
<Clu> no nsfcd is basically a ghost town, it should be killed behind fences

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Without a Trace (A DMDTS Sequel)

Started by THEBIRD, January 17, 2009, 11:00:20 AM

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Jas leans into Harver and whispers, "I'm starting to think that it was another letter," she steps back up to the stair that he's on. "Could be some sort of threat too. Otherwise he wouldn't be acting like a pedophile that snuck into a preschool."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Something is definitely going on here, nobody in their right mind would sign this band into a contest already  Roy thought, not entirely getting the point.  "We barely get one song in after waiting all morning to finally play.  Lazy...  Give me a beat Jason."


formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze


Jason nodded, tapping his drum sticks in perfect rhythm.


Venice, puzzled, followed Solon and the rest into a basement.


Quote from: Kierou on May 20, 2009, 09:53:47 PM
"I guess I should take out the trash." Riou said. Grabbing an empty booze bottle from the trash, he smashed it over the drunk's head, knocking him out cold. After dragging Lanbar out of the store, he picked up the shards of the bottle and threw them in the trash.
When he cleaned up his own mess, the clerk almost smiled. "Well then, not a bad job for a foreigner," she said in the kindest voice she could muster, which still sounded slightly sarcastic.
The basement was dark, the only light emitting was a small wooden lamp that illuminated the poorly hand-carved desk it was sitting upon. The small folded paper seemed to shine brighter still among all the darkness around them. Behind the desk came half of Solon's face, slightly lit by the lamp's rays. It was almost possible for someone with keen eyes to see the outline of the big wooden chair he was sitting upon. Otherwise, darkness fell upon them all.

"Curiosity killed the cat, they always say," Solon said as he heard them reach the bottom of the stairs. "Don't bother adding light to this place," he warned Jas. "This light is all you'll need." A hand flashed into the small area of view, pointing at the one lamp, then once again was engulfed in darkness.


"This is simply moronic!" Harver complained, realizing what Solon was doing. "That paper has absolutely nothing to do with a "Battle of the Bands". You're using the darkness to confuse us and make sure we can't read it. Either that, or you're changing the papers right now."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"When that's a daily occurence where you usually hang out, you get pretty good at it." Riou said.


"Well good thing you came here," she said. "If I press the security button one more time today my higher-ups may get suspicious. They'll give me a whole speech about how I'm driving customers away, just using it on people I don't like, and all that nonsense. ...Which is true. But it'd be a shame if I got that speech when I actually did need to use the button." She paused, then reluctantly let the rest of her 'thank you' speech flow out of her mouth. "And... as a thank you, you can have anything from this store if you'd like for free. If not, I'm sure we can work some sort of arrangement out."
The bit of Solon's lip that could be seen through the darkness curved up into a smile. "Maybe that's what I'm doing," Solon said. "Or maybe not." He lifted the paper, allowing it to stay in the circle of light, and began unfolding it. From within the paper, another paper slipped out. It was a grayer, thicker paper with a few pages folded into it. Solon folded it into a paper airplane and threw it at Harver.

"Check it out," he said, "there's your Battle of the Bands information, along with all the 'fill in the blank' questions and other information every band entering is supposed to get filled out. That paper has everything to do with the Battle of the Bands. You can read it in the light," Solon added, waving his hands over the circle of illumination over his desk. "Although this paper," Solon said, holding the white slip the other paper came out of, "has very little to do with the Battle of the Bands."

Max Headroom

"Everybody in the basement fought the Dead Men, you don't have to hide that other piece of paper from us." Mira said. "Maybe we can help, under the guise of a band."


Riou began browsing the store, searching for something he could use .

((Screwing with the minds of selfish people is entertaining.))


Harver deftly caught the paper airplane, and set it down on the table. "Alright then, let's hear about this other paper."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Quote from: Kierou on May 23, 2009, 02:18:46 PM
Riou began browsing the store, searching for something he could use .

((Screwing with the minds of selfish people is entertaining.))
It was a hardware store, filled with planks, nails, hammers, ropes, paints, among other things.
"I know, I know," Solon said, nodding his head as Mira spoke. "I just didn't need to announce the news in front of the people who don't know." He thought for a moment, unable to remember who did know and who didn't. After being alone for so long, then suddenly everyone was there again, he began to get confused between who was part of it and who was still being recruited.

"Well, I got two letters. One of them is from this morning, which made that big bang, the other is from last night. I guess I missed it, but I found it this morning when I picked up the other one. Here's the one from last night, it's the one that came with the Battle of the Bands notice." Solon held that letter up and read, "Your band is good. You may use that cover to get you around this continent. Included is a form for a band contest taking place in four days time. It is held in Monte Island. You will need to have access to each country in order to save yourselves. Believe me, you should worry very much of yourselves. I have word of a band of pirates out terrorizing the lands. I worry they will attempt to foil our plans Await a letter from me to give you your next move. Until, stay hidden."

Solon thought a moment. "Well, the contest is in three days now. I checked the form, and it starts at 8 PM. So, we should get this handed in sometime today, then find a way to get to Monte Island... Of course, there is still the matter of the second letter." Solon picked the form back up and began scribbling down their information. "Our name? Moment of Truth... Lemme see... Harver is keyboards, Jas sings, I'm bass, that Roy kid is a beast at guitar... Jason does drums, right? and Venice and Mira, what do you two do?" Solon tapped the pencil on the desk and filled out some other trivial facts.

"Okay... Mira, you can take this." Solon folded the form up into a paper football and flicked it at him. "Just fill in what you and Venice do, then give it to the post office when you've got a chance."


Shu's eyes widened with surprise. The confused little man had just knocked out that drunken man.

Hmm Shu thought, I could use that! And maybe that drunken guy too!

The man was now starting to browse the store like nothing had happened. Shu was confused. Had he not just knocked out that man? Was it all an illusion? Or did he just not care at all?

He didn't care at all! As the thought swept through Shu's mind, he gave a semi-wicked grin. He didn't even CARE that he just beat the crap out of that guy! Like "Oh, hello." BAP, KO "Oh, whatever. Doesn't matter." Yeah... I could definatly use someone like HIM!


"Hmm," Jas takes in the information, but doesn't say anything for once. She has the craving to get into some more trouble, but took one look at her hands and sighed. All she has are the gloves that transfer her magic. 'What the hell am I gonna do with just these? Damn, I wish I had my blades.'
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"That's a really long time to fill out a simple entry form for a contest, should we see what's taking them so long?"  Roy asked Jason.

formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze