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Blazblue: The Wheel of Fate Turns Again

Started by Dr.Hobo2, September 07, 2009, 06:19:51 PM

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Tao put up her barrier again, but could feel her power beginning to fade from using it too much. "Nya!" She shouted, jumping in the air and making a diving kick at Noel again.


"The fool!" The Elder shouted, filled with rage. "What can we do about it now?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Noel wasn't ready for the kick and was knocked straight onto her back. She feebly tried to get up. She picked up her radio. "I need...back up. I'm at coordinates 57, 29."
"Well...I could..." Mark said but then stopped to think. No, you fool! That weapon isn't ready yet...But Tao's in trouble and she needs my help...It's never been tested before! Do you even know if it works?...I...I don't...But I have to! "Get someone to help Tao until I can get back!" Mark ran off into a descrete allyway and jumped into a secret passage that led to the lab.


Name: Carl Clover
Gender: Male(I think) ::)
Age: 13(if it's not, tell me. I'm not 100% sure on this but I do remember this number)
Species: Human
Occupation: Vigilante
Bio: A talented young boy and first class vigilante, Carl has brought many criminals to justice with the aide of his mysterious doll, Nirvana. His sights set on his next target, the infamous Ragna the Bloodedge, he heads for the 13th Hierarchical City of Kagutsuchi. (Copy paste of his bio in the manual :P)

Name: Joseph McHall
Gender: Male
Age: Appears 14
Species: Cyborg
Occupation: NOL early development. Still used to test weapons. Has gone rogue
Appearance: [spoiler][/spoiler]
Bio: The NOL originally created Joseph to be able to test out their weapons. Once he started to test some of the more advanced weapons, he began to show a bit of a personality. When he did, NOL took action to put him down, but they failed and he escaped, taking a weapon called "Garm" with him, a weapon that had been customized to fit his arm. In fact, it was his arm and it gave him great power. It is currently unknown where he is but it has been rumored that he is in Kagutsuchi, searching for another being like himself.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


((lulz, and you're accepted. I'll get to adding all your profiles to the front page...eventually. DX))


Meanwhile, in a dark corner, Rena? had just sat down to eat, just watching until she couldn't see what was going on anymore. She grumbles a few inaudible words, noodles slowly being slurped between her lips, considering the possibility of getting nosy. 'At least it ain't me this time, though it is boring just sitting here. No, I won't, as long as me and peace and my food are left alone...' She pulls her hood further over her.

((Didn't read over everything. >.>'))
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


((Just edited my post to add my original character. Also, I can be Ragna as well and randomly say "hell" in EVERY sentence I make :) Just in case you need him))

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Mark ran into his personal bedroom and grabbed two metal gloves resting on top of a blueprint that seemed to be for said gloves. He slipped them onto his hands. Chills went down his spine as this was the first time he'd get to try out this new weapon. "Hold on Tao. I'm coming for you." He whispered to himself as he ran back to a pod that would take him back to the city.

((@ Shorti, I don't blame you. Light and I posted a lot! XD
@ Magnum, alright. Cool. You can have him unless someone else would rather be him. ;)))

Dog Food

Marianna was shuffling down the street, attempting inconspiciousy while shifting her eyes around, looking... And then she saw a boy (or at least, what looked like part of a boy and part of... some blue animal) come rushing out of the restaurant and down the street. He was soon followed by two others, the last of the lot seemed to be chasing after the beast-boy. "What strange times we live in," Marianna mumbled out loud. She stood there for a moment longer, thinking to herself, before deciding to follow the runaways.

Eventually, the path led her to a dead end. There were two girls, duking it out. But where'd that beast-boy go? Staying in the shadows, Marianna watched the fight closely. She heard the older-looking lady mumble something about needing help into her radio. 'Hm, I wonder if this... er, cat-thing... can handle herself,' Marianna thought to herself. But she did not act, only continued to watch.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Tao ran over to Noel, who was lying on the ground. "Stop talking into that box and fight nyao!" She yelled at the NOL officer.

((Err, I've already added a few of the profiles to the second post.))
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Mark returned to where Tao and Noel were fighting. There was another girl there but he didn't notice her yet. "Hey!" He shouted at Noel. "Leave her alone. I'm the one you want!" study of Tager's fists were correct and these gloves should work. He began charging an electrical ball in his hands and threw it at Noel. She quickly pulled up her barrier and took no damage.

"Ha! Is that all you got?" She sneered.

"Nope." Mark said with a grin as he put out his fist and used it's magnetic powers to pull Noel in using Magnetism. Once close enough, he threw his other fist right at her and knocked her back. "Ha! It was a success!"

((Thanks...I'm too lazy :P))


"Tail Boy!" Taokaka cheered as Mark punched Noel. "Woah! That was super cool!" She yelled happily.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.

Dog Food

"And... a little boring," Marianna added, revealing herself from the shadows. "Too bad it ended so quickly, I was looking forward to a good show."
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


((Oh, you thought the battle was over?))

"That's enough, Lieutenant," the blonde-haired officer stated, walking out of the shadows as well. "You seem to have lost sight of your objective."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Uh oh...More of them." Mark put up his fists ready to attack.


In less than five minutes, that huge bowl of ramen was gone. Rena? had left the fee that she owed on the table, then walked out of the emo corner and onto the streets again... but her absent mind let her wander over to the source of all the fighting. 'Damn, I guess I'm just naturally drawn to trouble. Sad-assed law enforcement just has to be around too...' Her feet move towards them as she smirks from under her hood, though her mind's telling her to do the opposite.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."