when Lucario's huge hands were going to hug him tightly, but when he closed and opened his eyes, the hands just stopped at the right moment that he felt warm instantly. "Wow...your hands are so soft too..."

"I do everything just to make you proud of me." Lucario said smiling.

Chris yawned and Lucario yawned, but longer as it created a small tremble. "Just...go to sleep...I want to see my normal Lucario making me proud as he does every day...without being giant...and..." Chris felt asleep and Lucario chuckled.




"...You better tell the guardian..."

Lucario chuckled again as he closed his eyes and felt asleep. "...Chris...I'll continue to protect you forever...I won't hurt you...never..."


How wrong he was, however...


Because he managed to roll over someone deared to him.

"...Chris? Chris? Are you there? Where are you? Chris? Do you hear me? Chris?! Chris?! CHRIS?! CHRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS!!!!!" Lucario yelled preocupied, causing nearby windows to shatter in pieces.

The next day...







The Smashers ignored the discussion between Chris (who had casts all over his body, save for his head) and Lucario (back to his normal size) kneeling to him with closed eyes, looking down embarrassed, ashamed and both things combined, even Lucario was at the point to cry silently.

"Wow...this is...just...stupid..." Toon Link said.


"Chris, you need to calm down now..." Fox said calmly.


"I like the new kid." Wolf said chuckling.

"Shut up." Fox said annoyed.

"Chris, Lucario is trying to apologize to you, accept his apologies." Mewtwo said calmly.

"NO CHANCE IN HELL I'M GOING TO FORGIVE HIM THIS TIME!" Chris shouted angrily before Lucario fainted in horror, knocking himself out as Pikachu, Pichu, Squirtle, Ivysaur and Jigglypuff walked around him in curiosity.

"Is he still living?" Squirtle asked poking Lucario's ear.

"Looks like it." Ivysaur said by poking the nose.

"It seems Chris can only hurt Lucario, but greatly..." Pikachu said as he leaned his ear to check Lucario's heart pulse. "...Yep, he's just knocked out."

"HE BETTER WILL! OWW!" Chris yelled in pain.

"You better stop yelling or the pain will be worse." Professor Kawashima said above a nearby desk.

"Where were you?" Nana asked.

"I'm afraid to respond right now, maybe an otherworldly force prevented me from appearing?" He asked winking.

"...So, Chris can't come with us..." Lucas said looking down.

At that moment, Etna and a sad Flonne entered and they looked at the girls.

"What's wrong with her?" Toon Link asked.

"I don't know what to do to help here, I'm very clumsy when it comes to make food and many other things...I'm only good at my training only..." Flonne said sadly, looking down at her feet.

"(At least she complimented my leaderism.)" Etna thought.

Flonne looked up to see Chris in the cast. "Oh my, what happened to you?"

Chris glared at his fainted Pokemon. "I'd better not respond..."

Flonne quickly felt happy. "Oh! I know how to help!" She called her magic baton with wings on the tip of the pole (it can also be her bow when she wants) and pointed it at Chris. "I'm going to heal your wounds!"

"W-wait! Do you know how to cure and not set me on fire?!" Chris asked sweating.

"Uh-huh! Just wait a second!" She closed her eyes and a magic ring began to shine around her baton, she was chanting a spell (using the name Prinny occasionally) and then, she opened her eyes. "HA!"

A bright explosion of light was created, and when it cleared out, Chris was shown blinking in surprise. "...The pain...the pain is gone! I can't believe it! The pain is gone!"

"I'm glad I was able to help!" Flonne said clapping her hands happily.

"Chris!" Lucario quickly woke up from his state and got up to see his trainer healed, but he stopped, looked down and backed away from him.

"Can anybody please get me out of this cast?" Chris asked.

"I'll do it." Marth said using his sword as a knife to cut through the cast and set Chris free from it.

The World Traveler sighed in relief. "Alright everybody! We have a mission, get moving!" He said clapping his hands and they began to talk among themselves as they walked away from the infirmary. Chris kept the DS in his pocket but before he could walk out, he saw Lucario trying to not cry. "Are you alright?"

"No, I hurt you...I'm not worthy to stay with you..." Lucario said looking down as he kneeled.

"Lucario, it was an accident! I was angry because of all people in the world, you were the only one who hurt me!"

"Please! Set me free! I'm not allowed to go with you anymore!" Lucario said as tears began to stroll down his cheeks while they were closed.

Chris walked towards him, kneeled and gave him a hug, which made his ears to perk up a little in surprise. "I need someone very strong to protect me in the new world."

"Ask anyone else here besides me..."

"..." Chris rubbed Lucario's head. "You're the only one here that wants to do it, please, do it for me."

"..." Lucario didn't spoke.

"...I know, I'll scratch or rub your ears or the head if you stay with me but very close, I'm going to feel lonely and I need someone like you."

Lucario smiled a little and rubbed his cheek with his trainer's cheek as he growled slowly, which made a tear to stroll down Chris's right eye, but he wiped it out.

"...Thanks..." Chris whispered to him.

Command Room


Final Fantasy lX
Current Status: Visiting Dali Village
Race: Anyone
Number of protagonists: 5 of 8
Level of danger: Medium
Members allowed to dispatch: 9
Highly recommended abilities: Fighting abilities (Any type of fighter will be fine to go).

"I ALWAYS WANTED TO GO THERE NOW THAT I CAN!" Chris said jumping very excited as many cheered at this.

"If you save this world, I'm going to show you a lot of new features in the shop besides jobs and stickers!" Crazy Hand said excited.

"I want to go! I want to go!" Lucas said raising his hand excited for the first time in a long time.

Chris stepped in front of all of them. "Listen up everyone, since our mission is to find and rescue the Star Spirits somewhere in this world, I'll bring Geno with me always from now on until we finish."

"Of course, you need me to locate them." Geno said nodding and walking to his side.

"I wanna go too!" Twink said flailing his...arms?

"No Twink, you will stay here."

"Geno! I want to help too!"

"It's still too risky for a little star like you, please, you must understand me."

"Aww..." Twink floated away sadly.

"Who wants to come with us?" Chris asked.

His response was kind of bad, why? The Smashers (again, most of them) began to fight for who was going to be the last standing, it was a new world, so, why not kill each other to go?... Wait, that is bad...

"...STOP!" Chris yelled, but they kept fighting and he sighed embarrassed. "Geno, please don't think bad things about us..."

"No, I must be optimistic, this is very different when I traveled with Mario, Bowser, Peach and Mallow, but it's the only way to save the Star Spirits after all..."

"Fortunately, many of them aren't too stupid like them." He pointed to Mewtwo, Meta Knight, Wolf, Lucas, Zelda, Lucario and Marth, who were various metres away from them.

"It's the only good thing about this team?"

"...Apart from being experts in fights, yes...Lucario! Link! Toon Link! Zelda! Ness! Lucas! You're coming with us!"

"Sweet!" Link, Ness and Toon Link said as they left the useless fight, and the other 3 simply walked to his side.

"Wait, you have a spot left." Master Hand pointed out.

"Then I'll choose..." Chris drawn his finger and many were jumping or either calmed to get his attention, when it was just about to stop on Fox...however... "I choose Wolf!"

Wolf, who was still leaning to the wall, opened his right eye. "What? Why do you want me to go?"

"Because," Chris got in a thinking position. "I want to find out what happened in that battle back in Kanto, Mewtwo never told me, but you must know something that he doesn't."

Wolf's eye widened a little as he glanced at Mewtwo, who did the same action an-

"Wait a second! Stop the image!" Chris said stopping the image of both characters. "See those faces they're making? I know those kind of faces, they're the faces of "something very embarrassing happened that we don't want anyone else to find out" faces!" The time starts to run again.

Wolf groaned a little and walked to his side.

"Of all people, you chose him..." Fox said frowning.

"I'll choose you in the next time." Chris said.

"That's not what I mea-"

"OPEN THE PORTAL!" Chris quickly yelled as he opened the portal. "Geno, you need to walk towards th-" Geno already left when he noticed. "...Nevermind, let's go..."

The team walked inside and the portal vanished.

Roy sighed disappointed. "Now that they're enjoying that new world, what are we going to do? I'm a little hungry so..."

"Dood." A Prinny appeared with a hamburger for Roy.

"...Thanks!" Roy took the hamburger and began to eat it.

"Hmm...I want lemonade..." Popo said grogily and a Prinny came in and gave him a lemonade. "Sweet lemon!" He cheered drinking it.

"Oh, now we know what can we do while they're getting their butts kicked around..." Nana said evily. "Prinnies! I want an Omelet! Chop chop!" A Prinny came in a delivered an Omelet to Nana.

"(These guys aren't not bad at all...heheheheh...)"

"Etna, is bad to think out loud..." Flonne said.

"What the...I didn't!" Etna said surprised.

Final Fantasy lX

Outskirts of Dali Village

"Man..." A boy with a blue and green vest yawned bored, the boy was young, although he had a monkey tail.

"What is it Zidane?" Another young kid asked, he was dressed like a small black mage, he had a pointy but bended mage hat, and his face was all dark except for his yellow eyes that blinked sometimes.

"Well, remember that we need to take Garnet to Lindblum?"

"INCREDIBLY stupid!" Another boy wearing heavy armor said angrily. "It is my duty to guard the princess with my life from scoudrels like you, thief!"

"Rusty, do us a favor and shut up, Garnet is interested to reach Lindblum, right?"

A beautiful young girl was walking besides the other 3, she was thinking about Alexandria, the kingdom where she lived, until she was kidnapped by order of Cid, king of Lindblum, although she accepted the idea to reach Lindblum, she had so many things in her mind, why did her mother, Queen Brahne, attacked her when she fled in the Tantalus? Did she hated Garnet in a sudden twist of events?

"...What?" Garnet asked confused.

"Hello? Return to Lindblum to get you safe from Queen Brahne?" Zidane asked sarcastically.


"Garnet, it's something wrong?" The black mage asked.

"...No...I'm fine...thank you for worrying about me Vivi."

"...Uh-huh..." Vivi, the black mage, nodded unsure.

"Princess! We must return to the castle at once right this instant before this imbecile drags us farther away from the kingdom!" "Rusty" ordered.

"Steiner, I-I think you should let Garnet decide by herself..."

Rusty, or his real name Steiner, suddenly change of moods when Vivi spoke, he respected the black mage a lot that he called him... "Master Vivi, I know she can decided when she wants, but I'm just suggesting..."

"Geez, what a loser you are." Zidane said folding his arms.


"Steiner! Stop!" Garnet ordered.

"P-Princess Garnet!"

"Right now, I want to reach Lindblum and see my uncle Cid, he must know something about my mother's behavior...I'm sorry Steiner, but I need to do this..."

"What if Queen Brahne thinks about us as thieves too? What about my rank as Captain of the Knights of Pluto?!"

"You mean Captain of the Knights of Retards." Zidane said laughing a little.


"S-stop!" Vivi yelled and they looked at him surprised. "P-please...I just want to find a village to sleep...I'm very exhausted after crossing the Ice Cavern..."

"...Vivi is right, and Steiner, you must address me as Dagger, understand?"

"Preposterous! Such filthy name comes from a-"

"Bandit." Zidane and Vivi said in unison, half bored because Steiner has been saying that word way too much since they departed from the Evil Forest.

"Hey, I see smoke!" Zidane said as Garnet walked faster, when she stopped, they have reached the small and peaceful village, Dali.

Dali Village

"Finally! A place to rest!" Zidane said making a fist.

"Hmm..." Vivi looked around.

Steiner sighed quickly. "W-well, I need to maintain the princess's health perfect, so, a little rest cannot hurt right now...JUST THIS TIME."

"(I'm glad he understood.)" Garnet thought. "Zidane, I have heard of some places to sleep in...what were they called?"

"Inn!" Zidane said opening the door to the nearby Inn close to them. "Girls first..." He said opening the door wider to let Garnet enter first.


Unfortunately, there were 2 persons taking the room right now...although they were familiar...

"Kupo!" A nearby moogle laughed when one of the persons, Toon Link, touched his pom-pom.

"So, this thing is attached to your head?" Toon Link asked.

"Of course, it's the main feature of a moogle, kupo!" The moogle responded happily.

If you were wondering who was the other person, it was Chris, who gasped when he saw the quartet entering.

