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Without a Trace (A DMDTS Sequel)

Started by THEBIRD, January 17, 2009, 11:00:20 AM

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(( The rest of you just jump in and can pretend you were with us the whole time if you want :P, we'll start heading out now though. ))

"Okay," Solon said, looking around at everyone. "We should hurry, I'm not sure how much time we have any-" A loud bang interrupted Solon. He turned around and could see a black cannonball blasting into a building somewhere in the town square. "Well, looks like we're out of time. Ha, ha..." Another ball hit the same building, and Solon watched it collapse. "We'll need to sneak around since we can't be seen..." he whispered to himself, then said more loudly, "Remember, don't let the pirates see you!" He turned and began heading around, the long way, in the opposite direction from the cannonball blasts.

"Follow me! We're going to have to go the long way in order not to be seen. Don't let anyone fall behind, and be aware of pirates. If one sees you... kill him." Solon began jogging, scanning his area to make sure he didn't spy anyone that looked out of the ordinary, and once in a while would look back to make sure no one fell behind.


Harver took up the back of the group, making sure that everyone would get to their destination without harm. For once I actually trust the darn fool, he thought to himself in regards to Solon.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Jason ran kind of toward the middle. 'What the heck. I don't have any weapons,' he thought. 'Unless I use my drumsticks.'


Jas makes sure to stay close to the ones who are new to the group, watching their backs should something go wrong... Or if they came across a pirate. Her endurance and speed makes keeping up not a problem.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


(( How do you guys like the new "What we're up to" section I made? This time I'm really planning on keeping it up to date XD I promise. ))

Solon listened carefully, allowing his thieving instincts to take control, only thinking about the fact that he needed to steal a boat, and he could not let the owners see him, as if it were any other job. He heard people screaming, laughter from who he believed to be the pirates, and blasts from cannons and from guns. Another building collapsed, and he smelled smoke. "They're getting closer. Damn they move fast! Must be a lot of them, or they aren't here for the riches," Solon said to the group. He moved swiftly, then ducked into an alleyway. "We'll cut through here, then backtrack around..." Solon's voice trailed off as he thought.

The alleyway split into two different directions. Solon took the right, going back the way they had just went, just through the alley now. He wondered vaguely if it would be better if they split up, then wondered if anyone else knew the way they were supposed to go. 'I guess I'll have to lead them... I've been here for 3 years, I know my way around,' he realized. With this sudden thought, Solon began feeling the weight of dependency. With it he charged on faster, feeling a greater urgency then before to make it to safety without being seen.

Up ahead was a brick wall. Solon stopped at it and turned around to make sure everyone was there. "We are going to have to climb. There's going to be some jumping from building to building now. We have to act fast, before the pirates start attacking this section of town. The jumps aren't far apart. Its the long climb that may tire you out." Solon threw his grappling hook up and stepped aside to allow people to start climbing. "Once you make it to the top, start jumping down to the rooftops below. Eventually you'll make it to a giant gap to a building very high up, too high to jump onto. Below you will be an open dumpster. Jump into it, then get out to let the next person in. Hide behind the dumpsters until everyone is together. That's when we make our move. Now c'mon we have to hurry. And don't stand too close to the edges, we can't have them seeing us. They're too far away now, but if we take too long they might make it over here. So we gotta be fast and efficient."

Solon looked around at them all one last time. "If any of you have any fears swallow them now."


"Wait, inside or behind the dumpsters!?" Jason questioned, waiting to climb.


"Jump into them for a soft landing, but wait behind them," Solon explained, listening to see how much time they had left.


Harver waited at the bottom with Solon, letting the others climb up before him. He was intent on being the last, so that he could keep his eyes open for pirates behind them. "You seem pretty sure that this plan of yours will work, Solon," he said, his eyes unmoving from the alleyway. "Are you positive on this?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


'Building hopping huh? Weird how I met you guys because of that,' Jas pulls the chain off her belt, then throws it up and around, latching to a steady post. She begins to scale the wall on her own chain, only looking down to say, "It'll be faster with two ways to climb instead of waiting," the ninja continues upwards, "Oh and Harver, we've gotta trust him. Don't doubt, at a time like this," and soon disappears over the ledge.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Jason nods, grabbing the hook and climbing up.


"I was the guy who dealt with the drunks and ruffians in the bar I worked at. You need something?" Riou said, his pace not at all slowing. "And when you follow someone, moving slowly in plain sight does not exactly scream 'inconspicuous.'"

Max Headroom

Mira used his own grappling hook to climb over the hall. Once at the top, Mira jumped on the roofs as Solon instructed, following the others who were already doing the same thing, making sure he wasn't too close to people in front of him, nor too fast, so he wouldn't bump into anyone.


Solon nodded. "It's the best plan we've got. The other way cuts through and ends up going toward the pirates... Our best option not to be seen would be to go this way. It's the best way to the dumpsters. As long as we are fast..." On that note, Solon nodded appreciatively towards Jas' idea.


By this time, Jason was up. He then started what Solon said to do.


"Understood," Harver said, waiting for the others to finish climbing up.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.