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New SMB Wii

Started by WiiGuy, June 02, 2009, 10:16:14 AM

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Quote from: Zero on June 05, 2009, 03:20:57 AM
You hate the game because you suck ass at it. Pretty simple, really.

SMB still to this day is a blast to play. I can't think of any other game that's 20 years old and still fun.
Please show me or Pin point in any of my posts where I said I was actually good at it.

Don't bring up Moot points as thats not even what my Point was.
The game Sucks greatly because when compared to the other 2D mario games, it just does.


Quote from: StarWindWizard7 on June 05, 2009, 10:39:38 AM
Please show me or Pin point in any of my posts where I said I was actually good at it.

Don't bring up Moot points as thats not even what my Point was.
The game Sucks greatly because when compared to the other 2D mario games, it just does.
Hard to complain about a game that was literally the first of it's kind. Just like it's hard to complain about Space Invaders being shallow. It was the first of those kinds of games, so a lot of the faults can be traced to trail and error.

But whatever, you can think it sucks if you want even tho I completely disagree...


Quote from: Nayrman on June 05, 2009, 11:42:58 AM
Hard to complain about a game that was literally the first of it's kind. Just like it's hard to complain about Space Invaders being shallow. It was the first of those kinds of games, so a lot of the faults can be traced to trail and error.

But whatever, you can think it sucks if you want even tho I completely disagree...
Interesting you say that about games but not about the Wii Remote.


Quote from: Macbeth on June 05, 2009, 11:51:39 AM
Interesting you say that about games but not about the Wii Remote.
The first of an entire genre and gameplay style is completely different than a different controller.
*looks at how well Crash Bandicoot did on the then bizarre PS1 controller*


rantrantrantwhinewhinewhineargueargueargueb*tchb*tchb*tch...JK guys.

Seriously though, I can't believe there's people who hate this new 2D Mario game because it lacks great graphics and online.
1.  We aren't losing something by not having online, we're gaining something by having 4-player 2D Mario on the Wii in the first place.  Yeah, they could have tried online, and maybe they should have tried online, but none of this online whining would be going on if it never had multiplayer, and it's pretty sad that you guys will literally complain about the fact that we get something new as if we were lost something old.  That was the point of someone here mentioning Galaxy earlier; no one complained about it not having multiplayer, but you would have complained about online if there was multiplayer.
2.  Come on guys, I think it's about time we got real here; are you honestly going to complain about GRAPHICS and ONLINE on a WII GAME?!?  Gameplay looks good, we get new multiplayer, graphics are still okay, and you don't have to buy it if you don't want to.


Quote from: StarWindWizard7 on June 05, 2009, 10:39:38 AM
Please show me or Pin point in any of my posts where I said I was actually good at it.

Don't bring up Moot points as thats not even what my Point was.
The game Sucks greatly because when compared to the other 2D mario games, it just does.


In all my years of being a gamer I've picked up on things. The only people that can't stand SMB are the people that suck ass at it. It's superior to Super Mario Bros. 2, New Super Mario Bros, and really the only 2D Mario game that is actually better than it is Super Mario Bros 3. Speed runs are a blast, and the best Game Boy game imo is still Super Mario Bros Deluxe.

Your point wasn't supported very well. The game revived the industry for a intercourse ing reason.


I don't think I've ever known any Mario fan that hates SMB, either. :\


Quote from: DOODLEboy99 on June 06, 2009, 12:07:04 PM
I don't think I've ever known any Mario fan that hates SMB, either. :\

That's because a Mario fan that hates SMB is a paradox; an impossibility within itself akin to "This statement is a lie."


Quote from: SmashBro25 on June 06, 2009, 09:11:30 AM
rantrantrantwhinewhinewhineargueargueargueb*tchb*tchb*tch...JK guys.

Seriously though, I can't believe there's people who hate this new 2D Mario game because it lacks great graphics and online.
1.  We aren't losing something by not having online, we're gaining something by having 4-player 2D Mario on the Wii in the first place.  Yeah, they could have tried online, and maybe they should have tried online, but none of this online whining would be going on if it never had multiplayer, and it's pretty sad that you guys will literally complain about the fact that we get something new as if we were lost something old.  That was the point of someone here mentioning Galaxy earlier; no one complained about it not having multiplayer, but you would have complained about online if there was multiplayer.
2.  Come on guys, I think it's about time we got real here; are you honestly going to complain about GRAPHICS and ONLINE on a WII GAME?!?  Gameplay looks good, we get new multiplayer, graphics are still okay, and you don't have to buy it if you don't want to.
1. Complaining about graphics because it looks like a DS game... a HANDHELD graphics on a CONSOLE system. That's why it's slightly annoying. And most people I know don't really complain about Wii graphics unless they really bite the big one.
2. Why can't we complain about a lack of online? For a company that has been claiming the "we're bringing people together in gaming" not having online is sort of a paradox to that statement. Multiplayer is a great idea, but what if I want to play my friends who are in a different town? Why can't I go online and meet new people and make new friends? It's a horribly missed opportunity, especially for a game that frankly it would not be difficult at all to implement online (face it Miyamoto your processing power excuse is total BS and you know it).
No one complained about lack of online for Galaxy was because there was no multiplayer. Just like no one complained about lack of online for Metroid Prime 3 or Twilight Princess. HOWEVER, when you blatantly go out of the way to make a game multiplayer heavy and a primary focus of the game, not having even the most basic online mode is inexcusable, even if it is the Wii.


I've been waiting forever for a sequel to New Super Mario Bros. It was really good, I felt, but it ended too fast.
Honestly, I'm pretty excited about this game. Not at the very top of my must-have list but it's a for-sure buy for me.
Honestly, people, not every game has to have online play to be fun.
If you can't find people to play local multiplayer then you need to go out more.
It's a intercourse ing classic-style Mario game. A game that hearkens back to its roots. I don't see why you are whining so much.


I'll give 200 bucks to anyone who finds a post where Nayr isn't complaining about something
And who needs online? All you guys would do is complain about how much it sucks.
And again with the Toad complaints, this is Nintendo, master of kiddy gameplay and master of hiding something special like an unlockable in most games. I thought of that because the Toads are Yellow and Blue, I mean c'mon, at least have the decency to use the regular Toad...
Dude .


I'll give 300 bucks bucks to anyone who finds a post where JrDude isn't either making fun of people or slyly trying to prove how much better he is than everyone.

Also, I dare you to find a post where I say the game sucks, I'm saying Nintendo is missing out on a huge opportunity, and frankly the multiplayer is slightly worse with no online. Look at the 360 and PS3. Every multiplayer extensive game is online, and frankly the online modes do help the game's lasting appeal.


Easy to find =3
And multiplayer looks fun on this game, I am disappointed that there's no online, but whatever has online in Nintendo is just complained about.
Dude .


Well, at E3 they said players would die if they ended up getting out of the screen.
So, say the game is online. What if you're playing against a player much better than you? All you'd do is be falling of the screen the whole match.