"(Okay, here they are, now, try to act nice or do something to get them to like me.) Hello there!" Chris greeted them.

"Do I know you?" Zidane asked, getting in a thinking position.

"...Nope, but I was waiting for you."


" fact, I was already reserving the room for you!" He looked at the clerk sleeping in the desk. "WAKE UP!"

"Whuzzat?!" The clerk woke up and looked at the clients. "...Oh...sorry about that...(Huh? Isn't she...)" He thought when he saw Garnet looking at him.

"...It is something wrong sir?" Garnet asked confused.


"Hey, I want to rent the room for the 6 of us, there are also 7 others in the village too." Chris said.

"...Oh? key..." The clerk handed the key to Chris and the World Traveler took it and gave it to Zidane.

"I don't know who are you...but thanks for paying for us." Zidane said doing a handshake.

"(Great, more strangers.)" Steiner thought, huffing.

"By the way, what's your name? My name is Zidane."

"M-my name is Chris, nice to meet you!"

"Hey guys."

"DON'T ADDRESS THE PRI-" Garnet kicked quickly his foot. "AUGH!"

"Hey guys, I want you to meet Chris, he payed the room for us, the boy with the dark face over there," Zidane pointed to Vivi, who was talking with the moogle and Toon Link. "Is Vivi and this girl is Dagger."

"Hey." Steiner muttered to himself after realising that Zidane didn't mentioned him.

"It is an honor to meet you." Garnet said bowing a little.

That's when Zidane frowned at this. "(Oh no, I forgot she comes from the royalty...)"

However, Chris didn't cared at all. "Nice to meet you too."

"Don't worry, I'll introduce you to him." Zidane said pointing at Steiner, who tried to smile a little.

"Greetings sir, I a-" Steiner was interrupted.

"The guy with the silly armor is Rusty." Zidane finished grinning a little.

"YOU BASTARD!" Steiner said turning red of anger.

"Don't mind him, he gets angry so easily."

"GRR!" Steiner crossed his arms a looked away.

Toon Link and Vivi walked to them. "I forgot to introduce my friend here, his name is Link." Chris said introducing Toon Link.

"Hi." Toon Link said opening his right hand at them.

"...Huh? You use a sword and a shield?" Steiner asked interested.

"Right, I like to fight using this sword." Toon Link said, unsheathing the Master Sword which Steiner examined closely.

"...I have never seen such material looks very valuable from first sight..."

Toon Link sheated it. "Heh, thanks."

"Hmm, this may be the start of a long but wonderful friendship..." Steiner said a little excited.

"See? He gets sometimes cheesy too." Zidane said.

"...I will deal with you later...monkey..." Steiner muttered.

"Hey, you said you have 7 other friends in the village?" Zidane asked a little interested.

"Of course! All of them are excellent fighters as me!"

"...A bard?"

Chris was still using the Musician job, and he noticed he was holding his harp. "'ll see later..."

"...Right!" Zidane said laughing. "So, let's see our room!"

"...Wait, you're inviting us to the room too?"

"After all, you payed for it, c'mon!"

Zidane, Garnet, Steiner and Vivi temporaly joined your team!

It's not important to point out in what part of the inn were they, let's say they were in the only room of the whole inn.

"...Chris..." Toon Link trailed off.

"Yes?" Chris asked.

"There are only 4 beds, and we are 13!"

Preview of the next chapter

"This sector is clear!" Steiner said wiping dust from the table.

"Can somebody here shut him up? I'm trying to enjoy my drink!" Wolf said annoyed.


"Do you know how to act like a commoner?" Garnet asked.

"I've been living in my own kingdom for so long that I didn't noted that." Zelda said shaking slowly her head.


"Vivi! Thanks goodness you're okay!" Lucas said.

"I-I don't like this place..." Vivi said trembling a little.


"This is so strange..." Chris muttered.

"What is it?" Lucario asked.

"We skipped the part where we should be fighting against Black Waltz 2 now that we are in the airship...but then...that means..." The airship began to shook violently. "BLACK WALTZ 2 AND 3 ARE ATTACKING TOGETHER!"


"Next time: The 2nd part and evil, sinister black mages!" Geno said.

Do you want to save your data?


Overwrite file?


Dali Village
Chris, Lucario
, Pikachu, Pichu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Red, Squirtle, Ivysaur, Kirby, Meta Knight, Link, Zelda, Toon Link, Fox, Falco, Wolf, Captain Falcon, Marth, Roy, Ness, Lucas, Pit, Ice Climbers, Geno, Twink, Zidane, Garnet, Steiner, Vivi


To be heard, speak up. To be seen, stand up. To be appreciated, shut up.


Chapter 78: The 2nd part and evil, sinister black mages!

A moogle walks in and looks at the readers. "Kupo-po! Okay! Let's start where we left last time!" He takes out a big book by flipping in the air and searches through it.

Zidane, Garnet, Steiner, Vivi, Chris, Toon Link
Dali Village

"There! This is the saved file, kupo!" The moogle said as the screen blackens...

Dali Village

Chris and Toon Link were watching as Zidane and Steiner argued against the other. "I know I screwed up in Evil Forest. But there's no doubt in my mind now. I'll protect Dagger with my life!" Zidane said angrily.

"Don't be ridiculous! It is I who protect the princess, now and forever!" Steiner argued back.

"Guys, guys, please, stop arguing!" Toon Link said.

However, they didn't cared and kept arguing. "Then tell me. How do you intend to take her back to the castle?" Zidane asked in a serious tone.

"I-I will think of a way..." Steiner said in shame, before they heard someone snoozing close to them, it was Vivi, who fell asleep in peace on one of the beds.

"Zzz... Zzz..." Vivi was sleeping.

"Master Vivi..."

"I guess he can make everyone here decide in a second." Chris said before jumping a little. "Oh! I almost forgot! I need to call everyone here!"

Zidane looked at him. "Your friends you mean?"

"Of course, but first, I need to call him." He said running outside.

"W-wait up!" Zidane said leaving.

Garnet sighed as she layed down on her bed. "This is not like the bed in the castle...but at least it is soft."

Steiner looked away frowning. "(WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS HUMILIATION?!)" He thought with toon tears strolling down his eyes.

"...Steiner, are you alright?" Toon Link asked.

"What? Um...yes! Do not worry about me!"


Lucas was in front of the inn and Chris and Zidane got out. "Chris..."

"Zidane, he is Lucas, one of my friends." Chris introduced Lucas.

"Hi there." Zidane said.

"(...H-he has a tail?) O-oh! Yes, I was going to tell you something, the others are going to look the village for a little more time and Geno sent me to tell you this." Lucas thought and said.

"Can you tell them to go return to the inn to sleep?" Chris asked.

"...But it's very early to be sleeping..."

"Don't mind us, we're just exhausted from getting through the Ice Cavern." Zidane said.

"...I see, okay, I'll go and tell the others about this, but I don't think they will sleep in the inn." Lucas said nodding before running off.

"That kid looked nervous about something."

Chris looked at his tail. "...I know why...that reminds me, LUCARIO! Come over here please!"

"Lucario? Who's that?"


Zidane's mouth opened in surprise and looked around. "W-what was that yell?!"

"Look! something is coming from afar!" Chris said pointing outside the village, because there was a big trail of dust coming straight to the village at high speed from far away.

"A monster?! But they don't attack villages like this one!" Zidane said as he took out his twin blades. "...Hey! You're in its way! Get out!" He motioned to the right, but Chris kept his position as the fast unknown monster was getting closer and closer, approaching at high speed. "HA!" Zidane jumped in front of Chris to prepare a slash on the monster, when the monster was at 1 meter away from Zidane, however, it jumped and leaped towards Chris, who rolled with it on the ground as Zidane coughed for the dust before he made a confused face after seeing the "monster."

...The monster was a very happy Lucario, who was hugging his trainer tightly while he licked his face in happiness for seeing him again.

"HAHAHAHA! LUCARIO! THAT WAS INCREDIBLE! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Chris laughed as Lucario continued to lick his face.

"...Okay, I'm so confused right now..." Zidane said scratching his head.

Lucario stopped licking Chris's face and he helped him to get up. "Zidane, I want you to meet my best friend and guardian, Lucario, the Aura Pokémon."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Lucario said bowing a little his head.

"...H-he talked!" Zidane said surprised.

"Of course he can talk!" Chris said rubbing Lucario's head a little, that made him to growl happily.

"W-why do you treat him like that?"

"I like whatever way he shows me his appreciation to me." Lucario said as Chris stopped.

"...Hmm...interesting I guess...does he knows how to fight?"

"He has brute force and great speed." Chris said.


"Lucario, destroy the ground."

Lucario nodded before he raised his right fist a little and smashed it quickly at the ground, creating a small tremble around the village and Zidane sweatdropped after he saw the big crack the Aura Pokémon made, he could have even sworn Lucario grinned a little at him when Chris wasn't looking. "Done." Lucario said as he stood up.

"Now you see?" Chris asked.

"...W-whoa...I better not make him angry at me or I'll regret it." Zidane said, wiping out the sweat from his forehead.

"That's my Lucario!" Chris said, rubbing his cheek with Lucario's who pressed his left hand on Chris's left cheek to push him a little closer to him as he growled.

"...S-so, are we going to sleep now?"

They stopped. "Hmm...I think so..."


It was still the morning and Zidane, Garnet, Steiner, Toon Link, Chris and Lucario  were sleeping. But Zidane (who gave his bed to Toon Link) and Steiner (who gave his bed to Garnet) decided to sleep on the floor (which made them to sneeze from time to time).

Chris glanced at Lucario, who was just various inches away from him, the Aura Pokémon looked a little depressed, probably because of the accident he made back in the mansion. "(...Lucario...wait...I know how to make him happy, I'll pretend to be having a nightmare to get his attention...)" Chris muttered trying to sound scared, pretending to be sleeping which got the attention of his Pokémon.

"...Master?" Lucario asked worried (ignoring the sudden vein that popped out from Chris's forehead), he blinked and stared in curiosity at all the murmurs Chris was doing, then, he pulled Chris close to his chest to lean his head to it, and the World Traveler stopped murmuring as a small smile spreaded on his face.

"...Lucario...good job in beating that...huge monster..." Chris muttered silently.

"Master..." Lucario said smiling a little, licking Chris's forehead to make him to chuckle a little as he fell asleep together with him.

1 hour later...

Zidane was able to hear was someone singing a lullaby or something, the voice was very beautiful and he looked around grogily for the source. "What a...beautiful voice... Who's singing...? I've never heard a song like that before... Was that Dagger singing?" He looked around to find himself in the room. "Oh, everyone's up already. I wonder where they went?"


Vivi, confused


2 kids ran away from Vivi, who tilted his head in confusion, when they saw him, did they thought about how he looked that they got scared?

"Did they...were scared of me?... AHH!"


Vivi stumbled into a blond kid and he got up, dusting off his baggy pants. "I-I'm sorry! I wasn't looking so I-"

"AAAAHHH!" The blond kid was Lucas, who hid behind Geno and Ness after he saw Vivi's face.

"I-I didn't meant to scare you either! Please, forgive me!"

"Hmm..." Ness tilted his head a little amused after seeing Vivi. "...You don't seem to be a bad person..."

"O-Of course not! I'm just a normal boy like you 2 and...him." Vivi said pointing at Geno.

"Sorry for being rude, but Lucas just got surprised, that's all." Geno said as Lucas peered from his back.

"...If you excuse me, I wanna go to see the windmill over there..."

"Wait!" Ness stopped Vivi by touching his shoulder. "We were going to the windmill too, why don't we go together?"

"Y-you're not scared of me?"


"Lucas owes you an apology too." Geno said as Lucas waved shyly at him.

"H-hi..." Lucas said.

"H-hello..." Vivi said shyly.

"I-I'm sorry for what happened just now..."

"I-I thought you were going to run away from me..."

"..." Nobody spoke for a moment.

"I-I can't believe we have so much in common!" Lucas said surprised.

"M-me too!"

"What a fast way to make friends." Geno remarked.

"And don't forget we are his friends too." Ness said as the quartet walked towards the windmill, talking among themselves.

Garnet tries

We now see Garnet, who had her hands joined together and close to her chest, probably because she was the one singing. "...This melody always manages to calm myself in these moments...mother..." She muttered to herself as the wind touched gently her face.

"That was the most beautiful voice I have ever heard before."

Garnet gasped a little as she turned around to find Chris, Lucario, Link, Zelda and Toon Link walking towards her, Zelda was the one who talked since she was ahead of them. "...It was beautiful?"

"Yes, it did, I think so as Zelda thinks." Lucario said nodding.

"...Are they your friends?" Garnet asked to Chris, who nodded.

After introducing Link and Zelda...

"You are also a princess?"

"Yes, I have my own kingdom far away from this land." Zelda said.

"...But...did you ran away from your home as I did?"

"...No, I decided to take a journey around the vast lands to meet new people, Link also comes from the same kingdom."

"...How facinating...I have been running away from my home because I want to find out something about my mother, ever sinc-...I am sorry, but I cannot tell you more about my personal problems."

"No, it is alright for me, it is not my business to get into people's personal matters."

Toon Link approached to Link. "Hey, does she talks like this? I mean, like the royalty?"

"Only sometimes, but she doesn't know that much how to talk like us." Link whispered to him.

"Dagger, were you going to somewhere?" Chris asked.

"...Yes...I was going to that little plant maze from over there." Garnet said pointing at a small field for growing crops.

"...That's a small field for growing crops actually..." Toon Link said sweatdropping as Garnet wondered what was a crop.

Queen Brahne's Steiner


The dutiful daughter Slai had such a weird day this morning, first, a very menacing-looking man (Wolf) came in to order a drink bluntly, she was staring at him in curiosity before he asked "What are you looking at? It's my drink ready?" and she hurried to get his drink, and the grey vulpine grunted at her as he sat down on a table, second, a guy "in a silly armor" (Steiner) as she thought came in later and offered to give her a hand in the bar like cleaning and such.

"T-thanks for checking the firewood, sir..." Slai said shyly.

"This sector is clear!" Steiner said wiping dust from the table.

"Can somebody here shut him up? I'm trying to enjoy my drink!" Wolf said annoyed.

"Excuse me sir? Do you want me to clean your table as well?" Steiner asked.

"No! Just stop!" Wolf said annoyed, making a disgusted face as he scratched his left ear. "It's not how do you clean this dump, is that annoying, noisy sound of your steel can that is bothering me!"

"DO NOT DARE TO DISRESPECT MY ARMOR! It is the best armor in Alexandria there is!"

"..U-um...excuse me..." Slai called shyly and they looked at her. "It's my job to clean the bar. Why are you doing all this?"

Steiner walked towards her, ignoring Wolf's snarl at him as the grey vulpine continued to drink. "S-Sorry. Well, now that you have time, would you introduce me to some adults, like your father?"

"My father won't be back until nightfall. All the other men are also working. They don't come here during the day."

"Pubs are supposed to be a prime source of information..."

"And a place to stay quiet and let other persons to enjoy their time, idiot!" Wolf shouted from his table, hearing the conversation between the 2.

"Shut up, you swine!"

Wolf slammed his fist in the table with force. "WHAT DID YOU SAID TO ME?!"

"Ahem! I need not ask an adult. Let me ask you a question! I need to know what transportation method people use in this village. I cannot tell you the reason, but there is someone I must escort to the castle." Steiner asked to Slai, ignoring Wolf again as Wolf snarled at him again.

"Are you from Alexandria Castle?" Slai asked.

"Indeed! I command the queen's Knights of Pluto! I am Adelbert Steiner, Captain of the Knights of Pluto!"

"And yet, you're here instead of being there..." Wolf said chuckling, taunting Steiner who kept looking at Slai, but with a vein on his face.

That's when Chris and Lucario came in and looked at Wolf. "Oh, here you are." Chris said.


"Knights of Pluto...? Oh. Well, if you're from the castle, I guess it's okay to tell you... Please go to the observatory on top of a mountain on the outskirts of the village. An old man named Morrid lives there. He takes care of the cargo ship." Slai said shyly to Steiner.

"Cargo ship!? So, that piece of junk flies to this village! Thank you!" Steiner said, turned around and found Chris and Lucario sitting on the other side of Wolf's table. "What are you 2 doing here?"

"We were looking for Wolf, Dagger and my other friends are looking the village." Chris said.

"...Wait a this shady man, "Wolf," is your friend?!"

Wolf glared at him. "Who said I was his friend? I'm just following orders from a floating hand!"


"T-that's not true! Just because Wolf looks like one it doesn't mean we are too!"

"Lies! All lies!" Steiner yelled before sprinting off the pub.

"W-wait!" Slai said holding her hand in front of her. "...I forgot to thank him for cleaning the pub..."

"I MUST MAKE HASTE!" Steiner's voice was heard.

"...By far, I think he is the most crazy person we have ever met." Lucario said frowning.

"...I think that too...Wolf, what are you going to do now?" Chris asked.

"Stay here in solitude, without anyone bothering me while I'm drinking." Wolf said as he drank. "...That means NOBODY."

Lucario grunted at him. "Lucario, let's go, let's just leave him alone for a moment." Chris said as he walked towards the exit with Lucario.

"...Stupid kid." Wolf said bluntly.

"E-excuse me sir..." Slai asked from the counter.


"T-that kind person forgot to pay a drink he bought without paying..."

"And you want me to pay for him?"

" 2 looked like companions so..."

"...That's it, next time I see him he is going down...BUT TO HELL!" Wolf yelled loudly at the last part, making Slai to jump scared.




"Huh? Lucas?" Chris asked confused when he saw Lucas yelling Vivi's name.

"Chris! Have you seen a boy with a black face and yellow eyes around here?"

"You mean Vivi?"

"You know him too? Me, Ness and Geno met him a while ago and we decided to see the windmill together, when Zidane came and when he left..."


"I'll see you back at the inn!" Zidane said as he ran away, waving at them.

"Okay!" Vivi said cheerfully.

"You know Vivi," Ness started. "You sound a little more happier than before..."

"...Oh, w-well, it's because I met you 3 and other friends a while ago, I've never had many friends before...I'm so happy for that because most people either ignored me or ran away scared."

Lucas got a little worried. "S-sorry for hearing that..."

"No! It's okay though! I'm happy to have friends at last!"

Geno kept his position and they looked at him. "...Geno, are you still hearing the sounds of the Chocobos?" Ness asked, when Zidane was with them, they have been hearing the sound of a Chocobo nearby the windmill, Ness remembered how a Chocobo looked like when he was in the Space Colony ARK, Zidane even told Lucas and Geno about the big yellow bird.

"Huh?... Yes, it's weird to hear its sounds in this place, doesn't it?" Geno asked.

They looked around. "What are Chocobos..." Vivi wondered, before something happened to him.

"Well, Zidane told us they were big birds that lives in the wild and...Vivi?" Lucas looked around to see where Vivi was. "Vivi?"

"Where did he went?" Ness asked looking around.

"He was here just a moment ago...and I doubt he got far away from here in such little time." Geno said wondering.

"Should we search for him?"

"Y-yes! Let's do that!" Lucas said nodding, preocupied for Vivi.

"I MUST MAKE HASTE!" Steiner ran in front of the group at high speed, going outside the village towards the observatory outside.

"...Who was that guy in the silly, noisy armor?" Ness asked confused before they ran to different ways and began to search for the black mage.


"Huh? Lucas?" Chris asked confused when he saw Lucas yelling Vivi's name.

"Chris! Have you seen a boy with a black face and-

"Lucas! You're going too far already! Stop!"

End of flashback

"...Sorry..." Lucas said embarrassed. "The point is...we are searching for Geno around the village to see what happened to him..."

"(Good, I forgot what happened at this point in the game.)" Chris thought. "Lucas, continue to search for him, meanwhile, I'm going to see where is Zidane to ask for his help."

"T-thank you! Vivi is very shy and nervous...and I'm like him too, I just...don't want anything bad to happen to him, that's all."

"Don't worry, he is probably somewhere around the village."

And Lucas ran away to search for the black mage as the duo watched him getting away. "Why didn't you ask me to use my aura to locate Vivi?" Lucario asked confused.

"...Oh, darn it!... Well...don't use it."


"Because I think it's for the best to find the others first before we search for Vivi."

"...Whatever you say."

"We have to find Zidane, let's go!"